Oracle Flashback Transaction

With Flashback Transaction, you can reverse a transaction and dependant transactions. Oracle Database determines the dependencies between transactions and, in effect, creates a compensating transaction that reverses the unwanted changes. The database rewinds to a state as if the transaction, and any transactions that could be dependent on it, never occurred.

You can use the Flashback Transaction functionality from within Enterprise Manager or with PL/SQL packages.

In order to use this functionality, supplemental logging must be enabled and the correct privileges established. For example, the HR user in the HR schema decides to use Flashback Transaction for the REGIONS table. The SYSDBA performs the following setup steps in SQL*Plus:

alter database add supplemental log data;
alter database add supplemental log data (primary key) columns;
grant execute on dbms_flashback to hr;
grant select any transaction to hr;

Flashing Back a Transaction
Security privileges
To flash back or back-out a transaction—that is, to create a compensating transaction—you must have the SELECT, FLASHBACK, and DML privileges on all affected tables.

Conditions of Use
        Transaction back-out is not supported across conflicting DDL.
        Transaction back-out inherits data type support from LogMiner. See the Oracle Database 11g documentation for supported data types.

        When you discover the need for transaction back-out, performance is better if you start the back-out operation sooner. Large redo logs and high transaction rates result in slower transaction back-out operations.
        Provide a transaction name for the back-out operation to facilitate later auditing. If you do not provide a transaction name, it will be automatically generated for you.

1.   Viewing data in a table
2.   Discovering a logical problem
3.   Using Flashback Transaction
1.   Performing a query
2.   Selecting a transaction
3.   Flashing back a transaction (with no conflicts)
4.   Choosing other back-out options (if conflicts exists)
4.   Reviewing Flashback Transaction results