PMP Formula Pocket Reference

Earned Value
CV = EV - AC
SV = EV - PV
EAC ‘no variances’ = BAC / CPI
EAC ‘fundamentally flawed’ = AC + ETC
EAC ‘atypical’ = AC + BAC - EV
EAC ‘typical’ = AC + ((BAC - EV) / CPI) 
ETC ‘atypical’ = BAC - EV
ETC ‘typical’ = (BAC - EV) / CPI
ETC ‘flawed’ = new estimate 
Percent Complete = EV / BAC * 100
EV = % complete * BAC

PERT 3-point = (Pessimistic+(4*Most Likely)+Optimistic)/6
PERT σ = (Pessimistic - Optimistic) / 6
PERT Activity Variance = ((Pessimistic - Optimistic) / 6)^2
PERT Variance all activities = √sum((Pessimistic - Optimistic) / 6)^2

Network Diagram
Activity Duration = EF - ES + 1 or Activity Duration = LF - LS + 1 
Total Float = LS - ES  or  Total Float = LF – EF
Free Float = ES of Following - ES of Present - DUR of Present 
EF = ES + duration - 1
ES = EF of predecessor + 1
LF = LS of successor - 1
LS = LF - duration + 1

Project Selection
PV = FV / (1+r)^n
FV = PV * (1+r)^n
NPV = Formula not required. Select biggest number.
ROI = Formula not required. Select biggest number.
IRR = Formula not required. Select biggest number.
Payback Period = Add up the projected cash inflow minus expenses until you reach the initial investment.
BCR = Benefit / Cost
CBR = Cost / Benefit
Opportunity Cost = The value of the project not chosen.

Communication Channels = n * (n-1) / 2

EMV = Probability * Impact in currency 

PTA = ((Ceiling Price - Target Price) / Buyer's Share Ratio) + Target  Cost


Straight-line Depreciation:
Depr. Expense = Asset Cost / Useful Life
Depr. Rate = 100% / Useful Life

Double Declining Balance Method:
Depr. Rate = 2 * (100% / Useful Life)
Depr. Expense = Depreciation Rate * Book Value at Beginning of Year
Book Value = Book Value at beginning of year - Depreciation Expense

Sum-of-Years' Digits Method:
Sum of digits = Useful Life + (Useful Life - 1) + (Useful Life - 2) + etc.
Depr. rate = fraction of years left and sum of the digits (i.e. 4/15th)

Mathematical Basics
Average (Mean) = Sum of all members divided by the number of items. 
Median = Arrange values from lowest value to highest. Pick the middle one. If there is an even number of values, calculate the mean of the two middle values. 
Mode = Find the value in a data set that occurs most often.

1 sigma = 68.26%
2 sigma = 95.46%
3 sigma = 99.73%
6 sigma = 99.99%
Control Limits = 3 sigma from mean
Control Specifications = Defined by customer; looser than the control limits
Order of Magnitude estimate = -25% to +75%
Preliminary estimate = -15% to + 50%
Budget estimate = -10% to +25%
Definitive estimate = -5% to +10%
Final estimate = 0%
Float on the critical path = 0 days
Pareto Diagram = 80/20
Time a PM spends communicating = 90%
Crashing a project = Crash least expensive tasks on critical path. 
JIT inventory = 0% (or very close to 0%.)
Minus 100 = (100) or -100

AC = Actual Cost
BAC = Budget at Completion
BCR = Benefit Cost Ratio
CBR = Cost Benefit Ratio
CPI = Cost Performance Index 
CV = Cost Variance 
DUR = Duration
EAC = Estimate at Completion
EF = Early Finish
EMV = Expected Monetary Value
ES = Early Start
ETC = Estimate to Complete
EV = Earned Value
FV = Future Value
IRR = Internal Rate of Return
LF = Late Finish
LS = Late Start
NPV = Net Present Value
PERT = Program Evaluation and Review Technique
PTA = Point of Total Assumption
PV = Planned Value
PV = Present Value
ROI = Return on Investment
SPI = Schedule Performance Index 
SV = Schedule Variance 
VAC = Variance at Completion
σ = Sigma / Standard Deviation
^ = “To the power of” (2^3 = 2*2*2 = 8)