PeopleSoft Student Program Plan Flow

The Program Plan stack includes the students Program, Plan and Subplan. The Data within these records are used by Student Records, Student Financials and Financial Aid. 

Program Table (PS_ACAD_PROG)
The student must have at least one row in the Program table.  The program is the next level below career.  So for example we could have an Undergraduate student with a program of Business

Plan Table (PS_ACAD_PLAN)
The student must have a Plan.  The Plan is below the program.  A student with a Business Program may have a Plan of Accounting. 

Depending on the structure of your plan, the student may not have a Sub Plan.  Sub plans are optional.  For example our accounting program may not be split any further- we just offer a general accounting degree.  Or we may have a more specialized program for Tax Accounting in that case we would use sub plans.

Term Activation
          Tables involved
            Student Car Term
            Student Enroll
            Class Rosters

Student Car Term (PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM)
This is the main table behind the PeopleSoft Student Administration Product.  This record is used by Student Records, Student Financials and Financial Aid.  It is used for eligibility for enrollment, enrollment summarization, learning Management Systems, Tuition Calculation, IPEDs Reporting, Financial Aid Term Build.

Student Enroll (PS_STDNT_ENROL)
This table can have data inserted in it via two different roads.  The most direct way is using the ‘God’ Page.  This is dangerous since it does not look at Requisites or any other business rules.  The second way is using the enrollment engine.  This is the preferred way to register students for classes. Self Service uses the Enrollment Engine.
Student Enroll data is used in Student Records, Student Financials for calculating Tuition and Fees, Financial Aid for award eligibility, and in the LMS interface for access into third party systems like WebCT or Black Board.  This table contains the date time stamp of enrollment changes.

Enrollment Request
The Enrollment request record is only filled out when the enrollment happens using quick enroll, enrollment request, or self service enrollment.

Class Rosters
A Class Roster is a listing of the students within a class.  Faculty Members can print the grade roster or view the roster on-line via Faculty Self Service

Student Groups
Student Groups identify students with common attributes.  These groups can be used by Student Financials for tuition calculation.  Student Records can use student groups for enrollments for example athletics and honors.  The Groups can also be used for reporting. 

Consideration Program/ Plan Stack
          Be careful of the Effective Date and Sequence numbers.  An incorrect date between Plan and Prog may not be discovered until Tuition Calc (SEL_NO_RES_VW Error)
          Be careful with who has access to delete rows in correction mode.  This can affect the students tuition calc and term activation.
          If rows were deleted or sequence numbers are incorrect you may have to go in to the database to correct the issues.  If you get a SEL_NO_RES error in student financials you may have to look at the tables that make up the view to correct the incorrect data.

Consideration Student Car Term
Using the Enrollment (God) page will not update the credits taken for progress on Student Car Term.  This can lead to miss calculating tuition and can affect the FA Package.