Business Unit
A business unit is an operational subset of an organization. Business units can be independent legal entities, or organizations that need to segregate their financial data for accounting purposes, or operational centers that segregate their operations for management purposes.
Record Groups
Tableset IDs enable you to share data that would normally be limited to a lower-level academic institution or business unit.
Business Unit
A business unit is an operational subset of an organization. Business units can be independent legal entities, or organizations that need to segregate their financial data for accounting purposes, or operational centers that segregate their operations for management purposes.
A setID is used throughout PeopleSoft as a substitute for academic institution or student financials business unit
Record Groups
The PeopleSoft system uses record groups to compartmentalize relevant shared data into functional clusters.
TableSet Sharing
TableSet sharing is unique to PeopleSoft applications. It enables you to share control table information among business units, which minimizes the need for redundant data entry.
Control tables enable you to use tableset IDs, which make tableset sharing across business units possible. The tableset ID indicates which rows of a control table a particular business unit can access. Each row in the control table has a tableset ID associated with it, and record groups associate business units with tableset IDs.