PeopleSoft Course Catalog

Course ID
A unique number in the system for tracking courses. Course catalog table used to identify all courses offered at the institution. 

Catalog Number
Catalog Number and Subject are used to define a course.  English 101 would have a Subject of ENG for English and a Catalog Number of 101.

Class Number
Class Number is a unique Identifier a class for a given term.  For the spring term English 101 may have a class number of 1032 while for the fall term it may have a number of 3423.  These numbers are independent.

Course Catalog Table (PS_CRSE_CATALOG)
The Course Catalog Table contains all courses that have ever been taught at an institution.  This is the Master table of courses.

Course Offering (PS_CRSE_OFFER)
The Course Offering table shows the courses are offered by an institution.  This table also has the Subject and Catalog Number

Schedule of Classes
Session vs Section
A Session is a time period within a term.  A Section is an offering of a class.  For example there can be two Math 101 classes that occur at the same time in two different rooms this is  a Section of a class.  A Session could be a 5 week block in summer and a 10 Week block in summer both could have a Math 101 class

Meeting Patterns
Meeting Patters identify when the class will meet.