Oracle Database Error Messages (ORA-00000 - ORA-01999)

I summarized a list of (ORA) oracle error codes list with cause and action, use browser find (CTRL+F) to get your desire error code, cause and possible action.

Oracle Database Error Messages (ORA-00000 - ORA-01999)
ORA-00000: normal, successful completion
Cause: Normal exit.
Action: None

ORA-00001: unique constraint (string.string) violated
Cause: An UPDATE or INSERT statement attempted to insert a duplicate key. For Trusted Oracle configured in DBMS MAC mode, you may see this message if a duplicate entry exists at a different level.
Action: Either remove the unique restriction or do not insert the key.

ORA-00017: session requested to set trace event
Cause: The current session was requested to set a trace event by another session.
Action: This is used internally; no action is required.

ORA-00018: maximum number of sessions exceeded
Cause: All session state objects are in use.
Action: Increase the value of the SESSIONS initialization parameter.

ORA-00019: maximum number of session licenses exceeded
Cause: All licenses are in use.
Action: Increase the value of the LICENSE MAX SESSIONS initialization parameter.

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes (string) exceeded
Cause: All process state objects are in use.
Action: Increase the value of the PROCESSES initialization parameter.

ORA-00021: session attached to some other process; cannot switch session
Cause: The user session is currently used by others.
Action: Do not switch to a session attached to some other process.

ORA-00022: invalid session ID; access denied
Cause: Either the session specified does not exist or the caller does not have the privilege to access it.
Action: Specify a valid session ID that you have privilege to access, that is either you own it or you have the CHANGE_USER privilege.

ORA-00023: session references process private memory; cannot detach session
Cause: An attempt was made to detach the current session when it contains references to process private memory.
Action: A session may contain references to process memory (PGA) if it has an open network connection, a very large context area, or operating system privileges. To allow the detach, it may be necessary to close the session's database links and/or cursors. Detaching a session with operating system privileges is always disallowed.

ORA-00024: logins from more than one process not allowed in single-process mode
Cause: Trying to login more than once from different processes for ORACLE started in single-process mode.
Action: Logoff from the other process.

ORA-00025: failed to allocate string
Cause: Out of memory.
Action: Restart with larger sga heap.

ORA-00026: missing or invalid session ID
Cause: Missing or invalid session ID string for ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION.
Action: Retry with a valid session ID.

ORA-00027: cannot kill current session
Cause: Attempted to use ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION to kill the current session.
Action: None

ORA-00028: your session has been killed
Cause: A privileged user has killed your session and you are no longer logged on to the database.
Action: Login again if you wish to continue working.

ORA-00029: session is not a user session
Cause: The session ID specified in an ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command was not a user session (for example, recursive, etc.).
Action: Retry with a user session ID.

ORA-00030: User session ID does not exist.
Cause: The user session ID no longer exists, probably because the session was logged out.
Action: Use a valid session ID.

ORA-00031: session marked for kill
Cause: The session specified in an ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command cannot be killed immediately (because it is rolling back or blocked on a network operation), but it has been marked for kill. This means it will be killed as soon as possible after its current uninterruptable operation is done.
Action: No action is required for the session to be killed, but further executions of the ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command on this session may cause the session to be killed sooner.

ORA-00032: invalid session migration password
Cause: The session migration password specified in a session creation call was invalid (probably too long).
Action: Retry with a valid password (less than 30 chars).

ORA-00033: current session has empty migration password
Cause: An attempt was made to detach or clone the current session and it has an empty migration password. This is not allowed.
Action: Create the session with a non-empty migration password.

ORA-00034: cannot string in current PL/SQL session
Cause: An attempt was made to issue a commit or rollback from a PL/SQL object (procedure, function, package) in a session that has this disabled (by 'alter session disable commit in procedure')
Action: Enable commits from PL/SQL in this session, or do not attempt to use commit or rollback in PL/SQL when they are disabled in the current session.

ORA-00036: maximum number of recursive SQL levels (string) exceeded
Cause: An attempt was made to go more than the specified number of recursive SQL levels.
Action: Remove the recursive SQL, possibly a recursive trigger.

ORA-00037: cannot switch to a session belonging to a different server group
Cause: An attempt was made to switch to a session in a different server group. This is not allowed.
Action: Make sure the server switches to a session that belongs to its server group.

ORA-00038: Cannot create session: server group belongs to another user
Cause: An attempt was made to create a non-migratable session in a server group that is owned by a different user.
Action: A server group is owned by the first user who logs into a server in the server group in non-migratable mode. All subsequent non-migratable mode logins must be made by the user who owns the server group. To have a different user login in non-migratable mode, the ownership of the server group will have to be changed. This can be done by logging off all current sessions and detaching from all existing servers in the server group and then having the new user login to become the new owner.

ORA-00039: error during periodic action
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while executing a periodically invoked
Action: Check the error stack for detailed error information.

ORA-00040: active time limit exceeded - call aborted
Cause: The Resource Manager SWITCH_TIME limit was exceeded.
Action: Reduce the complexity of the update or query, or contact your database administrator for more information.

ORA-00041: active time limit exceeded - session terminated
Cause: The Resource Manager SWITCH_TIME limit was exceeded.
Action: Reduce the complexity of the update or query, or contact your database administrator for more information.

ORA-00042: Unknown Service name string
Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid application service.
Action: Use a valid service name from SERVICE$ or add a new service using the DBMS_SERVICE package.

ORA-00043: remote operation failed
Cause: Execution of the inter-instance operation failed.
Action: Check the status of the target instance. The operation may have partially executed. Verify the result of the intended operation.

ORA-00044: timed_statistics must be TRUE when statistics_level is not BASIC
Cause: The user attempted to set timed_statistics to FALSE when statistics_level was not BASIC. timed_statistics is required to be TRUE to collect meaningful statistics when statistics_level is set to TYPICAL or ALL.
Action: Either set timed_statistics to TRUE or set statistics_level to BASIC.

ORA-00050: operating system error occurred while obtaining an enqueue
Cause: Could not obtain the operating system resources necessary to cover an oracle enqueue. This is normally the result of an operating system user quota that is too low.
Action: Look up the operating system error in your system documentation and perform the needed action.

ORA-00051: timeout occurred while waiting for a resource
Cause: Usually due to a dead instance.
Action: Check for any dead, unrecovered instances and recover them.

ORA-00052: maximum number of enqueue resources (string) exceeded
Cause: Ran out of enqueue resources.
Action: Increase the value of the ENQUEUE_RESOURCES initialization parameter.

ORA-00053: maximum number of enqueues exceeded
Cause: Ran out of enqueue state objects.
Action: Increase the value of the ENQUEUES initialization parameter.

ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired
Cause: Interested resource is busy.
Action: Retry if necessary or increase timeout.

ORA-00055: maximum number of DML locks exceeded
Cause: Ran out of DML lock state objects.
Action: Increase the value of the DML_LOCKS initialization parameter and warm start.

ORA-00056: DDL lock on object 'string.string' is already held in an incompatible mode
Cause: An attempt was made to acquire a DDL lock that is already locked.
Action: This happens if you attempt to drop a table that has parse locks on it.

ORA-00057: maximum number of temporary table locks exceeded
Cause: The number of temporary tables equals or exceeds the number of temporary table locks. Temporary tables are often created by large sorts.
Action: Increase the value of the TEMPORARY_TABLE_LOCKS initialization parameter and warm start.

ORA-00058: DB_BLOCK_SIZE must be string to mount this database (not string)
Cause: DB_BLOCK_SIZE initialization parameter is wrong for the database being mounted. It does not match the value used to create the database.
Action: Fix the value of the DB_BLOCK_SIZE parameter or mount a database that matches the value.

ORA-00059: maximum number of DB_FILES exceeded
Cause: The value of the DB_FILES initialization parameter was exceeded.
Action: Increase the value of the DB_FILES parameter and warm start.

ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource
Cause: Transactions deadlocked one another while waiting for resources.
Action: Look at the trace file to see the transactions and resources involved. Retry if necessary.

ORA-00061: another instance has a different DML_LOCKS setting
Cause: The shared instance being started is using DML locks, and the running instances are not, or vice-versa.
Action: Ensure that all instances' INIT.ORA files specify the DML_LOCKS parameter as 0 or all as non-zero.

ORA-00062: DML full-table lock cannot be acquired; DML_LOCKS is 0
Cause: The instance was started with DML_LOCKS = 0, and the statement being executed needs a full-table lock (S, X, or SSX).
Action: Restart the instance with DML_LOCKS not equal to zero, and reexecute the statement.

ORA-00063: maximum number of log files exceeded string
Cause: The number of log files specificied exceeded the maximum number of log files supported in this release.
Action: Re-create the control file with the highest number of log files no greater than the maximum supported in this release.

ORA-00064: object is too large to allocate on this O/S (string,string,string)
Cause: An initialization parameter was set to a value that required allocating more contiguous space than can be allocated on this operating system.
Action: Reduce the value of the initialization parameter.

ORA-00065: initialization of FIXED_DATE failed
Cause: The FIXED_DATE string was not in date format yyyy-mm-dd:hh24:mi:ss.
Action: Make sure the initialization parameter is in the correct date format.

ORA-00066: SID string contains an illegal character
Cause: The specified SID contains an illegal character which cannot occur in an SPFILE setting. Illegal characters include ,#"'=() and whitespace.
Action: Use a SID that does not contain a special character or whitespace.

ORA-00067: invalid value string for parameter string; must be at least string
Cause: The value for the initialization parameter is invalid.
Action: Choose a value as indicated by the message.

ORA-00068: invalid value string for parameter string, must be between string and string
Cause: The value for the initialization parameter is invalid.
Action: Choose a value as indicated by the message.

ORA-00069: cannot acquire lock -- table locks disabled for string
Cause: A command was issued that tried to lock the table indicated in the message. Examples of commands that can lock tables are: LOCK TABLE, ALTER TABLE ... ADD (...), and so on.
Action: Use the ALTER TABLE ... ENABLE TABLE LOCK command, and retry the command.

ORA-00070: command string is not valid
Cause: An invalid debugger command was specified.
Action: Type HELP to see the list of available commands.

ORA-00071: process number must be between 1 and string
Cause: An invalid process number was specified.
Action: Specify a valid process number.

ORA-00072: process "string" is not active
Cause: An invalid process was specified.
Action: Specify a valid process.

ORA-00073: command string takes between string and string argument(s)
Cause: An incorrect number of arguments was specified.
Action: Specify the correct number of arguments. Type HELP to see the list of commands and their syntax.

ORA-00074: no process has been specified
Cause: No debug process has been specified.
Action: Specify a valid process.

ORA-00075: process "string" not found in this instance
Cause: The specified process was not logged on to the current instance.
Action: Specify a valid process.

ORA-00076: dump string not found
Cause: An attempt was made to invoke a dump that does not exist.
Action: Type DUMPLIST to see the list of available dumps.

ORA-00077: dump string is not valid
Cause: An attempt was made to invoke an invalid dump.
Action: Try another dump.

ORA-00078: cannot dump variables by name
Cause: An attempt was made to dump a variable by name on a system that does not support this feature.
Action: Try the PEEK command.

ORA-00079: variable string not found
Cause: An attempt was made to dump a variable that does not exist.
Action: Use a valid variable name.

ORA-00080: invalid global area specified by level string
Cause: An attempt was made to dump an invalid global area.
Action: Use level 1 for the PGA, 2 for the SGA, and 3 for the UGA. Use to dump global area as well as bytes for every pointer; must be a multiple of 4.

ORA-00081: address range [stringstring) is not readable
Cause: An attempt was made to read/write an invalid memory address range.
Action: Try another address or length.

ORA-00082: memory size of string is not in valid set of [1], [2], [4]stringstringstringstringstring
Cause: An invalid length was specified for the POKE command.
Action: Use a valid length (either 1, 2, 4, or possibly 8).

ORA-00083: warning: possibly corrupt SGA mapped
Cause: Even though there may be SGA corruptions, the SGA was mapped.
Action: Use the DUMPSGA command to dump the SGA.

ORA-00084: global area must be PGA, SGA, or UGA
Cause: An attempt was made to dump an invalid global area.
Action: Specify either PGA, SGA, or UGA.

ORA-00085: current call does not exist
Cause: An invalid attempt was made to dump the current call heap.
Action: Wait until the process starts a call.

ORA-00086: user call does not exist
Cause: An invalid attempt was made to dump the user call heap.
Action: Wait until the process starts a call.

ORA-00087: command cannot be executed on remote instance
Cause: Cluster database command issued for non cluster database ORADEBUG command.
Action: Issue the command without the cluster database syntax.

ORA-00088: command cannot be executed by shared server
Cause: Debug command issued on shared server.
Action: Reissue the command using a dedicated server.

ORA-00089: invalid instance number in ORADEBUG command
Cause: An invalid instance number was specified in a cluster database ORADEBUG command.
Action: Reissue the command with valid instance numbers.

ORA-00090: failed to allocate memory for cluster database ORADEBUG command
Cause: Could not allocate memory needed to execute cluster database oradebug.
Action: Reissue the command on each instance with single-instance oradebug.

ORA-00091: LARGE_POOL_SIZE must be at least string
Cause: The value of LARGE_POOL_SIZE is below the minimum size.
Action: Increase the value of LARGE_POOL_SIZE past the minimum size.

ORA-00092: LARGE_POOL_SIZE must be greater than LARGE_POOL_MIN_ALLOC
Cause: The value of LARGE_POOL_SIZE is less than the value of LARGE_POOL_MIN_ALLOC.
Action: Increase the value of LARGE_POOL_SIZE past the value of LARGE_POOL_MIN_ALLOC.

ORA-00093: string must be between string and string
Cause: The parameter value is not in a valid range.
Action: Modify the parameter value to be within the specified range.

ORA-00094: string requires an integer value
Cause: The parameter value is not an integer.
Action: Modify the parameter value to be an integer.

ORA-00096: invalid value string for parameter string, must be from among string
Cause: The value for the initialization parameter is invalid.
Action: Choose a value as indicated by the message.

ORA-00097: use of Oracle SQL feature not in SQL92 string Level
Cause: Usage of Oracle's SQL extensions.
Action: None

ORA-00098: creating or mounting the database requires a parameter file
Cause: An attempt was made to create or mount the database when the instance was started without a parameter file.
Action: Restart the instance with a parameter file.

ORA-00099: warning: no parameter file was specified
Cause: Even though no parameter file was specified, the instance was started.
Action: None

ORA-00100: no data found
Cause: An application made reference to unknown or inaccessible data.
Action: Handle this condition within the application or make appropriate modifications to the application code. NOTE: If the application uses Oracle-mode SQL instead of ANSI-mode SQL, 
ORA-01403 will be generated instead of .

ORA-00101: invalid specification for system parameter DISPATCHERS
Cause: The syntax for the DISPATCHERS parameter is incorrect.
Action: Refer to the manual for correct syntax.

ORA-00102: network protocol string cannot be used by dispatchers
Cause: The network specified in DISPATCHERS does not have the functionality required by the dispatchers.
Action: Refer to the manual on network protocols supported by the dispatchers.

ORA-00103: invalid network protocol; reserved for use by dispatchers
Cause: The network specified in the SQL*Net connect string is reserved for use by the dispatchers.
Action: Specify other network protocols in the connection string.

ORA-00104: deadlock detected; all public servers blocked waiting for resources
Cause: All available public servers are servicing requests that require resources locked by a client which is unable to get a public server to release the resources.
Action: Increase the limit for the system parameter MAX_SHARED_SERVERS as the system will automaticaly start up new servers to break the deadlock until the number of servers reaches the value specified in MAX_SHARED_SERVERS.

ORA-00105: too many dispatcher configurations
Cause: Too many dispatcher configurations have been specified. No more can be added.
Action: Consolidate the dispatcher configurations if possible.

ORA-00106: cannot startup/shutdown database when connected to a dispatcher
Cause: An attempt was made to startup/shutdown database when connected to a shared server via a dispatcher.
Action: Re-connect as user INTERNAL without going through the dispatcher. For most cases, this can be done by connect to INTERNAL without specifying a network connect string.

ORA-00107: failed to connect to ORACLE listener process
Cause: Most likely due to the fact that ORACLE listener has not been started.
Action: Start ORACLE listener if it has not been started. Or else contact your ORACLE representative.

ORA-00108: failed to set up dispatcher to accept connection asynchronously
Cause: Most likely due to the fact that the network protocol used by the the dispatcher does not support aynchronous operations.
Action: Contact your ORACLE representative.

ORA-00109: invalid value for attribute stringstring
Cause: The value specified for the attribute was incorrect.
Action: Refer to the manual for the proper values.

ORA-00110: invalid value string for attribute string, must be between string and string
Cause: The value specified for the attribute was incorrect.
Action: Specify a value within the range allowed.

ORA-00111: invalid attribute string
Cause: The specified attribute was not recognized.
Action: Refer to the manual for the proper keyword to use to specify a dispatcher attribute.

ORA-00112: value of string is null
Cause: The attribute was specified with no value.
Action: Specify a non-null value.

ORA-00113: protocol name string is too long
Cause: A protocol name specified in the DISPATCHERS system parameter is too long.
Action: Use a valid protocol name for the DISPATCHERS value.

ORA-00114: missing value for system parameter SERVICE_NAMES
Cause: No value was specified for the SERVICE_NAMES system parameter, nor for the DB_NAME parameter.
Action: Add an SERVICE_NAMES or DB_NAME definition to the INIT.ORA file. By default, SERVICE_NAMES is the value of DB_NAME unless SERVICE_NAMES is explicitly specified.

ORA-00115: connection refused; dispatcher connection table is full
Cause: A connection request was refused by a dispatcher because the dispatcher cannot support any more connections.
Action: Connect to a different dispatcher, or use a dedicated server.

ORA-00116: SERVICE_NAMES name is too long
Cause: A service name specified in the SERVICE_NAMES system parameter is too long.
Action: Use a shorter name in the SERVICE_NAMES value (<= 255 chars).

ORA-00117: PROTOCOL, ADDRESS or DESCRIPTION must be specified
Cause: PROTOCOL, ADDRESS or DESCRIPTION was not specified.
Action: Use one of the attributes: PROTOCOL, ADDRESS or DESCRIPTION to specify the listening address for dispatchers.

ORA-00118: Only one of PROTOCOL, ADDRESS or DESCRIPTION may be specified
Cause: More than one of PROTOCOL, ADDRESS or DESCRIPTION was specified.
Action: Use only one of the attributes: PROTOCOL, ADDRESS or DESCRIPTION to specify the listening address for dispatchers.

ORA-00119: invalid specification for system parameter string
Cause: The syntax for the specified parameter is incorrect.
Action: Refer to the Oracle Reference Manual for the correct syntax.

ORA-00122: cannot initialize network configuration
Cause: ORACLE could not initialize SQL*Net version 2.
Action: Check the error stack for detailed information.

ORA-00123: idle public server terminating
Cause: Too many idle servers were waiting on the common queue.
Action: This error is used internally, no action is required.

ORA-00125: connection refused; invalid presentation
Cause: The PRESENTATION in the CONNECT_DATA of the TNS address DESCRIPTION is not correct or is not supported.
Action: Correct the PRESENTATION specified in the TNS address.

ORA-00126: connection refused; invalid duplicity
Cause: The DUPLICITY in the CONNECT_DATA of the TNS address DESCRIPTION is not correct or is not supported.
Action: Correct the DUPLICITY specified in the TNS address.

ORA-00127: dispatcher string does not exist
Cause: There is currently no dispatcher running with the specified name.
Action: Retry with a name of the form "D###" denoting an existing dispatcher process.

ORA-00128: this command requires a dispatcher name
Cause: Wrong syntax for ALTER SYSTEM SHUTDOWN
Action: Use correct syntax: ALTER SYSTEM SHUTDOWN [ IMMEDIATE ] 'dispatcher name'

ORA-00129: listener address validation failed 'string'
Cause: An error was encountered while validating the listener address.
Action: Resolve error or contact your ORACLE representative.

ORA-00130: invalid listener address 'string'
Cause: The listener address specification is not valid.
Action: Make sure that all fields in the listener address (protocol, port, host, key, ...) are correct.

ORA-00131: network protocol does not support registration 'string'
Cause: The specified protocol does not support async notification.
Action: Refer to the manual for information on supported network protocols.

ORA-00132: syntax error or unresolved network name 'string'
Cause: Listener address has syntax error or cannot be resolved.
Action: If a network name is specified, check that it corresponds to an entry in TNSNAMES.ORA or other address repository as configured for your system. Make sure that the entry is syntactically correct.

ORA-00133: value of string is too long
Cause: The value specified for the attribute was too long.
Action: Use shorter names and keywords or remove unneeded blanks.

ORA-00134: invalid DISPATCHERS specification #string
Cause: The syntax for the n-th DISPATCHERS specification was incorrect.
Action: Refer to the Oracle Reference Manual for the correct syntax.

ORA-00150: duplicate transaction ID
Cause: Attempted to start a new transaction with an ID already in use by an existing transaction.
Action: Check your application.

ORA-00151: invalid transaction ID
Cause: The specified transaction ID does not correspond to an existing valid transaction.
Action: Check your application.

ORA-00152: current session does not match requested session
Cause: The current session is not the same as the session that was passed into a upixado() call.
Action: Check your application.

ORA-00153: internal error in XA library
Cause: The XA library could not access thread-specific pointers.
Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-00154: protocol error in transaction monitor
Cause: The transaction monitor returned TMJOIN on an AX_REG call but the transaction was locally suspended.
Action: Contact the transaction monitor customer support.

ORA-00155: cannot perform work outside of global transaction
Cause: The application tried to perform some work on either an Oracle 7.3 server or an Oracle8 server with local transactions disabled while outside of a global transaction.
Action: Check if the application is connected to an Oracle 7.3 server. The Transaction monitor must not return a NULL XID on an AX_REG call when the resource manager is Oracle 7.3. If the application is connected to an Oracle8 server, either set nolocal=f in the xa_open string or start a global transaction prior to attempting the work.

ORA-00160: global transaction length string is greater than maximum (string)
Cause: An external global transaction ID with a too large length field was passed in.
Action: Report the problem to your external transaction coordinator vendor.

ORA-00161: transaction branch length string is illegal (maximum allowed string)
Cause: An external transaction branch ID with a length either too large or 0 was passed in.
Action: Report the problem to your external transaction coordinator vendor.

ORA-00162: external dbid length string is greater than maximum (string)
Cause: An external database name with too large a length field was passed in.
Action: Report the problem to your external transaction coordinator vendor.

ORA-00163: internal database name length string is greater than maximum (string)
Cause: An internal database name with a too large length field was passed in.
Action: Report the problem to your external transaction coordinator vendor.

ORA-00164: distributed autonomous transaction disallowed within migratable distributed transaction
Cause: A request was made by the application to start a distributed autonomous transaction when the application was in a migratable distributed transaction.
Action: Roll back or commit the current distributed transaction first.

ORA-00165: migratable distributed autonomous transaction with remote operation is not allowed
Cause: A request was made by the application to start a migratable distributed autonomous transaction with remote operation.
Action: None

ORA-00166: remote/local nesting level is too deep
Cause: Too many remote table operations required a reverse trip back to the local site, for example to execute a local function on a remote table.
Action: Rearrange the query or co-locate the functions with the tables.

ORA-00200: control file could not be created
Cause: It was not possible to create the control file.
Action: Check that there is sufficient disk space and no conflicts in filenames and try to create the control file again.

ORA-00201: control file version string incompatible with ORACLE version string
Cause: The control file was created by incompatible software.
Action: Either restart with a compatible software release or use CREATE CONTROLFILE to create a new control file that is compatible with this release.

ORA-00202: control file: 'string'
Cause: This message reports the name file involved in other messages.
Action: See associated error messages for a description of the problem.

ORA-00203: using the wrong control files
Cause: The mount ID in the control file is not the same as the mount ID in the control file used by the first instance to mount this database. The control files are for the same database but they are not the same files. Most likely one instance is using a backup control file.
Action: Check that the correct control files were specified.

ORA-00204: error in reading (block string, # blocks string) of control file
Cause: A disk I/O failure was detected on reading the control file.
Action: Check if the disk is online, if it is not, bring it online and try a warm start again. If it is online, then you need to recover the disk.

ORA-00205: error in identifying control file, check alert log for more info
Cause: The system could not find a control file of the specified name and size.
Action: Check that ALL control files are online and that they are the same files that the system created at cold start time.

ORA-00206: error in writing (block string, # blocks string) of control file
Cause: A disk I/O failure was detected on writing the control file.
Action: Check if the disk is online, if it is not, bring it online and try a warm start again. If it is online, then you need to recover the disk.

ORA-00207: control files are not for the same database
Cause: The database ID in the control file is not the same as the database ID in the control file used by the first instance to mount this database. Most likely one of the mounts used the wrong control file or there are two databases with the same name.
Action: Check that the control file is for the correct database and is not an old version.

ORA-00208: number of control file names exceeds limit of string
Cause: An attempt was made to use more control files than Oracle supports.
Action: Shut down Oracle. Reduce the number of control files specified in the CONTROL_FILES parameter in the initialization parameter file, and restart Oracle. Delete usused files.

ORA-00209: control file blocksize mismatch, check alert log for more info
Cause: The block size in the control file header does not match the size specified in the DB_BLOCK_SIZE parameter.
Action: Look at the alert log for more information.

ORA-00210: cannot open the specified control file
Cause: Cannot open the control file.
Action: Check to make sure the control file exists and is not locked by some other program.

ORA-00211: control file does not match previous control files
Cause: A control file was specified that belongs to another database.
Action: Find and install the correct control file.

ORA-00212: block size string below minimum required size of string bytes
Cause: The block size specified was too small. Space for the system overhead is required.
Action: Specify a larger block size and retry the operation.

ORA-00213: cannot reuse control file; old file size stringstring required
Cause: To reuse a control file, it must be the same size as the one previously used.
Action: Either do not specify REUSE, or specify a matching combination of MAXDATAFILES, MAXLOGFILES, MAXLOGMEMBERS, MAXLOGHISTORY, and MAXINSTANCES clauses in the CREATE DATABASE or CREATE CONTROLFILE statement.

ORA-00214: control file 'string' version string inconsistent with file 'string' version string
Cause: An inconsistent set of control files, datafiles/logfiles, and redo files was used.
Action: Use a consistant set of control files, datafiles/logfiles, and redo log files. That is, all the files must be for the same database and from the same time period.

ORA-00215: must be at least one control file
Cause: No control file is specified or the control file specified does not exist.
Action: Specify at least one valid control file and retry the operation.

ORA-00216: control file could not be resized for migration from 8.0.2
Cause: The control file created by release 8.0.2 was missing some record types. These record types are automatically added by resizing the control file during mount. The resize has failed.
Action: Look in the alert log for the reason that the resize has failed. If indicated in the alert log, give the control file more space. Otherwise, use the CREATE CONTROLFILE script dumped to the trace file to create a new control file.

ORA-00217: control file could not be resized for new record types
Cause: The control file was missing some new record types supported by this release. These record types are automatically added by resizing the contol file during mount. The resize has failed.
Action: Look in the alert log for the reason that the resize has failed. If indicated in the alert log, give the control file more space. Otherwise, use the CREATE CONTROLFILE script dumped to the trace file to create a new control file.

ORA-00218: block size string of control file 'string' does not match DB_BLOCK_SIZE (string)
Cause: The block size as stored in the control file header is different from the value of the initialization parameter DB_BLOCK_SIZE. This might be due to an incorrect setting of DB_BLOCK_SIZE, or else might indicate that the control file has either been corrupted or belongs to a different database.
Action: Restore a good copy of the control file. If the control file is known to be clean set the DB_BLOCK_SIZE to match control file headers block size value.

ORA-00219: required control file size (string logical blocks) exceeds maximum allowable size (string logical blocks)
Cause: An invocation of CREATE DATABASE or CREATE CONTROLFILE was executed specifying a combination of parameters that would require the control file size in blocks to exceed the maximum allowable value.

ORA-00220: control file not mounted by first instance, check alert log for more info
Cause: The specified control file has a different mount ID than the other control files that are being mounted. This means that the first instance to mount the database did not use this control file.
Action: Find and install the correct control file.

ORA-00221: error on write to control file
Cause: An error occurred when writing to one or more of the control files.
Action: See accompanying messages.

ORA-00222: operation would reuse name of a currently mounted control file
Cause: The filename supplied as a parameter to the ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE command or to cfileSetSnapshotName matches the name of the specified currently mounted control file.
Action: Retry the operation with a different filename.

ORA-00223: convert file is invalid or incorrect version
Cause: An Oracle7 to Oracle8 convert file contains invalid data or was created with an different version of the migration utility. This error can also be caused by incorrect ORACLE_HOME environment variable when ALTER DATABASE CONVERT command is issued.
Action: Use a correct version of the convert file or regenerate it with the migration utility. Make sure that the migration utility is the same version as the Oracle8 RDBMS executable and that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is properly set.

ORA-00224: control file resize attempted with illegal record type (string)
Cause: An attempt was made to expand or shrink the control file by calling cfileResizeSection using an invalid value for the RECORD_TYPE parameter.
Action: Use a value for the RECORD_TYPE parameter that specifies a valid record type other than type 0 (valid range is 1-16).

ORA-00225: expected size string of control file differs from actual size string
Cause: The expected size of the control file as stored in its header was different than the actual operating system file size. This usually indicates that the control file was corrupted.
Action: Restore a good copy of the control file.

ORA-00226: operation disallowed while alternate control file open
Cause: The attempted operation could not be executed at this time because this process had an alternate control file open for fixed table access.
Action: Retry the operation after calling cfileUseCurrent.

ORA-00227: corrupt block detected in control file: (block string, # blocks string)
Cause: A block header corruption or checksum error was detected on reading the control file.

ORA-00228: length of alternate control file name exceeds maximum of string
Cause: The specified filename, which was supplied as a parameter to cfileSetSnapshotName or cfileUseCopy, exceeds the maximum filename length for this operating system.
Action: Retry the operation with a shorter filename.

ORA-00229: operation disallowed: already hold snapshot control file enqueue
Cause: The attempted operation cannot be executed at this time because this process currently holds the snapshot control file enqueue.
Action: Retry the operation after calling cfileUseCurrent to release the snapshot control file enqueue.

ORA-00230: operation disallowed: snapshot control file enqueue unavailable
Cause: The attempted operation cannot be executed at this time because another process currently holds the snapshot control file enqueue.
Action: Retry the operation after the concurrent operation that is holding the snapshot control file enqueue terminates.

ORA-00231: snapshot control file has not been named
Cause: During an invocation of cfileMakeAndUseSnapshot or cfileUseSnapshot it was detected that no filename for the snapshot control file had previously been specified.
Action: Specify a name for the snapshot control file by calling cfileSetSnapshotName.

ORA-00232: snapshot control file is nonexistent, corrupt, or unreadable
Cause: The snapshot control file was found to be nonexistent, corrupt, or unreadable during an invocation of cfileUseSnapshot.
Action: Call cfileMakeAndUseSnapshot again (or for the first time).

ORA-00233: copy control file is corrupt or unreadable
Cause: The specified copy control file was found to be corrupt or unreadable during an invocation of cfileUseCopy.
Action: Before retrying cfileUseCopy, use the ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE command and specify the same filename that was specified for cfileUseCopy.

ORA-00234: error in identifying or opening snapshot or copy control file
Cause: A snapshot or copy control file of the specified name could not be found or opened during an invocation of cfileUseSnapshot, cfileMakeAndUseSnapshot, or cfileUseCopy.
Action: Re-create the snapshot or copy control file using cfileMakeAndUseSnapshot or ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE, respectively.

ORA-00235: control file read without a lock inconsistent due to concurrent update
Cause: Concurrent update activity on a control file caused a process to read inconsistent information from the control file without a lock.
Action: Retry the operation.

ORA-00236: snapshot operation disallowed: mounted control file is a backup
Cause: Attempting to invoke cfileSetSnapshotName, cfileMakeAndUseSnapshot, or cfileUseSnapshot when the currently mounted control file is a backup control file.
Action: Mount a current control file and retry the operation.

ORA-00237: snapshot operation disallowed: control file newly created
Cause: An attempt to invoke cfileMakeAndUseSnapshot with a currently mounted control file that was newly created with CREATE CONTROLFILE was made.
Action: Mount a current control file and retry the operation.

ORA-00238: operation would reuse a filename that is part of the database
Cause: The filename supplied as a parameter to the ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE command or to cfileSetSnapshotName matches the name of a file that is currently part of the database.
Action: Retry the operation with a different filename.

ORA-00239: timeout waiting for control file enqueue: held by 'string' for more than string seconds
Cause: The specified process waited the maximum allowed time for the control file enqueue.
Action: Restart the blocking instance indicated in the incident trace file or reboot the blocking node.

ORA-00240: control file enqueue held for more than string seconds
Cause: The current process did not release the control file enqueue within the maximum allowed time.
Action: Reissue any commands that failed and contact Oracle Support Services with the incident information.

ORA-00250: archiver not started
Cause: An attempt was made to stop automatic archiving, but the archiver process was not running.
Action: No action required.

ORA-00251: LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST cannot be the same destination as string string
Cause: The destination specified by the LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST parameter is the same as the destination specified by an ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG START TO command.
Action: Specify a different destination for parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST, or specify a different destination with the ALTER SYSTEM command.

ORA-00252: log string of thread string is empty, cannot archive
Cause: A log must be used for redo generation before it can be archived. The specified redo log was not been used since it was introduced to the database. However it is possible that instance death during a log switch left the log empty.
Action: Empty logs do not need to be archived. Do not attempt to archive the redo log file.

ORA-00253: character limit string exceeded by archive destination string string
Cause: The destination specified by an ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG START TO command was too long.
Action: Retry the ALTER SYSTEM command using a string shorter than the limit specified in the error message.

ORA-00254: error in archive control string 'string'
Cause: The specified archive log location is invalid in the archive command or the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST initialization parameter.
Action: Check the archive string used to make sure it refers to a valid online device.

ORA-00255: error archiving log string of thread string, sequence # string
Cause: An error occurred during archiving.
Action: Check the accompanying message stack for more detailed information. If the online log is corrupted, then the log can be cleared using the UNARCHIVED option. This will make any existing backups useless for recovery to any time after the log was created, but will allow the database to generate redo.

ORA-00256: cannot translate archive destination string string
Cause: The destination specified by an ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG START TO command could not be translated.
Action: Check the accompanying message stack for more detailed information. Then, retry the ALTER SYSTEM command using a different string.

ORA-00257: archiver error. Connect internal only, until freed.
Cause: The archiver process received an error while trying to archive a redo log. If the problem is not resolved soon, the database will stop executing transactions. The most likely cause of this message is the destination device is out of space to store the redo log file.
Action: Check archiver trace file for a detailed description of the problem. Also verify that the device specified in the initialization parameter ARCHIVE_LOG_DEST is set up properly for archiving.

ORA-00258: manual archiving in NOARCHIVELOG mode must identify log
Cause: The database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode and a command to manually archive a log did not specify the log explicitly by sequence number, group number or filename.
Action: Specify log by filename, by group number or by thread and sequence number.

ORA-00259: log string of open instance string (thread string) is the current log, cannot archive
Cause: An attempt was made to archive the current log of an open thread. This is not allowed because the redo log file may still be in use for the generation of redo entries.
Action: Force a log switch in the instance where the thread is open. If no instances are open, open the database so that instance recovery can recover the thread.

ORA-00260: cannot find online log sequence string for thread string
Cause: The log sequence number supplied to the archival command does not match any of the online logs for the thread. The log might have been reused for another sequence number, it might have been dropped, the sequence number might be greater than the current log sequence number, or the thread might not have any logs.
Action: Check the ARCHIVE statement, then specify a valid log sequence number. Specify a valid log sequence number.

ORA-00261: log string of thread string is being archived or modified
Cause: The log is either being archived by another process or an administrative command is modifying the log. Operations that modify the log include clearing, adding a member, dropping a member, renaming a member, and dropping the log.
Action: Wait for the current operation to complete and try again.

ORA-00262: current log string of closed thread string cannot switch
Cause: The log cannot be cleared or manually archived because it is the current log of a closed thread, and it is not possible to switch logs so another log is current. All other logs for the thread need to be archived, or cleared, and cannot be reused.
Action: Archive another log in the same thread first, or complete the clearing. See attached errors for the reason the switch cannot be completed.

ORA-00263: there are no logs that need archiving for thread string
Cause: An attempt was made to manually archive the unarchived logs in this thread but no logs needed archiving.
Action: No action required.

ORA-00264: no recovery required
Cause: An attempt was made to perform media recovery on files that do not // need any type of recovery.
Action: Do not attempt to perform media recovery on the selected files. Check to see that the filenames were entered properly. If not, retry the command with the proper filenames.

ORA-00265: instance recovery required, cannot set ARCHIVELOG mode
Cause: The database either crashed or was shutdown with the ABORT option. Media recovery cannot be enabled because the online logs may not be sufficient to recover the current datafiles.
Action: Open the database and then enter the SHUTDOWN command with the NORMAL or IMMEDIATE option.

ORA-00266: name of archived log file needed
Cause: During media recovery, the name of an archived redo log file was requested, but no name was entered.
Action: Mount the correct redo log file and enter its name when it is requested.

ORA-00267: name of archived log file not needed
Cause: During media recovery, the name of an archived redo log file was entered, but no name was requested.
Action: Continue media recovery, but do not enter a new log name.

ORA-00268: specified log file does not exist 'string'
Cause: The given redo log file does not exist.
Action: Check the spelling and capitalization of the filename and retry the command.

ORA-00269: specified log file is part of thread string not string
Cause: The given redo log file is not part of the given thread
Action: Check that the thread of the redo log file matches the thread on the command line. If not, use a redo log file from the appropriate thread. Retry the command after correcting the error.

ORA-00270: error creating archive log string
Cause: An error was encountered when either creating or opening the destination file for archiving.
Action: Check that the archive destination is valid and that there is sufficient space on the destination device.

ORA-00271: there are no logs that need archiving
Cause: An attempt was made to archive the unarchived redo log files manually, but there are no files that need to be archived.
Action: No action required.

ORA-00272: error writing archive log string
Cause: An I/O error occurred while archiving a redo log file.
Action: Check that the output device is still available and correct any device errors that may have occurred. Also, make certain that sufficient space for archiving is available on the output device.

ORA-00273: media recovery of direct load data that was not logged
Cause: A media recovery session encountered a table that was loaded by the direct loader without logging any redo information. Some or all of the blocks in this table are now marked as corrupt.
Action: The table must be dropped or truncated so that the corrupted blocks can be reused. If a more recent backup of the file is available, try to recover this file to eliminate this error.

ORA-00274: illegal recovery option string
Cause: An illegal option was specified for a recovery command.
Action: Correct the syntax and retry the command.

ORA-00275: media recovery has already been started
Cause: An attempt was made to start a second media recovery operation in the same session.
Action: Complete or cancel the first media recovery session or start another session to perform media recovery.

ORA-00276: CHANGE keyword specified but no change number given
Cause: The CHANGE keyword was specified on the command line, but no change number was given.
Action: Retry the command using a valid change number after the CHANGE keyword.

ORA-00277: illegal option to the UNTIL recovery flag string
Cause: Only CANCEL, CHANGE, CONSISTENT and TIME can be used with the UNTIL keyword.
Action: Correct the syntax.

ORA-00278: log file 'string' no longer needed for this recovery
Cause: The specified redo log file is no longer needed for the current recovery.
Action: No action required. The archived redo log file may be removed from its current location to conserve disk space, if needed. However, the redo log file may still be required for another recovery session in the future.

ORA-00279: change string generated at string needed for thread string
Cause: The requested log is required to proceed with recovery.
Action: Please supply the requested log with "ALTER DATABASE RECOVER LOGFILE " or cancel recovery with "ALTER DATABASE RECOVER CANCEL".

ORA-00280: change string for thread string is in sequence #string
Cause: This message helps to locate the redo log file with the specified change number requested by other messages.
Action: Use the information provided in this message to specify the required archived redo log files for other errors.

ORA-00281: media recovery may not be performed using dispatcher
Cause: An attempt was made to use a dispatcher process for media recovery. Memory requirements disallow this recovery method.
Action: Connect to the instance via a dedicated server process to perform media recovery.

ORA-00282: UPI string call not supported, use ALTER DATABASE RECOVER
Cause: The given UPI call is no longer supported.
Action: Use the ALTER DATABASE RECOVER command for all recovery actions.

ORA-00283: recovery session canceled due to errors
Cause: An error during recovery was determined to be fatal enough to end the current recovery session.
Action: More specific messages will accompany this message. Refer to the other messages for the appropriate action.

ORA-00284: recovery session still in progress
Cause: An error during recovery was determined to be minor enough to allow the current recovery session to continue.
Action: More specific messages will accompany this message. Refer to the other messages for the appropriate action.

ORA-00285: TIME not given as a string constant
Cause: UNTIL TIME was not followed by a string constant for the time.
Action: Enter the time enclosed in single quotation marks.

ORA-00286: no members available, or no member contains valid data
Cause: None of the members of a redo log file group are available, or the available members do not contain complete data.
Action: If a member is temporarily offline, attempt to make it available. Make sure that the correct filenames are being used, especially if the redo log file is being accessed from a remote location.

ORA-00287: specified change number string not found in thread string
Cause: The given change number does not appear in any of the online redo logs for the given thread.
Action: Check the statement to make certain a valid change number is given. Perhaps try to use the NEXT option for archiving logs.

ORA-00288: to continue recovery type ALTER DATABASE RECOVER CONTINUE
Cause: During media recovery, a new log is not required but the continuation command is necessary to do a checkpoint and report errors.
Action: Type ALTER DATABASE RECOVER CONTINUE and recovery will resume.

ORA-00289: suggestion : string
Cause: This message reports the next redo log filename that is needed, according to the initialization parameters LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST and LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT. This message assumes that LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST and LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT are the same now as when the required redo log file was archived.
Action: Consider using this filename for the next log needed for recovery.

ORA-00290: operating system archival error occurred. See error below
Cause: While attempting to archive to a redo log file, the server encountered an unexpected operating system error.
Action: Correct the operating system error given in the messages and retry the operation. See also your operating system-specific Oracle documentation.

ORA-00291: numeric value required for PARALLEL option
Cause: A recovery command was specified incorrectly. The PARALLEL option must be followed by a numeric argument that specifies the degree of parallelism.
Action: Re-enter the command with a numeric argument specifying the degree of parallelism desired.

ORA-00292: parallel recovery feature not installed
Cause: A parallel recovery was requested when the parallel recovery option is not installed.
Action: Delete the PARALLEL clause from the RECOVER command. Also, delete the RECOVERY_PARALLELISM parameter in the initialization file.

ORA-00293: control file out of sync with redo log
Cause: The redo log file and control file are out of sync because a non-current controle file was specified when the instance was started.
Action: Retry the RECOVER command using the current control file, or retry the RECOVER command using the USING BACKUP CONTROLFILE clause.

ORA-00294: invalid archivelog format specifier 'string'
Cause: An invalid format specifier was found in the LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT initialization parameter. The only characters permitted following the % symbol are s, S, t, and T.
Action: Correct the initialization file and re-start the instance.

ORA-00295: datafile/tempfile number string is invalid, must be between 1 and string
Cause: An invalid file number was specified.
Action: Specify a valid datafile or tempfile number and retry the operation.

ORA-00296: maximum number of files (string) exceeded for RECOVER DATAFILE LIST
Cause: The RECOVER DATAFILE LIST command specified more datafiles than are allowed by the DB_FILES initialization parameter. This error occurs when doing recovery with Recovery Manager, and the instance has been started with a DB_FILES parameter specifying fewer datafiles than recovery manager needs to recover to satisfy the user's RECOVER command.
Action: Re-start the instance with a higher value for DB_FILES.

Cause: The RECOVER DATAFILE START command was issued, but no RECOVER DATAFILE LIST commands had been issued. This only happens when doing recovery with Recovery Manager, and is an internal error in Recovery Manager, because Recovery Manager should always issue RECOVER DATAFILE LIST before RECOVER DATAFILE START.
Action: Contact customer support

ORA-00298: Missing or invalid attribute value
Cause: A non-zero integer value is required when the following keyword attributes are specified: TIMEOUT, EXPIRE, DELAY, NEXT
Action: Correct the syntax and retry the command.

ORA-00299: must use file-level media recovery on data file string
Cause: The control file does not contain an entry for this file, so block media recovery cannot be done.
Action: Restore the data file and perform file-level media recovery.

ORA-00300: illegal redo log block size string specified - exceeds limit of string
Cause: The specified block size of the redo log is greater than the maximum block size for the operating system.
Action: Create the redo log on a device with a smaller block size

ORA-00301: error in adding log file 'string' - file cannot be created
Cause: The creation of the redo log file failed
Action: Check: 1) there is enough storage space on the device 2) the name of the file is valid 3) the device is online 4) an IO error occurred Also, it is possible REUSE was specified on the command line and a file of the incorrect size exists. Either do not specify REUSE or use a file of the correct size.

ORA-00302: limit of string logs exceeded
Cause: The maximum number of redo log files has been exceeded.
Action: Use the CREATE CONTROLFILE command with a larger value for MAXLOGFILES if the compatibility is lower than 10.2.0. Otherwise, allocate more storage space for the control file.

ORA-00303: cannot process Parallel Redo
Cause: A redo log containing Parallel Redo has been detected. The current Oracle release cannot process this format of redo.
Action: Use a later release that supports Parallel Redo. to process this log.

ORA-00304: requested INSTANCE_NUMBER is busy
Cause: An instance tried to start by using a value of the initialization parameter INSTANCE_NUMBER that is already in use.
Action: Either a) specify another INSTANCE_NUMBER, b) shut down the running instance with this number c) wait for instance recovery to complete on the instance with this number.

ORA-00305: log string of thread string inconsistent; belongs to another database
Cause: The database ID in the redo log file does not match the database ID in the control file. This redo log file is not from the current database.
Action: Specify the correct redo log file, then retry the operation.

ORA-00306: limit of string instances in this database
Cause: Starting this instance would exceed the maximum number of instances allowed for this database. This message occurs only with STARTUP shared and multiple instances.
Action: You cannot start more than the lower of a) port-specific limit as to the number of instances b) the number of instances specified at create-database time

ORA-00307: requested INSTANCE_NUMBER out of range, maximum is string
Cause: The initialization parameter INSTANCE_NUMBER specified a number that was out of range.
Action: Change INSTANCE_NUMBER to a valid range and restart the instance. The minimum value is one and the maximum value is the lower of the operating system-specific maximum or the MAXINSTANCES option specified in the CREATE DATABASE statement. See also your operating system-specific Oracle documentation.

ORA-00308: cannot open archived log 'string'
Cause: The system cannot access a required archived redo log file.
Action: Check that the off line log exists, the storage device is online, and the archived file is in the correct location. Then attempt to continue recovery or restart the recovery session.

ORA-00309: log belongs to wrong database
Cause: The system cannot access the archived redo log because it belongs to another database.
Action: Specify the correct redo log file, then retry the operation.

ORA-00310: archived log contains sequence string; sequence string required
Cause: The archived log is out of sequence, probably because it is corrupted or the wrong redo log filename was specified
Action: Specify the correct redo log file; then retry the operation.

ORA-00311: cannot read header from archived log
Cause: An I/O error occurred when attempting to read the log file header from the specified archived redo log file.
Action: Other messages will accompany this message. See the associated messages for the appropriate action to take.

ORA-00312: online log string thread string: 'string'
Cause: This message reports the filename for details of another message.
Action: Other messages will accompany this message. See the associated messages for the appropriate action to take.

ORA-00313: open failed for members of log group string of thread string
Cause: The online log cannot be opened. May not be able to find file.
Action: See accompanying errors and make log available.

ORA-00314: log string of thread string, expected sequence# string doesn't match string
Cause: The online log is corrupted or is an old version.
Action: Find and install correct version of log or reset logs.

ORA-00315: log string of thread string, wrong thread # string in header
Cause: The online log is corrupted or is an old version.
Action: Find and install correct version of log or reset logs.

ORA-00316: log string of thread string, type string in header is not log file
Cause: The online log is corrupted or is an old version.
Action: Find and install correct version of log or reset logs.

ORA-00317: file type string in header is not log file
Cause: This is not an archived log file.
Action: Find the correct file and try again.

ORA-00318: log string of thread string, expected file size string doesn't match string
Cause: On header read the file size indicated in the control file did not match the file size contained in the log file.
Action: Restore correct file or reset logs.

ORA-00319: log string of thread string has incorrect log reset status
Cause: Check of log file header at database open found that an online log has log reset data that is different from the control file. The log is probably an incorrectly restored backup.
Action: Restore correct file or reset logs.

ORA-00320: cannot read file header from log string of thread string
Cause: The file is not available.
Action: Restore the log file.

ORA-00321: log string of thread string, cannot update log file header
Cause: Cannot write to the log file.
Action: Restore the access to the file.

ORA-00322: log string of thread string is not current copy
Cause: Check of log file header at database open found that an online log appears to be an incorrectly restored backup.
Action: Restore correct file or reset logs.

ORA-00323: Current log of thread string not useable and all others need archiving
Cause: Attempt to open thread failed because it is necessary to switch redo generation to another online log, but all the other logs need to be archived before they can be used.
Action: Archive the logs for the thread then retry open.

ORA-00324: log file 'string' translated name 'string' too long, string characters exceeds string limit
Cause: the translated name for a log file is too long.
Action: Choose a untranslated name that yields a shorter translated name.

ORA-00325: archived log for thread string, wrong thread # string in header
Cause: The archived log is corrupted or for another thread. Can not use the log for applying redo.
Action: Find correct archived log.

ORA-00326: log begins at change string, need earlier change string
Cause: The archived log supplied for recovery was generated after the log that is needed. Can not yet use the log for applying redo.
Action: Find correct archived log.

ORA-00327: log string of thread string, physical size string less than needed string
Cause: A log file has shrunk in size. This is likely to have been caused by operator or operating system error.
Action: Restore the log file from backup. If backup is not available, drop this log and re-create. If the database was shut down cleanly, no further action should be required; otherwise incomplete recovery may be required.

ORA-00328: archived log ends at change string, need later change string
Cause: The archived log supplied for recovery was generated before the log that is needed. Can not use the log for applying redo.
Action: Find correct archived log.

ORA-00329: archived log begins at change string, need change string
Cause: The archived log is not the correct log. An earlier log is needed.
Action: Restore the correct log file.

ORA-00330: archived log ends at change string, need change string
Cause: The archived log is not the correct log. A later log is needed.
Action: Restore the correct log file.

ORA-00331: log version string incompatible with ORACLE version string
Cause: The log was written by incompatible version of Oracle.
Action: Recover the database with the compatible software, shut it down cleanly, then restart with current software.

ORA-00332: archived log is too small - may be incompletely archived
Cause: The log is smaller than the space allocated in it. May be the result of a shutdown abort while it was being written by the archiver.
Action: Get a complete version of this log and use it for recovery. There should either be an online version of it or a copy that was successfully archived.

ORA-00333: redo log read error block string count string
Cause: An IO error occurred while reading the log described in the accompanying error.
Action: Restore accessibility to file, or get another copy of the file.

ORA-00334: archived log: 'string'
Cause: Reporting filename for details of another error
Action: See associated error messages

ORA-00335: online log string: No log with this number, log does not exist
Cause: Reporting filename for details of another error
Action: See associated error messages

ORA-00336: log file size string blocks is less than minimum string blocks
Cause: The log file size as specified in create database is too small.
Action: Increase the log file size.

ORA-00337: log file 'string' does not exist and no size specified
Cause: An attempt to add a log found neither an existing file nor a size for creating the file.
Action: Specify a size for the log file.

ORA-00338: log string of thread string is more recent than control file
Cause: The control file change sequence number in the log file is greater than the number in the control file. This implies that the wrong control file is being used. Note that repeatedly causing this error can make it stop happening without correcting the real problem. Every attempt to open the database will advance the control file change sequence number until it is great enough.
Action: Use the current control file or do backup control file recovery to make the control file current. Be sure to follow all restrictions on doing a backup control file recovery.

ORA-00339: archived log does not contain any redo
Cause: The archived log is not the correct log. It is a copy of a log file that has never been used for redo generation, or was an online log being prepared to be the current log.
Action: Restore the correct log file.

ORA-00340: IO error processing online log string of thread string
Cause: An IO error occurred on the named online log.
Action: Restore accessibility to file, or restore file from backup.

ORA-00341: log string of thread string, wrong log # string in header
Cause: The internal information in an online log file does not match the control file.
Action: Restore correct file or reset logs.

ORA-00342: archived log does not have expected resetlogs SCN string
Cause: Recovery was given a log that does not belong to current incarnation or one of the parent incarnation. There should be another log that contains the correct redo.
Action: Supply the correct log file.

ORA-00344: unable to re-create online log 'string'
Cause: An I/O failure occurred when attempting to re-create an online as part of either ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS or ALTER DATABASE CLEAR LOGFILE command.
Action: Correct the file/device as indicated by accompanying errors.

ORA-00345: redo log write error block string count string
Cause: An IO error has occurred while writing the log
Action: Correct the cause of the error, and then restart the system. If the log is lost, apply media/incomplete recovery.

ORA-00346: log member marked as STALE and closed
Cause: A log file member was no longer complete.
Action: Correct the underlying problem by referring to the other error messages found with this one.

ORA-00347: log string of thread string, expected block size string doesn't match string
Cause: On header read the blocksize indicated in the control file did not match the blocksize contained in the log file.
Action: Restore correct file or reset logs.

ORA-00348: single-process redo failure. Must abort instance
Cause: A failure occurred during a critical portion of the log code during single process operation. This error does not occur during normal multi-process operation.
Action: Shutdown abort and warmstart the database.

ORA-00349: failure obtaining block size for 'string'
Cause: The operating system was unable to determine the blocksize for the given filename.
Action: Consult the accompanying error message, and correct the device or specify another filename.

ORA-00350: log string of instance string (thread string) needs to be archived
Cause: The command cannot be done because the log has not been archived, and media recovery has been enabled.
Action: Archive the log or disable media recovery. If the command supports an UNARCHIVED option then it can be used. However this may result in making backups unuseable, and forcing the drop of some offline files.

ORA-00351: recover-to time invalid
Cause: The time specified in a recover-until statement must be after January 1st 1988.
Action: Specify a time after January 1st 1988.

ORA-00352: all logs for thread string need to be archived - cannot enable
Cause: Attempting to enable a thread with all logs needing to be archived, and media recovery has been enabled. There is no log that can be made the new current log for the thread.
Action: Archive a log for the thread or disable media recovery.

ORA-00353: log corruption near block string change string time string
Cause: Some type of redo log corruption has been discovered. This error describes the location of the corruption. Accompanying errors describe the type of corruption.
Action: Do recovery with a good version of the log or do incomplete recovery up to the indicated change or time.

ORA-00354: corrupt redo log block header
Cause: The block header on the redo block indicated by the accompanying error, is not reasonable.
Action: Do recovery with a good version of the log or do time based recovery up to the indicated time. If this happens when archiving, archiving of the problem log can be skipped by clearing the log with the UNARCHIVED option. This must be followed by a backup of every datafile to insure recoverability of the database.

ORA-00355: change numbers out of order
Cause: A change number found in the redo log is lower than a previously encountered change number. The log is corrupted in some way. The corruption may be at the earlier change or at this one.
Action: Do recovery with a good version of the log or do time based recovery up to the indicated time.

ORA-00356: inconsistent lengths in change description
Cause: A change record in the redo log contains lengths that do not add up to a consistent value. The log is corrupted in some way.
Action: Do recovery with a good version of the log or do time based recovery up to the indicated time.

ORA-00357: too many members specified for log file, the maximum is string
Cause: An add logfile or add logfile member command would result in a log with too many members. The number of members is set when the database is created.
Action: Use fewer log file members.

ORA-00358: Too many file members specified, the maximum is string
Cause: A create or alter statement specified too many members in a parenthesised file list.
Action: Specify a number of file members that is within the port-defined limit.

ORA-00359: logfile group string does not exist
Cause: An add logfile member or drop logfile request specified a logfile group number that does not exist.
Action: Check the configuration of the log files and reissue the command.

ORA-00360: not a logfile member: string
Cause: A filename was given to drop logfile member that is not a part of the database, or which is a data file.
Action: Supply a valid logfile member name.

ORA-00361: cannot remove last log member string for group string
Cause: An attempt has been made to remove the last member of a log file group.
Action: If desired, delete the entire log, by using DROP LOGFILE.

ORA-00362: member is required to form a valid logfile in group string
Cause: A request to drop a logfile member was denied because it would remove data required to form a complete logfile.
Action: If desired, delete the entire log (after archiving if required), by using DROP LOGFILE;

ORA-00363: log is not the archived version
Cause: d by failing to list the current log of an enabled thread in a CREATE CONTROLFILE command.
Action: Find the archived version of the log and supply its name. If this is media recovery immediately following a CREATE CONTROLFILE, be sure the current log for this thread was included.

ORA-00364: cannot write header to new log member
Cause: An i/o error occurred when attempting to write the header to a log member that is being added to an existing group.
Action: See accompanying errors. Fix problem or use another file.

ORA-00365: the specified log is not the correct next log
Cause: The specified log failed to pass checks to ensure it corresponds to the log that was just applied. This is probably the result of using a log that was generated against a cold backup image of the database.
Action: Find the log that was generated by this copy of the database and give that filename to recovery.

ORA-00366: log string of thread string, checksum error in the file header
Cause: The file header for the redo log contains a checksum that does not match the value calculated from the file header as read from disk. This means the file header is corrupted
Action: Find and install correct version of log or reset logs.

ORA-00367: checksum error in log file header
Cause: The file header for the redo log contains a checksum that does not match the value calculated from the file header as read from disk. This means the file header is corrupted
Action: Find the correct file and try again.

ORA-00368: checksum error in redo log block
Cause: The redo block indicated by the accompanying error, is not vaild. It has a checksum that does not match the block contents.
Action: Restore correct file or reset logs.

ORA-00369: Current log of thread string not useable and other log being cleared
Cause: Attempt to open thread failed because it is necessary to switch redo generation to another online log, but all the other logs are being cleared or need to be archived before they can be used.
Action: If the ALTER DATABASE CLEAR LOGFILE command is still active then wait for it to complete. Otherwise reissue the CLEAR command. If there are other online logs for the thread, that are not being cleared, then archive the logs.

ORA-00370: potential deadlock during kcbchange operation
Cause: Error code used internally by software. Should never be reported
Action: Treat as internal error. See error 600.

ORA-00371: not enough shared pool memory, should be atleast string bytes
Cause: Init.ora parameter shared_pool_size is too small
Action: Increase the parameter value

ORA-00372: file string cannot be modified at this time
Cause: attempting to modify the contents of a file that cannot be modified. The file is most likely part of a read only tablespace but may be in the process of going offline, or the database may be in the process of closing.
Action: check the status of the file and its tablespace

ORA-00373: online log version string incompatible with ORACLE version string
Cause: The online log was written by incompatible version of Oracle. Can occur when the log file was created by either a new or older version of Oracle.
Action: Recover the database with the compatible software, shut it down cleanly, then restart with current software.

ORA-00374: parameter db_block_size = string invalid ; must be a multiple of string in the range [string..string]
Cause: invalid value for db_block_size parameter
Action: adjust parameter and restart

ORA-00376: file string cannot be read at this time
Cause: attempting to read from a file that is not readable. Most likely the file is offline.
Action: Check the state of the file. Bring it online

ORA-00377: Frequent backups of file string causing write operation to stall
Cause: Backups are occurring too frequently on this file. Each time a new backup is started for a file, any writes which have been previously issued (but not completed) have to be re-issued. If hot backups are started very, very frequently, it is possible that some writes will be re-issued repeatedly and never complete.
Action: Increase the interval between begin hot-backup commands for this file.

ORA-00378: buffer pools cannot be created as specified
Cause: Either the number of buffers or the number of lru latches is too small to satisfy the specified buffer pool configuration.
Action: Either increase the number of buffers and/or number of lru latches or configure smaller buffer pools.

ORA-00379: no free buffers available in buffer pool string for block size stringK
Cause: All buffers in the specified buffer pool for the specified block size are in use and no free buffers are available.
Action: Increase the number of buffers in the specified pool for the specified block size

ORA-00380: cannot specify db_stringk_cache_size since stringK is the standard block size
Cause: User specified the parameter db_nk_cache_size (where n is one of 2,4,8,16,32), while the standard block size for this database is equal to n Kbytes. This is illegal.
Action: Specify the standard block size cache using db_cache_size (DEFAULT pool) (and db_recycle_cache_size, db_keep_cache_size if additional buffer pools are required). Do NOT use the corresponding db_nk_cache_size parameter for the standard block size.

ORA-00381: cannot use both new and old parameters for buffer cache size specification
Cause: User specified one or more of { db_cache_size , db_recycle_cache_size, db_keep_cache_size, db_nk_cache_size (where n is one of 2,4,8,16,32), db_cache_advice } AND one or more of { db_block_buffers, buffer_pool_keep , buffer_pool_recycle }. This is illegal.
Action: Use EITHER the old (pre-Oracle_8.2) parameters OR the new ones. Don't specify both. If old size parameters are specified in the parameter file, you may want to replace them with new parameters since the new parameters can be modified dynamically and allow you to configure additional caches for additional block sizes. Cache advisory can only be enabled with the new cache parameters.

ORA-00382: string not a valid block size, valid range [string..string]
Cause: User specified a value for db_nk_cache_size where n is one of {2, 4, 8, 16, 32}, but nk is not a valid block size for this platform.
Action: Remove corresponding parameter from the "init.ora" file and restart the instance.

ORA-00383: DEFAULT cache for blocksize string cannot be reduced to zero
Cause: User attempted to reduce db_cache_size to zero, or attempted to to reduce db_K_cache_size to zero while there were still online tablespaces with blocksize K. Note that since the SYSTEM tablespace cannot be taken offline, it is always illegal to set db_cache_size to zero.
Action: Offline any tablespaces with the corresponding blocksize and then perform the operation again.

ORA-00384: Insufficient memory to grow cache
Cause: The system could not allocate sufficient memory to grow the cache to the specified size.
Action: Attempt a smaller increase in the value of the parameter.

ORA-00385: cannot enable Very Large Memory with new buffer cache parameters
Cause: User specified one or more of { db_cache_size , db_recycle_cache_size, db_keep_cache_size, db_nk_cache_size (where n is one of 2,4,8,16,32) } AND use_indirect_data_buffers is set to TRUE. This is illegal.
Action: Very Large Memory can only be enabled with the old (pre-Oracle_8.2) parameters.

ORA-00386: use_indirect_data_buffers not supported
Cause: The system could not allocate sufficient memory to grow the cache to the specified size.
Action: Attempt a smaller increase in the value of the parameter.

ORA-00390: log string of thread string is being cleared, cannot become current log
Cause: An attempt to switch to a new online log for the redo thread failed because no reusable log could be found. This log is being cleared and will be useable when the clearing completes. The command that began the clearing may have terminated without completing the clearing.
Action: If the clear command is still executing then wait for its completion. If it terminated then reissue the clear command, or drop the log.

ORA-00391: All threads must switch to new log format at the same time
Cause: An attempt to switch the current log of a single thread is not allowed because the compatiblity requirements force a new log format version number. When changing log formats, all threads must switch to the new format at the same time.
Action: Open the database to cause the coordinated log switch. If that is not possible then return to the same software version and compatibility setting last used to open the database.

ORA-00392: log string of thread string is being cleared, operation not allowed
Cause: An operation encountered this online log in the middle of being cleared. The command that began the clearing may have terminated without completing the clearing.
Action: If the clear command is still executing then wait for its completion. If it terminated then reissue the clear command, or drop the log.

ORA-00393: log string of thread string is needed for recovery of offline datafiles
Cause: Log cannot be cleared because the redo in it is needed to recover offline datafiles. It has not been archived so there is no other copy available. If the log is cleared the tablespaces containing the files will have to be dropped.
Action: Archive the log then repeat the clear command. If archiving is not possible, and dropping the tablespaces is acceptible, then add the clause UNRECOVERABLE DATAFILE at the end of the clear command.

ORA-00394: online log reused while attempting to archive it
Cause: It has been detected that an online log that is being archived has been reused
Action: Cannot archive the logfile anymore since it has been overwritten

ORA-00395: online logs for the clone database must be renamed
Cause: A clone database open forces logfile renaming to avoid overwriting the primary logfiles
Action: Rename the logfiles manually or using the log_file_name_convert initialization parameter

ORA-00396: error string required fallback to single-pass recovery
Cause: The indicated error caused two-pass instance or crash recovery to fail. Recovery was retried with an alternate (slower) method to avoid the error.
Action: Correct the cause of the indicated error (also recorded) so that future instance or crash recovery can succeed with the two-pass algorithm. This usually requires making more main memory available to the recovery process.

ORA-00397: instance recovery process terminated with error
Cause: The foreground process doing instance recovery died.
Action: Check the foreground trace file for the cause of recovery failure.

ORA-00398: abort thread recovery due to reconfiguration
Cause: Global enqueue service reconfiguration occurred during instance/crash recovery.
Action: This is used internally, no action is required.

ORA-00399: corrupt change description in redo log
Cause: A change vector in the redo log failed validation checks.
Action: Do recovery with a good version of the log or do time based recovery up to the indicated time.

ORA-00400: invalid release value string for parameter string
Cause: The release level given for the specified init parameter is invalid.
Action: Correct the parameter value in the parameter file and retry.

ORA-00401: the value for parameter string is not supported by this release
Cause: The value specified cannot be supported by this release of the software.
Action: Choose an appropriate value, or remove the parameter value to use the default value.

ORA-00402: database changes by release string cannot be used by release string
Cause: Changes have been made to the database that require a newer software release or that violate the compatibility parameters.
Action: Use a version of the software that can understand the changes or relax the compatibility requirements in the init file.

ORA-00403: string (string) is not the same as other instances (string)
Cause: Another instance has set the compatible or compatible no recovery parameters differently than this instance.
Action: Change the parameters of the current instance to match other instances already running.

ORA-00404: Convert file not found: 'string'
Cause: The file used for converting the database from V7 to V8 could not be found.
Action: Verify that the migration process has been started on this database and that the convert filename is accessable.

ORA-00405: compatibility type "string"
Cause: Reporting a type associated with another error.
Action: See accompanying error

ORA-00406: COMPATIBLE parameter needs to be string or greater
Cause: The COMPATIBLE initialization parameter is not high enough to allow the operation. Allowing the command would make the database incompatible with the release specified by the current COMPATIBLE parameter.
Action: Shutdown and startup with a higher compatibility setting.

ORA-00407: rolling upgrade from release string.string to string.string is not allowed
Cause: Another instance executing software at a different point release already has the database mounted.
Action: Shutdown all instances then startup with the new software.

ORA-00408: parameter string is set to TRUE
Cause: Reporting the parameter that resulted in the compatibility error.
Action: Shutdown and startup with a higher compatibility setting.

ORA-00409: COMPATIBLE needs to be string or higher to use AUTO SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT
Cause: This is due to migrating from an older release of Oracle with tablespaces created using AUTO SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT. To open the database, the COMPATIBLE parameter needs to be set to the specified value.
Action: Shutdown and startup with the specified compatibility setting.

ORA-00437: ORACLE feature is not licensed. Contact Oracle Corp. for assistance
Cause: ORACLE feature is not licensed.
Action: Contact ORACLE for assistance.

ORA-00438: string Option not installed
Cause: The specified option is not installed.
Action: Purchase and install the option.

ORA-00439: feature not enabled: string
Cause: The specified feature is not enabled.
Action: Do not attempt to use this feature.

ORA-00443: background process "string" did not start
Cause: The specified process did not start.
Action: Ensure that the executable image is in the correct place with the correct protections, and that there is enough memory.

ORA-00444: background process "string" failed while starting
Cause: Usually due to a bad (or non-existent) background process image.
Action: Get a good background process image.

ORA-00445: background process "string" did not start after string seconds
Cause: The specified process did not start after the specified time.
Action: Ensure that the background did not die and leave a trace file.

ORA-00446: background process started when not expected
Cause: The background process specified started up AFTER the RDBMS was already running.
Action: If nobody at your site started the process, then this is an internal error.

ORA-00447: fatal error in background process
Cause: One of the background processes died unexpectedly.
Action: Warm start the system.

ORA-00448: normal completion of background process
Cause: One of the background processes completed normally (i.e. exited). The background process thinks that somebody asked it to exit.
Action: Warm start the system.

ORA-00449: background process 'string' unexpectedly terminated with error string
Cause: A foreground process needing service from a background process has discovered the process died.
Action: Consult the error code, and the trace file for the process.

ORA-00450: background process 'string' did not start
Cause: The specified process did not start.
Action: Consult the error code, and the trace file for the process.

ORA-00451: foreground process died unexpectedly
Cause: The foreground process for the new connection did not start.
Action: Reconnect to Oracle.

ORA-00452: foreground process unexpectedly terminated with error string
Cause: The foreground process for the new connection did not start.
Action: Reconnect to Oracle.

ORA-00453: backgroud process 'string' is dead
Cause: The background process that was being messaged was dead or its incarnation was invalid.
Action: Restart the background process.

ORA-00469: CKPT process terminated with error
Cause: The checkpoint process died
Action: Warm start instance

ORA-00470: LGWR process terminated with error
Cause: The log writer process died
Action: Warm start instance

ORA-00471: DBWR process terminated with error
Cause: The database writer process died
Action: Warm start instance

ORA-00472: PMON process terminated with error
Cause: The process cleanup process died
Action: Warm start instance

ORA-00473: ARCH process terminated with error
Cause: The archive process died
Action: Warm start instance

ORA-00474: SMON process terminated with error
Cause: The system cleanup process died
Action: Warm start instance

ORA-00475: TRWR process terminated with error
Cause: The system tracing process died
Action: Warm start instance

ORA-00476: RECO process terminated with error
Cause: The distributed transaction (two-phase commit) recovery process died.
Action: Warm start instance

ORA-00477: SNP* process terminated with error
Cause: A materialized view refresh process died
Action: PMON will restart SNP process shortly. If SNP process does not get started, contact Oracle support.

ORA-00478: SMON process terminated due to error string
Cause: SMON was unable to service the requests due to error in cleanup of resources
Action: Warm start instance

ORA-00479: RVWR process terminated with error string
Cause: The RVWR process died
Action: Warm start instance

ORA-00480: LCK* process terminated with error
Cause: A system lock process died
Action: Warm start instance

ORA-00481: LMON process terminated with error
Cause: The global enqueue service monitor process died
Action: Warm start instance

ORA-00482: LMD* process terminated with error
Cause: A global enqueue service daemon process died
Action: Warm start instance

ORA-00483: During shutdown a process abnormally terminated
Cause: One of the background processes did not exit normally at or near the time of shutdown.
Action: Use shutdown abort.

ORA-00484: LMS* process terminated with error
Cause: A global cache service process died
Action: Warm start instance

ORA-00485: DIAG process terminated with error string
Cause: A global diagnostic process died
Action: Wait for process to restart

ORA-00486: ASMB process terminated with error
Cause: An ASM background process died.
Action: Warm start instance. Also check that ASM Instance is running.

ORA-00487: CTWR process terminated with error
Cause: The change tracking process died
Action: Warm start instance

ORA-00488: RBAL process terminated with error
Cause: The ASM rebalance coordinator process died.
Action: Warm start instance.

ORA-00489: ARB* process terminated with error
Cause: An ASM rebalance worker process died.
Action: Wait for process to restart.

ORA-00490: PSP process terminated with error
Cause: The process spawner died
Action: Warm start instance

ORA-00491: RMS0 process terminated with error
Cause: The RAC Management Process died
Action: None

ORA-00492: GTX* process terminated with error
Cause: A global transaction background process died.
Action: Warm start instance

ORA-00493: GMON process terminated with error
Cause: The ASM disk group monitor process died
Action: Warm start instance

ORA-00494: enqueuestring held for too longstring by 'string'
Cause: The specified process did not release the enqueue within the maximum allowed time.
Action: Reissue any commands that failed and contact Oracle Support Services with the incident information.

ORA-00566: cannot request processor group - NUMA not enabled
Cause: Cannot start process in a requested processor group when the NUMA feature is disabled.
Action: Start the process without requesting a NUMA processor group.

ORA-00567: Requested processor group string is too large (maximum string)
Cause: The process could not be started in the requested processor group.
Action: Start the process in another processor group.

ORA-00568: Maximum number of interrupt handlers exceeded
Cause: User specified too many ^c handlers
Action: Remove some old handlers.

ORA-00569: Failed to acquire global enqueue.
Cause: A prior error occurred on one of the instances in the cluster. Typically errors are caused by shared pool resource contention.
Action: Check for and resolve prior errors on all instances in the cluster. If there is shared pool resource contention, increase the SHARED_POOL_SIZE, DML_LOCKS, PROCESSES, TRANSACTIONS, CLUSTER_DATABASE_INSTANCES and PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS initialization parameters.

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string]
Cause: This is the generic internal error number for Oracle program exceptions. This indicated that a process encountered an exceptional condition.
Action: Report as a bug - the first argument is the internal error number.

ORA-00601: cleanup lock conflict
Cause: PMON process runs into lock conflict trying to recovery processes
Action: This is trapped internally, no action necessary

ORA-00602: internal programming exception
Cause: Internal programming exception
Action: Report as bug

ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error
Cause: An ORACLE server session was in an unrecoverable state.
Action: Login to ORACLE again so a new server session will be created

ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level string
Cause: An error occurred while processing a recursive SQL statement (a statement applying to internal dictionary tables).
Action: If the situation described in the next error on the stack can be corrected, do so; otherwise contact Oracle Support.

ORA-00606: Internal error code
Cause: A call to deferred upi functions was made in non deferred mode
Action: Report as a bug.

ORA-00607: Internal error occurred while making a change to a data block
Cause: An internal error or memory exception occurred while Oracle was applying redo to a data block.
Action: call Oracle Support

ORA-00608: testing error [string] [string] [string] [string] [string]
Cause: Internal error reserved for testing.
Action: call Oracle Support

ORA-00609: could not attach to incoming connection
Cause: Oracle process could not answer incoming connection
Action: If the situation described in the next error on the stack can be corrected, do so; otherwise contact Oracle Support.

ORA-00610: Internal error code
Cause: Oracle process started too late
Action: This error should never be seen by the customer. Contact Oraclce Support

ORA-00700: soft internal error, arguments: [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string]
Cause: Internal inconsitency that will not crash a process
Action: Report as a bug - the first argument is the internal error.

ORA-00701: object necessary for warmstarting database cannot be altered
Cause: Attempt to alter or drop a database object (table, cluster, or index) which are needed for warmstarting the database.
Action: None

ORA-00702: bootstrap verison 'string' inconsistent with version 'string'
Cause: The reading version of the boostrap is incompatible with the current bootstrap version.
Action: Restore a version of the software that is compatible with this bootstrap version.

ORA-00703: maximum number of row cache instance locks exceeded
Cause: There are not enough row cache enqueues.
Action: Increase the row cache enqueue parameter and warm start the system.

ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
Cause: Failure in processing bootstrap data - see accompanying error.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-00705: inconsistent state during start up; shut down the instance, then restart it
Cause: A previous attempt to start an instance was terminated.
Action: Shut down the instance completely, then restart it.

ORA-00706: error changing format of file 'string'
Cause: An attempt to change the block0 format of the specified file failed because the file is read-only or offline.
Action: Make the file read-write or bring the file online and set the BLK0_FMTCHG event.

ORA-00710: new tablespace name is the same as the old tablespace name
Cause: An attempt to rename a tablespace failed because the new name is the same as the old name.
Action: No action required.

ORA-00711: new tablespace name is invalid
Cause: An attempt to rename a tablespace failed because the new name is invalid.
Action: Choose a valid new name and retry the command.

ORA-00712: cannot rename system tablespace
Cause: An attempt to rename the system tablespace failed.
Action: No action required.

ORA-00720: ALTER DATABASE RESET COMPATIBILITY command has been de-supported
Cause: ALTER DATABASE RESET COMPATIBILITY command has been de-supported since Oracle 10i.
Action: No action required.

ORA-00721: changes by release string cannot be used by release string
Cause: An attempt to import a tablespace failed because the tablespace contains changes that require a newer software release or that violate the compatibility parameters.
Action: Use a version of the software that can understand the changes or relax the compatibility requirements in the initialization parameter file.

ORA-00722: Feature "string"
Cause: Reporting name of the feature for details of another error.
Action: See associated error message.

ORA-00723: Initialization parameter COMPATIBLE must be explicitly set
Cause: Oracle detected that the initialization parameter COMPATIBLE was not explicitly specified, and the compatibility of the database is lower than the default value of the COMPATIBLE parameter. In order to use the new compatible setting, the intialization parameter must be explicitly set by the user.
Action: Explicitly set the value of COMPATIBLE parameter either in PFILE or SPFILE, whichever is used.

ORA-00724: ALTER DATABASE CONVERT command has been de-supported
Cause: ALTER DATABASE CONVERT command has been de-supported since Oracle 10i.
Action: No action required.

ORA-00725: Desupported ALTER DATABASE SET STANDBY clause specified: string
Cause: A deprecated ALTER DATABASE SET STANDBY was specified.
Action: No action required.

ORA-00740: datafile size of (string) blocks exceeds maximum file size
Cause: The user specified datafile size exceeded maximum file size.
Action: Please check REFERENCE for maximum size. Reduce the size and retry.

ORA-00741: logfile size of (string) blocks exceeds maximum logfile size
Cause: The user specified logfile size exceeded maximum logfile size.
Action: Please check REFERENCE for maximum size. Reduce the size and retry.

ORA-00750: database has been previously mounted and dismounted
Cause: The instance has already mounted and dismounted the database, which is only allowed once in its lifetime.
Action: Shut down the database.

ORA-00751: could not obtain resilvering status for file
Cause: An error occurred while obtaining the mirror resilvering status of a file.
Action: Refer to other error messages shown for additional details of the problem.

ORA-00752: recovery detected a lost write of a data block
Cause: A write of a data block to the storage are was lost during normal database operation or on the primary database.
Action: Flashback or restore from backup the database as described in the Backup and Recovery Manual.

ORA-00820: Specified value of sga_max_size is too small, needs to be at least stringM
Cause: The specified value of sga_max_size is too small for the SGA to accommodate all of the necessary SGA components such as the log buffer, buffer pools, shared pool, etc.
Action: Set sga_max_size to the recommended value or reduce the values of any SGA component size parameters you have specified.

ORA-00821: Specified value of sga_target stringM is too small, needs to be at least stringM
Cause: The specified value of sga_target is too small for the SGA to accommodate all of the necessary SGA components such as the log buffer, buffer pools, shared pool, etc.
Action: Set sga_target to the recommended value or reduce the values of any SGA component size parameters you have specified.

ORA-00822: MMAN process terminated with error
Cause: The Memory Management process died.
Action: Warm start instance

ORA-00823: Specified value of sga_target greater than sga_max_size
Cause: The specified value of sga_target is greater than sga_max_size.
Action: Increase sga_max_size to match up with sga_target or decrease sga_target to match up with sga_maxsize.

ORA-00824: cannot set SGA_TARGET or MEMORY_TARGET due to existing internal settings
Cause: Could not set SGA_TARGET or MEMORY_TARGET due to current parameter settings.
Action: Check the other error messages for additional information.

ORA-00825: cannot set DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS if SGA_TARGET or MEMORY_TARGET is set
Action: Do not set SGA_TARGET, MEMORY_TARGET or use new cache parameters, and do not use DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS which is an old cache parameter.

ORA-00826: cannot set SGA_TARGET or MEMORY_TARGET for an ASM instance
Cause: SGA_TARGET or MEMORY_TARGET set for an ASM instance.
Action: Do not set SGA_TARGET or MEMORY_TARGET.

ORA-00827: could not shrink sga_target to specified value
Cause: Attempted to shrink the SGA to the specified value but did not succeed because the SGA components could not be shrunk as they were already at their minimum sizes.
Action: Do not set sga_target to a value below the current value without first shrinking the individual SGA components.

ORA-00828: specified value of shared_pool_reserved_size inconsistent with internal settings
Cause: Unable to set shared_pool_reserved_size to specified value if SGA_TARGET set, either because the specified value is too small, or because it is too large for the current internal size of shared pool. More details can be found in the alert log.
Action: If possible, do not set shared_pool_reserved_size without setting shared_pool_size if SGA_TARGET set. Examine the alert log for information about current internal size of shared pool, and valid range of values for shared_pool_reserved_size.

ORA-00830: cannot set statistics_level to BASIC with auto-tune SGA enabled
Cause: The user attempted to set statistics_level to BASIC with auto-tune SGA enabled which cannot be done because auto-tune SGA cannot work with statistics_level set to BASIC.
Action: Disable auto-tune SGA and try setting the statistics_level to BASIC again.

ORA-00832: no streams pool created and cannot automatically create one
Cause: A database feature which needs STREAMS SGA was being used, however, the streams_pool_size parameter was not defined and the value of db_cache_size was too small to permit an automatic transfer of SGA to the streams pool from the buffer cache.
Action: Please set the parameter streams_pool_size or set SGA_TARGET.

ORA-00837: Specified value of MEMORY_TARGET greater than MEMORY_MAX_TARGET
Cause: The specified value of MEMORY_TARGET was greater than MEMORY_MAX_TARGET.
Action: Set MEMORY_TARGET less than or equal to MEMORY_MAX_TARGET.

ORA-00838: Specified value of MEMORY_TARGET is too small, needs to be at least stringM
Cause: The specified value of MEMORY_TARGET was less than the sum of the specified values for SGA_TARGET and PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET.
Action: Set MEMORY_TARGET to at least the recommended value.

ORA-00839: SGA_TARGET cannot be modified to the specified value
Cause: The specified value of SGA_TARGET was not compatible with current settings of PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET and MEMORY_TARGET/MEMORY_MAX_TARGET.
Action: Set SGA_TARGET to be no more than the difference of MEMORY_TARGET/MEMORY_MAX_TARGET and PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET. Also ensure that the current PGA memory used for non-auto workareas is low.

ORA-00840: PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET cannot be modified to the specified value
Cause: The specified value of PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET was not compatible with current settings of SGA_TARGET and MEMORY_TARGET/MEMORY_MAX_TARGET.
Action: Set PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET to be no more than the difference of MEMORY_TARGET/MEMORY_MAX_TARGET and SGA_TARGET.

ORA-00841: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system
Cause: MEMORY_TARGET parameter was not supported on this system as shmfs was disabled.
Action: Refer to documentation for a list of supported systems.

Cause: DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS was incompatible with SGA_TARGET and MEMORY_TARGET.
Action: Remove the incompatible parameter setting.

ORA-00843: Parameter not taking MEMORY_MAX_TARGET into account
Cause: The parameter was larger than MEMORY_MAX_TARGET.
Action: Check the other error messages for additional information about the parameter. Set the parameter to a lower value than MEMORY_MAX_TARGET.

ORA-00844: Parameter not taking MEMORY_TARGET into account
Cause: The parameter was larger than MEMORY_TARGET.
Action: Check the other error messages for additional information about the parameter. Set the parameter to a lower value than MEMORY_TARGET.

ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system
Cause: The MEMORY_TARGET parameter was not supported on this operating system or /dev/shm was not sized correctly on Linux.
Action: Refer to documentation for a list of supported operating systems. Or, size /dev/shm to be at least the SGA_MAX_SIZE on each Oracle instance running on the system.

ORA-00846: could not shrink MEMORY_TARGET to specified value
Cause: Attempted to shrink MEMORY_TARGET to the specified value but did not succeed because the PGA and SGA components could not be shrunk.
Action: Do not set MEMORY_TARGET to a value below the current value without first shrinking the individual memory components.

ORA-00847: MEMORY_TARGET/MEMORY_MAX_TARGET and LOCK_SGA cannot be set together
Cause: MEMORY_TARGET/MEMORY_MAX_TARGET was set to a non-zero value and LOCK_SGA was also set
Action: Do not set MEMORY_TARGET or MEMORY_MAX_TARGET if LOCK_SGA is set to TRUE.

Cause: STATISTICS_LEVEL of BASIC was incompatible with SGA_TARGET and MEMORY_TARGET.
Action: Fix the incompatible parameter setting. Set STATISTICS_LEVEL to TYPICAL or ALL to use SGA_TARGET or MEMORY_TARGET.

ORA-00849: SGA_TARGET string cannot be set to more than MEMORY_MAX_TARGET string.
Cause: SGA_TARGET value was more than MEMORY_MAX_TARGET value.
Action: Set SGA_TARGET to be less than MEMORY_MAX_TARGET.

ORA-00850: PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET string cannot be set to more than MEMORY_MAX_TARGET string.
Cause: PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET value was more than MEMORY_MAX_TARGET value.

ORA-00851: SGA_MAX_SIZE string cannot be set to more than MEMORY_TARGET string.
Cause: SGA_MAX_SIZE value was more than MEMORY_TARGET value.
Action: Set SGA_MAX_SIZE to be less than MEMORY_TARGET.

ORA-00910: specified length too long for its datatype
Cause: for datatypes CHAR and RAW, the length specified was > 2000; otherwise, the length specified was > 4000.
Action: use a shorter length or switch to a datatype permitting a longer length such as a VARCHAR2, LONG CHAR, or LONG RAW

ORA-00911: invalid character
Cause: identifiers may not start with any ASCII character other than letters and numbers. $#_ are also allowed after the first character. Identifiers enclosed by doublequotes may contain any character other than a doublequote. Alternative quotes (q'#...#') cannot use spaces, tabs, or carriage returns as delimiters. For all other contexts, consult the SQL Language Reference Manual.
Action: None

ORA-00912: input parameter too long
Cause: one of your input strings was too long
Action: shorten the input parameter length

ORA-00953: missing or invalid index name
Cause: An index name of the form [ . ] is expected but not present. If OIDINDEX clause, index name must be
Action: Enter an appropriate index name.

ORA-00956: missing or invalid auditing option
Cause: AUDIT or NOAUDIT statement contains an invalid auditing option.
Action: Use a valid option.

ORA-00960: ambiguous column naming in select list
Cause: A column name in the order-by list matches more than one select list columns.
Action: Remove duplicate column naming in select list.

ORA-00962: too many group-by / order-by expressions
Cause: The group-by or order-by column list contain more than 1000 expressions.
Action: Use 1000 or less expressions in the group-by or order-by list.

ORA-00964: table name not in FROM list
Cause: The table name referred in the select list is not specified in the from list.
Action: Make sure the name is correctly specified and matches one of the names in the from list.

ORA-00965: column aliases not allowed for '*'
Cause: The statement is trying to alias the * expression in the select list which is not legal.
Action: Remove the alias.

ORA-00972: identifier is too long
Cause: An identifier with more than 30 characters was specified.
Action: Specify at most 30 characters.

ORA-00976: LEVEL, PRIOR, or ROWNUM not allowed here
Cause: LEVEL, PRIOR, or ROWNUM is being specified at illegal location.
Action: Remove LEVEL, PRIOR, or ROWNUM.

ORA-00977: duplicate auditing option
Cause: AUDIT or NOAUDIT statement specifies an option more than once
Action: Either use ALL with no other auditing options or make sure no option is listed more than once.

ORA-00980: synonym translation is no longer valid
Cause: A synonym did not translate to a legal target object. This could happen for one of the following reasons:
1. The target schema does not exist.
2. The target object does not exist.
3. The synonym specifies an incorrect database link.
4. The synonym is not versioned but specifies a versioned target object.
Action: Change the synonym definition so that the synonym points at a legal target object.

ORA-00981: cannot mix table and system auditing options
Cause: Table and system-wide auditing options were specified in the same AUDIT or NOAUDIT statement.
Action: You must issue table and system options in separate statements.

ORA-00983: cannot audit or noaudit SYS user actions
Cause: An attempt was made to AUDIT or NOAUDIT SYS user actions.
Action: Execute the statement again with a valid user.

ORA-00991: only MAC privileges may be granted to procedures
Cause: Object privileges or non-MAC system privileges were granted to the procedure.
Action: Only grant MAC privileges using the PROCEDURE clause.

ORA-01002: fetch out of sequence
Cause: This error means that a fetch has been attempted from a cursor which is no longer valid. Note that a PL/SQL cursor loop implicitly does fetches, and thus may also cause this error. There are a number of possible causes for this error, including: 1) Fetching from a cursor after the last row has been retrieved and the 
ORA-1403 error returned. 2) If the cursor has been opened with the FOR UPDATE clause, fetching after a COMMIT has been issued will return the error. 3) Rebinding any placeholders in the SQL statement, then issuing a fetch before reexecuting the statement.
Action: 1) Do not issue a fetch statement after the last row has been retrieved - there are no more rows to fetch. 2) Do not issue a COMMIT inside a fetch loop for a cursor that has been opened FOR UPDATE. 3) Reexecute the statement after rebinding, then attempt to fetch again.

ORA-01010: invalid OCI operation
Cause: One of the following: 1) You attempted an invalid OCI operation. 2) You are using an Oracle client application linked with version 7.1 (or higher) libraries, the environment variable ORA_ENCRYPT_LOGIN is set to TRUE, and you attempted to connect to a version 7.0 (or lower) Oracle Server. 3) You are connected to a version 7.1 (or higher) Oracle Server, the initialization parameter DBLINK_ENCRYPT_LOGIN is set to TRUE, and you attempted to use a database link pointing to a version 7.0 (or lower) Oracle Server. 4) You are connected to a version 9.0.2(or higher) Oracle Server and you attempted to use a database link pointing to a version 9.0.1(or lower) Oracle Server for distributed autonomous transaction.
Action: For the above causes: 1) Do not use the invalid OCI operation. 2) If you do not wish to use encrypted connect passwords in your distributed database, set ORA_ENCRYPT_LOGIN to FALSE. If you wish to use encrypted connect passwords, you must upgrade all Oracle Servers to version 7.1 (or higher). 3) If you do not wish to use encrypted database links in your distributed database, set DBLINK_ENCRYPT_LOGIN to FALSE. If you wish to use encrypted database links, you must upgrade all Oracle Servers to version 7.1 (or higher). 4) Do not attempt distributed autonomous transaction on version 9.0.1(or lower) Oracle Server.

ORA-01016: This function can be called only after a fetch
Cause: Cursor in an invalid state.
Action: Make sure that the oci/upi function is called after fetch.

ORA-01019: unable to allocate memory in the user side
Cause: The user side memory allocator returned error.
Action: Increase the processes heap size or switch to the old set of calls.

ORA-01022: database operation not supported in this configuration
Cause: The attempted database operation does not conform to the user programming interface (UPI) for the two communicating ORACLE servers.
Action: You may need to upgrade one or more of your ORACLE servers or re-link your user side application with new libraries. Report the problem to Worldwide Customer Support.

ORA-01023: Cursor context not found (Invalid cursor number)
Cause: The cursor number is not a valid open cursor.
Action: Make sure that the cursor is open.

ORA-01025: UPI parameter out of range
Cause: An integer parameter to a upi function is out of range.
Action: This usually indicates an error in a tool built on top of the oracle dbms. Report the error to your customer support representative.

ORA-01026: multiple buffers of size > 4000 in the bind list
Cause: More than one long buffer in the bind list.
Action: Change the buffer size to be less than 4000 for the bind variable bound to a normal column.

ORA-01027: bind variables not allowed for data definition operations
Cause: An attempt was made to use a bind variable in a SQL data definition operation.
Action: Such bind variables are not allowed.

ORA-01028: internal two task error
Cause: Received send long message but don't have the cursor context.
Action: Report as a bug.

ORA-01029: internal two task error
Cause: Received a request to send the long again when there is no long
Action: Report as a bug

ORA-01030: SELECT ... INTO variable does not exist
Cause: The SELECT... INTO specified in the bind call does not correspond to a variable in the SQL statement.
Action: If it is not possible to correct the statement, call customer support.

ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
Cause: An attempt was made to change the current username or password without the appropriate privilege. This error also occurs if attempting to install a database without the necessary operating system privileges. When Trusted Oracle is configure in DBMS MAC, this error may occur if the user was granted the necessary privilege at a higher label than the current login.
Action: Ask the database administrator to perform the operation or grant the required privileges. For Trusted Oracle users getting this error although granted the the appropriate privilege at a higher label, ask the database administrator to regrant the privilege at the appropriate label.

ORA-01032: no such userid
Cause: This is an internal error message related to Export/Import.
Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress
Cause: An attempt was made to log on while Oracle is being started up or shutdown.
Action: Wait a few minutes. Then retry the operation.

ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
Cause: Oracle was not started up. Possible causes include the following:
- The SGA requires more space than was allocated for it.
- The operating-system variable pointing to the instance is improperly defined.
Action: Refer to accompanying messages for possible causes and correct the problem mentioned in the other messages. If Oracle has been initialized, then on some operating systems, verify that Oracle was linked correctly. See the platform specific Oracle documentation.

ORA-01035: ORACLE only available to users with RESTRICTED SESSION privilege
Cause: Logins are disallowed because an instance started in restricted mode. Only users with RESTRICTED SESSION system privilege can log on.
Action: Request that Oracle be restarted without the restricted option or obtain the RESTRICTED SESSION system privilege.

ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number
Cause: Unable to find bind context on user side
Action: Make sure that the variable being bound is in the sql statement.

ORA-01037: maximum cursor memory exceeded
Cause: Attempting to process a complex sql statement which consumed all available memory of the cursor.
Action: Simplify the complex sql statement.

ORA-01038: cannot write database file version string with ORACLE version string
Cause: Attempting to write datafile headers in an old format. The new format can not be used until after the database has been verified as being compatible with this software version.
Action: Open the database to advance to the new file formats, then repeat the operation. If the operation is required before the database can be opened, then use the previous software release to do the operation.

ORA-01039: insufficient privileges on underlying objects of the view
Cause: Attempting to explain plan on other people's view without the necessary privileges on the underlying objects of the view.
Action: Get necessary privileges or do not perform the offending operation.

ORA-01040: invalid character in password; logon denied
Cause: There are multibyte characters in the password or some characters in the password are not in US7ASCII range.
Action: Resubmit password with valid characters.

ORA-01041: internal error. hostdef extension doesn't exist
Cause: Pointer to hstdef extension in hstdef is null.
Action: Report as a bug

ORA-01042: detaching a session with open cursors not allowed
Cause: An attempt was made to detach a seesio n which had open cursors.
Action: Close all the cursors before detaching the session.

ORA-01043: user side memory corruption [string], [string], [string], [string]
Cause: The application code corrupted some of the usr memory used by oracle
Action: Make sure that the application code is not overwriting memory.

ORA-01044: size string of buffer bound to variable exceeds maximum string
Cause: An attempt was made to bind a buffer whose total size would exceed the maximum size allowed. Total array size for arrays is calculated as: (element_size)*(number of elements)
Action: Reduce buffer size.

ORA-01045: user string lacks CREATE SESSION privilege; logon denied
Cause: A connect was attempted to a userid which does not have create session privilege.
Action: Grant the user CREATE SESSION privilege.

ORA-01048: Couldn't find the specified procedure in the given context
Cause: The procedure user specified in deferred RPC doesn't exist.
Action: Check to make sure that the procedure exists and is visible to the replication process.

ORA-01049: Bind by name is not spupportted in streamed RPC
Cause: A newer version of server is talking with this version requesting an operation not supported in this version.
Action: None

ORA-01051: deferred rpc buffer format invalid
Cause: The deferred rpc data in sys.def$_call is corrupted.
Action: Contact your customer support representive.

ORA-01052: required destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST is not specified
Cause: A valid destination for parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST was not specified when parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST was set to two.
Action: Either specify a value for parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST, or reduce the value for parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST to one.

ORA-01055: Object datatypes not supported for bind or define in this mode
Cause: Bind or Define used for objects with an invalid mode
Action: Change the mode.

ORA-01058: internal New Upi interface error
Cause: Attempt to delete non existant hstdef extension.
Action: Report as a bug.

ORA-01059: parse expected before a bind or execute
Cause: The client application attempted to bind a variable or execute a cursor opened in a PL/SQL block before the statement was parsed.
Action: Ensure the statement is parsed before a bind or execute.

ORA-01060: array binds or executes not allowed
Cause: The client application attempted to bind an array of cursors or attempted to repeatedly execute against a PL/SQL block with a bind variable of type cursor.
Action: Bind a single cursor or execute the PL/SQL block once.

ORA-01061: cannot start up a V8 server using a V7 client application
Cause: You are using an Oracle client application linked with version 7 (or lower) libraries and you attempted to start up a V8 (or higher) server.
Action: Use a client application linked with V8 (or higher) libraries.60

ORA-01062: unable to allocate memory for define buffer
Cause: Exceeded the maximum buffer size for current plaform
Action: Use piecewise fetch with a smaller buffer size

ORA-01070: Using an old version of Oracle for the server
Cause: Using pre version of oracle for server
Action: Upgrade server to post version

ORA-01071: cannot perform operation without starting up ORACLE
Cause: Obvious
Action: None

ORA-01072: cannot stop ORACLE; ORACLE not running
Cause: Obvious
Action: None

ORA-01073: fatal connection error: unrecognized call type
Cause: An illegal internal operation was attempted.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-01074: cannot shut down ORACLE; inside a login session - log off first
Cause: Obvious
Action: None

ORA-01075: you are currently logged on
Cause: Attempt to login while logged in.
Action: None

ORA-01076: multiple logons per process not yet supported
Cause: Obvious
Action: None

ORA-01077: background process initialization failure
Cause: Failure during initialization of ORACLE background processes.
Action: Further diagnostic information should be in the error stack or in the trace file.

ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters
Cause: Failure during processing of INIT.ORA parameters during system startup.
Action: Further diagnostic information should be in the error stack.

ORA-01079: ORACLE database was not properly created, operation aborted
Cause: There was an error when the database or control file was created.
Action: s to recreate the database or a new control file.

ORA-01080: error in shutting down ORACLE
Cause: Failure during system shutdown.
Action: Further diagnostic information should be in the error stack.

ORA-01081: cannot start already-running ORACLE - shut it down first
Cause: Obvious
Action: None

ORA-01082: 'row_locking = always' requires the transaction processing option
Cause: "row_locking = always" is specified in INIT.ORA file. This feature is not supported by ORACLE without the transaction processing option.
Action: Remove it from INIT.ORA file or set it to "default" or "intent".

ORA-01083: value of parameter "string" is inconsistent with that of other instances
Cause: The value of the given parameter is required to be the same for all instances in the cluster database configuration. ROW_LOCKING and SERIALIZABLE are 2 examples.
Action: Change the value of the parameter in INIT.ORA file to match that of other cluster database instances.

ORA-01084: invalid argument in OCI call
Cause: The failing OCI call contains an argument with an invalid value.
Action: Use valid argument values. For more information, see the Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Call Interfaces and the appropriate programming language supplement.

ORA-01085: preceding errors in deferred rpc to "string.string.string"
Cause: Errors were encountered when the named procedure was executed as a deferred remoted procedure call.
Action: Correct the cause of the preceding errors.

ORA-01086: savepoint 'string' never established
Cause: Trying to roll back to a save point that was never established.
Action: None

ORA-01088: cannot shut down ORACLE while active processes exist
Cause: Users are still logged into the instance.
Action: Either wait for all users to logoff or use SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE.

ORA-01089: immediate shutdown in progress - no operations are permitted
Cause: The SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE command was used to shut down a running ORACLE instance, so your operations have been terminated.
Action: Wait for the instance to be restarted, or contact your DBA.

ORA-01090: shutdown in progress - connection is not permitted
Cause: The SHUTDOWN command was used to shut down a running ORACLE instance, so you cannot connect to ORACLE.
Action: Wait for the instance to be restarted, or contact your DBA.

ORA-01091: failure during startup force
Cause: Unable to destroy the old SGA.
Action: Manually remove the old SGA and reissue the STARTUP command

ORA-01092: ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced
Cause: The instance this process was connected to was terminated abnormally, probably via a shutdown abort. This process was forced to disconnect from the instance.
Action: Examine the alert log for more details. When the instance has been restarted, retry action.

ORA-01093: ALTER DATABASE CLOSE only permitted with no sessions connected
Cause: There is at least one more session other than the current one logged into the instance. ALTER DATABASE CLOSE is not permitted.
Action: Find the other sessions and log them out and resubmit the command

ORA-01095: DML statement processed zero rows
Cause: During a call to OTEX, an update, delete, or insert statement being executed processed zero rows. The execution of statements by OTEX was halted at this point.
Action: None

ORA-01096: program version (string) incompatible with instance (string)
Cause: A program is trying to connect to an instance using a different version of code than the database was started with. This is not allowed.
Action: Either relink the program with the same version as the database or restart the database using the old version of code.

ORA-01097: cannot shutdown while in a transaction - commit or rollback first
Cause: Obvious
Action: None

ORA-01099: cannot mount database in SHARED mode if started in single process mode
Cause: Obvious
Action: None

ORA-01100: database already mounted
Cause: A database is already mounted in this instance.
Action: None

ORA-01101: database being created currently mounted by some other instance
Cause: Some other instance has the database of same name currently mounted and you are trying to create it.
Action: Either change the database name or shutdown the other instance.

ORA-01102: cannot mount database in EXCLUSIVE mode
Cause: Some other instance has the database mounted exclusive or shared.
Action: Shutdown other instance or mount in a compatible mode.

ORA-01103: database name 'string' in control file is not 'string'
Cause: The database name in the control file does not match your database name.
Action: Either find the correct control file or change your database name.

ORA-01104: number of control files (string) does not equal string
Cause: The number of control files used by this instance disagrees with the number of control files in an existing instance.
Action: Check to make sure that all control files are listed.

ORA-01105: mount is incompatible with mounts by other instances
Cause: An attempt to mount the database discovered that another instance mounted a database by the same name, but the mount is not compatible. Additional errors are reported explaining why.
Action: See accompanying errors.

ORA-01106: database must be closed before dismounting
Cause: Obvious
Action: None

ORA-01107: database must be mounted for media recovery
Cause: An attempt to perform media recovery was made but the database is not mounted.
Action: Mount the database.

ORA-01108: file string is in backup or media recovery
Cause: Either media recovery is actively being applied to the file, or it is being backed up while the database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode. It cannot be used for normal database access or crash recovery.
Action: Complete or cancel the media recovery session or backup.

ORA-01109: database not open
Cause: A command was attempted that requires the database to be open.
Action: Open the database and try the command again

ORA-01110: data file string: 'string'
Cause: Reporting file name for details of another error
Action: See associated error message

ORA-01111: name for data file string is unknown - rename to correct file
Cause: The data file was missing from a CREATE CONTROLFILE command or backup control file recovery was done with a control file that was saved before the file was created.
Action: Rename the MISSING file to the name of the real file.

ORA-01112: media recovery not started
Cause: An attempt to continue media recovery is being made but media recovery was not started.
Action: None

ORA-01113: file string needs media recovery
Cause: An attempt was made to online or open a database with a file that is in need of media recovery.
Action: First apply media recovery to the file.

ORA-01114: IO error writing block to file string (block # string)
Cause: The device on which the file resides is probably offline. If the file is a temporary file, then it is also possible that the device has run out of space. This could happen because disk space of temporary files is not necessarily allocated at file creation time.
Action: Restore access to the device or remove unnecessary files to free up space.

ORA-01115: IO error reading block from file string (block # string)
Cause: Device on which the file resides is probably offline
Action: Restore access to the device

ORA-01116: error in opening database file string
Cause: Usually the file is not accessible.
Action: Restore the database file.

ORA-01117: adding file 'string' with illegal block size: string; limit is string
Cause: An attempt was made to add a database file with a block size that is greater than the maximum block size allowed.
Action: Retry the DDL command with a smaller block size.

ORA-01118: cannot add any more database files: limit of string exceeded
Cause: There is no more room in the control file for adding database files.
Action: Resize the control file or drop other tablespaces.

ORA-01119: error in creating database file 'string'
Cause: Usually due to not having enough space on the device.
Action: None

ORA-01120: cannot remove online database file string
Cause: Attempting to drop a datafile when it is online
Action: Take file offline before dropping.

ORA-01121: cannot rename database file string - file is in use or recovery
Cause: Attempted to use ALTER DATABASE RENAME to rename a datafile that is online in an open instance or is being recovered.
Action: Close database in all instances and end all recovery sessions.

ORA-01122: database file string failed verification check
Cause: The information in this file is inconsistent with information from the control file. See accompanying message for reason.
Action: Make certain that the db files and control files are the correct files for this database.

ORA-01123: cannot start online backup; media recovery not enabled
Cause: An attempt to start backup of an on-line tablespace failed because media recovery is not enabled.
Action: Enable media recovery and retry this operation.

ORA-01124: cannot recover data file string - file is in use or recovery
Cause: An attempt to do media recovery found that the file was not available for recovery. Either it is online and the database is open in some instance, or another process is curently doing media recovery on the file.
Action: Do not do media recovery.

ORA-01125: cannot disable media recovery - file string has online backup set
Cause: An attempt to disable media recovery found that an online backup is still in progress.
Action: End the backup of the offending tablespace and retry this command.

ORA-01126: database must be mounted in this instance and not open in any instance
Cause: Obvious
Action: None

ORA-01127: database name 'string' exceeds size limit of string characters
Cause: Obvious
Action: None

ORA-01128: cannot start online backup - file string is offline
Cause: An attempt to start an online backup found that one of the files is offline.
Action: Bring the offending files online and retry this command or do a cold backup.

ORA-01129: user's default or temporary tablespace does not exist
Cause: The user's default or temporary tablespace was dropped.
Action: Reassign the default or temporary tablespace.

ORA-01135: file string accessed for DML/query is offline
Cause: Attempted to access a data file that is offline
Action: Bring the data file back online

ORA-01136: specified size of file string (string blocks) is less than original size of string blocks
Cause: A file size was specified in the AS clause of ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE, and the size was smaller the the size needed
Action: Create the file with a larger size.

ORA-01137: data file string is still in the middle of going offline
Cause: It was not possible to get the lock for a file that is offline when attempting to bring it online. The most likely cause is that the lock is still held by the instance that is took it offline.
Action: Wait a bit and try to online the file again.

ORA-01138: database must either be open in this instance or not at all
Cause: The requested operation can not be done when the database is mounted but not open in this instance, and another instance has the database open.
Action: Execute the operation in an open instance, open the datbase in this instance, or close the database in the other instances.

ORA-01139: RESETLOGS option only valid after an incomplete database recovery
Cause: The RESETLOGS option was given in ALTER DATABASE OPEN, but there has been no incomplete recovery session.
Action: Retry the ALTER DATABASE OPEN without specifying RESETLOGS

ORA-01140: cannot end online backup - all files are offline or readonly
Cause: All the files were found to be offline or readonly when attempting to end an online backup.
Action: None. Online backup does not need to be ended for this tablespace.

ORA-01141: error renaming data file string - new file 'string' not found
Cause: An attempt to change a data file's name in the control file failed because no file was found with the new name.
Action: Make sure that the data file has been properly renamed by the operating system and retry.

ORA-01142: cannot end online backup - none of the files are in backup
Cause: None of the files were found to be in online backup when attempting to end an online backup.
Action: None. Online backup does not need to be ended for this tablespace.

ORA-01143: cannot disable media recovery - file string needs media recovery
Cause: An attempt to disable media recovery found a file that needs media recovery, thus media recovery cannot be disabled.
Action: Recover the offending file or drop the tablespace it belongs to and retry this command.

ORA-01144: File size (string blocks) exceeds maximum of string blocks
Cause: Specified file size is larger than maximum allowable size value.
Action: Specify a smaller size.

ORA-01145: offline immediate disallowed unless media recovery enabled
Action: Take tablespace offline normally or shutdown abort. Reconsider your backup strategy. You could do this if you were archiving your logs.

ORA-01146: cannot start online backup - file string is already in backup
Cause: When starting an online backup it was noticed that an online backup was already started for one of the data files.
Action: End the first backup before beginning another.

ORA-01147: SYSTEM tablespace file string is offline
Cause: A file belonging to the SYSTEM tablespace has been marked offline by the DBA. The database cannot be started until all SYSTEM tablespace files are online and openable.
Action: Bring the file online.

ORA-01148: cannot refresh file size for datafile string
Cause: An operating system or device error occurred when retrieving the file's size. The device on which the file resides may have been offline.
Action: Restore access to the device.

ORA-01149: cannot shutdown - file string has online backup set
Cause: An attempt to shutdown normally found that an online backup is still in progress.
Action: End the backup of the offending tablespace and retry this command.

ORA-01150: cannot prevent writes - file string has online backup set
Cause: An attempt to make a tablespace read only or offline normal found that an online backup is still in progress. It will be necessary to write the file header to end the backup, but that would not be allowed if this command succeeded.
Action: End the backup of the offending tablespace and retry this command.

ORA-01151: use media recovery to recover block, restore backup if needed
Cause: Error 1172 occurred.
Action: This is additional information for error 1172.

ORA-01152: file string was not restored from a sufficiently old backup
Cause: An incomplete recovery session was started, but an insufficient number of logs were applied to make the database consistent. This file is still in the future of the last log applied. The most likely cause of this error is forgetting to restore the file from a backup before doing incomplete recovery.
Action: Either apply more logs until the database is consistent or restore the database file from an older backup and repeat recovery.

ORA-01153: an incompatible media recovery is active
Cause: Attempted to start an incompatible media recovery or open resetlogs during media recovery or RMAN backup . Media recovery sessions are incompatible if they attempt to recover the same data file. Incomplete media recovery or open resetlogs is incompatible with any media recovery. Backup or restore by RMAN is incompatible with open resetlogs
Action: Complete or cancel the other media recovery session or RMAN backup

ORA-01154: database busy. Open, close, mount, and dismount not allowed now
Cause: Some operation is in progress that expects the opened/mounted state of this instance to remain the same.
Action: Wait for the operation to complete then retry. If attempting to do a shutdown, SHUTDOWN ABORT will work. If this is a shutdown of a standby database that is operating in NO DATA LOSS mode, you must shutdown the primary database first.

ORA-01155: the database is being opened, closed, mounted or dismounted
Cause: The requested operation needs the instance to be in a particular state but the state is being changed.
Action: Wait for the open, close, mount, or dismount to complete then retry the operation. If necessary, a SHUTDOWN ABORT will always work.

ORA-01156: recovery in progress may need access to files
Cause: Either media recovery or instance recovery is in progress. It may need the files this operation is being applied to.
Action: Wait for recovery to complete.

ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file string - see DBWR trace file
Cause: The background process was either unable to find one of the data files or failed to lock it because the file was already in use. The database will prohibit access to this file but other files will be unaffected. However the first instance to open the database will need to access all online data files. Accompanying error from the operating system describes why the file could not be identified.
Action: Have operating system make file available to database. Then either open the database or do ALTER SYSTEM CHECK DATAFILES.

ORA-01158: database string already mounted
Cause: Another instance has a database by this name mounted.
Action: Find which instance is still running. Perhaps you have not lost the control files after all.

ORA-01159: file is not from same database as previous files - wrong database id
Cause: Not all of the files specified in CREATE CONTROLFILE are from the same database. The database ID of this file does not match that from the first file specified.
Action: Please double check the list of files provided to the CREATE

ORA-01160: file is not a string
Cause: The named file in the DATAFILE or LOGFILE section of the CREATE CONTROLFILE command does not appear to be as stated.
Action: Please double check the mentioned file.

ORA-01161: database name string in file header does not match given name of string
Cause: The database name given at the command line does not match the database name found in the file header.
Action: Chance are good that the database name specified at the command line is incorrect. Resolve the descepency, and resubmit the command. If you are attempting to change the database name, be sure to use the SET DATABASE option.

ORA-01162: block size string in file header does not match configured block sizes
Cause: CREATE CONTROLFILE discovered that the block size for this file is incompatible with any of the configured cache blocksizes in the INIT.ORA file.
Action: Configure the appropriate cache for this block size using one of the various (db_2k_cache_size, db_4k_cache_size, db_8k_cache_size, db_16k_cache_size, db_32K_cache_size) parameters.

ORA-01163: SIZE clause indicates string (blocks), but should match header string
Cause: The size specified in bytes in the SIZE clause of the CREATE CONTROLFILE statement does not equate to the number of blocks recorded in the header.
Action: Specify the correct filename and size ( in bytes ).

ORA-01164: MAXLOGFILES may not exceed string
Cause: MAXLOGFILES specified on the command line too large.
Action: Resubmit the command with a smaller MAXLOGFILES

ORA-01165: MAXDATAFILES may not exceed string
Cause: MAXDATAFILES specified on the command line too large.
Action: Resubmit the command with a smaller MAXDATAFILES

ORA-01166: file number string is larger than string (string)
Cause: File mentioned in CREATE CONTROLFILE has a file number which is larger than that specified for MAXDATAFILES or MAXLOGFILES.
Action: Increase the maximum specified on the command line.

ORA-01167: two files are the same file/group number or the same file
Cause: There is an overlap of file numbers in the files specified on the command line or the same file is specified twice. If they are not the exact same file then one is likely to be a backup of the other. If they are two members of the same log they must be specified together in a group file spec. This message will also appear if the same control file appears more than once in the control_files parameter in the init.ora file. If this happens, check for additional error messages.
Action: Confirm that the file mentioned is not a repeat of a file already mentioned in the command. If they are different files then omit the earlier backup. If they are members of the same log, insure they are in the same group file specification. If this message appears because of a duplicate control file, check the control_files parameter in the init.ora file and see if a file is specified more than once. If all files names appear to be unique, check to make sure that the actual control files themselves are unique. For example, in UNIX check for a symbolic or a hard link to another control file in the list.

ORA-01168: physical block size string does not match size string of other members
Cause: The file is located on a device with a different physical block size than the other members in the group
Action: Use a physical device with matching block size.

ORA-01169: DATAFILE number 1 not found. Must be present
Cause: Datafile number 1 was not specified in a CREATE CONTROLFILE command.
Action: Locate datafile number 1 and resubmit the CREATE CONTROLFILE command.

ORA-01170: file not found 'string'
Cause: ALL datafiles and, if NORESETLOGS, ALL logfiles MUST be accessible by the process for CREATE CONTROLFILE.
Action: The file specified probably contains a typing error. Double check command and the existance of all files and then resubmit.

ORA-01171: datafile string going offline due to error advancing checkpoint
Cause: The checkpoint in the file header could not be advanced. See accompanying errors for the reason. The datafile will be taken offline the same as for a write error of a data block.
Action: See accompanying errors for details. Restore access to the file, do media recovery, and bring it back online.

ORA-01172: recovery of thread string stuck at block string of file string
Cause: Crash recovery or instance recovery could not apply a change to a block because it was not the next change. This can happen if the block was corrupted and then repaired during recovery.
Action: Do a RECOVER DATAFILE for the file containing the block. If this does not resolve the problem then restore the file from a backup and recover it.

ORA-01173: data dictionary indicates missing data file from system tablespace
Cause: Either the database has been recovered to a point in time in the future of the control file or a datafile from the system tablespace was omitted from the create control file command previously issued.
Action: For the former problem you need to recover the database from a more recent control file. For the latter problem, simply recreate the control file checking to be sure that you include all the datafiles in the system tablespace.

ORA-01174: DB_FILES is string buts needs to be string to be compatible
Cause: The maximum number of database files supported by this instance is not the same as for the other instances. All instances must be able to open all the files any instance can open.
Action: Change the value of the DB_FILES parameter to be compatible

ORA-01175: data dictionary has more than the string files allowed by the instance
Cause: The data dictionary is found to have more files than that which can be supported by this instance.
Action: Shutdown the instance and restart with a larger number of db_files

ORA-01176: data dictionary has more than the string files allowed by the controlfie
Cause: After a CREATE CONTROLFILE, the data dictionary was found to have more datafiles than that supported by the control file.
Action: Recreate the control file with a larger MAXDATAFILES.

ORA-01177: data file does not match dictionary - probably old incarnation
Cause: When comparing the control file with the data dictionary after a CREATE CONTROLFILE or OPEN RESETLOGS, it was noted that this datafile was inconsistent with the dictionary. Most likely the file is a backup of a file that was dropped from the database, and the same file number was reused for a new file. It may also be that an incomplete recovery stopped at a time when this file number was used for another datafile.
Action: Do a CREATE CONTROLFILE with the correct file or none at all.

ORA-01178: file string created before last CREATE CONTROLFILE, cannot recreate
Cause: Attempted to use ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE to recreate a datafile that existed at the last CREATE CONTROLFILE command. The information needed to recreate the file was lost with the control file that existed when the file was added to the database.
Action: Find a backup of the file, and recover it. Do incomplete recovery to time before file was originally created.

ORA-01179: file string does not exist
Cause: During datafile recovery, a file was listed which was not part for the database.
Action: Recheck the datafile name. Remember to use double quotes at the SQLDBA command line and remember that the file name is translated in the environment of the SQLDBA.

ORA-01180: can not create datafile 1
Cause: Attempting to create datafile 1 using ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE.
Action: Recover file from a backup or recreate database.

ORA-01181: file string created before last known RESETLOGS, cannot recreate
Cause: Attempted to use ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE to recreate a datafile that existed before the last known RESETLOGS.
Action: Find a backup of the file, and recover it. Do incomplete recovery to time before file was originally created.

ORA-01182: cannot create database file string - file is in use or recovery
Cause: Attempted to use ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE to recreate a datafile that is online in an open instance or is being recovered.
Action: Close database in all instances and end all recovery sessions

ORA-01183: cannot mount database in SHARED mode
Cause: Some other instance has the database mounted exclusive.
Action: Shutdown other instance then mount shared.

ORA-01184: logfile group string already exists
Cause: An ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE command specified a log number for the new log which is already in use.
Action: Specify a different logfile number, or let the database choose an unused value.

ORA-01185: logfile group number string is invalid
Cause: An ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE command specified a log number for the new log which is too large.
Action: Specify a correct logfile number.

ORA-01186: file string failed verification tests
Cause: The data file did not pass the checks to insure it is part of the database. See the accompanying error messages for the reason the verification failed.
Action: Make the correct file available to the database. Then, either open the database, or execute ALTER SYSTEM CHECK DATAFILES.

ORA-01187: cannot read from file string because it failed verification tests
Cause: The data file did not pass the checks to insure it is part of the database. Reads are not allowed until it is verified.
Action: Make the correct file available to the database. Then, either open the database, or execute ALTER SYSTEM CHECK DATAFILES.

ORA-01188: Block size string in header does not match physical block size string
Cause: A log file member given to CREATE CONTROLFILE is on a physical device that has a different block size than the device originally used to create the log.
Action: Move the file to a device with the correct block size or use the RESETLOGS option to CREATE CONTROLFILE.

ORA-01189: file is from a different RESETLOGS than previous files
Cause: In a CREATE CONTROLFILE command either this file or all previous files were backups from before the last RESETLOGS. This may also occur if this is a file that is offline and has been offline since before the last RESETLOGS.
Action: If the file was taken offline normal before the last RESETLOGS, and is still offline, omit it from the CREATE CONTROLFILE command. Rename and online the file after the database is open. Otherwise find the version of the mentioned file consistent with the rest of the datafiles and resubmit the command.

ORA-01190: control file or data file string is from before the last RESETLOGS
Cause: Attempting to use a data file when the log reset information in the file does not match the control file. Either the data file or the control file is a backup that was made before the most recent ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS.
Action: Restore file from a more recent backup.

ORA-01191: file string is already offline - cannot do a normal offline
Cause: When attempting to do a normal tablespace offline it was discovered that one of the files in the tablespace was already offline.
Action: Either bring the datafile online first, or use another tablespace offline option.

ORA-01192: must have at least one enabled thread
Cause: You must specify at least two logfiles from at least one thread at the create contolfile command line.
Action: Find the missing logfiles and resubmit the command with the newly found logfiles included in the command line.

ORA-01193: file string is not the same file seen at start of recovery
Cause: A different copy of the file was accessed the last time media recovery looked at the file header. A backup of the file was restored or the meaning of the file name changed during recovery.
Action: Ensure the correct file is available, then retry recovery.

ORA-01194: file string needs more recovery to be consistent
Cause: An incomplete recovery session was started, but an insufficient number of logs were applied to make the file consistent. The reported file was not closed cleanly when it was last opened by the database. It must be recovered to a time when it was not being updated. The most likely cause of this error is forgetting to restore the file from a backup before doing incomplete recovery.
Action: Either apply more logs until the file is consistent or restore the file from an older backup and repeat recovery.

ORA-01195: online backup of file string needs more recovery to be consistent
Cause: An incomplete recovery session was started, but an insufficient number of logs were applied to make the file consistent. The reported file is an online backup which must be recovered to the time the backup ended.
Action: Either apply more logs until the file is consistent or restore the database files from an older backup and repeat recovery.

ORA-01196: file string is inconsistent due to a failed media recovery session
Cause: The file was being recovered but the recovery did not terminate normally. This left the file in an inconsistent state. No more recovery was successfully completed on this file.
Action: Either apply more logs until the file is consistent or restore the backup again and repeat recovery.

ORA-01197: thread string only contains one log
Cause: During CREATE CONTROLFILE all threads represented in the logs must be represented by at least two logs. A "last log" and a second log. The named thread does not contain two such logs.
Action: Either find more logs from the named thread. Or use the RESETLOGS option to CREATE CONTROLFILE.

ORA-01198: must specify size for log file if RESETLOGS
Cause: File sizes must be given for all logfiles if doing a CREATE CONTROLFILE with the RESETLOGS option.
Action: Resubmit the command with the appropriate logfile size.

ORA-01199: file string is not in online backup mode
Cause: Attempting to end an online backup for a file that is not in online backup.
Action: Do not enter command since it is not needed.

ORA-01200: actual file size of string is smaller than correct size of string blocks
Cause: The size of the file as returned by the operating system is smaller than the size of the file as indicated in the file header and the control file. Somehow the file has been truncated. Maybe it is the result of a half completed copy.
Action: Restore a good copy of the data file and do recovery as needed.

ORA-01201: file string header failed to write correctly
Cause: An I/O error was reported for the file header. The error was trapped and a second attempt will be made.
Action: The file probably will require recovery. Further error messages will indicate what is needed.

ORA-01202: wrong incarnation of this file - wrong creation time
Cause: The creation time in the file header is not the same as the creation time in the control file. This is probably a copy of a file that was dropped.
Action: Restore a current copy of the data file and do recovery as needed.

ORA-01203: wrong incarnation of this file - wrong creation SCN
Cause: The creation SCN in the file header is not the same as the creation SCN in the control file. This is probably a copy of a file that was dropped.
Action: Restore a current copy of the data file and do recovery as needed.

ORA-01204: file number is string rather than string - wrong file
Cause: The file number in the file header is not correct. This is probably a restored backup of the wrong file, but from the same database.
Action: Restore a copy of the correct data file and do recovery as needed.

ORA-01205: not a data file - type number in header is string
Cause: The file type in the header is not correct for a data file. This is probably a log file or control file. If the type is not a small non-zero positive number then the header is corrupted.
Action: Restore a copy of the correct data file and do recovery as needed.

ORA-01206: file is not part of this database - wrong database id
Cause: The database ID in the file header does not match the database id in the control file. The file may be from a different database, or it may not be a database file at all. If the database was rebuilt, this may be a file from before the rebuild. Note that if you see this error when the file is supposed to be plugged in from another database via the Transportable Tablespace feature, it means the database ID in the file header does not match the one expected.
Action: Restore a copy of the correct data file and do recovery as needed.

ORA-01207: file is more recent than control file - old control file
Cause: The control file change sequence number in the data file is greater than the number in the control file. This implies that the wrong control file is being used. Note that repeatedly causing this error can make it stop happening without correcting the real problem. Every attempt to open the database will advance the control file change sequence number until it is great enough.
Action: Use the current control file or do backup control file recovery to make the control file current. Be sure to follow all restrictions on doing a backup control file recovery.

ORA-01208: data file is an old version - not accessing current version
Cause: The checkpoint in the file header is less recent than in the control file. If opening a database that is already open by another instance, or if another instance just brought this file online, the file accessed by this instance is probably a different version. Otherwise, a backup of the file probably was restored while the file was in use.
Action: Make the correct file available to the database. Then, either open the database, or execute ALTER SYSTEM CHECK DATAFILES.

ORA-01209: data file is from before the last RESETLOGS
Cause: The reset log data in the file header does not match the control file. If the database is closed or the file is offline, the backup is old because it was taken before the last ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS command. If opening a database that is open already by another instance, or if another instance just brought this file online, the file accessed by this instance is probably a different version. Otherwise, a backup of the file probably was restored while the file was in use.
Action: Make the correct file available to the database. Then, either open the database, or execute ALTER SYSTEM CHECK DATAFILES.

ORA-01210: data file header is media corrupt
Cause: The file header block is internally inconsistent. The beginning of the block has a header with a checksum and other data for insuring the consistancy of the block. It is possible that the last disk write did not operate correctly. The most likely problem is that this is not a datafile for any database.
Action: Have operating system make correct file available to database. If the trace file dump indicates that only the checksum is wrong, restore from a backup and do media recovery.

ORA-01211: Oracle7 data file is not from migration to Oracle8
Cause: The file is not a copy of the file LAST used under Oracle7. This datafile is either a backup taken from before the migration, or the database was opened by Oracle7 after the migration utility was run. When converting a database from Oracle7 to Oracle8, the migration program MUST be the LAST utility to access the database under Oracle7. Only the datafiles that were current when the migration was done may be accessed by Oracle8.
Action: Have operating system make correct data file available to database, or repeat the Oracle7 to Oracle8 migration. Make sure that database is NOT opened after migration utility is run.

ORA-01212: MAXLOGMEMBERS may not exceed string
Cause: MAXLOGMEMBERS specified on the command line too large.
Action: Resubmit the command with a smaller MAXLOGMEMBERS

ORA-01213: MAXINSTANCES may not exceed string
Cause: MAXINSTANCES specified on the command line too large.
Action: Resubmit the command with a smaller MAXINSTANCES

ORA-01214: MAXLOGHISTORY may not exceed string
Cause: MAXLOGHISTORY specified on the command line too large.
Action: Resubmit the command with a smaller MAXLOGHISTORY

ORA-01215: enabled thread string is missing after CREATE CONTROLFILE
Cause: A CREATE CONTROLFILE statement was given which did not list all the enabled threads for the database.
Action: Reissue the CREATE CONTROLFILE statement, including all enabled threads.

ORA-01216: thread string is expected to be disabled after CREATE CONTROLFILE
Cause: A thread that was given during CREATE CONTROLFILE is enabled, but the datafiles indicate that it should be disabled. This is probably because the logs supplied to the CREATE CONTROLFILE are old (from before the disabling of the thread).
Action: This thread is not required to run the database. The CREATE CONTROLFILE statement can be reissued without the problem thread, and, if desired, the thread can be recreated after the database is open.

ORA-01217: logfile member belongs to a different logfile group
Cause: A member of a multiple-member logfile group specified in a CREATE CONTROLFILE is not part of the same group as previous members.
Action: Group together the correct members for the CREATE CONTROLFILE command.

ORA-01218: logfile member is not from the same point-in-time
Cause: A member of a multiple-member logfile group is from a different point in time. One of the members specified may be an older (backup) copy of the log.
Action: Find the correct version of the log, or leave it out of the CREATE CONTROLFILE command.

ORA-01219: database not open: queries allowed on fixed tables/views only
Cause: A query was issued against an object not recognized as a fixed table or fixed view before the database has been opened.
Action: Re-phrase the query to include only fixed objects, or open the database.

ORA-01220: file based sort illegal before database is open
Cause: A query issued against a fixed table or view required a temporary segment for sorting before the database was open. Only in-memory sorts are supported before the database is open.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid a large sort, increase the values of the SORT_AREA_SIZE and/or SORT_AREA_RETAINED_SIZE initialization parameters to enable the sort to be done in memory.

ORA-01221: data file string is not the same file to a background process
Cause: When the database writer opens the data file, it is accessing a different physical file than the foreground doing the recovery. The timestamp set in the file header by the foreground was not found by the background. It may be that the background process could not read the file at all.
Action: Look in the DBWR trace file for the error it recieved when attempting to read the file header. Reconfigure the operating system as needed to have the file name successfully access the same file when opened by a background process.

ORA-01222: MAXINSTANCES of string requires MAXLOGFILES be at least string, not string
Cause: Attemping to create a database or control file that does not have room for at least two logs per thread of redo. A thread of redo must have two online logs in order to be enabled. It does not make sense to allow more redo threads than can be supported by the logs.
Action: Either reduce the MAXINSTANCES argument or increase MAXLOGFILES.

ORA-01223: RESETLOGS must be specified to set a new database name
Cause: The SET database name option was specified to CREATE CONTROLFILE, but RESETLOGS was not specified. The database name can only be changed when opening the database with RESETLOGS.
Action: Either add the RESETLOGS option or drop the SET option to CREATE CONTROLFILE.

ORA-01224: group number in header string does not match GROUP string
Cause: Group number specified at CREATE CONTROLFILE does not match the group number stored in the header. Most likely the specification is wrong.
Action: Omit the GROUP option or give the correct one.

ORA-01225: thread number string is greater than MAXINSTANCES string
Cause: The log is for a thread greater than the MAXINSTANCES argument.
Action: Increase the value for MAXINSTANCES and resubmit the command.

ORA-01226: file header of log member is inconsistent with other members
Cause: The log file member in the accompanying error is for the same group as the previous members, but other fields in the header are different. Either a file header is corrupted, or some file is a member of a deleted log.
Action: Find the correct log member or omit this member from the command.

ORA-01227: log string is inconsistent with other logs
Cause: The log file in the accompanying error is inconsistent with the contents of other logs given in the CREATE CONTROLFILE command. Either a file header is corrupted, or some file is an old copy rather than the current version. The problem may not be with the log listed since all that can be detected is that there is an inconsistancy. All log files listed in the command must be the current versions of the online logs.
Action: Find the correct online logs or use the RESETLOGS option.

ORA-01228: SET DATABASE option required to install seed database
Cause: The SET DATABASE option was not included in the CREATE CONTROLFILE command when installing a seed database. The database does not have a database ID because it is intended to be installed at multiple sites, and each site needs to be a different database with its own database id. Both the SET DATABASE and RESETLOGS options must be specified to create the control file for this database.
Action: Resubmit command with the SET DATABASE and RESETLOGS options.

ORA-01229: data file string is inconsistent with logs
Cause: The data file in the accompanying error is inconsistent with the contents of the logs given in the CREATE CONTROLFILE command. The most likely cause is that one or more of the online logs was missing from the command. It is also possible that one or more of the logs is an old copy rather than the current version. All online log files must be listed in the command and must be the current versions of the online logs.
Action: Find the correct online logs or use the RESETLOGS option.

ORA-01230: cannot make read only - file string is offline
Cause: An attempt to make a tablespace read only found that one of its files is offline.
Action: Bring the file online and retry this command.

ORA-01231: cannot make read write - file string is offline
Cause: An attempt to make a tablespace read write found that one of its files is offline.
Action: Bring the file online and retry this command.

ORA-01232: cannot start online backup - file string is being made read-only
Cause: An attempt to start an online backup found that one of the files is in transition to read-only mode.
Action: Wait for the transition to complete and then retry the command, if this is an ALTER DATABASE BEGIN BACKUP command, or take the backup without any begin or end commands, if this is an ALTER TABLESPACE BEGIN BACKUP command.

ORA-01233: file string is read only - cannot recover using backup control file
Cause: An attempt to do media recovery using a backup control file found that one of the files is marked read only. Read only files do not normally need to be recovered, but recovery with a backup control file must recover all online files.
Action: If the file really is read only, take it offline before the recovery, and bring the read only tablespace online after the database is open. If the file does need recovery use a control file from the time the file was read-write. If the correct control file is not available, use CREATE CONTROLFILE to make one.

ORA-01234: cannot end backup of file string - file is in use or recovery
Cause: Attempted to end an online backup of file when the file is busy. Some operation such as recovery or rename may be active, or there may still be some instance that has the database open with this file online.
Action: If there is an instance with the database open then the backup can be ended there by using the ALTER TABLESPACE command. Otherwise wait for the completion of the other operation.

ORA-01235: END BACKUP failed for string file(s) and succeeded for string
Cause: One or more of the files in an end backup command failed. Some other files given in the same command may have succeeded.
Action: See the accompanying error messages for the reason the backups could not be ended. Any files not listed in the error messages were successful.

ORA-01236: Error string occurred during initialization of file header access
Cause: The indicated error occurred while doing initialization processing of file headers.
Action: The error indicated should be corrected. An attempt is made to recover from this error by using a slower access algorithm.

ORA-01237: cannot extend datafile string
Cause: An operating system error occurred during the resize.
Action: Fix the cause of the operating system error and retry the command.

ORA-01238: cannot shrink datafile string
Cause: An operating system error occurred during the resize.
Action: The error is ignored, operation continues normally.

ORA-01239: database must be in ARCHIVELOG mode to use external cache
Cause: An online file uses an external cache, but the database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode. Since an external cache may require media recovery this can not be allowed.
Action: Change database to be in ARCHIVELOG mode or do not use an external cache.

ORA-01240: too many data files to add in one command
Cause: The command specifies adding more data files than can be done in one command. It is necessary to fit all the file names into one log entry, but that would make the entry too large.
Action: If this is a CREATE TABLESPACE command, create with fewer files then add the other files later. If this is an ADD DATAFILE command, break it up into multiple commands.

ORA-01241: an external cache has died
Cause: The external cache may have been restarted.
Action: Take the file mentioned in the error stack offline, perform media recovery, bring the file online, and retry the attempted operation. You may also restart all instances to make sure they access all data files through consistent external caches.

ORA-01242: data file suffered media failure: database in NOARCHIVELOG mode
Cause: The database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode and a database file was detected as inaccessible due to media failure.
Action: Restore accessibility to the file mentioned in the error stack and restart the instance.

ORA-01243: system tablespace file suffered media failure
Cause: A system tablespace file was detected as inaccessible due to media failure.
Action: Restore accessibility to the file mentioned in the error stack and restart the instance.

ORA-01244: unnamed datafile(s) added to control file by media recovery
Cause: Media recovery with a backup control file or a control file that was rebuilt, encountered the creation of a datafile that was not in the control file. An entry has been added to the control file for the new datafiles, but with the file name UNNAMEDnnnn, where nnnn is the file number. Attached errors describe the file names that were originally used to create the files.
Action: Rename the files to valid file names and resume recovery. If necessary the command ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE may be used to create a file suitable for recovery and do the rename. If the file is not going to be recovered then take it offline with the FOR DROP option.

ORA-01245: offline file string will be lost if RESETLOGS is done
Cause: Attempting to do an OPEN RESETLOGS with a file that will be lost because it is offline. The file was not taken offline with the FOR DROP option.
Action: Either bring the file online and recover it, or take it offline with the FOR DROP option.

ORA-01246: recovering files through TSPITR of tablespace string
Cause: The files named in the accompanying errors are backups that were made before a tablespace point in time recovery of this tablespace. They cannot be recovered to a time after the point in time recovery.
Action: Restore more recent backups and recover them.

ORA-01247: database recovery through TSPITR of tablespace string
Cause: Recovery of the whole database encountered redo indicating there was a point in time recovery of the tablespace. The new version of the files in the tablespace should be included in the recovery, but that was not done.
Action: If the tablespace should not be recovered, take its file offline for drop. If it should be recovered, then restore or rename as needed and restart the recovery.

ORA-01248: file string was created in the future of incomplete recovery
Cause: Attempting to do a RESETLOGS open with a file entry in the control file that was originally created after the UNTIL time of the incomplete recovery. Allowing such an entry may hide the version of the file that is needed at this time. The file number may be in use for a different file which would be lost if the RESETLOGS was allowed.
Action: If more recovery is desired then apply redo until the creation time of the file is reached. If the file is not wanted and the same file number is not in use at the stop time of the recovery, then the file can be taken offline with the FOR DROP option. Otherwise a different control file is needed to allow the RESETLOGS. Another backup can be restored and recovered, or a control file can be created via CREATE CONTROLFILE.

ORA-01249: archiving not allowed in a clone database
Cause: Attempting to archive an online redo log or enable archiving for a clone database.
Action: Do not attempt to archive from a clone. The archive log destination could easily be the same as the primary database destroying its archived logs. If archiving is needed then recreate database as not a clone.

ORA-01250: Error string occurred during termination of file header access
Cause: The indicated error occurred while terminating the processing of file headers. The error was other than a write error.
Action: The indicated error should be corrected.

ORA-01251: Unknown File Header Version read for file number string
Cause: Read of the file header returned a record but its version cannot be identified. Either the header has been corrupted, or the file is not a valid database file.
Action: Have the operating system make the correct file available to the database, or recover the file.

ORA-01252: cannot prevent writes - file string in recovery manager backup
Cause: An attempt to make a tablespace read only or offline normal found that a recovery manager proxy backup is in progress. If the file is made offline or read-only, then the file header cannot be updated when the backup is complete.
Action: Wait for the Recovery Manager backup to complete and retry this command.

ORA-01253: cannot start online backup - file string in recovery manager backup
Cause: The specified file is being backed up by Recovery Manager.
Action: Wait for the Recovery Manager proxy backup to complete before starting another backup.

ORA-01254: cannot end online backup - file string in recovery manager backup
Cause: The specified file is being backed up by Recovery Manager.
Action: Wait for the Recovery Manager proxy backup to complete. Recovery Manager backup mode cannot be initiated or terminated manually.

ORA-01255: cannot shutdown - file string in recovery manager backup
Cause: An attempt to shutdown normally found that a Recovery Manager backup is still in progress.
Action: Wait for the Recovery Manager proxy backup to complete and retry this command.

ORA-01256: error in locking database file string
Cause: The file is in use by another database instance.
Action: Determine which database instance legitimately owns the file.

ORA-01257: cannot reuse database file string, unknown file size
Cause: The size of the raw partion cannot be determined
Action: Add the datafile/logfile by specifying the size parameter.

ORA-01258: unable to delete temporary file string
Cause: A DROP TABLESPACE INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES or ALTER DATABASE TEMPFILE DROP INCLUDING DATAFILES operation was not able to delete a temporary file in the database.
Action: Subsequent errors describe the operating system error that prevented the file deletion. Fix the problem, if possible, and manually purge the file.

ORA-01259: unable to delete datafile string
Cause: A DROP TABLESPACE INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES operation was not able to delete a datafile in the tablespace.
Action: Subsequent errors describe the operating system error that prevented the file deletion. Fix the problem, if possible, and manually purge the file.

ORA-01260: warning: END BACKUP succeeded but some files found not to be in backup mode
Cause: END BACKUP completed successfully for all files that were in online backup mode. However one or more modifiable files were found not to be in online backup mode. Backup of those files (if it was done) can be invalid and, if restored, can result in an inconsistent database.
Action: Check the alert log for a list of the files that were found not to be in backup mode. If there is a possibility that those files have been modified during online backup, then replace their backups with new ones.

ORA-01261: Parameter string destination string cannot be translated
Cause: The value for the specified parameter contained a destination string that could not be translated.
Action: Use a valid destination string in the specified parameter.

ORA-01262: Stat failed on a file destination directory
Cause: Unable to get information about an Oracle managed files destination directory.
Action: Check the permissions on the directory or use a different directory name.

ORA-01263: Name given for file destination directory is invalid
Cause: The name given for an Oracle managed files destination does not correspond to a directory.
Action: Use a different name.

ORA-01264: Unable to create string file name
Cause: Unable to create an Oracle managed file name.
Action: , if possible, and retry the command.

ORA-01265: Unable to delete string string
Cause: An error prevented the file from being deleted.
Action: See the subsequent error messsages that describe the operating system error that prevented the file from being deleted. If possible, fix the problem and manually delete the file.

ORA-01266: Unable to create unique file name
Cause: Unable to create a unique file name for an Oracle managed file. Oracle tried several names but each file name was already in use in the default destination directory for the file type.
Action: Retry the operation. If that fails, also, it may be necessary to change the default destination directory for the file type and then retry.

ORA-01267: Failure getting date/time
Cause: Could not get date/time when trying to create unique file name.
Action: Internal error - contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-01268: invalid TEMPFILE clause for alter of permanent TABLESPACE
Cause: A TEMPFILE clause was specified for an ALTER TABLESPACE for a permanent tablespace.
Action: Retry with a DATAFILE clause.

ORA-01269: Destination parameter string is too long
Cause: The value for DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST, DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_DEST_n or DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST parameter was too long.
Action: Replace the destination value for the specified parameter with a shorter character string.

ORA-01270: string operation is not allowed if STANDBY_PRESERVES_NAMES is true
Cause: An operation that renames or adds/drops a file was attempted at a standby database and STANDBY_PRESERVES_NAMES is true.
Action: Set STANDBY_PRESERVES_NAMES false if the operation must be performed.

ORA-01271: Unable to create new file name for file string
Cause: During standby database recovery an error occurred when trying to create a new file name for the indicated file.
Action: Use the ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE command with a new unique name and then resume the standby database recovery.

ORA-01272: REUSE only allowed when a file name is provided.
Cause: The REUSE parameter was specified in a command without a file name.
Action: Either supply a file name or remove the REUSE parameter.

ORA-01273: STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT = AUTO needs COMPATIBLE = string or higher
Cause: Automated standby file management was disabled, so an added file
Action: Restart the instance with COMPATIBLE set to the correct release.

ORA-01274: cannot add datafile 'string' - file could not be created
Cause: Automated standby file management was disabled, so an added file could not automatically be created on the standby. The error from the creation attempt is displayed in another message. The control file file entry for the file is 'UNNAMEDnnnnn'.
Action: Use the ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE statement to create the file, or set STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT to AUTO and restart standby recovery.

ORA-01275: Operation string is not allowed if standby file management is automatic.
Cause: An operation that renames, adds, or drops a file was attempted at a standby database and STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT was set to AUTO.
Action: Set STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT to MANUAL if the operation must be performed.

ORA-01276: Cannot add file string. File has an Oracle Managed Files file name.
Cause: An attempt was made to add to the database a datafile, log file, control file, snapshot control file, backup control file, datafile copy, control file copy or backuppiece with an Oracle Managed Files file name.
Action: Retry the operation with a new file name.

ORA-01277: file 'string' already exists
Cause: An ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE TO TRACE AS 'filename' command specified a file name which is already in use.
Action: Either specify a different file name, or add the REUSE parameter to the command to overwrite the existing file.

ORA-01278: error creating file 'string'
Cause: An operating system error occurred while attempting to create a trace file specified in the command ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE TO TRACE AS 'filename'.
Action: Check the error stack for more detailed information.

ORA-01279: db_files too large
Cause: db_files has been set too high to be supported by the system.
Action: Decrease the number of db_files.

ORA-01280: Fatal LogMiner Error.
Cause: An internal error has occurred inside LogMiner.
Action: None

ORA-01281: SCN range specified is invalid
Cause: StartSCN may be greater than EndSCN, or the SCN specified may be invalid.
Action: Specify a valid SCN range.

ORA-01282: date range specified is invalid
Cause: startTime may be greater than endTime. startTime or endTime may be greater than year 2110. startTime may be less than year 1988.
Action: Specify a valid date range.

ORA-01283: Options specified is invalid
Cause: The specified options parameter is invalid for the procedure.
Action: Specify valid Options parameter.

ORA-01284: file string cannot be opened
Cause: The file or directory may not exist or may be inaccessible. Pathname exceeds 256 characters.
Action: Ensure that the file and the directory exist and are accessible.

ORA-01285: error reading file string
Cause: The file or directory may not exist or is inaccessible.
Action: Specify valid file or directory. Make sure that file and directory are accessible.

ORA-01286: start interval required
Cause: Options were supplied which require a starting time or starting SCN
Action: Specify a starting interval (time or SCN).

ORA-01287: file string is from a different database incarnation
Cause: The logfile is produced by a different incarnation of the database.
Action: Add a logfile that is produced by the same incarnation.

ORA-01288: cannot apply this DDL to the Logminer Dictionary
Cause: A command that is not supported by Logminer was present in a logfile. Commands that change the character set of the database are not supported by Logminer. "ALTER DATABASE SET TIME_ZONE" is not supported by Logminer.
Action: Do not execute unsupported commands when using Streams, Logical Standby, or Logminer. Turn off DDL tracking in order for Logminer to skip unsupported commands.

ORA-01289: cannot add duplicate logfile string
Cause: The logfile specified has already been added to the list of logfiles.
Action: Specify a different logfile.

ORA-01290: cannot remove unlisted logfile string
Cause: The user attempted to remove a logfile that is not present in the list.
Action: Specify a valid logfile.

ORA-01291: missing logfile
Cause: Not all logfiles corresponding to the time or scn range specified have been added to the list.
Action: Check the v$logmnr_logs view to determine the missing scn range, and add the relevant logfiles.

ORA-01292: no log file has been specified for the current LogMiner session
Cause: No logfile has been specified for the LogMiner session.
Action: Specify atleast one log file.

ORA-01293: mounted database required for specified LogMiner options
Cause: Options were specified which required the database to be mounted
Action: Specify different options or mount the database.

ORA-01294: error occurred while processing information in dictionary file string, possible corruption
Cause: The dictionary file is corrupt.
Action: Get a new dictionary file.

ORA-01295: DB_ID mismatch between dictionary string and logfiles
Cause: The dictionary file is produced by a database that is different from that produced the logfiles.
Action: Specify a compatible dictionary file.

ORA-01296: character set mismatch between dictionary string and logfiles
Cause: The character set of the database that produced the dictionary file is different from the charatcter set of the database that produced the logfiles.
Action: Specify a dictionary file with the same character set.

ORA-01297: redo version mismatch between dictionary string and logfiles
Cause: The redo version of the database generating the dictionary is different from the one generating the logfiles.
Action: None

ORA-01298: conflicting dictionary option
Cause: More than one dictionary source was specified or DDL_DICT_TRACKING was specified with DICT_FROM_ONLINE_CATALOG.
Action: None

ORA-01299: dictionary string corresponds to a different database incarnation
Cause: The dictionary file was extracted from a different incarnation of the database.
Action: Specify a dictionary file extracted from the correct database incarnation.

ORA-01300: writable database required for specified LogMiner options
Cause: Options were specified which required the database to be writable.
Action: Specify different options or open the database for write access.

ORA-01301: error writing to file during flat file build
Cause: Error writing to file during flat file build
Action: None

ORA-01302: dictionary build options missing or incorrect
Cause: Missing dictionary build options or incorrectly specified options
Action: Specify either a build to redo log or to flat file. If build to flat file, specify filename and directory.

ORA-01303: subordinate process error: number. Check alert and trace logs
Cause: A process subordinate to this Logminer process has exited with this error status.
Action: Search for this error in the alert log and trace files for additional information.

ORA-01304: subordinate process error. Check alert and trace logs
Cause: A process subordinate to this Logminer process has exited with an error condition.
Action: Look in the alert log and trace files for additional information.

ORA-01306: dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr() must be invoked before selecting from v$logmnr_contents
Cause: A select was issued from v$logmnr_contents without first invoking the dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr() procedure.
Action: Invoke the dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr() procedure before issuing a select from the v$logmnr_contents view.

ORA-01307: no LogMiner session is currently active
Cause: A select was issued from v$logmnr_contents without first invoking the dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr() procedure. Otherwise, dbms_logmnr.end_logmnr() was called without a prior call to dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr() or dbms_logmnr.add_logfile()
Action: Invoke the dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr() procedure before issuing a select from the v$logmnr_contents view.

ORA-01308: initialization parameter utl_file_dir is not set
Cause: utl_file_dir is not set in the initialization file.
Action: Set utl_file_dir to the appropriate directory.

ORA-01309: invalid session
Cause: The specified Logminer session ID or session handle is invalid.
Action: Use a valid Logminer session ID or session handle.

ORA-01310: requested return type not supported by the lcr_mine function
Cause: The return type requested by the user is not supported by lcr_mine"
Action: Pick a return type supported by the lcr_mine function"

ORA-01311: Illegal invocation of the mine_value function
Cause: An attempt was made to use mine_value function on a column other than redo_value or undo_value columns of SYS.X$LOGMNR_CONTENTS or SYS.V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS fixed table/view.
Action: Rewrite the SQL statement with a legal invocation of mine_value

ORA-01312: Specified table/column does not exist
Cause: The table/column specified in the lcr_mine call does not exist at the the specified SCN. The table/column definition has to exist at the start SCN specified for lcr_mine to be able to identify the table/column correctly.
Action: Create a LogMiner session at a start SCN at which the table definition is available.

ORA-01313: LogMiner dictionary column type different from specified type
Cause: The return type specified for the column in lcr_mine call is different from the actual type of the column.
Action: Rewrite the lcr_mine invocation with the right return type.

ORA-01314: Name of the column to be mined should be a string literal
Cause: The fully qualified name of the column to be mined by the LogMiner functions should be string literal.
Action: If the fully qualified name of the column to be mined is a.b.c.d, enclose the column name in quotes as in 'a.b.c.d'.

ORA-01315: Log file has been added or removed during select
Cause: A redo log file has been added or removed while selecting on the v$logmnr_logs fixed view.
Action: Re-issue the SQL select statement on the v$logmnr_logs view.

ORA-01316: Already attached to a Logminer session
Cause: A Logminer attach session was issued while already attached to a Logminer session.
Action: Detach from the current Logminer session and attach to the requested session.

ORA-01317: Not attached to a Logminer session
Cause: A command or procedure was issued which requires an attached Logminer session.
Action: Attach to a Logminer session before issuing the command or procedure.

ORA-01319: Invalid Logminer session attribute
Cause: A session attribute was supplied which is invalid.
Action: Re-issue with valid session attribute.

ORA-01320: Invalid Logminer dictionar attribute
Cause: A Logminer dictionary attribute was supplied which is invalid.
Action: Re-issue with valid dictionary attribute.

ORA-01321: No Logminer Dictionary for requested start SCN
Cause: The requested session start SCN is less than the SCN of any available Logminer Dictionary build. It is not possible to unwind a Logminer Dictionary to the requested start SCN.
Action: Re-issue the start_logminer request with a start SCN for which a Logminer Dictionary is available.

ORA-01322: No such table
Cause: An non-existent table was supplied to Logminer include_src_tbl() or exclude_src_table().
Action: Re-issue with valid table name.

ORA-01323: Invalid state
Cause: A Logminer routine was called from the wrong state.
Action: None

ORA-01324: cannot add file string due to DB_ID mismatch
Cause: The logfile is produced by a different database than other logfiles already added to the list.
Action: Specify a logfile produced by the same database.

ORA-01325: archive log mode must be enabled to build into the logstream
Cause: Database does not have archivelog mode enabled.
Action: Mount the database, then issue commands to enable archivelog mode. startup pfile=init.ora mount alter database archivelog alter database open

ORA-01326: compatability of 9.0 or greater required to build into the logstream
Cause: Compatibility mode set to some value less than 9.0
Action: Ensure that init.ora parameter establishing a compatability of 9.0 or greater is set. For example: compatible=

ORA-01327: failed to exclusively lock system dictionary as required by build
Cause: Other users are performing DDL operations.
Action: None

ORA-01328: only one build operation may occur at one time
Cause: Another processes is simultaneously attempting to run build();
Action: Wait until the other processes completes.

ORA-01329: unable to truncate required build table
Cause: The table may be missing, or locked by another user.
Action: None

ORA-01332: internal Logminer Dictionary error
Cause: Unexpected error condition
Action: Check trace and/or alert logs

ORA-01333: failed to establish Logminer Dictionary
Cause: No previously established Logminer Dictionary is available and a complete gather of a source system data dictionary was not found in the logstream. build() may not have been run to force the gathering of a source system data dictiony. Or add_log_file() may not have been called to add all log files which contain the complete gathered system data dictionary.
Action: If build() was not employed prior to this mining session the Logminer Ad Hoc user may elect to employ an alternate dictionary such as the current system catalog or a previously built flat file dictionary. Other Logminer clients must run build() prior to mining. If build() has been run, ensure that all logfiles which comprise the gathered system dictionary have beed added. The following query, run on the system which build() was run, can be helpful in identifying the requried files. select DICTIONARY_BEGIN, DICTIONARY_END, name from v$archived_log; Minimally a set of files beginning with one which has DICTIONARY_BEGIN = 'YES' and all following log files through one marked DICTIONARY_END = 'YES' must be added.

ORA-01334: invalid or missing logminer dictionary processes context
Cause: Unexpected internal error condition
Action: None

ORA-01336: specified dictionary file cannot be opened
Cause: The dictionary file or directory does not exist or is inaccessible.
Action: Make sure that the dictionary file and directory exist and are accessible.

ORA-01337: log file has a different compatibility version
Cause: The logfile has a different compatibility version then the rest of the logfile in the session"
Action: Make sure that the logfile has the same compatibility version as the rest of the logfiles in the session.

ORA-01338: Other process is attached to LogMiner session
Cause: Can not do this when other process is attached to LogMiner session.
Action: None

ORA-01339: LogMiner BUILD: Error copying system catalog metadata to LogMiner dictionary
Cause: Unexpected result while accessing system catalog metadata.
Action: Check the alert log.

ORA-01340: NLS error
Cause: Could not load NLS package.
Action: None

ORA-01341: LogMiner out-of-memory
Cause: The LogMiner session requires more system resources than is currently available.
Action: Allocate more SGA for LogMiner.

ORA-01342: LogMiner can not resume session due to inability of staging checkpointed data
Cause: Logmnr can not resume session because there is not enough SGA memory available to read in checkpointed data. Logminer periodically checkpoints data to enable faster crash recovery.
Action: Specify a bigger max_sga for the given LogMiner session and try again.

ORA-01343: LogMiner encountered corruption in the logstream
Cause: Log file is missing a range of scn values.
Action: Verify the contiguity of the scn range reprented by the log files added to LogMiner.

ORA-01344: LogMiner coordinator already attached
Cause: A coordinator process is already attached to the specified logminer context.
Action: Detach from the active coordinator session and retry the attach.

ORA-01345: Must be a LogMiner coordinator process
Cause: A LogMiner client attempted to perform a privileged operation.
Action: Issue the operation from the coordinator process.

ORA-01346: LogMiner processed redo beyond specified reset log scn
Cause: LogMiner has detected a new branch with resetlogs scn information prior to redo already mined.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-01347: Supplemental log data no longer found
Cause: The source database instance producing log files for this LogMiner session was altered to no longer log supplemental data.
Action: Destroy this Logminer session. Re-enable supplemental log data on the source system and create a new LogMiner session.

ORA-01350: must specify a tablespace name
Cause: Invocation failed to specify a valid tablespace
Action: Reformat invocation of DBMS_LOGMNR_D.SET_TABLESPACE to include the name of a valid tablespace.

ORA-01351: tablespace given for Logminer dictionary does not exist
Cause: The tablespace name given as a parameter to DBMS_LOGMNR_D.SET_TABLESPACE does not exist.
Action: Check spelling of the tablespace name. If spelling is correct verify that the named tablespace has already been created. DBMS_LOGMNR_D.SET_TABLESPACE does not create a tablespace.

ORA-01352: tablespace given for Logminer spill does not exist
Cause: The tablespace name given as the parameter to DBMS_LOGMNR_D.SET_TABLESPACE does not exist.
Action: Check spelling of the tablespace name. If spelling is correct verify that the named tablespace has already been created. DBMS_LOGMNR_D.SET_TABLESPACE does not create a tablespace.

ORA-01353: existing Logminer session
Cause: An attempt was made to execute DBMS_LOGMNR_D.SET_TABLESPACE while a Logminer session(s) was active.
Action: First cause all Logminer sessions to be closed. A Logminer session can exist as a result of executing DBMS_LOGMNR.START_LOGMNR or as the result of using Oracle features such as Data Guard SQL Apply or Streams which use Logminer. Next, execute DBMS_LOGMNR_D.SET_TABLESPACE.

ORA-01354: Supplemental log data must be added to run this command
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an operation that required that supplemental log data be enabled.
Action: Execute a command such as ALTER DATABASE ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG DATA; and then reissue the command that failed with this error.

ORA-01355: logminer tablespace change in progress
Cause: The tables used by logminer are in the process of being moved to another tablespace.
Action: Wait until the move is complete and try again.

ORA-01356: active logminer sessions found
Cause: Logminer sessions are currently active.
Action: End all logminer sessions and retry.

ORA-01358: LogMiner version is less than mined dictionary version
Cause: An attempt was made to mine a LogMiner dictionary from redo logs. The version of the Oracle database that created the logs was higher than the Oracle database version that attempted to mine the logs.
Action: Mine the logs using a newer version of the Oracle database having a version number that is equal to or greater than the dictionary version.

ORA-01361: global name mismatch
Cause: The database global name where the log file was generated did not match the user-specified global name of the Streams Capture process.
Action: Start a new capture process and ensure that the user-specified global name matches that of the database that generated the log file.

ORA-01370: Specified restart SCN is too old
Cause: specified restart scn is too old, logmnr could not find a proper checkpoint.
Action: Specify a bigger restart SCN to try again

ORA-01371: Complete LogMiner dictionary not found
Cause: One or more log files containing the LogMiner dictionary was not found.
Action: Add into LogMiner all log files containing the dictionary.

ORA-01372: Insufficient processes for specified LogMiner operation
Cause: The number of processes requested by the caller can not be allocated
Action: Increase number of parallel servers allocated to the instance

ORA-01373: insufficient memory for staging persistent LogMiner session
Cause: The maximum number of concurrent persistent LogMiner sessions allowed is limited by LOGMNR_MAX_PERSISTENT_SESSIONS parameter. Not enough memory has been set aside at instance startup to allocate the new LogMiner session.
Action: Increase LOGMNR_MAX_PERSISTENT_SESSIONS and restart instance.

ORA-01374: _log_parallelism_max greater than 1 not supported in this release
Cause: LogMiner does not mine redo records generated with _log_parallelism_max set to a value greater than 1.
Action: None

ORA-01375: Corrupt logfile string recovered
Cause: A corrupt logfile has been recovered by RFS
Action: None. Logical Standby should automatically restart. If logfile is still corrupt, may need to manually copy and reregister the logfile on the standby.

ORA-01409: NOSORT option may not be used; rows are not in ascending order
Cause: Creation of index with NOSORT option when rows were not ascending. For non-unique indexes the rowid is considered part of the index key. Therefore, if you create an index nosort and two of the rows in the table have the same key and are stored in ascending order, but get split accross two extents where the dba of the first block in the second extent is less than the dba of the last block in the first extent, then the create index nosort may fail.
Action: Create the index without the NOSORT option, or ensure table is stored in one extent.

ORA-01411: cannot store the length of column in the indicator
Cause: Tried to fetch a column of size more than 64K and couldn't store the length of the column in the given indicator of size 2 bytes.
Action: Use the new bind type with call backs to fetch the long column.

ORA-01412: zero length not allowed for this datatype
Cause: The length for type 97 is 0
Action: Specify the correct length.

ORA-01413: illegal value in packed decimal number buffer
Cause: The user buffer bound by the user as packed decimal number contained an illegal value.
Action: Use a legal value.

ORA-01414: invalid array length when trying to bind array
Cause: An attempt was made to bind an array without either a current array length pointer or a zero maximum array length.
Action: Sepcify a valid length.

ORA-01415: too many distinct aggregate functions
Cause: The query contains more distinct aggregates than can be processed. The current limit is 255.
Action: Reduce the number of distinct aggregate functions in the query.

ORA-01417: a table may be outer joined to at most one other table
Cause: a.b (+) = b.b and a.c (+) = c.c is not allowed
Action: Check that this is really what you want, then join b and c first in a view.

ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows
Cause: The number specified in exact fetch is less than the rows returned.
Action: Rewrite the query or change number of rows requested

ORA-01424: missing or illegal character following the escape character
Cause: The character following the escape character in LIKE pattern is missing or not one of the escape character, '%', or '_'.
Action: Remove the escape character or specify the missing character.

ORA-01425: escape character must be character string of length 1
Cause: Given escape character for LIKE is not a character string of length 1.
Action: Change it to a character string of length 1.

ORA-01426: numeric overflow
Cause: Evaluation of an value expression causes an overflow/underflow.
Action: Reduce the operands.

ORA-01429: Index-Organized Table: no data segment to store overflow row-pieces
Cause: No overflow segment defined.
Action: Add overflow segment.

ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allowed for this column
Cause: When inserting or updating records, a numeric value was entered that exceeded the precision defined for the column.
Action: Enter a value that complies with the numeric column's precision, or use the MODIFY option with the ALTER TABLE command to expand the precision.

ORA-01451: column to be modified to NULL cannot be modified to NULL
Cause: the column may already allow NULL values, the NOT NULL constraint is part of a primary key or check constraint.
Action: if a primary key or check constraint is enforcing the NOT NULL constraint, then drop that constraint.

ORA-01453: SET TRANSACTION must be first statement of transaction
Cause: self-evident
Action: commit (or rollback) transaction, and re-execute

ORA-01456: may not perform insert/delete/update operation inside a READ ONLY transaction
Cause: A non-DDL insert/delete/update or select for update operation was attempted
Action: commit (or rollback) transaction, and re-execute

ORA-01463: cannot modify column datatype with current constraint(s)
Cause: An attempt was made to modify the datatype of column which has referential constraints; or has check constraints which only allows changing the datatype from CHAR to VARCHAR or vise versa.
Action: Remove the constraint(s) or do not perform the offending operation.

ORA-01466: unable to read data - table definition has changed
Cause: Query parsed after tbl (or index) change, and executed w/old snapshot
Action: commit (or rollback) transaction, and re-execute

ORA-01469: PRIOR can only be followed by a column name
Cause: Attempting to specify "PRIOR " where is not a column name.
Action: Only a column name can follow PRIOR. Replace with a column name.

ORA-01470: In-list iteration does not support mixed operators
Cause: Constants of different types are specified in an in-list.
Action: Use constants of same type for in-lists.

ORA-01478: array bind may not include any LONG columns
Cause: User is performing an array bind with a bind variable whose maximum size is greater than 2000 bytes.
Action: Such bind variables cannot participate in array binds. Use an ordinary bind operation instead.

ORA-01479: last character in the buffer is not Null
Cause: A bind variable of type 97 does not contain null at the last position
Action: Make the last character null

ORA-01480: trailing null missing from STR bind value
Cause: A bind variable of type 5 (null-terminated string) does not contain the terminating null in its buffer.
Action: Terminate the string with a null character

ORA-01481: invalid number format model
Cause: The user is attempting to either convert a number to a string via TO_CHAR or a string to a number via TO_NUMBER and has supplied an invalid number format model parameter.
Action: Consult your manual.

ORA-01482: unsupported character set
Cause: The character set used to perform the operation, such as the CONVERT function, is not a supported character set.
Action: Use one of the supported character sets.

ORA-01483: invalid length for DATE or NUMBER bind variable
Cause: A bind variable of type DATE or NUMBER is too long.
Action: Consult your manual for the maximum allowable length.

ORA-01484: arrays can only be bound to PL/SQL statements
Cause: You tried to bind an array to a non-PL/SQL statement.
Action: None

ORA-01485: compile bind length different from execute bind length
Cause: You bound a buffer of type DTYVCS (VARCHAR with the two byte length in front) and at execute time the length in the first two bytes is more than the maximum buffer length (given in the bind call). The number of elements in the array and the current number of elements in the array cannot be more than the maximum size of the array.
Action: None

ORA-01486: size of array element is too large
Cause: You tried to bind a data value which was either too large for the datatype (for example, NUMBER) or was greater than 4000 bytes (for example, VARCHAR or LONG).
Action: None

ORA-01487: packed decimal number too large for supplied buffer
Cause: An impossible request for decimal to oracle number conversion was made
Action: This conversion cannot be performed

ORA-01488: invalid nibble or byte in the input data
Cause: An impossible request for decimal to oracle number conversion was made
Action: This conversion cannot be performed

ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long
Cause: String concatenation result is more than the maximum size.
Action: Make sure that the result is less than the maximum size.

ORA-01490: invalid ANALYZE command
Cause: Incorrect syntax specified
Action: Retry the command

ORA-01491: CASCADE option not valid
Cause: The CASCADE option is only valid for tables or clusters.
Action: Do not specify CASCADE

ORA-01492: LIST option not valid
Cause: The LIST option is only valid for tables or clusters.
Action: Do not specify LIST

ORA-01493: invalid SAMPLE size specified
Cause: The specified SAMPLE size is out of range
Action: Specify a value within the proper range.

ORA-01494: invalid SIZE specified
Cause: The specified histogram SIZE value was out of range.
Action: Specify a value within the proper range.

ORA-01495: specified chain row table not found
Cause: The specified table either does not exist or user does not have the proper privleges.
Action: Specify the correct table to use.

ORA-01496: specified chain row table form incorrect
Cause: The specified table does not have the proper field definitions.
Action: Specify the correct table to use.

ORA-01497: illegal option for ANALYZE CLUSTER
Cause: The FOR COLUMNS clause may not be used with ANALYZE CLUSTER.
Action: Retry with a legal syntax.

ORA-01500: failure in getting date/time
Cause: During create database or alter tablespace, there was a failure in getting the date and time.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.

Cause: An error occurred during create database
Action: See accompanying errors.

ORA-01502: index 'string.string' or partition of such index is in unusable state
Cause: An attempt has been made to access an index or index partition that has been marked unusable by a direct load or by a DDL operation
Action: DROP the specified index, or REBUILD the specified index, or REBUILD the unusable index partition

Cause: An error occurred during CREATE CONTROLFILE
Action: See accompanying errors.

ORA-01504: database name 'string' does not match parameter db_name 'string'
Cause: The name in a database create or mount does not match the name given in the INIT.ORA parameter db_name.
Action: correct or omit one of the two names.

ORA-01505: error in adding log files
Cause: During create or alter database, error(s) occurred when adding new log files.
Action: Check error stack for detailed error information.

ORA-01506: missing or illegal database name
Cause: No db_name INIT.ORA aprameter was specified.
Action: The database name must be given in the db_name INIT.ORA parameter.

ORA-01507: database not mounted
Cause: A command was attempted that requires the database to be mounted.
Action: If you are using the ALTER DATABASE statement via the SQLDBA startup command, specify the MOUNT option to startup; else if you are directly doing an ALTER DATABASE DISMOUNT, do nothing; else specify the MOUNT option to ALTER DATABASE. If you are doing a backup or copy, you must first mount the desired database. If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, you must first mount the desired database.

ORA-01508: cannot create database; error in file 'string' at line string
Cause: CREATE DATABASE was unable to process the specified file.
Action: Check the offending line in the specified file.

ORA-01509: specified name 'string' does not match actual 'string'
Cause: The database name specified in ALTER DATABASE does not match the name of the currently mounted database.
Action: Correct the database name spelling or DISMOUNT the mounted database.

ORA-01510: error in deleting log files
Cause: During ALTER DATABASE, an error occurred while dropping log files.
Action: Check the error stack for detailed error information.

ORA-01511: error in renaming log/data files
Cause: An error occurred during the ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE command.
Action: Check the error stack for detailed error information.

ORA-01512: error renaming log file string - new file string not found
Cause: An attempt to change a log file's name in the control file failed because no file was found with the new name.
Action: Make sure that the log file has been properly renamed by the operating system and retry.

ORA-01513: invalid current time returned by operating system
Cause: The operating system returned a time that was not between 1988 and 2121.
Action: Correct the time kept by the operating system.

ORA-01514: error in log specification: no such log
Cause: A log file name, or list of member names, did not correspond to an existing log.
Action: Specify an existing log file.

ORA-01515: error dropping log group string: no such log
Cause: ALTER DATABASE is attempting to drop a log file which is not known to the database control file.
Action: Specify the name of an existing log file.

ORA-01516: nonexistent log file, datafile, or tempfile "string"
Cause: An attempt was made to use ALTER DATABASE to rename a log file, datafile, or tempfile; or to change attributes of a datafile or tempfile (e.g., resize, autoextend, online/offline, etc.); or to re-create a datafile. The attempt failed because the specified file is not known to the database's control file or is not of a type supported by the request.
Action: Specify the name or number of an existing file of the correct type, as appropriate. Check the relevant V$ table for a list of possible files.

ORA-01517: log member: 'string'
Cause: Used to print member names
Action: See top level error for information

ORA-01518: CREATE DATABASE must specify more than one log file
Cause: Only one log file was specified in the CREATE DATABASE statement.
Action: Specify at least two log files.

ORA-01519: error while processing file 'string' near line string
Cause: CREATE DATABASE encountered a problem while processing specified file. The specified file is bad.
Action: Retry your system installation procedure or contact your customer support representative.

ORA-01520: number of data files to add (string) exceeds limit of string
Cause: CREATE TABLESPACE statement specifies more files than is permitted for this database.
Action: Use fewer files or re-create the database with a larger value of MAXDATAFILES.

ORA-01521: error in adding data files
Cause: During CREATE or ALTER TABLESPACE, an error was detected while adding data files.
Action: Check the error stack for detailed error information.

ORA-01522: file 'string' to be renamed does not exist
Cause: During ALTER TABLESPACE RENAME, a file to be renamed was not found in the database control file.
Action: Specify the correct file name.

ORA-01523: cannot rename data file to 'string' - file already part of database
Cause: During ALTER DATABASE RENAME or ALTER TABLESPACE RENAME, the new name of a file is already present in the control file.
Action: Rename the file to a name not already being used as part of the database.

ORA-01524: cannot create data file as 'string' - file already part of database
Cause: During ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE, the new name of a file is already present in the control file.
Action: Create the file as a name not already being used as part of the database.

ORA-01525: error in renaming data files
Cause: An error occurred when renaming files as part of ALTER TABLESPACE.
Action: Check the error stack for detailed information. All files are renamed except for those mentioned in the error stack.

ORA-01526: error in opening file 'string'
Cause: CREATE DATABASE was not able to open the specified file. This is probably due to a system installation error.
Action: Retry your system installation procedure or contact your customer support representative.

ORA-01527: error while reading file
Cause: CREATE DATABASE was not able to read the specified file. This is probably due to a system installation error.
Action: Retry your system installation procedure or contact your customer support representative.

ORA-01528: EOF while processing SQL statement
Cause: CREATE DATABASE unexpectedly hit EOF while reading the specified file. The sql.bsq file is bad.
Action: Retry your system installation procedure or contact your customer support representative.

ORA-01529: error closing file 'string'
Cause: CREATE DATABASE was not able to close the specified file.
Action: Retry your system installation procedure or contact your customer support representative.

ORA-01530: a database already mounted by the instance
Cause: During ALTER DATABASE MOUNT, an attempt is being made to mount a database on an instance in which a database is or has previously been mounted.
Action: If you wish to mount the database, shutdown the instance and then startup the instance and retry the operation.

ORA-01531: a database already open by the instance
Cause: During ALTER DATABASE, an attempt was made to open a database on an instance for which there is already an open database.
Action: If you wish to open a new database on the instance, first shutdown the instance and then startup the instance and retry the operation.

ORA-01532: cannot create database; instance being started elsewhere
Cause: During CREATE DATABASE, another user appears to be simultaneously altering the instance.
Action: Make sure no one else is simultaneously altering the instance. If no one is, contact your customer support representative; otherwise, retry the operation.

ORA-01533: cannot rename file 'string'; file does not belong to tablespace
Cause: During ALTER TABLESPACE RENAME, a file to be renamed was not found in the argument tablespace.
Action: Specify the correct file name or the correct tablespace name.

ORA-01534: rollback segment 'string' doesn't exist
Cause: During ALTER or DROP ROLLBACK SEGMENT, the specified rollback segment name is unknown.
Action: Use the correct rollback segment name.

ORA-01535: rollback segment 'string' already exists or given name has prefix _SYSSMU
Cause: Specified rollback segment already exists or given name starts with _SYSSMU.
Action: Use a different name. Note that _SYSSMU is an illegal prefix to an RBU segment.

ORA-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace 'string'
Cause: The space quota for the segment owner in the tablespace has been exhausted and the operation attempted the creation of a new segment extent in the tablespace.
Action: Either drop unnecessary objects in the tablespace to reclaim space or have a privileged user increase the quota on this tablespace for the segment owner.

ORA-01537: cannot add file 'string' - file already part of database
Cause: During CREATE or ALTER TABLESPACE, a file being added is already part of the database.
Action: Use a different file name.

ORA-01538: failed to acquire any rollback segment
Cause: Failed to acquire any rollback segment during startup in shared mode
Action: Startup in exclusive mode to create one more public segment or specify available private segments in the INIT.ORA parameter rollback_segments_required, then startup in shared mode

ORA-01539: tablespace 'string' is not online
Cause: Failed to either make a tablespace read only or offline because it is not online. A tblespace must be online before it can become read only or offline normal.
Action: Check the status of the tablespace. Use IMMEDIATE or TEMPORARY options to force all files offline. Bring the tablespace online before making it read only.

ORA-01540: tablespace 'string' is not offline
Cause: Failed to bring a tablespace online because it is not offline
Action: Check the status of the tablespace

ORA-01541: system tablespace cannot be brought offline; shut down if necessary
Cause: Tried to bring system tablespace offline
Action: Shutdown if necessary to do recovery

ORA-01542: tablespace 'string' is offline, cannot allocate space in it
Cause: Tried to allocate space in an offline tablespace
Action: Bring the tablespace online or create the object in other tablespace

ORA-01543: tablespace 'string' already exists
Cause: Tried to create a tablespace which already exists
Action: Use a different name for the new tablespace

ORA-01544: cannot drop system rollback segment
Cause: Tried to drop system rollback segment
Action: None

ORA-01545: rollback segment 'string' specified not available
Cause: Either: 1) An attempt was made to bring a rollback segment online that is unavailable during startup; for example, the rollback segment is in an offline tablespace. 2) An attempt was made to bring a rollback segment online that is already online. This is because the rollback segment is specified twice in the ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS parameter in the initialization parameter file or the rollback segment is already online by another instance. 3) An attempt was made to drop a rollback segment that is currently online. 4) An attempt was made to alter a rollback segment that is currently online to use unlimited extents. 5) An attempt was made to online a rollback segment that is corrupted. This is because the rollback is specified in _corrupted_rollback_segments parameter in initialization parameter file.
Action: Either: 1) Make the rollback segment available; for example, bring an offline tablespace online. 2) Remove the name from the ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS parameter if the name is a duplicate or if another instance has already acquired the rollback segment. 3) Bring the rollback segment offline first. This may involve waiting for the active transactions to finish, or, if the rollback segment needs recovery, discover which errors are holding up the rolling back of the transactions and take appropriate actions. 4) Same as 3). 5) Remove the name from the _corrupted_rollback_segments parameter.

ORA-01546: tablespace contains active rollback segment 'string'
Cause: Tried to make a tablespace that contains active rollback segment(s) offline or read only
Action: Shutdown instances that use the active rollback segments in the tablespace and then make the tablespace offline or read only

ORA-01547: warning: RECOVER succeeded but OPEN RESETLOGS would get error below
Cause: Media recovery with one of the incomplete recovery options ended without error. However, if the ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS command were attempted now, it would fail with the specified error. The most likely cause of this error is forgetting to restore one or more datafiles from a sufficiently old backup before executing the incomplete recovery.
Action: Rerun the incomplete media recovery using different datafile backups, a different control file, or different stop criteria.

ORA-01548: active rollback segment 'string' found, terminate dropping tablespace
Cause: Tried to drop a tablespace that contains active rollback segment(s)
Action: Shutdown instances that use the active rollback segments in the tablespace and then drop the tablespace

ORA-01549: tablespace not empty, use INCLUDING CONTENTS option
Cause: Tried to drop a non-empty tablespace
Action: To drop all the objects in the tablespace, use the INCLUDING CONTENTS option

ORA-01550: cannot drop system tablespace
Cause: Tried to drop system tablespace
Action: None

ORA-01551: extended rollback segment, pinned blocks released
Cause: Doing recursive extent of rollback segment, trapped internally by the system
Action: None

ORA-01552: cannot use system rollback segment for non-system tablespace 'string'
Cause: Tried to use the system rollback segment for operations involving non-system tablespace. If this is a clone database then this will happen when attempting any data modification outside of the system tablespace. Only the system rollback segment can be online in a clone database.
Action: Create one or more private/public segment(s), shutdown and then startup again. May need to modify the INIT.ORA parameter rollback_segments to acquire private rollback segment. If this is a clone database being used for tablspace point in time recovery then this operation is not allowed. If the non-system tablespace has AUTO segment space management, then create an undo tablespace.

ORA-01553: MAXEXTENTS must be no smaller than the string extents currently allocated
Cause: The number of extents allocated is greater than the MAXEXTENTS specified.
Action: Specify a larger MAXEXTENTS value.

ORA-01554: out of transaction slots in transaction tables
Cause: Too many concurrent transactions
Action: Shutdown the system, modify the INIT.ORA parameters transactions, rollback_segments or rollback_segments_required, then startup again

ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number string with name "string" too small
Cause: rollback records needed by a reader for consistent read are overwritten by other writers
Action: If in Automatic Undo Management mode, increase undo_retention setting. Otherwise, use larger rollback segments

ORA-01556: MINEXTENTS for rollback segment must be greater than 1
Cause: Specified MINEXTENTS of less than 2 for rollback segment
Action: Specify larger MINEXTENTS

ORA-01557: rollback segment extents must be at least string blocks
Cause: Specified extent of less than minimum size for rollback segment
Action: Specify larger extents

ORA-01558: out of transaction ID's in rollback segment string
Cause: All the available transaction id's have been used
Action: Shutdown the instance and restart using other rollback segment(s), then drop the rollback segment that has no more transaction id's.

ORA-01559: MAXEXTENTS for rollback segment must be greater than 1
Cause: Specified MAXEXTENTS of less than 2 for rollback segment
Action: Specify larger MAXEXTENTS

ORA-01560: LIKE pattern contains partial or illegal character
Cause: like pattern is not formed correctly
Action: make sure like pattern is specified correctly

ORA-01561: failed to remove all objects in the tablespace specified
Cause: Failed to remove all objects when dropping a tablespace
Action: Retry the drop tablespace until all objects are dropped

ORA-01562: failed to extend rollback segment number string
Cause: Failure occurred when trying to extend rollback segment
Action: This is normally followed by another error message that caused the failure. You may take the rollback segment offline to perform maintainence. Use the alter rollback segment offline command to take the rollback segment offline.

ORA-01563: rollback segment is PUBLIC, need to use the keyword PUBLIC
Cause: Did not use the keyword PUBLIC to identified public rollback segment
Action: Use the keyword PUBLIC when identifying public rollback segment

ORA-01564: rollback segment is not PUBLIC
Cause: The rollback segment segment identified is not public
Action: Do not use the keyword PUBLIC when identifying private rollback segment

ORA-01565: error in identifying file 'string'
Cause: An error occurred while trying to identify a file.
Action: Check the error stack for detailed information.

ORA-01566: file specified more than once in ALTER DATABASE
Cause: The list of files supplied to the command contained at least one duplicate.
Action: Remove the duplicate file specification and retry.

ORA-01567: dropping log string would leave less than 2 log files for instance string (thread string)
Cause: Dropping all the logs specified would leave fewer than the required two log files per enabled thread.
Action: Either drop fewer logs or disable the thread before deleting the logs. It may be possible to clear the log rather than drop it.

ORA-01568: cannot set space quota on PUBLIC
Cause: Trying to set space quota on a tablespace for PUBLIC.
Action: If trying to grant system-wide or tablespace-wide space priviledges to all users, use GRANT RESOURCE [ON ] TO PUBLIC.

ORA-01569: data file too small for system dictionary tables
Cause: The datafile specified during creation of the database is too small to hold the system dictionary tables.
Action: Recreate the database by specifying a larger file or more files.

ORA-01570: MINEXTENTS must be no larger than the string extents currently allocated
Cause: The number of extents allocated is smaller than the MINEXTENTS specified.
Action: Specify a smaller MINEXTENTS value.

ORA-01571: redo version string incompatible with ORACLE version string
Cause: This software version can not read the current redo logs, and either crash recovery is required or there are offline database files that need media recovery. If a file name is listed then it needs media recovery.
Action: Shutdown and startup using the compatible software. Do any required media recovery, and open the database. Shutdown and then startup using current software. If the file is going to be dropped then take it offline with the DROP option to skip this check.

ORA-01572: rollback segment 'string' cannot be brought online, string extents exceeded
Cause: The number of extents in the rollback segment exceeds the hard limit. It cannot be brought online for writing.
Action: Drop and recreate the rollback segment.

ORA-01573: shutting down instance, no further change allowed
Cause: Some process tries to make changes while the db is being shutdown
Action: None

ORA-01574: maximum number of concurrent transactions exceeded
Cause: the limit on the number of concurrent transactions has been hit
Action: shutdown the system, increase the INIT.ORA parameter 'transactions' , and then restart the system.

ORA-01575: timeout waiting for space management resource
Cause: failed to acquire necessary resource to do space management.
Action: Retry the operation.

ORA-01576: The instance string is not enabled
Cause: The thread associated with instance is not enabled.
Action: Enable the thread associated with the instance using ALTER DATABASE ENABLE INSTANCE command.

ORA-01577: cannot add log file 'string' - file already part of database
Cause: During CREATE or ALTER DATABASE, a file being added is already part of the database.
Action: Use a different file name.

ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # string, block # string)
Cause: The data block indicated was corrupted, mostly due to software errors.
Action: Try to restore the segment containing the block indicated. This may involve dropping the segment and recreating it. If there is a trace file, report the errors in it to your ORACLE representative.

ORA-01579: write error occurred during recovery
Cause: A write error occurred during recovery
Action: Consult trace files for the nature of the write error, and correct error.

ORA-01580: error creating control backup file string
Cause: An operating system error occurred while attempting to create a control file backup.
Action: Check the error stack for more detailed information

ORA-01581: attempt to use rollback segment (string) new extent (string) which is being allocated
Cause: Undo generated to extend a rollback segment run out of current undo block space and is attempting to write into the new extent which has not been completely allocated.
Action: The rollback segment extending will be rollbacked by the system, no more extension will be possible untill the next extent is freed up by rolling back or committing other transactions.

ORA-01582: unable to open control file for backup
Cause: An operating system error occurred while attempting to open a control file for backup.
Action: Check the error stack for more detailed information

ORA-01583: unable to get block size of control file to be backed up
Cause: An operating system error occurred while attempting to get the block size of a control file for backup.
Action: Check the error stack for more detailed information

ORA-01584: unable to get file size of control file to be backed up
Cause: An operating system error occurred while attempting to get the file size of a control file for backup.
Action: Check the error stack for more detailed information

ORA-01585: error identifying backup file string
Cause: An operating system error occurred when attempting to identify the file to be used for control file backup.
Action: Check the error stack for more detailed information

ORA-01586: database must be mounted EXCLUSIVE and not open for this operation
Cause: Attempting to DROP DATABASE when the database is not mounted EXCLUSIVE.
Action: Mount the database in EXCLUSIVE mode.

ORA-01588: must use RESETLOGS option for database open
Cause: An earlier attempt to open the database with the RESETLOGS option did not complete, or recovery was done with a control file backup, or a FLASHBACK DATABASE was done.
Action: Use the RESETLOGS option when opening the database.

ORA-01589: must use RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS option for database open
Cause: Either incomplete or backup control file recovery has been performed. After these types of recovery you must specify either the RESETLOGS option or the NORESETLOGS option to open your database.
Action: Specify the appropriate option.

ORA-01590: number of segment free list (string) exceeds maximum of string
Cause: storage parameter FREELIST GROUPS is too large.
Action: Reduce storage parameters FREELIST GROUPS

ORA-01591: lock held by in-doubt distributed transaction string
Cause: Trying to access resource that is locked by a dead two-phase commit transaction that is in prepared state.
Action: DBA should query the pending_trans$ and related tables, and attempt to repair network connection(s) to coordinator and commit point. If timely repair is not possible, DBA should contact DBA at commit point if known or end user for correct outcome, or use heuristic default if given to issue a heuristic commit or abort command to finalize the local portion of the distributed transaction.

ORA-01592: error converting Version 7 rollback segment (string) to Oracle 8 format
Cause: Look at the accompanying internal error; Version 7 database may not have shutdown cleanly.
Action: Investigate the internal error; may have to reload the Version 7 database (from backup) and shutdown the database cleanly.

ORA-01593: rollback segment optimal size (string blks) is smaller than the computed initial size (string blks)
Cause: Specified OPTIMAL size is smaller than the cumulative size of the initial extents during create rollback segment.
Action: Specify a larger OPTIMAL size.

ORA-01594: attempt to wrap into rollback segment (string) extent (string) which is being freed
Cause: Undo generated to free a rollback segment extent is attempting to write into the same extent due to small extents and/or too many extents to free
Action: The rollback segment shrinking will be rollbacked by the system; increase the optimal size of the rollback segment.

ORA-01595: error freeing extent (string) of rollback segment (string))
Cause: Some error occurred while freeing inactive rollback segment extents.
Action: Investigate the accompanying error.

ORA-01596: cannot specify system in string parameter
Cause: The system rollback segment is specified in the INIT.ORA parameter referred to in the error message
Action: change the INIT.ORA parameter

ORA-01597: cannot alter system rollback segment online or offline
Cause: Tried to online or offline the system rollback segment
Action: None

ORA-01598: rollback segment 'string' is not online
Cause: Could have been taken offline before by DBA or cleaned up by SMON.
Action: Check the status of rollback segment in undo$ or dba_rollback_segs to make sure the rollback segment is actually online.

ORA-01599: failed to acquire rollback segment (string), cache space is full
Cause: the amount statically allocated is not enough based on max_rollback_segments parameter.
Action: For now take another rollback segment offline or increase the parameter max_rollback_segments

ORA-01600: at most one "string" in clause "string" of string
Cause: The INIT.ORA parameter was mis-specified.
Action: Correct the INIT.ORA parameter and restart the instance.

ORA-01601: illegal bucket size in clause "string" of string
Cause: The bucket size was invalid for this parameter.
Action: Correct the INIT.ORA parameter and restart the instance.

ORA-01603: illegal grouping size in clause "string" of string
Cause: The grouping size was invalid for this parameter.
Action: Correct the INIT.ORA parameter and restart the instance.

ORA-01604: illegal number range in clause "string" of string
Cause: The number range was invalid for this parameter.
Action: Correct the INIT.ORA parameter and restart the instance.

ORA-01605: missing numbers in clause "string" of string
Cause: The numbers were missing for this parameter.
Action: Correct the INIT.ORA parameter and restart the instance.

ORA-01606: gc_files_to_locks not identical to that of another mounted instance
Cause: The gc_files_to_locks parameters were different on two instances.
Action: Modify the INIT.ORA parameter gc_files_to_locks and restart.

ORA-01607: cannot add logfile to the specified instance
Cause: The limit on the number of instances supported by the control file has been reached.
Action: Use an instance name supported by the control file, or resize the thread record and/or checkpoint progress record secions of the control file.

ORA-01608: cannot bring rollback segment 'string' online, its status is (string)
Cause: Could have been brought online before by DBA or left as a result of process crash.
Action: Check the status of rollback segment in undo$ or dba_rollback_segs

ORA-01609: log string is the current log for thread string - cannot drop members
Cause: A member of the current log for a thread cannot be dropped.
Action: If the thread is opened, request a log switch by the instance that is using it. If it is not open, disable the thread, manually archive the log, or clear it.

ORA-01610: recovery using the BACKUP CONTROLFILE option must be done
Cause: Either an earlier database recovery session specified BACKUP CONTROLFILE, or the control file was recreated with the RESETLOGS option, or the control file being used is a backup control file. After that only BACKUP CONTROLFILE recovery is allowed and it must be followed by a log reset at the next database open.
Action: Perform recovery using the BACKUP CONTROFILE option.

ORA-01611: thread number string is invalid - must be between 1 and string
Cause: A thread number in a command is greater than the number of threads supported by the control file.
Action: Use a thread number that is valid, or resize the thread record and/or checkpoint progress record sections of the control file.

ORA-01612: instance string (thread string) is already enabled
Cause: An attempt was made to enable a thread that is already enabled.
Action: Either use this thread or enable another thread.

ORA-01613: instance string (thread string) only has string logs - at least 2 logs required to enable.
Cause: The thread cannot be enabled because it only has two online log files associated with it.
Action: Add logs to the thread or pick another thread to enable

ORA-01614: instance string (thread string) is busy - cannot enable
Cause: The mount enqueue for the thread could not be acquired when attempting to enable the thread. This probably means that another process has already started enabling this thread.
Action: Wait and try again, or find another thread to enable.

ORA-01615: instance string (thread string) is mounted - cannot disable
Cause: Some instance, possibly this one, has allocated the thread for its use. The thread can not be disabled while in use.
Action: Shut the instance down cleany using the thread.

ORA-01616: instance string (thread string) is open - cannot disable
Cause: The thread is not closed. The last instance to use the thread died leaving the thread open. A thread cannot be disabled until it is closed. It is still required for crash or instance recovery.
Action: If the database is open, instance recovery should close the thread soon - wait a few minutes. Otherwise open the database - crash recovery will close the thread.

ORA-01617: cannot mount: string is not a valid thread number
Cause: The INIT.ORA parameter "thread" is not between 1 and the number of threads allowed by the control file.
Action: Shut down the instance, change the INIT.ORA parameter and startup, or resize the thread record and/or checkpoint progress record sections of the control file.

ORA-01618: redo thread string is not enabled - cannot mount
Cause: The INIT.ORA parameter "thread" requests a thread that is not enabled. A thread must be enabled before it can be mounted.
Action: Shutdown the instance, change the INIT.ORA parameter and startup mounting a different thread. If the database is open in another instance then the thread may be enabled.

ORA-01619: thread string is mounted by another instance
Cause: The INIT.ORA parameter "thread" requests a thread that has been mounted by another instance. Only one instance may use a thread.
Action: Shutdown the instance, change the INIT.ORA parameter and startup mounting a different thread.

ORA-01620: no public threads are available for mounting
Cause: The INIT.ORA parameter "thread" is zero, its default value. There are no threads which have been publicly enabled, and not mounted.
Action: Shutdown the instance, change the INIT.ORA parameter to a thread which is privately enabled and not mounted. If the database is open in another instance, then a thread may be publicly enabled.

ORA-01621: cannot rename member of current log if database is open
Cause: This is a rename command for a member of the current log for an open thread. If the database is open anywhere, the log may be in use, so the rename cannot be done.
Action: Wait until the log is not current, or mount the database exclusively.

ORA-01622: thread number must be specified - default not specific
Cause: The thread was not specified when adding a log, and the currently mounted thread was chosen by default at mount time. Since the current thread was not specified explicitly the user cannot know which thread the log will be added to.
Action: Explicitly specify the thread number either in the INIT.ORA parameter "thread", or in the add command.

ORA-01623: log string is current log for instance string (thread string) - cannot drop
Cause: A thread's current log cannot be dropped even if the thread is closed. A disabled thread usually does not have a current log, but a half completed disable may need to be disabled again.
Action: If the database is not open then disable the thread. If the database is open and an instance has the thread open, then the instance can be requested to switch logs. If the database is closed the log can be archived or cleared to force a switch.

ORA-01624: log string needed for crash recovery of instance string (thread string)
Cause: A log cannot be dropped or cleared until the thread's checkpoint has advanced out of the log.
Action: If the database is not open, then open it. Crash recovery will advance the checkpoint. If the database is open force a global checkpoint. If the log is corrupted so that the database cannot be opened, it may be necessary to do incomplete recovery until cancel at this log.

ORA-01625: rollback segment 'string' does not belong to this instance
Cause: Trying to shrink or take a rollback segment offline that does not belong to this instance.
Action: None

ORA-01626: rollback segment number 'string' cannot handle more transactions
Cause: Too many transactions in this segment.
Action: Choose a different rollback segment, or reduce the number of concurrent transactions.

ORA-01627: rollback segment number 'string' is not online
Cause: Could have been taken offline before by DBA or cleaned up by SMON.
Action: Check the status of rollback segment in undo$ or dba_rollback_segs to make sure the rollback segment is actually online.

ORA-01628: max # extents (string) reached for rollback segment string
Cause: An attempt was made to extend a rollback segment that was already at the MAXEXTENTS value.
Action: If the value of the MAXEXTENTS storage parameter is less than the maximum allowed by the system, raise this value.

ORA-01629: max # extents (string) reached saving undo for tablespace string
Cause: Save undo for the offline tablespace at max extents
Action: Check the storage parameters for the system tablespace. The tablespace needs to be brought back online so the undo can be applied .

ORA-01630: max # extents (string) reached in temp segment in tablespace string
Cause: A temp segment tried to extend past max extents.
Action: If maxextents for the tablespace is less than the the system maximum, you can raise that. Otherwise, raise pctincrease for the tablespace

ORA-01631: max # extents (string) reached in table string.string
Cause: A table tried to extend past maxextents
Action: If maxextents is less than the system maximum, raise it. Otherwise, you must recreate with larger initial, next or pctincrease params

ORA-01632: max # extents (string) reached in index string.string
Cause: An index tried to extend past maxextents
Action: If maxextents is less than the system max, raise it. Otherwise, you must recreate with larger initial, next or pctincrease params.

ORA-01633: Real Application Clusters Option needed for this operation
Cause: System doesn't have Real Application Clusters configured
Action: Obtain Real Application Clusters option

ORA-01634: rollback segment number 'string' is about to go offline
Cause: The rollback segment specified was marked to go offline by DBA.
Action: Bring the rollback segment online first.

ORA-01635: rollback segment #string specified not available
Cause: (same as 1545)
Action: (same as 1545)

ORA-01636: rollback segment 'string' is already online
Cause: The instance is trying to online an already online RS
Action: None

ORA-01637: rollback segment 'string' is being used by another instance (#string)
Cause: The instance is trying to online a RS already in use by another instance
Action: None

ORA-01638: parameter string does not allow ORACLE version string to mount cluster database
Cause: The recovery compatible parameter is set too low to allow this software version to mount in cluster database mode.
Action: Either use an earlier software release or advance the recovery_compatible parameter. If this happens when no recovery_compatible parameter has been specified then set it to the current software release.

ORA-01639: instance string has no thread assigned to it
Cause: There is no mapping from instance to thread for this instance in the control file.
Action: Make sure that this instance has a thread assigned to it by adding logfiles to this instance or by starting the instance with an existing thread which will automatically create a mapping.

ORA-01640: cannot make tablespace read only with active transactions
Cause: Attempting to make a tablespace read only while there are active transactions in the database. All transactions must commit or rollback to insure that there is no undo for a tablespace before it can be made read only. This includes in doubt distributed transactions.
Action: Prevent any more transactions from being started. Putting the database in restricted mode usually helps. If there are any in doubt transactions they must also be resolved.

ORA-01641: tablespace 'string' is not online - cannot add data file
Cause: Attempting to add a datafile to a tablespace that has been set to read only or offline.
Action: Make the tablespace online and read write then add the datafile.

ORA-01642: begin backup not needed for read only tablespace 'string'
Cause: Attempting to begin or end a backup for a tablespace that has been set to read only.
Action: Take the backup without any begin or end commands. The files are not being modified so the backup will be consistent.

ORA-01643: system tablespace can not be made read only
Cause: Attempting to set the system tablespace to read only. The system tablespace must remain read write for database operation.
Action: Leave system tablespace read write.

ORA-01644: tablespace 'string' is already read only
Cause: Attempting to make tablespace read only that is already read only.
Action: Leave tablespace read only, or make read write then make read only again.

ORA-01645: previous attempt to make read write is half complete
Cause: A failure while making the tablespace read write left it read only, but the checkpoint was advanced. The tablespace will not be useable after a resetlogs if its files are offline.
Action: Repeat the command to make the tablespace read write.

ORA-01646: tablespace 'string' is not read only - cannot make read write
Cause: Attempting to make a tablespace read write that is not read only. It may be either online or offline.
Action: Leave tablespace read write.

ORA-01647: tablespace 'string' is read only, cannot allocate space in it
Cause: Tried to allocate space in a read only tablespace
Action: Create the object in another tablespace

ORA-01648: log string is the current log of disabled instance string (thread string)
Cause: An attempt to enable the thread failed after it was half completed. This log was left as the current log even though the thread is still disabled. Since a log switch cannot be done until the thread is enabled, the log can not be cleared or archived.
Action: Complete the thread enable by issuing the enable command again.

ORA-01649: operation not allowed with a backup control file
Cause: An attempt is being made to perform a command that does not make sense when the control file is a restored backup.
Action: Wait until after the database has been opened and try again.

ORA-01650: unable to extend rollback segment string by string in tablespace string
Cause: Failed to allocate an extent of the required number of blocks for a rollback segment in the tablespace.
Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.

ORA-01651: unable to extend save undo segment by string for tablespace string
Cause: Failed to allocate an extent of the required number of blocks for saving undo entries for the indicated offline tablespace.
Action: Check the storage parameters for the SYSTEM tablespace. The tablespace needs to be brought back online so the undo can be applied.

ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by string in tablespace string
Cause: Failed to allocate an extent of the required number of blocks for a temporary segment in the tablespace indicated.
Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.

ORA-01653: unable to extend table string.string by string in tablespace string
Cause: Failed to allocate an extent of the required number of blocks for a table segment in the tablespace indicated.
Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.

ORA-01654: unable to extend index string.string by string in tablespace string
Cause: Failed to allocate an extent of the required number of blocks for an index segment in the tablespace indicated.
Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.

ORA-01655: unable to extend cluster string.string by string in tablespace string
Cause: Failed to allocate an extent of the required number of blocks for a cluster segment in tablespace indicated.
Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.

ORA-01656: max # extents (string) reached in cluster string.string
Cause: A cluster tried to extend past maxextents
Action: If maxextents is less than the system maximum, raise it. Otherwise, you must recreate with larger initial, next or pctincrease params

ORA-01657: invalid SHRINK option value
Cause: The specified value must be an integer.
Action: Choose an appropriate integer value.

ORA-01658: unable to create INITIAL extent for segment in tablespace string
Cause: Failed to find sufficient contiguous space to allocate INITIAL extent for segment being created.
Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE to add additional space to the tablespace or retry with a smaller value for INITIAL

ORA-01659: unable to allocate MINEXTENTS beyond string in tablespace string
Cause: Failed to find sufficient contiguous space to allocate MINEXTENTS for the segment being created.
Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE to add additional space to the tablespace or retry with smaller value for MINEXTENTS, NEXT or PCTINCREASE

ORA-01660: tablespace 'string' is already permanent
Cause: Attempting to make tablespace permanent that is already permanent.
Action: Leave tablespace permanent.

ORA-01661: tablespace 'string' is already temporary
Cause: Attempting to make tablespace temporary that is already temporary.
Action: Leave tablespace permanent.

ORA-01662: tablespace 'string' is non-empty and cannot be made temporary
Cause: Tried to convert a non-empty tablespace to a temporary tablespace
Action: To drop all the objects in the tablespace.

ORA-01663: the contents of tablespace 'string' is constantly changing
Cause: The contents of the tablespace is always changing between PERMANENT and TEMPORARY.
Action: To decide what the tablespace contents should be and stay with it.

ORA-01664: Transaction which has expanded the Sort Segment has aborted
Cause: Internal Error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.

ORA-01665: control file is not a standby control file
Cause: Attempting to mount, recover or activate a standby database without a standby control file.
Action: Create a standby control file before attempting to use the database as a standby database.

ORA-01666: control file is for a standby database
Cause: Attempting to mount, recover, or open a standby database without the appropriate command option to designate a standby database.
Action: Use the standby option or appropriate commands, or mount with the primary control file.

ORA-01667: cannot add any more tablespaces: limit of string exceeded
Cause: There is no more room in the control file for adding tablespaces.
Action: Resize the control file or drop other tablespaces.

ORA-01668: standby database requires DROP option for offline of data file
Cause: Attempting to take a datafile offline in a standby database without specifying the DROP option. Files that are offline in a standby database are not recovered, and are likely to be unusable if the standby is activated. Note that specifying DROP does not prevent bringing the file online later.
Action: Specify the DROP option or leave the file online.

ORA-01669: standby database control file not consistent
Cause: Attempting to activate a standby database with a control file that has not been recovered to the same point as the data files. Most likely the control file was just copied from the primary database and has not been used for recovery.
Action: Recover the standby database until all the files are consistent.

ORA-01670: new datafile string needed for standby database recovery
Cause: Standby database recovery noticed that a file was added to the primary database, but is not available on the standby.
Action: Either copy the file from the primary database or do an ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE command on the standby to create a file to recover.

ORA-01671: control file is a backup, cannot make a standby control file
Cause: The currently mounted control file is a backup control file, and attempting to create a control file for a standby database.
Action: Complete any needed recovery and open the database with the resetlogs option.

ORA-01672: control file may be missing files or have extra ones
Cause: Attempting to create a standby control file, but the control file was either recently created via CREATE CONTROLFILE or an incomplete recovery has been done. Thus the datafiles in the control file and the ones in the data dictionary may not match.
Action: Open the database, then retry the operation.

ORA-01673: data file string has not been identified
Cause: This data file was not in the control file after an incomplete recovery or CREATE CONTROLFILE. Since information from its header is needed for standby database recovery, we can not create a standby control file.
Action: Find the file and bring it online. If desired it may be taken offline again. If you intend to drop this file, then taking it offline with the DROP option will avoid this error.

ORA-01674: data file string is an old incarnation rather than current file
Cause: Recovery encountered redo that indicates this file was dropped from the database and another file was added using the same file number. This implies that a CREATE CONTROLFILE command was given the old file which was dropped rather than the latest file.
Action: Rebuild the control file using CREATE CONTROLFILE, and give the correct file.

ORA-01675: max_commit_propagation_delay inconsistent with other instances
Cause: The max_commit_propagation_delay INIT.ORA parameter is inconsistent with those in other instances.
Action: Make sure all instances have the same max_commit_propagation_delay.

ORA-01676: standby file name convert of 'string' exceeds maximum length of string
Cause: When the given file name is converted to the name used for the standby database, the converted name is bigger than the maximum allowed file name.
Action: Change initialization parameter DB_FILE_STANDBY_NAME_CONVERT or LOG_FILE_STANDBY_NAME_CONVERT to convert to a valid file name.

ORA-01677: standby file name convert parameters differ from other instance
Cause: The DB_FILE_STANDBY_NAME_CONVERT or LOG_FILE_STANDBY_NAME_CONVERT initialization parameters are not the same as in other instances that already have the database mounted.
Action: Change initialization parameters DB_FILE_STANDBY_NAME_CONVERT and LOG_FILE_STANDBY_NAME_CONVERT to match other instances.

ORA-01678: parameter string must be pairs of pattern and replacement strings
Cause: The initialization parameter does not have even number of strings for its value. The odd numbered strings are patterns to be found in file names. The even numbered strings are used to replace the corresponding patterns when found in file names.
Action: Specify even number of strings for the parameter, or omit the parameter.

ORA-01679: database must be mounted EXCLUSIVE and not open to activate
Cause: An attempt to activate a standby database was made when the database was not mounted EXCLUSIVE or was already open.
Action: Mount the database EXCLUSIVE and retry the ACTIVATE command.

ORA-01680: unable to extend LOB segment by string in tablespace string
Cause: Failed to allocate an extent of the required number of blocks for a LOB segment in the tablespace indicated.
Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.

ORA-01681: max # extents (string) reached in LOB segment in tablespace string
Cause: A LOB segment tried to extend past max extents.
Action: If maxextents for the tablespace is less than the the system maximum, you can raise that. Otherwise, raise pctincrease for the tablespace

ORA-01682: read-only DB cannot allocate temporary space in tablespace string
Cause: Temporary space (usually for sorting) could not be allocated in either main storage or a tempfile. An attempt was made to allocate the space from the tablespace named, but the database is opened read-only. The database open requires a sort work space.
Action: Either allow sufficient workspace in main storage (SORT_AREA_SIZE initialization parameter), or create a temporary tablespace before making the database read-only. Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD TEMPFILE statement to add temporary files to the temporary tablespace.

ORA-01683: unable to extend index string.string partition string by string in tablespace string
Cause: Failed to allocate an extent of the required number of blocks for index segment in the tablespace indicated.
Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.

ORA-01684: max # extents (string) reached in table string.string partition string
Cause: A table tried to extend past maxextents
Action: If maxextents is less than the system maximum, raise it. Otherwise, you must recreate with larger initial, next or pctincrease params

ORA-01685: max # extents (string) reached in index string.string partition string
Cause: An index tried to extend past maxextents
Action: If maxextents is less than the system max, raise it. Otherwise, you must recreate with larger initial, next or pctincrease params.

ORA-01686: max # files (string) reached for the tablespace string
Cause: The number of files for a given tablespace has reached its maximum value
Action: Resize existing files in the tablespace, or partition the objects among multiple tablespaces, or move some objects to a different tablespace.

ORA-01687: specified logging attribute for tablespace 'string' is same as the existing
Cause: Attempting to change the tablespace default logging attribute (LOGGING or NOLOGGING) to be the same as the existing logging attribute
Action: Change the specified logging attribute

ORA-01688: unable to extend table string.string partition string by string in tablespace string
Cause: Failed to allocate an extent of the required number of blocks for table segment in the tablespace indicated.
Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.

ORA-01689: syntax error in clause "string" of string
Cause: There was a syntax in the INIT.ORA parameter.
Action: Fix the syntax error and restart the instance.

ORA-01690: sort area size too small
Cause: sort area size too small to fit two records in memory
Action: increase sort_area_size

ORA-01691: unable to extend lob segment string.string by string in tablespace string
Cause: Failed to allocate an extent of the required number of blocks for LOB segment in the tablespace indicated.
Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.

ORA-01692: unable to extend lob segment string.string partition string by string in tablespace string
Cause: Failed to allocate an extent of the required number of blocks for LOB segment in the tablespace indicated.
Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.

ORA-01693: max # extents (string) reached in lob segment string.string
Cause: A LOB segment tried to extend past maxextents
Action: If maxextents is less than the system max, raise it. Otherwise, you must recreate with larger initial, next or pctincrease params.

ORA-01694: max # extents (string) reached in lob segment string.string partition string
Cause: A LOB segment tried to extend past maxextents
Action: If maxextents is less than the system max, raise it. Otherwise, you must recreate with larger initial, next or pctincrease params.

ORA-01695: error converting rollback segment string to version 8.0.2
Cause: Version 8.0.1 database may not have shutdown cleanly
Action: May have to reload the 8.0.1 database and shutdown cleanly

ORA-01696: control file is not a clone control file
Cause: Attempting to mount, a database as a clone when it is already mounted by another instance not as a clone or attempting to use a current control file for a clone.
Action: Mount without the clone option or use a backup control file and shutdown the other instances before mounting as a clone.

ORA-01697: control file is for a clone database
Cause: Attempting to mount a clone database without the appropriate command option to designate a clone database.
Action: Use the clone option or appropriate commands, or mount with the primary control file.

ORA-01698: a clone database may only have SYSTEM rollback segment online
Cause: Attempting to online a rollback segment in a clone database.
Action: Do not use this command.

ORA-01699: tablespace 'string' is being imported for point in time recovery
Cause: Attempting to online a tablespace or begin another point in time import while a point in time import is already in progress
Action: Wait until the import complets

ORA-01702: a view is not appropriate here
Cause: Among other possible causes, this message will be produced if an attempt was made to define an Editioning View over a view.
Action: An Editioning View may only be created over a base table.

ORA-01704: string literal too long
Cause: The string literal is longer than 4000 characters.
Action: Use a string literal of at most 4000 characters. Longer values may only be entered using bind variables.

ORA-01715: UNIQUE may not be used with a cluster index
Cause: An attempt was made to create a cluster index with the UNIQUE attribute.
Action: Remove UNIQUE from the CREATE INDEX statement.

ORA-01716: NOSORT may not be used with a cluster index
Cause: An attempt was made to create a cluster index using the NOSORT option.
Action: Remove NOSORT from the CREATE INDEX statement.

ORA-01718: BY ACCESS | SESSION clause not allowed for NOAUDIT
Cause: Attempt to specify BY ACCESS | SESSION in a NOAUDIT statement.
Action: Remove BY ACCESS | SESSION.

ORA-01719: outer join operator (+) not allowed in operand of OR or IN
Cause: An outer join appears in an or clause.
Action: If A and B are predicates, to get the effect of (A(+) or B), try (select where (A(+) and not B)) union all (select where (B)).

ORA-01720: grant option does not exist for 'string.string'
Cause: A grant was being performed on a view and the grant option was not present for an underlying object.
Action: Obtain the grant option on all underlying objects of the view.

ORA-01721: USERENV(COMMITSCN) invoked more than once in a transaction
Cause: The USERENV('COMMITSCN') function can only be used once in a transaction.
Action: Re-write the transactioin to use USERENV('COMMITSCN') only once

ORA-01724: floating point precision is out of range (1 to 126)
Cause: Self-evident.
Action: Self-evident.

ORA-01725: USERENV('COMMITSCN') not allowed here
Cause: The function USERNEV('COMMMITSCN') is only allowed as a top-level expression in the VALUES clause of an INSERT statements, and on the right hand side of an assignment in an UPDATE statement.
Action: Correct the use of the function.

ORA-01734: illegal parameters - EXTENT MIN higher than EXTENT MAX
Cause: A wrong value is specified for the parameter.
Action: Correct the parameter and reissue the statement.

ORA-01742: comment not terminated properly
Cause: The indicated comment or hint begun with the /* token did not have the terminating */.
Action: Properly terminate the comment or hint with a */.

ORA-01743: only pure functions can be indexed
Cause: The indexed function uses SYSDATE or the user environment.
Action: PL/SQL functions must be pure (RNDS, RNPS, WNDS, WNPS). SQL expressions must not use SYSDATE, USER, USERENV(), or anything else dependent on the session state. NLS-dependent functions are OK.

ORA-01751: Invalid dump undo option
Cause: An invalid option is specified in the ALTER DUMP UNDO command.
Action: Correct and reissue the command.

ORA-01752: cannot delete from view without exactly one key-preserved table
Cause: The deleted table had
- no key-preserved tables,
- more than one key-preserved table, or
- the key-preserved table was an unmerged view.
Action: Redefine the view or delete it from the underlying base tables.

ORA-01754: a table may contain only one column of type LONG
Cause: An attempt was made to add a LONG column to a table which already had a LONG column. Note that even if the LONG column currently in the table has already been marked unused, another LONG column may not be added until the unused columns are dropped.
Action: Remove the LONG column currently in the table by using the ALTER TABLE command.

ORA-01755: Must specify an extent number or block number
Cause: Expecting an extent or block number but something else was specified.
Action: Correct the error and reissue the command.

ORA-01757: Must specify an object number
Cause: Expecting an object number but something else was specified.
Action: Correct the error and reissue the command.

ORA-01761: DML operation does not map to a unique table in the join
Cause: The primary table is the base table against which the update, insert or delete operation is finally being done. For delete either there is no primary table in the join query or there is more than one. For update or insert the columns specified map to more than one base table.
Action: Change the join specification.

ORA-01763: update or delete involves outer joined table
Cause: For deletes, the table being deleted from is outer joined to some other table. For updates, either the table being updated is outer- joined to some other table, or some table reachable from the primary table is being outer joined to a table not reachable from the primary table.
Action: Change the join specification.

ORA-01764: new update value of join is not guaranteed to be unique
Cause: A row of a join query table is being updated using a row of a table that is not guaranteed to have exactly one value for the row being updated.
Action: Change the join specification.

ORA-01769: duplicate CLUSTER option specifications
Cause: During a CREATE of a clustered table, the user attempted to specify more than one CLUSTER option.
Action: Remove the extra CLUSTER option.

ORA-01771: illegal option for a clustered table
Cause: During a CREATE or ALTER of a clustered table, the user attempted to enter one or more of the following options: INITRANS, MAXTRANS, PCTFREE, PCTUSED, STORAGE, TABLESPACE. These options may only be specified for the cluster itself.
Action: Remove the illegal option(s).

ORA-01772: Must specify a value for LEVEL
Cause: Expecting the value of LEVEL but something else was specified.
Action: Correct the error and reissue the command.

ORA-01774: Dump undo option specified more than once
Cause: The same option for ALTER DUMP UNDO was specified twice.
Action: Remove the redundant options and reissue the command.

ORA-01776: cannot modify more than one base table through a join view
Cause: Columns belonging to more than one underlying table were either inserted into or updated.
Action: Phrase the statement as two or more separate statements.

ORA-01779: cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved table
Cause: An attempt was made to insert or update columns of a join view which map to a non-key-preserved table.
Action: Modify the underlying base tables directly.

ORA-01781: UNRECOVERABLE cannot be specified without AS SELECT
Cause: UNRECOVERABLE was specified in a CREATE TABLE statement without also specifying a populating subquery with an AS clause.
Action: Do not specify UNRECOVERABLE.

ORA-01782: UNRECOVERABLE cannot be specified for a cluster or clustered table
Cause: A CREATE CLUSTER, or clustered CREATE TABLE statement specified UNRECOVERABLE.
Action: Do not specify UNRECOVERABLE.

ORA-01783: only one RECOVERABLE or UNRECOVERABLE clause may be specified
Cause: RECOVERABLE was specified more than once, UNRECOVERABLE was specified more than once, or both RECOVERABLE and UNRECOVERABLE were specified in a CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX or ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement.
Action: Remove all but one of the RECOVERABLE or UNRECOVERABLE clauses and reissue the statement.

ORA-01784: RECOVERABLE cannot be specified with database media recovery disabled
Cause: A CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX statement specified RECOVERABLE when the database was running in NOARCHIVELOG mode. Since logs are not being archived, they will be overwritten and the object being created cannot be recovered from a backup taken before the object was created.
Action: Do not specify RECOVERABLE, or restart the database with media recovery enabled.

ORA-01792: maximum number of columns in a table or view is 1000
Cause: An attempt was made to create a table or view with more than 1000 columns, or to add more columns to a table or view which pushes it over the maximum allowable limit of 1000. Note that unused columns in the table are counted toward the 1000 column limit.
Action: If the error is a result of a CREATE command, then reduce the number of columns in the command and resubmit. If the error is a result of an ALTER TABLE command, then there are two options: 1) If the table contained unused columns, remove them by executing ALTER TABLE DROP UNUSED COLUMNS before adding new columns; 2) Reduce the number of columns in the command and resubmit.

ORA-01799: a column may not be outer-joined to a subquery
Cause: (+) () is not allowed.
Action: Either remove the (+) or make a view out of the subquery. In V6 and before, the (+) was just ignored in this case.

ORA-01804: failure to initialize timezone information
Cause: The timezone information file was not properly read.
Action: Please contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0
Cause: Illegal year entered
Action: Input year in the specified range

ORA-01854: julian date must be between 1 and 5373484
Cause: An invalid Julian date was entered.
Action: Enter a valid Julian date between 1 and 5373484.

ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected
Cause: The input data to be converted using a date format model was incorrect. The input data did not contain a number where a number was required by the format model.
Action: Fix the input data or the date format model to make sure the elements match in number and type. Then retry the operation.

ORA-01859: a non-alphabetic character was found where an alphabetic was expected
Cause: The input data to be converted using a date format model was incorrect. The input data did not contain a letter where a letter was required by the format model.
Action: Fix the input data or the date format model to make sure the elements match in number and type. Then retry the operation.

ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
Cause: Literals in the input must be the same length as literals in the format string (with the exception of leading whitespace). If the "FX" modifier has been toggled on, the literal must match exactly, with no extra whitespace.
Action: Correct the format string to match the literal.

ORA-01862: the numeric value does not match the length of the format item
Cause: When the FX and FM format codes are specified for an input date, then the number of digits must be exactly the number specified by the format code. For example, 9 will not match the format specifier DD but 09 will.
Action: Correct the input date or turn off the FX or FM format specifier in the format string.

ORA-01863: the year is not supported for the current calendar
Cause: The year is not supported for the current calendar.
Action: Please check the documentation to find out what years are supported for the current calendar.

ORA-01864: the date is out of range for the current calendar
Cause: Your calendar doesn't extend to the specified date.
Action: Specify a date which is legal for this calendar.

ORA-01865: not a valid era
Cause: Era input does not match a known era.
Action: Provide a valid era on input.

ORA-01866: the datetime class is invalid
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Please contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

ORA-01867: the interval is invalid
Cause: The character string you specified is not a valid interval.
Action: Please specify a valid interval.

ORA-01868: the leading precision of the interval is too small
Cause: The leading precision of the interval is too small to store the specified interval.
Action: Increase the leading precision of the interval or specify an interval with a smaller leading precision.

ORA-01870: the intervals or datetimes are not mutually comparable
Cause: The intervals or datetimes are not mutually comparable.
Action: Specify a pair of intervals or datetimes that are mutually comparable.

ORA-01871: the number of seconds must be less than 60
Cause: The number of seconds specified was greater than 59.
Action: Specify a value for seconds that is 59 or smaller.

ORA-01873: the leading precision of the interval is too small
Cause: The leading precision of the interval is too small to store the specified interval.
Action: Increase the leading precision of the interval or specify an interval with a smaller leading precision.

ORA-01874: time zone hour must be between -12 and 14
Cause: The time zone hour specified was not in the valid range.
Action: Specify a time zone hour between -12 and 14.

ORA-01875: time zone minute must be between -59 and 59
Cause: The time zone minute specified was not in the valid range.
Action: Specify a time zone minute between -59 and 59.

ORA-01876: year must be at least -4713
Cause: The specified year was not in range.
Action: Specify a year that is greater than or equal to -4713.

ORA-01877: string is too long for internal buffer
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Please contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

ORA-01878: specified field not found in datetime or interval
Cause: The specified field was not found in the datetime or interval.
Action: Make sure that the specified field is in the datetime or interval.

ORA-01879: the hh25 field must be between 0 and 24
Cause: The specified hh25 field was not in the valid range.
Action: Specify an hh25 field between 0 and 24.

ORA-01880: the fractional seconds must be between 0 and 999999999
Cause: The specified fractional seconds were not in the valid range.
Action: Specify a value for fractional seconds between 0 and 999999999.

ORA-01881: timezone region id number is invalid
Cause: The region id referenced an invalid region.
Action: Please contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-01882: timezone region string not found
Cause: The specified region name was not found.
Action: Please contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-01883: overlap was disabled during a region transition
Cause: The region was changing state and the overlap flag was disabled.
Action: Please contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-01890: NLS error detected
Cause: An NLS error was detected.
Action: Look for additional error messages and take appropriate action. If there are no additional errors, call Oracle Worldwide Support.

ORA-01891: Datetime/Interval internal error
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Please contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

ORA-01898: too many precision specifiers
Cause: While trying to truncate or round dates, extra data was found in the date format picture
Action: Check the syntax of the date format picture and retry.

ORA-01900: LOGFILE keyword expected
Cause: keyword missing
Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-01901: ROLLBACK keyword expected
Cause: keyword missing
Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-01902: SEGMENT keyword expected
Cause: keyword missing
Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-01903: EVENTS keyword expected
Cause: keyword missing
Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-01904: DATAFILE keyword expected
Cause: keyword missing
Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-01905: STORAGE keyword expected
Cause: keyword missing
Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-01906: BACKUP keyword expected
Cause: keyword missing
Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-01907: TABLESPACE keyword expected
Cause: keyword missing
Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-01908: EXISTS keyword expected
Cause: keyword missing
Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-01909: REUSE keyword expected
Cause: keyword missing
Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-01910: TABLES keyword expected
Cause: keyword missing
Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-01911: CONTENTS keyword expected
Cause: keyword missing
Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-01912: ROW keyword expected
Cause: keyword missing
Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-01913: EXCLUSIVE keyword expected
Cause: keyword missing
Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-01914: invalid auditing option for sequence numbers
Cause: AUDIT or NOAUDIT on a sequence number specifies an auditing option that is not legal for sequence numbers.
Action: The following options may not be used for sequence numbers and should be removed: COMMENT, DELETE, INDEX, INSERT, LOCK, RENAME, UPDATE, REFERENCES, EXECUTE

ORA-01915: invalid auditing option for views
Cause: AUDIT or NOAUDIT on a view specifies an auditing option that is not legal for views.
Action: The following options may not be used for views and should be removed: ALTER, INDEX, REFERENCES, EXECUTE

Cause: An expected keyword was not used for datafile/tempfile clause
Action: Use correct syntax.

ORA-01917: user or role 'string' does not exist
Cause: There is not a user or role by that name.
Action: Re-specify the name.

ORA-01918: user 'string' does not exist
Cause: User does not exist in the system.
Action: Verify the user name is correct.

ORA-01919: role 'string' does not exist
Cause: Role by that name does not exist.
Action: Verify you are using the correct role name.

ORA-01920: user name 'string' conflicts with another user or role name
Cause: There is already a user or role with that name.
Action: Specify a different user name.

ORA-01921: role name 'string' conflicts with another user or role name
Cause: There is already a user or role with that name.
Action: Specify a different role name.

ORA-01922: CASCADE must be specified to drop 'string'
Cause: Cascade is required to remove this user from the system. The user own's object which will need to be dropped.
Action: Specify cascade.

ORA-01923: CASCADE aborted, objects locked by another user
Cause: Cannot drop the user's objects; someone has them locked.
Action: Use the lock monitor to determine who has the objects locked.

ORA-01924: role 'string' not granted or does not exist
Cause: Set role can only be performed with roles granted directly to your account. (e.g. a sub-role cannot be enabled)
Action: Don't try to set the role.

ORA-01925: maximum of string enabled roles exceeded
Cause: The INIT.ORA parameter "max_enabled_roles" has been exceeded.
Action: Increase max_enabled_roles and warm start the database.

ORA-01926: cannot GRANT to a role WITH GRANT OPTION
Cause: Role cannot have a privilege with the grant option.
Action: Perform the grant without the grant option.

ORA-01927: cannot REVOKE privileges you did not grant
Cause: You can only revoke privileges you granted.
Action: Don't revoke these privileges.

ORA-01928: GRANT option not granted for all privileges
Cause: In order to grant a privilege, you must first have the privilege with the grant option.
Action: Obtain the privilege with the grant option and try again.

ORA-01929: no privileges to GRANT
Cause: "ALL" was specified but the user doesn't have any privileges with the grant option.
Action: Don't grant privileges on that object.

ORA-01930: auditing the object is not supported
Cause: AUDIT or NOAUDIT was specified for an object that cannot be audited.
Action: Don't attempt to AUDIT the object.

ORA-01931: cannot grant string to a role
Cause: UNLIMITED TABLESPACE, REFERENCES, INDEX, SYSDBA or SYSOPER privilege cannot be granted to a role.
Action: Grant privilege directly to the user.

ORA-01932: ADMIN option not granted for role 'string'
Cause: The operation requires the admin option on the role.
Action: Obtain the grant option and re-try.

ORA-01933: cannot create a stored object using privileges from a role
Cause: An attempt was made to create a stored object using privileges from a role. Stored objects cannot use privileges from roles.
Action: Grant the privileges required to the user directly.

ORA-01934: circular role grant detected
Cause: Roles cannot be granted circularly. Also, a role cannot be granted to itself.
Action: Do not perform the grant.

ORA-01935: missing user or role name
Cause: A user or role name was expected.
Action: Specify a user or role name.

ORA-01936: cannot specify owner when creating users or roles
Cause: Users and roles do not have owners.
Action: Don't specify an owner.

ORA-01937: missing or invalid role name
Cause: A valid role name was expected.
Action: Specify a valid role name.

ORA-01938: IDENTIFIED BY must be specified for CREATE USER
Cause: Cannot create a user without specifying a password or "IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY".
Action: Specify one of the password clauses.

ORA-01939: only the ADMIN OPTION can be specified
Cause: System privileges and Roles can only be granted with the admin option. The grant option cannot be used with these privileges.
Action: Specify the admin option.

ORA-01940: cannot drop a user that is currently connected
Cause: Attempt was made to drop a user that is currently logged in.
Action: Make sure user is logged off, then repeat command.

ORA-01941: SEQUENCE keyword expected
Cause: keyword missing
Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-01942: IDENTIFIED BY and EXTERNALLY cannot both be specified
Cause: A user cannot be specified to have and not have a password.
Action: Specify only one of the options.

ORA-01943: IDENTIFIED BY already specified
Cause: The identified clause has been given twice.
Action: Use only one identified by clause.

ORA-01944: IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY already specified
Cause: The identified externaly clause has been given twice.
Action: Use only one identified clause.

ORA-01945: DEFAULT ROLE[S] already specified
Cause: The default roles clause has been given twice.
Action: Use only on default role clause.

ORA-01946: DEFAULT TABLESPACE already specified
Cause: The default tablespace clause has been given twice.
Action: Use only one default tablespace clause.

ORA-01947: TEMPORARY TABLESPACE already specified
Cause: The temporary tablespace clause has been given twice.
Action: Use only one temporary tablespace clause.

ORA-01948: identifier's name length (string) exceeds maximum (string)
Cause: A name has been specified that is too long. For example, dbms_session.is_role_enabled() specifies a role name that is too long.
Action: Change the application or command to use a correct identifier.

ORA-01949: ROLE keyword expected
Cause: The role keyword is required here.
Action: Specify the role keyword.

ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace 'string'
Cause: User does not have privileges to allocate an extent in the specified tablespace.
Action: Grant the user the appropriate system privileges or grant the user space resource on the tablespace.

ORA-01951: ROLE 'string' not granted to 'string'
Cause: The role you tried to revoke was not granted to the user.
Action: Don't try to revoke a privilege which is not granted.

ORA-01952: system privileges not granted to 'string'
Cause: A system privilege you tried to revoke was not granted to the user.
Action: Make sure the privileges you are trying to revoke are granted.

ORA-01953: command no longer valid, see ALTER USER
Cause: The syntax for assigning quotas on tablespaces has changed. The ALTER USER command is now used to perform the functionality
Action: Use the alter user command instead.

ORA-01954: DEFAULT ROLE clause not valid for CREATE USER
Cause: Default roles cannot be specified for create user.
Action: Grant and alter the user's default roles after creating the user.

ORA-01955: DEFAULT ROLE 'string' not granted to user
Cause: The user being altered does not have the specified role granted directly to the user. Note, sub-roles cannot be used in the default role clause.
Action: Grant the role to the user.

ORA-01956: invalid command when OS_ROLES are being used
Cause: This command cannot be used when the INIT.ORA parameter OS_ROLES is TRUE.
Action: Grant the role to the user in the operating system.

ORA-01967: invalid option for CREATE CONTROLFILE
Cause: An invalid CREATE CONTROLFILE option is present.
Action: Specify only valid CREATE CONTROLFILE options.

ORA-01968: Only specify RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS once
Cause: The keyword RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS has appeared more than once
Action: Be sure to specify RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS exactly once.

ORA-01969: You must specify RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS
Action: Be sure to specify RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS exactly once.

ORA-01970: You must specify a database name for CREATE CONTROLFILE
Cause: Missing a database name
Action: Retype CREATE CONTROLFILE command with the DATABASE keyword.

ORA-01973: Missing change number
Cause: Keyword "CHANGE" found but change number not specified.
Action: Fix command line and resubmit

ORA-01974: Illegal archive option
Cause: Not a valid option to the "ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE" command
Action: None

ORA-01977: Missing thread number
Cause: Keyword "THREAD" found but thread number not specified.
Action: Fix command line and resubmit

ORA-01978: Missing sequence number
Cause: Keyword "SEQUENCE" found but sequence number not specified.
Action: Fix command line and resubmit

ORA-01979: missing or invalid password for role 'string'
Cause: An attempt was made to enable a role without giving
Action: Use the "identified by" clause in set role to specify the correct password.

ORA-01980: error during OS ROLE initialization
Cause: An OS error occurred while loading a users OS ROLES.
Action: Check the OS error.

ORA-01981: CASCADE CONSTRAINTS must be specified to perform this revoke
Cause: During this revoke some foreign key contraints will be removed. In order to perform this automatically, CASCADE CONSTRAINTS must be specified.
Action: Remove the constraints or specify CASCADE CONSTRAINTS.

ORA-01982: invalid auditing option for tables
Cause: AUDIT or NOAUDIT on a table specifies an auditing option that is not legal for tables.
Action: The following options may not be used for tables and should be removed: REFERENCES, EXECUTE

ORA-01983: invalid auditing option for DEFAULT
Cause: AUDIT or NOAUDIT on a DEFAULT specifies an auditing option that is not legal for DEFAULT.
Action: The following options may not be used for DEFAULT and should be removed: REFERENCES

ORA-01984: invalid auditing option for procedures/packages/functions
Cause: AUDIT or NOAUDIT on a DEFAULT specifies an auditing option that is not legal for procedures, packages, or functions.
Action: The following options may not be used for procedures, packages, and functions and should be removed: all but EXECUTE

ORA-01985: cannot create user as LICENSE_MAX_USERS parameter exceeded
Cause: Maximum users in the database license limit exceeded.
Action: Increase license limit.

ORA-01986: OPTIMIZER_GOAL is obsolete
Cause: An obsolete parameter, OPTIMIZER_GOAL, was referenced.
Action: Use the OPTIMIZER_MODE parameter.

ORA-01987: client os username is too long
Cause: A client's os username is too long for the os logon to succeed.
Action: Use a shorter os username.

ORA-01988: remote os logon is not allowed
Cause: Remote os login attempted when not allowed.
Action: Use a local client, or use the remote_os_authent system parameter to turn on remote os logon.

ORA-01989: role 'string' not authorized by operating system
Cause: The os role does not exist, is not granted to you, or you did not provide the correct password.
Action: Re-attempt the SET ROLE with a valid os role and password, if necessary.

ORA-01994: GRANT failed: password file missing or disabled
Cause: The operation failed either because the INIT.ORA parameter REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE was set to NONE or else because the password file was missing.
Action: Create the password file using the orapwd tool and set the INIT.ORA parameter REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE to EXCLUSIVE.

ORA-01999: password file cannot be updated in SHARED mode
Cause: The operation failed because the INIT.ORA parameter REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE was set to SHARED.
Action: Set the INIT.ORA parameter to EXCLUSIVE.