Oracle Database Error Messages (ORA-09200 - ORA-13000)

I summarized a list of (ORA) oracle error codes list with cause and action, use browser find (CTRL+F) to get your desire error code, cause and possible action.

Oracle Database Error Messages (ORA-09200 - ORA-13000)

ORA-09200: sfccf: error creating file
Cause: Could be out of disk space
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09201: sfcopy: error copying file
Cause: Block sizes may not match
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09202: sfifi: error identifying file
Cause: db_block_size specified in init.ora could be incorrect
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09203: sfofi: error opening file
Cause: File attributes may have changed
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09204: sfotf: error opening temporary file
Cause: Incorrect path may have been specified for the file
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09205: sfqio: error reading or writing to disk
Cause: File may have been truncated or corrupted
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09206: sfrfb: error reading from file
Cause: File may have been truncated or corrupted
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09207: sfsrd: error reading from file
Cause: File may have been truncated or corrupted
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09208: sftcls: error closing file
Cause: File may have been corrupted
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09209: sftget: error reading from file
Cause: File may have been truncated or corrupted
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09210: sftopn: error opening file
Cause: Incorrect path may have been specified for the file
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09211: sfwfb: error writing to file
Cause: File may have been truncated or corrupted
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09212: sfwfbmt: error writing to file
Cause: File may have been truncated or corrupted
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09213: slgfn: error fabricating file name
Cause: Filename may be too long
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09214: sfdone: I/O error detected
Cause: File may have been truncated or corrupted
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09215: sfqio: error detected in IOCompletionRoutine
Cause: File may have been truncated or corrupted
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09216: sdnfy: bad value 'string' for parameter string
Cause: The directory specified as the value for the stated parameter could not be used.
Action: Make sure the directory you have specified is a valid directory/file specification.

ORA-09217: sfsfs: failed to resize file
Cause: Could be out of disk space
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09218: sfrfs: failed to refresh file size
Cause: File may be corrupted or truncated
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09240: smpalo: error allocating PGA memory
Cause: Could be out of memory
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09241: smsalo: error allocating SGA memory
Cause: Could be out of memory
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09243: smsget: error attaching to SGA
Cause: SGA may not have been created (database not started)
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09260: sigpidu: error obtaining process id
Cause: May be out of resources
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09261: spdcr: error creating detached (background) process
Cause: Could be out of resources
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09262: spdde: error terminating detached (background) process
Cause: Could be out of resources
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09263: spini: error initializing process
Cause: Could be out of memory
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09264: sptpa: error flagging process
Cause: Could be out of resources
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09265: spwat: error temporarily suspending process
Cause: Could be out of resources
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09266: spawn: error starting an Oracle process
Cause: Could be out memory
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09270: szalloc: error allocating memory for security
Cause: Could be out of memory
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09271: szlon: error verifying user name
Cause: Username may be too long
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09272: remote os logon is not allowed
Cause: Remote os login attempted when not allowed.
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09273: szrfc: error verifying role name
Cause: An OS error was returned when verifying the role name.
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09274: szrfc: insufficient role name buffer space
Cause: An OS role name was too long.
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09275: CONNECT INTERNAL is not a valid DBA connection
Cause: CONNECT INTERNAL is no longer supported for DBA connections.
Action: Please try to connect AS SYSDBA or AS SYSOPER.

ORA-09276: All bequeath database links must be loopback database links
Cause: A non-loopback bequeath connect string was supplied for a database link.
Action: Please use a connect string with a different transport protocol, or specify a loopback connect string (one that points to the instance for the current session) using "(PROGRAM=/bin/oracle)" and, optionally, "(ENVS=''ORACLE_SID='')".

ORA-09280: sllfcf: error closing file
Cause: File may be corrupted
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09281: sllfop: error opening file
Cause: Possibly incorrect path specified to the file
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09282: sllfrb: error reading records
Cause: File could be corrupted
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09283: sllfsk: error skipping records
Cause: File could be corrupted
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09284: sllfop: cannot allocate read buffer
Cause: malloc() system call returned an error. The system might have run out of heap space
Action: Check additional information for the OS error.

ORA-09285: sllfop: unrecognizable processing option, incorrect format
Cause: Processing option passed is of incorrect format
Action: Consult your IUG for permissible formats

ORA-09290: sksaalo: error allocating memory for archival
Cause: Could be out of memory
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09291: sksachk: invalid device specified for archive destination
Cause: Unable to access directory
Action: Specify a valid device in ARCHIVE control string

ORA-09292: sksabln: unable to build archive file name
Cause: Bad directory or format specified
Action: Specify a valid directory in 'log_archive_format' and a valid format string in 'log_archive_format' in init.ora

ORA-09293: sksasmo: unable to send message to console
Cause: An error was returned while attempting to send a message to the console operator
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09300: osncon: unable to connect, DPMI not available
Cause: Unable to detect the presence of DPMI
Action: Restart Windows and retry

ORA-09301: osncon: local kernel only supported in standard mode
Cause: An attempt was made to connect to S: while in enhanced mode
Action: Restart Windows in standard mode

ORA-09310: sclgt: error freeing latch
Cause: Internal error
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09311: slsleep: error temporarily suspending process
Cause: May be out of resources
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09312: slspool: error spooling file to printer
Cause: Could be out of resources
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09313: slsprom: error prompting user
Cause: May be out of resources
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09314: sltln: error translating logical name
Cause: Internal buffer may have overflowed
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09315: sql2tt: two-task error translating ORACLE_EXECUTABLE
Cause: Internal error
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09316: szrpc: unable to verify password for role
Cause: OS roles may not be supported for this platform
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09317: szprv: insufficient privileges
Cause: The password specified is invalid
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09318: slkhst: unable to host out to operating system
Cause: There might not be enough memory for the command or hosting out may not be supported on this platform
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09319: slgtd: unable to obtain the current date and time
Cause: The system time might be set incorrectly
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09320: szrfc: unable to obtain the list of valid OS roles
Cause: OS roles may not be supported on this platform
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09321: slzdtb: unable to convert zoned decimal to binary
Cause: internal error
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09322: slpdtb: unable to convert packed decimal to binary
Cause: internal error
Action: See OSD error accompanying this message

ORA-09330: Session terminated internally by Oracle or by an Oracle DBA
Cause: Oracle to terminate that session after about a minute. This message also appears in the trace file if a shutdown abort is performed.
Action: None

ORA-09340: Specified ORACLE_SID is either invalid or too long
Cause: ORACLE_SID must be at the most 4 alphanumeric characters.
Action: None

ORA-09341: scumnt: unable to mount database
Cause: Another instance is currently mounting the database
Action: None

ORA-09342: Detached process terminated by Oracle during shutdown abort
Cause: The user performed a shutdown abort.
Action: None

ORA-09344: spsig: error signalling thread
Cause: This function may not be implemented.
Action: None

ORA-09350: Windows 32-bit Two-Task driver unable to allocate context area
Cause: See OSD error accompanying this message
Action: None

ORA-09351: Windows 32-bit Two-Task driver unable to allocate shared memory
Cause: See OSD error accompanying this message
Action: None

ORA-09352: Windows 32-bit Two-Task driver unable to spawn new ORACLE task
Cause: See OSD error accompanying this message
Action: None

ORA-09353: Windows 32-bit Two-Task driver unable to open event semaphore
Cause: See OSD error accompanying this message
Action: None

ORA-09354: Windows 32-bit Two-Task driver: ORACLE task unexpectedly died
Cause: See OSD error accompanying this message
Action: None

ORA-09360: Windows 3.1 Two-Task driver unable to allocate context area
Cause: See OSD error accompanying this message
Action: None

ORA-09361: Windows 3.1 Two-Task driver unable to lock context area
Cause: See OSD error accompanying this message
Action: None

ORA-09362: Windows 3.1 Two-Task driver unable to deallocate context area
Cause: See OSD error accompanying this message
Action: None

ORA-09363: Windows 3.1 Two-Task driver invalid context area
Cause: See OSD error accompanying this message
Action: None

ORA-09364: Windows 3.1 Two-Task driver unable to create hidden window
Cause: See OSD error accompanying this message
Action: None

ORA-09365: Windows 3.1 Two-Task driver unable to destroy hidden window
Cause: See OSD error accompanying this message
Action: None

ORA-09366: Windows 3.1 Two-Task driver unable to allocate shared memory
Cause: See OSD error accompanying this message
Action: None

ORA-09367: Windows 3.1 Two-Task driver unable to deallocate shared memory
Cause: See OSD error accompanying this message
Action: None

ORA-09368: Windows 3.1 Two-Task driver unable to spawn ORACLE
Cause: See OSD error accompanying this message
Action: None

ORA-09369: Windows 3.1 Two-Task driver bad instance handle
Cause: See OSD error accompanying this message
Action: None

ORA-09370: Windows 3.1 Two-Task driver ORACLE task timed out
Cause: See OSD error accompanying this message
Action: None

ORA-09700: sclin: maximum number of latches exceeded
Cause: ORACLE wants to use more latches then available.
Action: increase INIT.ORA parameter latch_pages or decrease the amount of shared memory you are using.

ORA-09701: scnfy: maximum number of processes exceeded
Cause: PROCESSES INIT.ORA parameter exceeded.
Action: Decrease the PROCESSES parameter and restart.

ORA-09702: sem_acquire: cannot acquire latch semaphore
Cause: The semaphore used for accessing latches could not be seized
Action: Send trace file to your customer support representative, along with information on reproducing the error.

ORA-09703: sem_release: cannot release latch semaphore
Cause: The semaphore used for accessing latches could not be released
Action: Send trace file to your customer support representative, along with information on reproducing the error.

ORA-09704: sstascre: ftok error in creating test and set pages.
Cause: the ftok() library call failed in sstastcre().
Action: Verify that tasdef@.dbf file exists. If it does then this is a possible system failure. Perhaps System V compatibility is not enabled.

ORA-09705: spcre: cannot initialize latch semaphore
Cause: The semaphore used for accessing latches could not be initialized
Action: Send trace file to your customer support representative, along with information on reproducing the error.

ORA-09706: slsget: get_process_stats error.
Cause: get_process_stats system call returned an error. Possible OS error.
Action: Check additional information returned. Look for information in OS reference. Contact customer support.

ORA-09708: soacon: failed to bind socket to port.
Cause: The bind system call failed on the socket.
Action: Check additional information for OS error. Try connecting again.

ORA-09709: soacon: failed to accept a connection.
Cause: The accept system call failed on the socket.
Action: Check additional information for OS error. Try connecting again.

ORA-09710: soarcv: buffer overflow.
Cause: The internal buffer is not big enough to hold the message read.
Action: Internal error. Contact customer support representative.

ORA-09711: orasrv: archmon already connected.
Cause: An existing connection has already been made from archmon to orasrv.
Action: Stop trying to connect.

ORA-09712: orasrv: log archiver already connected.
Cause: An existing connection has already been made from log archiver to orasrv.
Action: Stop trying to connect.

ORA-09714: Two Task interface: cannot obtain puname
Cause: The TXIPC driver cannot obtain the name of the PU. (Possible OS error)
Action: Check if the PUs are named (consistend).

ORA-09715: orasrv: cannot obtain puname
Cause: Orasrv cannot obtain the name of the PU. (Possible OS error)
Action: Check if the PUs are named (consistend).

ORA-09716: kslcll: Unable to fix in-flux lamport latch.
Cause: One Oracle process died while still holding a lamport latch.
Action: Exit (kill) all Oracle user processes. Shutdown (abort) and restart Oracle RDBMS kernel.

ORA-09717: osnsui: maximum number of user interrupt handlers exceeded.
Cause: The internal limit on the number of user interrupt handlers has been exceeded.
Action: Reduce the number of simulataneous logons or reduce the number of user interrupt handlers.

ORA-09718: osnsui: cannot set up user interrupt handler.
Cause: Malloc() failed to allocate space to hold user interrupt handler.
Action: Possible memory resource shortage.

ORA-09719: osncui: invalid handle.
Cause: The handle passed to osncui is out of the valid range.
Action: Use a valid handle.

ORA-09740: slsget: cannot get virtual memory region statistics.
Cause: The vm_region system call failed to get virual memory region statistics.
Action: Check return code in sercerrno. Possible operating system failure.

ORA-09741: spwat: error waiting for a post.
Cause: Msg_receive system call returned an error. Internal error.
Action: Check return code in sercerrno. Port name is returned in sercose[0].

ORA-09742: sppst: error during a post.
Cause: Msg_send system call returned an error. Internal error.
Action: Check return code in sercerrno. Port name is returned in sercose[0].

ORA-09743: smscre: could not attach shared memory.
Cause: The mmap or write system call returned an error. Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle support.

ORA-09744: smsget: mmap returned an error.
Cause: The mmap system call returned an error. Internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle support.

ORA-09745: smscre: vm_allocate error, unable to create shared memory.
Cause: Error in system call vm_allocate. Failed to create SGA as a single shared memory segment.
Action: Check result code returned in sercerrno. Verify that the SGA attach address is valid.

ORA-09746: smscre: shared memory attach address incorrect.
Cause: The vm_allocate system call attached the SGA at an incorrect location.
Action: Verify that the SGA attach address is valid.

ORA-09747: pw_detachPorts: server call pws_detach failed.
Cause: The call pws_detach to (Oracle helper) failed.
Action: Make sure the server is still active. Check the error code returned in sercerrno, and look for error messages in the server log file.

ORA-09748: pws_look_up: fork failed
Cause: The pws_look_up call could not fork the (Oracle helper) process.
Action: Verify that there are enough system resources to support another process. The user or system process limit may have been exceeded, or the amount of free memory or swap space may be temporarily insufficient.

ORA-09749: pws_look_up: port lookup failure
Cause: The pws_look_up could not find a port to (Oracle helper).
Action: Make sure the (Oracle helper) server has been started correctly by pws_look_up, and that the network name server is still running.

ORA-09750: pw_attachPorts: port_rename failed.
Cause: The port_rename system call failed; possible internal error.
Action: Check return code in sercerrno, report to Oracle customer support.

ORA-09751: pw_attachPorts: server call pws_attach failed.
Cause: The call pws_attach to (Oracle helper) failed.
Action: Make sure the server is still active. Check the error code returned in sercerrno, and look for error messages in the server log file.

ORA-09752: pw_attachPorts: port_allocate failed.
Cause: The port_allocate system call failed; possible resource exhaustion.
Action: Check return code in sercerrno, report to Oracle customer support.

ORA-09753: spwat: invalid process number.
Cause: Function was passed an invalid oracle process id.
Action: Internal error. Additional information indicates the invalid process id.

ORA-09754: sppst: invalid process number passed to sppst.
Cause: Function was passed an invalid oracle process id.
Action: Internal error. Contact Oracle support.

ORA-09755: osngpn: port allocation failure.
Cause: The port_allocate system call failed.
Action: Possible system resource shortage; check the error code in sercerrno.

ORA-09756: osnpns: no port in the name server.
Cause: osnpns could not find the given named port in the name server.
Action: Check the error code in sercerrno. Make sure the shadow process and network name server are still running.

ORA-09757: osnipn: port allocation failure.
Cause: The port_allocate system call failed.
Action: Possible system resource shortage; check the error code in sercerrno.

ORA-09758: osnipn: could not check port in name server.
Cause: The netname_check_in call failed.
Action: Check the error code in sercerrno. Make sure the network name server is running.

ORA-09759: osnsbt: bad message received.
Cause: The msg_receive system call failed, or received a bad message.
Action: Internal error. Report the error code returned in sercerrno.

ORA-09760: osnpui: cannot send break message
Cause: The Pipe driver could not send a break message to the ORACLE shadow process break thread.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-09761: pw_destroyPorts: server call pws_stop_instance failed.
Cause: The call pws_stop_instance to (Oracle helper) failed.
Action: Make sure the server is still active. Check the error code returned in sercerrno, and look for error messages in the server log file.

ORA-09762: sNeXT_instanceName: translation error.
Cause: A failure was detected while translating the value of ORACLE_SID.
Action: Make sure ORACLE_SID is defined, and that it is of legal length.

ORA-09763: osnmpx: send/receive error exchanging Mach ports.
Cause: The Mach driver failed to exchange port information with the other side of the connection. Either msg_send (sercose[0] == 1) or msg_receive (sercose[0] == 2) failed.
Action: Check return code in sercerrno. Make sure both sides of the connection are still running.

ORA-09764: osnmop: access error on oracle executable
Cause: The Mach driver could not access the oracle executable.
Action: Check the permissions on the ORACLE executable and each component of the ORACLE_HOME/bin path.

ORA-09765: osnmop: fork failed
Cause: The Mach driver could not fork the oracle shadow process.
Action: Verify that there are enough system resources to support another process. The user or system process limit may have been exceeded, or the amount of free memory or swap space may be temporarily insufficient.

ORA-09766: osnmop: buffer allocation failure.
Cause: The Mach driver failed to allocate enough vm space for its I/O buffers.
Action: Decrease the value of buffer_size parameter in the Two-Task driver hoststring.

ORA-09767: osnmfs: bad return code from msg_send.
Cause: The msg_send system call failed while flushing the Mach driver's send buffer.
Action: Internal error. Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-09768: osnmgetmsg: could not read a message
Cause: The msg_receive system call returned a failure code while waiting for a message in the Mach driver.
Action: Internal error. Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-09769: osnmbr: cannot send break message
Cause: The Mach driver could not send a break message to the ORACLE shadow process break thread.
Action: Internal error. Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-09770: pws_look_up: translation failure.
Cause: The pws_look_up routine failed to translate the name of the (Oracle helper) executable.
Action: Make sure ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOME are set and correct. Additional information gives the translation error code.

ORA-09771: osnmwrtbrkmsg: bad return code from msg_send.
Cause: The msg_send sytem call failed while sending a Mach driver break.
Action: Internal error. Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-09772: osnpmetbrkmsg: message from host had incorrect message type
Cause: The Mach driver received a message having an unrecognizable message type.
Action: Internal error. Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-09773: osnmgetdatmsg: message from host had incorrect message type
Cause: The Mach driver received a message having an unrecognizable message type.
Action: Internal error. Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-09774: osnmui: cannot send break message
Cause: The Mach driver could not send a break message to the ORACLE shadow process break thread.
Action: Internal error. Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-09775: osnmrs: reset protocol error
Cause: The Mach two-task driver could not reset the connection.
Action: Internal error. Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-09776: pws_look_up: access error on (Oracle helper) executable
Cause: The pws_look_up call could not access the (Oracle helper) executable.
Action: Check the permissions on the (Oracle helper) executable and each component of the ORACLE_HOME/bin path.

ORA-09777: osnpbr: cannot send break message
Cause: The pipe driver could not send a break message to the ORACLE shadow process break thread.
Action: Internal error. Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-09778: snynfyport: failure allocating the notify port.
Cause: The routine failed to allocate or set the task's notify port.
Action: Possible operating system error. Contact Oracle support.

ORA-09779: snyGetPort: failure to allocate a port.
Cause: The port_allocate system call failed; system resources might be exhausted.
Action: Possible operating system error. Contact Oracle support.

ORA-09786: sllfop: open error, unable to open file.
Cause: Open system call returned an error.
Action: Check errno.

ORA-09787: sllfop: unrecognizable processing option, incorrect format.
Cause: Processing option passed is of incorrect format.
Action: Consult your IUG for permissible formats.

ORA-09788: sllfrb: unable to read file.
Cause: Read system call returned an error.
Action: Check errno. Verify file exists.

ORA-09789: sllfsk: unable to read file.
Cause: Read system call returned an error.
Action: Check errno. Verify file exists.

ORA-09790: sllfcf: unable to close file.
Cause: Close system call returned an error.
Action: Check errno.

ORA-09791: slembdf: translation error, unable to translate error file name.
Cause: Additional information indicates error returned from sltln.
Action: Check additional information.

ORA-09792: sllfop: cannot allocate read buffer.
Cause: Malloc system call returned an error. The system might have run out of heap space.
Action: Check additional information for the OS error.

ORA-09793: szguns: length of user name is greater than buffer.
Cause: The length of the name of the user being looked up is longer than size of the buffer provided by the calling routine.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-09794: szrbuild: length of role name is greater than buffer.
Cause: The length of the name of the role being looked up is longer than size of the buffer provided by the calling routine.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-09795: szrbuild: malloc of role structure failed.
Cause: The allocation of memory for an internal structure used to hold a role descriptor failed.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system failure.

ORA-09796: szrbuild: malloc of role name failed.
Cause: The allocation of memory for an internal buffer used to hold the name of a role failed.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system failure.

ORA-09797: Failed to get O/S MAC privileges.
Cause: The operating system would not allow the retrieval of this process' privileges.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system failure. If there is no error, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-09798: Label comparison failed.
Cause: The comparison of two binary labels failed.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system failure. If there is no error, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-09799: File label retrieval failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to get a label attached to a file.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system failure. If there is no error, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-09800: Process sensitivity label retrieval failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to get the sensitivity label for a process.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system failure. If there is no error, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-09801: Unable to get user ID from connection
Cause: ORACLE was unable to retrieve the user's ID number from the SQL*Net connection.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error. Also check the "additional information" field for the SQL*Net error. If there is no error, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-09802: Conversion of binary label to string failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to convert a binary label to a string.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system failure. If there is no error, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-09803: Allocation of string buffer failed.
Cause: a buffer used to hold the name of the file for which a label was to be obtained could not be allocated.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system failure. If there is no error, contact Oracle Support Services. The number of bytes that ORACLE attempted to allocate is in the "Additional Information" field.

ORA-09804: Class conversion from binary to ORACLE failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to convert a class component from binary format to ORACLE format.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system failure. If there is no error, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-09805: conversion of category number to string failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to translate a category number to its corresponding string representation failed.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system failure. If there is no error, contact Oracle Support Services. The category number is contained in the "Additional information" field.

ORA-09806: Allocation of label string buffer failed.
Cause: a temporary buffer used to hold a label could not be allocated.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system failure. If there is no error, contact Oracle Support Services. The number of bytes that ORACLE attempted to allocate is in the "Additional Information" field.

ORA-09807: Conversion of label from string to binary failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to convert the string representation of a label to binary format.
Action: Re-enter a valid label.

ORA-09808: Could not obtain user clearance.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to get a user's clearance level.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system failure. If there is no error, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-09809: Unable to get user's group ID from connection
Cause: ORACLE was unable to retrieve the user's group ID number from the SQL*Net connection.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error. Also check the "additional information" field for the SQL*Net error. If there is no error, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-09810: Unable to get process ID from connection
Cause: ORACLE was unable to retrieve the user's process ID number from the SQL*Net connection.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error. Also check the "additional information" field for the SQL*Net error. If there is no error, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-09811: Unable to initialize package.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to initialize the library used to obtain security information.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-09812: Unable to get user clearance from connection
Cause: ORACLE was unable to retrieve the user's operating system session clearance from the SQL*Net connection.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error. Also check the "additional information" field for the SQL*Net error. If there is no error, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-09813: Unable to get directory status
Cause: ORACLE was unable to determine if a directory is multilevel.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error. If there is no error, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-09814: Unable to expand file name
Cause: ORACLE was unable to expand the name of a file that resides in multilevel directory.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error. If there is no error, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-09815: File name buffer overflow
Cause: The buffer that ORACLE uses to hold the expanded name of a too small.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-09817: Write to audit file failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to write an entry to the file used as the audit trail.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error. If there is no error, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-09818: Number is too large
Cause: ORACLE was unable to convert a component string to a number because the number is larger than the largest possible value for an integer. The additional information field specifies the maximum.
Action: Correct the string and repeat the conversion.

ORA-09819: Number exceeds maximum legal value
Cause: the number specified for a component was greater than the maximum value allowed for that component.
Action: Change the component to a value less than the maximum and repeat the conversion. The maximum component number is contained in the "Additional information" field.

ORA-09820: Conversion of class string to numeric representation failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to convert a class string to a number because all of the characters in the string were not numeric.
Action: Change the string to be either all numbers or all non-numeric characters and repeat the conversion.

ORA-09821: Numeric label is not valid
Cause: A label specified in ORACLE numeric format was found not to be valid.
Action: Re-enter a valid label. Consult your system's encodings for valid numeric component values.

ORA-09822: Translation of audit file name failed.
Cause: Oracle was unable to translate the value of the AUDIT_FILE_DEST initialization parameter.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error. If there is no error, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-09823: device name is too long
Cause: The name of a device was too long to fit into an internal buffer. The additional information field contains the length of the device name.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-09824: Unable to enable allowmacaccess privilege.
Cause: ORACLE was not able to turn on allowmacaccess privilege so that it could do a label comparison.
Action: Check the UNIX error number. If it indicates that ORACLE does not have the allowmacaccess privilege, add the allowmacaccess privilege to the potential privilege set of $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle using chpriv (1M). If the executable already has the allowmacaccess privilege, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-09825: Unable to disable allowmacaccess privilege.
Cause: ORACLE was not able to turn off the allowmacaccess privilege after doing a label comparison.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-09826: SCLIN: cannot initialize atomic latch.
Cause: System call atomic_op() return error.
Action: Check additional information in the trace file.

ORA-09827: SCLGT: atomic latch return unknown error.
Cause: System call atomic_op() return unexpected error.
Action: Check additional information in the trace file.

ORA-09828: SCLFR: atomic latch return error.
Cause: System call atomic_op() return unexpected error.
Action: Check additional information in the trace file.

ORA-09829: pw_createPorts: server call pws_start_instance failed.
Cause: The call pws_start_instance to (Oracle helper) failed; system resources might be exhausted.
Action: Make sure the server is still active. Check the error code returned in sercerrno, and look for error messages in the server log file.

ORA-09830: snyAddPort: failed to perform a remote procedure call.
Cause: The msg_rpc system call returned an error.
Action: Internal error. Contact Oracle support.

ORA-09831: snyStartThread: failed to build the server port set.
Cause: The routine failed to build a port set on which to listen for requests.
Action: Possible operating system failure. Contact Oracle support.

ORA-09832: infoCallback: bad message format.
Cause: The routine received an incorrectly formatted request.
Action: Internal error. Contact Oracle support.

ORA-09833: addCallback: bad message format.
Cause: The routine received an incorrectly formatted request.
Action: Internal error. Contact Oracle support.

ORA-09834: snyGetPortSet: failed to collect info on a port.
Cause: The port_status system called failed.
Action: Possible operating system error. Contact Oracle support.

ORA-09835: addCallback: callback port is already in a set.
Cause: The port to be added to the callback list is already in a port set.
Action: Internal error. Contact Oracle support.

ORA-09836: addCallback: could not add a port to the callback set.
Cause: The port_set_add system called failed.
Action: Possible operating system error. Contact Oracle support.

ORA-09837: addCallback: could not add allocate a callback link.
Cause: The malloc library call failed to allocate space for a callback link.
Action: Possible operating system error. Contact Oracle support.

ORA-09838: removeCallback: failure removing the callback port.
Cause: The port port_set_remove system call failed.
Action: Possible operating system error. Contact Oracle support.

ORA-09839: removeCallback: callback port is not in the callback set.
Cause: The port to be removed to the callback list is not in the callback port set.
Action: Internal error. Contact Oracle support.

ORA-09840: soacon: Name translation failure.
Cause: sltln() could not translate the named pipe ?/dbs/mon2arch_@.
Action: Make sure that the ORACLE_HOME specified for this ORACLE_SID in oratab is correct.

ORA-09841: soacon: Name translation failure.
Cause: sltln() could not translate the named pipe ?/dbs/arch2mon_@.
Action: Make sure that the ORACLE_HOME specified for this ORACLE_SID in oratab is correct.

ORA-09842: soacon: Archmon unable to create named pipe.
Cause: mknod() failed to create named pipe ?/dbs/mon2arch_@.
Action: Your current OS login may lack write permission for the ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory. Only userids in the dba group of a given instance can run archmon for that ORACLE_SID. Make sure that the ORACLE_HOME directory is correct in oratab.

ORA-09843: soacon: Archmon unable to create named pipe.
Cause: mknod() failed to create named pipe ?/dbs/arch2mon_@.
Action: Your current OS login may lack write permission for the ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory. Only userids in the dba group of a given instance can run archmon for that ORACLE_SID. Make sure that the ORACLE_HOME directory is correct in oratab.

ORA-09844: soacon: Archmon unable to open named pipe.
Cause: open() failed to open named pipe ?/dbs/mon2arch_@.
Action: Only the oracle dba can run archmon. Make sure that your current OS login has owner or group search permission for the ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory. The max number of open files may have been exceeded.

ORA-09845: soacon: Archmon unable to open named pipe.
Cause: open() failed to open named pipe ?/dbs/arch2mon_@.
Action: Only the oracle dba can run archmon. Make sure that your current OS login has owner or group search permission for the ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory. The max number of open files may have been exceeded.

ORA-09846: soacon: ARCH unable to open named pipe.
Cause: open() failed to open named pipe ?/dbs/mon2arch_@.
Action: Make sure that the OS userid of the currently running database has search permission for the ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory. The max number of open files may have been exceeded.

ORA-09847: soacon: ARCH unable to open named pipe.
Cause: open() failed to open named pipe ?/dbs/arch2mon_@.
Action: Make sure that the OS userid of the currently running database has search permission for the ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory. The max number of open files may have been exceeded.

ORA-09850: soacon: Archmon unable to lock named pipe.
Cause: fcntl() failed to set write lock on named pipe ?/dbs/arch2mon_@.
Action: Make sure that archmon is not already active on another terminal for this ORACLE_SID. Only one archmon session is allowed at a time for a given instance.

ORA-09851: soacon: Archmon unable to lock named pipe.
Cause: fcntl() failed to set read lock on named pipe ?/dbs/mon2arch_@.
Action: Make sure that archmon is not already active on another terminal for this ORACLE_SID. Only one archmon session is allowed at a time for a given instance.

ORA-09853: snyRemovePort: bad return code from request.
Cause: The request to remove a port from the callback set returned a failure code.
Action: Possible operating system error. Contact Oracle support.

ORA-09854: snyPortInfo: bad return code from request.
Cause: The request to collect info on a port in the callback set returned a failure code.
Action: Possible operating system error. Contact Oracle support.

ORA-09855: removeCallback: bad message format.
Cause: The routine received an incorrectly formatted request.
Action: Internal error. Contact Oracle support.

ORA-09856: smpalo: vm_allocate error while allocating pga.
Cause: The vm_allocate system call returned an error.
Action: Check returned error. Possibly out of system resources.

ORA-09857: smprset: vm_protect error while protecting pga.
Cause: The vm_protect system call returned an error.
Action: Internal error. Contact Oracle support.

ORA-09858: sfngat: the input file name is not in the OMF format
Cause: The function sfngat() received a filename which is not an OMF file name.
Action: Further diagnostic information should be in the error stack.

ORA-09859: sfngat: the input file name is not in the autobackup OMF format
Cause: The function sfngat() received a filename which is not an autobackup OMF file name.
Action: Further diagnostic information should be in the error stack.

ORA-09870: spini: failure initializing maximum number of open files.
Cause: ulimit system call returned an error.
Action: Check errno.

ORA-09871: TASDEF_NAME: translation error while expanding ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf.
Cause: Failure of sltln(?/tasdef@.dbf) while creating test and set pages.
Action: Check additional return error for more information.

ORA-09872: TASDEF_CREATE: create failure in creating ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf.
Cause: Create() failed when trying to create the tasdef file.
Action: Verify permissions on $(ORACLE_HOME)/dbs directory.

ORA-09873: TASDEF_OPEN: open error when opening tasdef@.dbf file.
Cause: Unable to open tasdef@.dbf file.
Action: Check errno. Possible permission problem. Verify that tasdef@.dbf file exists.

ORA-09874: TASDEF_READ: read error, unable to read tasdef@.dbf file.
Cause: Read system call returned an error when attempting to read ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf.
Action: Check errno returned. Sgadef file may be corrupted or incompatible with oracle version.

ORA-09875: TASDEF_WRITE: write error when writing ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf file.
Cause: Write call failed.
Action: Check errno returned. Possibly out of space on device.

ORA-09876: TASDEF_CLOSE: unable to close ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf file.
Cause: Close system call returned an error.
Action: Check errno returned. Possible operating system failure.

ORA-09877: sstascre: shmget error, unable to get a shared memory segment.
Cause: Error in shmget.
Action: Check errno returned. Verify that enough shared memory is available on the system.

ORA-09878: sstascre/sstasat: shmat error, unable to attach tas write page
Cause: Error in shmat.
Action: Check errno returned.Verify that enough shared memory is available on the system.

ORA-09879: sstascre/sstasat: shmat error, unable to attach tas read page
Cause: Error in shmat.
Action: Check errno returned.Verify that enough shared memory is available on the system.

ORA-09880: sstasfre/sstasdel: shmdt error, unable to detach tas write page
Cause: Error in shmdt.
Action: Check errno returned.

ORA-09881: sstasfre/sstasdel: shmdt error, unable to detach tas read page
Cause: Error in shmdt.
Action: Check errno returned.

ORA-09882: sstasfre/sstasdel: shmctl error, unable to remove tas shm page
Cause: Error in shmctl.
Action: Check errno returned.

ORA-09883: Two Task interface: oratab file does not exist
Cause: The oratab file does not exist.
Action: Install oracle before you use it or recreate the oratab file.

ORA-09884: Two Task interface: SID doens't match current PU
Cause: You are trying to start oracle on another PU than you configured oracle on or there is no entry for this SID in oratab file.
Action: Start oracle with this SID on its designated PU (see oratab file). Or install the new database with SID.

ORA-09885: osnTXtt: cannot create TXIPC channel
Cause: The TXIPC driver failed to create pipes for two-task communications with the oracle shadow process.
Action: You have probably exceeded the maximum number of open file descriptors per user or the system file table is full. Note the operating system error code and contact your system administrator.

ORA-09886: osnTXtt: translation error while expanding txipc@.trc.
Cause: Failure of sltln(txipc@.trc) while creating debug channel.
Action: Check additional return error for more information.

ORA-09888: osnTXtt: txipc channel creation failed
Cause: The txipc driver failed to create channels for two-task communications with the oracle shadow process.
Action: You have probably exceeded the maximum number of open file descriptors per user or the system file table operating system error code and contact your system administrator.

ORA-09889: osnTXtt: access error on oracle executable
Cause: The txipc driver could not access the oracle executable.
Action: Check the permissions on the ORACLE executable and each component of the ORACLE_HOME/bin path.

ORA-09890: osnTXtt: malloc failed
Cause: The txipx driver failed to allocate enough heap space for its context area buffers.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-09908: slkmnm: gethostname returned error code.
Cause: The system call gethostname returned an error.
Action: This is most likely an internal error. Make sure gethostname is successful in other contexts, and if so contact Oracle support.

ORA-09909: Malloc of scratch buffer failed.
Cause: Memory needed for a temporary buffer could not be allocated. The additional information field contains the number of bytes that ORACLE attempted to allocate.
Action: Check the UNIX error number. It is probable that the system has run out of memory. If there is no error, contact ORACLE support.

ORA-09910: Unable to find ORACLE password file entry for user.
Cause: No entry exists for the user in the ORACLE password file.
Action: Have the database administrator install a password entry by running orapasswd.

ORA-09911: Incorrect user password.
Cause: The password entered by the user was incorrect.
Action: Enter the correct password.

ORA-09912: Malloc of name buffer(s) failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to allocate memory for one or both of the buffers that are used to hold the name of DBA and the operator users.
Action: Check the UNIX error number. It is probable that the system has run out of memory. If there is no error, contact ORACLE support.

ORA-09913: Malloc of dummy name failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to allocate memory for the user name that is to to be used in the encryption of the user's password.
Action: Check the UNIX error number. It is probable that the system has run out of memory. If there is no error, contact ORACLE support.

ORA-09914: Unable to open the ORACLE password file.
Cause: ORACLE could not open the password file for reading.
Action: Check the UNIX error number. If the error number indicates that the file does not exist, have the database administrator create the file by running orapasswd. If the error number indicates insufficient permissions, ask the database administrator to change the permissions. Otherwise, contact ORACLE customer support.

ORA-09915: Password encryption failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to encrypt a password.
Action: This is an internal error - contact ORACLE customer support.

ORA-09916: Required password was not specified.
Cause: A user attempted to connect as "internal," but did not specify a password.
Action: Connect as internal again and specify a password.

ORA-09918: Unable to get user privileges from SQL*Net
Cause: ORACLE was unable to retrieve the user's privilege set from the SQL*Net connection.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error. Also check the "additional information" field for the SQL*Net error. If there is no error, contact ORACLE support.

ORA-09919: Unable to set label of dedicated server
Cause: ORACLE was unable to set the label of the dedicated to server to the required value.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error. Also, check the privileges on the oracle executable. It should have at least "allowmacaccess" privilege.

ORA-09920: Unable to get sensitivity label from connection
Cause: ORACLE was unable to retrieve the user's sensitivity label from the SQL*Net connection.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error. Also check the "additional information" field for the SQL*Net error. If there is no error, contact ORACLE support.

ORA-09921: Unable to get information label from connection
Cause: ORACLE was unable to retrieve the user's information label from the SQL*Net connection.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error. Also check the "additional information" field for the SQL*Net error. If there is no error, contact ORACLE support.

ORA-09922: Can't spawn process - background log directory not created properly
Cause: ORACLE was unable to spawn a background process because the directory that will hold trace files of the background processes was not created properly.
Action: Examine the directory pointed to by the initialization parameter "background_dump_dest". Make sure that all of the following is true:
1. The directory exists.
2. The name indeed points to a directory, and is not a file.
3. The directory is accessible and writable to the ORACLE user.

ORA-09923: Can't spawn process - user log directory not created properly
Cause: ORACLE was unable to spawn a background process because the directory that holds the trace files of the dedicated server processes was not created properly.
Action: Examine the directory pointed to by the initialization parameter "user_dump_dest". Make sure that all of the following is true:
1. The directory exists.
2. The name indeed points to a directory, and is not a file.
3. The directory is accessible and writable to the ORACLE user.

ORA-09924: Can't spawn process - core dump directory not created properly
Cause: ORACLE was unable to spawn a background process because the directory that holds the core dumps produced by ORACLE processes in the event of exceptions was not created properly.
Action: Examine the directory pointed to by the initialization parameter "core_dump_dest". Make sure that all of the following is true:
1. The directory exists.
2. The name indeed points to a directory, and is not a file.
3. The directory is accessible and writable to the ORACLE user.

ORA-09925: Unable to create audit trail file
Cause: ORACLE was not able to create the file being used to hold audit trail records.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error. If there is no error, contact ORACLE customer support.

ORA-09926: Unable to set effective privilege set of the server
Cause: A dedicated server was unable to set it's own privilege set.
Action: Check the privileges granted to the ORACLE executable. It must have at least "allowmacacess" privilege.

ORA-09927: Unable to set label of server
Cause: ORACLE was not able to set the label of a server to a new value.
Action: Check the privileges on $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle. Make sure that it has "allowmacaccess" privilege.

ORA-09928: Unable to restore the label of server
Cause: ORACLE was unable to restore the label of the server to the value that it had before raising it to database high.
Action: This is an internal error - contact ORACLE support.

ORA-09929: GLB of two labels is invalid
Cause: The result of a greatest lower bound operation on two labels was not valid.
Action: Repeat the operation with two different labels. Consult the system encoding file for the values of valid labels.

ORA-09930: LUB of two labels is invalid
Cause: The result of a least upper bound operation on two labels was not valid.
Action: Repeat the operation with two different labels. Consult the system encoding file for the values of valid labels.

ORA-09931: Unable to open ORACLE password file for reading
Cause: An attempt to open a password file for reading failed.
Action: Make sure that the permissions on the file have not been changed so that the ORACLE user cannot open it.

ORA-09932: Close of ORACLE password file failed.
Cause: An attempt to close a password file failed.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for the specific reason.

ORA-09933: Deletion of old password file failed.
Cause: The removal of the old password file failed.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for the specific reason.

ORA-09934: Link of current password file to old failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to create a link so that the old password file could be saved.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for the specific reason.

ORA-09935: Unlink of current password file failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to complete the saving of the current password file.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for the specific reason.

ORA-09936: Open of ORACLE password file for write failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to create a password file.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for the specific reason.

ORA-09937: Chmod of ORACLE password file failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to change a password file to be readonly.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for the specific reason.

ORA-09938: Save of signal handlers failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to save the previous values of selected signal handlers.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact ORACLE support.

ORA-09939: Restoration of signal handlers failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to restore the previous values of selected signal handlers.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact ORACLE support.

ORA-09940: ORACLE password file header is corrupt
Cause: The header of one of the password files was not in the format that ORACLE expected.
Action: Check the headers of both files. The header should be in the format "FILE VERSION: N.N.N.N.N EXECUTABLE VERSION: N.N.N.N.N" where N is a number. Remove the corrupt file(s) and re-run "orapasswd".

ORA-09941: Version of orapasswd or installer is older than file.
Cause: The version of orapasswd or installer that is being run is older than that of the ORACLE password file. Since the file version is only changed when the format is changed, this error means that the executable is using a different format than that with which the file was created.
Action: Run a version of the installer or orapasswd whose version is the same or later than that of the file.

ORA-09942: Write of ORACLE password file header failed.
Cause: The attempt to write out the header of the ORACLE password file failed.
Action: Check the operating system error number. It is possible that the file system became full.

ORA-09943: Allocation of memory for password list component failed.
Cause: When it is building a list of password file entries, ORACLE allocates memory for various components. One of the allocations failed.
Action: Check the operating system error number. The system has probably run out of memory.

ORA-09944: Password entry is corrupt.
Cause: An entry in an ORACLE password file was not in the format that ORACLE expected.
Action: Removed the corrupt file(s) and re-run "orapasswd."

ORA-09945: Unable to initialize the audit trail file
Cause: ORACLE unable to write header information to the file being used as the audit trail.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error. If there is no error, contact ORACLE customer support.

ORA-09946: File name too long for buffer
Cause: The buffer that was to be used to hold a file name was determined to be too short for the generated name. This will happen if the translated name for either a trace file or an audit file is longer than the maximum allowed, which on many ports is 256 characters.
Action: Use a shorter file name.

ORA-09947: Unable to allocate connection attributes structure
Cause: ORACLE was not able to allocate the memory needed to hold the attributes of the SQL*Net connection. The "Additional Information" field holds the number of bytes that ORACLE attempted to allocate.
Action: Check the UNIX error number. It is probable that the system has run out of memory. If there is no error, contact ORACLE customer support.

ORA-09948: Process information label retrieval failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to get the information label for a process.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system failure. If there is no error, contact ORACLE support.

ORA-09949: Unable to get client operating system privileges
Cause: ORACLE was unable to get the operating system privileges for the client process.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system failure. If there is no error, contact ORACLE support.

ORA-09950: Unable to get server operating system privileges
Cause: ORACLE was unable to get its privileges from the operating system.
Action: This is an error that should never happen. Contact ORACLE customer support.

ORA-09951: Unable to create file
Cause: ORACLE was unable to create a file.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system failure. If there is no error, contact ORACLE support.

ORA-09952: scgcmn: lk_open_convert unexpected return: open failed
Cause: The distributed lock manager returned an unexpected value
Action: Check for system error message and refer to the distributed lock manager documentation or contact your customer support representative.

ORA-09953: scggc: unexpected return of a lock convert
Cause: The distributed lock manager returned an unexpected value
Action: Check for lock manager error message and refer to DLM documentation refer to the distributed lock manager documentation or contact your customer support representative.

ORA-09954: scgcc: unexpected return status to callback of lock close
Cause: The distributed lock manager returned an unexpected value
Action: Check for lock manager error message and refer to DLM documentation refer to the distributed lock manager documentation or contact your customer support representative.

ORA-09955: scgcan: unexpected return status when canceling a lock
Cause: DLM system service x returned an unexpected value
Action: Check for system error message and refer to DLM documentation refer to the distributed lock manager documentation or contact your customer support representative.

ORA-09956: scgcm: unexpected lock status condition
Cause: A global locking system service returned an unexpected value.
Action: Check for system error message (if any) and refer to refer to the distributed lock manager documentation or contact your customer support representative.

ORA-09957: Unable to send termination request to IMON
Cause: The attempt to send a termination signal to IMON failed.
Action: This is an internal error, contact ORACLE support.

ORA-09958: IMON: two processes with the same ORACLE pid are active
Cause: The IMON process was unable to add an entry for a server process because another active process occupies the slot.
Action: This is an internal error, contact ORACLE support.

ORA-09959: IMON: deletion of a process failed.
Cause: The IMON process was unable to delete a server process from its process ID array because no entry for the process could be found.
Action: This is an internal error, contact ORACLE support.

ORA-09960: Unable to establish signal handler for termination signal
Cause: ORACLE was unable to set up a handler for the signal used to notify it that the instance was shutting down.
Action: This is an internal error, contact ORACLE support.

ORA-09961: Unable to restore termination signal handler
Cause: ORACLE failed to set the handler for the termination signal to its previous value.
Action: This is an internal error, contact ORACLE support.

ORA-09966: falure in translation while expanding ?/dbs/lk for lock file
Cause: Oracle failed to translate ?/dbs/lk, when creating a file name for the database mount lock or the instance startup/shutdown lock.
Action: Check additional return errors for more information.

ORA-09967: unable to create or open lock file
Cause: Oracle failed, when making an open system call, inorder to acquire a file lock used by the database mount lock or the instance startup/shutdown lock.
Action: Check errno for more information.

ORA-09968: unable to lock file
Cause: The system call for locking a file returned an error when trying to acquire a database mount lock or the instance startup/shutdown lock.
Action: Check errno for more information.

ORA-09969: unable to close or remove lock file
Cause: The close system call or unlink system call returned an error.
Action: Check errno for more information.

ORA-09974: skxfidini: Error Initializing SDI Channel
Cause: The process was unable to initialize the SDI channel properly.
Action: Correct the operating system error and retry the operation.

ORA-09975: kxfspini: Error Initializing SDI Process
Cause: The process was unable to attach to the SDI channel.
Action: Verify that the SDI process specific limits correctly configured. Correct the operating system error and retry the operation.

ORA-09976: skxfqdini: Error Creating Port
Cause: The process was unable to create a communications endpoint.
Action: Verify that the SDI port specific limits correctly configured. Correct the operating system error and retry the operation.

ORA-09977: skxfqhini: Error Connecting
Cause: The process was unable to connect to another endpoint.
Action: Verify that the SDI port specific limits correctly configured. Check that the other node(s) is part of the cluster and operating properly. Correct the operating system error and retry the operation.

ORA-09978: skxfqhdel: Error Disconnecting from another endpoint.
Cause: The process was unable to disconnect cleanly from another endpoint.
Action: Check that the other node(s) are part of the cluster and operating properly. Check the instance and processes on the other node(s). Correct the operating system error and retry the operation.

ORA-09979: skxfqhsnd: Error Sending a message to another endpoint
Cause: The process was unable to send a message to an existing endpoint.
Action: Check that the other node(s) are part of the cluster and operating properly. Check the instance and processes on the other node(s). Correct the operating system error and retry the operation.

ORA-09980: skxfqdrcv: Error Receiving a message from another endpoint
Cause: The process encountered an error while trying to receive a message.
Action: Check that the other node(s) are part of the cluster and operating properly. Check the instance and processes on the other node(s). Correct the operating system error and retry the operation.

ORA-09981: skxfqdreg: Error Adding a page to the SDI buffer pool
Cause: The process was unable to add a page to the SDI buffer pool.
Action: Correct the operating system error and retry the operation.

ORA-09982: skxfqddrg: Error Removing a page from the SDI buffer pool
Cause: The process was unable to remove a page to the SDI buffer pool.
Action: Correct the operating system error and retry the operation.

ORA-09983: skxfidsht: Error shutting down SDI channel
Cause: The process was unable shut down the SDI channel
Action: Check the SDI persistent resources using SDI tools. Verify that all processes exited cleanly and the instance is safely shut down. Delete any remaining SDI channel IDs associated with the current instance.

ORA-09984: SGA file $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/sgadef$ORACLE_SID.dbf does not exist
Cause: file does not exist or is not accessible
Action: Restart the instance to create the SGA definition file.

ORA-09985: SGA definition file could not be read
Cause: UNIX read() operation failed
Action: check errno and take appropriate action.

ORA-09986: wrong number of bytes read from SGA definition file
Cause: Struct skgmsdef size differs from no. of bytes read from SGA file
Action: Compare the two struct definitions and ensure that they are identical in size and structure.

ORA-09987: unable to attach to SGA in READ-ONLY mode
Cause: The instance is not up, or SGA segments are not read-accessible
Action: Verify that the instance is up and read permissions for the SGA segments are set.

ORA-09988: error while detaching SGA
Cause: skgmsdef struct is corrupted and/or segment addresses are modified
Action: Safely shut down instance and mount SGA segments again.

ORA-09989: attempt to use invalid skgmsdef struct pointer
Cause: Pointer to skgmsdef struct used without validating it
Action: Assign a valid address to the skgmsdef struct pointer before using it.

ORA-10243: simulated error for test string of K2GTAB latch cleanup
Cause: levels 1..6 for insert, 7..11 for delete
Action: None

ORA-10244: make tranids in error msgs print as 0.0.0 (for testing)
Cause: also makes "alter system enable distributed recovery" synchronous
Action: None

ORA-10259: get error message text from remote using explicit call
Cause: for npigem coverage testing (normally called only for V5 remote)
Action: None

ORA-10261: Limit the size of the PGA heap
Cause: the limit is one kilobyte times the level of the event. If the pga grows bigger than this signal an internal error.
Action: None

ORA-10262: Don't check for memory leaks
Cause: Setting this event to level one causes memory leak checking to be disabled. Setting this event to any other non-zero number allows that number to be used as a threshold value when checking for memory leaks in the PGA, SGA, and UGA heaps.
Action: None

ORA-10263: Don't free empty PGA heap extents
Cause: This is useful for debugging since watchpoints are lost on free
Action: None

ORA-10265: Keep random system generated output out of error messages
Cause: so test system files don't diff
Action: None

ORA-10266: Trace OSD stack usage
Cause: Porters should implement this to help them debug their stack implementations. It should be used in at least smcstk().
Action: None

ORA-10267: Inhibit KSEDMP for testing
Cause: Some tests may generate internal or fatal errors on purpose.
Action: LEVEL used by KSEDMP is one less than level of this event.

ORA-10268: Don't do forward coalesce when deleting extents
Cause: setting this event keeps kts from coalescing forward at each extent when dropping a temp segment.
Action: None

ORA-10269: Don't do coalesces of free space in SMON
Cause: setting this event prevents SMON from doing free space coalesces
Action: None

ORA-10270: Debug shared cursors
Cause: Enables debugging code in shared cursor management modules
Action: None

ORA-10281: maximum time to wait for process creation
Cause: used to override the default SPMXWAIT, level = timeout in sec.
Action: None

ORA-10282: Inhibit signalling of other backgrounds when one dies
Cause: Used in KSB
Action: None

ORA-10284: simulate zero/infinite asynch I/O buffering
Cause: Used in KCF, level=1 out of space (red), level=2 infinite (green)
Action: None

ORA-10452: Cannot do block media recovery; media recovery session may be in progress
Cause: A media recovery, RMAN, or flashback database session may have been in progress when an attempt was made to perform block media recovery on the standby database.
Action: Check for and cancel any conflicting recovery session and perform block media recovery on the standby database.

ORA-10456: cannot open standby database; media recovery session may be in progress
Cause: A media recovery, RMAN, or flashback database session may have been in progress on a mounted instance of a standby database when an attempt was made to open the standby database.
Action: Check for and cancel any conflicting recovery session and open the standby database.

ORA-10457: cannot close standby database due to active media recovery
Cause: A media recovery session was in progress on a standby database when an attempt was made to close the standby database.
Action: Cancel the media recovery session and close the standby database.

ORA-10458: standby database requires recovery
Cause: A standby database was in a state requiring media recovery when an attempt was made to open the standby database.
Action: Perform the necessary recovery and open the standby database.

ORA-10459: cannot start media recovery on standby database; another instance may be open
Cause: An attempt was made to perform media recovery on a standby database while another instance performed recovery on the standby or had the standby open.
Action: Close the standby on all other instances, cancel any conflicting recovery session, and perform manual recovery.

ORA-10469: error creating control file backup, no checkpoint
Cause: The control file being backed up did not contain a valid control file checkpoint. Therefore the control file could not be backed up, as such a backup would not be usable later for recovery. A common cause for this situation is that you executed CREATE CONTROLFILE, which mounts the database, but not ALTER DATABASE OPEN, to open the database. The latter operation generates a valid control file checkpoint.
Action: Open the database with ALTER DATABASE OPEN ..., which results in a valid control file checkpoint. Run the backup operation again.

ORA-10546: Cannot perform block media recovery; standby database does not have requisite redo.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform block media recovery on the standby database when the necessary redo was not available.
Action: Wait until the necessary redo is available and reattempt block media recovery.

ORA-10547: Cannot perform block media recovery; standby database is not caught up with primary.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform block media recovery on the standby database up to scn %s, which is greater than the highest scn of %s yet applied at the standby.
Action: Recover the standby up to scn %s and reattempt block media recovery.

ORA-10548: Cannot perform block media recovery on a read-only plugged-in datafile.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform block media recovery on a read-only plugged-in datafile.
Action: Convert the plugged-in datafile to read/write and reattempt block media recovery.

ORA-10549: Cannot perform block media recovery using a read-only plugged-in backup datafile.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform block media recovery using a backup of a read-only plugged-in datafile.
Action: Reattempt block media recovery using a backup taken after the plugged-in datafile has been converted to read/write.

ORA-10552: Inconsistent plug-in file string encountered during standby recovery
Cause: Standby recovery in read-only mode stopped and the database was closed because recovery encountered a plug-in file that was already converted.
Action: Try opening the database again or restart standby recovery.

ORA-10553: Incompatible UNTIL CONSISTENT clause
Cause: RECOVER UNTIL CONSISTENT required database-level recovery with a backup control file.
Action: Omit the UNTIL CONSISTENT clause and retry recovery.

ORA-10554: Media recovery failed to bring datafile string to a consistent point
Cause: Media recovery couldn't recover database to a consistent point due to the specified datafile.
Action: Restore a backup of the datafile.

ORA-10560: block type 'string'
Cause: Report block type for details of another error.
Action: See associated error message.

ORA-10561: block type 'string', data object# string
Cause: Report block type and data object number for details of another error.
Action: See associated error message.

ORA-10562: Error occurred while applying redo to data block (file# string, block# string)
Cause: See other errors on error stack.
Action: Investigate why the error occurred and how important is the data block. Media and standby database recovery usually can continue if user allows recovery to corrupt this data block.

ORA-10563: Test recovery had to corrupt data block (file# string, block# string) in order to proceed
Cause: Test recovery completed.
Action: No action is needed. Test recovery has ended successfully. See other messages on error stack for a summary of the result of the test recovery.

ORA-10564: tablespace string
Cause: Report tablespace name for details of another error.
Action: See associated error message.

ORA-10565: Another test recovery session is active
Cause: There can only be one test recovery session at any time. Another test recovery session is active.
Action: Wait till the other test recovery session completes.

ORA-10566: Test recovery has used all the memory it can use
Cause: Test recovery tests redo in memory. It can no longer proceed because it has consumed all the memory it can use.
Action: No action is needed. Test recovery has ended successfully. See other messages on error stack for a summary result of the test recovery.

ORA-10567: Redo is inconsistent with data block (file# string, block# string)
Cause: There are two possible causes of this error: (1) A write issued by Oracle was lost by the underlying OS or storage system. (2) an Oracle internal error.
Action: Investigate why the error occurred and how important is the data block. Media and standby database recovery usually can continue if user allows recovery to corrupt this data block.

ORA-10568: Failed to allocate recovery state object: out of SGA memory
Cause: out of SGA memory
Action: Restart the instance. If problem persists, call Oracle support.

ORA-10570: Test recovery complete
Cause: Test recovery completed.
Action: No action is needed. Test recovery has ended successfully. See other messages on error stack for a summary result of the test recovery.

ORA-10571: Test recovery canceled
Cause: User canceled test recovery.
Action: No action is needed. Test recovery has ended successfully. See other messages on error stack for a summary of the result of the test recovery.

ORA-10572: Test recovery canceled due to errors
Cause: See other errors on the error stack.
Action: is needed. See other messages on error stack for a summary of the result of the test recovery so far.

ORA-10573: Test recovery tested redo from change string to string
Cause: This message show the range of test recovery have tested.
Action: No action is needed. See other messages on error stack.

ORA-10574: Test recovery did not corrupt any data block
Cause: This message summarizes test recovery result.
Action: No action is needed. See other messages on error stack.

ORA-10575: Give up restoring recovered datafiles to consistent state: out of memory
Cause: There were not enough memory to restore recovered datafiles to consistent state
Action: This error is just a warning: You may not be able to open the database with resetlogs immediately after this error. However, you may continue media/standby recovery, and that may make the datafiles recovered consistent again.

ORA-10576: Give up restoring recovered datafiles to consistent state: some error occurred
Cause: See alert file or other errors on the stack for a cause of the problem.
Action: This error is just a warning: You may not be able to open the database with resetlogs immediately after this error. However, you may continue media/standby recovery, and that may make the datafiles recovered consistent again.

ORA-10577: Can not invoke test recovery for managed standby database recovery
Cause: Test recovery option is used for managed standby database recovery.
Action: Either remove the test recovery option or invoke manual test standby database recovery.

ORA-10578: Can not allow corruption for managed standby database recovery
Cause: You used the allow corruption option for managed standby database recovery.
Action: Either remove the allow corruption option or invoke manual standby database recovery.

ORA-10579: Can not modify control file during test recovery
Cause: To proceed with recovery, test recovery needs to modify the control file. But test recovery is not allowed to modify control file.
Action: No action is needed. Test recovery has ended successfully. It can only go so far in the redo stream.

ORA-10580: Can not modify datafile header during test recovery
Cause: To proceed with recovery, test recovery needs to modify a datafile header. But test recovery is not allowed to modify datafile headers.
Action: No action is needed. Test recovery has ended successfully. It can only go so far in the redo stream.

ORA-10581: Can not modify redo log header during test recovery
Cause: To proceed with recovery, test recovery needs to modify a redo log header. But test recovery is not allowed to modify redo log headers.
Action: No action is needed. Test recovery has ended successfully. It can only go so far in the redo stream.

ORA-10582: The control file is not a backup control file
Cause: User requested backup control file test recovery, but the control file is not a backup control file.
Action: Use a backup control file, or do not use USING BACKUP CONTROLFILE option.

ORA-10583: Can not recovery file string renamed as missing during test recovery
Cause: One of the files to be recovered is renamed as missing.
Action: Rename the file to the correct file or offline it.

ORA-10584: Can not invoke parallel recovery for test recovery
Cause: Both test recovery and parallel recovery are requested.
Action: Drop either one of the two recovery options.

ORA-10585: Test recovery can not apply redo that may modify control file
Cause: Test recovery has encountered a special redo that may modify control file.
Action: No action is needed. Test recovery has proceeded successfully as far as it could from its starting point.

ORA-10586: Test recovery had to corrupt 1 data block in order to proceed
Cause: This message summarizes test recovery result: Oracle may have to corrupt one block in order to apply the range of redo tested.
Action: See alert log for details of the problem.

ORA-10587: Invalid count for ALLOW n CORRUPTION option
Cause: The number specified in the ALLOW n CORRUPTION option is too big.
Action: Use a smaller number.

ORA-10588: Can only allow 1 corruption for normal media/standby recovery
Cause: The number specified in the ALLOW n CORRUPTION option is too big.
Action: change to allow zero or one corruption.

ORA-10589: Test recovery had to corrupt string data blocks in order to proceed
Cause: This message summarizes test recovery result: Oracle may have to corrupt a number of data blocks as specified in the message in order to apply the range of redo tested.
Action: See alert log for details of the problems.

ORA-10614: Operation not allowed on this segment
Cause: This procedure can be used only on segments in tablespaces with AUTO SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT
Action: Recheck the segment name and type and re-issue the statement

ORA-10615: Invalid tablespace type for temporary tablespace
Cause: Tablespace with AUTO SEGMENT SPACE MANAGENEMT specified cannot be used as a temporary tablespace
Action: Recheck the tablespace name and re-issue the statement

ORA-10616: Operation not allowed on this tablespace
Cause: Cannot perform the operation on tablespace with AUTO SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT
Action: Recheck the tablespace name and re-issue the statement

ORA-10617: Cannot create rollback segment in dictionary managed tablespace
Cause: Rollback segments cannot be created in dictionary managed tablespaces when SYSTEM tablespace is locally managed
Action: Recheck the tablespace name and re-issue the statement

ORA-10618: Operation not allowed on this segment
Cause: This DBMS_SPACE operation is not permitted on segments in tablespaces with AUTO SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT
Action: Recheck the segment name and type and re-issue the statement

ORA-10619: Avoid assertions when possible
Cause: A bug (or upgrade) hits unicode assertions (csid, csform, bfc)
Action: Event makes RDBMS skip assertions and patch up datastructures

ORA-10620: Operation not allowed on this segment
Cause: Cannot alter freelist storage parameter for segments in tablespaces with AUTO SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT
Action: Recheck the segment name and re-issue the statement

ORA-10627: Dump the content of the index leaf block
Cause: Generate a complete index tree dump, not just an overview during alter session set events immediate trace name treedump
Action: This event is recommended only for small table/index since it

ORA-10628: Turn on sanity check for kdiss index skip scan state
Cause: Will do sanity checking on the kdiss state.
Action: set this event only under the supervision of Oracle development

ORA-10630: Illegal syntax specified with SHRINK clause
Cause: An illegal option was specified with the SHRINK clause
Action: Verify the SQL Reference Manual and reissue the command

ORA-10631: SHRINK clause should not be specified for this object
Cause: It is incorrect to issue shrink on the object
Action: Verify the object name and type and reissue the command

ORA-10632: Invalid rowid
Cause: Segment Highwatermark was overwritten due to shrink and space reused
Action: Reissue this command.

ORA-10633: No space found in the segment
Cause: Raised while trying to find space during segment shrink
Action: This error should be trapped internally and treated. The user should not be able to see the error.

ORA-10634: Segment is already being shrunk
Cause: Only one invocation of shrink can be in progress on a segment at any time
Action: Reissue the command after the first shrink is over

ORA-10635: Invalid segment or tablespace type
Cause: Cannot shrink the segment because it is not in auto segment space managed tablespace or it is not a data, index or lob segment.
Action: Check the tablespace and segment type and reissue the statement

ORA-10636: ROW MOVEMENT is not enabled
Cause: To shrink a data segment, row movement must be enabled.
Action: Enable row movement and reissue this command.

ORA-10637: The segment does not exist
Cause: Segment to be shrunk has been dropped
Action: None

ORA-10638: Index status is invalid
Cause: Cannot shrink an index which is being rebuilt or disabled is an unusable state.
Action: None

ORA-10639: Dump library cache during kksfbc-reparse-infinite-loop error
Cause: During this error a library cache dump is necessary , so enable librarycache dump if event is set.
Action: Dump a library cache if this event is set when reparse error.

ORA-10640: Operation not permitted during SYSTEM tablespace migration
Cause: SYSTEM tablespace is being migrated to locally managed format.
Action: Reissue this command once SYSTEM tablespace migration is over.

ORA-10641: Cannot find a rollback segment to bind to
Cause: SYSTEM tablespace migration requires rollback segment in locally managed tablespace.
Action: Drop rollback segments in dictionary managed tablespaces other than SYSTEM and create rollback segments in locally managed tablespace and retry migration.

ORA-10642: Found rollback segments in dictionary managed tablespaces
Cause: When SYSTEM tablespace is migrated found rollback segments in dictionary managed tablespaces.
Action: Drop the rollback segments in dictionary managed tablespaces and reissue the command

ORA-10643: Database should be mounted in restricted mode and Exclusive mode
Cause: When SYSTEM tablespace is being migrated database should be mounted in Exclusive mode and in Restricted mode.
Action: Reissue this command after mounting the database in right mode.

ORA-10644: SYSTEM tablespace cannot be default temporary tablespace
Cause: When SYSTEM tablespace is being migrated no user should have SYSTEM as the default temporary tablespace.
Action: Reissue this command after altering the default temporary tablespace setting for all users.

ORA-10645: Recursive Extension in SYSTEM tablespace during migration
Cause: When SYSTEM tablespace is being migrated, dictionary tables tried to extend recursively. Must be caught and processed internally. Should not be thrown to the user.
Action: Report the error as a bug.

ORA-10646: Too many recursive extensions during SYSTEM tablespace migration
Cause: When SYSTEM tablespace is being migrated, dictionary tables tried to extend recursively more than 1000 times.
Action: If SYSTEM tablespace is very large, then simply reissue the tablespace migration command.

ORA-10647: Tablespace other than SYSTEM, stringstring not found in read only mode
Cause: When SYSTEM tablespace is being migrated, tablespaces other than the three should be ALTERed to read only.
Action: Alter the tablespace status to read only and retry migration.

ORA-10648: Tablespace SYSAUX is not offline
Cause: The SYSAUX tablespace was online while SYSTEM tablespace was being migrated.
Action: Alter the SYSAUX tablespace status to offline and retry migration.

ORA-10649: Turn off/trace lob index freelist coalesce
Cause: Will turn off or trace lob index freelist coalescing
Action: set this event only under the supervision of Oracle development

ORA-10651: incorrect file number block number specified
Cause: The dba specified is not valid
Action: Check if the dba specified belongs to the segment and is under the segment HWM and reissue the statement

ORA-10652: Object has on-commit materialized views
Cause: It is illegal to issue shrink on an object with on-commit materialized views
Action: None

ORA-10653: Table is in a cluster
Cause: It is illegal to shrink a table belonging to a cluster
Action: None

ORA-10654: Table is of type temporary or external
Cause: It is illegal to shrink a temporary table or an external table
Action: None

ORA-10655: Segment can be shrunk
Cause: Error message returned when called in probe mode by OEM
Action: None

ORA-10656: Table is in unusable state due to incomplete operation
Cause: ALTER TABLE SHRINK operation was tried on the table which is in unusable state because of previously failed/incomplete operation.
Action: If the previous operation was

ORA-10657: Lob column to be shrunk does not exist
Cause: Shrink was issued on a lob segment that did not exist
Action: None

ORA-10658: Lob column to be shrunk is marked unused
Cause: Shrink was issued on a lob segment that is marked as unused
Action: None

ORA-10659: Segment being shrunk is not a lob
Cause: Shrink was issued on a segment that should be a first class lob or other data type stored in lob
Action: None

ORA-10660: Segment is a shared lob segment
Cause: Shrink was issued on a segment that was being shared by multiple lob columns
Action: None

ORA-10661: Invalid option specified
Cause: Check option can be specified for one segment only
Action: None

ORA-10662: Segment has long columns
Cause: Shrink was issued on a segment with long columns. This is not supported.
Action: None

ORA-10663: Object has rowid based materialized views
Cause: Shrink was issued on an object with rowid based materialized views.
Action: Drop the rowid based materialized views and issue shrink on the object

ORA-10664: Table has bitmap join indexes
Cause: SHRINK was issued on a table with bitmap join indexes.
Action: Drop bitmap join indexes and reissue SHRINK on the object.

ORA-10665: Inject Evil Literals
Cause: Event 10665 is set to some number > 0, causing 1/(value-1) of all literals to be replaced by 2000 letter 'A's. A value of 1 does not corrupt anything.
Action: never set this event

ORA-10668: Inject Evil Identifiers
Cause: event 10668 is set to some number > 0, causing 1/(value-1) of all identifiers to be replaced by a maximum amount of x's. It is common for an identifier to be parsed once with a max of 30 bytes, then reparsed later with a max of 4000, so it may not be possible to inject such an identifier without the aid of this event. A value of 1 causes no identifiers to be corrupted.
Action: never set this event

ORA-10690: Set shadow process core file dump type (Unix only)
Cause: Control core file size for shadow processes
Action: Level 1: Detach SGA before dumping core Level 2: Do not produce any core

ORA-10691: Set background process core file type (Unix only)
Cause: Control core file size file for background processes
Action: Level 1: Detach SGA before dumping core

ORA-10700: Alter access violation exception handler
Cause: Use this event to control what the VMS exception handler does when it encounters an access violation.
Action: Level: >=10 Suspend current process on access violation *** SET THIS EVENT ONLY UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF ORACLE DEVELOPMENT ***

ORA-10701: Dump direct loader index keys
Cause: Dumps index keys at various points in a direct load based on the value of this event.
Action: None

ORA-10704: Print out information about what enqueues are being obtained
Cause: When enabled, prints out arguments to calls to ksqcmi and ksqlrl and the return values.
Action: Level indicates details: Level: 1-4: print out basic info for ksqlrl, ksqcmi 5-9: also print out stuff in callbacks: ksqlac, ksqlop 10+: also print out time for each line

ORA-10706: Print out information about global enqueue manipulation
Cause: When enabled, prints out activity in ksi routines.
Action: Level indicates details: 0-4: show args for each main call 5-9: also indicate callbacks 10+: also printout time for each line

ORA-10707: Simulate process death for instance registration
Cause: When enabled, process commits suicide to test instance registration recovery code.
Action: Level indicates where the process will die

ORA-10828: memory allocator error
Cause: Error in the memory allocator
Action: Check the trace files and other relevant output

ORA-10841: Default un-inintialized charact set form to SQLCS_IMPLICIT
Cause: client side, such as JDBC-THIN 8i client sends 0 as charset form
Action: This event sets charset form as SQLCS_IMPLICIT when it is 0

ORA-10842: Event for OCI Tracing and Statistics Info
Cause: This event is meant for tracing OCI Calls and getting statistics
Action: This event sets tracing OCI Calls and gets statistics info

ORA-10848: OCI Non Blocking not supported with string
Cause: Attempt made to set connection as non-blocking with another feature that does not support non-blocking.
Action: Use blocking connection.

ORA-10852: Enable tracing for Enqueue Dequeue Operations
Cause: NA

ORA-10854: Sets poll count used for AQ listen code under RAC
Cause: NA

ORA-10862: resolve default queue owner to current user in enqueue/dequeue
Cause: resolve default queue owner to current user in enqueue/dequeue.
Action: turn on if client wish to resolve the default queue owner to the current user. If not turned on, the default queue owner will be resolved to the login user.

ORA-10863: Control behavior of buffered background operations
Cause: NA

ORA-10865: Control tracing of notification operations
Cause: NA

ORA-10873: file string needs to be either taken out of backup mode or media recovered
Cause: An attempt was made to open a database after an instance failure or SHUTDOWN ABORT interrupted an online backup.
Action: If the indicated file is not a restored backup, then issue the ALTER DATABASE END BACKUP command and open the database. If the file is a restored online backup, then apply media recovery to it and open the database.

ORA-10877: error signaled in parallel recovery slave string
Cause: A parallel recovery slave reached an exception condition.
Action: Check the following error message for the cause, and consult your error manual for the appropriate action.

ORA-10878: parallel recovery slave died unexpectedly
Cause: A parallel recovery slave died unexpectedly, PMON cleaning up the process.
Action: Check your system for anomalies and reissue the statement. If this error persists, contact Oracle Support Services. See trace file for more details.

ORA-10900: extent manager fault insertion event #string
Cause: causes faults to be generated in instrumented extent code
Action: this should only be enabled for internal testing

ORA-10902: disable seghdr conversion for ro operation
Cause: causes seghdr conversion to be turned off for ro ops(#555856)
Action: this should be enabled only if determined that bug 555856 has occured. Table needs to be exported subsequently

ORA-10906: Unable to extend segment after insert direct load
Cause: This is a restriction with insert direct load transactions.
Action: When a segment has been insert direct loaded, avoid DMLs that could cause more space to be consumed.

ORA-10914: invalid TABLESPACE GROUP clause
Cause: An invalid option appears for TABLESPACE GROUP clause.
Action: Specify a valid tablespace group name.

ORA-10915: TABLESPACE GROUP cannot be specified for this type of tablespace
Cause: In CREATE/ALTER TABLESPACE, the TABLESPACE GROUP clause was used while creating/altering a tablespace that is not TEMPORARY.
Action: Remove the TABLESPACE GROUP clause.

ORA-10916: TABLESPACE GROUP already specified
Cause: In CREATE/ALTER TABLESPACE, the TABLESPACE GROUP option was specified more than once.
Action: Remove all but one of the TABLESPACE GROUP specifications.

ORA-10917: TABLESPACE GROUP cannot be specified
Cause: The tablespace name specified in the command is actually the name of a tablespace group.
Action: Please specify an appropriate tablespace name.

ORA-10918: TABLESPACE GROUP name cannot be the same as tablespace name
Cause: The tablespace group name specified in the command is the same as the tablespace being CREATEd/ALTERed.
Action: Please specify an appropriate tablespace group name.

ORA-10919: Default temporary tablespace group must have at least one tablespace
Cause: An attempt was made to move the only tablespace in the default database temporary tablespace group to another tablespace group.
Action: Either change the database default temporary tablespace or add another tablespace to the group that this tablespace belongs to.

ORA-10920: Cannot offline tablespace belonging to default temporary tablespace group
Cause: An attempt was made to offline a tablespace in the default database temporary tablespace group.
Action: Either change the database default temporary tablespace or change the tablespace group of this tablespace.

ORA-10921: Cannot drop tablespace belonging to default temporary tablespace group
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a tablespace in the default database temporary tablespace group.
Action: Either change the database default temporary tablespace or change the tablespace group of this tablespace.

ORA-10922: Temporary tablespace group is empty
Cause: An attempt was made to allocate a temporary segment in a group, which now no longer has any members.
Action: Either add some temporary tablespaces or change the temporary tablespace for this user.

ORA-10924: import storage parse error ignore event
Cause: causes server to ignore specific error associated with freelists and freelist groups when parsing
Action: this should be enabled by import code only

ORA-10925: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, turns off bugfix 237911
Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10926: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, turns off bugfix 190119
Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10927: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, turns off bugfix 235190
Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10929: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, turns off bugfix 343966
Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10930: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, provides V7 behavior for fixed char binds
Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10931: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, allows normal packages to be compiled with standard extensions like ""
Action: Set this event only for a short amount of time. Once the packages are compiled, this event should be turned off. Level 1 - Turn the event on Level > 1 - Turn the event off

ORA-10932: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, disables one or more features or bug fixes available only in version 8.x.
Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10933: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, disables one or more features or bug fixes available only in version 8.x.
Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10936: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, disables one or more features or bug fixes available in versions 7.x and 8.x.
Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10940: trace name context forever
Cause: Size of the PL/SQL tracing circular buffer, in kilobytes.
Action: Set this event in concert with the 10938 event and the _PLSQL_DUMP_BUFFER_EVENTS init.ora parameter, under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10941: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, turns on PL/SQL profiler
Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10943: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, disables one or more features or bug fixes available only in version 8.x.
Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10944: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, allows or controls PL/SQL OPT code gen project. available only in version 8.2+.
Action: set this event ONLY for development of the OPT project. This is not for general use or deployment.

ORA-10945: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, disables the behaviour change introduced by the fix for bug 822764, which traps and handles invalidations of packages whereas the previous behaviour was to use stale invalidated instantiations of the stateful package body.
Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10946: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, disables one or more features or bug fixes available only in version 10.x.
Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10947: trace name context forever
Cause: When enabled, causes various PL/SQL warnings related debugging info to be written in a trace file. Useful for debugging varous Oracle processes. available only in version 10.x.
Action: set this event ONLY if necessary - after reading the README for this release or under supervision of Oracle Support.

ORA-10970: backout event for bug 2133357
Cause: 2133357 dynamically sets the varying width flag and character width. Lob data which is not migrated during migration from single byte to multibyte charater set will be displayed as special characters.
Action: To help migrate lob data which was not migrated during migration by backing out 2133357, so lob data can be selected and moved to multibyte character set.

ORA-10973: backout evet for 2619509
Cause: 2619509 catches offsets when not reading/writing on full character boundary. To facilitate backward compatiblity event is being introduced.
Action: To help upgrade/migrate issues which already have corrupt data

ORA-10979: trace flags for join index implementation
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: Values are as follows: LEVEL ACTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1 Dump refresh expressions (SQL) to trace file. > 999 If a complete refresh is invoked, it will not be performed but the system will assume that a complete refresh was done, causing the view to be VALID and updating timestamps. This should be used only under Oracle Support supervision.

ORA-10997: another startup/shutdown operation of this instance inprogress
Cause: An Oracle Instance startup or shutdown operation failed to procure the serialization primitive. Another foreground process may have attempted startup or shutdown operation in parallel.
Action: Check additional error messages in the alert log and the process trace file.

ORA-12001: cannot create log: table 'string' already has a trigger
Cause: Materialized view logs are filled by a trigger on the master table. That trigger cannot be created.
Action: To create a materialized view log, drop the current trigger on the master.

ORA-12002: there is no materialized view log on table "string"."string"
Cause: There was no materialized view log on the master table.
Action: Create a materialized view log on the master table.

ORA-12003: materialized view "string"."string" does not exist
Cause: The materialized view with the given owner and name does not exist.
Action: Verify inputs and create a materialized view.

ORA-12004: REFRESH FAST cannot be used for materialized view "string"."string"
Cause: The materialized view log does not exist or cannot be used. PCT refresh is also not enabled on the materialized view
Action: Use just REFRESH, which will reinstantiate the entire table. If a materialized view log exists and the form of the materialized view allows the use of a materialized view log or PCT refresh is possible after a given set of changes, REFRESH FAST will be available starting the next time the materialized view is refreshed.

ORA-12005: may not schedule automatic refresh for times in the past
Cause: An attempt was made to schedule an automated materialized view refresh for a time in the past.
Action: Choose a time in the future instead.

ORA-12007: materialized view reuse parameters are inconsistent
Cause: The CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW .. or CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG .. REUSE command was given inconsistent parameters immediately after the REUSE.
Action: Examine the other messages on the stack to find the problem.

ORA-12008: error in materialized view refresh path
Cause: Table SNAP$_ reads rows from the view MVIEW$_, which is a view on the master table (the master may be at a remote site). Any error in this path will cause this error at refresh time. For fast refreshes, the table .MLOG$_ is also referenced.
Action: Examine the other messages on the stack to find the problem. See if the objects SNAP$_, MVIEW$_, .@, .MLOG$_@ still exist.

ORA-12010: cannot create materialized view log on table owned by SYS
Cause: An attempt was made to create a materialized view log on the table owned by SYS. CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG attempts to create a trigger on the table, but triggers can not be created on SYS tables.
Action: Do not create a materialized view log on SYS tables.

ORA-12011: execution of string jobs failed
Cause: An error was caught in from one or more jobs which were due to be run.
Action: Look at the alert log for details on which jobs failed and why.

ORA-12012: error on auto execute of job string
Cause: An error was caught while doing an automatic execution of a job.
Action: Look at the accompanying errors for details on why the execute failed.

ORA-12013: updatable materialized views must be simple enough to do fast refresh
Cause: The updatable materialized view query contained a join, subquery, union, connect by, order by, or group by caluse.
Action: Make the materialized view simpler. If a join is really needed, make multiple simple materialized views then put a view on top of them.

ORA-12014: table 'string' does not contain a primary key constraint
Cause: The CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG command was issued with the WITH PRIMARY KEY option and the master table did not contain a primary key constraint or the constraint was disabled.
Action: Reissue the command using only the WITH ROWID option, create a primary key constraint on the master table, or enable an existing primary key constraint.

ORA-12015: cannot create a fast refresh materialized view from a complex query
Cause: Neither ROWIDs and nor primary key constraints are supported for complex queries.
Action: Reissue the command with the REFRESH FORCE or REFRESH COMPLETE option or create a simple materialized view.

ORA-12016: materialized view does not include all primary key columns
Cause: The query that instantiates the materialized view did not include all of the columns in the master's primary key constraint.
Action: Include all of the master's primary key columns in the materialized view query or create a ROWID materialized view.

ORA-12017: cannot alter primary key mview 'string' to a rowid mview
Cause: An attempt was made to convert the primary key of a materialized view to a ROWID materialized view.
Action: Conversion of a primary key materialized view to a ROWID materialized view is not supported. Create a new materialized view with ROWIDs or drop and recreate the materialized view with ROWIDs.

ORA-12018: following error encountered during code generation for "string"."string"
Cause: The refresh operations for the indicated materialized view could not be regenerated due to errors.
Action: Correct the problem indicated in the following error messages and repeat the operation.

ORA-12019: master table is a synonym to a remote object
Cause: An attempt was made to create a materialized view or a materialized view log on a remote synonym which is unsupported.
Action: Do not create a materialized view or materialized view log on a remote synonym.

ORA-12020: materialized view string is not registered
Cause: An attempt was made to unregister a materialized view that is not registered.
Action: No action required.

ORA-12021: materialized view "string"."string" is corrupt
Cause: The materialized view indicated is no longer valid.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12022: materialized view log on "string"."string" already has rowid
Cause: Materialized view log on the indicated table already has ROWID information.
Action: No action required.

ORA-12023: missing index on materialized view "string"."string"
Cause: The specified ROWID materialized view did not have the required index on the ROWID column of its underlying table.
Action: Drop and recreate the materialized view.

ORA-12024: materialized view log on "string"."string" does not have primary key columns
Cause: Materialized view log on the indicated table does not have primary key information.
Action: Add primary keys to the materialized view log using the ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW command.

ORA-12025: materialized view log on "string"."string" already has primary keys
Cause: Materialized view log on the indicated table already has primary key columns.
Action: No action required.

ORA-12026: invalid filter column detected
Cause: One or more of the specified filter columns did not exist or was a primary key column or a primary key based object identifier.
Action: Ensure that all specified filter columns exist in the master table and ensure that primary key columns or primary key based object identifiers are not included in the list of filter columns.

ORA-12027: duplicate filter column
Cause: One or more of the specified filter columns were already being recorded in the materialized view log.
Action: Describe the materialized view log table and reissue the SQL command with the filter columns that are already being recorded in the materialized view log.

ORA-12028: materialized view type is not supported by master site string
Cause: Pre-Oracle8 master sites are not able to support primary key or subquery materialized views that are able to perform a fast refresh.
Action: Create a ROWID materialized view or use a master table from an Oracle8 site.

ORA-12029: LOB columns may not be used as filter columns
Cause: An attempt was made to use LOB columns as filter columns.
Action: Remove LOB columns from the filter columns list and retry command.

ORA-12030: cannot create a fast refresh materialized view
Cause: The materialized view log did not exist or did not log the information needed by the materialized view to perform a fast refresh.
Action: Ensure that the materialized view log exists and logs the necessary information.
- For ROWID materialized views, the master table's ROWID must be logged.
- For primary key materialized views, the master table's primary key columns must be logged.
- For subquery materialized views, the filter columns, primary key, and ROWID values must be logged.
- For object materialized views, object id must be logged.

ORA-12031: cannot use primary key columns from materialized view log on "string"."string"
Cause: The materialized view log either did not have primary key columns logged, or the timestamp associated with the primary key columns was more recent than the last refresh time.
Action: A complete refresh is required before the next fast refresh. Add primary key columns to the materialized view log, if required.

ORA-12032: cannot use rowid column from materialized view log on "string"."string"
Cause: The materialized view log either does not have ROWID columns logged, or the timestamp associated with the ROWID columns is more recent than the last refresh time.
Action: A complete refresh is required before the next fast refresh. Add ROWID columns to the materialized view log, if required.

ORA-12033: cannot use filter columns from materialized view log on "string"."string"
Cause: The materialized view log either did not have filter columns logged, or the timestamp associated with the filter columns was more recent than the last refresh time.
Action: A complete refresh is required before the next fast refresh. Add filter columns to the materialized view log, if required.

ORA-12034: materialized view log on "string"."string" younger than last refresh
Cause: The materialized view log was younger than the last refresh.
Action: A complete refresh is required before the next fast refresh.

ORA-12035: could not use materialized view log on "string"."string"
Cause: The materialized view log did not exist or could not be used.
Action: Use just REFRESH, which will reinstantiate the entire table. If a materialized view log exists and the form of the materialized view allows the use of a materialized view log, REFRESH FAST will be available starting the next time the materialized view is refreshed.

ORA-12036: updatable materialized view log is not empty, refresh materialized view
Cause: The updatable materialized view log was not empty. The updatable materialized view log must be empty before an updatable rowid materialized view can be altered to a primary key materialized view.
Action: Ensure that updatable materialized view log is empty by refreshing the materialized view before converting the updatable ROWID materialized view to a primary key materialized view.

ORA-12037: unknown export format
Cause: An attempt was made to import a materialized view exported by an unknown export version (e.g., from a newer release than the importing site)
Action: Re-export the file using a version of export known by the importing site.

ORA-12039: unable to use local rollback segment "string"
Cause: A local rollback segment was specified in the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW command, but automatic refresh parameters were not specified. Therefore a refresh group was not created to automatically refresh the materialized view and the local rollback segment can't be registered for future use.
Action: Either supply the automatic refresh parameters so that a refresh group will be created or do not specify a local rollback segment.

ORA-12040: master rollback segment option not support by master site string
Cause: An attempt was made to specify master rollback segment in the current operation. The master site of the current materialized view does not allow users to specify a rollback segment to be used for materialized view operations. This feature is only supported by Oracle8 or later master sites.
Action: Do not specify a master rollback segment in the current operation or choose a new master site.

ORA-12041: cannot record ROWIDs for index-organized table "string"."string"
Cause: Index-organized tables do not have ROWIDs. Therefore a materialized view log that records the ROWIDs of an index-organized table could not be created.
Action: Do not include the WITH ROWID option when using the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW command and do not include the ADD ROWID option when using the ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW command if the master table is index-organized.

ORA-12042: cannot alter job_queue_processes in single process mode
Cause: An attempt was made to alter job_queue_processes in single process mode.
Action: Do not attempt to set job_queue_processes in single process mode.

ORA-12043: invalid CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW option
Cause: An invalid option was used in a CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement.
Action: Specify only valid options.

Cause: An invalid option was used in a CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG statement.
Action: Specify only valid options.

Cause: An invalid option was used in an ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG statement.
Action: Specify only valid options.

ORA-12046: cannot use trusted constraints for refreshing remote MV
Action: remove this attribute from ALTER/ CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW DDL

ORA-12047: PCT FAST REFRESH cannot be used for materialized view "string"."string"
Cause: PCT refresh is either not enabled on this materialized view or not possible after set of the base table changes since last refresh.
Action: Use just REFRESH FORCE, which will reinstantiate the entire table and try to pick the best refresh method on the materialized view Do explain_mview to look at the cause why PCT refresh is not possible on this materialized view

ORA-12048: error encountered while refreshing materialized view "string"."string"
Cause: Some problem occurs during refresh of multiple materialized views in atomic mode. The materialized view whose refresh failed has raised this error.
Action: Examine the other messages on the stack to find the refresh problem.

ORA-12051: ON COMMIT attribute is incompatible with other options
Cause: ON COMMIT refresh attribute, incompatible with other refresh options such as automatic periodic refresh, was specified.
Action: Specify only valid options.

ORA-12052: cannot fast refresh materialized view string.string
Cause: Either ROWIDs of certain tables were missing in the definition or the inner table of an outer join did not have UNIQUE constraints on join columns.
Action: Specify the FORCE or COMPLETE option. If this error is got during creation, the materialized view definition may have be changed. Refer to the documentation on materialized views.

ORA-12053: this is not a valid nested materialized view
Cause: The list of objects in the FROM clause of the definition of this materialized view had some dependencies upon each other.
Action: Refer to the documentation to see which types of nesting are valid.

ORA-12054: cannot set the ON COMMIT refresh attribute for the materialized view
Cause: The materialized view did not satisfy conditions for refresh at commit time.
Action: Specify only valid options.

ORA-12055: materialized view definition contains cyclic dependencies with existing materialized views
Cause: The materialized view query definition introduced a cyclic dependency with existing materialized view.
Action: Modify the materialized view query definition.

ORA-12056: invalid REFRESH method
Cause: The NEVER REFRESH option may not be used under the following conditions:
* The materialized view is updatable
* The materialized view refreshes ON COMMIT
* Automatic refresh options are specified
Action: For updatable materialized views, reissue the SQL command using REFRESH FORCE, REFRESH FAST, or REFRESH COMPLETE. For read-only materialized views, reissue the SQL command using ON DEMAND.

ORA-12057: materialized view "string"."string" is INVALID and must complete refresh
Cause: The status of the materialized view was INVALID and an attempt was made to fast refresh the materialized view.
Action: Perform a complete refresh of the materialized view. Check the value of the STATUS column in dba_mviews, all_mviews, or user_mviews to verify that the materialized view is VALID after the complete refresh.

ORA-12058: materialized view cannot use prebuilt table
Cause: An attempt was made to use the prebuilt tables.
Action: Reissue the SQL command using BUILD IMMEDIATE or BUILD DEFERRED.

ORA-12059: prebuilt table "string"."string" does not exist
Cause: The specified prebuilt table did not exist.
Action: Reissue the SQL command using BUILD IMMEDIATE, BUILD DEFERRED, or ensure that the prebuilt table exists.

ORA-12060: shape of prebuilt table does not match definition query
Cause: The number of columns or the type or the length semantics of a column in the prebuilt table did not match the materialized view definition query.
Action: Reissue the SQL command using BUILD IMMEDIATE, BUILD DEFERRED, or ensure that the prebuilt table matches the materialized view definition query.

ORA-12061: invalid ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW option
Cause: An invalid option was used in an ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW statement.
Action: Specify only valid options.

ORA-12062: transaction string received out of sequence from site string
Cause: A transaction from the client site was received out of sequence. This implies that one or more transactions were missing.
Action: Ensure that the transaction queue at the client site is valid and has not been corrupted.

ORA-12063: unable to apply transaction from site string
Cause: The current transaction from the client site could not be applied to the master site.
Action: Ensure that the client site is still valid and that it has not been dropped from the master site.

ORA-12064: invalid refresh sequence number: string
Cause: The client site was attempting to perform a refresh with an invalid refresh sequence.
Action: Perform a complete refresh to synchronize the refresh sequence number.

ORA-12065: unknown refresh group identifier string
Cause: The specified refresh group did not exist at the master site.
Action: Ensure that the client site is still valid and that it has not been dropped from the master site.

ORA-12066: invalid CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW command
Cause: The Replication API does not support the following options and types of materialized view:
o ROWID materialized views
Action: Create a PRIMARY KEY materialized view using REFRESH WITH PRIMARY KEY and/or remove the invalid options.

ORA-12067: empty refresh groups are not allowed
Cause: The refresh group being instantiated did not contain any materialized views.
Action: Modify the template to include at least one materialized view.

ORA-12068: updatable mview log for mview "string"."string" does not exist
Cause: The updatable materialized view was missing the updatable materialized view log required to track updates made to the materialized view.
Action: Create the updatable materialized view log.

ORA-12069: invalid object for offline instantiation
Cause: Only materialized views can be offline instantiated. The object being offline instantiated was not a valid materialized view.
Action: Remove the object from the template or replace the object with a valid materialized view.

ORA-12070: cannot offline instantiate materialized view "string"."string"
Cause: Offline instantiation does not support materialized views using the following options:
Action: Remove the invalid options.

ORA-12071: definition query of "string"."string" is invalid for offline instantiation
Cause: Offline instantiation requires materialized view definition queries to observe the following constraints:
o The database link that will be used by the materialized view site to connect to the master site must be included with each master table referenced in the query.
o All master tables referenced must be located at the local site. References to other sites are not allowed.
Action: Modify the materialized view definition query.

ORA-12072: updatable materialized view log data for "string"."string" cannot be created
Cause: The updatable materialized view was missing the updatable materialized view log required to track updates made to the materialized view.
Action: Create an updatable materialized view log.

ORA-12073: request cannot be processed
Cause: An out-of-sequence request was made and it cannot be processed.
Action: Try again with a valid request.

ORA-12074: invalid memory address
Cause: An attempt was made to access an invalid memory region.
Action: Reconnect and try the command again.

ORA-12075: invalid object or field
Cause: An attempt was made to access an invalid field or object in the Java Virtual Memory.
Action: Retry the request.

ORA-12076: invalid threshold value
Cause: The result set threshold or LOB threshold value is not supported.
Action: Specify a threshold value below 64K.

ORA-12077: temporary updatable materialized view log does not exist
Cause: Temporary updatable materialized view log was not created or was dropped.
Action: Re-create the temporary updatable materialized view log. Warning: This will cause a complete refresh of the materialized view.

ORA-12078: fast refresh of refresh group ID string failed
Cause: Refresh result set sent through client method REFRESH_REQ_RESULT returned an unknown value.
Action: Re-issue the refresh request.

ORA-12081: update operation not allowed on table "string"."string"
Cause: An attempt was made to update a read-only materialized view.
Action: No action required. Only Oracle is allowed to update a read-only materialized view.

ORA-12082: "string"."string" cannot be index organized
Cause: An attempt was made to create an index-organized materialized aggregate view or an index-organized updatable ROWID materialized view. This is not supported.
Action: Try to create the materialized view without the index organization clause.

ORA-12083: must use DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW to drop "string"."string"
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a materialized view using a command other than DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW.
Action: Use the DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW command.

ORA-12084: must use ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW to alter "string"."string"
Cause: An attempt was made to alter a materialized view using a command other than ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW.
Action: Use the ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW command.

ORA-12085: materialized view log on "string"."string" already has object id
Cause: Materialized view log on the indicated table already has object id information.
Action: No action required.

ORA-12086: table "string"."string" is not an object table
Cause: The CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG command was issued with the WITH OBJECT ID option and the master table is not an object table.
Action: Either specify the name of an object table, or remove the WITH OBJECT ID clause.

ORA-12087: online redefinition not allowed on tables owned by "string"
Cause: An attempt was made to online redefine a table owned by SYS or SYSTEM.
Action: Do not attempt to online redefine a table owned by SYS or SYSTEM.

ORA-12088: cannot online redefine table "string"."string" with unsupported datatype
Cause: An attempt was made to online redefine a table containing a LONG column, an ADT column, or a FILE column.
Action: Do not attempt to online redefine a table containing a LONG column, an ADT column, or a FILE column.

ORA-12089: cannot online redefine table "string"."string" with no primary key
Cause: An attempt was made to online redefine a table that does not have a primary key defined on it.
Action: Do not attempt to online redefine a table that does not have a primary key defined on it.

ORA-12090: cannot online redefine table "string"."string"
Cause: An attempt was made to online redefine a table that is either a temporary table, an IOT overflow table, a table with fine-grained access control or row-level security enabled, a CDC change table, or a table with a CDC change table defined on it.
Action: Do not attempt to online redefine a table that is not supported by online redefinition.

ORA-12091: cannot online redefine table "string"."string" with materialized views
Cause: An attempt was made to online redefine a table that had materialized views defined on it or had a materialized view log defined on it or is a master.
Action: Drop all materialized views and materialized view logs before attempting to online redefine the table.

ORA-12092: cannot online redefine replicated table "string"."string"
Cause: An attempt was made to online redefine a table that is either a materialized view or a replicated table.
Action: Do not attempt to online redefine a table that is either a materialized view or a replicated table.

ORA-12093: invalid interim table "string"."string"
Cause: The table is not the interim table of the corresponding table to be online redefined.
Action: Pass in the valid interim table.

ORA-12094: error during online redefinition
Cause: There was an error during the online redefinition process.
Action: Abort the online redefinition process.

ORA-12096: error in materialized view log on "string"."string"
Cause: There was an error originating from this materialized view log. One possible cause is that schema redefinition has occurred on the master table and one or more columns in the log is now a different type than corresponding master column(s). Another possible cause is that there is a problem accessing the underlying materialized view log table.
Action: Check further error messages in stack for more detail about the cause. If there has been schema redefinition, drop the materialized view log and recreate it.

ORA-12097: changes in the master tables during refresh, try refresh again
Cause: There are some changes (i.e., conventional DML, direct load, partition maintenance operation) in the master tables during materialized view refresh.
Action: Refresh the affected materialized views again.

ORA-12098: cannot comment on the materialized view
Cause: An attempt was made to issue a COMMENT ON TABLE statement on a materialized view.
Action: Issue a COMMENT ON MATERIALIZED VIEW statement instead.

ORA-12100: materialized view log on "string"."string" already has sequence
Cause: Materialized view log on the indicated table already has sequence information.
Action: No action required.

ORA-12150: TNS:unable to send data
Cause: Unable to send data. Connection probably disconnected.
Action: Reestablish connection. If the error is persistent, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.

ORA-12151: TNS:received bad packet type from network layer
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

ORA-12152: TNS:unable to send break message
Cause: Unable to send break message. Connection probably disconnected.
Action: Reestablish connection. If the error is persistent, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.

ORA-12153: TNS:not connected
Cause: Not currently connected to a remote host.
Action: Reestablish connection.

ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
Cause: A connection to a database or other service was requested using a connect identifier, and the connect identifier specified could not be resolved into a connect descriptor using one of the naming methods configured. For example, if the type of connect identifier used was a net service name then the net service name could not be found in a naming method repository, or the repository could not be located or reached.
- If you are using local naming (TNSNAMES.ORA file):
- Make sure that "TNSNAMES" is listed as one of the values of the NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH parameter in the Oracle Net profile (SQLNET.ORA)
- Verify that a TNSNAMES.ORA file exists and is in the proper directory and is accessible.
- Check that the net service name used as the connect identifier exists in the TNSNAMES.ORA file.
- Make sure there are no syntax errors anywhere in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. Look for unmatched parentheses or stray characters. Errors in a TNSNAMES.ORA file may make it unusable.
- If you are using directory naming:
- Verify that "LDAP" is listed as one of the values of the NAMES.DIRETORY_PATH parameter in the Oracle Net profile (SQLNET.ORA).
- Verify that the LDAP directory server is up and that it is accessible.
- Verify that the net service name or database name used as the connect identifier is configured in the directory.
- Verify that the default context being used is correct by specifying a fully qualified net service name or a full LDAP DN as the connect identifier
- If you are using easy connect naming:
- Verify that "EZCONNECT" is listed as one of the values of the NAMES.DIRETORY_PATH parameter in the Oracle Net profile (SQLNET.ORA).
- Make sure the host, port and service name specified are correct.
- Try enclosing the connect identifier in quote marks. See the Oracle Net Services Administrators Guide or the Oracle operating system specific guide for more information on naming.

ORA-12155: TNS:received bad datatype in NSWMARKER packet
Cause: Internal error during break handling.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

ORA-12156: TNS:tried to reset line from incorrect state
Cause: Internal error during break handling.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

ORA-12157: TNS:internal network communication error
Cause: Internal error during network communication.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

ORA-12158: TNS:could not initialize parameter subsystem
Cause: Unable to locate parameter file.
Action: Verify that a valid parameter file exists, and is readable.

ORA-12159: TNS:trace file not writeable
Cause: The trace file to be generated is not writeable by this user.
Action: If the user does not have write permissions in the directory to which the trace file will be written, contact an administrator to get the proper permissions or set the TRACE_DIRECTORY_CLIENT parameter in the net profile (SQLNET.ORA file) to a directory the user can write to.

ORA-12160: TNS:internal error: Bad error number
Cause: Corrupt error reporting subsystem.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

ORA-12161: TNS:internal error: partial data received
Cause: The connection may be terminated.
Action: Reconnect and try again. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

ORA-12162: TNS:net service name is incorrectly specified
Cause: The connect descriptor corresponding to the net service name in TNSNAMES.ORA or in the directory server (Oracle Internet Directory) is incorrectly specified.
Action: If using local naming make sure there are no syntax errors in the corresponding connect descriptor in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. If using directory naming check the information provided through the administration used for directory naming.

ORA-12163: TNS:connect descriptor is too long
Cause: The connect descriptor corresponding to the net service name specified as the connect identifier is too long. The maximum length for a connect descriptor is 512 bytes and this limit has been exceeded.
Action: Check the net service name's connect descriptor in the local naming file (TNSNAMES.ORA) or in the directory server (Oracle Internet Directory). Use a smaller connect descriptor. If this is not possible, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

ORA-12164: TNS:Sqlnet.fdf file not present
Cause: The sqlnet.fdf file doesn't exist in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin.
Action: The sqlnet.fdf file is required for Oracle Tracing to occur. Either install the sqlnet.fdf file in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin or turn off tracing in your ORA file.

ORA-12165: TNS:Trying to write trace file into swap space.
Cause: Oracle Trace doesn't allow writing trace information into your swap space.
Action: Oracle Trace cannot write trace information into swap space so either disable tracing or redirect trace files to be written to another area of your disk.

ORA-12166: TNS:Client can not connect to HO agent.
Cause: NVstring contained DESCRIPTION/HO.
Action: Call HO agent from integrating server.

ORA-12168: TNS:Unable to contact LDAP Directory Server
Cause: Cannot contact LDAP directory server to get Oracle Net configuration.
Action: Verify that the directory server is up and accessible from the network. Verify that directory access configuration is correct. For more information see the Oracle Internet Directory Administrators Guide or the Oracle Net Administrators Guide.

ORA-12169: TNS:Net service name given as connect identifier is too long
Cause: The net service name you are attempting to resolve is too long.
Action: The maximum length of a net service name is 255 bytes; this limit has been exceeded. Use a smaller net service name. If this is not possible, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

ORA-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred
Cause: The server shut down because connection establishment or communication with a client failed to complete within the allotted time interval. This may be a result of network or system delays; or this may indicate that a malicious client is trying to cause a Denial of Service attack on the server.
Action: If the error occurred because of a slow network or system, reconfigure one or all of the parameters SQLNET.INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, SQLNET.SEND_TIMEOUT, SQLNET.RECV_TIMEOUT in sqlnet.ora to larger values. If a malicious client is suspected, use the address in sqlnet.log to identify the source and restrict access. Note that logged addresses may not be reliable as they can be forged (e.g. in TCP/IP).

ORA-12171: TNS:could not resolve connect identifier: string
Cause: A connection to a database or other service was requested using a connect identifier, and the connect identifier specified could not be resolved into a connect descriptor using one of the naming methods configured. For example, if the type of connect identifier used was a net service name then the net service name could not be found in a naming method repository, or the repository could not be located or reached.
- If you are using local naming (TNSNAMES.ORA file):
- Make sure that "TNSNAMES" is listed as one of the values of the NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH parameter in the Oracle Net profile (SQLNET.ORA)
- Verify that a TNSNAMES.ORA file exists and is in the proper directory and is accessible.
- Check that the net service name used as the connect identifier exists in the TNSNAMES.ORA file.
- Make sure there are no syntax errors anywhere in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. Look for unmatched parentheses or stray characters. Errors in a TNSNAMES.ORA file may make it unusable.
- If you are using directory naming:
- Verify that "LDAP" is listed as one of the values of the NAMES.DIRETORY_PATH parameter in the Oracle Net profile (SQLNET.ORA).
- Verify that the LDAP directory server is up and that it is accessible.
- Verify that the net service name or database name used as the connect identifier is configured in the directory.
- Verify that the default context being used is correct by specifying a fully qualified net service name or a full LDAP DN as the connect identifier
- If you are using easy connect naming:
- Verify that "EZCONNECT" is listed as one of the values of the NAMES.DIRETORY_PATH parameter in the Oracle Net profile (SQLNET.ORA).
- Make sure the host, port and service name specified are correct.
- Try enclosing the connect identifier in quote marks. See the Oracle Net Services Administrators Guide or the Oracle operating system specific guide for more information on naming.

ORA-12196: TNS:received an error from TNS
Cause: The navigation layer received an error from TNS.
Action: See the error log file for the specific TNS error.

ORA-12197: TNS:keyword-value resolution error
Cause: The navigation layer received an error while trying to look up a value for a keyword.
Action: Check the syntax of the connect descriptor.

ORA-12198: TNS:could not find path to destination
Cause: Could not navigate a path through Interchanges to the destination. This error occurs if an invalid community is in the address string, or the address includes a protocol that is not available or the TNSNAV.ORA file does not have a correct CMANAGER address specified or the Interchange is down.
Action: Assure that Interchanges necessary to get to the desired destination are up and have available capacity for an additional connection. Also check that the correct community and protocol have been specified in the CMANAGER address used.

ORA-12200: TNS:could not allocate memory
Cause: Out of memory on machine.
Action: Reconfigure machine to have more storage or run fewer applications while the Interchange is running.

ORA-12201: TNS:encountered too small a connection buffer
Cause: TNS connection buffer supplied by the application was too small to retrieve the data sent back.
Action: Supply a larger connection buffer. If problem persists, call Worldwide Customer Support.

ORA-12202: TNS:internal navigation error
Cause: Internal navigation error.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details contact Worldwide Customer Support.

ORA-12203: TNS:unable to connect to destination
Cause: Invalid address specified or destination is not listening. This error can also occur because of underlying network or network transport problems.
Action: Verify that the net service name you entered was correct. Verify that the ADDRESS portion of the connect descriptor which corresponds to the net service name is correct. Ensure that the destination process (for example the listener) is running at the remote node.

ORA-12204: TNS:received data refused from an application
Cause: The application using Connection Manager refused the connection at the listener.
Action: Make sure that the application listener at the destination is functioning correctly. If it is and the problem persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

ORA-12205: TNS:could not get failed addresses
Cause: Internal navigation error.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details contact Worldwide Customer Support.

ORA-12206: TNS:received a TNS error during navigation
Cause: Internal navigation error because of an unexpected TNS error.
Action: Look at the log file to find the TNS error. If necessary, turn on tracing and repeat the operation.

ORA-12207: TNS:unable to perform navigation
Cause: Improperly configured navigation file TNSNAV.ORA.
Action: Check the syntax of the TNSNAV.ORA file on the application`s machine, and verify that it lists the correct communities.

ORA-12208: TNS:could not find the TNSNAV.ORA file
Cause: Either the ORACLE environment is not set up correctly, or the TNSNAV.ORA file is not present.
Action: Ensure that the ORACLE environment is set up appropriately on your platform and that a TNSNAV.ORA file is present.

ORA-12209: TNS:encountered uninitialized global
Cause: Application calling navigation routine has not properly configured the global variables. There are no TNSNAV.ORA files available, or they are defective.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

ORA-12210: TNS:error in finding Navigator data
Cause: Application calling navigation routine has not properly configured the TNSNAV.ORA file.
Action: Check the syntax of the TNSNAV.ORA file.

Cause: TNSNAV.ORA does not have a PREFERRED_CMANAGERS defined.
Action: Add a PREFERRED_CMANAGERS entry to the TNSNAV.ORA file.

ORA-12212: TNS:incomplete PREFERRED_CMANAGERS binding in TNSNAV.ORA
Cause: The PREFERRED_CMANAGERS binding in the client's TNSNAV.ORA file does not have a CMANAGER_NAME specified.
Action: Define the CMANAGER_NAME as part of the PREFERRED_CMANAGERS binding. Use of the Oracle Network Manager should eliminate this error.

ORA-12213: TNS:incomplete PREFERRED_CMANAGERS binding in TNSNAV.ORA
Cause: The PREFERRED_CMANAGERS binding in the client's TNSNAV.ORA file does not have an ADDRESS specified.
Action: Define the ADDRESS as part of the PREFERRED_CMANAGERS binding.

ORA-12214: TNS:missing local communities entry in TNSNAV.ORA
Cause: There is no LOCAL_COMMUNITIES entry in TNSNAV.ORA.
Action: Define the LOCAL_COMMUNITIES for this node in the TNSNAV.ORA file.

ORA-12215: TNS:poorly formed PREFERRED_NAVIGATORS Addresses in TNSNAV.ORA
Cause: Address binding for PREFERRED_NAVIGATORS entry is improperly entered. entry.
Action: Check your PREFERRED_NAVIGATORS entry and fix it in TNSNAV.ORA

ORA-12216: TNS:poorly formed PREFERRED_CMANAGERS addresses in TNSNAV.ORA
Cause: Address binding for the PREFERRED_CMANAGERS entry in the client's TNSNAV.ORA file is improperly entered.
Action: Define the ADDRESS as part of the PREFERRED_CMANAGERS binding.

ORA-12217: TNS:could not contact PREFERRED_CMANAGERS in TNSNAV.ORA
Cause: There is a syntax error in the PREFERRED_CMANAGERS entry, or addresses specified are wrong, or the intended Connection Managers are unavailable.
Action: Check the PREFERRED_CMANAGERS entries in the client's TNSNAV.ORA file and correct them or talk with your network administrator to determine if the specified Connection Managers are available. Verify that the Interchanges are active by using the INTCTL STATUS command.

ORA-12218: TNS:unacceptable network configuration data
Cause: Poorly formed network configuration data. For example, a PREFERRED_CMANAGERS entry may have an incorrect CMANAGER_NAME in the client's TNSNAV.ORA file. Or an Interchange downtime parameter (TIMEOUT_INTERVAL) on the Navigator may be set to zero in INTCHG.ORA.
Action: Check the entries in TNSNAV.ORA and the Interchange configuration files and correct them. If necessary, talk with your network administrator to determine if the specified Interchanges (Connection Managers) are available and properly configured. Use the Oracle Network Manager to generate the configuration files if necessary.

ORA-12219: TNS:missing community name from address in ADDRESS_LIST
Cause: This error occurs when an ADDRESS_LIST has some ADDRESSes in it that have no COMMUNITY component and others that do have a COMMUNITY component.
Action: Check that in the connect descriptors you are using either all the ADDRESSes have a COMMUNITY component or all do not.

ORA-12221: TNS:illegal ADDRESS parameters
Cause: An illegal set of protocol adapter parameters was specified. In some cases, this error is returned when a connection cannot be made to the protocol transport.
Action: Verify that the destination can be reached using the specified protocol. Check the parameters within the ADDRESS section of TNSNAMES.ORA or in the directory. Legal ADDRESS parameter formats may be found in the Oracle operating system specific documentation or the Oracle Net Administrator's Guide. Protocols that resolve names at the transport layer are vulnerable to this error if not properly configured or names are misspelled.

ORA-12222: TNS:no support is available for the protocol indicated
Cause: The protocol requested in the ADDRESS portion of the connect descriptor identified through the net service name is not available. If the supplied ADDRESS is typographically correct then support for that protocol is not installed.
Action: Install support for the protocol or correct typographical error, as appropriate. Note: if the supplied address was derived from resolving the net service name, check the address in the appropriate file (TNSNAMES.ORA, LISTENER.ORA) or in the directory server.

ORA-12223: TNS:internal limit restriction exceeded
Cause: Too many TNS connections open simultaneously.
Action: Wait for connections to close and re-try.

ORA-12224: TNS:no listener
Cause: The connection request could not be completed because the listener is not running.
Action: Ensure that the supplied destination address matches one of the addresses used by the listener - compare the TNSNAMES.ORA entry with the appropriate LISTENER.ORA file (or TNSNAV.ORA if the connection is to go by way of an Interchange). Start the listener on the remote machine.

ORA-12225: TNS:destination host unreachable
Cause: Contact can not be made with remote party.
Action: Make sure the network driver is functioning and the network is up.

ORA-12226: TNS:operating system resource quota exceeded
Cause: The current user has exceeded the allotted resource assigned in the operating system.
Action: Acquire more operating system resource, or perform a different function.

ORA-12227: TNS:syntax error
Cause: The supplied connect descriptor contains illegal syntax.
Action: Check the syntax of the connect descriptor in TNSNAMES.ORA.

ORA-12228: TNS:protocol adapter not loadable
Cause: On some platforms (such as Windows) protocol support is loaded at run-time. If the shared library (or DLL) for the protocol adapter is missing or one of its supporting libraries is missing then this error is returned.
Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. The trace file will include the name of the shared library (or DLL) that could not be loaded.

ORA-12229: TNS:Interchange has no more free connections
Cause: One or more Interchanges along the path to the destination desired has no more free connections available to be used for this call.
Action: Try again later when the Interchanges are less busy, or contact your network administrator to have him determine which interchange it is, and increase the number of connections available on that interchange.

ORA-12230: TNS:Severe Network error occurred in making this connection
Cause: This error is reported by an interchange which fails to make contact with the destination due to a physical network error while calling a destination.
Action: Try again later when the network service may have been fixed or report the problem to your Network Administrator so that he may fix the problem.

ORA-12231: TNS:No connection possible to destination
Cause: This error is reported by an interchange which fails to find a possible connection along the path to the destination.
Action: Report the problem to your Network Administrator so that he may fix the problem.

ORA-12232: TNS:No path available to destination
Cause: This error is reported by an interchange which fails to find a possible path to the destination.
Action: Report the problem to your Network Administrator so that he may fix the problem.

ORA-12233: TNS:Failure to accept a connection
Cause: This error is reported by an interchange which fails to accept a connection due to a redirect failure.
Action: Report the problem to your Network Administrator so that he may isolate the interchange problem.

ORA-12234: TNS:Redirect to destination
Cause: This error is reported by an interchange which determines that this interchange is not the right gateway and needs to redirect the connection to another gateway along the path to the destination.
Action: None

ORA-12235: TNS:Failure to redirect to destination
Cause: This error is reported by an interchange which fails to redirect a connection to another interchange along the path to the destination.
Action: Report the problem to your Network Administrator so that he may fix the problem.

ORA-12236: TNS:protocol support not loaded
Cause: On some platforms (such as Windows) protocol support is loaded at run-time. If the shared library (or DLL) for the protocol adapter has not been loaded, then this error is returned.
Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. The trace file will have the name of the shared library (or DLL) that has not been loaded.

ORA-12315: database link type is invalid for the ALTER DATABASE statement
Cause: The database link name you specified on the ALTER DATABASE statement is not an ROM: link. You must specify an ROM: link when using the ALTER DATABASE statement to mount or open a secondary database.
Action: Re-issue the ALTER DATABASE statement using a valid ROM: link to the database you want to mount or open. If a valid ROM: link does not exist, create one using the CREATE DATABASE LINK command. See the Trusted ORACLE RDBMS Guide to Security Features for more information about creating database links using the ROM: link type.

ORA-12316: syntax error in database link's connect string
Cause: The connect string in the CREATE DATABASE LINK statement has a syntactical error.
Action: Drop the database link and recreate it using valid syntax. See the SQL Language Reference Manual for more information about the connect string portion of the CREATE DATABASE LINK statement.

ORA-12317: logon to database (link name string) denied
Cause: There are several possible causes for this error. First, you can get this error if your username (and password, if you are using database instead of operating system authentication) in the secondary database are not identical to your username (and password) in the primary database. Second, you can get this error if your username in the secondary database is invalid (has not been created). Third, you can get this error if the username/password combination specified in the connect string of the database link definition is invalid (either not created or has an invalid password).
Action: In the first case, ensure that the secondary database contains a username (and password, if you are using database authentication) identical to the one you are using in the primary database. In general, you should always use operating system authentication in Trusted ORACLE (see the Trusted ORACLE RDBMS Guide to Security Features for more information about the advantages of OS authentication). In the second case, ensure that your username in the secondary database has been created. In the third case, ensure that the username specified in the connect string has been created in the secondary database.

ORA-12318: database (link name string) is already mounted
Cause: You are attempting to mount a secondary database that has already been mounted by your instance.
Action: to mount it. To establish access, use the ALTER DATABASE OPEN command to open the database.

ORA-12319: database (link name string) is already open
Cause: You are attempting to open a secondary database that is already open.
Action: The database is open and you need not take additional action to establish access.

ORA-12321: database (link name string) is not open and AUTO_MOUNTING=FALSE
Cause: The secondary database that your instance is attempting to mount is not open and automatic mounting has not been enabled.
Action: Manually mount and open the secondary database using ALTER DATABASE with the OPEN and MOUNT options. Alternately, to allow your instance to automatically mount and open secondary databases, set the AUTO_MOUNTING parameter in the parameter file to TRUE.

ORA-12322: unable to mount database (link name string)
Cause: This message should be accompanied by additional error messages that indicate the cause of the problem.
Action: Follow the steps outlined in the accompanying error messages to resolve the problem.

ORA-12323: unable to open database (link name string)
Cause: This message should be accompanied by additional error messages that indicate the cause of the problem.
Action: Follow the steps outlined in the accompanying error messages to resolve the problem.

ORA-12324: cannot use the ROM: link type on a private database link
Cause: You can only specify the ROM: link type on a public, not a private, database link.
Action: Determine if there is an existing public database link to the secondary database. If not, and if you wish to establish public access to the secondary database, create a public database link to the secondary database using the CREATE DATABASE LINK command.

ORA-12326: database string is closing immediately; no operations are permitted
Cause: The database you attempted to access is closing, so your operation has been terminated.
Action: Wait until the database has been reopened, or contact the database adminstrator.

ORA-12329: database string is closed; no operations are permitted
Cause: The database you attempted to access is closed, so your operation has been terminated.
Action: Wait until the database is reopened, or contact the database administrator.

ORA-12333: database (link name string) is not mounted
Cause: You attempted to open a database that has not been mounted.
Action: Mount the database with the ALTER DATABASE MOUNT command, then re-attempt to open the database.

ORA-12334: database (link name string) is still open
Cause: You attempted to dismount a database that is still open.
Action: Close the database with the ALTER DATABASE CLOSE command, then re-attempt to dismount the database.

ORA-12335: database (link name string) is not open
Cause: You attempted to close a database that is not open.
Action: The database is closed; you can proceed with dismounting it.

ORA-12336: cannot login to database (link name string)
Cause: You are tyring to login while another user is mounting or dismounting the same database.
Action: Check to see if the database is in the middle of being mounted or opened and try your login again once the database is accessible.

ORA-12341: maximum number of open mounts exceeded
Cause: The number specified on the OPEN_MOUNTS parameter in the parameter file exceeds the maximum allowed (255).
Action: Change the value of this parameter so that it reflects the actual number of possible open mounts to secondary databases. This must be less than 255.

ORA-12342: open mounts exceeds limit set on the OPEN_MOUNTS parameter
Cause: The number of currently open mounts exceeds the value you specified on the OPEN_MOUNTS parameter.
Action: Increase the value of the OPEN_MOUNTS parameter so that it accommodates the maximum possible number of open mounts to secondary databases.

ORA-12345: user string lacks CREATE SESSION privilege in database link (linkname string)
Cause: There are several possible causes for this message: First, you will get this message if your username in the second database specified was not granted the CREATE SESSION system privilege. Second, you will get this message if the username specified in the connect string of the database link definition was not granted the CREATE SESSION system privilege.
Action: The action you take depends upon the cause of the message: In the first case, ensure that your username in the secondary database was granted the CREATE SESSION system privilege. In the second case, ensure the username specified in the connect string of the database link definition was granted the CREATE SESSION system privilege in the secondary database.

ORA-12350: database link being dropped is still mounted
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a ROM: database link that was still mounted and/or opened.
Action: Close and dismount the database and then re-issue the drop statement.

ORA-12351: cannot create view using a remote object which has a remote object reference
Cause: You tried to create a view which references a remote object which, in turn, references an object on another database. Since the view that you tried to create references a remote object, that object cannot reference an object on another database.
Action: Choose a different object to reference in your view or change the remote object so that it does not reference another database.

ORA-12352: object string.string@string is invalid
Cause: An attempt was made to reference (compile against) an object of a secondary database but the object is invalid and the system cannot validate or recompile it because it is in a secondary database.
Action: Manually recompile the invalid object in the secondary database.

ORA-12353: secondary stored object cannot reference remote object
Cause: You tried to either select from a remote view or execute a remote procedure which references an object on another database. Since the remote view or procedure is on a secondary database, an additional reference to another database cannot be done.
Action: Choose a different object to reference or change the remote view or procedure so that it does not reference another database.

ORA-12354: secondary object being dropped
Cause: You tried to access a object (for example, a table or view) on a secondary database that was in the process of being dropped.
Action: Repeat the operation. If you receive this message again, try to access the object from the secondary database. If you receive an internal error or a trace file, contact Oracle WorldWide Technical Support.

ORA-12400: invalid argument to facility error handling
Cause: An argument to a facility error handling function exceeded a maximum limit or referred to an invalid product/facility.
Action: Specify a valid facility error handling parameter value.

ORA-12401: invalid label string: string
Cause: The policy could not convert the label string to a valid internal label.
Action: Correct the syntax of the label string.

ORA-12402: invalid format string: string
Cause: The format string is not supported by the policy.
Action: Correct the syntax of the format string.

ORA-12403: invalid internal label
Cause: An internal label could not be converted to a valid label for the policy.
Action: Analyze any additional messages on the error stack and consult the policy documentation.

ORA-12404: invalid privilege string: string
Cause: The policy could not interpret the privilege string.
Action: Specify a privilege string that is supported by the policy.

ORA-12405: invalid label list
Cause: The policy determined that the label list was invalid for its intended use.
Action: Check the policy constraints on the specific list of labels.

ORA-12406: unauthorized SQL statement for policy string
Cause: The policy did not authorize the database session to perform the requested SQL statement.
Action: Grant the user or program unit the necessary policy privilege or additional authorizations.

ORA-12407: unauthorized operation for policy string
Cause: The policy did not authorize the database session to perform the requested operation.
Action: Grant the user or program unit the necessary policy privilege or additional authorizations.

ORA-12408: unsupported operation: string
Cause: The specified policy does not support the requested operation.
Action: Consult the policy documentation to determine the supported access mediation operations.

ORA-12409: policy startup failure for string policy
Cause: The policy encountered an error during startup processing; access to the data protected by the policy is prohibited.
Action: Check the alert log for additional information, correct the policy error, and restart the instance.

ORA-12410: internal policy error for policy: string Error: string
Cause: The policy enforcement encountered an internal error.
Action: Consult the policy documentation for details.

ORA-12411: invalid label value
Cause: The specified label value does not exist.
Action: Check the data dictionary views for the policy to identify valid labels.

ORA-12412: policy package string is not installed
Cause: The policy package does not exist in the database.
Action: Check that the policy package name is correct or install the required policy package.

ORA-12413: labels do not belong to the same policy
Cause: The labels being compared belong to different policies.
Action: Only compare labels that belong to the same policy.

ORA-12414: internal LBAC error: string Error: string
Cause: An internal label policy framework error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12415: A column of another datatype exists on the specified table
Cause: The datatype of the column present in the table is different from the datatype set for the policy column.
Action: Drop the column on the table or change the datatype for policy column.

ORA-12416: policy string not found
Cause: The specified policy does not exist in the database.
Action: Enter the correct policy name or create the policy.

ORA-12417: database object "string" not found
Cause: The specified object was not in the database.
Action: Enter the correct name for the database object.

ORA-12418: user string not found
Cause: The specified user does not exist in the database.
Action: Correct the user name or create the user.

ORA-12419: null binary label value
Cause: A null value was provided for a binary label operation.
Action: Provide a valid binary label for the operation.

ORA-12420: required procedures and functions not in policy package "string"
Cause: The policy package did not contain all of the procedures and functions necessary to enforce the policy.
Action: Consult the label framework documentation for a list of required procedures and functions for a policy package.

ORA-12421: different size binary labels
Cause: The label sizes for the binary label operation were not equal.
Action: Provide binary labels with the same lengths for the operation.

ORA-12422: max policies exceeded
Cause: You tried to create a new policy, but the maximum number of policies for the instance had already been created.
Action: Increase the size of the MAX_LABEL_POLICIES initialization parameter and restart the server.

ORA-12423: invalid position specified
Cause: The position specified for a binary label operation was invalid.
Action: Provide a position that is within the label size limits.

ORA-12424: length exceeds binary label size
Cause: The length specified for a binary label operation exceeded the the size of the binary label.
Action: Provide a bit or byte length that is within the label size limits.

ORA-12425: cannot apply policies or set authorizations for system schemas
Cause: You tried to either apply a policy to the SYS, SYSTEM, or LBACSYS schema or to set user labels/privileges for the SYS, SYSTEM, or LBACSYS user.
Action: Apply policies and set authorizations only for non-system users.

ORA-12426: invalid audit option
Cause: The option specified was not a valid audit option for the specified policy.
Action: Enter a correct audit option.

ORA-12427: invalid input value for string parameter
Cause: An input parameter was specified incorrectly.
Action: Correct the parameter value.

ORA-12429: label list range exceeded
Cause: The specified index value was not between 1 and 6.
Action: Correct the index value for the label list operation.

ORA-12430: invalid privilege number
Cause: The specified privilege number was not between 1 and 32.
Action: Correct the privilege number.

ORA-12431: invalid audit action
Cause: The specified audit action was not a valid audit action.
Action: Correct the audit action number.

ORA-12432: LBAC error: string
Cause: LBAC enforcement resulted in an error.
Action: Correct the problem identified in the error message.

ORA-12433: create trigger failed, policy not applied
Cause: The policy could not be applied due to errors during the creation of a DML trigger.
Action: Correct the SQL syntax of the label function specification.

ORA-12434: invalid audit type: string
Cause: The audit type must be BY ACCESS or BY SESSION.
Action: Correct the audit type value.

ORA-12435: invalid audit success: string
Cause: The audit success parameter must be SUCCESSFUL or NOT SUCCESSFUL.
Action: Correct the audit success value.

ORA-12436: no policy options specified
Cause: A NULL option string was specified, but no default schema or policy option string was found.
Action: Enter a valid option string, or alter the schema or policy to have a valid default option string.

ORA-12437: invalid policy option: string
Cause: A value that was not a valid policy option was entered.
Action: Correct the policy option value.

ORA-12438: repeated policy option: string
Cause: A policy option was entered more than once in the option string.
Action: Remove the duplicate policy option value.

ORA-12439: invalid combination of policy options
Cause: A set of contradictory policy options was entered.
Action: Provide a set of compatible policy options.

ORA-12440: insufficient authorization for the SYSDBA package
Cause: The use of the SYSDBA package requires the LBAC_DBA role.
Action: Grant the LBAC_DBA role to the database user.

ORA-12441: policy string already exists
Cause: You tried to create a policy with the same name as an existing one.
Action: Use a different name or drop the existing policy.

ORA-12442: policy column "string" already used by an existing policy
Cause: You tried to create a policy with the same policy column name as an existing policy.
Action: Use a different name for the policy column or drop the existing policy.

ORA-12443: policy not applied to some tables in schema
Cause: You applied a policy to a schema, and some of the tables in the schema already had the policy applied.
Action: No action necessary; the policy was applied to the remaining tables.

ORA-12444: policy already applied to table
Cause: You tried to apply a policy to a table that was already protected by the policy.
Action: To change the policy options, predicate, or label function, remove the policy from the table and re-apply it.

ORA-12445: cannot change HIDDEN property of column
Cause: You tried to specify a different HIDE option for a table with an existing policy column.
Action: Drop the column from the table and reapply the policy with the new HIDE option.

ORA-12446: Insufficient authorization for administration of policy string
Cause: You tried to perform an administrative function for a policy, but you have not been granted the _DBA role.
Action: Grant the user the _DBA role for the specified policy.

ORA-12447: policy role already exists for policy string
Cause: The role named _DBA already exists.
Action: Correct the policy name or delete the existing policy.

ORA-12448: policy string not applied to schema string
Cause: You tried to alter a schema policy that was not applied.
Action: Correct the policy name or schema name.

ORA-12449: Labels specified for user must be of type USER
Cause: You tried to set labels for a user, but the labels in the list were not all designated as USER labels.
Action: Alter the labels to be USER labels.

ORA-12450: LOB datatype disabled in LBAC initialization file
Cause: You tried to specify a LOB datatype for a column or attribute, but the use of the LOB datatype has been disabled.
Action: Change the LBAC initialization file to allow the creation of LOB columns and attributes.

ORA-12451: label not designated as USER or DATA
Cause: A label is either a DATA label, a USER label, or both DATA and USER.
Action: Enter TRUE for at least DATA or USER.

ORA-12452: label tag string already exists
Cause: The label tag value you entered is already in use for another label.
Action: Enter a different value for the label tag.

ORA-12453: label string already exists
Cause: The label value you entered already exists.
Action: No action necessary; alter the label to change its tag or type.

ORA-12454: label string does not exist for policy string
Cause: The label tag or value you entered did not identify a label for the policy.
Action: Enter a label value or tag that is in use by the policy.

ORA-12455: internal error in Label Security MMON cleanup task
Cause: An internal error occurred in the Label Security MMON cleanup task.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12456: label security startup in progress
Cause: You attempted to connect to the database before the Oracle Label Security component was fully initialized.
Action: Wait until the database is fully open before attempting to connect.

ORA-12457: security label exceeded maximum allowable length
Cause: An operation attempted to materialize a security label greater than 4000 bytes in length.
Action: Consult the Oracle Label Security documentation for information on how the length of a security label is calculated. Re-submit the operation once the problem has been corrected.

ORA-12461: undefined level string for policy string
Cause: The specified level is not defined for the policy.
Action: Correct the level identifier value.

ORA-12462: undefined compartment string for policy string
Cause: The specified compartment is not defined for the policy.
Action: Correct the compartment identifier value.

ORA-12463: undefined group string for policy string
Cause: The specified group is not defined for the policy.
Action: Correct the group identifier value.

ORA-12464: invalid characters in label component string
Cause: Label components can contain only alphanumeric characters, blanks, and underscores.
Action: Correct syntax of the label component.

ORA-12465: Not authorized for read or write on specified groups or compartments
Cause: You included groups or compartments that are not in the user's list of groups and compartments authorized for read or write access.
Action: Include read access when authorizing groups or compartments for write access.

ORA-12466: default level is greater than the user's maximum
Cause: The default level cannot be greater than the user's maximum.
Action: Enter an authorized level.

ORA-12467: minimum label can contain a level only
Cause: You included compartments or groups in the minimum label.
Action: Enter only an authorized minimum level as the label.

ORA-12468: max write level does not equal max read level
Cause: The level in the max write label must equal the level in the max read label.
Action: Enter max read and max write labels with the same level component.

ORA-12469: no user levels found for user string and policy string
Cause: No levels have been specified for the user.
Action: Enter the maximum and minimum labels for the user.

ORA-12470: NULL or invalid user label: string
Cause: The label entered is NULL or not within the user's authorizations.
Action: Enter the authorized labels for the user.

ORA-12471: Specified compartment or group is not authorized for user
Cause: The specified compartment or group is not in user's authorizations or the user does not have read on compartment or group specified for write.
Action: Enter an authorized compartment or group.

ORA-12472: policy string is being used
Cause: The policy which was being dropped due to event propagation from OID was applied to some table or schema.
Action: Drop a policy in OID only if it is not used in any of the databases using the policy.

ORA-12473: The procedure is disabled when Label Security is used with OID.
Cause: Using Label Security with OID disabled this procedure.
Action: Do not use OID with Label Security if this procedure is required to function.

ORA-12476: least upper bound resulted in an invalid OS label
Cause: You tried to do an operation that generated a least upper bound (LUB) label which is not a valid label on your operating system.
Action: Consult your OS label management documentation for information on invalid label generation.

ORA-12477: greatest lower bound resulted in an invalid OS label
Cause: You tried to do an operation that generated a greatest lower bound (GLB) label which is not a valid label on your operating system.
Action: Consult your OS label management documentation for information on invalid label generation.

ORA-12479: file label string must equal DBHIGH string
Cause: A database file had an OS label that did not match DBHIGH. Either DBHIGH was altered or the OS file was relabeled.
Action: Relabel the file so that its label matches DBHIGH, or alter DBHIGH so that it matches the label on the file.

ORA-12480: specified clearance labels not within the effective clearance
Cause: You specified a clearance range that was not within your authorized clearance; you can only specify clearance ranges that are within your clearance.
Action: Specify clearance labels that are within your own clearance range.

ORA-12481: effective label not within program unit clearance range
Cause: The effective label when the program unit was invoked was not within the range authorized for the program unit.
Action: Modify the program unit clearance range or invoke the program unit from a session with an authorized effective clearance.

ORA-12482: internal MLS error: string Error: string
Cause: An internal MLS policy error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12483: label not in OS system accreditation range
Cause: The specified label is above the OS maximum label or below the OS minimum label.
Action: Use a label that is within the accreditation range for the host OS.

ORA-12484: invalid OS label
Cause: The specified label does not exist in the OS host's label definition file.
Action: Use the OS label management tools to define the label.

ORA-12485: new effective label not within effective clearance
Cause: You attempted to enter a value for an effective label that did not dominate the effective min label or was not dominated by the effective max label.
Action: Enter a value between the min and the max labels.

ORA-12486: effective max labels and min labels cannot be changed
Cause: You attempted to enter a value for an effective min label or effective max label, but these labels cannot be changed.
Action: Enter NULL values for the effective minimum and maximum labels.

ORA-12487: clearance labels not between DBHIGH and DBLOW
Cause: You attempted to enter a value for a clearance label that was not dominated by DBHIGH or did not dominate DBLOW.
Action: Enter clearance label values between DBHIGH and DBLOW.

ORA-12488: maximum label does not dominate minimum label
Cause: You attempted to enter a value for a clearance label that did not preserve the dominance relationship between the minimum and maximum labels.
Action: Enter label values that preserves the dominance relationship between the minimum and maximum.

ORA-12489: default label not within clearance range
Cause: You attempted to enter a value for a default label that did not dominate the minimum clearance or was not dominated by the maximum clearance.
Action: Enter a default label value within the clearance range.

ORA-12490: DBHIGH cannot be lowered
Cause: You attempted to enter a value for DBHIGH that did not dominate the existing value of DBHIGH.
Action: Enter a value for DBHIGH that dominates the old value.

ORA-12491: DBHIGH value does not dominate DBLOW
Cause: You attempted to enter a value for DBHIGH that did not dominate DBLOW.
Action: Enter a value for DBHIGH that dominates DBLOW.

ORA-12492: DBLOW cannot be changed
Cause: You attempted to change the value of DBLOW after it had been set to any initial value. DBLOW can only be set once after initial database creation.
Action: To change DBLOW, you have to create a new database, set DBLOW to the new value, and import your data into the new database.

ORA-12493: invalid MLS binary label
Cause: The MLS binary label contained an invalid value, was not the correct size, or contained a level, category, or release category that was not enabled.
Action: Check the DBA_MLS_LABELS view for the valid MLS labels.

ORA-12494: cannot insert or delete a level, category, or release category
Cause: You attempted to insert or delete a level, category, or release category definition.
Action: If the label definition is no longer valid, change its name to one that identifies it as invalid. When any labels are converted to character strings, the new label definition will be used.

ORA-12495: cannot disable an enabled level, category, or release category
Cause: You attempted to disable a level, category, or release category that had previously been enabled. An enabled label definition may be exist in some database label, so cannot be disabled.
Action: If the label definition is no longer valid, change its name to one that identifies it as invalid. When any labels are converted to character strings, the new label definition will be used.

ORA-12496: cannot change existing level, category, or release numbers
Cause: You attempted to change the number assigned to level, category or releasability category.
Action: Change the character string representations, not the numbers.

ORA-12497: maximum combined categories exceeds string
Cause: The maximum number of descriptive categories plus release categories supported by the MLS policy was exceeded.
Action: Enter numbers that do not add up to more than the maximum.
Cause: The process of starting up a dedicated server process failed. The executable could not be found or the environment may be set up incorrectly.
Action: Turn on tracing at the ADMIN level and reexecute the operation. Verify that the ORACLE Server executable is present and has execute permissions enabled. Ensure that the ORACLE environment is specified correctly in LISTENER.ORA. The Oracle Protocol Adapter that is being called may not be installed on the local hard drive. Please check that the correct Protocol Adapter are successfully linked. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12502: TNS:listener received no CONNECT_DATA from client
Cause: No CONNECT_DATA was passed to the listener.
Action: Check that the service name resolved from TNSNAMES.ORA has the CONNECT_DATA component of the connect descriptor.

ORA-12504: TNS:listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA
Cause: The listener was not configured with a default service and SERVICE_NAME was missing from the CONNECT_DATA received by the listener.
Action: Possible solutions are:
- Configure DEFAULT_SERVICE parameter in LISTENER.ORA with a valid service name. Reload the listener parameter file using reload []. This should be done by the LISTENER administrator.
- If using a service name, Check that the connect descriptor corresponding to the service name in TNSNAMES.ORA has a SERVICE_NAME or SID component in the CONNECT_DATA.

ORA-12505: TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor
Cause: The listener received a request to establish a connection to a database or other service. The connect descriptor received by the listener specified a SID for an instance (usually a database instance) that either has not yet dynamically registered with the listener or has not been statically configured for the listener. This may be a temporary condition such as after the listener has started, but before the database instance has registered with the listener.
- Wait a moment and try to connect a second time.
- Check which instances are currently known by the listener by executing: lsnrctl services
- Check that the SID parameter in the connect descriptor specifies an instance known by the listener.
- Check for an event in the listener.log file.

ORA-12508: TNS:listener could not resolve the COMMAND given
Cause: d by incompatible Oracle Net or Net8 versions. Do not include in error manual.
Action: This is not seen in normal use of Oracle Net.

ORA-12509: TNS:listener failed to redirect client to service handler
Cause: The dispatcher terminated unexpectedly
Action: Attempt to connect again and if the same error occurs, contact the DBA to check the state of the dispatchers for this SID. If the problem persists, turn on tracing in the listener to determine the TNS error caused by the redirect.

ORA-12510: TNS:database temporarily lacks resources to handle the request
Cause: The dispatchers appear to be busy handling other requests.
Action: Attempt the connection again. If error persists, ask the DBA to increase the number of dispatchers and/or dispatchers' limit on number of connections/sessions that they can accept.

ORA-12511: TNS:service handler found but it is not accepting connections
Cause: The dispatchers notified the listener that they temporarily do not accept new connections.
Action: Attempt the connection again. If error persists, contact the DBA to check the state of the dispatchers and/or ask him to increase the number of dispatchers.

ORA-12513: TNS:service handler found but it has registered for a different protocol
Cause: The dispatchers registered for this service are connected to the listener by way of a different network protocol than that of the client.
Action: Contact the DBA to register a dispatcher on your protocol.

ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
Cause: The listener received a request to establish a connection to a database or other service. The connect descriptor received by the listener specified a service name for a service (usually a database service) that either has not yet dynamically registered with the listener or has not been statically configured for the listener. This may be a temporary condition such as after the listener has started, but before the database instance has registered with the listener.
- Wait a moment and try to connect a second time.
- Check which services are currently known by the listener by executing: lsnrctl services
- Check that the SERVICE_NAME parameter in the connect descriptor of the net service name used specifies a service known by the listener.
- If an easy connect naming connect identifier was used, check that the service name specified is a service known by the listener.
- Check for an event in the listener.log file.

ORA-12515: TNS:listener could not find a handler for this presentation
Cause: None of the listener's known service handlers are registered as supporting the presentation protocol required by the connecting client.
Action: Check that the destination service is configured to accept the presentation protocol.

ORA-12516: TNS:listener could not find available handler with matching protocol stack
Cause: None of the known and available service handlers for the given SERVICE_NAME support the client's protocol stack: transport, session, and presentation protocols.
Action: Check to make sure that the service handlers (e.g. dispatchers) for the given SERVICE_NAME are registered with the listener, are accepting connections, and that they are properly configured to support the desired protocols.

ORA-12518: TNS:listener could not hand off client connection
Cause: The process of handing off a client connection to another process failed.
Action: Turn on listener tracing and re-execute the operation. Verify that the listener and database instance are properly configured for direct handoff. If problem persists, call Oracle Support.

ORA-12519: TNS:no appropriate service handler found
Cause: The listener could not find any available service handlers that are appropriate for the client connection.
Action: Run "lsnrctl services" to ensure that the instance(s) have registered with the listener, and are accepting connections.

ORA-12520: TNS:listener could not find available handler for requested type of server
Cause: None of the known and available service handlers for requested type of server (dedicated or shared) are appropriate for the client connection.
Action: Run "lsnrctl services" to ensure that the instance(s) have registered with the listener and that the appropriate handlers are accepting connections.

ORA-12521: TNS:listener does not currently know of instance requested in connect descriptor
Cause: The listener received a request to establish a connection to a database or other service. The connect descriptor received by the listener specified in addition to the service name an instance name for an instance (usually a database instance) that either has not yet dynamically registered with the listener or has not been statically configured for the listener. This may be a temporary condition such as after the listener has started, but before the database instance has registered with the listener.
- Wait a moment and try to connect a second time.
- Check which instances are currently known by the listener by executing: lsnrctl services
- Check that the INSTANCE_NAME parameter in the connect descriptor specifies an instance name known by the listener.
- Check for an event in the listener.log file.

ORA-12522: TNS:listener could not find available instance with given INSTANCE_ROLE
Cause: There are not any available and appropriate database instances registered with the listener, that are part of the service identified by SERVICE_NAME given in the connect descriptor and that have the specified INSTANCE_ROLE (and INSTANCE_NAME, if specified).
Action: Check to make sure that the INSTANCE_ROLE specified is correct. Run "lsnrctl services" to ensure that the instance(s) have registered with the listener and that they are ready to accept connections.

ORA-12523: TNS:listener could not find instance appropriate for the client connection
Cause: The listener could not find any available (database) instances, that are appropriate for the client connection.
Action: Run "lsnrctl services" to ensure that the instance(s) are registered with the listener, and have status READY.

ORA-12524: TNS:listener could not resolve HANDLER_NAME given in connect descriptor
Cause: The HANDLER_NAME in the CONNECT_DATA was not found in the listener's tables for the specified SERVICE_NAME and INSTANCE_NAME.
Action: Check to make sure that the HANDLER_NAME specified is correct.

ORA-12525: TNS:listener has not received client's request in time allowed
Cause: The listener disconnected the client because the client failed to provide the necessary connect information within the allowed time interval. This may be a result of network or system delays; or this may indicate that a malicious client is trying to cause a Denial of Service attack on the listener.
Action: If the error occurred because of a slow network or system, reconfigure INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT to a larger value. If a malicious client is suspected, use the address in listener.log to identify the source and restrict access. Turn on tracing for more information.

ORA-12526: TNS:listener: all appropriate instances are in restricted mode
Cause: Database instances supporting the service requested by the client were in restricted mode. The Listener does not allow connections to instances in restricted mode. This condition may be temporary, such as during periods when database administration is performed.
Action: Attempt the connection again. If error persists, then contact the database administrator to change the mode of the instance, if appropriate.

ORA-12527: TNS:listener: all instances are in restricted mode or blocking new connections
Cause: All appropriate database instances supporting the service requested by the client reported that they either were in restricted mode or were blocking the new connections. The Listener does not allow connections to such instances. This condition may be temporary, such as at instance startup.
Action: Attempt the connection again. If error persists, then contact the database administrator to check the status of the instances.

ORA-12528: TNS:listener: all appropriate instances are blocking new connections
Cause: All instances supporting the service requested by the client reported that they were blocking the new connections. This condition may be temporary, such as at instance startup.
Action: Attempt the connection again. If error persists, then contact the administrator to check the status of the instances.

ORA-12529: TNS:connect request rejected based on current filtering rules
Cause: Connection Manager and its listener were configured with filtering rules specifying that the connect request be rejected.
Action: If this connect request should be allowed, then contact the administrator to modify the filtering rules.

ORA-12531: TNS:cannot allocate memory
Cause: Sufficient memory could not be allocated to perform the desired activity.
Action: Either free some resource for TNS, or add more memory to the machine. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.

ORA-12532: TNS:invalid argument
Cause: An internal function received an invalid parameter.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12533: TNS:illegal ADDRESS parameters
Cause: An illegal set of protocol adapter parameters was specified. In some cases, this error is returned when a connection cannot be made to the protocol transport.
Action: Verify that the destination can be reached using the specified protocol. Check the parameters within the ADDRESS section of TNSNAMES.ORA. Legal ADDRESS parameter formats may be found in the Oracle operating system specific documentation for your platform. Protocols that resolve names at the transport layer (such as DECnet object names) are vulnerable to this error if not properly configured or names are misspelled.

ORA-12534: TNS:operation not supported
Cause: An internal function received a request to perform an operation that is not supported (on this machine).
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12535: TNS:operation timed out
Cause: The requested operation could not be completed within the time out period.
Action: Look at the documentation on the secondary errors for possible remedy. See SQLNET.LOG to find secondary error if not provided explicitly. Turn on tracing to gather more information.

ORA-12536: TNS:operation would block
Cause: An internal operation did not commence because to do so would block the current process and the user has requested that operations be non-blocking.
Action: None needed; this is an information message.

ORA-12537: TNS:connection closed
Cause: "End of file" condition has been reached; partner has disconnected.
Action: None needed; this is an information message.

ORA-12538: TNS:no such protocol adapter
Cause: The protocol adapter requested (by way of the "(PROTOCOL=..)" keyword-value pair in a TNS address) is unknown. If the supplied address is typographically correct then the protocol adapter is not installed.
Action: Install the protocol adapter or correct typographically error, as appropriate. Note: if the supplied address was derived from resolving the service name, check the address in the appropriate file (TNSNAMES.ORA, LISTENER.ORA or SQLNET.ORA).

ORA-12539: TNS:buffer over- or under-flow
Cause: Buffer too small for incoming data or too large for outgoing data.
Action: This restriction (which is associated with CONNECT DATA) is not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation; contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12540: TNS:internal limit restriction exceeded
Cause: Too many TNS connections open simultaneously.
Action: Wait for connections to close and re-try.

ORA-12541: TNS:no listener
Cause: The connection request could not be completed because the listener is not running.
Action: Ensure that the supplied destination address matches one of the addresses used by the listener - compare the TNSNAMES.ORA entry with the appropriate LISTENER.ORA file (or TNSNAV.ORA if the connection is to go by way of an Interchange). Start the listener on the remote machine.

ORA-12542: TNS:address already in use
Cause: Specified listener address is already being used.
Action: Start your listener with a unique address.

ORA-12543: TNS:destination host unreachable
Cause: Contact can not be made with remote party.
Action: Make sure the network driver is functioning and the network is up.

ORA-12544: TNS:contexts have different wait/test functions
Cause: Two protocol adapters have conflicting wait/test functions.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
Cause: The address specified is not valid, or the program being connected to does not exist.
Action: Ensure the ADDRESS parameters have been entered correctly; the most likely incorrect parameter is the node name. Ensure that the executable for the server exists (perhaps "oracle" is missing.) If the protocol is TCP/IP, edit the TNSNAMES.ORA file to change the host name to a numeric IP address and try again.

ORA-12546: TNS:permission denied
Cause: User has insufficient privileges to perform the requested operation.
Action: Acquire necessary privileges and try again.

ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact
Cause: Partner has unexpectedly gone away, usually during process startup.
Action: Investigate partner application for abnormal termination. On an Interchange, this can happen if the machine is overloaded.

ORA-12548: TNS:incomplete read or write
Cause: A data send or receive failed.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12549: TNS:operating system resource quota exceeded
Cause: The current user has exceeded the allotted resource assigned in the operating system.
Action: Acquire more operating system resource, or perform a different function.

ORA-12550: TNS:syntax error
Cause: The supplied connect descriptor contains illegal syntax.
Action: Check the syntax of the connect descriptor in TNSNAMES.ORA.

ORA-12551: TNS:missing keyword
Cause: The supplied connect descriptor is missing one or more TNS keywords.
Action: Check the syntax, and ensure all required keywords are present.

ORA-12552: TNS:operation was interrupted
Cause: An internal operation was interrupted and could not complete.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12554: TNS:current operation is still in progress
Cause: An internal operation is still in progress.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12555: TNS:permission denied
Cause: User has insufficient privileges to perform the requested operation.
Action: Acquire necessary privileges and try again.

ORA-12556: TNS:no caller
Cause: TNS detected an incoming connect request but there was no caller.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12557: TNS:protocol adapter not loadable
Cause: On some platforms (such as OS/2) protocol adapters are loaded at run-time. If the shared library (or DLL) for the protocol adapter is missing or one of its supporting libraries is missing then this error is returned.
Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. The trace file will include the name of the shared library (or DLL) that could not be loaded.

ORA-12558: TNS:protocol adapter not loaded
Cause: On some platforms (such as OS/2) protocol adapters are loaded at run-time. If the shared library (or DLL) for the protocol adapter has not been loaded, then this error is returned.
Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. The trace file will have the name of the shared library (or DLL) that has not been loaded.

ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
Cause: A generic protocol adapter error occurred.
Action: Check addresses used for proper protocol specification. Before reporting this error, look at the error stack and check for lower level transport errors. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. Turn off tracing when the operation is complete.

ORA-12561: TNS:unknown error
Cause: A generic protocol error occurred.
Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.

ORA-12562: TNS:bad global handle
Cause: Internal error - bad 'gbh' argument passed to TNS from caller. System may have been linked with old libraries.
Action: Not normally visible to the user, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12564: TNS:connection refused
Cause: The connect request was denied by the remote user (or TNS software).
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.

ORA-12566: TNS:protocol error
Cause: An unexpected TNS protocol error has occurred.
Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12569: TNS:packet checksum failure
Cause: The data received is not the same as the data sent.
Action: Attempt the transaction again. If the error is persistent, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.

ORA-12570: TNS:packet reader failure
Cause: An error occurred during a data receive.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure
Cause: An error occurred during a data send.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12574: TNS:redirection denied
Cause: The connect request failed because it would have required redirection and the caller has requested no redirections.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12575: TNS:dhctx busy
Cause: The handoff over a dhctx failed as dhctx was already busy with an ongoing handoff.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12576: TNS:handoff not supported for this session
Cause: Handoff of a established session was attempted which either had tcps as its transport or NA options were enabled for this session.
Action: Check the transport setting as well as NA options. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12582: TNS:invalid operation
Cause: An internal function received an invalid request.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12583: TNS:no reader
Cause: A send operation has been requested but partner has already disconnected.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12585: TNS:data truncation
Cause: A receive operation has completed with insufficient data to satisfy the user's request.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12589: TNS:connection not bequeathable
Cause: An attempt to hand-off a connection from one process to another has failed because the protocol provider does not support it.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12590: TNS:no I/O buffer
Cause: An attempt to perform an I/O operation failed because no buffer was available.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12591: TNS:event signal failure
Cause: The TNS software is unable to signal an event occurrence.
Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12592: TNS:bad packet
Cause: An ill-formed packet has been detected by the TNS software.
Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12593: TNS:no registered connection
Cause: An attempt to solicit network event activity has failed because no connections are registered for event notification.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12595: TNS:no confirmation
Cause: TNS is unable to get requested confirmation acknowledgment from remote partner.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12596: TNS:internal inconsistency
Cause: TNS has detected an internal inconsistency.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12597: TNS:connect descriptor already in use
Cause: Internal error - illegal use of connect descriptor.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12598: TNS:banner registration failed
Cause: The registration of a product banner with the Oracle server failed.
Action: This is an error which is not normally visible externally. Enable tracing and attempt to repeat the error. If it occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12599: TNS:cryptographic checksum mismatch
Cause: The data received is not the same as the data sent.
Action: Attempt the transaction again. If error persists, check (and correct) the integrity of your physical connection.

ORA-12600: TNS: string open failed
Cause: The creation of a string in ORACLE NLS format failed.
Action: This is an internal error, enable tracing and attempt to repeat the error. If it occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12601: TNS:information flags check failed
Cause: The TNS information flags set by the process prior to connection negotiation were not present after the negotiation was finished.
Action: This is an internal error. Enable tracing and attempt to repeat the error. If it occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12602: TNS: Connection Pooling limit reached
Cause: The operation failed because maximum active current connections has been reached. It may not be a real error when the Connection Pooling feature is enabled. It is possible that the application later reissues the operation and successfully grabs the connection pool slot and proceeds.
Action: This is an internal error. Enable tracing and attempt to repeat the error. If it occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12606: TNS: Application timeout occurred
Cause: A network session did not reach an application-defined stage within the allowed time interval.
Action: This is an error which does not normally appear at the high level. The action to take is application specific, and is detailed in the higher level error description.

ORA-12607: TNS: Connect timeout occurred
Cause: A network session did not reach a predefined connect stage within the allowed time interval.
Action: This is an error which does not normally appear at the high level. The action to take is application specific, and is detailed in the higher level error description.

ORA-12608: TNS: Send timeout occurred
Cause: The send or write operation did not complete within the allowed time interval.
Action: Check if the peer host is available. Increase the send timeout value if necessary.

ORA-12609: TNS: Receive timeout occurred
Cause: The receive or read operation did not complete within the allowed time interval.
Action: Check if the peer host is available. Increase the receive timeout value if necessary.

ORA-12611: TNS:operation is not portable
Cause: Attempted operation is not portable.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12612: TNS:connection is busy
Cause: Attempted operation failed because it conflicts with an ongoing
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12615: TNS:preempt error
Cause: A request to service an event failed because no event notification has yet been posted.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12616: TNS:no event signals
Cause: The operation failed because the type of data specified is unknown.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12618: TNS:versions are incompatible
Cause: The two machines are running incompatible versions of TNS.
Action: Check the version numbers, and upgrade the machine with the smaller one.

ORA-12619: TNS:unable to grant requested service
Cause: The connect request failed because requested service could not be provided by the local TNS software.
Action: If appropriate, reexecute with reduced service requirements.

ORA-12620: TNS:requested characteristic not available
Cause: The connect request failed because a requested transport characteristic could not be supported by the remote TNS software.
Action: If appropriate, reexecute with reduced requirements.

ORA-12622: TNS:event notifications are not homogeneous
Cause: An attempt to register a connection for event notification failed because the event notification type conflicts with existing registrations.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12623: TNS:operation is illegal in this state
Cause: Connection is half-duplex and a full-duplex operation was attempted.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12624: TNS:connection is already registered
Cause: An attempt to register a connection for event notification failed because the connection is already registered.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12625: TNS:missing argument
Cause: An operation failed because an argument was missing"
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12626: TNS:bad event type
Cause: An attempt to register a connection for event notification failed because the event type is unknown.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12628: TNS:no event callbacks
Cause: An attempt to register a connection for event notification failed because asynchronous callbacks are not available.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12629: TNS:no event test
Cause: An attempt to register a connection for event notification failed because the ability to test for events is not available.
Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12630: Native service operation not supported
Cause: An operation requested by a user is not supported by the native services component.
Action: This may be an internal error if the operation should have been supported.

ORA-12631: Username retrieval failed
Cause: The authentication service failed to retrieve the name of a user.
Action: Enable tracing to determine which routine is failing.

ORA-12632: Role fetch failed
Cause: The authentication service failed to retrieve one of the user's roles.
Action: Enable tracing to determine which routine is failing.

ORA-12633: No shared authentication services
Cause: The list of authentication services specified by the user does not match those supported by the process.
Action: Either specify another list or relink the executable with the desired services.

ORA-12634: Memory allocation failed
Cause: Process was unable to allocate memory.
Action: Terminate other processes in order to reclaim needed memory.

ORA-12635: No authentication adapters available
Cause: The executable was not linked with any authentication service adapters but the sqlnet.ora parameter that determines whether or not authentication is required was set to true.
Action: Either disable the parameter or relink the executable with service adapters.

ORA-12636: Packet send failed
Cause: A process was unable to send a packet to another process. Possible causes are:
1. The other process was terminated.
2. The machine on which the other process is running went down.
3. Some other communications error occurred.
Action: If the cause is not obvious, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12637: Packet receive failed
Cause: A process was unable to receive a packet from another process. Possible causes are:
1. The other process was terminated.
2. The machine on which the other process is running went down.
3. Some other communications error occurred.
Action: If the cause is not obvious, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12638: Credential retrieval failed
Cause: The authentication service failed to retrieve the credentials of a user.
Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error.

ORA-12639: Authentication service negotiation failed
Cause: No match was found between the types of authentication services that the client supports and those that the server is using.
Action: Possible solutions:
1. Change the entry in sqlnet.ora that determines which services are to be used.
2. Relink the client with at least one of the authentication service adapters that the server supports.
3. Relink the server with at least one of the authentication service adapters that the client supports.
4. Disable authentication on both the client and server.

ORA-12640: Authentication adapter initialization failed
Cause: The function specified in the authentication table entry for the service failed.
Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error.

ORA-12641: Authentication service failed to initialize
Cause: The authentication service failed during initialization.
Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error.

ORA-12642: No session key
Cause: A process has no session key associated with it because the authentication service being used does not use one.
Action: If a session key is required, use another authentication service.

ORA-12643: Client received internal error from server
Cause: The client process received an error from the server that indicated that an internal Oracle Net native services error had occurred.
Action: Enable tracing on both processes and attempt to recreate the problem. If successful in recreating the problem, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12645: Parameter does not exist.
Cause: A sqlnet.ora parameter from which a value was needed does not exist.
Action: Set the parameter in the parameter file.

ORA-12646: Invalid value specified for boolean parameter
Cause: The value specified for a parameter was set to a value other than true/false or on/off.
Action: Correct the value of the parameter.

ORA-12647: Authentication required
Cause: The parameter that controls whether authentication is required was set to true, but the executable does not have an authentication service linked in.
Action: Either re-link the executable with an authentication service adapter or disable the parameter.

ORA-12648: Encryption or data integrity algorithm list empty
Cause: An Oracle Advanced Security list-of-algorithms parameter was empty, e.g. "()".
Action: Change the list to contain the name of at least one installed algorithm, or remove the list entirely if every installed algorithm is acceptable.

ORA-12649: Unknown encryption or data integrity algorithm
Cause: An Oracle Advanced Security list-of-algorithms parameter included an algorithm name that was not recognized.
Action: Either remove that algorithm name, correct it if it was misspelled, or install the driver for the missing algorithm.

ORA-12650: No common encryption or data integrity algorithm
Cause: The client and server have no algorithm in common for either encryption or data integrity or both.
Action: Choose sets of algorithms that overlap. In other words, add one of the client's algorithm choices to the server's list or vice versa.

ORA-12651: Encryption or data integrity algorithm unacceptable
Cause: The algorithm the server chose to use for encryption or data integrity was not one of the choices acceptable to the client. This is either the result of an internal error, of a network data transmission error, or of deliberate tampering with the transmitted data.
Action: For further details, turn on tracing, re-execute the operation, and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12652: String truncated
Cause: Not enough memory was allocated for a string so it had to be truncated
Action: If it is OK that the string is truncated, then it is not an error. Otherwise, call the routine that reported the error again with a larger string buffer.

ORA-12653: Authentication control function failed
Cause: The control function utilized by the authentication service driver failed.
Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error.

ORA-12654: Authentication conversion failed
Cause: The authentication service was unable to convert the credentials of a user from the format specific to the format into the ORACLE format.
Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error.

ORA-12655: Password check failed
Cause: The authentication service being used was unable to verify the provided password.
Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error.

ORA-12656: Cryptographic checksum mismatch
Cause: The cryptographic checksum received with a packet of incoming data didn't match the checksum computed by the receiving end. This indicates that the packet was tampered with or otherwise corrupted in transit.
Action: Look for sources of data corruption, perhaps including deliberate tampering.

ORA-12657: No algorithms installed
Cause: The near side of the connection required the use of a service (either encryption or checksumming) when no algorithms for that service were installed.
Action: Remove the "ON" requirement for that service.

ORA-12658: ANO service required but TNS version is incompatible
Cause: A client process that is running an earlier version of TNS attempted to connect but the connection failed because the server process required that an ANO service (authentication, encryption, etc.) be used.
Action: Relink the calling executable and retry the connection or eliminate the requirement that the service be used on the server side.

ORA-12659: Error received from other process
Cause: An error was received by one or more services from the process on the other side of the connection.
Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error(s). The error(s) is (are) not returned directly because an error generated by a server may not make sense on the client side and vice-versa.

ORA-12660: Encryption or crypto-checksumming parameters incompatible
Cause: One side of the connection specified "REQUIRED" for encryption or crypto-checksumming, while the other side specified "REJECTED".
Action: Change the "REQUIRED" side to "REQUESTED" if the you want encryption or crypto-checksumming to be optional, or change the "REJECTED" side to "ACCEPTED" if you do not want the service to be optional.

ORA-12661: Protocol authentication to be used
Cause: The Oracle Advanced Security authentication service has determined that the Oracle Net transport protocol in use is to be utilized to authenticate a user's identity.
Action: This error is used solely to communicate information between the authentication service and the Oracle Net session layer and should not normally be visible. If the error is seen, contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

ORA-12662: proxy ticket retrieval failed
Cause: The authentication adapter used by Oracle Net failed to retrieve the credentials needed to authenticate a database link.
Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error.

ORA-12663: Services required by client not available on the server
Cause: Service(s) that was (were) required by the client process were not available on the server process.
Action: Configure the server with the services required by the client (best solution) or delete the requirement from the configuration file of the client (least secure).

ORA-12664: Services required by server not available on the client
Cause: Service(s) that was (were) required by the server process were not available on the client process.
Action: Configure the client with the services required by the server (best solution) or delete the requirement from the configuration file of the server (least secure).

ORA-12665: NLS string open failed
Cause: A native service was unable to make a string available for use by the National Language Support component.
Action: Make sure the National Language Support component has been properly. If it has, enable tracing and report the problem to Customer Support.

ORA-12666: Dedicated server: outbound transport protocol different from inbound
Cause: The protocol specified for an externally-identified outbound connection from a dedicated server (database link) was not the same as that used for the inbound connection. It is not possible for Oracle Net to authenticate a proxy connection that uses a protocol that is different from that which was used for the connection to the dedicated server.
Action: Specify the same protocol in the Oracle Net connect descriptor for the outbound connection as that used for the inbound connection.

ORA-12667: Shared server: outbound transport protocol different from inbound
Cause: The protocol specified for an externally-identified outbound connection from a shared server (database link) was not the same as as that used for the inbound connection. It is not possible for Oracle Net to authenticate a proxy connection that uses a protocol that is different from that which was used for the connection to the shared server.
Action: Specify the same protocol in the Oracle Net connect descriptor for the outbound connection as that used for the inbound connection

ORA-12668: Dedicated server: outbound protocol does not support proxies
Cause: The protocol specified to perform an externally-identified proxy connection (database link) from a dedicated server does not support proxy connections.
Action: Specify a protocol in the Oracle Net connect descriptor used for the connection that does support externally-authenticated proxy connections. NOTE: Because of a limitation in Oracle Net, the protocol used for the proxy connection must the same as that used for the connection from the client to the server.

ORA-12669: Shared server: outbound protocol does not support proxies
Cause: The protocol specified to perform an externally-identified proxy connection (database link) from a shared server does not support proxy connections.
Action: Specify a protocol in the Oracle Net connect descriptor used for the connection that does support externally-authenticated proxy connections. NOTE: Because of a limitation in Oracle Net, the protocol used for the proxy connection must the same as that used for the connection from the client to the server.

ORA-12670: Incorrect role password
Cause: A password supplied for a role could not be validated by the authentication service.
Action: Supply the correct password.

ORA-12671: Shared server: adapter failed to save context
Cause: The adapter for the authentication service failed when it tried to save the data needed for proxy connections (database links) through the shared server.
Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error. Contact Oracle Customer Support if the reason is not obvious.

ORA-12672: Database logon failure
Cause: The authentication service adapter in use encountered an error it attempted to validate the logon attempt of a user.
Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error encountered by the adapter.

ORA-12673: Dedicated server: context not saved
Cause: A connection was marked as being a proxy connection (database link) from a dedicated server but no inbound context was present.
Action: This error should not normally be visible to the user. Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12674: Shared server: proxy context not saved
Cause: A connection was marked as being a proxy connection (database link) from a shared server but no inbound context was present.
Action: This error should not normally be visible to the user. Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12675: External user name not available yet
Cause: The authentication service in use was not able to return the external name of a user of the ORACLE server because it is not available to the service yet.
Action: This is just an informational message and should not normally be visible to the user. If the error does appear, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12676: Server received internal error from client
Cause: The server process received an error from the client which indicated that an internal Oracle Net native services error had occurred.
Action: Enable tracing on both processes and attempt to recreate the problem. If the problem recurs, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12677: Authentication service not supported by database link
Cause: The authentication service used by the proxy process (database link) was unable to find the adapter being used by the client in its list of authentication mechanisms.
Action: Specify an authentication adapter that is shared by the client and the server being used for the database link.

ORA-12678: Authentication disabled but required
Cause: The configuration parameters that control whether Oracle Advanced Security authentication is disabled or required were both set to TRUE.
Action: Set one or both of the parameters to FALSE.

ORA-12679: Native services disabled by other process but required
Cause: The remote process has disabled native services but the local process requires them.
Action: Enable native services on the remote process or disable them locally.

ORA-12680: Native services disabled but required
Cause: The process has disabled native services but at least one service is required.
Action: Enable native services or change the configuration file so that none of the available services are required.

ORA-12681: Login failed: the SecurID card does not have a pincode yet
Cause: The SecurID card that is used to logon to Oracle, does not have a pincode assigned to it.
Action: Use one of the programs supplied by Security Dynamics to assign a pincode to the card.

ORA-12682: Login failed: the SecurID card is in next PRN mode
Cause: The SecurID card and the SecurID server are out of sync and the server requires the next cardcode to resynchronize the card.
Action: Use one of the programs supplied by Security Dynamics to resynchronize the SecurID card.

ORA-12683: encryption/crypto-checksumming: no Diffie-Hellman seed
Cause: The "sqlnet.crypto_seed" parameter is missing from the SQLNET.ORA parameters file for Oracle Advanced Security.
Action: Add this line to SQLNET.ORA: sqlnet.crypto_seed = "randomly-chosen text"

ORA-12684: encryption/crypto-checksumming: Diffie-Hellman seed too small
Cause: The "sqlnet.crypto_seed" parameter in the SQLNET.ORA parameter file for Oracle Advanced Security is too small.
Action: Add more randomly-chosen text to it, perhaps using Network Manager.

ORA-12685: Native service required remotely but disabled locally
Cause: A native service is required by the remote process but native services have been disabled locally.
Action: Enable native services locally or change the configuration parameters on the remote host so that no native services are required.

ORA-12686: Invalid command specified for a service
Cause: An operation which does not exist was specified for a native service.
Action: This is a programming error and should not normally be visible to the user. If the error does appear, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12687: Credentials expired.
Cause: The credentials that are used to authenticate the user for the requested connection have expired.
Action: Renew your credentials. Refer to the documentation specific for your Network Authentication Adapter on how to do this.

ORA-12688: Login failed: the SecurID server rejected the new pincode
Cause: There are a number of reasons why the SecurID server would refuse a pincode:
- The user might not have permission to make up his own pincode.
- The pincode was either too short or too long. Valid pincodes consist of minimal four, but no more than eight characters.
- The pincode contains any non alphanumeric characters.
Action: Reexecute the operation and make sure to use a pincode that satisfies the above requirements. If the problem persists, turn on tracing at the Oracle Server side of the connection and examine the trace file for the exact error.

ORA-12689: Server Authentication required, but not supported
Cause: Server Authentication is required for this connection, but not supported by both sides of the connection.
Action: Make sure both sides of the connection have the correct version of Advanced Networking Option, and that the Authentication Adapter supports Server Authentication.

ORA-12690: Server Authentication failed, login cancelled
Cause: Server Authentication is required, but the server's credentials were found invalid by the client.
Action: Make sure that the server has a valid set of credentials. Refer to your authentication adapter specific documentation on how to do this.

ORA-12696: Double Encryption Turned On, login disallowed
Cause: The user is using a Secure Protocol Adapter that has Encryption turned ON as well as ANO Encryption.
Action: Turn OFF either ANO Encryption or the Protocol Adapter Encryption if possible. Refer to Oracle Advanced Security Administrator's Guide on how to do this.

ORA-12699: Native service internal error
Cause: An internal error occurred in the native services component.
Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error. Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12700: invalid NLS parameter value (string)
Cause: An invalid or unknown NLS configuration parameter was specified.
Action: None

ORA-12701: CREATE DATABASE character set is not known
Cause: The character set specified when creating the database is unknown.
Action: None

ORA-12702: invalid NLS parameter string used in SQL function
Cause: An unknown parameter name or invalid value is specified in a NLS parameter string.
Action: None

ORA-12703: this character set conversion is not supported
Cause: The requested conversion between two character sets in the CONVERT function is not implemented
Action: None

ORA-12704: character set mismatch
Cause: One of the following:
- The string operands(other than an nlsparams argument) to an operator or built-in function do not have the same character set.
- An nlsparams operand is not in the database character set.
- String data with character set other than the database character set is passed to a built-in function not expecting it.
- The second argument to CHR() or CSCONVERT() is not CHAR_CS or NCHAR_CS.
- A string expression in the VALUES clause of an INSERT statement, or the SET clause of an UPDATE statement, does not have the same character set as the column into which the value would be inserted.
- A value provided in a DEFAULT clause when creating a table does not have the same character set as declared for the column.
- An argument to a PL/SQL function does not conform to the character set requirements of the corresponding parameter.
Action: None

ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified
Cause: Either an attempt was made to issue an ALTER SESSION command with an invalid NLS parameter or value; or the environment variable(s) NLS_LANG, ORA_NLSxx, or ORACLE_HOME was incorrectly specified, therefore the NLS data files cannot be located.
Action: Check the syntax of the ALTER SESSION command and the NLS parameter, correct the syntax and retry the statement, or specify the correct directory path/values in the environment variables.

ORA-12706: this CREATE DATABASE character set is not allowed
Cause: It is not allowed to create a database on a native ASCII-based machine using an EBCDIC-based character set, and vice versa.
Action: None

ORA-12707: error while getting create database NLS parameter string
Cause: Internal error
Action: None

ORA-12708: error while loading create database NLS parameter string
Cause: Internal error
Action: None

ORA-12709: error while loading create database character set
Cause: Internal error
Action: None

ORA-12710: CREATE CONTROLFILE character set is not known
Cause: The character set specified when creating the control file is unknown.
Action: None

ORA-12711: this CREATE CONTROLFILE character set is not allowed
Cause: It is not allowed to create a control file on a native ASCII-based machine using an EBCDIC-based character set, and vice versa.
Action: None

ORA-12712: new character set must be a superset of old character set
Cause: When you ALTER DATABASE ... CHARACTER SET, the new character set must be a superset of the old character set. For example, WE8ISO8859P1 is not a superset of the WE8DEC.
Action: Specify a superset character set.

ORA-12713: Character data loss in NCHAR/CHAR conversion
Cause: When character set conversion happens between CHAR and NCHAR either implicitly or explicitly, some characters are lost due to no mapping characters in the destination character set.
Action: Make sure all the characters can be mapped to destination character set or set NLS_NCHAR_CONV_EXCP to be FALSE.

ORA-12714: invalid national character set specified
Cause: Only UTF8 and AL16UTF16 are allowed to be used as the national character set
Action: Ensure that the specified national character set is valid

ORA-12715: invalid character set specified
Cause: The character set specified is not allowed for this operation or is invalid
Action: Ensure that the specified character set is valid

ORA-12716: Cannot ALTER DATABASE CHARACTER SET when CLOB data exists
Cause: CLOB data changes representation to Unicode when converting to a multibyte character set and must be migrated
Action: Remove CLOB data as listed in the alert file. CLOB data can be migrated by methods such as import/export

Cause: NCLOB, NCHAR or NVARCHAR2 data changed the representation to Unicode when converting to a multibyte character set and must be migrated.
Action: Remove NCLOB, NCHAR or NVARCHAR2 data as listed in the alert file. The above type data can be migrated by methods such as import/export.

ORA-12718: operation requires connection as SYS
Cause: This command can only be run when connecting as SYS
Action: Connect as SYS to run this command

ORA-12719: operation requires database is in RESTRICTED mode
Cause: This command can only be run when the database is in RESTRICTED mode
Action: Ensure that the system is in RESTRICTED mode

ORA-12720: operation requires database is in EXCLUSIVE mode
Cause: This command can only be run when the database is in EXCLUSIVE mode
Action: Ensure that the system is in EXCLUSIVE mode

ORA-12721: operation cannot execute when other sessions are active
Cause: This command can only be run when there are no other sessions active
Action: Ensure there are no other connections to the database

ORA-12722: regular expression internal error
Cause: A regular expression internal error occurred.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-12723: regular expression too complex
Cause: The regular expression was too complex and could not be parsed.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-12724: regular expression corrupt
Cause: The regular expression contained an incorrect sequence of metacharacters.
Action: Ensure the metacharacters are correctly positioned.

ORA-12725: unmatched parentheses in regular expression
Cause: The regular expression did not have balanced parentheses.
Action: Ensure the parentheses are correctly balanced.

ORA-12726: unmatched bracket in regular expression
Cause: The regular expression did not have balanced brackets.
Action: Ensure the brackets are correctly balanced.

ORA-12727: invalid back reference in regular expression
Cause: A back references was found before a sub-expression.
Action: Ensure a valid sub-expression is being referenced.

ORA-12728: invalid range in regular expression
Cause: An invalid range was found in the regular expression.
Action: Ensure a valid range is being used.

ORA-12729: invalid character class in regular expression
Cause: An unknown character class was found in the regular expression.
Action: Ensure a valid characters class is being used.

ORA-12730: invalid equivalence class in regular expression
Cause: An unknown equivalence class was found in the regular expression.
Action: Ensure a valid equivalence class is being used.

ORA-12731: invalid collation class in regular expression
Cause: An unknown collation class was found in the regular expression.
Action: Ensure a valid collation class is being used.

ORA-12732: invalid interval value in regular expression
Cause: An invalid interval value was found in the regular expression.
Action: Ensure a valid interval value is being used.

ORA-12733: regular expression too long
Cause: The operation failed because the regular expression it used exceeds the maximum supported size.
Action: Use a shorter regular expression.

ORA-12734: Instant Client Light: unsupported client national character set string
Cause: Only UTF8 and AL16UTF16 are allowed to be used as the national character set. Instant Client Light has only minimal character sets.
Action: Do not use Instant Client Light for this character set

ORA-12735: Instant Client Light: unsupported client character set string
Cause: The character set specified is not allowed for this operation or is invalid. Instant Client Light has only minimal character sets.
Action: Do not use Instant Client Light for this character set

ORA-12736: Instant Client Light: unsupported server national character set string
Cause: Only UTF8 and AL16UTF16 are allowed to be used as the national character set. Instant Client Light has only minimal character sets.
Action: Do not use Instant Client Light for this character set

ORA-12737: Instant Client Light: unsupported server character set string
Cause: The character set specified is not allowed for this operation or is invalid. Instant Client Light has only minimal character sets.
Action: Do not use Instant Client Light for this character set

ORA-12738: Express Instant Client: unsupported client national character set string
Cause: Only UTF8 and AL16UTF16 are allowed to be used as the national character set. Instant Client has only minimal character sets.
Action: Do not use Express Instant Client for this character set

ORA-12739: Express Instant Client: unsupported client character set string
Cause: The character set specified is not allowed for this operation or is invalid. Express Instant Client has only minimal character sets.
Action: Do not use Express Instant Client for this character set

ORA-12740: Express Instant Client: unsupported server national character set string
Cause: Only UTF8 and AL16UTF16 are allowed to be used as the national character set. Instant Client has only minimal character sets.
Action: Do not use Express Instant Client for this character set

ORA-12741: Express Instant Client: unsupported server character set string
Cause: The character set specified is not allowed for this operation or is invalid. Express Instant Client has only minimal character sets.
Action: Do not use Express Instant Light for this character set

ORA-12800: system appears too busy for parallel query execution
Cause: load on system is too high to perform parallel queries.
Action: re-execute serially or wait until system load is reduced.

ORA-12801: error signaled in parallel query server string
Cause: A parallel query server reached an exception condition.
Action: Check the following error message for the cause, and consult your error manual for the appropriate action.

ORA-12802: parallel query server lost contact with coordinator
Cause: A parallel query server lost contact with the foreground (coordinator) process/thread.
Action: Check your system for anomalies and reissue the statement. If this error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-12803: parallel query server lost contact with another server
Cause: A parallel query server lost contact with another server.
Action: Check your system for anomalies and reissue the statement. If this error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-12804: parallel query server appears to have died
Cause: Cannot find process information for a parallel query server thread.
Action: Check your system for anomalies and reissue the statement. If this error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-12805: parallel query server died unexpectedly
Cause: A parallel query server died unexpectedly, PMON cleaning up the process.
Action: Check your system for anomalies and reissue the statement. If this error persists, contact Oracle Support Services. See trace file for more details.

ORA-12806: could not get background process to hold enqueue
Cause: Internal error.
Action: This error should not normally occur. If it persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-12807: process queue could not receive parallel query message
Cause: Internal error.
Action: This error should not normally occur. If it persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-12808: cannot set string_INSTANCES greater than number of instances string
Cause: An attempt was made to set SCAN_INSTANCES or CACHE_INSTANCES using the ALTER SYSTEM command to a value larger than the number of available instances.
Action: See the accompanying message for the current allowable maximum value, or set SCAN_INSTANCES / CACHE_INSTANCES to ALL.

ORA-12809: cannot set string_INSTANCES when mounted in exclusive mode
Cause: An attempt was made to set SCAN_INSTANCES or CACHE_INSTANCES using the ALTER SYSTEM command while the database was mounted in exclusive mode.
Action: SCAN_INSTANCES / CACHE_INSTANCES may not be set unless running Oracle Real Application Clusters mounted in CLUSTER_DATABASE mode.

ORA-12810: PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS must be less than or equal to string
Cause: An attempt was made to set the PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS parameter to a value higher than the maximum allowed by the system.
Action: Set PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS to a value less than or equal to the maximum specified in the accompanying message and retry.

ORA-12811: PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS must be less than or equal to PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS, string
Cause: An attempt was made to set the PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS parameter to a value higher than PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS.
Action: Set PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS to a value less than or equal to PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS (indicated in the accompanying message) and retry.

ORA-12812: only one PARALLEL or NOPARALLEL clause may be specified
Cause: PARALLEL was specified more than once, NOPARALLEL was specified more than once, or both PARALLEL and NOPARALLEL were specified in a CREATE TABLE, CLUSTER, or INDEX or in an ALTER TABLE or CLUSTER statement, or in a RECOVER command.
Action: Remove all but one of the PARALLEL or NOPARALLEL clauses and reissue the statement.

ORA-12813: value for PARALLEL or DEGREE must be greater than 0
Cause: PARALLEL 0 or DEGREE 0 was specified in a CREATE TABLE, CLUSTER, or INDEX or in an ALTER TABLE or CLUSTER statement.
Action: Specify a degree of parallelism greater than 0 or specify default parallelism using PARALLEL with no degree or using DEGREE DEFAULT within a PARALLEL clause.

ORA-12814: only one CACHE or NOCACHE clause may be specified
Cause: CACHE was specified more than once, NOCACHE was specified more than once, or both CACHE and NOCACHE were specified in a CREATE TABLE or CLUSTER, or in an ALTER TABLE or CLUSTER statement.
Action: Remove all but one of the CACHE or NOCACHE clauses and reissue the statement.

ORA-12815: value for INSTANCES must be greater than 0
Cause: PARALLEL parameter specifying number of instances must be a positive integer or DEFAULT
Action: specify a positive integer or DEFAULT for INSTANCES if parallelism across instances is desired.

ORA-12817: parallel query option must be enabled
Cause: A parallel query option feature has been invoked but this option has not been enabled.
Action: Enable the parallel query option.

ORA-12818: invalid option in PARALLEL clause
Cause: an unrecognized option was used within a PARALLEL clause.
Action: specify any combination of DEGREE { | DEFAULT } and INSTANCES { | DEFAULT } within the PARALLEL clause.

ORA-12819: missing options in PARALLEL clause
Cause: PARALLEL clause cannot be empty.
Action: specify any combination of DEGREE { | DEFAULT } and INSTANCES { | DEFAULT } within the PARALLEL clause.

ORA-12820: invalid value for DEGREE
Cause: invalid value for DEGREE was specified within a PARALLEL clause.
Action: specify a positive integer or DEFAULT for the DEGREE option within a PARALLEL clause.

ORA-12821: invalid value for INSTANCES
Cause: invalid value for INSTANCES was specified within a PARALLEL clause.
Action: specify a positive integer or DEFAULT for the INSTANCES option within a PARALLEL clause.

ORA-12822: duplicate option in PARALLEL clause
Cause: DEGREE or INSTANCES was specified more than once within a PARALLEL clause.
Action: specify each desired PARALLEL clause option only once.

ORA-12823: default degree of parallelism may not be specified here
Cause: the PARALLEL keyword was used alone or DEGREE DEFAULT was specified in the PARALLEL clause of an ALTER DATABASE RECOVER command.
Action: respecify with an explicit degree of parallelism.

ORA-12824: INSTANCES DEFAULT may not be specified here
Cause: INSTANCES DEFAULT was specified in the PARALLEL clause of an ALTER DATABASE RECOVER command
Action: respecify with an explicit value for INSTANCES or omit the INSTANCES option if single instance recovery is desired.

ORA-12825: explicit degree of parallelism must be specified here
Cause: the DEGREE option was omitted from an ALTER DATABASE RECOVER command.
Action: respecify with an explicit degree of parallelism.

ORA-12826: hung parallel query server was killed
Cause: parallel query server was hung and subsequently killed.
Action: re-execute query and report suspicious events in trace file to Oracle Support Services if error persists.

ORA-12827: insufficient parallel query slaves available
Cause: PARALLEL_MIN_PERCENT parameter was specified and fewer than minimum slaves were acquired
Action: either re-execute query with lower PARALLEL_MIN_PERCENT or wait until some running queries are completed, thus freeing up slaves

ORA-12828: Can't start parallel transaction at a remote site
Cause: PDML transaction cannot be started because we are not in the coordinator site of the distributed transaction.
Action: Do not use PDML at remote sites.

ORA-12829: Deadlock - itls occupied by siblings at block string of file string
Cause: parallel statement failed because all itls in the current block are occupied by siblings of the same transaction.
Action: increase MAXTRANS of the block or reduce the degree of parallelism for the statement. Reexecute the statement. Report suspicious events in trace file to Oracle Support Services if error persists.

ORA-12830: Must COMMIT or ROLLBACK after executing parallel INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE
Cause: After executing a parallel INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statement, a command other than COMMIT or ROLLBACK was issued.
Action: Execute COMMIT or ROLLBACK before issuing another SQL command.

ORA-12831: Must COMMIT or ROLLBACK after executing INSERT with APPEND hint
Cause: After executing an INSERT statement with an APPEND hint, a command other than COMMIT or ROLLBACK was issued.
Action: Execute COMMIT or ROLLBACK before issuing another SQL command.

ORA-12832: Could not allocate slaves on all specified instances
Cause: After executing a query on a global v$ fixed view, one or more instances failed to allocate a slave to process query
Action: To allow results to be returned by sucessfully allocated slaves, execute ALTER SESSION SET ALLOW_PARTIAL_SN_RESULTS=TRUE statement, or check parameters of instances

ORA-12833: Coordinator's instance not a member of parallel_instance_group
Cause: The coordinator's instance must be a member of the parallel_instance_group in which this operation will be run.
Action: Either add the coordinator's instance to the current parallel_instance_group or change parallel_instance_group.

ORA-12834: Instance group name, 'string', too long, must be less than string characters
Cause: The instance group name is too long.
Action: Either shorten the name or get rid of the instance group.

ORA-12835: No instances are active in the GLOBAL_VIEW_ADMIN_GROUP
Cause: There must be at least one instance in the GLOBAL_VIEW_ADMIN_GROUP in order to execute a query on global views
Action: Change the value of GLOBAL_VIEW_ADMIN_GROUP

ORA-12838: cannot read/modify an object after modifying it in parallel
Cause: Within the same transaction, an attempt was made to add read or modification statements on a table after it had been modified in parallel or with direct load. This is not permitted.
Action: Rewrite the transaction, or break it up into two transactions: one containing the initial modification and the second containing the parallel modification operation.

ORA-12839: cannot modify an object in parallel after modifying it
Cause: Within the same transaction, an attempt was made to perform parallel modification operations on a table after it had been modified. This is not permitted.
Action: Rewrite the transaction or break it up into two transactions: one containing the parallel modification and the second containing the initial modification operation.

ORA-12840: cannot access a remote table after parallel/insert direct load txn
Cause: Within a transaction, an attempt was made to perform distributed access after a PDML or insert direct statement had been issued.
Action: Commit/rollback the PDML transaction first, and then perform the distributed access, or perform the distributed access before the first PDML statement in the transaction.

ORA-12841: Cannot alter the session parallel DML state within a transaction
Cause: Transaction in progress
Action: Commit or rollback transaction and then re-execute

ORA-12842: Cursor invalidated during parallel execution
Cause: The cursor was invalidated during the parse phase of deferred parallel processing, e.g. when set operands are parallelized.
Action: Depends on why the cursor was invalidated. Possible causes include DDL on a schema object and shared pool being flushed.

ORA-12843: pdml lock not held properly on the table
Cause: The coodinator crashed or released the lock on the partition which the slave is trying to aquire currently.
Action: Check if the coordinator or some of the other slaves died. Also check that the lock has not been corrupted. Issue the pdml again.

ORA-12844: cluster reconfiguration in progress
Cause: Internal error

ORA-12845: failed to receive interinstance parallel execution message
Cause: OS or interconnect problem receiving interinstance message
Action: Check OS specific diagnostics

ORA-12850: Could not allocate slaves on all specified instances: string needed, string allocated
Cause: When executing a query on a gv$ fixed view, one or more instances failed to allocate a slave to process query.
Action: Check trace output for instances on which slaves failed to start. GV$ query can only proceed if slaves can be allocated on all instances.

ORA-12851: PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS must be greater than or equal to PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS, string
Cause: An attempt was made to set the PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS parameter to a value less than PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS.
Action: Set PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS to a value greater than or equal to PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS value specified in the accompanying message and retry.

ORA-12852: PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS must be less than PROCESSES, string
Cause: An attempt was made to set the PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS parameter to a value higher than PROCESSES.
Action: Set PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS to a value less than PROCESSES value specified in the accompanying message and retry.

ORA-12853: insufficient memory for PX buffers: current stringK, max needed stringK
Cause: Insufficient SGA memory for PX buffers
Action: Reconfigure sga to include at least (max - current) bytes of additional memory

ORA-12854: Parallel query is not supported on temporary LOBs
Cause: The parallel query statement produced a temporary LOB.
Action: Turn off parallelism for the query or underlying table

ORA-12855: cannot run parallel or insert direct load in a loopback
Cause: A loopback was created in the transaction before this operation.
Action: Do not use loopback when using pdml or insert direct load.

ORA-12856: cannot run parallel query on a loopback connection
Cause: A table or index in a parallel query is referenced via a loopback connection.
Action: Do not use loopback connection when running a query in parallel.

ORA-12872: First slave parse gave different plan
Cause: First hard parse on slave given QC-supplied environment and parameters gave different plan from QC. Try again with outline.
Action: No external action. Internally used for outline-based reparse.

ORA-12899: value too large for column string (actual: string, maximum: string)
Cause: An attempt was made to insert or update a column with a value which is too wide for the width of the destination column. The name of the column is given, along with the actual width of the value, and the maximum allowed width of the column. Note that widths are reported in characters if character length semantics are in effect for the column, otherwise widths are reported in bytes.
Action: Examine the SQL statement for correctness. Check source and destination column data types. Either make the destination column wider, or use a subset of the source column (i.e. use substring).

ORA-12900: must specify a default temporary tablespace for a locally managed database
Cause: a locally managed database must have a temporary tablespace other than SYSTEM tablespace
Action: specify the default temporary tablespace when creating a locally managed database

ORA-12901: default temporary tablespace must be of TEMPORARY type
Cause: in a locally managed database, default temporary tablespace must be TEMPORARY type
Action: None

ORA-12902: default temporary tablespace must be SYSTEM or of TEMPORARY type
Cause: in a dictionary managed database, default temporary tablespace must be SYSTEM or TEMPORARY type
Action: None

ORA-12910: cannot specify temporary tablespace as default tablespace
Cause: attempt to assign a temporary tablespace to be a user's default tablespace
Action: assign a permanent tablespace to be the default tablespace

ORA-12911: permanent tablespace cannot be temporary tablespace
Cause: attempt to assign a permanent tablespace to be a user's temporary tablespace
Action: assign a temporary tablespace to be user's temporary tablespace

ORA-12912: Dictionary managed tablespace specified as temporary tablespace
Cause: attempt to assign a dictionary managed tablespace to be a user's temporary tablespace
Action: Assign a locally managed temporary tablespace to be user's temporary tablespace

ORA-12913: Cannot create dictionary managed tablespace
Cause: Attemp to create dictionary managed tablespace in database which has system tablespace as locally managed
Action: Create a locally managed tablespace.

ORA-12914: Cannot migrate tablespace to dictionary managed type
Cause: Attemp to migrate locally managed tablespace to dictionary managed type when the database has locally managed system tablespace.
Action: Command cannot be issued.

ORA-12915: Cannot alter dictionary managed tablespace to read write
Cause: Attemp to alter dictionary managed tablespace to read write in database which has system tablespace as locally managed. This tablespace can only be dropped.
Action: Command cannot be issued.

ORA-12916: cannot shrink permanent or dictionary managed tablespace
Cause: An attempt was made to shrink a permanent tablespace or a dictionary managed tablespace.
Action: Check the tablespace type and issue the statement only on locally managed temporary tablespaces.

ORA-12918: Invalid tablespace type for default permanent tablespace
Cause: The tablespace is either dropped, temporary or undo
Action: Check the tablespace type and reissue the statement

ORA-12919: Can not drop the default permanent tablespace
Cause: An attemp was made to drop the default permanent tablespace
Action: Make a different tablespace as the default permanent tablespace and reissue the drop

ORA-12920: database is already in force logging mode
Cause: ALTER DATABASE FORCE LOGGING command failed because the database is already in force logging mode.
Action: None

ORA-12921: database is not in force logging mode
Cause: ALTER DATABASE NO FORCE LOGGING command failed because the database is not in force logging mode.
Action: None

ORA-12922: concurrent ALTER DATABASE [NO] FORCE LOGGING command is running
Cause: There is a concurrent ALTER DATABASE FORCE LOGGING or ALTER DATABASE NO FORCE LOGGING command running in the system.
Action: Contact the database administrator who is responsible for the concurrent command.

ORA-12923: tablespace string is in force logging mode
Cause: An attempt to alter the specified tablespace temporary failed because the tablespace is in force logging mode.
Action: Put the tablespace out of force logging mode by ALTER TABLESPACE NO FORCE LOGGING command.

ORA-12924: tablespace string is already in force logging mode
Cause: An attempt to alter the specified tablespace into force logging mode failed because it is already in force logging mode.
Action: None

ORA-12925: tablespace string is not in force logging mode
Cause: An attempt to alter the specified tablespace out of force logging mode failed because it is not in force logging mode.
Action: None

ORA-12926: FORCE LOGGING option already specified
Cause: In CREATE TABLESPACE, the FORCE LOGGING option was specified more than once.
Action: Remove all but one of the FORCE LOGGING options.

ORA-12927: RETENTION option already specified
Cause: In CREATE TABLESPACE, the RETENTION option was specified more than once.
Action: Remove all but one of the RETENTION options.

ORA-12928: ENCRYPTION option already specified
Cause: In CREATE TABLESPACE, the ENCRYPTION option was specified more than once.
Action: Remove all but one of the ENCRYPTION options.

ORA-12940: Not enough space in DBVerify text buffer
Cause: DBVerify ran out of text buffer. The error was trapped internally by the system. DBVerify would return the result in text buffer and then resume checking.
Action: None

ORA-12941: DBVerify exception
Cause: DBVerify encountered run-time error. The error signal was trapped internally by the system.
Action: None

ORA-12950: SYSTEM tablespace specified as default permanent tablespace
Cause: SYSTEM tablespace was specified as the default permanent during database creation.
Action: If default permanent tablespace is not specified,then SYSTEM will implicitly become the default permanent tablespace. Specify an alternate tablespace or omit the default tablespace clause and reissue the CREATE DATABASE statement

ORA-12951: Attempt to change default permanent tablespace to temporary
Cause: It is incorrect to alter the default permanent tablespace of a database to temporary type
Action: None

ORA-12980: checkpoint option not allowed with SET UNUSED
Cause: An attempt was made to specify checkpoint option with SET UNUSED.
Action: Remove checkpoint option.

ORA-12981: cannot drop column from an object type table
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a column from an object type table.
Action: This action is not allowed.

ORA-12982: cannot drop column from a nested table
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a column from a nested table.
Action: This action is not allowed.

ORA-12983: cannot drop all columns in a table
Cause: An attempt was made to drop all columns in a table.
Action: Make sure at least one column remains in the table after the drop column operation.

ORA-12984: cannot drop partitioning column
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a column used as the partitioning key.
Action: This action is not allowed.

ORA-12985: tablespace 'string' is read only, cannot drop column
Cause: An attempt was made to drop column from a partition/subpartition on a read only tablespace.
Action: Set the tablespace to read write and resubmit statement.

ORA-12986: columns in partially dropped state. Submit ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMNS CONTINUE
Cause: An attempt was made to access a table with columns in partially dropped state (i.e., drop column operation was interrupted).
Action: Submit ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMNS CONTINUE to complete the drop column operation before accessing the table.

ORA-12987: cannot combine drop column with other operations
Cause: An attempt was made to combine drop column with other ALTER TABLE operations.
Action: Ensure that drop column is the sole operation specified in ALTER TABLE.

ORA-12988: cannot drop column from table owned by SYS
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a column from a system table.
Action: This action is not allowed

ORA-12989: invalid value for checkpoint interval
Cause: An invalid checkpoint interval specified in statement. Checkpoint interval must be between 0 and (2^31-1).
Action: Correct checkpoint interval and resubmit statement

ORA-12990: duplicate option specified
Cause: Duplicate option specified in statement.
Action: Remove the duplicate option and resubmit statement.

ORA-12991: column is referenced in a multi-column constraint
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a column referenced by some constraints.
Action: Drop all constraints referencing the dropped column or specify CASCADE CONSTRAINTS in statement.

ORA-12992: cannot drop parent key column
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a parent key column.
Action: Drop all constraints referencing the parent key column, or specify CASCADE CONSTRAINTS in statement.

ORA-12993: tablespace 'string' is offline, cannot drop column
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a column from a partition/subpartition on an offline tablespace.
Action: Bring the tablespace online and resubmit statement.

ORA-12994: drop column option only allowed once in statement
Cause: An attempt was made to repeat the drop column option in a single statement.
Action: Separate drop column options into different statements and resubmit statements.

ORA-12995: no columns in partially dropped state
Cause: An attempt was made to submit DROP COLUMNS CONTINUE statement while there are no partially dropped columns.
Action: Cannot submit this statement.

ORA-12996: cannot drop system-generated virtual column
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a virtual column generated by the system.
Action: None

ORA-12997: cannot drop primary key column from an index-organized table
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a primary key column from an index- organized table.
Action: This action is not allowed.

ORA-13000: dimension number is out of range
Cause: The specified dimension is either smaller than 1 or greater than the number of dimensions encoded in the HHCODE.
Action: Make sure that the dimension number is between 1 and the maximum number of dimensions encoded in the HHCODE.