Oracle Database Error Messages (ORA-13001 - ORA-15000)

I summarized a list of (ORA) oracle error codes list with cause and action, use browser find (CTRL+F) to get your desire error code, cause and possible action.

Oracle Database Error Messages (ORA-13001 - ORA-15000)

ORA-13001: dimensions mismatch error
Cause: The number of dimensions in two HHCODEs involved in a binary HHCODE operation do not match.
Action: Make sure that the number of dimensions in the HHCODEs match.

ORA-13002: specified level is out of range
Cause: The specified level is either smaller than 1 or greater than the maximum level encoded in an HHCODE.
Action: Verify that all levels are between 1 and the maximum number of levels encoded in the HHCODE.

ORA-13003: the specified range for a dimension is invalid
Cause: The specified range for a dimension is invalid.
Action: Make sure that the lower bound (lb) is less than the upper bound (ub).

ORA-13004: the specified buffer size is invalid
Cause: The buffer size for a function is not valid.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13005: recursive HHCODE function error
Cause: An error occurred in a recursively called HHCODE function.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13006: the specified cell number is invalid
Cause: The cell identifier is either less than 0 or greater than (2^ndim - 1).
Action: Make sure that the cell identifier is between 0 and (2^ndim - 1).

ORA-13007: an invalid HEX character was detected
Cause: A character that is not in the range [0-9] or [A-F a-f] was detected.
Action: Verify that all characters in a string are in [0-9] or [A-F a-f].

ORA-13008: the specified date format has an invalid component
Cause: Part of specified date format is invalid.
Action: Verify that the date format is valid.

ORA-13009: the specified date string is invalid
Cause: The specified date string has a bad component or does not match the specified format string.
Action: Make sure that the components of the date string are valid and that the date and format strings match.

ORA-13010: an invalid number of arguments has been specified
Cause: An invalid number of arguments was specified for an SDO function.
Action: Verify the syntax of the function call.

ORA-13011: value is out of range
Cause: A specified dimension value is outside the range defined for that dimension.
Action: Make sure that all values to be encoded are within the defined dimension range.

ORA-13012: an invalid window type was specified
Cause: An invalid window type was specified.
Action: Valid window types are RANGE, PROXIMITY, POLYGON.

ORA-13013: the specified topology was not INTERIOR or BOUNDARY
Cause: A topology was specified that was not INTERIOR or BOUNDARY.
Action: Make sure that INTERIOR or BOUNDARY is used to describe an HHCODE's topology.

ORA-13014: a topology identifier outside the range of 1 to 8 was specified
Cause: A topology identifier outside the range of 1 to 8 was specified.
Action: Specify a topology in the range of 1 to 8.

ORA-13015: the window definition is not valid
Cause: The number of values used to define the window does not correspond to the window type.
Action: Verify that the number of values used to defined the window is correct for the window type and number of dimensions.

ORA-13016: specified topology [string] is invalid
Cause: The specified topology did not exist in the database, or some components of the topology were missing from the database.
Action: Check the specified topology by executing the SDO_TOPO.validate_topology function.

ORA-13017: unrecognized line partition shape
Cause: The shape of a 2-D line partition could not be determined.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13018: bad distance type
Cause: The specified distance type is invalid.
Action: The only supported distance functions are EUCLID and MANHATTAN.

ORA-13019: coordinates out of bounds
Cause: Vertex coordinates lie outside the valid range for specified dimension.
Action: Redefine vertex coordinates within specified boundaries.

ORA-13020: coordinate is NULL
Cause: A vertex coordinate has a NULL value.
Action: Redefine vertex coordinate to have non-NULL value.

ORA-13021: element not continuous
Cause: The coordinates defining a geometric element are not connected.
Action: Redefine coordinates for the geometric element.

ORA-13022: polygon crosses itself
Cause: The coordinates defining a polygonal geometric element represent crossing segments.
Action: Redefine coordinates for the polygon.

ORA-13023: interior element interacts with exterior element
Cause: An interior element of a geometric object interacts with the exterior element of that object.
Action: Redefine coordinates for the geometric elements.

ORA-13024: polygon has less than three segments
Cause: The coordinates defining a polygonal geometric element represent less than three segments.
Action: Redefine the coordinates for the polygon.

ORA-13025: polygon does not close
Cause: The coordinates defining a polygonal geometric element represent an open polygon.
Action: Redefine the coordinates of the polygon.

ORA-13026: unknown element type for element string.string.string
Cause: The SDO_ETYPE column in the _SDOGEOM table contains an invalid geometric element type value.
Action: Redefine the geometric element type in the _SDOGEOM table for the specified geometric element using one of the supported SDO_ETYPE values. See the Oracle Spatial documentation for an explanation of SDO_ETYPE and its possible values.

ORA-13027: unable to read dimension definition from string
Cause: There was a problem reading the dimension definition from the _SDODIM table.
Action: Verify that the _SDODIM table exists and that the appropriate privileges exist on the table. Address any other errors that might appear with the message.

ORA-13028: Invalid Gtype in the SDO_GEOMETRY object
Cause: There is an invalid SDO_GTYPE in the SDO_GEOMETRY object.
Action: Verify that the geometries have valid gtypes.

ORA-13029: Invalid SRID in the SDO_GEOMETRY object
Cause: There is an invalid SDO_SRID in the SDO_GEOMETRY object. The specified SRID may be outside the valid SRID range.
Action: Verify that the geometries have valid SRIDs.

ORA-13030: Invalid dimension for the SDO_GEOMETRY object
Cause: There is a mismatch between the dimension in the SDO_GTYPE and dimension in the SDO_GEOM_METADATA for the SDO_GEOMETRY object.
Action: Verify that the geometries have valid dimensionality.

ORA-13031: Invalid Gtype in the SDO_GEOMETRY object for point object
Cause: There is an invalid SDO_GTYPE in the SDO_GEOMETRY object where the VARRAYs are NULL but the SDO_GTYPE is not of type POINT.
Action: Verify that the geometries have valid gtypes.

ORA-13032: Invalid NULL SDO_GEOMETRY object
Cause: There are invalid SDO_POINT_TYPE or SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY or SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY fields in the SDO_GEOMETRY object.
Action: Verify that the geometries have valid fields. To specify a NULL geometry, specify the whole SDO_GEOMETRY as NULL instead of setting each field to NULL.

ORA-13033: Invalid data in the SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY in SDO_GEOMETRY object
Cause: There is invalid data in the SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY field of the SDO_GEOMETRY object. The triplets in this field do not make up a valid geometry.
Action: Verify that the geometries have valid data.

ORA-13034: Invalid data in the SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY in SDO_GEOMETRY object
Cause: There is invalid data in the SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY field of the SDO_GEOMETRY object. The coordinates in this field do not make up a valid geometry. There may be NULL values for X or Y or both.
Action: Verify that the geometries have valid data.

ORA-13035: Invalid data (arcs in geodetic data) in the SDO_GEOMETRY object
Cause: There is invalid data in the SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY field of the SDO_GEOMETRY object. There are arcs in a geometry that has geodetic coordinates.
Action: Verify that the geometries have valid data.

ORA-13036: Operation [string] not supported for Point Data
Cause: The specified geometry function is not supported for point data.
Action: Make sure that the specified geometry function is not called on point data.

ORA-13037: SRIDs do not match for the two geometries
Cause: A Spatial operation is invoked with two geometries where one geometry has an SRID and the other geometry does not have an SRID.
Action: Make sure that the spatial operations are invoked between two geometries with compatible SRIDs.

ORA-13039: failed to update spatial index for element string.string.string
Cause: Another error will accompany this message that will indicate the problem.
Action: Correct any accompanying errors. If no accompanying error message appears, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13040: failed to subdivide tile
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Note any accompanying errors and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13041: failed to compare tile with element string.string.string
Cause: The spatial relationship between a generated tile and the specified element could not be determined.
Action: This is an internal error. Verify the geometry using the VALIDATE_GEOMETRY_WITH_CONTEXT procedure. If the procedure does not return any errors, note any errors that accompany 
ORA-13041 and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13042: invalid SDO_LEVEL and SDO_NUMTILES combination
Cause: An invalid combination of SDO_LEVEL and SDO_NUMTILES values was read from the _SDOLAYER table. The most likely cause is that the columns are NULL.
Action: Verify the that SDO_LEVEL and SDO_NUMTILES columns contain valid integer values as described in the Oracle Spatial documentation. Then retry the operation.

ORA-13043: failed to read metadata from the _SDOLAYER table
Cause: An error was encountered reading the layer metadata from the _SDOLAYER table.
Action: This error is usually the result of an earlier error which should also have been reported. Address this accompanying error and retry the current operation. If no accompanying error was reported, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13044: the specified tile size is smaller than the tolerance
Cause: The tile size specified for fixed size tessellation is smaller than the tolerance as specified in the layer metadata.
Action: See the Oracle Spatial documentation for an explanation of tiling levels, tile size, and tiling resolution. Ensure that the tiling parameters are set such that any generated tile is always larger than or equal to a tile at the maximum level of resolution. This can be achieved by using a fewer number of tiles per geometric object or specifying a smaller tile size value than the current one.

ORA-13045: invalid compatibility flag
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13046: invalid number of arguments
Cause: An invalid number of arguments were specified for an SDO_GEOM function.
Action: See the Oracle Spatial documentation for a description of the syntax and semantics of the relevant SDO_GEOM function.

ORA-13047: unable to determine ordinate count from table _SDOLAYER
Cause: An SDO_GEOM function was unable to determine the number of ordinates for the SDO layer .
Action: Verify that the _SDOLAYER table has a valid value for the column SDO_ORDCNT. Then retry the operation.

ORA-13048: recursive SQL fetch error
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13049: unable to determine tolerance value from table _SDODIM
Cause: An SDO_GEOM function was unable to determine the tolerance value for the SDO layer .
Action: Verify that the _SDODIM table has a valid value for the column SDO_TOLERANCE.

ORA-13050: unable to construct spatial object
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13051: failed to initialize spatial object
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13052: unsupported geometric type for geometry string.string
Cause: The geometry type for a specific instance in a _SDOGEOM table is not among the set of geometry types supported by Oracle Spatial.
Action: Check the Oracle Spatial documentation for the list of supported geometry types and workarounds that permit the storage and retrieval of non-supported geometric types with the SDO schema.

ORA-13053: maximum number of geometric elements in argument list exceeded
Cause: The maximum number of geometric elements that can be specified in the argument list for an SDO_GEOM function was exceeded.
Action: Check the Oracle Spatial documentation for the syntax of the SDO_GEOM function and use fewer arguments to describe the geometry, or check the description of the SDO_WINDOW package for a workaround that permits storing the object in a table and then using it in as an argument in a call to the SDO_GEOM function.

ORA-13054: recursive SQL parse error
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13055: Oracle object string does not exist in specified table
Cause: The requested object is not present in the specified table.
Action: Verify the syntax of the function or procedure that reported this error and verify that the object does indeed exist in the specified table. Then retry the operation.

ORA-13060: topology with the name string already exists
Cause: The specified topology name was not unique in the database.
Action: Verify that the CREATE_TOPOLOGY call specifies the correct topology name and that the procedure is invoked from the correct schema.

ORA-13061: topology with the name string does not exist
Cause: The specified topology did not exist in the database.
Action: Verify that the current procedure/function call specifies the correct schema and topology name.

ORA-13062: topology IDs do not match in the feature table and the topology
Cause: The specified topology ID in the feature table did not match the topology ID stored in the topology metadata.
Action: Verify that the specified topology ID matches the topology ID stored in the topology metadata.

ORA-13063: relationship information table is missing data for feature table [string]
Cause: The topology relationship information table (xxx_RELATION$) did not have the matching partition corresponding to the feature table.
Action: Make sure the correct topology IDs and names are specified in the call to register the feature table with the topology.

ORA-13064: relationship information table has inconsistent data for feature table [string]
Cause: The topology_id, tg_layer_id values stored in the feature table did not match the values stored in the topology relationship information table (xxx_RELATION$).
Action: Make sure that the correct feature tables are specified in the call to register the feature table with the topology.

ORA-13065: cannot delete a child layer with a parent layer
Cause: A call was made to delete a feature layer which has a dependent layer defined on it.
Action: Make sure that all dependent feature layers are deleted before deleting the current feature layer.

ORA-13066: wrong feature geometry or element type
Cause: The SDO_TOPO_GEOMETRY object had the wrong geometry and/or element type.
Action: Correct the geometry and/or element type in the SDO_TOPO_GEOMETRY object.

ORA-13067: operator requires both parameters from the same topology
Cause: Both SDO_TOPO_GEOMETRY parameters did not come from the same topology.
Action: Make sure both the parameters to the operator are from the same topology. If this is not possible, consider using a signature of the operator that does not use two SDO_TOPO_GEOMETRY parameters.

ORA-13068: wrong table or column name in SDO_TOPO_GEOMETRY constructor
Cause: An SDO_TOPO_GEOMETRY constructor was invoked with incorrect parameters for table name and/or column name.
Action: Fix the parameters in the call and try again.

ORA-13108: spatial table string not found
Cause: The specified spatial table does not exist.
Action: Check the Spatial data dictionary to make sure that the table is registered.

ORA-13109: spatial table string exists
Cause: The specified spatial table is registered in the Spatial data dictionary.
Action: Remove the existing table from the Spatial data dictionary or use a different name.

ORA-13110: cannot drop topology with associated topo_geometry tables
Cause: The drop_topology procedure was invoked for a topology that has assocated topo_geometry layers with it.
Action: Delete the topo_geometry layers from the topology before dropping the topology. Use SDO_TOPO.delete_topo_geometry_layer to delete topo_geometry layers from the topology.

ORA-13111: cannot add topo_geometry layer [string] to topology
Cause: It was not possible to add the specified topo_geometry layer to the topology.
Action: Make sure the topo_geometry layer table exists in the database.

ORA-13112: cannot delete topo_geometry layer [string] from topology
Cause: It was not possible to delete the specified topo_geometry layer from the topology.
Action: Check USER_SDO_TOPO_METADATA to see if the specified topo_geometry layer is part of the topology. Only those topo_geometry layers which are part of the topology can be deleted from it.

ORA-13113: invalid tg_layer_id in sdo_topo_geometry constructor
Cause: An invalid layer_id was passed to the SDO_TOPO_GEOMETRY constructor.
Action: Valid layer_ids are obtained by adding a topo_geometry layer to the topology. Check USER_SDO_TOPO_METADATA to find out the layer_id for an existing topo_geometry layer.

ORA-13114: [string]_NODE$ table does not exist
Cause: The NODE$ table for the topology did not exist in the database.
Action: There is a severe corruption of the topology. Call Oracle Support Services with the error number.

ORA-13115: [string]_EDGE$ table does not exist
Cause: The EDGE$ table for the topology did not exist in the database.
Action: There is a severe corruption of the topology. Call Oracle Support Services with the error number.

ORA-13116: [string]_FACE$ table does not exist
Cause: The FACE$ table for the topology did not exist in the database.
Action: There is a severe corruption of the topology. Call Oracle Support Services with the error number.

ORA-13117: [string]_RELATION$ table does not exist
Cause: The RELATION$ table for the topology did not exist in the database.
Action: There is a severe corruption of the topology. Call Oracle Support Services with the error number.

ORA-13118: invalid node_id [string]
Cause: A topology node operation was invoked with an invalid node_id.
Action: Check the topology node$ table to see if the specified node_id exists in the topology.

ORA-13119: invalid edge_id [string]
Cause: A topology edge operation was invoked with an invalid edge_id.
Action: Check the topology edge$ table to see if the specified edge_id exists in the topology.

ORA-13120: invalid face_id [string]
Cause: A topology face operation was invoked with an invalid face_id.
Action: Check the topology face$ table to see if the specified face_id exists in the topology.

ORA-13121: layer type type mismatch with topo_geometry layer type
Cause: The tg_type in SDO_TOPO_GEOMETRY constructor did not match the type specified for the layer.
Action: Check the USER_SDO_TOPO_METADATA view to see the layer type for the layer and use it in the constructor.

ORA-13122: invalid topo_geometry specified
Cause: The SDO_TOPO_GEOMETRY object passed into the function/operator was not valid.
Action: Check the SDO_TOPO_GEOMETRY object and verify that it is a valid topo_geometry object.

ORA-13123: invalid name specified
Cause: The create_topo operation requires a unique TOPOLOGY name, that already does not exist in the database.
Action: Check to see if there is already an entry in the USER_SDO_TOPO_METADATA (or the MDSYS.SDO_TOPO_METADATA_TABLE) with this topology name.

ORA-13124: unable to determine column id for column string
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13125: partition key is already set
Cause: A partition key is already set for the spatial table.
Action: Only one partition key can be specified per spatial table.

ORA-13126: unable to determine class for spatial table string
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13127: failed to generate target partition
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13128: current tiling level exceeds user specified tiling level
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13129: HHCODE column string not found
Cause: The specified spatial column does not exist.
Action: Verify that the specified column is a spatial column by checking the Spatial data dictionary.

ORA-13135: failed to alter spatial table
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13136: null common code generated
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13137: failed to generate tablespace sequence number
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13138: could not determine name of object string
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13139: could not obtain column definition for string
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13140: invalid target type
Cause: The specified target type is not valid.
Action: Substitute a valid target type. Valid target types are TABLE and VIEW.

ORA-13141: invalid RANGE window definition
Cause: The RANGE window specified is not correctly defined.
Action: A RANGE window is defined by specifying the lower and upper boundary of each dimension as a pair of values (e.g.: lower_bound1,upper_bound1,lower_bound2,upper_bound2,...). There should be an even number of values.

ORA-13142: invalid PROXIMITY window definition
Cause: The PROXIMITY window specified is not correctly defined.
Action: A PROXIMITY window is defined by specifying a center point and a radius. The center point is defined by ND values. There should be ND+1 values.

ORA-13143: invalid POLYGON window definition
Cause: The POLYGON window specified is not correctly defined.
Action: A POLYGON window is defined by specifying N pairs of values that represent the vertices of the polygon. There should be an even number of values.

ORA-13144: target table string not found
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13145: failed to generate range list
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13146: could not find table substitution variable string
Cause: The partition name substitution variable %s was not found in the SQL filter.
Action: The substitution variable %s must be in the SQL filter to indicate where that partition name should be placed.

ORA-13147: failed to generate MBR
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13148: failed to generate SQL filter
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13149: failed to generate next sequence number for spatial table string
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13150: failed to insert exception record
Cause: Operation failed to insert a record into the exception table.
Action: Fix any other errors reported.

ORA-13151: failed to remove exception record
Cause: Operation failed to remove a record from the exception table.
Action: Fix any other errors reported.

ORA-13152: invalid HHCODE type
Cause: Specified HHCODE type is not valid.
Action: Substitute a valid HHCODE type. Valid HHCODE types are POINT and LINE.

ORA-13153: invalid high water mark specified
Cause: The high water mark must be greater than or equal to zero.
Action: Make sure that the high water mark is an integer greater than or equal to zero.

ORA-13154: invalid precision specified
Cause: The precision specified is out of range.
Action: The precision must be an integer greater than or equal to zero.

ORA-13155: invalid number of dimensions specified
Cause: The number of dimensions specified is out of range.
Action: The number of dimension must be between 1 and 32.

ORA-13156: table to be registered string.string is not empty
Cause: The specified table has rows in it.
Action: Make sure that the table to be registered is empty.

ORA-13157: Oracle error ORAstring encountered while string
Cause: The specified Oracle error was encountered.
Action: Correct the Oracle error.

ORA-13158: Oracle object string does not exist
Cause: The specified object does not exist.
Action: Verify that the specified object exists.

ORA-13159: Oracle table string already exists
Cause: The specified table already exists.
Action: Drop the specified table.

ORA-13181: unable to determine length of column string_SDOINDEX.SDO_CODE
Cause: The length of the SDO_CODE column in the _SDOINDEX table could not be determined.
Action: Make sure that the _SDOINDEX table exists with the SDO_CODE column. Verify that the appropriate privileges exist on the table. Then retry the operation.

ORA-13182: failed to read element string.string.string
Cause: The specified element could not be read from the _SDOGEOM table.
Action: Verify that the specified element exists in the table. Then retry the operation.

ORA-13183: unsupported geometric type for geometry string.string
Cause: The geometry type in the _SDOGEOM table is unsupported.
Action: Modify the geometry type to be one of the supported types.

ORA-13184: failed to initialize tessellation package
Cause: Initialization of the tessellation package failed.
Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13185: failed to generate initial HHCODE
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13186: fixed tile size tessellation failed
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13187: subdivision failed
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13188: cell decode failed
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13189: recursive SQL parse failed
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13190: recursive SQL fetch failed
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13191: failed to read SDO_ORDCNT value
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13192: failed to read number of element rows
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13193: failed to allocate space for geometry
Cause: There was insufficient memory to read the geometry from the database.
Action: Validate the geometry. Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13194: failed to decode supercell
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13195: failed to generate maximum tile value
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13196: failed to compute supercell for element string.string.string
Cause: The system was unable to compute the minimum bounding HHCODE or supercell for the geometry.
Action: Another error might accompany this error. Correct the accompanying error. Also, validate the geometry for correctness.

ORA-13197: element string.string.string is out of range
Cause: Tessellation did not generate any tiles for this element. This error could be caused if the geometry definition puts the geometry outside the domain defined in the _SDODIM table.
Action: Verify that the geometry is valid and within the defined domain.

ORA-13198: Spatial error: string
Cause: Internal error in some Oracle Spatial stored procedure.
Action: Record the sequence of procedure calls or events that preceded this error, and contact Oracle Support Services if the error message text does not clearly specify the cause of the error.

ORA-13199: string
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13200: internal error [string] in spatial indexing.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error text.

ORA-13201: invalid parameters supplied in CREATE INDEX statement
Cause: An error was encountered while trying to parse the parameters clause for the spatial CREATE INDEX statement.
Action: Check the Oracle Spatial documentation for the number, syntax, and semantics of expected parameters for spatial index creation.

ORA-13202: failed to create or insert into the SDO_INDEX_METADATA table
Cause: An error was encountered while trying to create the SDO_INDEX_METADATA table or insert data into it.
Action: Verify that the current user has CREATE TABLE privilege and that the user has sufficient quota in the default or specified tablespace.

ORA-13203: failed to read USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA view
Cause: An error encountered while trying to read the USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA view.
Action: Check that USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA has an entry for the current geometry table.

ORA-13204: failed to create spatial index table
Cause: An error was encountered while trying to create the index table.
Action: Check that user has CREATE TABLE privilege in the current schema and that the user has sufficient quota in the default or specified tablespace.

ORA-13205: internal error while parsing spatial parameters
Cause: An internal error was encountered while parsing the spatial parameters.
Action: Check that the parameters passed in the parameter string are all valid.

ORA-13206: internal error [string] while creating the spatial index
Cause: An internal error was encountered while creating the spatial index.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error text.

ORA-13207: incorrect use of the [string] operator
Cause: An error was encountered while evaluating the specified operator.
Action: Check the parameters and the return type of the specified operator.

ORA-13208: internal error while evaluating [string] operator
Cause: An internal error was encountered.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error text.

ORA-13209: internal error while reading SDO_INDEX_METADATA table
Cause: An internal error was encountered while trying to read the SDO_INDEX_METADATA table.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. Note this and accompanying error numbers.

ORA-13210: error inserting data into the index table
Cause: An error was encountered while trying to insert data into the index table. Likely causes are:
- Insufficient quota in the current tablespace
- User does not appropriate privileges
Action: Check the accompanying error messages.

ORA-13211: failed to tessellate the window object
Cause: An internal error was encountered while trying to tessellate the window object.
Action: Verify the geometric integrity of the window object using the VALIDATE_GEOMETRY_WITH_CONTEXT procedure.

ORA-13212: failed to compare tile with the window object
Cause: The spatial relationship between a generated tile and the specified window object could not be determined.
Action: This is an internal error. Verify the geometry using the VALIDATE_GEOMETRY_WITH_CONTEXT procedure. If the procedure does not return any errors, note any accompanying errors and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13213: failed to generate spatial index for window object
Cause: Another error, indicating the real cause of the problem, should accompany this error.
Action: Correct any accompanying errors. If no accompanying error message appears, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13214: failed to compute supercell for window object
Cause: The system was unable to compute the minimum bounding tile or supercell for the geometry.
Action: Another error might accompany this error. Correct the accompanying error. Also, validate the geometry for correctness.

ORA-13215: window object is out of range
Cause: Tessellation did not generate any tiles for this geometry. This error could be caused if the geometry definition puts the geometry outside the domain defined in the USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA view.
Action: Verify that the geometry is valid and within the defined domain.

ORA-13216: failed to update spatial index
Cause: Another error will accompany this message that will indicate the problem.
Action: Correct any accompanying errors. If no accompanying error message appears, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13217: invalid parameters supplied in ALTER INDEX statement
Cause: An error was encountered while trying to parse the parameters clause for the spatial ALTER INDEX statement.
Action: Check the Oracle Spatial documentation for the number, syntax, and semantics of expected parameters for the spatial ALTER INDEX statement.

ORA-13218: max number of supported index tables reached for [string] index
Cause: An add_index parameter was passed to ALTER INDEX when the number of existing index tables is already at maximum.
Action: Delete one of the index tables before adding another index table.

ORA-13219: failed to create spatial index table [string]
Cause: An error was encountered while trying to create the index table.
Action: There is a table in the index's schema with the specified name. The CREATE INDEX statement will try to create an index table with this name. Either rename this table or change the name of the index.

ORA-13220: failed to compare tile with the geometry
Cause: The spatial relationship between a generated tile and the specified geometry could not be determined.
Action: This is an internal error. Validate the geometry using the VALIDATE_GEOMETRY_WITH_CONTEXT procedure. If the procedure does not return any errors, note any errors that accompany and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13221: unknown geometry type in the geometry object
Cause: The SDO_GTYPE attribute in the geometry object contains an invalid value
Action: Redefine the geometric type in the geometry table using one of the supported SDO_GTYPE values. See the Oracle Spatial documentation for an explanation of SDO_GTYPE and its possible values.

ORA-13222: failed to compute supercell for geometry in string
Cause: The system was unable to compute the minimum bounding tile or supercell for a geometry in the specified table.
Action: Another error might accompany this error. Correct the accompanying error. Also, validate the geometry for correctness.

ORA-13223: duplicate entry for string in SDO_GEOM_METADATA
Cause: There are duplicate entries for the given table and column value pair in the USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA view.
Action: Check that the specified table and geometry column names are correct. There should be only one entry per table, geometry column pair in the USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA view.

ORA-13224: zero tolerance specified for layer in USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA
Cause: A tolerance of zero or NULL is supplied for a layer in USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA view.
Action: Check the tolerance specified to make sure it is a positive value.

ORA-13225: specified index table name is too long for a spatial index
Cause: An index table name is specified which is longer than the supported length of the spatial index table name.
Action: Check the supported size of the index table name and reduce the size of the index name.

ORA-13226: interface not supported without a spatial index
Cause: The geometry table does not have a spatial index.
Action: Verify that the geometry table referenced in the spatial operator has a spatial index on it.

ORA-13227: SDO_LEVEL values for the two index tables do not match
Cause: The SDO_LEVEL values for the two index tables used in the spatial join operator do not match.
Action: Verify that two compatible indexes are used for the spatial join operator. Quadtree indexes are compatible if they have the same SDO_LEVEL and SDO_NUMTILES values

ORA-13228: spatial index create failed due to invalid type
Cause: An Attempt was made to create a spatial index on a column of type other than SDO_GEOMETRY.
Action: Make sure that the index is created on a column of type SDO_GEOMETRY.

ORA-13230: failed to create temporary table [string] during R-tree creation
Cause: The specified temporary table either already exists or there is not enough tablespace.
Action: Delete the table if it already exists and verify if the current user has CREATE TABLE privileges and has sufficient space in the default or specified tablespace.

ORA-13231: failed to create index table [string] during R-tree creation
Cause: The specified index table either already exists or there is not enough tablespace.
Action: Delete the table if it already exists and verify if the current user has CREATE TABLE privileges and has sufficient space in the default or specified tablespace. If that fails to correct the problem, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13232: failed to allocate memory during R-tree creation
Cause: This feature assumes a minimum of 64K memory for bulk creation.
Action: Create the index for a small subset of the data. Then, use transactional insert operations for the rest of the data.

ORA-13233: failed to create sequence number [string] for R-tree
Cause: The specified sequence number exists.
Action: Delete the sequence object, or contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13234: failed to access R-tree-index table [string]
Cause: The index table is either deleted or corrupted.
Action: Rebuild the index or contact Oracle Support Services with accompanying error messages.

ORA-13236: internal error in R-tree processing: [string]
Cause: An internal error occurred in R-tree processing.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the message text.

ORA-13237: internal error during R-tree concurrent updates: [string]
Cause: An inconsistency is encountered during concurrent updates, possibly due to the use of serializable isolation level.
Action: Change the isolation level to "read committed" using the ALTER SESSION statement, or contact Oracle Support Services with the message text.

ORA-13239: sdo_dimensionality not specified during n-d R-tree creation
Cause: An error occurred in reading the dimensionality parameter
Action: Check the documentation for a valid range, and specify the dimensionality as a parameter.

ORA-13240: specified dimensionality greater than that of the query mbr
Cause: An error occurred because of too few values in the query minimum bounding rectangle (MBR).
Action: Omit the dimensionality, or use the dimensionality of the query.

ORA-13241: specified dimensionality does not match that of the data
Cause: An error occurred because the dimensionality specified in the CREATE INDEX statement does not match that of the data.
Action: Change the statement to reflect the data dimensionality.

ORA-13243: specified operator is not supported for 3- or higher-dimensional R-tree
Cause: Currently, an R-tree index with three or more index dimensions can be used only with the SDO_FILTER operator.
Action: Use the SDO_FILTER operator, and check the documentation for the querytype parameter for SDO_FILTER; or contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13249: string
Cause: An internal error was encountered in the extensible spatial index component. The text of the message is obtained from some other server component.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error text.

ORA-13250: insufficient privileges to modify metadata table entries
Cause: The user requesting the operation does not have the appropriate privileges on the referenced tables.
Action: Check that the specified feature and geometry table names are correct, and then verify that the current user has at least SELECT privilege on those tables.

ORA-13251: duplicate entry string in metadata table
Cause: The specified entry already exists in the metadata table.
Action: Check that the specified feature and geometry table names are correct. A feature-geometry table association should be registered only once.

ORA-13260: layer table string does not exist
Cause: Data migration source table _SDOGEOM does not exist.
Action: Ensure that the specified layer name is correct and that the corresponding spatial layer tables exist in the current schema.

ORA-13261: geometry table string does not exist
Cause: The specified geometry table does not exist in the current schema.
Action: Create a table containing a column of type SDO_GEOMETRY and a column of type NUMBER for the GID values.

ORA-13262: geometry column string does not exist in table string
Cause: The specified table does not have a column of type SDO_GEOMETRY.
Action: Alter or re-create the table such that it includes a column of type SDO_GEOMETRY and a column of type NUMBER.

ORA-13263: column string in table string is not of type SDO_GEOMETRY
Cause: The column intended for storing the geometry is not of type SDO_GEOMETRY.
Action: Alter the column definition to be of type SDO_GEOMETRY.

ORA-13264: geometry identifier column string does not exist in table string
Cause: The specified table does not contain a GID column.
Action: Confirm that the GID column name was correctly specified and that it exists in the specified table.

ORA-13265: geometry identifier column string in table string is not of type NUMBER
Cause: GID column is not of type NUMBER.
Action: Alter the table definition such that the column containing the geometry identifier (GID) is of type NUMBER.

ORA-13266: error inserting data into table string
Cause: An OCI error occurred, or the user has insufficient quota in the active tablespace, or the rollback segments are too small.
Action: There should be an accompanying error message that indicates the cause of the problem. Take appropriate action to correct the indicated problem.

ORA-13267: error reading data from layer table string
Cause: There was an error reading the geometry data from the _SDOGEOM table.
Action: Verify that _SDOGEOM and _SDODIM exist. If they do exist, run VALIDATE_LAYER_WITH_CONTEXT on the specified layer.

ORA-13268: error obtaining dimension from USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA
Cause: There is no entry in the USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA view for the specified geometry table.
Action: Insert an entry for the destination geometry table with the correct dimension information.

ORA-13269: internal error [string] encountered when processing geometry table
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error message text.

ORA-13270: OCI error string
Cause: An OCI error occurred while processing the layer or geometry tables.
Action: Take the appropriate steps to correct the OCI-specific error.

ORA-13271: error allocating memory for geometry object
Cause: Insufficient memory.
Action: Make more memory available to the current session/process.

ORA-13272: geometric object string in table string is invalid
Cause: The specified object failed the geometric integrity checks performed by the validation function.
Action: Check the Oracle Spatial documentation for information about the geometric integrity checks performed by VALIDATE_GEOMETRY_WITH_CONTEXT and correct the geometry definition if required.

ORA-13273: dimension metadata table string does not exist
Cause: The _SDODIM table does not exist.
Action: Verify that the specified layer name is correct and that the _SDODIM table exists in the current schema.

ORA-13274: operator invoked with non-compatible SRIDs
Cause: A Spatial operator was invoked with a window geometry with an SRID but the layer has no SRID; or the window has no SRID but the layer has an SRID.
Action: Make sure that the layer and window both have an SRID or that they both do not have an SRID.

ORA-13275: spatial index creation failure on unsupported type
Cause: An attempt was made to create a spatial index create on a column that is not of type SDO_GEOMETRY.
Action: A spatial index can only be created on a column of type SDO_GEOMETRY. Make sure the indexed column is of type SDO_GEOMETRY.

ORA-13276: internal error [string] in coordinate transformation
Cause: OCI internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error message text.

ORA-13278: failure to convert SRID to native format
Cause: OCI internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error message text.

ORA-13281: failure in execution of SQL statement to retrieve WKT
Cause: OCI internal error, or SRID does not match a table entry.
Action: Check that a valid SRID is being used.

ORA-13282: failure on initialization of coordinate transformation
Cause: Parsing error on source or destination coordinate system WKT, or incompatible coordinate systems.
Action: Check the validity of the WKT for table entries, and check if the requested transformation is valid.

ORA-13283: failure to get new geometry object for conversion in place
Cause: OCI internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error message text.

ORA-13284: failure to copy geometry object for conversion in place
Cause: OCI internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error message text.

ORA-13285: Geometry coordinate transformation error
Cause: A coordinate pair was out of valid range for a conversion/projection.
Action: Check that data to be transformed is consistent with the desired conversion/projection.

ORA-13287: can't transform unknown gtype
Cause: A geometry with a gtype of <= 0 was specified for transformation. Only a gtype >= 1 is allowed.
Action: Check the Oracle Spatial documentation for SDO_GTYPE values, and specify a value whose last digit is 1 or higher.

ORA-13288: point coordinate transformation error
Cause: An internal error occurred while transforming points.
Action: Check the accompanying error messages.

ORA-13290: the specified unit is not supported
Cause: An Oracle Spatial function was called with an unknown UNIT value.
Action: Check Spatial documentation for the supported units, and call the function with the correct UNIT parameter.

ORA-13291: conversion error between the specified unit and standard unit
Cause: Cannot convert the specified unit from/to standard unit for linear distance, angle, or area.
Action: Check the unit specification and respecify it.

ORA-13292: incorrect ARC_TOLERANCE specification
Cause: When a SDO_BUFFER or SDO_AGGR_BUFFER function is called on a geodetic geometry, or SDO_ARC_DENSIFY is called, ARC_TOLERANCE must be specified, and it should not be less than the tolerance specified for the geometry.
Action: Check ARC_TOLERANCE specification and make sure it is correct.

ORA-13293: cannot specify unit for geometry without a georeferenced SRID
Cause: An Oracle Spatial function with a UNIT parameter was called on a geometry without a georeferenced SRID.
Action: Make sure that spatial functions with UNIT parameters are only called on geometries with georeferenced SRIDs.

ORA-13294: cannot transform geometry containing circular arcs
Cause: It is impossible to transform a 3-point representation of a circular arc without distortion.
Action: Make sure a geometry does not contain circular arcs.

ORA-13295: geometry objects are in different coordinate systems
Cause: An Oracle Spatial function was called with two geometries that have different SRIDs.
Action: Transform geometry objects to be in the same coordinate system and call the spatial function.

ORA-13296: incorrect coordinate system specification
Cause: Wrong numbers in WKT for Earth radius or flattening for the current SRID.
Action: Check WKT in the MDSYS.CS_SRS table for Earth radius and inverse flattening.

ORA-13300: single point transform error
Cause: Low-level coordinate transformation error trap.
Action: Check the accompanying error messages.

ORA-13303: failure to retrieve a geometry object from a table
Cause: OCI internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error message text.

ORA-13304: failure to insert a transformed geometry object in a table
Cause: OCI internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error message text.

ORA-13330: invalid MASK
Cause: The MASK passed to the RELATE function is not valid.
Action: Verify that the mask is not NULL. See the Oracle Spatial documentation for a list of supported masks.

ORA-13331: invalid LRS segment
Cause: The given LRS segment was not a valid line string.
Action: A valid LRS geometric segment is a line string geometry in Oracle Spatial. It could be a simple or compound line string (made of lines or arcs, or both). The dimension information must include the measure dimension as the last element in the Oracle Spatial metadata. Currently, the number of dimensions for an LRS segment must be greater than 2 (x/y or longitude/latitude, plus measure)

ORA-13332: invalid LRS point
Cause: The specified LRS point was not a point geometry with measure information.
Action: Check the given point geometry. A valid LRS point is a point geometry in Oracle Spatial with an additional dimension for measure.

ORA-13333: invalid LRS measure
Cause: The given measure for linear referencing was out of range.
Action: Redefine the measure.

ORA-13334: LRS segments not connected
Cause: The specified geometric segments are not connected.
Action: Check the start/end points of the given geometric segments.

ORA-13335: LRS measure information not defined
Cause: The measure information of a geometric segment was not assigned (IS NULL).
Action: Assign/define the measure information. An LRS geometric segment is defined if its start and end measure are assigned (non-null).

ORA-13336: failure in converting standard diminfo/geometry to LRS dim/geom
Cause: There is no room for the measure dimension in the given diminfo, or the specified standard geometry is not a point a line string.
Action: Check if the diminfo dimensions are less than 3 or if the geometry type is point or line string.

ORA-13337: failure in concatenating LRS polygons
Cause: LRS concatenation involving LRS polygons is not supported.
Action: Check the geometry and element types to make sure the concatenate operation is not called with a polygon type.

ORA-13338: failure in reversing LRS polygon/collection geometry
Cause: Reversing an LRS polygon/collection geometry produces an invalid geometry.
Action: Check the geometry type to make sure this operation is called on non-polygon geometries.

ORA-13339: LRS polygon clipping across multiple rings
Cause: Clipping (dynseg) a polygon across multiple rings is not allowed.
Action: Polygon clipping is allowed only for a single ring.

ORA-13340: a point geometry has more than one coordinate
Cause: A geometry, specified as being a point, has more than one coordinate in its definition.
Action: A point has only one coordinate. If this geometry is intended to represent a point cluster, line, or polygon, set the appropriate SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE value. If this is a single point object, remove the extraneous coordinates from its definition.

ORA-13341: a line geometry has fewer than two coordinates
Cause: A geometry, specified as being a line, has fewer than two coordinates in its definition.
Action: A line must consist of at least two distinct coordinates. Correct the geometric definition, or set the appropriate SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE attribute for this geometry.

ORA-13342: an arc geometry has fewer than three coordinates
Cause: A geometry, specified as being an arc, has fewer than three coordinates in its definition.
Action: An arc must consist of at least three distinct coordinates. Correct the geometric definition, or set the appropriate SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE attribute for this geometry.

ORA-13343: a polygon geometry has fewer than four coordinates
Cause: A geometry, specified as being a polygon, has fewer than four coordinates in its definition.
Action: A polygon must consist of at least four distinct coordinates. Correct the geometric definition, or set the appropriate SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE attribute for this geometry.

ORA-13344: an arcpolygon geometry has fewer than five coordinates
Cause: A geometry, specified as being an arcpolygon, has fewer than five coordinates in its definition.
Action: An arcpolygon must consist of at least five coordinates. An arcpolygon consists of an ordered sequence of arcs, each of which must be described using three coordinates. Since arcs are connected the end-point of the first is the start of the second and does not have to be repeated. Correct the geometric definition, or set the appropriate SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE attribute for this geometry.

ORA-13345: a compound polygon geometry has fewer than five coordinates
Cause: A geometry, specified as being a compound polygon, has fewer than five coordinates in its definition.
Action: A compound polygon must contain at least five coordinates. A compound polygon consists of at least one arc and one line, each of which must be described using three and at least two distinct coordinates respectively. Correct the geometric definition, or set the appropriate SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE attribute for this geometry.

ORA-13346: the coordinates defining an arc are collinear
Cause: Invalid definition of an arc. An arc is defined using three non-collinear coordinates.
Action: Alter the definition of the arc, or set the SDO_ETYPE or SDO_GTYPE to the line type.

ORA-13347: the coordinates defining an arc are not distinct
Cause: Two or more of the three points defining an arc are the same.
Action: Alter the definition of the arc to ensure that three distinct coordinate values are used.

ORA-13348: polygon boundary is not closed
Cause: The boundary of a polygon does not close.
Action: Alter the coordinate values or the definition of the SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE attribute of the geometry.

ORA-13349: polygon boundary crosses itself
Cause: The boundary of a polygon intersects itself.
Action: Correct the geometric definition of the object.

ORA-13350: two or more rings of a complex polygon touch
Cause: The inner or outer rings of a complex polygon touch.
Action: All rings of a complex polygon must be disjoint. Correct the geometric definition of the object.

ORA-13351: two or more rings of a complex polygon overlap
Cause: The inner or outer rings of a complex polygon overlap.
Action: All rings of a complex polygon must be disjoint. Correct the geometric definition of the object.

ORA-13352: the coordinates do not describe a circle
Cause: The set of coordinates used to describe a circle are incorrect.
Action: Confirm that the set of coordinates actually represent points on the circumference of a circle.

ORA-13353: ELEM_INFO_ARRAY not grouped in threes
Cause: The ELEM_INFO_ARRAY in an SDO_GEOMETRY definition has more or fewer elements than expected.
Action: Confirm that the number of elements in ELEM_INFO_ARRAY is divisible by 3.

ORA-13354: incorrect offset in ELEM_INFO_ARRAY
Cause: The offset field in ELEM_INFO_ARRAY of an SDO_GEOMETRY definition references an invalid array subscript in SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY.
Action: Confirm that the offset is a valid array subscript in SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY.

ORA-13355: SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY not grouped by number of dimensions specified
Cause: The number of elements in SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY is not a multiple of the number of dimensions supplied by the user.
Action: Confirm that the number of dimensions is consistent with data representation in SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY.

ORA-13356: adjacent points in a geometry are redundant
Cause: There are repeated points in the sequence of coordinates.
Action: Remove the redundant point.

ORA-13357: extent type does not contain 2 points
Cause: Extent type should be represented by two points: lower left and upper right.
Action: Confirm that there are only two points for an extent type.

ORA-13358: circle type does not contain 3 points
Cause: Circle type should be represented by three distinct points on the circumference.
Action: Confirm that there are only three points for a circle type.

ORA-13359: extent does not have an area
Cause: The two points representing the extent are identical.
Action: Confirm that the two points describing the extent type are distinct.

ORA-13360: invalid subtype in a compound type
Cause: This subtype is not allowed within the ETYPE specified.
Action: Check the Oracle Spatial documentation for type definitions.

ORA-13361: not enough sub-elements within a compound ETYPE
Cause: The compound type declare more sub-elements than actually defined.
Action: Confirm that the number of sub-elements is consistent with the compound type declaration.

ORA-13362: disjoint sub-element in a compound polygon
Cause: Compound polygon must describe an enclosed area.
Action: Confirm that all sub-elements are connected.

ORA-13363: no valid ETYPE in the geometry
Cause: None of the ETYPEs within the geometry is supported.
Action: Confirm that there is at least one valid ETYPE.

ORA-13364: layer dimensionality does not match geometry dimensions
Cause: The spatial layer has a geometry with a different dimensions than the dimensions specified for the layer.
Action: Make sure that all geometries in a layer have the same dimensions and that they match the dimensions in the SDO_DIM_ARRAY object for the layer in the USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA view.

ORA-13365: layer SRID does not match geometry SRID
Cause: The spatial layer has a geometry with a different SRID than the SRID specified for the layer.
Action: Make sure that all geometries in a layer have the same SRID and that the SRIDs match the SRID for the layer in the USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA view.

ORA-13366: invalid combination of interior exterior rings
Cause: In an Oracle Spatial geometry, interior and exterior rings are not used consistently.
Action: Make sure that the interior rings corresponding to an exterior ring follow the exterior ring in the ordinate array.

ORA-13367: wrong orientation for interior/exterior rings
Cause: In an Oracle Spatial geometry, the exterior and/or interior rings are not oriented correctly.
Action: Be sure that the exterior rings are oriented counterclockwise and the interior rings are oriented clockwise.

ORA-13368: simple polygon type has more than one exterior ring
Cause: In a polygon geometry there is more than one exterior ring.
Action: Set the type to be multipolygon if more than one exterior ring is present in the geometry.

ORA-13369: invalid value for etype in the 4-digit format
Cause: A 4-digit etype for a non-polygon type element is used, or the orientation is not a valid orientation for interior/exterior rings of the polygon.
Action: Correct the geometry definition.

ORA-13370: failure in applying 3D LRS functions
Cause: Only non-geodetic 3D line string geometries (made of line segments) are supported for 3D LRS functions.
Action: Check the geometry and element types and the SRID values.

ORA-13371: invalid position of measure dimension
Cause: LRS measure dimension has to be after spatial dimensions. The position has to be either 3rd or 4th in the dim_info_array.
Action: Check the geometry's gtype and its position in the dim_info_array.

ORA-13372: failure in modifying metadata for a table with spatial index
Cause: Modifying the metadata after the index is created will cause an inconsistency between the geometry's gtype and diminfo.
Action: Modify (or Prepare) metadata before creating an index on the SDO_GEOMETRY column.

ORA-13373: invalid line segment in geodetic data
Cause: A geodetic line segment was not less than half of a great circle.
Action: Densify the line by adding points.

ORA-13374: SDO_MBR not supported for geodetic data
Cause: The SDO_MBR functionality is not supported for geodetic data.
Action: Find an alternative function that can be used in this context.

ORA-13375: the layer is of type [string] while geometry inserted has type [string]
Cause: The layer has a type that is different or inconsistent with the type of the current geometry.
Action: Change the geometry type to agree with the layer type, or change the layer type to agree with the geometry type.

ORA-13376: invalid type name specified for layer_gtype parameter
Cause: An invalid type name is specified for the layer_gtype constraint.
Action: See the Spatial documentation for of valid keywords that can be used in defining a layer_gtype constraint.

ORA-13377: invalid combination of elements with orientation
Cause: An element of the geometry has orientation specified while some other element has no orientation specified (4-digit etype).
Action: Make sure all the polygon elements have orientation specified using the 4-digit etype notation.

ORA-13378: invalid index for element to be extracted
Cause: An invalid (or out of bounds) index was specified for extracting an element from a geometry.
Action: Make sure the parameters to the extract function are in the valid range for the geometry.

ORA-13379: invalid index for sub-element to be extracted
Cause: An invalid (or out of bounds) index was specified for extracting a sub-element from a geometry.
Action: Make sure the parameters to the extract function are in the valid range for the geometry.

ORA-13380: network not found
Cause: The specified network was not found in the network metadata.
Action: Insert the network information in the USER_SDO_NETWORK_METADATA view.

ORA-13381: table:string not found in network:string
Cause: The specified table was not found in the network metadata.
Action: Insert the table information in the USER_SDO_NETWORK_METADATA view.

ORA-13382: geometry metadata (table:string column:string) not found in spatial network:string
Cause: The specified geometry metadata was not found in the spatial network metadata.
Action: Insert the spatial metadata information in the USER_SDO_NETWORK_METADATA view.

ORA-13383: inconsistent network metadata: string
Cause: There was an inconsistency between the network metadata and the node/link information.
Action: Check the network metadata and the node/link information.

ORA-13384: error in network schema: string
Cause: The network table(s) did not have required column(s)
Action: Check the network schema.

ORA-13385: error in network manager: [string]
Cause: There was an internal error in network manager.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support for more help.

ORA-13386: commit/rollback operation error: [string]
Cause: The index-level changes were not fully incorporated as part of the commit or rollback operation.
Action: Correct the specified error and use the following statement: ALTER INDEX PARAMETERS ('index_status=synchronize');

ORA-13387: sdo_batch_size for array inserts should be in the range [number,number]
Cause: The specified value for sdo_batch_size was too high or too low.
Action: Change the value to be in the specified range.

ORA-13388: invalid value for dst_spec parameter
Cause: The dst_spec parameter was specified in the wrong format.
Action: Check the documentation for this parameter.

ORA-13389: unable to compute buffers or intersections in analysis function
Cause: There was an internal error in computing the buffers or intersections in the specified spatial analysis function.
Action: Modify the tolerance value in the USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA view before invoking the spatial analysis function.

ORA-13390: error in spatial analysis and mining function: [string]
Cause: There was an internal error in the specified analysis function.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support for more help.

ORA-13391: string
Cause: An attempt was made to violate GeoRaster management restrictions.
Action: Check the documentation for more detailed information.

ORA-13400: duplicate entry for string in USER_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA view
Cause: The current operation caused a duplicate RASTER_DATA_TABLE and RASTER_ID combination to be inserted into the USER_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA view.
Action: Ensure that the RASTER_DATA_TABLE and RASTER_ID combination to be inserted into the USER_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA view is unique.

ORA-13401: duplicate entry for string in USER_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA view
Cause: The RASTER_DATA_TABLE and RASTER_ID columns contained the same information in two or more rows in the USER_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA view.
Action: Ensure that the RASTER_DATA_TABLE and RASTER_ID columns in the USER_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA view contain the correct information, and that the value pair is unique for each row.

ORA-13402: the rasterType is null or not supported
Cause: The specified rasterType was null or not supported.
Action: Check the documentation for the rasterType number and/or formats supported by GeoRaster.

ORA-13403: invalid rasterDataTable specification: string
Cause: Each GeoRaster object must have an associated raster data table whose name is unique among raster data table names in the database. If the GeoRaster object is not empty and not blank, the raster data table must exist, be visible in the current schema, be defined in the same schema as the GeoRaster data table, and be an object table of SDO_RASTER type. However, one or more of these requirements were not met.
Action: Check the rasterDataTable specification and ensure that all relevant raster data table requirements are met.

ORA-13404: invalid ultCoordinate parameter
Cause: The ultCoordinate array parameter had the wrong length or contained an invalid value.
Action: Check the documentation, and make sure the ultCoordinate parameter is correct.

ORA-13405: null or invalid dimensionSize parameter
Cause: The dimensionSize array parameter was null, had the wrong length, or contained an invalid value.
Action: Check the documentation, and make sure the dimensionSize parameter is correct.

ORA-13406: null or invalid GeoRaster object for output
Cause: The GeoRaster object for output was null or invalid.
Action: Make sure the GeoRaster object for output has been initialized properly.

ORA-13407: invalid storage parameterstring
Cause: The storage parameter contained an invalid specification.
Action: Check the documentation, and make sure the storage parameter is correct.

ORA-13408: invalid blockSize storage parameter
Cause: The blockSize storage parameter had the wrong length or contained invalid value.
Action: Check the documentation, and make sure the blockSize storage parameter is correct.

ORA-13409: null or invalid pyramidLevel parameter
Cause: The specified pyramidLevel parameter was null or invalid.
Action: Make sure the pyramidLevel parameter specifies a valid pyramid level value for the GeoRaster object.

ORA-13410: invalid layerNumbers or bandNumbers parameter
Cause: The layerNumbers or bandNumbers parameter was invalid.
Action: Check the documentation and make sure the layerNumbers or bandNumbers parameter is valid.

ORA-13411: subset results in null data set
Cause: The intersection of cropArea and source GeoRaster object was null.
Action: Check the documentation, and make sure the cropArea parameter is correct.

ORA-13412: invalid scale parameterstring
Cause: The scale parameter contained an invalid specification.
Action: Check the documentation, and make sure the scale parameter is correct.

ORA-13413: null or invalid resampling parameter
Cause: The resampling parameter was null or invalid.
Action: Check the documentation, and make sure the resampling parameter is correct.

ORA-13414: invalid pyramid parameter
Cause: The pyramid parameter was invalid.
Action: Check the documentation, and make sure the pyramid parameter is correct.

ORA-13415: invalid or out of scope point specification
Cause: The point position specified by the or parameter combination was invalid or out of scope.
Action: Make sure the parameter(s) specify a valid point that is or can be translated into a cell position inside the cell space of the GeoRaster object.

ORA-13416: invalid geometry parameter
Cause: The geometry parameter did not specify a valid single-point geometry.
Action: Specify a valid single-point geometry.

ORA-13417: null or invalid layerNumber parameter
Cause: The layerNumber parameter was null or out of scope.
Action: Specify a valid layerNumber parameter.

ORA-13418: null or invalid parameter(s) for set functions
Cause: A parameter for set metadata operations was null or invalid.
Action: Check the documentation for information about the parameters.

ORA-13419: cannot perform mosaick operation on the specified table column
Cause: An attempt to perform a mosaick operation failed because the GeoRaster objects in the specified table column did not meet necessary conditions.
Action: Check the documentation for SDO_GEOR.Mosaick for details.

ORA-13420: the SRID of the geometry parameter was not null
Cause: The input geometry must be in the GeoRaster cell space, which has a null SRID value.
Action: Make sure the geometry parameter has a null SRID.

ORA-13421: NULL or invalid cell value
Cause: The cell value was NULL or out-of-scope.
Action: Make sure the cell value is not NULL and is in the range as designated by the cellDepth definition of the specified GeoRaster object.

ORA-13422: invalid model coordinate parameter
Cause: The model coordinate array parameter had the wrong length or had null ordinate element(s).
Action: Make sure the model coordinate parameter is valid.

ORA-13423: invalid cell coordinate parameter
Cause: The cell coordinate array parameter had the wrong length or had null ordinate element(s).
Action: Make sure the cell coordinate parameter is valid.

ORA-13424: the GeoRaster object is not spatially referenced
Cause: The GeoRaster object was not spatially referenced.
Action: Make sure the GeoRaster object is spatially referenced.

ORA-13425: invalid background filling value parameter
Cause: The background filling value parameter was invalid either because the array had the wrong size or because some of the element values were invalid.
Action: Make sure the parameter that specifies the background filling value is valid. The size of the array must equal to either 1 (the value is for all bands) or the exact band dimension size. The element values must be valid cell values as determined by the cell depth.

ORA-13426: invalid window parameter
Cause: The specified window parameter was invalid.
Action: Specify a valid window parameter. Check the documentation for details.

ORA-13427: invalid bitmap mask
Cause: The bitmap mask was not a valid 1BIT GeoRaster object, or it had the wrong dimension sizes.
Action: Make sure the bitmap mask is a valid 1BIT GeoRaster object with only one band, and the row and column dimension sizes of the bitmap mask are the same as those of the target GeoRaster object.

ORA-13428: invalid modelCoordinateLocation
Cause: The program [or user] specified a modelCoordinateLocation that is not supported, or the modelCoordinateLocation of the GeoRaster object was wrong.
Action: Set or specify the modelCoordinateLocation to be CENTER (0) or UPPERLEFT (1).

ORA-13429: invalid xCoefficients or yCoefficients parameter(s)
Cause: An attempt to perform a georeference operation failed. Possible reasons include xCoefficients or yCoefficients having the wrong number of coefficients or invalid coefficients.
Action: Check the documentation for supported coefficient specifications.

ORA-13430: the GeoRaster object has null attribute(s)
Cause: The metadata or rasterType of the GeoRaster object was null.
Action: This object may only be used as an output parameter of procedures or functions. It is not valid for other purposes.

ORA-13431: GeoRaster metadata rasterType error
Cause: The rasterType in the metadata of the GeoRaster object was inconsistent with the GeoRaster rasterType attribute.
Action: Make sure the rasterType in the metadata of the GeoRaster object and the GeoRaster rasterType attribute have the same value.

ORA-13432: NULL or invalid blankCellValue
Cause: The blankCellValue element could not be found in the metadata of a blank GeoRaster object, or the specified blankCellValue element value was NULL or invalid.
Action: Call SDO_GEOR.setBlankCellValue to add blankCellValue to the metadata whenever the isBlank element value is TRUE, and make sure that the specified blankCellValue element value is not NULL and is in the range as designated by the cellDepth definition of the GeoRaster object.

ORA-13433: GeoRaster metadata default RGB error
Cause: At least one of the defaultRed, defaultGreen, and defaultBlue values (logical layer numbers) was zero, negative, or out of range.
Action: Check the documentation for details.

ORA-13434: GeoRaster metadata cellRepresentation error
Cause: The cellRepresentation type was not supported.
Action: Check the documentation for supported cellRepresentation types.

ORA-13435: GeoRaster metadata dimension inconsistent
Cause: The specification of dimensions or totalDimensions was inconsistent with rasterType, or vice versa.
Action: Make sure dimension specifications are consistent.

ORA-13436: GeoRaster metadata dimensionSize error
Cause: Either the dimensionSize for each dimension was not specified, or an extraneous dimensionSize was specified.
Action: Add a dimsenionSize for each dimension of the GeoRaster object and delete extra dimensionSize elements.

ORA-13437: GeoRaster metadata blocking error
Cause: Either the wrong block number(s) or block size(s) along dimensions were specified, or the block numbers and sizes when taken together were not consistent.
Action: Check the documentation for details.

ORA-13438: GeoRaster metadata pyramid type error
Cause: The specified pyramid type was not supported.
Action: Check the documentation for supported pyramid types.

ORA-13439: GeoRaster metadata pyramid maxLevel error
Cause: The specified maxLevel exceeded the maximum level allowed by the specified pyramid type.
Action: Check the documentation for supported pyramid types and their total level limitations.

ORA-13440: GeoRaster metadata compression type error
Cause: The specified compression type was not supported.
Action: Check the documentation for supported compression types.

ORA-13441: GeoRaster metadata SRS error: string
Cause: The specified error relates to the polynomialModel element in the Spatial Reference System (SRS) metadata.
Action: Check the documentation and make sure that a valid polynomial model is specified.

ORA-13442: GeoRaster object not registered: string
Cause: There was no sysdata entry for the specified GeoRaster object.
Action: Make sure that a sysdata entry has been inserted for the specified GeoRaster object.

ORA-13443: null or invalid values in string
Cause: There were null or invalid component values in the specified metadata.
Action: Check the documentation and make sure that all the component values are valid.

ORA-13444: cannot perform mergeLayers operation
Cause: The two GeoRaster objects whose layers are to be combined together either had different row or column dimension sizes, or their georeferencing information did not match.
Action: Make sure the objects have the same row and column dimension sizes. If neither is georeferenced, their ULTCoordinate values must be the same. Otherwise, they must be both georeferenced and cover the same area in the model space.

ORA-13445: NULL or invalid NODATA value or value range
Cause: There was invalid NODATA value or value range in the metadata, or the specified NODATA value or value range was invalid.
Action: Make sure the NODATA value or value range is not NULL and is completely contained in the range as designated by the cellDepth definition of the specified GeoRaster object.

ORA-13446: GeoRaster metadata TRS error
Cause: The GeoRaster Temporal Reference System was not supported.
Action: Set isReferenced to FALSE.

ORA-13447: GeoRaster metadata BRS error
Cause: The GeoRaster Band Reference System was not supported.
Action: Set isReferenced to FALSE.

ORA-13448: GeoRaster metadata BRS error
Cause: The GeoRaster spectral extent specification was incorrect.
Action: The MIN value must be less than the MAX value in the spectralExtent element.

ORA-13449: GeoRaster metadata ULTCoordinate error
Cause: The GeoRaster rasterInfo ULTCoordinate was not correct.
Action: Check the documentation for restrictions.

ORA-13450: GeoRaster metadata layerInfo error
Cause: The GeoRaster had more than one layerInfo element, or the layerDimension value was not supported.
Action: The current release only supports one layerInfo element; layer can only be defined along one dimension, and this dimension must be BAND.

ORA-13451: GeoRaster metadata scaling function error
Cause: The scaling function had a zero denominator.
Action: Make sure the scaling function denominator is not zero.

ORA-13452: GeoRaster metadata BIN function error
Cause: The bin function data did not match its type.
Action: For EXPLICIT type, provide a binTableName element; otherwise, provide a binFunctionData element.

ORA-13453: GeoRaster metadata layer error
Cause: Too many subLayers were defined for the GeoRaster object, or layerNumber or layerDimensionOrdinate was not assigned correctly.
Action: The total number of logical layers cannot exceed the total number of physical layers, and each logical layer must be assigned a valid physical layer number following the same order. Check the documentation for more details.

ORA-13454: GeoRaster metadata is invalid
Cause: The GeoRaster metadata was invalid against its XML Schema.
Action: Run the schemaValidate routine to find the errors.

ORA-13455: GeoRaster metadata TRS error
Cause: The beginDateTime value was later than the endDateTime value.
Action: Make sure that the beginDateTime value is not later than the endDateTime value.

ORA-13456: GeoRaster cell data error: string
Cause: There was an error in the original GeoRaster cell data or in the cell data of the pyramids.
Action: If the error is related to the original GeoRaster cell data, the GeoRaster object is invalid and has to be deleted or manually repaired. If the error is related to pyramids, delete the pyramids and regenerate them.

ORA-13457: bitmap mask cell data error: string
Cause: There was an error in the cell data of an original bitmap mask or in the cell data of the pyramids of a bitmap mask.
Action: If the error is related to an original bitmap mask, remove the bitmap mask. If the error is related to the pyramids of a bitmap mask, delete the pyramids and regenerate them.

ORA-13458: GeoRaster metadata SRS error
Cause: The polynomial model did not match the requirements of a rectified GeoRaster object.
Action: Check the documentation for the requirements of the polynomial model for a rectified GeoRaster object, or set isRectified to be false.

ORA-13459: GeoRaster metadata SRS error
Cause: The polynomial model was not an six-parameter transformation, or the six-parameter transformation was not valid.
Action: Check the documentation and make sure the polynomial model is a valid six-parameter affine transformation.

ORA-13460: GeoRaster metadata SRS error
Cause: The referenced GeoRaster object had a zero model space SRID or the specified model space SRID was zero.
Action: Set or specify the model space SRID to be a nonzero number.

ORA-13461: the interleaving type is not supported
Cause: The interleaving type of the GeoRaster object was not supported.
Action: Check the documentation for the interleaving types supported by GeoRaster. Use SDO_GEOR.changeFormatCopy to transform the image to a supported interleaving type.

ORA-13462: invalid blocking specification
Cause: The specified blocking configuration was invalid.
Action: Check the documentation for the blocking specification supported by GeoRaster.

ORA-13463: error retrieving GeoRaster data: string
Cause: An internal error occurred while retrieving GeoRaster data from the database.
Action: Check the error message for details.

ORA-13464: error loading GeoRaster data: string
Cause: An internal error occurred while loading GeoRaster data into the database.
Action: Check the error message for details.

ORA-13465: null or invalid table or column specification
Cause: The specified table or column did not exist, or the column was not a GeoRaster column.
Action: Make sure the specified table exists and the specified column is a GeoRaster column.

ORA-13466: format not appropriate for specified compression method: string
Cause: The operation failed because the GeoRaster object had an inappropriate type or format for the specified compression method. The GeoRaster type or format is not supported for the specified compression.
Action: Check the error message for details. Check the documentation for the appropriate GeoRaster types and formats for each compression method. Use SDO_GEOR.changeFormatCopy to transform the GeoRaster object to an appropriate format, or apply another compression method.

ORA-13467: unsupported GeoRaster metadata specification: string
Cause: The GeoRaster metadata specification is not supported.
Action: Check the documentation for the supported GeoRaster metadata specifications.

ORA-13468: invalid blockMBR
Cause: Invalid blockMBR geometries were stored in the raster data table.
Action: Make sure the blockMBR geometries stored in the raster data table are valid, or call SDO_GEOR.generateBlockMBR() to regenerate the blockMBR geometries.

ORA-13469: cannot perform updateRaster operation
Cause: The data of the source GeoRaster object could not be used to update that of the target GeoRaster object.
Action: Make sure the source and the target GeoRaster objects have the same cell depth, and that both objects are either georeferenced or not georeferenced at all. If both are georeferenced, they should be in the same coordinate system and have the same spatial resolutions.

ORA-13470: target and source layers or bands mismatched
Cause: The number of specified target layers or bands and source layers or bands did not match.
Action: When updating layers or bands of a target GeoRaster object to reflect the associated layers or bands of the source GeoRaster object, specify the same number of layers or bands for both the source and the target objects. Check the documentation for details.

ORA-13471: unable to determine the owner of string
Cause: The owner of the specified raster data table could not be determined.
Action: Make sure the GeoRaster object that refers to the raster data table has been registered by inserting the object into a GeoRaster table.

ORA-13472: invalid geometry parameter
Cause: The geometry parameter did not specify a valid geometry.
Action: Specify a valid 2D or 3D geometry. If the model SRID is null or indicates a 2D coordinate system, the geometry must be 2D. If the model SRID indicates a 3D coordinate system, the geometry must either be a 3D geometry or a 2D geometry that can be converted to 3D with the specified vertical axis (or vertical SRID) and ellipsoidal parameters.

ORA-13473: invalid rasterSpec parameter
Cause: The rasterSpec parameter contained an invalid specification.
Action: Check the documentation and make sure the rasterSpec parameter contains only valid keywords and values.

ORA-13474: invalid rasterDataTable name: string
Cause: The rasterDataTable name was not a valid nonquoted identifier, it contained a period separator, or not all of the alphanumeric characters were uppercase.
Action: Ensure that the table name is a valid nonquoted identifier without any period separators, and that all the alphanumeric characters are uppercase.

ORA-13475: invalid GeoRaster object for output
Cause: The output GeoRaster object had the same RASTER_DATA_TABLE and RASTER_ID combination as that of an input GeoRaster object.
Action: Ensure that the output GeoRaster object is different from any of the input GeoRaster objects.

ORA-13476: invalid or out of scope point specification
Cause: The point position specified by the point geometry parameter or the rowNumber/colNumber parameter combination was null or out of scope.
Action: Ensure that the parameters specify a valid point that translates or can be translated into a cell position inside the cell space of the GeoRaster object.

ORA-13480: the Source Type is not supported
Cause: The specified source type was not supported.
Action: Check the documentation for the source types (such as FILE and HTTP) supported by GeoRaster.

ORA-13481: the destination type is not supported
Cause: The specified destination type was not supported.
Action: Check the documentation for the destination types (such as FILE) supported by GeoRaster.

ORA-13482: GeoRaster object is not initialized for the image
Cause: No GeoRaster object has been initialized for the specified image.
Action: Initialize a GeoRaster object to hold this image before loading it into the database. Check the documentation for details.

ORA-13483: insufficient memory for the specified GeoRaster data
Cause: There was insufficient memory to hold the specified GeoRaster data for this operation.
Action: Use SDO_GEOR.subset to isolate a subset of the GeoRaster data, or reblock the GeoRaster data into smaller sized blocks. Check the documentation for details.

ORA-13484: the file format or compression type is not supported: string
Cause: The file format or compression type was not supported.
Action: Check the documentation for formats that are currently supported by GeoRaster.

ORA-13485: error occurred during compression or decompression: string
Cause: The operation could not be completed because an error occurred during compression or decompression. Check the error message for details.
Action: Check that the GeoRaster object is valid, that its metadata is valid for the specified compression format, and that valid parameters are passed into the compression or decompression operation.

ORA-13486: invalid or insufficient GeoTIFF metadata to georeference the GeoRaster object: string
Cause: The GeoTIFF metadata of the specified input image contained invalid or insufficient information to georeference the GeoRaster object.
Action: Check the error message for details.

ORA-13487: SRID not found for source coordinate system metadata
Cause: No SRID was found in the Oracle Spatial CS_SRS table to match the source coordinate system metadata.
Action: Add a user-defined coordinate reference system for this coordinate system, as explained in the Oracle Spatial documentation.

ORA-13497: string
Cause: This is an internal GeoRaster error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. You may want to make sure the GeoRaster object is valid before you do so.

ORA-13498: string
Cause: An error related to an external plugin was encountered in the GeoRaster component.
Action: Check the documentation for the external plugin, or contact the plugin provider and supply the exact error text.

ORA-13499: string
Cause: This is an internal Spatial error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13500: SYSAUX DATAFILE clause specified more than once
Cause: The CREATE DATABASE command contains more than one SYSAUX DATAFILE clause.
Action: Specify at most one SYSAUX DATAFILE clause.

ORA-13501: Cannot drop SYSAUX tablespace
Cause: Tried to drop SYSAUX tablespace
Action: None

ORA-13502: Cannot rename SYSAUX tablespace
Cause: An attempt to rename the SYSAUX tablespace failed.
Action: No action required.

ORA-13503: Creating SYSAUX tablespace with invalid attributes
Cause: An attempt to create the SYSAUX tablespace with invalid attributes.

ORA-13504: No SYSAUX datafile clause specified
Cause: If Create Database has the datafile clause, then SYSAUX datafile clause has to be specified, unless using OMF.
Action: Specify the SYSAUX datafile clause.

ORA-13505: SYSAUX tablespace can not be made read only
Cause: Attempting to set the SYSAUX tablespace to read only. The SYSAUX tablespace must remain read write for database operation.
Action: Leave SYSAUX tablespace read write.

ORA-13506: operation failed due to invalid snapshot range (stringstring)
Cause: An attempt was made to perform operation with an invalid Start/End Snapshot Pair.
Action: Choose a valid Start/End Snapshot Pair.

ORA-13509: error encountered during updates to a AWR table
Cause: An update error occurred during OCI operation due to an underlying error.
Action: Check associated OCI error. Correct problem and retry the operation.

ORA-13510: invalid RETENTION string, must be in the range (stringstring)
Cause: The user has specified a RETENTION setting that is not in the supported range of (MIN, MAX).
Action: Choose a valid RETENTION setting and retry the operation.

ORA-13511: invalid INTERVAL string, must be in the range (stringstring)
Cause: The user has specified a INTERVAL setting that is not in the supported range of (MIN, MAX).
Action: Choose a valid INTERVAL setting and retry the operation.

ORA-13514: Metric Capture too close to last capture, group string
Cause: The metric capture cannot be executed because it is too close to the last capture (within 1 centi-second).
Action: add some delay and reissue command to retry.

ORA-13515: Error encountered during Database Usage Statistics capture
Cause: Error occurred during OCI operation due to underlying error.
Action: Check associated OCI error. Correct problem and retry the operation.

ORA-13516: AWR Operation failed: string
Cause: The operation failed because AWR is not available. The possible causes are: AWR schema not yet created; AWR not enabled; AWR schema not initialized; or database not open or is running in READONLY or STANDBY mode.
Action: check the above conditions and retry the operation.

ORA-13517: Baseline (id = string) does not exist
Cause: The operation failed because the specified baseline ID does not exist in the Workload Repository.
Action: check the baseline id and retry the operation.

ORA-13518: Invalid database id (string)
Cause: The operation failed because the specified database ID does not exist in the Workload Repository.
Action: check the database id and retry the operation.

ORA-13519: Database id (string) exists in the workload repository
Cause: The operation failed because the specified database ID already exists in the Workload Repository.
Action: check the database id and retry the operation.

ORA-13520: Database id (string) not registered, Status = string
Cause: The operation failed because the specified database ID was not registered in the Workload Repository properly.
Action: check the status of database id and retry the operation.

ORA-13521: Unregister operation on local Database id (string) not allowed
Cause: The operation failed because the local database ID cannot be unregistered from the Workload Repository.
Action: check the database id and retry the operation.

ORA-13523: unable to allocate required space for return type
Cause: Out of memory to allocate the space for the return variable for an external procedure.
Action: Try operation again.

ORA-13524: error encountered while retrieving baseline information
Cause: A read error occurred during the OCI operation to retrieve the baseline information
Action: Check associated error. Correct problem and retry the operation.

ORA-13525: error with computing space usage for sysaux occupant
Cause: Error occurred during OCI operation due to underlying error.
Action: Check associated OCI error. Correct problem and retry the operation.

ORA-13526: baseline (string) does not exist
Cause: The operation failed because the specified baseline name does not exist in the Workload Repository.
Action: check the baseline name and retry the operation.

ORA-13527: invalid baseline name
Cause: The operation failed because the specified baseline name is invalid.
Action: check the baseline name and retry the operation.

ORA-13528: name (string) is already used by an existing baseline
Cause: The operation failed because the specified baseline name already exists in the Workload Repository.
Action: check the baseline name and retry the operation.

ORA-13529: Error occurred when flushing AWR table group
Cause: An error occurred during the flushing of a table group. Because of the error in the group, we are unable to flush this table.
Action: Check the error associated with the table group.

ORA-13530: invalid TOPNSQL string, must be in the range (stringstring)
Cause: The user has specified a TOPNSQL setting that is not in the supported range of (MIN, MAX).
Action: Choose a valid TOPNSQL setting and retry the operation.

ORA-13531: SQL Text was purged from AWR before the operation completed
Cause: A SQL was purged from AWR before the operation completed.
Action: Retry the operation.

ORA-13532: SQL ID [string] already exists
Cause: The operation failed because the specified SQL ID already existed in the repository.
Action: Check the SQL ID and retry the operation.

ORA-13533: invalid SQL ID
Cause: The operation failed because the specified SQL ID was invalid.
Action: Check the SQL ID and retry the operation.

ORA-13534: Current SQL count(string) reached maximum allowed (string)
Cause: The operation failed because the maximum allowed colored SQL was exceeded.
Action: Check the count for colored SQL.

ORA-13535: name (string) is already used by an existing baseline template
Cause: The operation failed because the specified baseline template name already existed in the Workload Repository.
Action: Check the baseline template name and retry the operation.

ORA-13536: baseline template (string) does not exist
Cause: The operation failed because the specified baseline template name did not exist in the Workload Repository.
Action: Check the baseline template name and retry the operation.

ORA-13537: invalid input for create baseline template (stringstring)
Cause: Invalid input was specified for the create baseline template routine.
Action: Check the argument displayed in the error message text.

ORA-13538: invalid value for baseline expiration (string)
Cause: An invalid value was specified for the expiration of a baseline. The expiration is specified in number of days, and the expiration must be at least one day.
Action: Check the value for expiration.

ORA-13539: invalid input for modify baseline window size (stringstring)
Cause: Invalid input was specified for the modify baseline window size routine.
Action: Check the argument displayed in the error message text.

ORA-13540: operation not allowed on system moving window baseline (string)
Cause: The requested operation was not allowed on the system moving window baseline.
Action: Retry the operation with another baseline name.

ORA-13541: system moving window baseline size (string) greater than retention (string)
Cause: The system moving window baseline size must be less than the retention setting. The specified window size or retention violate this.
Action: Check the moving window baseline size or retention.

ORA-13542: baseline ID (string) does not exist
Cause: The operation failed because the specified baseline ID did not exist in the Workload Repository.
Action: Check the baseline ID and retry the operation.

ORA-13543: error encountered while retrieving baseline template information
Cause: A read error occurred during the OCI operation to retrieve the baseline template information.
Action: Check associated error. Correct problem and retry the operation.

ORA-13544: error encountered while automatically generating a baseline
Cause: An error occurred while automatically generating a baseline based on the template information.
Action: Look in the trace file for more error information.

ORA-13545: invalid baseline template name
Cause: The operation failed because the specified baseline template name was an invalid identifier.
Action: Check the baseline template name and retry the operation.

ORA-13546: Error encountered during maintenance of Adaptive Thresholds
Cause: Error occurred during OCI operation due to underlying error.
Action: Check associated OCI error. Correct problem and retry the operation.

ORA-13547: Unable to drop baseline since it is in use by string
Cause: The system is not able to drop the baseline since the baseline is in use by a functionality that depends on its existence.
Action: Note the name of the functionality using the baseline, and check if the functionality still needs the baseline.

ORA-13548: Unable to find valid snapshot IDs for the inputted baseline time range
Cause: The system is not able to find valid snapshot IDs for the inputted time range while attempting to create a baseline.
Action: Check that the inputted time range has at least two valid snapshots. The dba_hist_snapshot displays the snapshot id and time information.

ORA-13549: invalid input for create baseline with time range (string)
Cause: Invalid time input was specified for the create baseline routine.
Action: Check the argument displayed in the error message text.

ORA-13600: error encountered in Advisor string
Cause: An error occurred in the Advisor. This message will be followed by a second message giving more details about the nature of the error.
Action: See the Advisor documentation for an explanation of the second error message.

ORA-13601: The specified Advisor string does not exist.
Cause: The user specified an advisor name that has not be defined in the advisor repository.
Action: Correct the advisor name and retry the operation.

ORA-13602: The specified parameter string is not valid for task or object string.
Cause: The user attempted to access a task parameter that does not exist for the specified advisor object. The parameter may be misspelled or the user has selected a parameter that is not supported by the particular advisor.
Action: Validate the parameter name and retry the operation.

ORA-13603: The specified parameter string cannot be fetched as a numeric value for task or object string.
Cause: The user attempted to retrieve a string parameter as a numeric value.
Action: Check the datatype for the task parameter and retry the operation.

ORA-13604: The specified parameter string cannot be fetched as a SQL table.
Cause: The user attempted to retrieve a non-table parameter as a table name.
Action: Check the datatype for the task parameter and retry the operation.

ORA-13605: The specified task or object string does not exist for the current user.
Cause: The user attempted to reference an advisor task or object using a name that does not exist in the Advisor repository.
Action: Adjust the name and retry the operation.

ORA-13606: the specified task parameter element string is out of range for parameter string.
Cause: The user attempted to reference an invalid parameter element.
Action: Adjust the element offset and retry the operation.

ORA-13607: The specified task or object string already exists
Cause: The user attempted to create the specified task or object using a name that already exists in the Advisor repository. Task names must be unique to the database user.
Action: Adjust the name and retry the operation.

ORA-13608: The specified name string is invalid.
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a name for a task, object, execution or directive instance, which contained invalid characters or an invalid wildcard specifier.
Action: Adjust the name and retry the operation.

ORA-13609: The specified task string must be executing to be cancelled or interrupted.
Cause: The user attempted to cancel or interrupt a task that is not currently executing.
Action: Check the status of the task and retry the operation.

ORA-13610: The directive string does not exist for task string.
Cause: The user attempted to access a task directive that does not exist.
Action: Validate the directive and retry the operation.

ORA-13611: The command string is not a valid advisor command.
Cause: The user attempted to specify a command that does not exist.
Action: Validate the command and retry the operation.

ORA-13612: The recommendation action string,string is not valid for task string.
Cause: The user attempted to access a recommendation action that does not exist in the task.
Action: Validate the recommendation-action and retry the operation.

ORA-13613: The requested operation is not supported for this advisor object.
Cause: The user attempted to perform an operation that is not supported for the particular advisor or task type.
Action: Validate the task or object and retry the operation.

ORA-13614: The template string is not compatible with the current advisor.
Cause: The user attempted to create a new task or object using an existing task or object that was not created by the same advisor.
Action: Validate the template and retry the operation.

ORA-13615: The task or object string is greater than the maximum allowable length of 30 characters.
Cause: The user attempted to create a new task or object using a name that is too long.
Action: Shorten the name and retry the operation.

ORA-13616: The current user string has not been granted the ADVISOR privilege.
Cause: The user attempted an advisor operation that requires privilege.
Action: Adjust the user's privileges and retry the operation.

ORA-13617: The specified task string already executing
Cause: The user attempted to execute a task that is currently executing.
Action: Wait for the task to finish before attempting any further task activities.

ORA-13618: The specified value is not a valid value for procedure argument string.
Cause: The user executed a procedure but failed to provide correct values for the argument.
Action: Correct the procedure arguments and retry the operation.

ORA-13619: The procedure argument string is greater than the maximum allowable length of string characters.
Cause: The user attempted to pass a character argument that is too long.
Action: Shorten the specified character argument and retry the operation.

ORA-13620: The task or object string is read-only and cannot be deleted or modified.
Cause: The user attempted to perform an operation that will update or delete a read-only task or object.
Action: Adjust the READ_ONLY property for the object and retry the operation.

ORA-13621: The task_or object string is marked as a template and cannot perform the requested operation.
Cause: The user attempted perform an unsupported operation on a task or object that is identified as a template.
Action: Choose a different object and retry the operation.

ORA-13622: invalid recommendation annotation
Cause: The user attempted to mark a recommendation using an invalid annotation. Valid annotation actions are ACCEPT, REJECT and IGNORE.
Action: Correct the action and retry the operation.

ORA-13623: The recommendation string is not valid for task string.
Cause: The user attempted to access a recommendation that does not exist in the task.
Action: Validate the recommendation and retry the operation.

ORA-13624: The task string is executing and cannot be deleted or modified.
Cause: The user attempted to access a task that currently executing.
Action: Wait for the task to complete and retry the operation.

ORA-13625: string is an invalid advisor object type.
Cause: The user has specified an invlaid object type.
Action: Refre to dba_advisor_object_types for all valid object types

ORA-13626: The specified object string is not valid for task string.
Cause: The user specified an non-existent object for the task
Action: Choose a different object and retry the operation.

ORA-13627: Setting of parameter string is disallowed until the task is reset.
Cause: The user attempted to set the value of a parameter before the task was reset. This parameter cannot be changed until the task is reset.
Action: Reset the task and retry the operation.

ORA-13628: Insufficient privileges to access the task belonging to the specified user
Cause: The user could not access dba_* views.
Action: Retry operation as owner of the task or after granting new privileges.

ORA-13629: The task or object string is being used by another operation.
Cause: The user attempted to access a task or object that is locked by another session.
Action: Wait for the task or object activity to complete and retry the operation.

ORA-13630: The task string contains execution results and cannot be executed.
Cause: The user attempted to execute a task that already contains execution results.
Action: Reset the task to its initial state and retry the operation.

ORA-13631: The most recent execution of task string contains no results.
Cause: The user attempted to create a report or script from a task that has not successfully completed an execution.
Action: Execute the task and then retry the operation

ORA-13632: The user cancelled the current operation.
Cause: The user signaled a cancel during a task or object operation.
Action: None

ORA-13633: The task string was interrupted and needs to be resumed.
Cause: The user attempted to execute a task that was interrupted.
Action: Resume the execution of the task via the RESUME_TASK API.

ORA-13634: The task string needs to be reset before being re-executed.
Cause: The task must be in an inital state to be executed.
Action: Reset the task to its initial state and retry the operation.

ORA-13635: The value provided for parameter string cannot be converted to a number.
Cause: A numeric parameter was incorrectly supplied in string form.
Action: Retry by supplying valid numeric value.

ORA-13636: The specified value provided for parameter string is not valid for this advisor.
Cause: The user supplied an invalid parameter value.
Action: Retry by supplying valid value.

ORA-13637: Executing or modifying task string is disallowed until the task is reset to its initial state.
Cause: The user attempted to execute or modify the task that is in not in its INITIAL state.
Action: Reset the task and retry the operation.

ORA-13638: The user interrupted the current operation.
Cause: The user signaled an interrupt during a task or object operation.
Action: None

ORA-13639: The current operation was interrupted because it timed out.
Cause: The task or object operation timed out.
Action: None

ORA-13640: The current operation was cancelled because it timed out, and was not in interruptible mode.
Cause: The task or object operation timed out.
Action: None

ORA-13641: Task cannot be interrupted yet. You may cancel it instead.
Cause: The user attempted to interrupt a task that has not reached interruptible mode.
Action: Wait until the task reaches interruptible mode, or cancel the task execution.

ORA-13642: The specified string string provided for string cannot be converted to a date. The acceptable date format is string.
Cause: The user supplied a date value in an incorrect format.
Action: Retry by supplying valid value.

ORA-13643: The task can not be interrupted or cancelled.
Cause: Request to interrupt or cancel task execution can not be granted because the task has not reached the appropriate mode.
Action: User should wait for a few seconds and try again.

ORA-13644: The user "string" is invalid.
Cause: Invalid user name specified to advisor framework
Action: User should specify a correct, case-sensitive, name

ORA-13645: The specified execution string does not exist for this task.
Cause: You attempted to reference an advisor task execution using a name that did not exist.
Action: Adjust the name and retry the operation.

ORA-13646: The specified execution string already exists
Cause: You attempted to perform a new execution using a name that already exists for the specified task. Execution names must be unique within the same task.
Action: Adjust the name and retry the operation.

ORA-13647: Setting of parameter string is disallowed during task execution.
Cause: You attempted to set the value of a parameter while the task was being executed. This parameter cannot be changed until the task finishes its execution.
Action: Verify the status of the task and retry the operation.

ORA-13648: The specified execution type does not exist for this advisor.
Cause: You attempted to use an advisor task execution type using a name that did not exist.
Action: Adjust the name and retry the operation.

ORA-13649: The type of execution is not specified for this advisor or task.
Cause: You attempted to execute a task for a multi-execution task advisor without specifying the type of execution to perform.
Action: Set the execution type and retry the operation.

ORA-13650: The specified object does not exist for this execution.
Cause: You attempted to associate an object to a task execution that id not contain the object.
Action: Adjust the execution name and object ID, and then retry the operation.

ORA-13651: The specified list of execution parameters is invalid.
Cause: The list did not include pairs of (parameter_name, parameter_value) where every parameter is a valide task parameter. Duplicates are not allowed.
Action: Adjust the content of the list, and then retry the operation.

ORA-13652: Cannot set execution parameters for this advisor
Cause: You attempted to set execution parameters for an advisor that did not support multiple executions of its tasks.
Action: Adjust the property of the advisor, and then retry the operation.

ORA-13653: The directive with definition id string was not found.
Cause: An invalid directive identifier was specified to advisor framework.
Action: User should specify a correct identifier number and retry the operation.

ORA-13654: The directive with instance id of string was not found.
Cause: An invalid instance identifier was specified to advisor framework.
Action: User should specify a correct instance identifier number and retry the operation.

ORA-13655: The directive document contains a syntax error and cannot be loaded.
Cause: An attempt was made to load an XML-based directive that does not conform to the documented DTD.
Action: Reformat the directive according the documented DTD.

ORA-13656: The parameter was not found in directive string.
Cause: The specified parameter name could not be located within the directive XML document.
Action: Verify the existence of the parameter in the specified directive.

ORA-13657: The filter Xpath specification has invalid syntax.
Cause: The specified filter could not be compiled within the directive XML document.
Action: Verify the syntax of the filter and retry the operation.

ORA-13658: The specified directive already has an instance
Cause: An attempt was made to create multiple instances of a directive when not permitted
Action: Verify the parent directive identifier and the instance name.

ORA-13659: A directive with domain "string" and name "string" already exists for advisor string.
Cause: The specified directive is not unique among the directives.
Action: Choose a directive name and domain that is distinct for the associated advisor.

ORA-13660: A directive instance with the name "string" already exists.
Cause: The specified directive instance is not unique among instances for this directive.
Action: Choose an instance name that is distinct for the associated directive.

ORA-13661: A directive instance with the name "string" was not found.
Cause: An attempt was made to update or delete a non-existent directive instance.
Action: Verify the parent directive identifier and the instance name.

ORA-13662: The specified value provided for parameter string is not valid for this task.
Cause: The supplied parameter value was not valid for the current task configuration.
Action: Retry by supplying valid value. Check the current task configuration.

ORA-13663: The task string contains no results for execution string.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a report or script from an execution that had not been successfully completed.
Action: Run a new execution and then retry the operation.

ORA-13664: A task-managed "SQL Tuning Set" already exists for task "string".
Cause: An attempt was made to create a task-managed SQL Tuning Set for a task that already had one.
Action: Create a new task to use a different SQL Tuning Set.

ORA-13665: Execution names are not correctly ordered.
Cause: The supplied execution names were not properly ordered by execution start date.
Action: Retry by supplying a valid order.

ORA-13666: Task ID string does not exist.
Cause: The supplied task ID was invalid.
Action: Check the task ID and try again.

ORA-13667: Execution ID string does not exist.
Cause: The supplied execution ID was invalid.
Action: Check the execution ID and try again.

ORA-13668: The current operation was aborted because it was blocking another session.
Cause: The task or object operation interrupted itself when it detected that it was blocking some other session.
Action: Retry the operation when the conflicting operations are not running.

ORA-13699: Advisor feature is not currently implemented.
Cause: An attempt was made to execute an unsupported advisor operation.
Action: Verify the availability of the operation.

ORA-13701: Snapshot pair [stringstring] seems to be specified in reverse order.
Cause: The start snapshot id was greater than the end snapshot id.
Action: Swap the start and end snapshot ids.

ORA-13702: Snapshot IDs specified by the range [stringstring] are equal.
Cause: The start snapshot id and end snapshot id were identical.
Action: Provide different start and end snapshot ids.

ORA-13703: The snapshot pair [stringstring] for database_id string and instance_id string are not found in the current repository.
Cause: The snapshot ids or the database id or the instance id was invalid or the specified snapshots have already been purged.
Action: Set valid snapshot ids and retry.

ORA-13704: Invalid value "string" specified for parameter "string".
Cause: The parameter was not set before executing the ADDM.
Action: Set the parameter to a valid value and retry.

ORA-13705: There was a instance shutdown/startup between the snapshots in the range [stringstring].
Cause: Instance was shut down and restarted between the two specified snapshots.
Action: Specify start and end snapshot ids that does not have a shutdown/startup in between them.

ORA-13706: Invalid value "string" specified for parameter "string" in "string" analysis mode.
Cause: The parameter was not set to an acceptable value for this particular mode of analysis.
Action: Set the parameter to a valid value and retry.

ORA-13707: Either the start snapshot string or the end snapshot string is incomplete or missing key statistics.
Cause: Either the start or the end snaphots was missing or purged or had encountered errors while creating them.
Action: Verify that AWR is done taking these two snapshots, or Look in DBA_HIST_SNAP_ERROR to find what tables are missing in the start/end snapshots. Use the ERROR_NUMBER column in that view together with the alert log to identify the reason for failure and take necessary action to prevent such failures in the future. Try running ADDM on a different snapshot range that has valid start and end snapshots.

ORA-13708: Some snapshots in the range [stringstring] were purged before the analysis was complete.
Cause: One or both of the snapshots have been purged from AWR.
Action: Verify that the AWR auto purging is not trying to purge these snapshots and re-run ADDM.

ORA-13709: Required parameter "string" must be set before execution.
Cause: The parameter needs to be set before running the ADDM
Action: Set the parameter to a valid value and retry.

ORA-13710: Parameter "string" must have a higher value than parameter "string". The values supplied were "string" and "string" respectively.
Cause: Invalid interaction between two parameter values.
Action: Set at least one of the values so the value of the first parameter is higher than the value of the second parameter.

ORA-13711: Some snapshots in the range [stringstring] are missing key statistics.
Cause: Some AWR tables encountered errors while creating one or more snapshots in the given range. The data present in one or more of these missing tables is necessary to perform an ADDM analysis.
Action: Look in DBA_HIST_SNAP_ERROR to find what tables are missing in the given snapshot range. Use the ERROR_NUMBER column in that view together with the alert log to identify the reason for failure and take necessary action to prevent such failures in the future. Try running ADDM on a different snapshot range that does not include any incomplete snapshots.

ORA-13712: Cannot perform ADDM analysis on AWR snapshots from previous releases. Snapshot version "string" do not match the database version "string".
Cause: ADDM analysis can only be performed on AWR snapshots taken in the current release.
Action: One can still generate AWR and ASH reports using ?/rdbms/admin/awrrpt and ?/rdbms/admin/ashrpt on these snapshots to analyze the data in them.

ORA-13713: Finding name "string" does not exist. Look in DBA_ADVISOR_FINDING_NAMES for all valid values
Cause: Attempt to refer to an advisor's finding name that does not exist.
Action: Specify a valid value. The list of all valid values is in DBA_ADVISOR_FINDING_NAMES

ORA-13714: "string" is not a valid SQL_ID value
Cause: The specified value of SQL_ID was not properly formatted.
Action: Specify a valid value consisting of a 13 character string with characters from '0' to '9' and from 'a' to 'z'.

ORA-13715: "string" is not recognized by ADDM as a parameter name
Cause: The specified value for a system parameter was not recognized by ADDM.
Action: Specify a value that appears in the NAME column of V$PARAMETER.

ORA-13716: Diagnostic Package License is needed for using this feature.
Cause: The specified value for system parameter CONTROL_MANAGEMENT_PACK_ACCESS indicated that the Diagnostic Package was disabled.
Action: Modify the parameter value if the Diagnostic Package License was purchased.

ORA-13717: Tuning Package License is needed for using this feature.
Cause: The specified value for system parameter CONTROL_MANAGEMENT_PACK_ACCESS indicated that the Tuning Package was disabled.
Action: Modify the parameter value if the Tuning Package License was purchased.

ORA-13718: Tuning Package License or Real Application Testing Option is needed for using this feature.
Cause: The specified package license and option were not installed.
Action: Consider purchasing and installing either the missing package licence or option. If the tuning package license was purchased, then check the value of system parameter CONTROL_MANAGEMENT_PACK_ACCESS.

ORA-13750: User "string" has not been granted the "ADMINISTER SQL TUNING SET" privilege.
Cause: The user attempted an SQL Tuning Set operation that requires a specific privilege.
Action: Adjust the user's privileges and retry the operation.

ORA-13751: "SQL Tuning Set" "string" does not exist for owner "string" or user "string" does not have permission to access the "SQL Tuning Set".
Cause: The user attempted to access a SQL Tuning Set that does not exist or the user does have permission to access the SQL Tuning Set
Action: Check the existence of the "SQL Tuning Set" or adjust the user's privileges and retry the operation.

ORA-13752: User "string" must be SYS or must have the "ADMINISTER ANY SQL TUNING SET" privilege.
Cause: The attempted to create a SQL Tuning Set in another schema without having the right privilege.
Action: Connect as SYS or adjust the user's privilege and retry the operation.

ORA-13753: "SQL Tuning Set" "string" already exists for user "string".
Cause: The user attempted to create a "\SQL Tuning"\ Set using a name that already exists for that owner.
Action: Change the name of the SQL Tuning Set and retry the operation.

ORA-13754: "SQL Tuning Set" "string" does not exist for user "string".
Cause: The user attempted to access a SQL Tuning Set that does not exist.
Action: Check the speelling of the SQL Tuning Set name and retry the operation.

ORA-13755: invalid "SQL Tuning Set" name
Cause: The user attempted to specify a SQL Tuning Set name that is invalid. A name must not contain wildcards and its length must be less than 30 characters.
Action: Adjust the name and retry the operation.

ORA-13756: Cannot update attribute "string".
Cause: The user attempted to update an attribute element that cannot be modified. The only string attributes that can be updated are MODULE, ACTION, PARSING_SCHEMA_NAME, PRIORITY, and OTHER.
Action: Adjust the attribute name and retry the operation.

ORA-13757: "SQL Tuning Set" "string" owned by user "string" is active.
Cause: The user attempted to update an active SQL Tuning Set.
Action: Remove all reference to the SQL Tuning Set and retry the operation.

ORA-13758: "SQL Tuning Set" "string" owned by user "string" is in use.
Cause: The user attempted to modify a SQL Tuning Set or to add a reference to a SQL Tuning Set which is in use.
Action: Wait until the end of the previous operation and retry.

ORA-13759: User "string" cannot remove reference "string".
Cause: The user attempted to remove a SQL Tuning Set reference that does not exist. The user might not own the reference.
Action: Check the reference ID and the reference owner and retry the operation.

ORA-13761: invalid filter
Cause: The user attempted to select data from a data source using an invalid filter. A filter is a WHERE clause on data source content.
Action: Correct the filter and retry the operation.

ORA-13762: The string ranking measure is invalid.
Cause: The user attempted to select data from a data source using an invlaid ranking measure. A ranking measure must represent a valid numerical expression.
Action: Correct the ranking measure and retry the operation.

ORA-13763: illegal ranking attribute "string"
Cause: The user attempted to use an attribute element that is not allowed in a ranking meseare.
Action: Check the attribute in the ranking meseare and retry the operation.

ORA-13764: Value "string" is illegal as a result percentage.
Cause: The user attempted to select data from a SQL Tuning Set using an invalid result percentage. The result percentage must be between 0 and 1.
Action: Correct the result percentage value and retry the operation.

ORA-13765: Value "string" is illegal for a result limit.
Cause: The user attempted to select data from a SQL Tuning Set using an invalid result limit. A result limit must be a positive interger.
Action: Correct the result limit value and retry the operation.

ORA-13766: A ranking measure is required.
Cause: The user attempted to select data from a SQL Tuning Set using a percentage argument without specifying a ranking measure.
Action: Add a ranking measure or remove the percentage argument and retry the operation.

ORA-13767: End snapshot ID must be greater than begin snapshot ID.
Cause: The user attempted to select data from the workload repository using an invalid snaphot ID range.
Action: Adjust the snapshot ID range and retry the operation.

ORA-13768: Snapshot ID must be between string and string.
Cause: The user attempted to select data from the workload repository using a snaphot ID which does not exist.
Action: Adjust the snapshot ID and retry the operation.

ORA-13769: Snapshots string and string do not exist.
Cause: The user attempted to select data from the workload repository using snapshots that do not exist.
Action: Check the snapshot identifiers and retry the operation.

ORA-13770: Baseline "string" does not exist.
Cause: The user attempted to access a baseline that does not exsit.
Action: Check the speelling of the baseline name and retry the operation.

ORA-13771: cannot obtain exclusive lock string on "SQL Tuning Set" "string" owned by user "string"
Cause: Unexpected error from DBMS_LOCK.REQUEST.
Action: This error should not normally occur. Check your system for anomalies and retry the operation. If this error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13772: unexpected deadlock on "SQL Tuning Set" "string" owned by user "string"
Cause: Unexpected error from DBMS_LOCK.REQUEST
Action: This error should not normally occur. Check your system for anomalies and retry the operation. If this error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13773: insufficient privileges to select data from the cursor cache
Cause: The user attempted to perform an operation without having the appropriate privileges on V$SQL and V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE.
Action: Adjust the user's privileges and retry the operation.

ORA-13774: insufficient privileges to select data from the workload repository
Cause: The user attempted to perform an operation without having the appropriate privileges on views DBA_HIST_BASELINE, DBA_HIST_SQLTEXT, DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT, DBA_HIST_SQLBIND, DBA_HIST_OPTIMIZER_ENV, and DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT.
Action: Adjust the user's privileges and retry the operation.

ORA-13775: inconsistent datatype in input cursor
Cause: The user attempted to load a SQL Tuning Set using an invalid input cursor. All rows in the cursor must match type SQLSET_ROW.
Action: Check the rows type in the cursor and retry the operation.

ORA-13776: User "string" has not been granted the "SELECT" privilege on the "SQL tuning set" DBA views.
Cause: The user attempted to read a SQL tuning set belonging to someone else without having SELECT privilege on the DBA views
Action: User should be granted the privilege or only access his own STS

ORA-13777: invalid list of attribute names
Cause: The user specified an attribute element that is not valid. The only attributes that can be selected are NULL, BASIC, TYPICAL, ALL or a comma separated list of the names including EXECUTION_STATISTICS, OBJECT_LIST, BIND_LIST and SQL_PLAN.
Action: Adjust the attribute list and retry the operation.

ORA-13778: no new name or owner specified for "SQL Tuning Set"
Cause: The user attempted to call remap_stgtab_sqlset without specifying either a new SQL tuning set name or a new SQL tuning set owner
Action: Specify at least one or the other argument as non-NULL

ORA-13779: invalid load option
Cause: The user attempted to call load_sqlset with a load option that is different than INSERT, UPDATE and MERGE.
Action: Adjust the load option and retry the operation.

ORA-13780: SQL statement does not exist.
Cause: The user attempted to tune a SQL statement that does not exist.
Action: Verify the sql_id and the plan hash value of the statement and retry the operation.

ORA-13781: cannot perform test-execute and explain plan operations on the automatic SQL tuning task
Cause: The user attempted to test-execute or generate explain plans for a SQL workload using the automatic SQL tuning task.
Action: Verify the name of the tuning task and retry the operation.

ORA-13783: invalid tuning scope
Cause: The user attempted to specify a tuning task scope that is invalid. The possible values are LIMITED or COMPREHENSIVE.
Action: Check the scope value and retry the operation.

ORA-13784: cannot accept SQL profiles for all statements in the "string"
Cause: An attempt was made to accept SQL profiles for all statements in the input workload.
Action: Provide the object identifier corresponding to a statement in the workload and retry the operation.

ORA-13785: missing target object for tuning task "string"
Cause: The user attempted to perform an operation on a task without specifying a target object or by using an invalid object identifier.
Action: Check the identifier of the object and retry the operation.

ORA-13786: missing SQL text of statement object "string" for tuning task "string"
Cause: The user attempted to accept SQL profile for an object that has not a SQL text associated to it.
Action: Check the identifier of the object and retry the operation.

ORA-13787: missing SQL profile for statement object "string" for tuning task "string"
Cause: The user attempted to accept a SQL profile for an object that has not a SQL profile associated to it.
Action: Check the identifier of the object and retry the operation.

ORA-13788: invalid recommendation type
Cause: The user passed an invalid recommendation type in the rec_type argument to script_tuning_task. Possible values are ALL or any subset of a comma-separated list of PROFILES, STATISTICS and INDEXES.
Action: Check the rec_type arg and retry the operation.

ORA-13789: invalid process action
Cause: The user passed an invalid action to process a SQL statement. Possible value is any subset of a comma-seperated list of EXECUTE and EXPLAIN_PLAN.
Action: Check the action argument and retry the operation.

ORA-13790: invalid value for time limit
Cause: The user passed an invalid value for the time limit argument.
Action: Check the argument specified value and retry the operation.

ORA-13791: cannot resume a task created to process a single statement
Cause: An attempt was made to resume a task that was created for a single SQL statement. A task can be resumed only if it is used for a SQL Tuning Set.
Action: No action required.

ORA-13793: invalid comparison metric
Cause: An invalid metric to compare SQL performance was specified.
Action: s.

ORA-13794: execution type mismatch
Cause: An attempt was made to analyze the performance of a SQL workload using two executions that were generated using two different
Action: check the name and type of task executions to analyze and retry the operation.

ORA-13795: missing task execution
Cause: An insufficient number of valid task executions to analyze the performance of a SQL workload were specified.
Action: run the task to generate two executions of the same type and retry the operation.

ORA-13796: invalid value string specified for problem type
Cause: An invalid problem type was specified to the SQL diagnosis advisor. Problem type should be one of the PROBLEM_TYPE_* defined in 'admin/dbmsdiag.sql'.
Action: Specify valid problem type.

ORA-13797: invalid SQL Id specified, string
Cause: Invalid SQL Id specified for conversion.
Action: Specify valid SQL Id.

ORA-13798: Parameter string cannot be NULL.
Cause: A call to GET_THRESHOLD procedure was made without a required parameter.
Action: Specify a valid value for this parameter.

ORA-13799: threshold not found
Cause: No threshold was found with the specified threshold key.
Action: No action required.

ORA-13800: concurrent DDL failure on SQL repository objects
Cause: A SQL repository object was the target of two concurrent DDL operations.
Action: Check the current state of the object and retry the operation that failed.

ORA-13801: invalid value for SQLTUNE_CATEGORY parameter
Cause: An invalid Oracle identifier was used as the value of the parameter.
Action: Specify the parameter conforming to the rules for Oracle identifiers.

ORA-13802: failed to purge SQL Tuning Base entry from sql$
Cause: An error occured while try to delete a SQL Tuning Base object.
Action: Look at the underlying error(s) on the error stack.

ORA-13825: missing SQL statement text for create SQL profile
Cause: No SQL text was provided to the create SQL profile operation.
Action: Retry with properly specified SQL text.

ORA-13826: empty SQL profile not allowed for create or update SQL profile
Cause: No attributes were specified to the create SQL profile operation.
Action: Retry with at least one hint specified.

ORA-13827: null or zero length attribute specified in SQL profile collection
Cause: One of the attributes within the SQL profile was not properly specified.
Action: Retry with a fully specified SQL profile.

ORA-13828: generated SQL profile name string already exists
Cause: A SQL profile already exists with the name generated by the system.
Action: Retry the operation as the generated name is time sensitive.

ORA-13829: SQL profile named string already exists
Cause: A SQL profile already exists with the name specified.
Action: Specify a different name or drop the existing SQL profile.

ORA-13830: SQL profile with category string already exists for this SQL statement
Cause: A SQL profile already exists for the given SQL statement and category.
Action: Drop or update the existing SQL profile.

ORA-13831: SQL profile name specified is invalid
Cause: An invalid SQL profile name was specified.
Action: Look for the underlying error on the error message stack.

ORA-13832: category name specified is invalid
Cause: An invalid category name swas pecified.
Action: Look for the underlying error on the error message stack.

ORA-13833: SQL profile named string doesn't exist
Cause: A SQL profile name was specified that doesn't exist.
Action: Verify the name of the SQL profile.

ORA-13834: name of SQL profile to be cloned must be provided
Cause: A SQL profile name was not provided as the from target of a clone SQL profile operation.
Action: Provide the name of the SQL profile being cloned.

ORA-13835: invalid attribute name specified
Cause: An invalid attribute name was specified for an alter SQL profile operation.
Action: Verify the name of the attribute.

ORA-13836: invalid attribute value specified
Cause: An invalid attribute value was specified for an alter SQL profile operation.
Action: Verify the attribute value.

ORA-13837: invalid HASH_VALUE
Cause: An invalid HASH_VALUE was passed to a create SQL profile operation
Action: Verify the HASH_VALUE.

ORA-13838: invalid ADDRESS value
Cause: An invalid ADDRESS value was passed to a create SQL profile operation.
Action: Verify the ADDRESS value.

ORA-13839: V$SQL row doesn't exist with given HASH_VALUE and ADDRESS.
Cause: A HASH_VALUE and ADDRESS combination passed to the create SQL profile operation doesn't coorespond to an existing V$SQL entry.
Action: Verify the HASH_VALUE and ADDRESS in V$SQL.

ORA-13840: Concurrent DDL Error in create SQL profile operation.
Cause: A concurrent DDL operation was performed during a create or replace sql profile operation.
Action: Try operation again

ORA-13841: SQL profile named string already exists for a different signature/category pair
Cause: A SQL profile already exists with the name specified under a different signature/category pair so it cannot be replaced, even with FORCE specified.
Action: Specify a different name or drop the existing SQL profile.

ORA-13842: no SELECT privilege on DBA_SQL_PROFILES
Cause: A user has tried to perform an operation that requires SELECT privileges on the DBA_SQL_PROFILES view.
Action: Either perform the operation as another user or get the privilege

ORA-13843: no SQL profile with name like "string" exists for category like "string"
Cause: A user tried to perform an operation by specifying a profile name/ category filter that did not target any profiles
Action: Try a different filter after checking the profile name/category

ORA-13844: no new SQL profile name or category specified.
Cause: A user called remap_stgtab_sqlprof without specifying new values for the sql profile name or category. At least one is required.
Action: Specify either a new profile name, or a new category, or both

ORA-13845: invalid SQL profile XML specification provided
Cause: The supplied XML specification for the SQL profile did not adhere to the proper schema.
Action: Check the syntax and try again.

ORA-13850: Tracing for client identifier string is not enabled
Cause: Attempt to disable a client identifier tracing which was never enabled
Action: Supply correct client identifier

ORA-13851: Tracing for client identifier string is already enabled
Cause: Attempt to enable a client identifier tracing which has been already enabled
Action: Supply correct client identifier, or disable and re-enable tracing with different bind/wait options

ORA-13852: Tracing for service(module/action) string is not enabled
Cause: Attempt to disable a service-level tracing which was never enabled
Action: Supply correct service(module/action) name

ORA-13853: Tracing for service (module/action) string is already enabled
Cause: Attempt to enable a service-level tracing which has been already enabled
Action: Supply correct service(module/action), or disable and re-enable tracing with different bind/wait options

ORA-13854: Tracing for service(module/action) string on instance string is not enabled
Cause: Attempt to disable a service-level tracing which was never explicitly enabled on a specific instance
Action: Supply correct service(module/action) name

ORA-13855: Tracing for service (module/action) string on instance string is already enabled
Cause: Attempt to enable a service-level tracing which has been already enabled on a specific instance
Action: Supply correct service(module/action), or disable and re-enable tracing with different bind/wait options

ORA-13856: Service name must be specified
Cause: Omitting service name while enabling/disabling tracing or aggregation
Action: Supply the service name

ORA-13857: Invalid module name
Cause: Module name is too long (exceeding 48 characters)
Action: Supply correct name

ORA-13858: Invalid action name
Cause: Action name is too long (exceeding 32 characters)
Action: Supply correct name

ORA-13859: Action cannot be specified without the module specification
Cause: Action name is specified, but the module name is not
Action: Supply the module name

ORA-13860: Invalid service name
Cause: Service name is too long (exceeding 64 characters)
Action: Supply correct name

ORA-13861: Statistics aggregation for client identifier string is already enabled
Cause: Attempt to enable a client identifier aggregation which has been already enabled
Action: Supply correct client identifier

ORA-13862: Statistics aggregation for client identifier string is not enabled
Cause: Attempt to disable a client identifier statistics aggregation which was never enabled
Action: Supply correct client identifier

ORA-13863: Statistics aggregation for service(module/action) string is not enabled
Cause: Attempt to disable a service-level statistics aggregation which was never enabled
Action: Supply correct service(module/action) name

ORA-13864: Statistics aggregation for service (module/action) string is already enabled
Cause: Attempt to enable a service-level statistics aggregation which has been already enabled
Action: Supply correct service(module/action)

ORA-13865: Module name must be specified
Cause: Attempt to enable/disable a service-level statistics aggregation without a module specification
Action: Supply module name

ORA-13866: Client identifier must be specified
Cause: Omitting client identifier while enabling/disabling tracing or aggregation
Action: Supply the client identifier

ORA-13867: Database-wide SQL tracing is already enabled
Cause: Attempt to enable a database-level tracing which has been already enabled
Action: Disable and re-enable tracing with different bind/wait options

ORA-13868: Instance-wide SQL tracing on instance string is not enabled
Cause: Attempt to disable a service-level tracing which was never explicitly enabled on a specific instance
Action: No action required

ORA-13869: Instance-wide SQL tracing on instance string is already enabled
Cause: Attempt to enable an instance-level tracing which has been already enabled on a specific instance
Action: Disable and re-enable tracing with different bind/wait options

ORA-13870: Database-wide SQL tracing is not enabled
Cause: Attempt to disable a database-level tracing which was never enabled
Action: No action required

ORA-13871: Invalid instance name
Cause: Instance name is too long (exceeding 16 characters)
Action: Supply correct name

ORA-13900: missing or invalid parameter string
Cause: A call to SET_THRESHOLD procedure was either missing a parameter, or the parameter was invalid.
Action: Specify a valid value for this parameter.

ORA-13901: Object string was not found.
Cause: An object name was passed to SET_THRESHOLD procedure that did not map to a valid object.
Action: Specify a valid object name.

ORA-13902: The specified file string is not a data file.
Cause: The object name was passed to a SET_THRESHOLD procedure that did not map to a valid data file.
Action: Specify a valid data file name.

ORA-13903: Invalid combination of string threshold value and operator.
Cause: A non-positive number was used for "Blocked User Session Count" metrics while operator contains equal.
Action: Use a positive number for the threshold value or use "greater than" operator.

ORA-13904: The file has been dropped and recreated during the procedure call.
Cause: The file on which threshold is specified was dropped and recreated during the procedure call.
Action: Retry this operation.

ORA-13905: Critical or warning threshold have incorrect values
Cause: The tablespace threshold values can be in the range 0 to 100 only.
Action: Check the threshold values

ORA-13906: The tablepace is not of the right type.
Cause: An attempt was made to set a threshold on dictionary-managed tablespaces.
Action: Check the tablespace type and reissue the command.

ORA-13907: Threshold value is invalid.
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an invalid value for critical or warning thresholds.
Action: Use non-negative integers only for threshold values.

ORA-13908: Invalid combination of metrics id and object type parameters.
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an invalid combination of metrics id // and object type parameters.
Action: Specify a valid combination of metrics id and object type parameters.

ORA-13909: Invalid combination of threshold value and operator.
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an invalid combination of threshold value and operator.
Action: Check the operator and threshold values and reissue statement.

ORA-13910: Parameter string cannot be NULL.
Cause: An attempt was made to call GET_THRESHOLD procedure without a required parameter.
Action: Specify a valid value for this parameter.

ORA-13911: Threshold not found
Cause: The threshold did not exist with the specified threshold key.
Action: No action required.

ORA-13912: Critical threshold value is less than warning threshold value.
Cause: An attempt was made to call SET_THRESHOLD procedure with the critical threshold value less than the warning threshold value.
Action: Check the threshold values and reissue the statement.

ORA-13913: The threshold cannot be set when SYSAUX is offline.
Cause: SET_THRESHOLD procedure was called when SYSAUX tablespace was offline.
Action: Call SET_THRESHOLD procedure when SYSAUX is online.

ORA-13914: Threshold notification failed.
Cause: An error occurred when sending notification for this threshold.
Action: Make sure you have enough space on SYSAUX tablespace and retry this operation.

ORA-13915: Critical byte based free space threshold value is greater than warning threshold value.
Cause: An attempt was made to call SET_THRESHOLD procedure with the bytes based critical threshold value greater than the warning threshold value.
Action: Check the threshold values and reissue the statement.

ORA-13916: Invalid value "string" specified for parameter "string"
Cause: An invalid value was specified for the the given parameter.
Action: Correct the value being specified for the parameter.

ORA-13917: Posting system alert with reason_id string failed with code [string] [string]
Cause: Connection to the database is dead, or invalid parameter to alert routine.
Action: If this condition repeats, please contact Oracle Support.

ORA-13918: Updating system alert with reason_id string failed; previous alert not found
Cause: System Error: An attempt to update a system alert failed. The alert was improperly cleared from WRI$_ALERT_OUTSTANDING.
Action: Do not delete from WRI$_ALERT_OUTSTANDING. If this condition repeats, please contact Oracle Support.

ORA-13919: Cannot specify values for parameter "string" and for parameter "string"
Cause: Can only specify a value for one or the other.
Action: Pass just one of the parameters.

ORA-13920: Threshold cannot be set when database is in read-only mode.
Cause: SET_THRESHOLD procedure was called when database was open in read-only mode.
Action: Call SET_THRESHOLD procedure when database is open in read/write mode.

ORA-13951: MMON sub-action time limit exceeded
Cause: MMON sub-action did not complete within the system specified time frame.
Action: None

ORA-13970: Invalid name of "string" given
Cause: Passed an invalid component, report, or transformation name to the framework. Names must be alphanumeric and can contain the underscore (_) character.
Action: Try again with a valid name

ORA-13971: string "string" unknown
Cause: Passed an unknown component, report, or transformation to the framework.
Action: Give a different name

ORA-13972: string "string" unknown for string "string"
Cause: An object with the first name is unknown within the naming scope of the second name
Action: Change the parameters passed in or register the proper object

ORA-13973: string unknown for string "string"
Cause: An object is unknown within the given naming scope
Action: Change the parameters passed in or register the proper object

ORA-13974: string with name "string" already exists
Cause: An object with the given name already exists
Action: Give a different name

ORA-13975: string with name "string" already exists for string "string"
Cause: An object with the first name already exists within the naming scope of the second name
Action: Give a different name

ORA-13976: Improperly-formed report tag
Cause: The top-level report tag was not built properly
Action: Make sure that the report tag is built using the common tag library function

ORA-13977: Invalid content type
Cause: An invalid content type was passed to the register format API
Action: Correct your code to use the values in dbmsrep.sql

ORA-13978: Invalid reference string parameter or value
Cause: An invalid parameter/value was passed to a dbms_report API
Action: Ensure that the parameter names and values are alphanumeric.

ORA-13979: Filename too long
Cause: An invalid file name was passed to STORE_FILE
Action: Ensure that the filename is less than 500 bytes

ORA-13980: Invalid file URL
Cause: A URL with invalid syntax was provided, either directly to the function or via an XML IMPORT or INCLUDE.
Action: Check the URL.

ORA-13981: Invalid file URL or path prefix
Cause: Either a URL or path prefix with invalid syntax was provided.
Action: Check the URL

ORA-13982: Could not find file at URL provided
Cause: The file requested could not be found in the given location.
Action: Check the URL provided.

ORA-13983: Missing tag from HTML
Cause: An HTML document was passed to the function missing its tag.
Action: Check the HTML source.

ORA-13984: Invalid reference string
Cause: The given reference string could not be parsed.
Action: Check the reference string syntax.

ORA-13985: Invalid URL provided to servlet
Cause: An invalid URL was provided to the servlet.
Action: Check the URL.

ORA-13986: Error \string received from XPath engine
Cause: An error was received from the xpath library during an xpath operation.
Action: Check xmlerr.h to understand the cause of the error.

ORA-13987: Invalid input to build common <string> tag
Cause: Invalid input was given when attempting to build a common tag.
Action: Check the function input to make sure all necessary information is given.

ORA-13988: Invalid input given to variable argument list report function.
Cause: An invalid parameter was provided to one of the report framework variable argument list functions.
Action: Check the function input and try again.

ORA-13989: Invalid input given to structured argument list report function.
Cause: An invalid parameter was provided to one of the report framework structured argument list functions.
Action: Check the function input and try again.

ORA-13990: Invalid tag name given to common tag callout function.
Cause: This is an internal Server Manageability Error
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services

ORA-14000: only one LOCAL clause may be specified
Cause: CREATE INDEX statement contained more than one LOCAL clause
Action: Specify LOCAL option at most once

ORA-14001: LOCAL clause contradicts previosly specified GLOBAL clause
Cause: CREATE INDEX statement contained a GLOBAL clause and a LOCAL clause
Action: Specify LOCAL or GLOBAL clause, but not both

ORA-14002: only one GLOBAL clause may be specified
Cause: CREATE INDEX statement contained more than one GLOBAL clause
Action: Specify GLOBAL option at most once

ORA-14003: GLOBAL clause contradicts previosly specified LOCAL clause
Cause: CREATE INDEX statement contained a LOCAL clause and a GLOBAL clause
Action: Specify GLOBAL or LOCAL clause, but not both

ORA-14004: missing PARTITION keyword
Cause: keyword PARTITION missing
Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-14005: missing RANGE keyword
Cause: keyword RANGE missing
Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-14006: invalid partition name
Cause: a partition name of the form is expected but not present.
Action: enter an appropriate partition name.

ORA-14007: missing LESS keyword
Cause: keyword LESS missing
Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-14008: missing THAN keyword
Cause: keyword THAN missing
Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-14009: partition bound may not be specified for a LOCAL index partition
Cause: while parsing a CREATE INDEX statement to create a LOCAL partitioned index, of one of partitions was found to contain VALUES LESS THAN clause which is illegal since a LOCAL index inherits partition bounds from its base table
Action: remove all VALUES LESS THAN clauses from descriptions of LOCAL index partitions

ORA-14010: this physical attribute may not be specified for an index partition
Cause: unexpected option was encountered while parsing physical attributes of an index partition; valid options for Range or Composite Range partitions are INITRANS, MAXTRANS, TABLESPACE, STORAGE, PCTFREE; only TABLESPACE may be specified for Hash partitions
Action: remove invalid option(s) from the list of physical attributes of an index partition

ORA-14011: names assigned to resulting partitions must be distinct
Cause: Names of partitions resulting from splitting of an existing table or index partition are not distinct
Action: rename resulting partition(s) to ensure that their names are distinct and different from those of any other partition of the table or index

ORA-14012: resulting partition name conflicts with that of an existing partition
Cause: Name of a partition resulting from splitting of an existing table or index partition is identical to that of some other existing partition of that table or index
Action: rename resulting partition(s) to ensure that their names are distinct and different from those of any other partition of the table or index

ORA-14013: duplicate partition name
Cause: Name of a partition of a table or index being created is not unique
Action: rename partition(s) to ensure that their names are unique among partitions of the table or index being created

ORA-14014: maximum number of partitioning columns is 16
Cause: number of columns in a partitioning column list exceeded the legal limit of 16
Action: modify partitioning column list so that it consists of at most 16 columns

ORA-14015: too many partition descriptions
Cause: CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX contained too many partition descriptions; maximum number of partitions is 1048575 (1024K-1).
Action: Reduce number of partitions to not exceed 1048575 (1024K -1).

ORA-14016: underlying table of a LOCAL partitioned index must be partitioned
Cause: User attempted to create a LOCAL partitioned index on a non-partitioned table which is illegal. Only GLOBAL indices (partitioned or otherwise) may be created on a non-partitioned table.
Action: Correct the statement and reenter

ORA-14017: partition bound list contains too many elements
Cause: Partition bound list contained more elements than there are partitioning columns
Action: Ensure that the number of elements in partition bound list is equal to the number of partitioning columns of the table or index

ORA-14018: partition bound list contains too few elements
Cause: Partition bound list contained fewer elements than there are partitioning columns
Action: Ensure that the number of elements in partition bound list is equal to the number of partitioning columns of the table or index

ORA-14019: partition bound element must be one of: string, datetime or interval literal, number, or MAXVALUE
Cause: Partition bound list contained an element of invalid type (i.e. not a number, non-empty string, datetime or interval literal, or MAXVALUE)
Action: Ensure that all elements of partition bound list are of valid type

ORA-14020: this physical attribute may not be specified for a table partition
Cause: unexpected option was encountered while parsing physical attributes of a table partition; valid options for Range or Composite Range partitions are INITRANS, MAXTRANS, TABLESPACE, STORAGE, PCTFREE, and PCTUSED; only TABLESPACE may be specified for Hash partitions
Action: remove invalid option(s) from the list of physical attributes of a table partition

ORA-14021: MAXVALUE must be specified for all columns
Cause: In the VALUES LESS THAN clause for the highest (last) partition of a GLOBAL index, MAXVALUE must be specified for all columns
Action: Ensure that VALUES LESS THAN clause for the last partition of a GLOBAL index has MAXVALUE specified for all columns

ORA-14022: creation of LOCAL partitioned cluster indices is not supported
Cause: An attempt was made to create a LOCAL partitioned cluster index, which is currently illegal
Action: Remove LOCAL along with s, if any, from the CREATE INDEX statement.

ORA-14023: creation of GLOBAL partitioned cluster indices is not supported
Cause: An attempt was made to create a GLOBAL partitioned cluster index, which is currently illegal
Action: Remove PARTITION BY RANGE clause along with s from the CREATE INDEX statement.

ORA-14024: number of partitions of LOCAL index must equal that of the underlying table
Cause: User attempted to create a LOCAL partitioned index with a number of partitions which is different from that of the underlying table.
Action: Correct the CREATE INDEX statement to specify a correct number of partitions

ORA-14025: PARTITION may not be specified for a materialized view or a materialized view log
Cause: PARTITION option was encountered while parsing a definition of a materialized view or a materialized view log
Action: Ensure that a definition of a MATERIALIZED VIEW does not include invalid options

ORA-14026: PARTITION and CLUSTER clauses are mutually exclusive
Cause: definition of a table contained both PARTITION and CLUSTER clauses which is illegal
Action: Remove one of the conflicting clauses

ORA-14027: only one PARTITION clause may be specified
Cause: CREATE TABLE statement contained more than one PARTITION clause
Action: Specify PARTITION option at most once

ORA-14028: missing AT or VALUES keyword
Cause: keyword AT or VALUES missing
Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-14029: GLOBAL partitioned index must be prefixed
Cause: partitioning columns of a global partitioned index must form a prefix of the index' key columns
Action: Ensure that the GLOBAL partitioned index being created is prefixed

ORA-14030: non-existent partitioning column in CREATE TABLE statement
Cause: Partitioning column specified in CREATE TABLE statement is not one of columns of the table being created.
Action: Ensure that all columns in the partitioning column list are columns of the table being created.

ORA-14031: partitioning column may not be of type LONG or LONG RAW
Cause: Partitioning column specified by the user was of type LONG or LONG RAW, which is illegal.
Action: Ensure that no partitioning column is of type LONG or LONG RAW.

ORA-14032: partition bound of partition number string is too high
Cause: High bound of the partition whose number (partitions are numbered starting with 1) is displayed in this message did not collate lower than that of the following partition, which is illegal.
Action: Ensure that high bound of every partition (except for the last one) collates lower than that of a following partition.

ORA-14036: partition bound value too large for column
Cause: Length of partition bound value is longer than that of the corresponding partitioning column.
Action: Ensure that lengths of high bound values do not exceed those of corresponding partitioning columns

ORA-14037: partition bound of partition "string" is too high
Cause: High bound of the partition whose name (explicitly specified by the user) is displayed in this message did not collate lower than that of the following partition, which is illegal.
Action: Ensure that high bound of every partition (except for the last one) collates lower than that of a following partition.

ORA-14038: GLOBAL partitioned index must be prefixed
Cause: User attempted to create a GLOBAL non-prefixed partitioned index which is illegal
Action: If the user, indeed, desired to create a non-prefixed index, it must be created as LOCAL; otherwise, correct the list of key and/or partitioning columns to ensure that the index is prefixed

ORA-14039: partitioning columns must form a subset of key columns of a UNIQUE index
Cause: User attempted to create a UNIQUE partitioned index whose partitioning columns do not form a subset of its key columns which is illegal
Action: If the user, indeed, desired to create an index whose partitioning columns do not form a subset of its key columns, it must be created as non-UNIQUE; otherwise, correct the list of key and/or partitioning columns to ensure that the index' partitioning columns form a subset of its key columns

ORA-14041: partition bound may not be specified for resulting partitions
Cause: while parsing an ALTER {TABLE|INDEX} SPLIT PARTITION statement, of a resulting partition was found to contain VALUES LESS THAN clause which is illegal
Action: remove VALUES LESS THAN clause from the description(s) of partitions resulting from splitting an existing table or index partition

ORA-14042: partition bound may not be specified for a partition being moved, modified or rebuilt
Cause: while parsing an ALTER {TABLE|INDEX} MODIFY PARTITION, ALTER TABLE MOVE PARTITION, or ALTER INDEX REBUILD PARTITION statement, description of new physical attributes of the partition being moved, modified, or rebuilt was found to contain VALUES LESS THAN clause which is illegal
Action: remove VALUES LESS THAN clause from the description of new attributes of the partition being moved, modified, or rebuilt

ORA-14043: only one partition may be added
Cause: ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION contained descriptions of more than one partition to be added
Action: Ensure that the statement contains exactly one partition definition and that it does not contain any commas

ORA-14044: only one partition may be moved
Cause: ALTER TABLE MOVE PARTITION contained descriptions of more than one partition to be moved
Action: Ensure that the statement describes exactly one partition to be moved and that it does not contain any commas

ORA-14045: only one partition may be modified
Cause: ALTER TABLE|INDEX MODIFY PARTITION contained descriptions of more than one partition to be modified
Action: Ensure that the statement describes exactly one partition to be modified and that it does not contain any commas

ORA-14046: a partition may be split into exactly two new partitions
Cause: ALTER TABLE|INDEX SPLIT PARTITION did not contain descriptions of exactly two new partitions into which an existing table or index partition was to be split
Action: Ensure that the statement describes exactly two partition into which an existing partition is to be split

ORA-14047: ALTER TABLE|INDEX RENAME may not be combined with other operations
Cause: ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement attempted to combine a RENAME operation with some other operation which is illegal
Action: Ensure that RENAME operation is the sole operation specified in ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement;

ORA-14048: a partition maintenance operation may not be combined with other operations
Cause: ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement attempted to combine a partition maintenance operation (e.g. MOVE PARTITION) with some other operation (e.g. ADD PARTITION or PCTFREE which is illegal
Action: Ensure that a partition maintenance operation is the sole operation specified in ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement; operations other than those dealing with partitions, default attributes of partitioned tables/indices or specifying that a table be renamed (ALTER TABLE RENAME) may be combined at will

Cause: An option other than PCTFREE, PCTUSED, INITRANS, MAXTRANS, STORAGE, BACKUP, ALLOCATE EXTENT, or DEALLOCATE UNUSED was specified in an ALTER TABLE MODIFY PARTITION statement for a Range or Composite Range partition.
Action: Specify only legal options.

Cause: An option other than INITRANS, MAXTRANS, STORAGE, or DEALLOCATE UNUSED was specified in an ALTER INDEX MODIFY PARTITION statement.
Action: Specify only legal options.

ORA-14051: invalid ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW option
Cause: An option other than PCTFREE, PCTUSED, INITRANS, MAXTRANS, STORAGE, or BACKUP was specified in an ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW statement.
Action: Specify only legal options.

ORA-14052: partition-extended table name syntax is disallowed in this context
Cause: User attempted to use partition-extended table name syntax in illegal context (i.e. not in FROM-clause or INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE statement)
Action: Avoid use of partition-extended table name in contexts other those mentioned above.

ORA-14053: illegal attempt to modify string in string statement
Cause: Certain attributes of objects (e.g. tables) may be specified at creation time, but may not be modified using ALTER statement. Unfortunately, user specified one of such attributes.
Action: Ensure that ALTER statement specifies new values only for attributes which may be changed once an object has been created

Cause: Name of the partition to be truncated may be followed by DROP STORAGE or REUSE STORAGE
Action: Ensure that no options besides DROP STORAGE or REUSE STORAGE are specified with ALTER TABLE TRUNCATE PARTITION

ORA-14055: keyword REBUILD in ALTER INDEX REBUILD must immediately follow
Cause: ALTER INDEX statement contained REBUILD keyword following some index attributes (e.g. INITRANS.)
Action: Ensure that keyword REBUILD immediately follows the name of the index being altered

ORA-14056: partition number string: sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE may not exceed 100
Cause: the sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE for a partition whose number (partitions are numbered starting with 1) is displayed in this message exceeds 100. Note that if PCTUSED and/or PCTFREE values for this partition were not specified explicitly, default values for the partitioned table or index would be used. If, in turn, default PCTUSED and/or PCTFREE values for the partitioned table or index were not specified, system defaults would be used.
Action: ensure that a sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE for the partition does not exceed 100

ORA-14057: partition "string": sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE may not exceed 100
Cause: the sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE for a partition whose name (explicitly specified by the user) is displayed in this message exceeds 100. Note that if PCTUSED and/or PCTFREE values for this partition were not specified explicitly, default values for the partitioned table or index would be used. If, in turn, default PCTUSED and/or PCTFREE values for the partitioned table or index were not specified, system defaults would be used.
Action: ensure that a sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE for the partition does not exceed 100

ORA-14058: partition number string: INITRANS value must be less than MAXTRANS value
Cause: Value of INITRANS was found to be greater than that of MAXTRANS for a partition whose number (partitions are numbered starting with 1) is displayed in this message. Note that if INITRANS and/or MAXTRANS values for this partition were not specified explicitly, default values for the partitioned table or index would be used. If, in turn, default INITRANS and/or MAXTRANS values for the partitioned table or index were not specified, system defaults would be used.
Action: ensure that value of INITRANS (whether specified explcitly or derived from the default value for the partitioned table or index) is no greater than that of MAXTRANS

ORA-14059: partition "string": INITRANS value must be less than MAXTRANS value
Cause: Value of INITRANS was found to be greater than that of MAXTRANS for a partition whose name (explicitly specified by the user) is displayed in this message. Note that if INITRANS and/or MAXTRANS values for this partition were not specified explicitly, default values for the partitioned table or index would be used. If, in turn, default INITRANS and/or MAXTRANS values for the partitioned table or index were not specified, system defaults would be used.
Action: ensure that value of INITRANS (whether specified explcitly or derived from the default value for the partitioned table or index) is no greater than that of MAXTRANS

ORA-14060: data type or length of a table partitioning column may not be changed
Cause: User issued ALTER TABLE statement attempting to modify data type and/or length of a column used to partition the table named in ALTER TABLE statement, which is illegal
Action: Avoid modifying data type and/or length of table partitioning column(s)

ORA-14061: data type or length of an index partitioning column may not be changed
Cause: User issued ALTER TABLE statement attempting to modify data type and/or length of a column used to partition some index defined on the table named in ALTER TABLE statement, which is illegal
Action: Avoid modifying data type and/or length of index partitioning column(s)

ORA-14062: one or more of table's partitions reside in a read-only tablespace
Cause: User issued ALTER TABLE statement attempting to modify an existing VARCHAR2 (or VARCHAR) column to be of type CHAR (or CHARACTER), increase length of an existing CHAR (or CHARACTER) column, or add a column with user-specified default for a table one or more partitions of which reside in read-only tablespaces, which is illegal
Action: Avoid performing aformentioned operations on a partitioned table one or more partitions of which reside in read-only tablespaces

ORA-14063: Unusable index exists on unique/primary constraint key
Cause: User attempted to add or enable a primary key/unique constraint on column(s) of a table on which there exists an index marked Index Unusable.
Action: Drop the existing index or rebuild it using ALTER INDEX REBUILD

ORA-14064: Index with Unusable partition exists on unique/primary constraint key
Cause: User attempted to add or enable a primary key/unique constraint on column(s) of a table on which there exists an index one or more partitions of which are marked Index Unusable.
Action: Drop the existing index or rebuild unusable partitions it using ALTER INDEX REBUILD PARTITION

ORA-14065: ALLOCATE STORAGE may not be specified for a partitioned table
Cause: User specified ALLOCATE STORAGE clause in ALTER TABLE statement issued against a partitioned table which is illegal.
Action: Remove the illegal option. If it is desired to add storage to individual partitions, ALLOCATE STORAGE clause may be specified with ALTER TABLE MODIFY PARTITION statement.

ORA-14066: illegal option for a non-partitioned index-organized table
Cause: An attempt was made to issue a CREATE or ALTER TABLE command on a non-partitioned IOT, but the command contains an option that is legal only for partitioned index-organized tables. Such options are: ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT and DISABLE ROW MOVEMENT.
Action: Remove the illegal option(s) from the command.

ORA-14067: duplicate TABLESPACE_NUMBER specification
Cause: TABLESPACE_NUMBER clause was specified more than once for an table, index or an index partition
Action: Correct the code generating text of CREATE INDEX statement sent to the slaves

ORA-14068: TABLESPACE and TABLESPACE_NUMBER may not be both specified
Cause: Both TABLESPACE and TABLESPACE_NUMBER clauses were specified for a table, index or an index partition
Action: Correct the code generating text of CREATE INDEX statement sent to the slaves

ORA-14069: invalid TABLESPACE_NUMBER value
Cause: The TABLESPACE_NUMBER value is not an integer between 0 and 0x7FFFFFFF
Action: Correct the code generating text of CREATE INDEX statement sent to the slaves

ORA-14070: option may be specified only for partitioned indices or with REBUILD
Cause: User issued ALTER INDEX statament containing an option which is legal only for partitioned indices or in conjunction with REBUILD against a non-partitioned index. Such options are: PCTFREE, TABLESPACE, [NO]PARALLEL and INITIAL, FREELISTS, and FREELIST GROUPS inside STORAGE clause
Action: Remove illegal option(s).

ORA-14071: invalid option for an index used to enforce a constraint
Action: Choose one of the valid index options.

ORA-14072: fixed table may not be truncated
Cause: User attempted to truncate a fixed table which is illegal.
Action: Ensure that the table being truncated is not a fixed table.

ORA-14073: bootstrap table or cluster may not be truncated
Cause: User attempted to truncate a bootstrap table or cluster which is illegal
Action: Ensure that the table (or cluster) being truncated is not a bootstrap table (or cluster)

ORA-14074: partition bound must collate higher than that of the last partition
Cause: Partition bound specified in ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION statement did not collate higher than that of the table's last partition, which is illegal.
Action: Ensure that the partition bound of the partition to be added collates higher than that of the table's last partition.

ORA-14075: partition maintenance operations may only be performed on partitioned indices
Cause: Index named in ALTER INDEX partition maintenance operation is not partitioned, making a partition maintenance operation, at best, meaningless
Action: Ensure that the index named in ALTER INDEX statement specifying a partition maintenance operation is, indeed, partitioned

ORA-14076: submitted alter index partition/subpartition operation is not valid for local partitioned index
Cause: User attempted to either drop, split, add or coalesce a partition or a subpartition of a local index which is illegal.
Action: Ensure that the index named in such statement is a global partitioned index.

ORA-14078: you may not drop the highest partition of a GLOBAL index
Cause: User attempted to drop highest partition of a GLOBAL index, which is illegal.
Action: Ensure that the partition specified in ALTER INDEX DROP PARTITION statement is not the highest partition of the index.

ORA-14079: illegal option for a partition marked Index Unusable
Cause: ALTER INDEX MODIFY PARTITION statement against an index partition marked Index Unusable contained STORAGE and/or DEALLOCATE SPACE clauses which is illegal
Action: Ensure that only valid optins are specified

ORA-14080: partition cannot be split along the specified high bound
Cause: User attempted to split a partition along a bound which either collates higher than that of the partition to be split or lower than that of a partition immediately preceding the one to be split
Action: Ensure that the bound along which a partition is to be split collates lower than that of the partition to be split and higher that that of a partition immediately preceding the one to be split

ORA-14081: new partition name must differ from the old partition name
Cause: User entered ALTER TABLE/INDEX RENAME PARTITION specifying which is identical to the name of the partition being renamed
Action: Ensure that the new partition name is different from the name of any (including the one being renamed) existing partition of a given table or index

ORA-14082: new partition name must differ from that of any other partition of the object
Cause: User entered ALTER TABLE/INDEX RENAME PARTITION specifying which is identical to the name of some existing partition of the object
Action: Ensure that the new partition name is different from the name of any (including the one being renamed) existing partition of a given table or index

ORA-14083: cannot drop the only partition of a partitioned table
Cause: A drop partition command is being executed when there is only one partition in the table
Action: Ensure that there is at least one partition. Drop table to remove all partitions

ORA-14084: you may specify TABLESPACE DEFAULT only for a LOCAL index
Cause: User attempted to specify TABLESPACE DEFAULT for an object other than a LOCAL index, which is illegal.
Action: Reenter the statement without TABLESPACE DEFAULT clause.

ORA-14085: partitioned table cannot have column with LONG datatype
Cause: User tried to create a partitioned table with a LONG datatype or tried to add a LONG datatype column to a partitioned table.
Action: LONG data types are not supported with partitioned tables. Create table without LONG column or change table to not partitioned. If adding column, do not use LONG datatype. If modifying attributes of a column to change data type to LONG, it has to be a non partitioned table.

ORA-14086: a partitioned index may not be rebuilt as a whole
Cause: User attempted to rebuild a partitioned index using ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement, which is illegal
Action: Rebuild the index a partition at a time (using ALTER INDEX REBUILD PARTITION) or drop and recreate the entire index

Cause: Name of the table to be EXCHANGED has to be followed by [{INCLUDING|EXCLUDING} INDEX][{WITH|WITHOUT} VALIDATION]
Action: Ensure that no options besides INCLDING INDEX or EXCLUDING INDEX are specified with ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION

ORA-14095: ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE requires a non-partitioned, non-clustered table
Cause: The table in the EXCHANGE operation is either clustered or partitioned
Action: Ensure that the table with which the partition is being exchanged for is not partitioned or clustered.

ORA-14096: tables in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION must have the same number of columns
Cause: The two tables specified in the EXCHANGE have different number of columns
Action: Ensure that the two tables have the same number of columns with the same type and size.

ORA-14097: column type or size mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION
Cause: The corresponding columns in the tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION are of different type or size
Action: Ensure that the two tables have the same number of columns with the same type and size.

ORA-14098: index mismatch for tables in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION
Cause: The two tables specified in the EXCHANGE have indexes which are not equivalent
Action: Ensure that the indexes for the two tables have indexes which follow this rule For every non partitioned index for the non partitioned table, there has to be an identical LOCAL index on the partitioned table and vice versa. By identical, the column position, type and size have to be the same.

ORA-14099: all rows in table do not qualify for specified partition
Cause: There is at least one row in the non partitioned table which does not qualify for the partition specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION
Action: Ensure that all the rows in the segment qualify for the partition. Perform the alter table operation with the NO CHECKING option. Run ANALYZE table VALIDATE on that partition to find out the invalid rows and delete them.

ORA-14100: partition extended table name cannot refer to a remote object
Cause: User attempted to use partition-extended table name syntax in conjunction with remote object name which is illegal
Action: Correct the statement and reenter

ORA-14101: partition extended table name cannot refer to a synonym
Cause: User attempted to use partition-extended table name syntax in conjunction with synonym name which is illegal
Action: Correct the statement and reenter

ORA-14102: only one LOGGING or NOLOGGING clause may be specified
Cause: LOGGING was specified more than once, NOLOGGING was specified more than once, or both LOGGING and NOLOGGING were specified.
Action: Remove all but one of the LOGGING or NOLOGGING clauses and reissue the statement.

Cause: A statement contained both [NO]LOGGING and [UN]RECOVERABLE clauses which is disallowed.
Action: Remove one of the offending clauses. [UN]RECOVERABLE is being deprecated in V8 and will be obsoleted in V9. To duplicate semantics of UNRECOVERABLE clause, create an object with NOLOGGING option and then ALTER it specifying LOGGING. To duplicate semantics of RECOVERABLE clause, create an object with LOGGING option.

ORA-14104: RECOVERABLE/UNRECOVERABLE may not be specified for partitioned tables/indices
Cause: CREATE TABLE/INDEX statement used to create a partitioned table/index contained RECOVERABLE or UNRECOVERABLE clause which is illegal
Action: Remove offending clause. [UN]RECOVERABLE is being deprecated in V8 and will be obsoleted in V9. To duplicate semantics of UNRECOVERABLE clause, create an object with NOLOGGING option and then ALTER it specifying LOGGING. To duplicate semantics of RECOVERABLE clause, create an object with LOGGING option.

ORA-14105: RECOVERABLE/UNRECOVERABLE may not be specified in this context
Cause: RECOVERABLE/UNRECOVERABLE clause is not allowed in this context.
Action: Remove offending clause. RECOVERABLE/UNRECOVERABLE may only be specified in CREATE TABLE/INDEX statement describing a non-partitioned table or index and ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement. [UN]RECOVERABLE is being deprecated in V8 and will be obsoleted in V9. To duplicate semantics of UNRECOVERABLE clause, create an object with NOLOGGING option and then ALTER it specifying LOGGING. To duplicate semantics of RECOVERABLE clause, create an object with LOGGING option.

ORA-14106: LOGGING/NOLOGGING may not be specified for a clustered table
Cause: User attempted to specify LOGGING or NOLOGGING clausein CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement involving a clustered table
Action: Remove offending clause.

ORA-14107: partition specification is required for a partitioned object
Cause: parameter which supplies partition name is missing. This parameter is optional for non-partitioned objects, but is required for partitioned objects.
Action: supply missing parameter

ORA-14108: illegal partition-extended table name syntax
Cause: Partition to be accessed may only be specified using its name. User attempted to use a partition number or a bind variable.
Action: Modify statement to refer to a partition using its name

ORA-14109: partition-extended object names may only be used with tables
Cause: User attempted to use a partition-extended object name with an object which is not a table.
Action: Avoid using partition-extended name syntax with objects which are not tables

ORA-14110: partitioning column may not be of type ROWID
Cause: Partitioning column specified by the user was of type ROWID, which is illegal.
Action: Ensure that no partitioning column is of type ROWID.

ORA-14111: creation of a GLOBAL partitioned index on clustered tables is not supported
Cause: An attempt was made to create a GLOBAL partitioned index on a clustered table which is currently illegal.
Action: Remove PARTITION BY RANGE/HASH clause along with any partition descriptions to create a GLOBAL non-partitioned index on a clustered table

ORA-14112: RECOVERABLE/UNRECOVERABLE may not be specified for a partition or subpartition
Cause: Description of a partition or subpartition found in CREATE TABLE/INDEX statement contained RECOVERABLE or UNRECOVERABLE clause which is illegal
Action: Remove offending clause. Use LOGGING or NOLOGGING instead.

ORA-14113: partitioned table cannot have column with LOB datatype
Cause: User tried to create a partitioned table with a LOB datatype or tried to add a LOB datatype column to a partitioned table.
Action: LOB data types are not supported with partitioned tables. Create table without LOB column or change table to not partitioned. If adding column, do not use LOB datatype. If modifying attributes of a column to change data type to LOB, it has to be a non partitioned table.

ORA-14114: partitioned table cannot have column with object, REF, nested table, array datatype
Cause: User tried to create a partitioned table with a object datatype (object, REF, nested table, array) or tried to add a object datatype column to a partitioned table.
Action: object data types are not supported with partitioned tables. Create table without object column or change table to not partitioned. If adding column, do not use object datatypes. If modifying attributes of a column to change data type to object, it has to be a non partitioned table.

ORA-14115: partition bound of partition number string is too long
Cause: Length of linear key representation of a high bound of the partition whose number (partitions are numbered starting with 1) is displayed in this message exceeded the legal limit (4K).
Action: Change representation of a partition high bound to bring its length within legal limit.

ORA-14116: partition bound of partition "string" is too long
Cause: Length of linear key representation of a high bound of the partition whose name (explicitly specified by the user) is displayed in this message exceeded the legal limit (4K).
Action: Change representation of a partition high bound to bring its length within legal limit.

ORA-14117: partition resides in offlined tablespace
Cause: User attempted an operation requiring that we access data in a partition which resides in a tablespace which was taken offline. Such operations include trying to drop a tablespace of a table which has indices defined on it or is referenced by a constraint.
Action: Bring tablespace online before attempting the operation.

ORA-14118: CHECK constraint mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION
Cause: The corresponding columns in the tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION statement have CHECK constraint defined on them.
Action: Ensure that the two tables do not have CHECK constraint defined on any column

ORA-14119: specified partition bound is too long
Cause: Length of a linear key representation of a high bound of a table partition being added or along which an existing table or index partition is being split exceeded the legal limit (4K).
Action: Change representation of a partition high bound to bring its length within legal limit.

ORA-14120: incompletely specified partition bound for a DATE column
Cause: An attempt was made to use a date expression whose format does not fully (i.e. day, month, and year (including century)) specify a date as a partition bound for a DATE column. The format may have been specified explicitly (using TO_DATE() function) or implicitly (NLS_DATE_FORMAT).
Action: Ensure that date format used in a partition bound for a DATE column supports complete specification of a date (i.e. day, month, and year (including century)). If NLS_DATE_FORMAT does not support complete (i.e. including the century) specification of the year, use TO_DATE() (e.g. TO_DATE('01-01-1999', 'MM-DD-YYYY') to fully express the desired date.

ORA-14121: MODIFY DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES may not be combined with other operations
Cause: ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement attempted to combine MODIFY DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES with some other operation (e.g. ADD PARTITION or PCTFREE) which is illegal
Action: Ensure that MODIFY DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES is the sole operation specified in ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement; operations other than those dealing with partitions, default attributes of partitioned tables/indices or specifying that a table be renamed (ALTER TABLE RENAME) may be combined at will

ORA-14122: only one REVERSE or NOREVERSE clause may be specified
Cause: Both REVERSE and NOREVERSE were specified in CREATE INDEX statement.
Action: Remove all but one of the REVERSE or NOREVERSE clauses and reissue the statement.

ORA-14123: duplicate NOREVERSE clause
Cause: NOREVERSE was specified more than once in ALTER INDEX statement.
Action: Remove all but one of the NOREVERSE clauses and reissue the statement.

ORA-14124: duplicate REVERSE clause
Cause: REVERSE was specified more than once in ALTER INDEX or CREATE INDEX statements.
Action: Remove all but one of the REVERSE clauses and reissue the statement.

ORA-14125: REVERSE/NOREVERSE may not be specified in this context
Cause: REVERSE/NOREVERSE clause is not allowed in this context.
Action: Remove offending clause. REVERSE may be specified as an attribute of an index (not of an individual partition, if creating a partitioned index) in CREATE INDEX statement and ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement. NOREVERSE may be specified only in ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement.

ORA-14126: only a may follow description(s) of resulting partitions
Cause: Descriptions of partition(s) resulting from splitting of a table or index partition may be followed by an optional which applies to the entire statement and which, in turn, may not be followed by any other clause.
Action: Ensure that all partition attributes appear within the parenthesized list of descriptions of resulting partitions in ALTER TABLE/INDEX SPLIT PARTITION statement.

Cause: The corresponding columns in the tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION statement have different FOREIGN KEY constraints.
Action: Ensure that the two tables do not have FOREIGN KEY constraints defined on any column or disable all FOREIGN KEY constraints on both tables. Then retry the operation.

ORA-14129: INCLUDING INDEXES must be specified as tables have enabled UNIQUE constraints
Cause: Matching UNIQUE constraints in both table are enabled and validated but INCLUDING INDEXES is not specified in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION|SUBPARTITION command.
Action: Disable currently enabled matching UNIQUE constraints on both tables or ensure that INCLUDING INDEXES option is used.

ORA-14130: UNIQUE constraints mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION
Cause: One of the tables named in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION command has a UNIQUE constraint for which no matching (vis-a-vis key columns) constraint is defined on the other table or a matching constraint is defined on the other table, but it differs from that defined on the first table vis-a-vis being enabled and/or validated.
Action: Ensure that for every UNIQUE constraint defined on one of the tables named in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION statement there is a matching (vis-a-vis key columns and being enabled and/or validated) UNIQUE constraint defined on the other table. If UNIQUE constrains are enabled, UNIQUE constraints on the partitioned table should be enforced using local indexes.

ORA-14131: enabled UNIQUE constraint exists on one of the tables
Cause: One of the tables referenced in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION|SUBPARTITION statement has enabled UNIQUE constraint(s) defined on it, which prevents EXCHANGE from proceeding.
Action: Disable constraints defined on tables referenced in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION|SUBPARTITION statement and retry the statement.

ORA-14132: table cannot be used in EXCHANGE
Cause: An attempt was made to issue an ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION | SUBPARTITION command, but the non-partitioned table cannot be used in the EXCHANGE because one or more of the following apply:
- it is a typed table
- it is a temporary table
- it contains ADT columns
- it contains nested-table columns
- it contains REF columns
- it contains array columns
- it is an index-organized table
- it contains LOB columns
- it is a nested table
- it is created with row dependency and the partitioned table is not
- it is created without row dependency and the partitioned table is
Action: Make sure the non-partitioned table does not violate any of the above restrictions for the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION | SUBPARTITION command.

ORA-14133: ALTER TABLE MOVE cannot be combined with other operations
Cause: An attempt was made to combine an ALTER TABLE MOVE statement with another operation, such as MODIFY.
Action: Make sure that MOVE is the only operation specified in ALTER TABLE statement;

ORA-14134: indexes cannot use both DESC and REVERSE
Cause: An attempt was made to make a reverse index with some index columns marked DESC.
Action: Do not use DESC in reverse indexes. The rule-based optimizer can scan indexes backwards, which allows a normal reverse index to simulate a reverse index with columns marked DESC.

ORA-14135: a LOB column cannot serve as a partitioning column
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a column of type BLOB or CLOB as a partitioning or subpartitioning column.
Action: Ensure that no partitioning or subpartitioning column is of type BLOB or CLOB.

ORA-14136: ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE restricted by fine-grained security
Cause: User doing exchange does not have full table access due to VPD policies.
Action: Grant exempt priviliges to this user.

ORA-14137: Table in partially dropped state, submit DROP TABLE PURGE
Cause: An attempt was made to access a partitioned table in a partially dropped state.
Action: Submit DROP TABLE PURGE to drop the table.

ORA-14138: An unexpected error encountered during drop table operation
Cause: Drop table encountered an unexpected error.
Action: a. Submit drop table purge, or b. If the situation described in the next error on the stack can be corrected, do so. c. Contact Oracle Support.

ORA-14139: table string.string is already in read-only mode
Cause: an attempt was made to set a read-only table in read-only mode
Action: this DDL can only be executed on a read/write table

ORA-14140: table string.string is already in read/write mode
Cause: an attempt was made to set a read/write table in read/write mode
Action: this DDL can only be executed on a read-only table

ORA-14141: ALTER INDEX VISIBLE|INVISIBLE may not be combined with other operations
Cause: ALTER INDEX statement attempted to combine a VISIBLE|INVISIBLE operation with some other operation which is illegal
Action: Ensure that VISIBLE|INVISIBLE operation is the sole operation specified in ALTER INDEX statement

ORA-14142: ALTER INDEX VISIBLE|INVISIBLE may not be used with certain types of index
Cause: Using the ALTER INDEX VISIBLE|INVISIBLE statement on certain types of indexes (IOT-TOP, Cluster indexes) is illegal.
Action: Remove the option VISIBLE|INVISIBLE.

ORA-14143: CREATE INDEX INVISIBLE may not be used with this type of index
Cause: Certain types of indexes (IOT-TOP, Cluster indexes) cannot be created invisible.
Action: Remove the option INVISIBLE

ORA-14150: missing SUBPARTITION keyword
Cause: keyword SUBPARTITION missing
Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-14151: invalid table partitioning method
Cause: Invalid partitioning method was specified in CREATE TABLE statement. A table may be partitioned by RANGE, HASH, LIST, SYSTEM, or Composite Range-Hash/List/Range (R+H/L/R).
Action: Specify one of valid partitioning methods

ORA-14152: invalid number of partitions specified in PARTITIONS clause
Cause: number-of-partitions clause contained in CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX statement specified a number of partitions outside of legal range (1-1048575)
Action: Specify a number between 1 and 1024K-1 in the number-of-partitions clause

ORA-14153: only one of STORE IN or clause may be specified
Cause: both STORE IN and clauses were specified in a CREATE TABLE|INDEX command
Action: Remove one of offending clauses

ORA-14154: only one of STORE IN or clause may be specified
Cause: both STORE IN and clauses were specified in a CREATE TABLE|INDEX, or ALTER TABLE ADD|SPLIT PARTITION or ALTER TABLE MERGE PARTITIONS command for a Composite Range partitioned object
Action: Remove one of offending clauses

ORA-14155: missing PARTITION or SUBPARTITION keyword
Cause: expect either PARTITION or SUBPARTITION keyword but none was supplied
Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-14156: invalid number of subpartitions specified in [SUBPARTITIONS | SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE] clause
Cause: number-of-subpartitions clause contained in CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX statement specified a number of subpartitions outside of legal range (1-1048575)
Action: Specify a number between 1 and 1024K-1 in the number-of-subpartitions clause

ORA-14157: invalid subpartition name
Cause: a subpartition name of the form is expected but not present.
Action: enter an appropriate subpartition name.

ORA-14158: too many subpartition descriptions
Cause: CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX contained too many subpartition descriptions; maximum number of subpartitions is 1048575.
Action: Reduce number of subpartitions to not exceed 1024K-1.

ORA-14159: duplicate subpartition name
Cause: Name of a subpartition of a table or index being created is not unique
Action: rename subpartition(s) to ensure that their names are unique among subpartitions of the table or index being created

ORA-14160: this physical attribute may not be specified for a table subpartition
Cause: unexpected option was encountered while parsing physical attributes of a table subpartition; TABLESPACE is the only valid option
Action: remove invalid option(s)

ORA-14161: subpartition number string: sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE may not exceed 100
Cause: the sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE for a subpartition whose number (subpartitions are numbered starting with 1) is displayed in this message exceeds 100. Note that if PCTUSED and/or PCTFREE values for this subpartition were not specified explicitly, default values at partition-level would be used. If, in turn, default PCTUSED and/or PCTFREE values at partition-level were not specified, default values for the partitioned table or index would be used. If those values were also not specified explicitly, system defaults would be used.
Action: ensure that a sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE for the subpartition does not exceed 100

ORA-14162: subpartition "string": sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE may not exceed 100
Cause: the sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE for a subpartition whose name (explicitly specified by the user) is displayed in this message exceeds 100. Note that if PCTUSED and/or PCTFREE values for this subpartition were not specified explicitly, default values at partition-level would be used. If, in turn, default PCTUSED and/or PCTFREE values at partition-level were not specified, default values for the partitioned table or index would be used. If those values were also not specified explicitly, system defaults would be used.
Action: ensure that a sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE for the subpartition does not exceed 100

ORA-14163: subpartition number string: INITRANS value must be less than MAXTRANS value
Cause: Value of INITRANS was found to be greater than that of MAXTRANS for a subpartition whose number (subpartitions are numbered starting with 1) is displayed in this message. Note that if INITRANS and/or MAXTRANS values for this subpartition were not specified explicitly, default values at partition-level would be used. If, in turn, default INITRANS and/or MAXTRANS values at partition-level were not specified, default values for the partitioned table or index would be used. If those values were also not specified explicitly, system defaults would be used.
Action: ensure that value of INITRANS (whether specified explicitly or derived from the default value at partition-level, table-level or index-level) is no greater than that of MAXTRANS

ORA-14164: subpartition "string": INITRANS value must be less than MAXTRANS value
Cause: Value of INITRANS was found to be greater than that of MAXTRANS for a subpartition whose name (explicitly specified by the user) is displayed in this message. Note that if INITRANS and/or MAXTRANS values for this subpartition were not specified explicitly, default values at partition-level would be used. If, in turn, default INITRANS and/or MAXTRANS values at partition-level were not specified, default values for the partitioned table or index would be used. If those values were also not specified explicitly, system defaults would be used.
Action: ensure that value of INITRANS (whether specified explicitly or derived from the default value at partition-level, table-level or index-level) is no greater than that of MAXTRANS

ORA-14165: MODIFY DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES FOR PARTITION may not be combined with other operations
Cause: ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement attempted to combine MODIFY DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES OF PARTITION with some other operation (e.g. ADD PARTITION or PCTFREE) which is illegal
Action: Ensure that MODIFY DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES is the sole operation specified in ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement; operations other than those dealing with partitions, default attributes of partitioned tables/indices or specifying that a table be renamed (ALTER TABLE RENAME) may be combined at will

ORA-14166: missing INTO keyword
Cause: keyword INTO missing
Action: supply missing keyword

ORA-14167: only one subpartition may be moved
Cause: ALTER TABLE MOVE SUBPARTITION contained descriptions of more than one subpartition to be moved
Action: Ensure that the statement describes exactly one subpartition to be moved and that it does not contain any commas

ORA-14168: only one subpartition may be modified
Cause: ALTER TABLE|INDEX MODIFY SUBPARTITION contained descriptions of more than one subpartition to be modified
Action: Ensure that the statement describes exactly one subpartition to be modified and that it does not contain any commas

Cause: An option other than PCTFREE, PCTUSED, INITRANS, MAXTRANS, STORAGE, was specified in an ALTER TABLE MODIFY SUBPARTITION statement.
Action: Specify only legal options.

ORA-14170: cannot specify clause in CREATE TABLE|INDEX
Cause: User requested to generate default partition description(s) (possibly via PARTITIONS ) while at the same time specified clause which is illegal
Action: Remove one of offending clauses.

ORA-14171: cannot specify clause in CREATE|ALTER TABLE
Cause: User requested to generate default subpartition description(s) (possibly via SUBPARTITIONS) while at the same time specified clause which is illegal
Action: Remove one of offending clauses.

Cause: Name of the table to be EXCHANGED has to be followed by [{INCLUDING|EXCLUDING} INDEX][{WITH|WITHOUT} VALIDATION]
Action: Ensure that no options besides INCLDING INDEX or EXCLUDING INDEX are specified with ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION

ORA-14173: illegal subpartition-extended table name syntax
Cause: Subpartition to be accessed may only be specified using its name. User attempted to use a subpartition number or a bind variable.
Action: Modify statement to refer to a subpartition using its name

Cause: ALTER TABLE COALESCE PARTITION|SUBPARTITION may be followed by an optional . No partition/subpartition attributes may be specified
Action: Ensure that no partition/subpartition attribute was specified.

ORA-14175: a subpartition maintenance operation may not be combined with other operations
Cause: ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement attempted to combine a subpartition maintenance operation (e.g. MOVE SUBPARTITION) with some other operation (e.g. MODIFY PARTITION ADD SUBPARTITION or PCTFREE) which is illegal
Action: Ensure that a subpartition maintenance operation is the sole operation specified in ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement; operations other than those dealing with subpartitions, default attributes of partitioned tables/indices or specifying that a table be renamed (ALTER TABLE RENAME) may be combined at will

ORA-14176: this attribute may not be specified for a hash partition
Cause: An invalid option was encountered while parsing physical attributes of a partition of an object partitioned using the HASH method. The TABLESPACE option is the only valid option for such partitions.
Action: Remove the invalid option(s).

ORA-14177: STORE-IN (Tablespace list) can only be specified for a LOCAL index on a Hash or Composite Range Hash table
Cause: STORE-IN (Tablespace list) clause was used while creating a local index on a range/list/composite range list partitioned table
Action: Do not use the STORE_IN (Tablespace list) clause while creating a local index on range/list/composite range list partitioned table

ORA-14178: STORE IN (DEFAULT) clause is not supported for hash partitioned global indexes
Cause: STORE IN (DEFAULT) is valid only for local indexes.
Action: a) Specify a tablespace list in place of DEFAULT, or b) Remove STORE IN clause and specify tablespaces individually for each index partition.

ORA-14183: TABLESPACE DEFAULT can be specified only for Composite LOCAL index
Cause: User attempted to specify TABLESPACE DEFAULT for a partition of a Range/System/Hash partitioned LOCAL index object, which is illegal.
Action: Replace TABLESPACE DEFAULT with TABLESPACE or remove it.

ORA-14185: incorrect physical attribute specified for this index partition
Cause: unexpected option was encountered while parsing physical attributes of a local index partition; valid options for Range or Composite Range partitions are INITRANS, MAXTRANS, TABLESPACE, STORAGE, PCTFREE, PCTUSED, LOGGING and TABLESPACE; but only TABLESPACE may be specified for Hash partitions STORE IN () is also disallowed for all but Composite Range partitions
Action: remove invalid option(s) from the list of physical attributes of an index partition

ORA-14186: number of sub-partitions of LOCAL index must equal that of the underlying table
Cause: User attempted to create a LOCAL partitioned index with a number of sub-partitions which is different from that of the underlying table.
Action: Correct the CREATE INDEX statement to specify a correct number of sub-partitions

ORA-14187: partitioning method for LOCAL index is inconsistent with that of the underlying table
Cause: User attempted to create a LOCAL partitioned index that is not equi-partitioned with the underlying table. The partitioning types are mismatched.
Action: Correct the CREATE INDEX statement to ensure that the index partitionining method is consistent with that of the base table

ORA-14188: sub-partitioning columns must form a subset of key columns of a UNIQUE index
Cause: User attempted to create a UNIQUE partitioned index whose sub-partitioning columns do not form a subset of its key columns which is illegal
Action: If the user, indeed, desired to create an index whose subpartitioning columns do not form a subset of its key columns, it must be created as non-UNIQUE; otherwise, correct the list of key and/or subpartitioning columns to ensure that the index' subpartitioning columns form a subset of its key columns

ORA-14189: this physical attribute may not be specified for an index subpartition
Cause: unexpected option was encountered while parsing physical attributes of an index subpartition; TABLESPACE is the only valid option
Action: remove invalid option(s)

ORA-14190: only one ENABLE/DISABLE ROW MOVEMENT clause can be specified
Cause: One of three possible actions caused the error: 1) ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT was specified more than once. 2) DISABLE ROW MOVEMENT was specified more than once. 3) Both ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT and DISABLE ROW MOVEMENT were specified.
Action: Remove all but one of the ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT or DISABLE ROW MOVEMENT clauses; then, reissue the command.

ORA-14191: ALLOCATE STORAGE may not be specified for Composite Range partitioned object
Cause: User specified ALLOCATE STORAGE clause in ALTER TABLE/ALTER INDEX statement issued against a range-partitioned index which is illegal.
Action: Remove the illegal option. If it is desired to add storage to individual partitions, ALLOCATE STORAGE clause may be specified with ALTER TABLE/INDEX MODIFY PARTITION statement.

ORA-14192: cannot modify physical index attributes of a Hash index partition
Cause: User attempted to modify one of INITRANS/MAXTRANS/LOGGING/STORAGE clause for an index partition of a Hash partitioned index
Action: Remove the physical attributes one is trying to modify

Action: Specify only legal options.

ORA-14194: only one subpartition may be rebuilt
Cause: ALTER INDEX REBUILD SUBPARTITION contained descriptions of more than one subpartition to be rebuilt
Action: Ensure that the statement describes exactly one subpartition to be rebuilt and that it does not contain any commas

ORA-14195: ALLOCATE STORAGE may not be specified for RANGE or LIST partitioned object
Cause: User specified ALLOCATE STORAGE clause in ALTER TABLE/ALTER INDEX statement issued against a range-partitioned index which is illegal.
Action: Remove the illegal option. If it is desired to add storage to individual partitions, ALLOCATE STORAGE clause may be specified with ALTER TABLE/INDEX MODIFY PARTITION statement.

ORA-14196: Specified index cannot be used to enforce the constraint.
Cause: The index specified to enforce the constraint is unsuitable for the purpose.
Action: Specify a suitable index or allow one to be built automatically.

ORA-14201: specified subpartition bound is too long
Cause: Length of a linear key representation of a high bound of a table subpartition being added or along which an existing table or index subpartition is being split exceeded the legal limit (4K).
Action: Change the representation of a subpartition high bound to bring its length within legal limit.

ORA-14202: subpartition bound of subpartition "string" is too high
Cause: High bound of the specified subpartition displayed in this message did not collate lower than that of the subsequent subpartition.
Action: Ensure that high bound of every subpartition (except for the last one) collates lower than that of a subsequent subpartition.

ORA-14203: subpartition bound of subpartition "string" is too long
Cause: Length of linear key representation of a high bound of the specified subpartition displayed in this message exceeded the legal limit (4K).
Action: Change the representation of a subpartition high bound to bring its length within legal limit.

ORA-14204: subpartition bound of subpartition number string is too high
Cause: High bound of the specified subpartition displayed in this message did not collate lower than that of the subsequent subpartition.
Action: Ensure that high bound of every subpartition (except for the last one) collates lower than that of a subsequent subpartition.

ORA-14205: subpartition bound of subpartition number string is too long
Cause: Length of linear key representation of a high bound of the specified subpartition displayed in this message exceeded the legal limit (4K).
Action: Change the representation of a subpartition high bound to bring its length within legal limit.

ORA-14206: table is not subpartitioned by List or Range methods
Cause: A subpartition maintenance operation such as ALTER TABLE DROP|SPLIT|MERGE SUBPARTITION can only be performed on List or Range subpartitioned objects
Action: Issue the command only against a List or Range subpartitioned object.

ORA-14207: maximum number of subpartitioning columns is 16
Cause: number of columns in a subpartitioning column list exceeded the legal limit of 16
Action: modify subpartitioning column list so that it consists of at most 16 columns

ORA-14208: lower-bound subpartition must be specified first
Cause: A higher-bound subpartition was specified before the lower-bound subpartition in ALTER TABLE MERGE SUBPARTITIONS statement.
Action: Specify lower-bound subpartition first and then higher-bound subpartition

ORA-14209: subpartitions being merged are not adjacent
Cause: Attempted to merge two subpartitions that are not adjacent to each other.
Action: Specify two subpartitions that are adjacent

ORA-14210: cannot reuse lower-bound subpartition as resulting subpartition
Cause: Attempted to reuse the lower-bound subpartition of the subpartitions being merged.
Action: Specify new resulting subpartition name or reuse the higher-bound subpartition only

ORA-14211: subpartition bound must collate higher than that of the last subpartition
Cause: Subpartition bound specified in ALTER TABLE MODIFY PARTITION ADD SUBPARTITION statement did not collate higher than that of the partition's last subpartition.
Action: Ensure that the subpartition bound of the subpartition to be added collates higher than that of the table partition's last subpartition.

ORA-14212: subpartition cannot be split along the specified high bound
Cause: Attempted to split a subpartition along a bound which either collates higher than that of the subpartition to be split or lower than that of a subpartition immediately preceding the one to be split
Action: Ensure that the bound along which a subpartition is to be split collates lower than that of the subpartition to be split and higher than that of a subpartition immediately preceding the one to be split

ORA-14213: VALUES LESS THAN or AT clause cannot be used for List subpartitioned tables
Cause: VALUES LESS THAN or AT clause was used for List subpartitioned tables
Action: Use VALUES () clause for List subpartitioned tables

ORA-14214: VALUES () cannot be used for Range subpartitioned tables
Cause: VALUES () clause was used for Range subpartitioned tables
Action: Use VALUES LESS THAN or AT clause with Range subpartitioned tables

ORA-14215: subpartition bound list contains too many elements
Cause: Subpartition bound list contained more elements than there are subpartitioning columns
Action: Ensure that the number of elements in subpartition bound list is equal to the number of subpartitioning columns of the table or index

ORA-14216: subpartition bound list contains too few elements
Cause: Subpartition bound list contained fewer elements than there are subpartitioning columns
Action: Ensure that the number of elements in partition bound list is equal to the number of partitioning columns of the table or index

ORA-14217: VALUES () clause expected
Cause: VALUES () clause was not specified for the list subpartition being added
Action: Specify a VALUES () clause

ORA-14251: Specified subpartition does not exist
Cause: Subpartition not found for the object.
Action: Retry with correct subpartition name.

ORA-14252: invalid ALTER TABLE MODIFY PARTITION option for a Hash partition
Cause: Only ALLOCATE EXTENT and DEALLOCATE UNUSED may be specified in ALTER TABLE MODIFY PARTITION for a Hash partition.
Action: Specify only legal options.

ORA-14253: table is not partitioned by Composite Range method
Cause: The table in a subpartition maintenance operation (ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE/MODIFY/MOVE/TRUNCATE SUBPARTITION, or ALTER TABLE MODIFY PARTITION ADD/COALESCE SUBPARTITION command must be partitioned by Composite Range method
Action: Ensure that the table is partitioned by Composite Range method

ORA-14254: cannot specify ALLOCATE STORAGE for a (Composite) Range or List partitioned table
Cause: User specified ALLOCATE STORAGE clause in ALTER TABLE statement issued against a Range or Composite Range partitioned table which is illegal.
Action: Remove the illegal option. If it is desired to add storage to individual partitions/subpartitions, ALLOCATE STORAGE clause may be specified with ALTER TABLE MODIFY PARTITION/SUBPARTITION statement. If it is desired to add storage to all subpartitions of a Composite partition, ALLOCATE STORAGE clause may be specified with ALTER TABLE MODIFY PARTITION.

ORA-14255: table is not partitioned by Range, List, Composite Range or Composite List method
Cause: The table was not partitioned by Range, List, Composite Range or Composite List method.
Action: ALTER TABLE SPLIT/DROP PARTITION or ALTER TABLE MERGE PARTITIONS command is only valid for table partitioned by Range, List, Composite Range or Composite List methods. Ensure that the table is partitioned appropriately.

ORA-14256: invalid resulting partition description(s)
Cause: User specified STORE-IN clause, SUBPARTITIONS clause, and/or clause in partition description(s) in ALTER TABLE SPLIT PARTITION or ALTER TABLE MERGE PARTITIONS statement but the table in the maintenance operation is not a Composite Range partitioned table which is illegal
Action: Remove invalid clause(s), or ensure that the table is partitioned by Composite Range method

ORA-14257: cannot move partition other than a Range, List, System, or Hash partition
Cause: User attempt to move a partition that is not a Range,List,System, or Hash partition which is illegal
Action: Specify MOVE PARTITION for a Range,List,System, or Hash partition only

ORA-14258: invalid partition description
Cause: User specified STORE-IN clause, SUBPARTITIONS clause, and/or clause in ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION statement but the table in the maintenance operation is not a Composite Range/Hash partitioned table which is illegal
Action: Remove invalid clause(s), or ensure that the table is partitioned by Composite Range/Hash method

ORA-14259: table is not partitioned by Hash method
Cause: ALTER TABLE COALESCE PARTITION is only valid for table partitioned by Hash method
Action: Specify valid ALTER TABLE option for the table, or ensure that the table is partitioned by Hash method

ORA-14260: incorrect physical attribute specified for this partition
Cause: User specified INITRANS, MAXTRANS, STORAGE, PCTFREE, PCTUSED, and/or [NO]LOGGING option to a Hash partition via ALTER TABLE ADD/MOVE PARTITION command which is illegal. Only TABLESPACE may be specified.
Action: Remove invalid option(s)

ORA-14261: partition bound may not be specified when adding this Hash partition
Cause: User specified VALUES LESS THAN clause when adding a partition (via ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION) to a Hash partitioned table which is illegal
Action: Remove VALUES LESS THAN clause from the description of partition being added

ORA-14262: new subpartition name must differ from the old subpartition name
Cause: User entered ALTER TABLE/INDEX RENAME SUBPARTITION specifying which is identical to the name of the subpartition being renamed
Action: Ensure that the new subpartition name is different from the name of any (including the one being renamed) existing subpartition of a given table or index

ORA-14263: new subpartition name must differ from that of any other subpartition of the object
Cause: User entered ALTER TABLE/INDEX RENAME SUBPARTITION specifying which is identical to the name of some existing subpartition of the object
Action: Ensure that the new subpartition name is different from the name of any (including the one being renamed) existing subpartition of a given table or index

ORA-14264: table is not partitioned by Composite Range method
Cause: The table in the MODIFY DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES FOR PARTITION operation is partitioned by method other than Composite method
Action: Ensure that the table is partitioned by Composite method

ORA-14265: data type or length of a table subpartitioning column may not be changed
Cause: User issued ALTER TABLE statement attempting to modify data type and/or length of a column used to subpartition the table named in ALTER TABLE statement, which is illegal
Action: Avoid modifying data type and/or length of table subpartitioning column(s)

ORA-14266: data type or length of an index subpartitioning column may not be changed
Cause: User issued ALTER TABLE statement attempting to modify data type and/or length of a column used to subpartition some index defined on the table named in ALTER TABLE statement, which is illegal
Action: Avoid modifying data type and/or length of index subpartitioning column(s)

ORA-14267: cannot specify PARALLEL clause when adding a (Composite) Range partition
Cause: User issued ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION statement with PARALLEL clause for a Range or Composite Range partition which is illegal
Action: Remove the PARALLEL clause.

ORA-14268: subpartition 'string' of the partition resides in offlined tablespace
Cause: User attempted an operation requiring that we access data in a subpartition which resides in a tablespace which was taken offline. Such operations include trying to drop a tablespace of a table which has indices defined on it or is referenced by a constraint.
Action: Bring tablespace online before attempting the operation.

ORA-14269: cannot exchange partition other than a Range,List,System, or Hash partition
Cause: User attempt to exchange a partition with a non-partitioned table but the specified partition is not a Range,List,System, or Hash partition which is illegal
Action: Specify EXCHANGE PARTITION for a Range,List,System, or Hash partition only

ORA-14270: table is not partitioned by Range, System, Hash or List method
Cause: The table in ALTER TABLE MODIFY PARTITION { UNUSABLE LOCAL INDEXES | REBUILD UNUSABLE LOCAL INDEXES } statement is not partitioned by Range,List,System, or Hash method which is illegal.
Action: Ensure that the table is partitioned by Range,List,System, or Hash method

ORA-14271: table is not partitioned by Composite Range method
Cause: The table in ALTER TABLE MODIFY SUBPARTITION { UNUSABLE LOCAL INDEXES | REBUILD UNUSABLE LOCAL INDEXES } statement is not partitioned by Composite Range method which is illegal.
Action: Ensure that the table is partitioned by Composite Range method

ORA-14272: only a partition with higher bound can be reused
Cause: User attempt to reuse a lower-bound partition in ALTER TABLE MERGE PARTITIONS statement as the resulting partition which is illegal.
Action: Use the higher-bound partition to be the resulting partition or specify a new partition name

ORA-14273: lower-bound partition must be specified first
Cause: User specified higher-bound partition before lower-bound partition in ALTER TABLE MERGE PARTITIONS statement which is illegal
Action: Specify lower-bound partition then higher-bound partition

ORA-14274: partitions being merged are not adjacent
Cause: User attempt to merge two partitions that are not adjacent to each other which is illegal
Action: Specify two partitions that are adjacent

ORA-14275: cannot reuse lower-bound partition as resulting partition
Cause: User attempt to reuse lower-bound partition of the partitions being merged which is illegal
Action: Specify new resulting partition name or reuse the higher-bound partition only

ORA-14276: EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION requires a non-partitioned, non-clustered table
Cause: The table in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION operation is either clustered or partitioned
Action: Ensure that the table with which the subpartition is being exchanged for is not partitioned or clustered.

ORA-14277: tables in EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION must have the same number of columns
Cause: The two tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION have different number of columns
Action: Ensure that the two tables have the same number of columns with the same type and size.

ORA-14278: column type or size mismatch in EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION
Cause: The corresponding columns in the tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION are of different type or size
Action: Ensure that the two tables have the same number of columns with the same type and size.

ORA-14279: index mismatch for tables in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION
Cause: The two tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION have indexes which are not equivalent
Action: Ensure that the indexes for the two tables have indexes which follow this rule For every non partitioned index for the non partitioned table, there has to be an identical LOCAL index on the partitioned table and vice versa. By identical, the column position, type and size have to be the same.

ORA-14280: all rows in table do not qualify for specified subpartition
Cause: There is at least one row in the non partitioned table which does not qualify for the subpartition specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION
Action: Ensure that all the rows in the segment qualify for the subpartition. Perform the alter table operation with the NO CHECKING option. Run ANALYZE table VALIDATE on that subpartition to find out the invalid rows and delete them.

Cause: The corresponding columns in the tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION statement have CHECK constraint defined on them.
Action: Ensure that the two tables do not have CHECK constraint defined on any column

Cause: The corresponding columns in the tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION statement have different FOREIGN KEY constraints.
Action: Ensure that the two tables do not have FOREIGN KEY constraints defined on any column or disable all FOREIGN KEY constraints on both tables. Then retry the operation.

Cause: One of the tables named in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION command has a UNIQUE constraint for which no matching (vis-a-vis key columns) constraint is defined on the other table or a matching constraint is defined on the other table, but it differs from that defined on the first table vis-a-vis being enabled and/or validated.
Action: Ensure that for every UNIQUE constraint defined on one of the tables named in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION statement there is a matching (vis-a-vis key columns and being enabled and/or validated) UNIQUE constraint defined on the other table. If UNIQUE constrains are enabled, UNIQUE constraints on the partitioned table should be enforced using local indexes.

ORA-14284: one or more of table's subpartitions reside in a read-only tablespace
Cause: User issued ALTER TABLE statement attempting to modify an existing VARCHAR2 (or VARCHAR) column to be of type CHAR (or CHARACTER), increase length of an existing CHAR (or CHARACTER) column, or add a column with user-specified default for a table one or more subpartitions of which reside in read-only tablespaces, which is illegal
Action: Avoid performing aformentioned operations on a partitioned table one or more subpartitions of which reside in read-only tablespaces

ORA-14285: cannot COALESCE the only partition of this hash partitioned table or index
Cause: A COALESCE PARTITION command was issued when there is only one partition in the table or index, which is illegal
Action: Ensure that there is at least one partition. Drop the table or index to remove all partitions.

ORA-14286: cannot COALESCE the only subpartition of this table partition
Cause: A COALESCE SUBPARTITION command was issued when there is only one subpartition in the partition which is illegal
Action: Ensure that there is at least one subpartition. Drop partition to remove all subpartitions.

ORA-14287: cannot REBUILD a partition of a Composite Range partitioned index
Cause: User attempted to rebuild a partition of a Composite Range partitioned index which is illegal
Action: REBUILD the index partition, a subpartition at a time

ORA-14288: index is not partitioned by Composite Range method
Cause: The index in a partition or subpartition maintenance operation (ALTER INDEX MODIFY [SUBPARTITION|DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES FOR PARTITION] or ALTER INDEX REBUILD SUBPARTITION command must be partitioned by Composite Range method
Action: None

ORA-14289: cannot make local index partition of Composite Range partitioned table unusable
Cause: User attempted to rebuild a partition of a Composite Range partitioned index which is illegal
Action: None

Cause: The corresponding columns in the tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE [SUB]PARTITION statement have different PRIMARY KEY constraints.
Action: Ensure that the two tables do not have PRIMARY KEY constraints defined on any column or disable all PRIMARY KEY constraints on both tables. Then retry the operation.

ORA-14291: cannot EXCHANGE a composite partition with a non-partitioned table
Cause: A composite partition can only be exchanged with a partitioned table.
Action: Ensure that the table being exchanged is partitioned or that that the partition being exchanged is non-composite.

ORA-14292: Partitioning type of table must match subpartitioning type of composite partition
Cause: When exchanging a partitioned table with a composite partition the partitioning type of the table must match the subpartitioning type of the composite partition.
Action: Ensure that the partitioning type of partitioned table is the same as the subpartitioning type of the composite partition.

ORA-14293: Number of partitioning columns does not match number of subpartitioning columns
Cause: When exchanging a partitioned table with a composite partition the number of partitioning columns of the table must match the number of subpartitioning columns of the composite partition.
Action: Ensure that the number of partitioning columns in the partitioned table is the same as the number of subpartitioning columns in the the composite partition.

ORA-14294: Number of partitions does not match number of subpartitions
Cause: When exchanging a partitioned table with a composite partition the number of partitions of the table must match the number of subpartitions of the composite partition.
Action: Ensure that the number of partitions in the partitioned table is the same as the number of subpartitions in the the composite partition.

ORA-14295: column type or size mismatch between partitioning columns and subpartitioning columns
Cause: When exchanging a partitioned table with a composite partition the type and size of the partitioning columns of the table must match the type and size of the subpartitioning columns of the composite partition.
Action: Ensure that the type and size of the partitioning columns of the partitioned is the same as the type and size of the subpartitioning columns of the composite partition.

ORA-14296: Table block size mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE [SUB]PARTITION
Cause: The block sizes of the two tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE [SUB]PARTITION statement are different. For index organized tables, either the block sizes of the index or the overflow (or both) do not match.
Action: Ensure that the block sizes of the tables involved in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE [SUB]PARTITION statement are the same. For index organized tables, ensure that the block sizes of both the index and the overflow of the two tables match.

ORA-14297: Index block size mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE [SUB]PARTITION
Cause: The block sizes of a pair of indexes being exchanged in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE [SUB]PARTITION statement are different.
Action: Ensure that the block sizes of the corresponding pairs of indexes that need to be exchanged in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE [SUB]PARTITION statement are the same.

ORA-14298: LOB column block size mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE [SUB]PARTITION
Cause: The block sizes of a pair of corresponding LOB columns of the two tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE [SUB]PARTITION statement are different.
Action: Ensure that the block sizes of corresponding pairs of LOB columns of the tables involved in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE [SUB]PARTITION statement are the same.

ORA-14299: total number of partitions/subpartitions exceeds the maximum limit
Cause: The total number of combined fragments specified in partitions /subpartitions exceeds 1048575.
Action: Reissue the statement with fewer number of fragments

ORA-14301: table-level attributes must be specified before partition-level attributes
Cause: While processing an ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN statement, table-level attributes of LOB columns were encountered after processing partition-level attributes of LOB columns or while processing CREATE TABLE statement, table-level attributes of LOB columns were encountered after processing partition descriptions.
Action: Modify the SQL statement to specify table-level attributes prior to partition-level attributes or partition descriptions; then retry the statement.

ORA-14302: only one list of added-LOB-storage-clauses can be specified in a statement
Cause: While parsing an ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN statement, one list of added-LOB-storage-clauses was parsed when another list of added-LOB-storage-clauses was encountered. There cannot be more than one list of added-LOB-storage-clauses in a statement; all added-LOB-storage-clauses must be combined into one list.
Action: Combine all of the lists of added-LOB-storage-clauses into one list and retry the statement.

ORA-14303: partitions or subpartitions are not in the right order
Cause: User attempted to rebuild a partition of a Composite Range partitioned index which is illegal
Action: Re-order the partitions or subpartitions in the added LOB storage clause by partition or subpartition DDL order, and retry the statement.

ORA-14304: List partitioning method expects a single partitioning column
Cause: number of columns in a partitioning column list exceeded the legal limit of 1 for List partitioned objects
Action: modify partitioning column list so that it consists of at most 1 column

ORA-14305: List value 'string' specified twice in partition 'string'
Cause: A list value cannot be specified more that once
Action: Remove one of the specifications of the value

ORA-14306: List value 'string' specified twice in partitions 'string', 'string'
Cause: A list value cannot be specified more that once
Action: Remove one of the specifications of the value

ORA-14307: partition contains too many list values
Cause: Partition list contains more than 524288 list values
Action: Reduce the number of values to not exceed 524288 values

ORA-14308: partition bound element must be one of: string, datetime or interval literal, number, or NULL
Cause: Partition bound list contained an element of invalid type (i.e. not a number, non-empty string, datetime or interval literal, or NULL)
Action: Ensure that all elements of partition bound list are of valid type

ORA-14309: Total count of list values exceeds maximum allowed
Cause: Partitioned object contains more than 524288 list values
Action: Reduce number of values to less than 524288.

ORA-14310: VALUES LESS THAN or AT clause cannot be used with List partitioned tables
Cause: VALUES LESS THAN or AT clause can be used only with Range partitioned tables
Action: Use VALUES () clause with List partitioned tables

ORA-14311: Expecting VALUES LESS THAN or AT clause
Cause: VALUES () clause can be used only with List partitioned tables
Action: Use VALUES LESS THAN clause with Range partitioned tables

ORA-14312: Value string already exists in partition string
Cause: One of the list values in the ADD PARTITION or ADD VALUES statement already exists in another partition
Action: Remove the duplicate value from the statement and try again

ORA-14313: Value string does not exist in partition string
Cause: One of the list values in the SPLIT PARTITION or DROP VALUES statement does not exist in the partition
Action: Remove the value from the statement and try again

ORA-14314: resulting List partition(s) must contain atleast 1 value
Cause: After a SPLIT/DROP VALUE of a list partition, each resulting partition(as applicable) must contain at least 1 value
Action: Ensure that each of the resulting partitions contains atleast 1 value

ORA-14315: cannot merge a partition with itself
Cause: The same partition name was specified twice for the merge operation
Action: Re-submit operation with 2 distinct partition names

ORA-14316: table is not partitioned by List method
Cause: ALTER TABLE ADD|DROP VALUES can only be performed on List partitioned objects
Action: Re-issue the command against a List partitioned object.

ORA-14317: cannot drop the last value of partition
Cause: ALTER TABLE DROP VALUES tried to drop the last value of the partition
Action: Cannot execute the command, unless two or more values exist for partition

ORA-14318: DEFAULT partition must be last partition specified
Cause: A partition description follows the one describing the default partition
Action: Ensure that the DEFAULT partition is the last partition description

ORA-14319: DEFAULT cannot be specified with other values
Cause: DEFAULT keyword has been specified along with other values when specifying the values for a list partition
Action: Ensure that if DEFAULT is specified, it is the only value specified

ORA-14320: DEFAULT cannot be specified for ADD/DROP VALUES or SPLIT
Cause: DEFAULT keyword has been specified when doing a ADD VALUES or DROP VALUES or SPLIT partition or subpartition.
Action: Ensure that DEFAULT is not specified for ADD/DROP VALUES or SPLIT partition/subpartition operation.

ORA-14321: cannot add/drop values to DEFAULT partition
Cause: A ADD/DROP VALUES operation is being done on the default partition
Action: Ensure that ADD/DROP VALUES is not done on the DEFAULT partition

ORA-14322: DEFAULT partition already exists
Cause: A partition already exists with DEFAULT value
Action: None

ORA-14323: cannot add partition when DEFAULT partition exists
Cause: An ADD PARTITION operation cannot be executed when a partition with DEFAULT values exists
Action: Issue a SPLIT of the DEFAULT partition instead

ORA-14324: values being added already exist in DEFAULT partition
Cause: An ADD VALUE operation cannot be executed because the values being added exist in the DEFAULT partition
Action: Issue a SPLIT of the DEFAULT partition and then MERGE the split partition into the partition to which values need to be added

ORA-14325: only LOCAL indexes may be specified in this clause
Cause: A global index has been specified in the UPDATE INDEXES (..) clause
Action: Only specify local indexes when using this clause

ORA-14326: Primary index on an IOT, DOMAIN and LOB indexes may not be specified in the UPDATE INDEXES clause
Cause: A Primary index on an IOT, DOMAIN or LOB index has been specified in the UPDATE INDEXES (..) clause
Action: Do not specify any of these indexes when using this clause

ORA-14327: Some index [sub]partitions could not be rebuilt
Cause: The first phase (partition DDL and index [sub]partition placement) completed successfully. During the second phase, some of the index [sub]partitions could not be rebuilt.
Action: .

ORA-14329: domain index [sub]partitions cannot be renamed in this clause
Cause: The user tried to rename a domain index [sub]partition in the UPDATE INDEXES clause of a ALTER TABLE MOVE [SUB]PARTITION operation. This is not allowed.
Action: Leave the name blank or use the same name.

ORA-14330: Cannot drop a partition of a global hash-partitioned index
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a partition of a hash-partitioned global index.
Action: Try COALESCE PARTITION instead.

ORA-14400: inserted partition key does not map to any partition
Cause: An attempt was made to insert a record into, a Range or Composite Range object, with a concatenated partition key that is beyond the concatenated partition bound list of the last partition -OR- An attempt was made to insert a record into a List object with a partition key that did not match the literal values specified for any of the partitions.
Action: Do not insert the key. Or, add a partition capable of accepting the key, Or add values matching the key to a partition specification

ORA-14401: inserted partition key is outside specified partition
Cause: the concatenated partition key of an inserted record is outside the ranges of the two concatenated partition bound lists that delimit the partition named in the INSERT statement
Action: do not insert the key or insert it in another partition

ORA-14402: updating partition key column would cause a partition change
Cause: An UPDATE statement attempted to change the value of a partition key column causing migration of the row to another partition
Action: Do not attempt to update a partition key column or make sure that the new partition key is within the range containing the old partition key.

ORA-14403: cursor invalidation detected after getting DML partition lock
Cause: cursor invalidation was detected after acquiring a partition lock during an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statement. This error is never returned to user, because is caught in opiexe() and the DML statement is retried.
Action: nothing to be done, error should never be returned to user

ORA-14404: partitioned table contains partitions in a different tablespace
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a tablespace which contains tables whose partitions are not completely contained in this tablespace
Action: find tables with partitions which span the tablespace being dropped and some other tablespace(s). Drop these tables or move partitions to a different tablespace

ORA-14405: partitioned index contains partitions in a different tablespace
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a tablespace which contains indexes whose partitions are not completely contained in this tablespace, and which are defined on the tables which are completely contained in this tablespace.
Action: find indexes with partitions which span the tablespace being dropped and some other tablespace(s). Drop these indexes, or move the index partitions to a different tablespace, or find the tables on which the indexes are defined, and drop (or move) them.

ORA-14406: updated partition key is beyond highest legal partition key
Cause: At attempt was made to update a record with a concatenated partition key that is beyond the concatenated partition bound list of the last partition.
Action: Do not update the key. Or, add a partition capable of accepting the key.

ORA-14407: partitioned table contains subpartitions in a different tablespace
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a tablespace which contains tables whose subpartitions are not completely contained in this tablespace
Action: find tables with subpartitions which span the tablespace being dropped and some other tablespace(s). Drop these tables or move subpartitions to a different tablespace

ORA-14408: partitioned index contains subpartitions in a different tablespace
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a tablespace which contains indexes whose subpartitions are not completely contained in this tablespace, and which are defined on the tables which are completely contained in this tablespace.
Action: find indexes with subpartitions which span the tablespace being dropped and some other tablespace(s). Drop these indexes, or move the index partitions to a different tablespace, or find the tables on which the indexes are defined, and drop (or move) them.

ORA-14409: inserted partition key is outside specified subpartition
Cause: the concatenated partition key of an inserted record is outside the ranges of the two concatenated subpartition bound lists that delimit the subpartition named in the INSERT statement
Action: do not insert the key or insert it in another subpartition

ORA-14411: The DDL cannot be run concurrently with other DDLs
Cause: Another conflicting DDL was already running.
Action: Retry after the conflicting DDL has finished.

ORA-14450: attempt to access a transactional temp table already in use
Cause: An attempt was made to access a transactional temporary table that has been already populated by a concurrent transaction of the same session.
Action: do not attempt to access the temporary table until the concurrent transaction has committed or aborted.

ORA-14451: unsupported feature with temporary table
Cause: An attempt was made to create an IOT, specify physical attributes, specify partition or parallel clause.
Action: do not do that.

ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in use
Cause: An attempt was made to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table which is already in use.
Action: All the sessions using the session-specific temporary table have to truncate table and all the transactions using transaction specific temporary table have to end their transactions.

ORA-14453: attempt to use a LOB of a temporary table, whose data has alreadybeen purged
Cause: An attempt was made to use LOB from a temporary table whose data has been dropped either because table was transaction-specific and transaction has commited or aborted, table was truncated or session which created this LOB has ended.
Action: This LOB locator is invalid and cannot be used.

ORA-14454: attempt to reference temporary table in a referential integrity constraint
Cause: An attempt was made to reference temporary table in a referencial integrity constraint. This is not supported.
Action: Use triggers.

ORA-14455: attempt to create referential integrity constraint on temporary table
Cause: An attempt was made to create a referential integrity constraint on a temporary table. This is not supported.
Action: Use triggers.

ORA-14456: cannot rebuild index on a temporary table
Cause: An attempt was made to rebuild an index on a temp table.
Action: The index data is anyway lost at end of session/transaction.

ORA-14457: disallowed Nested Table column in a Temporary table
Cause: An attempt made to create a Nested Table column in a temporary table. This is not supported.
Action: Do not specify these datatypes for temporary tables.

ORA-14458: attempt was made to create a temporary table with INDEX organization
Cause: An attempt was made to create an Index Organized Temporary table. This is not supported.
Action: Create the table with HEAP organization and the primary key.

ORA-14459: missing GLOBAL keyword
Cause: keyword GLOBAL is missing while creating temporary table.
Action: supply keyword.

ORA-14460: only one COMPRESS or NOCOMPRESS clause may be specified
Cause: COMPRESS was specified more than once, NOCOMPRESS was specified more than once, or both COMPRESS and NOCOMPRESS were specified.
Action: specify each desired COMPRESS or NOCOMPRESS clause option only once.

ORA-14461: cannot REUSE STORAGE on a temporary table TRUNCATE
Cause: REUSE STORAGE was specified with TRUNCATE on a temporary table. This is unsupported as it is meaningless.
Action: Specify DROP STORAGE instead (which is the default).

ORA-14462: cannot TRUNCATE temporary table in an autonomous transaction which is already in use by the parent transaction
Cause: An attempt was made to TRUNCATE a temporary table in an autonomous transaction which is already in use by the parent transaction.
Action: Make sure the temporary table is not being used by the parent transaction before trying to TRUNCATE in an autonomous transaction.

ORA-14463: OPERATIONS keyword not specified
Cause: OPERATIONS keyword was not specified in the Compression Clause.
Action: specify OPERATIONS in the Compression Clause.

ORA-14464: Compression Type not specified
Cause: Compression Type was not specified in the Compression Clause.
Action: specify Compression Type in the Compression Clause.

ORA-14500: LOCAL option not valid without partition name
Cause: Incorrect syntax specified
Action: Retry the command

ORA-14501: object is not partitioned
Cause: Table or index is not partitioned. Invalid syntax.
Action: Retry the command with correct syntax.

ORA-14503: only one partition name can be specified
Cause: More than one partition name has been specified for analyze
Action: Specify one partition name.

ORA-14504: syntax not supported for analyze
Cause: A partition/subpartition number or bind variable has been used
Action: Specify a valid partition/subpartition name.

ORA-14505: LOCAL option valid only for partitioned indexes
Cause: Incorrect syntax specified
Action: Retry the command

ORA-14506: LOCAL option required for partitioned indexes
Cause: Incorrect syntax specified
Action: Retry the command

ORA-14507: partition corrupt. all rows do not fall within partition bounds
Cause: The partition contains rows which should really be in some other partition. Possibly due to an exchange partition without validation
Action: Delete rows in partition which do not qualify

ORA-14508: specified VALIDATE INTO table not found
Cause: The specified table either does not exist or user does not have the proper privleges.
Action: Specify the correct table to use.

ORA-14509: specified VALIDATE INTO table form incorrect
Cause: The specified table does not have the proper field definitions.
Action: Specify the correct table to use. See utlvalid.sql for more information.

ORA-14510: can specify VALIDATE INTO clause only for partitioned tables
Cause: The VALIDATE INTO has been specified for a non partitioned table or cluster or index.
Action: Use syntax correctly

ORA-14511: cannot perform operation on a partitioned object
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an operation that is not allowed on partitioned tables or indexes.
Action: Retry the command with correct syntax.

ORA-14512: cannot perform operation on a clustered object
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an operation that is not allowed on clustered tables or indexes.
Action: Retry the command with correct syntax.

ORA-14513: partitioning column may not be of object datatype
Cause: Partitioning column specified by the user was an object datatype (object, REF, nested table, array) which is illegal.
Action: Ensure that no partitioning column is an object datatype.

ORA-14514: LOCAL option not valid without subpartition name
Cause: Incorrect syntax specified
Action: Retry the command

ORA-14515: only one aubpartition name can be specified
Cause: More than one subpartition name has been specified for analyze
Action: Specify one subpartition name.

ORA-14516: subpartition corrupt. all rows do not fall within subpartition bounds
Cause: The subpartition contains rows which should really be in some other subpartition. Possibly due to an exchange subpartition without validation
Action: Delete rows in subpartition which do not qualify

ORA-14517: subpartition of index 'string.string' is in unusable state
Cause: An attempt has been made to access an index subpartition that has been marked unusable by a direct load or by a DDL operation
Action: REBUILD the unusable index subpartition

ORA-14518: partition contains rows corresponding to values being dropped
Cause: table partition contains rows for the values being dropped.
Action: DELETE all rows for the values being dropped and reissue statement

ORA-14519: Conflicting tablespace blocksizes for string string: Tablespace string block size string [string] conflicts with previously specified/implied tablespace string block size string [string]
Cause: An attempt has been made to create a partitioned object in a manner that would require the partitioned object to span tablespaces of more than one block size.
Action: Ensure that all tablespaces specified in the DDL command for the given object as well as any tablespaces implicitly assigned to partitions or subpartitions of the object being created are all of the same block size.

ORA-14520: Tablespace string block size [string] does not match existing object block size [string]
Cause: A DDL statement was issued that would require a tablespace of a block size different from the block size of the specified partitioned object to be assigned either: (1) As the object's default tablespace (or one of the object's partition-level default tablespaces, if composite partitioning is being used) OR (2) To one of the object's partitions/subpartitions.
Action: Specify a tablespace of the same block size as the partitioned object.

ORA-14521: Default tablespace string block size [string] for string string does not match existing string block size [string]
Cause: A DDL statement was issued that would require creation of a new partition/subpartition in the object-level default tablespace of an existing partitioned object. However, the object-level default tablespace block size does not match the block size of the partitioned object.
Action: Either (1) Modify the default tablespace of the partitioned object to a tablespace of the same block size as the object and then retry the DDL command, OR (2) Ensure that tablespaces of the correct block size are specified for all new partitions/subpartitions being created.

ORA-14522: Partition-level default tablespace string block size [string] for string string does not match existing string block size [string]
Cause: A DDL statement was issued that would require creation of a new subpartition in one of the partition-level default tablespaces of an existing composite partitioned object. However, the partition-level default tablespace block size does not match the block size of the partitioned object.
Action: Either (1) Modify the partition-level default tablespace of the appropriate partition of the partitioned object to a tablespace of the same block size as the object and then retry the DDL command, OR (2) Ensure that tablespaces of the correct block size are specified for all new subpartitions being created.

ORA-14523: Cannot co-locate [sub]partition of string string with table [sub]partition because string block size [string] does not match table block size [string]
Cause: A DDL statement was issued that would require a partition/subpartition of a local index/LOB column to be co-located with the corresponding partition/subpartition of the base table. However, this is not possible because the block sizes of the table and the LOB column/local index are different.
Action: Either (1) Specify an object-level default tablespace (or partition-level default tablespace for the appropriate partition, if composite partitioning is used) for the partitioned local index/LOB column and then retry the DDL command, OR (2) Ensure that tablespaces of the correct block size are specified for all new partitions/subpartitions being created. Also ensure that neither of TABLESPACE DEFAULT and STORE IN (DEFAULT) is specified for a local index whose block size does not match that of the base table.

ORA-14530: row mismatches found in table string.string and index string.string
Cause: rows in table and index inconsistent
Action: run complete analyze to determine corrupt rows

ORA-14551: cannot perform a DML operation inside a query
Cause: DML operation like insert, update, delete or select-for-update cannot be performed inside a query or under a PDML slave.
Action: Ensure that the offending DML operation is not performed or use an autonomous transaction to perform the DML operation within the query or PDML slave.

ORA-14552: cannot perform a DDL, commit or rollback inside a query or DML
Cause: DDL operations like creation tables, views etc. and transaction control statements such as commit/rollback cannot be performed inside a query or a DML statement.
Action: Ensure that the offending operation is not performed or use autonomous transactions to perform the operation within the query/DML operation.

ORA-14553: cannot perform a lob write operation inside a query
Cause: A lob write operation cannot be performed inside a query or a PDML slave.
Action: Ensure that the offending lob write operation is not performed or use an autonomous transaction to perform the operation within the query or PDML slave.

ORA-14554: cannot perform requested operation during database startup
Cause: Requested operation requires the Cost Based Optimizer(CBO) which is not available during database startup. Features like partitioning, IOTs, grouping sets, and flashback cursor require the CBO.
Action: Retry the query after the database is open.

ORA-14601: Illegal to specify SUBPARTITIONS or STORE-IN while specifying a subpartition template
Cause: Cannot specify these clauses while specifying a template
Action: Correct the subpartition template clause.

ORA-14602: SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE is legal only for a composite partitioned table
Cause: SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE can be specified only for composite partitioned tables
Action: Do not use SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE on non-partitioned or non-composite partitioned tables.

ORA-14603: [SUBPARTITIONS | SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE] subpartition_count syntax is valid only for range-hash tables
Cause: This syntax is valid only if subpartitioning dimension is hash
Action: None

ORA-14604: During CREATE TABLE time it is illegal to specify SUBPARTITIONS or STORE IN once a SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE has been specified
Cause: Once a subpartition template has been specified during a CREATE TABLE it is illegal to specify SUBPARTITIONS or STORE IN anywhere else
Action: Remove either the SUBPARTITIONS | STORE IN or remove the SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE clause

ORA-14605: Name missing for subpartition / lob segment in template
Cause: A subpartition / lob segment was not specified a name in the template descriptions
Action: All subpartitions / lob segments must have names specified in the template

ORA-14606: Tablespace was specified for previous subpartitions in template but is not specified for string
Cause: Tablespaces may either be specified for all subpartitions or must not be specified for any subpartitions
Action: Either specify tablespaces for all or for none of the subpartitions

ORA-14607: Tablespace was not specified for previous subpartitions in template but is specified for string
Cause: Tablespaces may either be specified for all subpartitions or must not be specified for any subpartitions
Action: Either specify tablespaces for all or for none of the subpartitions

ORA-14608: Tablespace was specified for the previous lob segments of column string in template but is not specified for string
Cause: Tablespaces may either be specified for all lob segments of a column or must not be specified for any lob segments of this column
Action: Either specify tablespaces for all or for none of the lob segments

ORA-14609: Tablespace was not specified for the previous lob segments of column string in template but is specified for string
Cause: Tablespaces may either be specified for all lob segments of a column or must not be specified for any lob segments of this column
Action: Either specify tablespaces for all or for none of the lob segments

ORA-14610: Lob attributes not specified for lob column string for subpartition string
Cause: Lob attributes of a column must be specified for all subpartitions or must not be specified at all
Action: Ensure lob attributes of a column are specified for all subpartitions or not specified at all

ORA-14611: Duplicate subpartition name string in template
Cause: A subpartition name cannot be duplicated within the template
Action: Rename one of the subpartitions.

ORA-14612: Duplicate lob segment name string for lob column string in template
Cause: Two lob segments of the same column were given the same name in the template
Action: Rename one of the lob segments

ORA-14613: Attempt to generate name from parent name string and template name string failed as the combine named would have been longer than allowed
Cause: Any name generated from a partition name and template name must be less than the maximum permissible name for an identifier
Action: Shorten either partition or template name.

ORA-14614: List value 'string' specified twice in subpartition 'string'
Cause: A list value cannot be specified more that once
Action: Remove one of the specifications of the value

ORA-14615: List value 'string' specified twice in subpartitions 'string', 'string'
Cause: A list value cannot be specified more that once
Action: Remove one of the specifications of the value

ORA-14616: table is not subpartitioned by List method
Cause: A subpartition maintenance operation, such as ALTER TABLE MODIFY SUBPARTITION ADD|DROP VALUES, was performed on a non-List subpartitioned object.
Action: Reissue the command against a List subpartitioned object.

ORA-14617: cannot add/drop values to DEFAULT subpartition
Cause: A ADD/DROP VALUES operation is being done on the default subpartition
Action: Ensure that ADD/DROP VALUES is not done on the DEFAULT subpartition

ORA-14618: cannot drop the last value of subpartition
Cause: ALTER TABLE DROP VALUES tried to drop the last value of the subpartition
Action: Cannot execute the command, unless two or more values exist for subpartition

ORA-14619: resulting List subpartition(s) must contain at least 1 value
Cause: After a SPLIT/DROP VALUE of a list subpartition, each resulting subpartition(as applicable) must contain at least 1 value
Action: Ensure that each of the resulting subpartitions contains atleast 1 value

ORA-14620: DEFAULT subpartition already exists
Cause: A subpartition already exists with DEFAULT value
Action: Remove the DEFAULT value from the list specified

ORA-14621: cannot add subpartition when DEFAULT subpartition exists
Cause: An ADD SUBPARTITION operation cannot be executed when a subpartition with DEFAULT values exists
Action: Issue a SPLIT of the DEFAULT subpartition instead

ORA-14622: Value string already exists in subpartition string
Cause: One of the list values in the ADD SUBPARTITION or ADD VALUES statement already exists in another subpartition
Action: Remove the duplicate value from the statement and try again

ORA-14623: Value string does not exist in subpartition string
Cause: One of the list values in the SPLIT PARTITION or DROP VALUES statement does not exist in the subpartition
Action: Remove the value from the statement and try again

ORA-14624: DEFAULT subpartition must be last subpartition specified
Cause: A subpartition description follows the one describing the default subpartition
Action: Ensure that the DEFAULT subpartition is the last subpartition description

ORA-14625: subpartition contains rows corresponding to values being dropped
Cause: table subpartition contains rows for the values being dropped.
Action: DELETE all rows for the values being dropped and reissue statement

ORA-14626: values being added already exist in DEFAULT subpartition
Cause: An ADD VALUE operation cannot be executed because the values being added exist in the DEFAULT subpartition
Action: Issue a SPLIT of the DEFAULT subpartition and then MERGE the split subpartition into the subpartition to which values need to be added

ORA-14627: Invalid operation was specified on a GLOBAL partitioned index
Cause: An invalid operation such as ALTER INDEX DROP|SPLIT SUBPARTITION was specified on the global index
Action: Ensure that subpartition level operations are not specified on a GLOBAL index, since these are only RANGE partitioned

ORA-14628: specification of bounds is inconsistent with LIST method
Cause: An operation such as ALTER TABLE SPLIT|ADD SUBPARTITION specified bounds that were inconsistent with List subpartitioning method
Action: Specify VALUES/subpartition descriptions correctly for SPLIT/ADD of List subpartitions

ORA-14629: cannot drop the only subpartition of a partition
Cause: A drop subpartition command is being executed when there is only one subpartition in the partition
Action: None

ORA-14630: subpartition resides in offlined tablespace
Cause: User attempted an operation requiring that we access data in a subpartition which resides in a tablespace which was taken offline. Such operations include trying to drop a tablespace of a table which has indices defined on it or is referenced by a constraint.
Action: Bring tablespace online before attempting the operation.

ORA-14631: the partition bounds do not match the subpartition bounds of the partition
Cause: When exchanging a partitioned table with a composite partition the bounds that describe the partitions of the table must match the bounds that describe the subpartitions of the composite partition.
Action: Ensure that the bounds describing partitions in the partitioned table is the same as the bounds of the subpartitions in the the composite partition.

ORA-14632: cannot specify PARALLEL clause when adding a List subpartition
Cause: User issued ALTER TABLE ADD SUBPARTITION statement with PARALLEL clause for a List subpartition of a Range/List partitioned object which is illegal
Action: Remove the PARALLEL clause.

ORA-14633: Index maintainence clause not allowed for ADD list subpartition to a Composite partitioned table
Cause: The clause INVALIDATE or UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES is allowed only for ADD hash subpartition to a composite partitioned table.
Action: Remove clause and reissue operation

ORA-14634: Subpartition descriptions cannot be specified during the SPLIT/MERGE of a partition of a Range-List partitioned table
Cause: During a split or a merge of a partition of a range list partitioned table you cannot specify any subpartitioning information for the resulting partition (s)
Action: Remove all subpartitioning information from the DDL.

ORA-14635: only one resulting subpartition can be specified for MERGE SUBPARTITIONS
Cause: ALTER TABLE MERGE SUBPARTITIONS contained more than one resulting subpartition for the MERGE
Action: Ensure that the statement describes exactly one subpartition as the target that need to be MERGEd

ORA-14636: only 2 resulting subpartition can be specified for SPLIT SUBPARTITION
Cause: ALTER TABLE SPLIT SUBPARTITION contained more than 2 resulting subpartition for the SPLIT
Action: Ensure that the statement describes exactly 2 subpartitions as the target of the SPLIT operation

ORA-14637: cannot merge a subpartition with itself
Cause: The same subpartition name was specified twice for the merge operation
Action: Re-submit operation with 2 distinct subpartition names within the same composite partition

ORA-14638: cannot MERGE subpartitions in different Range Composite partitions
Cause: Attempted to MERGE subpartitions in different Range Composite partitions
Action: Reissue the command after ensuring that the 2 subpartitions being merged lie in the same composite partition

ORA-14639: SUBPARTITIONS clause can be specfied only for Hash, Composite Range Hash table/partition
Cause: Attempted to specify SUBPARTITIONS clause on table that is not partitioned by the Composite Range-Hash method
Action: Reissue the command after ensuring that the SUBPARTITIONS clause is not specified, to specify a template for a Composite Range List object use the SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE clause

ORA-14640: add/coalesce index partition operation is valid only for hash partitioned global indexes
Cause: User attempted to add or coalesce an index partition of a global index not partitioned by hash method.
Action: Issue the statement on a global index partitioned by hash method. or if the index is partitioned by range method consider using split/drop instead of add/coalesce.

ORA-14641: STORE-IN clause can be specified only for a Hash, Composite Range Hash table/partition
Cause: Specifying a STORE-IN clause during CREATE/ALTER of a Range, Composite Range List partitioned table which is not allowed"
Action: Re-issue the stament after removing the STORE-IN clause

ORA-14642: Bitmap index mismatch for tables in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION
Cause: The two tables in the EXCHANGE have usable bitmap indexes, and the INCLUDING INDEXES option has been specified and the tables have different hakan factors.
Action: Perform the exchange with the EXCLUDING INDEXES option or alter the bitmap indexes to be unusable.

ORA-14643: Hakan factor mismatch for tables in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION
Cause: Either records_per_block has been minimized for one of the tables to be exchanged, but not the other, or the hakan factors for the tables to be exchanged are not equal.
Action: If records_per_block has been minimized for one of the tables, but not the other, either perform alter table with the NOMINIMIZE RECORDS_PER_BLOCK option for both tables, or perform alter table with the MINIMIZE RECORDS_PER_BLOCK for both tables. If the hakan factors do not match perform alter table with the NOMINIMIZE RECORDS_PER_BLOCK option for both tables.

ORA-14644: table is not subpartitioned by Hash method
Cause: A subpartition maintenance operation such as ALTER TABLE MODIFY PARTITION COALESCE SUBPARTITION can only be performed on Hash subpartitioned objects
Action: Re-issue the command against a Hash subpartitioned object.

ORA-14645: STORE IN clause cannot be specified for Range List objects
Cause: A STORE IN clause was specified for Range List partitioned object
Action: Re-issue the command after removng the STORE IN clause

ORA-14646: Specified alter table operation involving compression cannot be performed in the presence of usable bitmap indexes
Cause: The first time a table is altered to include compression, it cannot have a usable bitmap index (partition). Subsequent alter table statements involving compression do not have this same restriction.
Action: A) Drop any bitmap indexes defined on the table, and re-create them once the operation is complete or, B) Mark all index fragments of all bitmap indexes defined on the table UNUSABLE and rebuild them once the operation is complete.

ORA-14650: operation not supported for reference-partitioned tables
Cause: Attempted to perform an operation on a reference-partitioned table that was not supported.
Action: Do not perform the unsupported operation.

ORA-14651: reference partitioning constraint is not supported
Cause: The specified partitioning constraint was not supported for reference-partitioned tables. The partitioning constraint must be enabled, validated, and not deferrable. The partitioning constraint must not have ON DELETE SET NULL semantics.
Action: Correct the statement to specify a supported partitioning constraint.

ORA-14652: reference partitioning foreign key is not supported
Cause: The specified partitioning foreign key was not supported for reference-partitioned tables. All columns of the partitioning foreign key must be constrained NOT NULL with enabled, validated, and not deferrable constraints. Furthermore, a virtual column cannot be part of the partitioning foreign key.
Action: Correct the statement to specify a supported partitioning foreign key.

ORA-14653: parent table of a reference-partitioned table must be partitioned
Cause: Attempted to create a reference-partitioned table with a non-partitioned parent table.
Action: Correct the statement and reenter.

ORA-14654: number of partitions of reference-partitioned table must equal that of the parent table
Cause: Attempted to create a reference-partitioned table with a number of partitions which was different from that of the parent table.
Action: Correct the CREATE TABLE statement to specify a correct number of partitions.

ORA-14655: reference partitioning constraint not found
Cause: Partitioning constraint specified in CREATE TABLE ... PARTITION BY REFERENCE was not one of the referential constraints on the table being created.
Action: Ensure that the specified partitioning constraint is one of the referential constraints on the table being created.

ORA-14656: cannot drop the parent of a reference-partitioned table
Cause: Attempted to drop the parent of a reference-partitioned table.
Action: Drop all reference-partitioned child tables before dropping the parent table.

ORA-14657: cannot cascade row migration to reference-partitioned child table
Cause: Update of a parent key may require migration of rows in reference-partitioned child tables, however this is not supported because the parent key was not suitably indexed.
Action: Replace the existing index on the parent key with a unique index that does not contain any columns in addition to the parent key.

ORA-14658: specified dependent table is not affected by this operation
Cause: A table has been specified in the DEPENDENT TABLES clause that is not a reference-partitioned table affected by the operation.
Action: Correct the statement and reenter.

ORA-14659: Partitioning method of the parent table is not supported
Cause: An attempt was made to create a reference-partitioned table with an interval partitioned parent table.
Action: Do not create a reference-partitioned table with an interval partitioned parent table.

ORA-14660: parent table of a reference-partitioned table cannot be index-organized
Cause: Attempted to create a reference-partitioned table with a index-organized parent table.
Action: Correct the statement and reenter.

ORA-14661: row movement must be enabled
Cause: Attempted to disable row movement for a reference-partitioned table, although row movement was enabled for its parent table.
Action: Disable row movement for parent table before disabling row movement for the reference-partitioned table.

ORA-14662: row movement cannot be enabled
Cause: Attempted to enable row movement for a partitioned table, although row movement was disabled for a reference-partitioned child table.
Action: Enable row movement for reference-partitioned child tables before enabling row movement for the parent table.

ORA-14663: reference partitioning parent key is not supported
Cause: Parent key of the reference-partitioned table's partitioning constraint contained virtual columns.
Action: Correct the statement to specify a partitioning constraint with supported parent key and reenter.

ORA-14700: Object(s) owned by SYS cannot be locked by non-SYS user
Cause: Attempt to issue a LOCK TABLE statement on SYS owned object(s) by a non-SYS user, user should minimally have DML privileges
Action: Re-issue LOCK TABLE statement for non-SYS user after granting DML privileges on object, or non-SYS user should connect as SYS

ORA-14701: partition-extended name or bind variable must be used for DMLs on tables partitioned by the System method
Cause: User attempted not to use partition-extended syntax for a table partitioned by the System method
Action: Must use of partition-extended syntax in contexts mentioned above.

ORA-14702: The partition number is invalid or out-of-range
Cause: Attempted to use nonnumerical value or the number was out of range of the partitions.
Action: Use a valid partition number.

ORA-14703: The AFTER clause can be used to ADD PARTITION only to a System Partitioned table.
Cause: The table is not partitioned by the System method
Action: Skip the AFTER clause.

ORA-14704: Create table as select disallowed for SYSTEM patitioned tables
Cause: User attempted to create a SYSTEM partitioned table by doing a create table as select.
Action: Do a create table followed by an insert as select into each partition.

ORA-14750: Range partitioned table with INTERVAL clause has more than one column
Cause: You attempted to create an interval partitioned table with more than one partitioning column.
Action: Use a single partitioning column.

ORA-14751: Invalid data type for partitioning column of an interval partitioned table
Cause: You attempted to use interval partitioning on a table partitioned on a column of data type other than number or date/time.
Action: Use only number or date/time columns as partitioning columns for interval partitioned tables.

ORA-14752: Interval expression is not a constant of the correct type
Cause: You attempted to use either a nonconstant interval or an interval whose data type does not correspond to the partitioning column
Action: Use only constant expressions for the interval. If the data type of partitioning column is numeric, the interval must be a numeric constant. If the data type is of type date/time, the interval must be a constant of interval type

ORA-14753: Interval cannot be zero
Cause: The interval mapped to zero.
Action: You must use a nonzero interval.

ORA-14754: Interval string is too long
Cause: The interval string was too long
Action: Specify interval using a shorter string

ORA-14755: Invalid partition specification for FOR VALUES clause.
Cause: The [SUB]PARTITION FOR VALUES (...) clause can only take constants. In addition it takes as many arguments as there are partitioning columns and the values must be coercible to the partitioning columns.
Action: Specify a valid FOR VALUES clause.

ORA-14756: Table is not partitioned by Interval method.
Cause: The table was not partitioned by Interval method.
Action: ALTER TABLE SET STORE IN is only valid for Interval partitioned tables. Ensure that the table by Interval.

ORA-14757: Table is already a range partitioned table
Cause: SET INTERVAL () is used to convert an interval partitioned table to a range partitioned table. It is not legal on a range partitioned table
Action: Use SET INTERVAL () only on an interval partitioned table.

ORA-14758: Last partition in the range section cannot be dropped
Cause: An attempt was made to drop the last range partition of an interval partitioned table.
Action: Do not attempt to drop this partition.

ORA-14759: SET INTERVAL is not legal on this table.
Cause: ALTER TABLE SET INTERVAL is only legal on a range partitioned table with a single partitioning column. Additionally this table cannot have a maxvalue partition.
Action: Use SET INTERVAL only on a valid table

ORA-14760: ADD PARTITION is not permitted on Interval partitioned objects
Cause: ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION was attempted on an Interval partitioned object.
Action: Do not perform the operation on an Interval partitioned object. Insert a row to create the new partition.

ORA-14761: MAXVALUE partition cannot be specified for Interval partitioned objects
Cause: An attempt was made to create a partition with a MAXVALUE highbound on an Interval partitioned object.
Action: Do not create a partition with a MAXVALUE highbound.

ORA-14762: Domain index creation on interval partitioned tables is not permitted
Cause: An attempt was made to create a domain index on an interval partitioned table.
Action: Do not create a domain index on an interval partitioned table.

ORA-14763: Unable to resolve FOR VALUES clause to a partition number
Cause: Could not determine the partition corresponding to the FOR VALUES clause.
Action: Remove bind variables and dependencies on session parameters from the values specified in the FOR VALUES clause.

ORA-14764: FOR VALUES clause cannot be specified for only one partition
Cause: An attempt was made to specify the FOR VALUES clause for only one of the two partitions being merged.
Action: Specify a FOR VALUES clause for each of the two partitions being merged or do not specify the FOR VALUES clause for either.

ORA-14765: Cannot create a partition while doing a create index
Cause: An attempt was made to create a partition concurrently with index creation.
Action: Retry the statement after the index build is finished.

ORA-14766: Unable to obtain a stable metadata snapshot
Cause: This operation was not able to obtain a stable snapshot of the interval partitioning metadata.
Action: Retry the statement.

ORA-14767: Cannot specify this interval with existing high bounds
Cause: The interval specified conflicts with the existing high bound for the last partition. The combination might lead to invalid dates for high bounds in the future.
Action: If this is a CREATE TABLE, try specifying a different high bound value for the last partition, or a different interval. If this is an ALTER TABLE SET INTERVAL, please choose either a different interval, or, modify the table to change the high bound for the last partition.

ORA-14801: Hash composite partitioning is not supported
Cause: An attempt was made to partition a table using a Hash composite method.
Action: Do not partition the table by a Hash composite method.

ORA-14802: Specified operation is not permitted on Hash composite partitioned objects
Cause: An unsupported operation was attempted on a Hash composite partitioned object.
Action: Do not perform the operation on a Hash composite partitioned object.

ORA-14803: partition bound may not be specified for hash subpartitioned tables
Cause: A VALUES LESS THAN or VALUES clause was specified with a subpartition description.
Action: Remove the VALUES LESS THAN or VALUES clause from the subpartition description.

ORA-15000: command disallowed by current instance type
Cause: The user has issued a command to a conventional RDBMS instance that is only appropriate for an ASM instance. Alternatively, the user has issued a command to an ASM instance that is only appropriate for an RDBMS instance.
Action: Connect to the correct instance type and re-issue the command.