PeopleSoft Workstation Listener (WSL)

The Workstation Listener (WSL) is a Tuxedo process in the application server domain. It is configured to listen on a specified IP address and port for incoming connections from Tuxedo client process, which are any of the PeopleTools Windows client processes that operate in three-tier mode.

The WSL spawns at least one Workstation Handler (WSH) process, and it can be configured to start further handlers on demand. The WSHs listen for incoming service requests on the same IP address as the WSL and, unless they are configured to use a specific range of ports, will use the next available port after the WSL port.
Initially the client contacts the WSL on the port specified in the configuration. The WSL then assigns the client to one of the WSH processes. The client then closes the connection to the WSL and thereafter only communicates with the WSH.
The following simplified steps describe the activity in the application server during a transaction with a Windows client.

·         The service request is sent by the client to the WSH process to which it is connected.
·         The WSH looks up the service on the BB to determine which server or servers are advertising the service and which queues lead to those servers.
·         The WSH then enqueues the message requesting that service on an appropriate queue. In this case the service is placed on the queue called APPQ. Note that not all the queues are explicitly named in Tuxedo.
·         The PSAPPSRV polls for service requests on APPQ, dequeues that request, and executes the PeopleSoft code associated with that service.
·         Processing the service request may involve several interactions with the data. The PSAPPSRV server may need to read or update the physical files that cache PeopleTools objects, as shown in this example.
·         Each WSH process has a return message queue. When the service is complete, the PSAPPSRV server enqueues the return message on the queue (WSHQ in this example) that leads back to the WSH process that sent the request.
·         The WSH process polls and dequeues the return message from the WSHQ.
·         WSH sends the return message back to the client that has been waiting for a response.