PeopleSoft Server Processes

PSAPPSRV, PSSAMSRV, PSMONITORSRV, and PSWATCHSRV. When the application server is booted, the minimum number of instances of the specified servers are started.

Tuxedo can also be configured to spawn more instances of these servers on demand. All of the PeopleSoft server processes (except PSWATCHSRV) make a persistent connection to the database on startup.

Whenever a message passes between any two processes in the application server, it is sent via a queue to which the receiving process listens. Other information can pass between processes by being written to a shared memory segment.

The PIA servlet in PeopleTools runs in a JVM in the web server. Each PeopleSoft operator is assigned to a thread in the JVM, which is the operator’s PeopleSoft session. The thread connects to the application server domain via the Jolt Server Listener (JSL), and the thread is then assigned to a Jolt Server Handler (JSH). The JSL and JSH are very similar to the WSL and WSH, except that they receive Java class requests.