PeopleTools Object Naming Standard and Size Limit

Whenever I refer AB or ABC, it means 2 or 3 word abbreviation based on you institute / company. Here are summarize list of PeopleSoft Objects with Suggested naming standards, size limits and suggestion

  • Maximum amount of allowed characters is 30
  • Prefix with ABC_ 

  • Maximum amount of allowed characters is 18
  • Prefix with ABC, make name meaningful and be sure to follow PS standard abbreviations.
  • Any new fields will probably be needed for parameters on run controls.

  • Maximum amount of allowed characters is 15
  • Prefix with ABC, make name meaningful and be sure to follow PS suffix procedures i.e. TBL for set-up tables.
  • Run Control Record used to house any new parameters that cannot be found on existing PS run control records.
  • Should start with ABC_RC_

  • Maximum amount of allowed characters is 18
  • Prefix with ABC and make name as meaningful as possible.

Run Control Page 
  • Should start with RUNCTL_ for searching purposes. SQR/CRW/APP Engine name can be used with no ABC (as that is implicit by the ABC contained in the SQR/CRW/APP Engine name).

  • Maximum amount of allowed characters is 18.
  • Prefix with ABC and make name as meaningful as possible.

Run Control Component
  • Should start with ABC_RUNCTL_ for searching purposes and followed by the SQR/CRW/APP Engine name name.

  • Maximum amount of characters is 8
  • Structure
  • Position 1 and 2 will always be AB.
  • Position 3 will identify whether the program is and Inbound Interface (I), Outbound Interface (O), or Conversion program (C).
  • Position 4 and 5 will be a department descriptive code
  • Positions 6, 7, and 8 will be a sequence number.


Note:  It always better to have spreadsheet to track these sequences numbers and their program descriptions specially when you are dealing with multiple developers

Modifying PS SQRs

Rename original as .BACKUPwithDate and save modified as the original with a comment that it is a customized version.  This way all objects that point to the sqr will remain the same

SQL Objects 
  • Maximum amount of characters is 30.
  • Prefix with ABC and make name as meaningful as possible.

Application Engine
  • Maximum amount of characters is 12
  • Prefix with ABC and make name as meaningful as possible or follow as we used in SQR above

Application Messaging 
  • prefix with ABC_, use PS naming standards and make names meaningful.

Menu, Translates, Query, Trees, etc (all other objects)
  • As a general rule, prefix with ABC_, use PS naming standards and make names meaningful.