Basic Preliminary checks for Running Crystal Report in PeopleSoft

1. Make sure the Process Scheduler is started Manually through PSADMIN.EXE. If starting as a Service, make sure
you start as "This Account" and NOT "System Account".

2. Make sure there is a Default Printer set-up on the NT Process Scheduler Server box where Crystal is running as well as in the Process Scheduler Configuration File (PSPRCS.CFG).

3. Double-check that the Printers UNC path is entered correctly.

4. Make sure to define/install the Printer that you are attempting to print to on the NT Process Scheduler Server where Crystal is running.

5. Double-check the Crystal report to make sure the "No Printer" box is NOT checked. (To do this, open the Crystal report in the Crystal Designer (stand alone) and go File > Printer Setup).

6. Make sure the ID starting the Process Scheduler has ACCESS to the Printer that you are attempting to send the
Crystal output to.

7. Make sure Crystal report has a Default Printer associated with it. (To check this, open the Crystal report in the Crystal Designer (stand alone) and go File > Printer Setup and make sure there is a Printer listed with the

8. Verify Crystal settings. To check if these are correct, try sending the output to a File or Web, etc. and see if it runs successfully or not. If not, then there are problems with the Configuration Manager settings and/or
Registry settings.

9. If the Process Scheduler is 'Maintained by Tuxedo' you MUST make sure that the ID that starts the Tuxedo IPC helper is started with an account that has access to the network. ***Not a System Administrators account for that box.

10. Make you install workstation via Configure manager

11- Make sure you install PeopleTools ODBC and Crystal Library