PeopleSoft GenerateComponentPortalURL v/s GenerateComponentContentURL

Both function construct PeopleSoft URL but GenerateComponentPortalURL generate with portal layout and GenerateComponentContentURL without portal layout

GenerateComponentPortalURL(PORTAL.portalname, NODE.nodename, MENUNAME.menuname, MARKET.marketname, COMPONENT.componentname, PAGE.pagename, action, [, keylist])

Use the GenerateComponentPortalURL function to create a URL string that represents an absolute reference to the specified component for the portal servlet. The PortalURI of the node that hosts the specified portal is used in the generated URL. The URL contains a reference to the portal service (psp) servlet.

GenerateComponentContentURL("EMPLOYEEPORTAL", "HRMS", MenuName.PERSONAL_INFO,"GBL", Component.PERSON, Page.PERS_DATA1, "U", EMPLID);

GenerateComponentContentURL(PORTAL.portalname, NODE.nodename, MENUNAME.menuname, MARKET.marketname, COMPONENT.componentname, PAGE.pagename, action, [, keylist])

Use the GenerateComponentContentURL function to create a URL string that represents an absolute reference to the specified component for the content servlet.
The ContentURI of the specified node is used in the generated URL. The URL contains a reference to the portal content (psc) servlet. This url will not show portal layout

GenerateComponentContentURL("EMPLOYEEPORTAL", "HRMS", MenuName.PERSONAL_INFO,"GBL", Component.PERSON, Page.PERS_DATA1, "U", EMPLID);