PeopleSoft Academic Advisement

l  Application within PeopleSoft Campus Solutions used to define, track and maintain Academic requirements and policies that a student must satisfy in order to graduate.

l  Mechanism for defining Advisors and Committees at your Institution
l  Mechanism for assigning students to Advisors
l  Administrative tool for advising students on appropriate course enrollment paths
l  Administrative tool for advising students on impact of program or major changes (“Quick What-if Statements), specific course enrollments (Course “What-if Statements)
l  Administrative tool for creating advisement overrides and course substitutions
l  Self-service tool in which Advisor can monitor and interact with advisees
l  Self-service tool for students to track degree progress
l  Self-service tool for students and advisors to create “What-if” scenarios

Academic Advisement Business Processes
l  Define and track graduation requirements
l  Design degree audit reports
l  Evaluate student degree progress

Academic Structure
l  Academic Institution
l  Academic Groups
l  Academic Career
l  Academic Program
l  Academic Plan
l  Academic Sub Plan
l  Terms

Student Records
l  Course Catalog
        Course Offerings
        Cross Listed Courses
        Course Equivalency
        Requirement Designations
l  Class Schedule
        Class Sections
        Class Associations
l  Grading
l  Student Program
        Career Requirement Term
        Program Requirement Term
        Plan Requirement Term
        Sub Plan Requirement Term
l  Student Term Activation
l  Faculty Rank and Advisor Status
l  Assigning Academic Advisors to Students

Academic Advisement
l  Academic Course Lists
l  Academic Requirements
l  Academic Requirement Groups
l  Expanded/Custom Conditions
        Academic Entity Groups
        Dynamic Conditions
        Custom Conditions
l  Overrides/Substitutions
        Student Exceptions
        Course Substitutions
l  Course Share Sets
l  Academic Advisement Reports
l  Self-Service Options

Academic Course Lists
l  Form the backbone of the Academic Advisement application
l  First process in building degree audit
l  Lists of courses to be utilized during evaluation of students’ degree progress
l  Can utilize individual course ids or wildcard scenarios

Academic Requirements
l  Rules and requirements that students need to follow and complete to successfully complete a degree program
l  Consist of course requirements, condition requirements, global limits, sequential restrictions
l  Academic course lists are attached to Academic Requirements

Academic Requirement Groups
l  Highest level parent record in Academic Advisement
l  Detail lines pointing to conditions, courses and requirements
l  Identify the student population to be evaluated
        Sub Plan

l  Overrides enable you to override any part of a student’s degree requirements
l  Standard requirements can be overridden
l  Entire new program requirement can be configured for a specific student or group of students

Course Directives
l  A type of advisement override
l  Mandate where specific courses will or will not be used to satisfy requirements
        Direct a course to be used toward satisfying a student’s major requirements, but not general education requirements

Course Substitutions
l  Course Substitutions allow you to identify a course to be used in place of a required course

Three Ways to Make Exceptions
l  Authorize Student Exceptions to direct where specific courses are to be used to satisfy a requirement
l  Use Authorize Student Exceptions to change, override, override, or waive a requirement
l  Substitute one course for a required course