Oracle SQL*Loader

SQL*Loader loads data from external files into tables of an Oracle database. It has a powerful data parsing engine that puts little limitation on the format of the data in the data file.

SQL*Loader uses the following files:

Input data files: SQL*Loader reads data from one or more files (or operating system equivalents of files) that are specified in the control file. From SQL*Loader’s perspective, the data in the data file is organized as records. A particular data file can be in fixed record format, variable record format, or stream record format. The record format can be specified in the control file with the INFILE parameter. If no record format is specified, the default is stream record format.

Control file: The control file is a text file that is written in a language that SQL*Loader understands. The control file indicates to SQL*Loader where to find the data, how to parse and interpret the data, where to insert the data, and so on. Although not precisely defined, a control file can be said to have three sections.

          The first section contains such session-wide information as the following:
          Global options, such as the input data file name and records to be skipped
          INFILE clauses to specify where the input data is located
          Data to be loaded
          The second section consists of one or more INTO TABLE blocks. Each of these blocks contains information about the table (such as the table name and the columns of the table) into which the data is to be loaded.
          The third section is optional and, if present, contains input data.

Log file: When SQL*Loader begins execution, it creates a log file. If it cannot create a log file, execution terminates. The log file contains a detailed summary of the load, including a description of any errors that occurred during the load.

Bad file: The bad file contains records that are rejected, either by SQL*Loader or by the Oracle database. Data file records are rejected by SQL*Loader when the input format is invalid. After a data file record is accepted for processing by SQL*Loader, it is sent to the Oracle database for insertion into a table as a row. If the Oracle database determines that the row is valid, the row is inserted into the table. If the row is determined to be invalid, the record is rejected and SQL*Loader puts it in the bad file.

Discard file: This file is created only when it is needed and only if you have specified that a discard file should be enabled. The discard file contains records that are filtered out of the load because they do not match any record-selection criteria specified in the control file.

Loading Data with SQL*Loader
Use the “Load Data from User Files Wizard” to load data from a flat file into an Oracle database.
To display the wizard, select Enterprise Manager Data Movement > Move Row Data > Load Data from User Files.

SQL*Loader Control File
The SQL*Loader control file is a text file that contains data definition language (DDL) instructions. DDL is used to control the following aspects of a SQL*Loader session:

          Where SQL*Loader finds the data to load
          How SQL*Loader expects that data to be formatted
          How SQL*Loader is being configured (including memory management, selection and rejection criteria, interrupted load handling, and so on) as it loads the data
          How SQL*Loader manipulates the data being loaded

This is a sample control file

 BADFILE ’sample.bad’
 DISCARDFILE ’sample.dsc’
 WHEN (57) = ’.’
 (hiredate SYSDATE,
             deptno POSITION(1:2) INTEGER EXTERNAL(3)
          NULLIF deptno=BLANKS,
             NULLIF job=BLANKS "UPPER(:job)",
             mgr POSITION(28:31) INTEGER EXTERNAL
          ename POSITION(34:41) CHAR
             TERMINATED BY WHITESPACE "UPPER(:ename)",
             empno POSITION(45) INTEGER EXTERNAL
             comm INTEGER EXTERNAL ENCLOSED BY ’(’ AND ’%’
             ":comm * 100"

The explanation of this sample control file (by line numbers) is as follows:

1.       Comments can appear anywhere in the command section of the file, but they must not appear in the data. Precede any comment with two hyphens. All text to the right of the double hyphen is ignored until the end of the line.
2.       The LOAD DATA statement indicates to SQL*Loader that this is the beginning of a new data load. If you are continuing a load that has been interrupted in progress, use the CONTINUE LOAD DATA statement.
3.       The INFILE keyword specifies the name of a data file containing data that you want to load.
4.       The BADFILE keyword specifies the name of a file into which rejected records are placed.
5.       The DISCARDFILE keyword specifies the name of a file into which discarded records are placed.
6.       The APPEND keyword is one of the options that you can use when loading data into a table that is not empty. To load data into a table that is empty, use the INSERT keyword.
7.       The INTO TABLE keyword enables you to identify tables, fields, and data types. It defines the relationship between records in the data file and tables in the database.
8.       The WHEN clause specifies one or more field conditions that each record must match before SQL*Loader loads the data. In this example, SQL*Loader loads the record only if the 57th character is a decimal point. That decimal point delimits dollars and cents in the field and causes records to be rejected if SAL has no value.
9.       The TRAILING NULLCOLS clause prompts SQL*Loader to treat any relatively positioned columns that are not present in the record as null columns.
10.     The remainder of the control file contains the field list, which provides information about column formats in the table that is being loaded.