Comparing Oracle Direct and Conventional Path Loads

Method of Saving Data
Conventional path loads use SQL processing and a database COMMIT operation for saving data. The insertion of an array of records is followed by a COMMIT operation. Each data load may involve several transactions.

Direct path loads use data saves to write blocks of data to Oracle data files. This is why the direct path loads are faster than the conventional ones.

The following features differentiate a data save from COMMIT:

          During a data save, only full database blocks are written to the database.
          The blocks are written after the high-water mark (HWM) of the table.
          After a data save, the HWM is moved.
          Internal resources are not released after a data save.
          A data save does not end the transaction.
          Indexes are not updated at each data save.
Note: Direct path and parallel direct path loads are so similar (regarding DML activities) that they are not separated in this comparison.

Logging Changes
Conventional path loading generates redo entries that are similar to any DML statement. When using a direct path load, redo entries are not generated if:

          The database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode
          The database is in ARCHIVELOG mode but logging is disabled
(Logging can be disabled by setting the NOLOGGING attribute for the table or by using the UNRECOVERABLE clause in the control file.)

Enforcing Constraints
During a conventional path load, all enabled constraints are enforced in the same way that they are during any DML operation.

During direct path loads, the constraints are handled as follows:

          NOT NULL constraints are checked when arrays are built.
          FOREIGN KEY and CHECK constraints are disabled, and they can be enabled at the end of the load by using the appropriate commands in the control file. The FOREIGN KEY constraints are disabled because they reference other rows or tables, and the CHECK constraints are disabled because they may use SQL functions. If only a small number of rows are to be inserted into a large table, use conventional loads.
          PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE constraints are checked during and at the end of the load, and they can be disabled if they are violated.

Firing the INSERT Triggers
The WHILE INSERT triggers are fired during conventional loads; they are disabled before a direct path load and reenabled at the end of the load. They may remain disabled if a referenced object is not accessible at the end of the run. Consider using conventional path loads to load data into tables with the INSERT triggers.

Loading into Clustered Tables
Direct loads cannot be used to load rows into clustered tables. Clustered tables can be loaded with conventional path loads only.

While a direct path load is in progress, other transactions cannot make changes to the tables that are being loaded. The only exception to this rule is when several parallel direct load sessions are used concurrently.