Unix Command - touch

touch is a program on Unix and Unix-like systems used to change a file's date- and time-stamp. It can also be used to create an empty file. The command-syntax is:

touch [options]

If the file exists, its access and modification time-stamps are set to the system's current date and time, as if the file had been changed. To touch a file simulates a change to the file. If the file does not exist, an empty file of that name is created with its access and modification time-stamps set to the system's current date and time. If no file path is specified, the current directory is assumed.

touch can be invoked with options to change its behaviour, which may vary from one Unix to another. One option makes it possible to set the file's time-stamp to something other than the current system date and time, but this action is normally restricted to the owner of the file or the system's superuser.