1. Navigate to PeopleTools > Portal > Structure and Content > Self
Service > Recruiting Activities.
2. Navigate to the Content Reference for page Careers and select
3. Change "Template Name" to
BPNAVTEMPLATE is designed not to have a scroll area. The HTML is specifically written to not allow scrolling. To enable the scroll bar, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Portal > Structure and Content > Portal Objects > Template
2. Click on the edit link for BPNAVTEMPLATE.
3. Look at the html for the template "<FRAME name=TargetContent scrolling=no frameborder = no noresize src=>"
"BPNAVTEMPLATE is designed not to have a scroll area. The HTML is specifically written to not allow scrolling. To enable the scroll bar, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Portal > Structure and Content > Portal Objects > Template
2. Click on the edit link for BPNAVTEMPLATE.
3. Look at the html for the template "<FRAME name=TargetContent scrolling=no frameborder = no noresize src=>"
4. Change this to scrolling=yes.
5. Save. Clear AppServer cache, WebServer cache, and browser cache.
To remove the customize link for all the pages, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Peopletools > Personalization Options
2. Place PPTL in the search box.
3. The User option 'CUSTOMPGSET' controls the 'Customize link' appearing on the header on all the pages. The default is delivered as Y (Which makes the link appear on all the pages). To suppress the link, change this personalization on the format tab to 'N'.
Note: This is a global value and it is for all the components. This customization can also be done at a component level, by going to the component properties and to the Internet tab. Disable the "customize page" link in the pagebar so that the link does not show up during runtime in the browser. Also to remove the entire Pagebar select the checkbox "Disable Pagebar".
The changes made to the HTML will not be migrated when
this Portal Registry Structure is placed into an Application Designer
project. The changes need to done in each environment.
Ensure that you save your changes and clear AppServer cache, WebServer
cache and browser cache.