DateValue function to convert a date string and returns
the result as a Date type
&myDate = DateValue("10/30/2012");
This is function is dependent
on user's Date Format personalization
setting, so if user Date Format personalization setting is set to
DD/MM/YY the you will get error
Invalid date in function DateValue. (180,113)
You may use below function to avoid this issue, there are
many other Date and time function documented in PeopleBook that you can look but these are useful for you
to have instant solution
The Date function takes a number in the form
YYYYMMDD and returns a corresponding Date value.
Date3(year, month, day)
The Date3 function accepts a date
expressed as three integers: year, month, and day. It
returns a corresponding Date value
DateTimeToLocalizedString({datetime | date}, [Pattern])
Use the DateTimeToLocalizedString
function to convert either datetime or date to a localized string
&String = DateTimeToLocalizedString(%Date, "MM/DD/YYYY");
DateTime, and Time Wrappers
Use date or time wrappers (%Datein, %TimeOut, %Dateout, %currentdatein and
so on) when selecting date or time columns into memory. Different database
platforms use different internal formats for these data types.
emplid, %dateout(effdt) from ps_job a
where emplid = :1 and a.effdt = %datein(:2)
You may use %CurrentDateIn instead of SYSDATE in SQL, for example
select emplid, %dateout(effdt) from ps_job a where emplid = :1 and a.effdt < %CurrentDateIn
Change PeopleSoft System Date Format