Oracle Database Error Messages (ORA-23291 - ORA-26000)

I summarized a list of (ORA) oracle error codes list with cause and action, use browser find (CTRL+F) to get your desire error code, cause and possible action.

Oracle Database Error Messages (ORA-23291 - ORA-26000)

ORA-23291: Only base table columns may be renamed
Cause: Tried to rename a column of a non-base table, like object table/ nested table/ materialized view table.
Action: None. This is not allowed.

ORA-23292: The constraint does not exist
Cause: The given constraint name does not exist.
Action: Give an existing constraint's name.

ORA-23293: Cannot rename a column which is part of a join index
Cause: The column participates in a join index.
Action: If you need to rename the column, you need to drop the join index.

ORA-23300: string
Cause: The stored procedure 'raise_system_error' was called which causes this error to be generated.
Action: Correct the problem as described in the error message or contact the application administrator or DBA for more information.

ORA-23301: mixed use of deferred rpc destination modes
Cause: Replication catalog determined deferred RPC destinations were mixed with destination determined by other mechanisms in the same transaction.
Action: Do not mix destination types in the same transaction.

ORA-23302: application raised communication failure during deferred RPC
Cause: An application declared a communication failure during a defered RPC.
Action: Retry the application when communication is restored.

ORA-23303: application raised generic exception during deferred RPC
Cause: An application declared a generic failure during a defered RPC.
Action: Determined by the application

ORA-23304: malformed deferred rpc at arg string of string in call string, in tid string
Cause: A deferred RPC call was issued without the correct number of arguments as determined by the count parameter to
Action: Be sure the number of actuals matches the count.

ORA-23305: internal deferred RPC error: string
Cause: An internal error occurred in deferred rpc.
Action: Report the error and other information to support.

ORA-23306: schema string does not exist
Cause: The schema name was null or misspelled, or the schema does not exist locally.
Action: Specify the schema correctly, or create it with CREATE USER.

ORA-23307: replicated schema string already exists
Cause: The given database already replicates the given schema.
Action: Choose a different schema or a different database.

ORA-23308: object string.string does not exist or is invalid
Cause: The given name was null or misspelled, the given type was wrong, the object does not exist as a valid database object, or the object does not exist as a replicated object with the appropriate status.
Action: Ensure the object is valid in the database, is visible to the user, and, if appropriate, is a valid object in all_repobject.

ORA-23309: object string.string of type string exists
Cause: An object in the same namespace exists, perhaps with a different type or shape, or the same object has already been registered as an repobject in another object group.
Action: Remove the offending object with the SQL DROP command, unregister the offending object with dbms_repcat.drop_master_repobject(), or reinvoke the request using TRUE for a boolean parameter such as retry or use_existing_object.

ORA-23310: object group "string"."string" is not quiesced
Cause: The requested operation requires the object group to be suspended.
Action: Invoke suspend_master_activity at the repgroup's masterdef, wait until the status has changed to quiesced, and then retry the original request.

ORA-23312: not the masterdef according to string
Cause: The group name is null, the group name is misspelled, the invocation or given database is not the masterdef, or one of the masters does not believe the invocation database is the masterdef.
Action: If the given group name and masterdef were both correct, connect to the masterdef and retry the request, or relocate the masterdef at the (errant) databases using relocate_masterdef.

ORA-23313: object group "string"."string" is not mastered at string
Cause: The group name is null, the group name is misspelled, the invocation database is not a master, or the invocation database does not believe the given database is a master.
Action: If the given group name was correct, connect to a current master and retry the request, make the invocation database a master with add_master_database, or use switch_mview_master if the invocation database is a materialized view site.

ORA-23314: database is not a materialized view site for "string"."string"
Cause: The invocation database is not a materialized view database for the given object group.
Action: Connect to the desired materialized view database and retry the request, or make the invocation database a materialized view site with create_mview_repschema or create_mview_repgroup.

ORA-23315: repcatlog version or request string is not supported by version string
Cause: Either incompatible repcat versions are used, or a repcatlog record has been corrupted.
Action: Convert the master to a compatible version of repcat or retry the request.

ORA-23316: the masterdef is string
Cause: The requested operation is not permitted on a masterdef site.
Action: Relocate the masterdef to another master and retry the operation.

ORA-23317: a communication failure has occurred
Cause: The remote database is inaccessible.
Action: Ensure the remote database is running, the communications network is functioning, and the appropriate database links are present.

ORA-23318: a ddl failure has occurred
Cause: User-supplied or system-generated ddl did not execute successfully.
Action: Examine ddl, database state, repcatlog, and all_errors to determine why the failure occurred.

ORA-23319: parameter value string is not appropriate
Cause: The given value of a parameter is either null, misspelled, or not supported.
Action: Refer to the documentation and use parameter values that are appropriate for the given situation.

ORA-23320: the request failed because of values string and string
Cause: A missing ddl record for a repcatlog record, or inconsistency in repcat views.
Action: Retry the request, or make the views consistent.

ORA-23321: Pipename may not be null
Cause: You called dbms_pipe with a null pipe name.
Action: Find out the name of the pipe and call function with non-null pipename.

ORA-23322: Privilege error accessing pipe
Cause: You either tried to create a pipe that already existed and belonged to someone else, or remove a pipe that you were not authorized to use, or put a message into a pipe that you were not authorized for, or get a message from a pipe that you were not authorized for.
Action: You may have to use a different pipename.

ORA-23323: parameter length exceeds deferred RPC limits
Cause: A deferred rpc parameter was longer than the deferred rpc limits of 4000 bytes for char/varchar2 parameters and 2000 bytes for raw parameters.
Action: Use smaller parameters.

ORA-23324: error string, while creating deferror entry at "string" with error string
Cause: The given error was encountered while attempting to create a deferor entry for the give error code and the give database.
Action: Correct the cause of the given error.

ORA-23325: parameter type is not string
Cause: A conflict resolution priority function was given a type different than the type assigned to the priority group; or the priority group has no type assigned or a function; or dbms_defer_sys_query was called to retrieve a deferred rpc parameter from the deferred rpc queue, but the type of the parameter does not match the return type of the function.
Action: Use the function corresponding to the parameter type.

ORA-23326: object group "string"."string" is quiesced
Cause: Either suspend_master_activity has been called before the object group has resumed normal operation or a (deferred) rpc operation was attempted while the object group was quiesced.
Action: If suspend_master_activity has been called and a resume_master_activity request is pending, wait until it completes, and then reinvoke suspend_master_activity. Otherwise, resume database activity with the resume_master_activity call.

ORA-23327: imported deferred rpc data does not match string of importing db
Cause: Deferred rpc queues were imported from a database with a different global name or operating system than importing database.
Action: Deferred rpc data should only be imported into a database with the same global name and hardware and operating system.

ORA-23328: mview base table "string"."string" differs from master table "string"."string"
Cause: When creating a materialized view through repcat, the materialized view base table name did not match a replicated table name at the master.
Action: Change the materialized view ddl to use the same base table as the replicated table name at the master.

ORA-23329: successful user-provided ddl but no materialized view "string"."string"
Cause: The DDL provided by the user to create a materialized view was executed without error, but materialized view does not exist.
Action: Manually back-out the DDL, and reregister with matching ddl and materialized view.

ORA-23330: column group string already exists
Cause: The column group was already registered in the object group.
Action: Use a column group name not yet registered in the replicated object group.

ORA-23331: column group string does not exist
Cause: The given column group is either null, misspelled or not registered.
Action: Use a registered column group.

ORA-23332: group string is in use; cannot drop
Cause: The given column group or priority group is being used to resolve conflicts.
Action: Call dbms_repcat procedures drop_update_resolution, drop_delete_resolution, drop_unique_resolution so that the column group or priority group is no longer in use before dropping.

ORA-23333: column string is already part of a column group
Cause: Attempted to add a column to a column group when the column was already a member of a column group.
Action: Drop the column from its existing column group before trying to add it to another.

ORA-23334: column string does not exist in table or column group
Cause: The given column is either null, misspelled or is not part of the given table or column group.
Action: Use a column that is a member of the table or column group.

ORA-23335: priority group string already exists
Cause: The priority group was already registered in the object group.
Action: Use a column group name not yet registered in the object group.

ORA-23336: priority group string does not exist
Cause: The priority group was already registered in the object group.
Action: Use a priority group name not yet registered in the object group.

ORA-23337: priority or value not in priority group string
Cause: The specified value or priority has not been registered as part of the priority group.
Action: Either specify a different value or priority that is already part of the priority group, or add the value to the priority group.

ORA-23338: priority or value already in priority group string
Cause: The specified value or priority has already been registered as part of the priority group.
Action: Either specify a different value or priority that not already part of the priority group, or drop the value to the priority group.

ORA-23339: duplicate conflict resolution information
Cause: The specified combination of column group, sequence, conflict type and/or parameter table name, parameter column name, and parameter sequence number has already been registered.
Action: Verify that additional conflict resolution information needs to be added and provide a new sequence number. If modifying existing information, the existing information must be dropped first.

ORA-23340: incorrect resolution method string
Cause: User function is specified when conflict resolution method was not "USER FUNCTION" or specified resolution method is not one of the predefined methods.
Action: If user function is specified when conflict resolution method was not "USER FUNCTION", either reregister function with method as "USER FUNCTION" or specify a NULL user function. Otherwise Specify one of the documented supported conflict resolution methods.

ORA-23341: user function required
Cause: A NULL user function was specified for the "USER FUNCTION" method.
Action: Provide user function name (e.g., "schema"."package"."function") that conforms to the documented user function specifications or specify one of the documented supported conflict resolution methods.

ORA-23342: invalid parameter column string
Cause: The parameter column name is null or misspelled, the invocation database is not a master, or is of the wrong type for the specified conflict resolution method.
Action: Specify a parameter column from the specified column group that has a correct type for the conflict resolution method.

ORA-23343: no match for specified conflict resolution information
Cause: The specified combination of column group, sequence, conflict type has not been registered (e.g., for adding a comment).
Action: Specify a combination of column group, sequence, conflict type has been registered.

ORA-23344: constraint (string.string) does not exist
Cause: A null, misspelled or nonexistent constraint was specified when registering a uniqueness conflict.
Action: Register a named constraint for the specified table.

ORA-23345: table "string"."string" not registered to collect statistics
Cause: A procedure that deals with conflict resolution statistics-gathering was called for a table that was not registered to collect statistics.
Action: Call dbms_repcat.register_statistics to register the table.

ORA-23346: primary key or object ID is undefined for table or materialized view string
Cause: Trying to generate replication support for a table or materialized view without a primary key (as defined by a constraint or dbms_repcat.set_columns) or an object ID.
Action: For a table, add a primary key constraint or define a primary key using dbms_repcat.set_columns or use object tables. For a ROWID materialized view, set min_communication to false or use primary key or object ID materialized views.

ORA-23347: datatype string for column string table string not supported
Cause: The table has a column whose datatype is not supported by repcat.
Action: Remove the column from the table, or alter the column to have one of the supported datatypes.

ORA-23348: cannot replicate procedure string; only IN parameters supported
Cause: Trying to generate replication support for a package that has a procedure with OUT or IN OUT parameters.
Action: Remove the procedure from the package, or remove the OUT or IN OUT parameters from the procedure.

ORA-23349: cannot generate replication support for functions
Cause: Trying to generate replication support for a package that has a public function, or for a stand-alone function.
Action: Remove the public function from the package, or alter the function to be a procedure.

ORA-23350: maximum number of recursive calls exceeded
Cause: This usually occurs when trying to resolve conflicts in a table while concurrent updates to the same row create more conflicts.
Action: Re-execute the deferred transaction from DefError using dbms_defer_sys.execute_error

ORA-23351: parameter datatype string for procedure string not supported
Cause: The procedure has a parameter whose datatype is not supported by repcat.
Action: Remove the parameter from the procedure, or alter the parameter to have one of the supported datatypes.

ORA-23352: duplicate destination for deferred transaction
Cause: A duplicate destination was specified for a deferred transaction either in a call or an earlier dbms_defer.transaction call or a dbms_defer_sys.add_default_dest call.
Action: Remove the duplicate entry

ORA-23353: deferred RPC queue has entries for object group "string"."string"
Cause: The requested action cannot be performed until the queue is empty for the given object group
Action: Use dbms_defer_sys.execute or dbms_defer_sys.delete_tran to empty the queue.

ORA-23354: deferred RPC execution disabled for "string" with "string"
Cause: Deferred RPC can not be executed at the destination with the specified catchup value because their propogation has been disabled.
Action: Enable deferred RPC execution with the dbms_defer_sys.set_disabled call.

ORA-23355: object string.string does not exist or is invalid at master site
Cause: The given name was null or misspelled, the given type was wrong, the object does not exist as a valid database object at the master site, or the object does not exist as a replicated object with the appropriate status.
Action: Ensure the object is valid in the master database, and is visible to the user, and, if appropriate, is a valid object in all_repobject.

ORA-23356: masterdef recognizes a master which does not recognize the masterdef
Cause: Possibly drop_master_repgroup was run at a master site but remove_master_databases was not run at master definition site for that master.
Action: Run remove_master_databases from master definition site to remove the appropriate master (see associated error messages).

ORA-23357: the propagator does not exist
Cause: The propagator does not exist.
Action: Register a new propagator.

ORA-23358: invalid remote user
Cause: The local user does not match the remote user connected via a database link.
Action: Drop and recreate the identified database link with the connect-to user identical to the owner of the database link.

ORA-23359: error on creating a ddl record for a repcatlog record
Cause: The userid in the repcatlog record does not match the userid of the connected user.
Action: Retry the operation with a different user.

ORA-23360: only one materialized view for master table "string" can be created
Cause: Trying to create more than one materialized view on a given master table in the same rep group.
Action: Create these other materialized views in a different rep group at another site.

ORA-23361: materialized view "string" does not exist at master site
Cause: The materialized view does not exist at the master site for offline instantiation of the materialized view.
Action: The correct procedure is to create the materialized view in a different schema at the master site, and then follow the instructions for offline instantiation of materialized views.

ORA-23362: invalid user
Cause: The given user does not exist.
Action: None

ORA-23363: mismatch of mview base table "string" at master and mview site
Cause: The name of the base table of the materialized view at the master site is different from the base table at the materialized view site. This error may arise during offline instantiation of materialized views.
Action: Retry offline instantiation with a materialized view name less than 24 bytes

ORA-23364: Feature not enabled: Advanced replication
Cause: The Advanced Replication feature is not enabled at this site. Updatable materialized views, deferred RPCs, and other replication features are, therefore, unavailable.
Action: Do not attempt to use this feature. Contact an Oracle Customer Support representative if the Advanced Replication feature has been purchased but not enabled.

ORA-23365: site string does not exist
Cause: site specified in argument "reference_site" or argument "comparison_site" in call to "differences()" routine or "rectify()" routine does not name an existing site.
Action: Make sure that database sites specified really do exist, and re-run the routine.

ORA-23366: integer value string is less than 1
Cause: Value of argument "max_missing" to routine "differences()" cannot be less than 1. Value of argument "commit_rows" to routines "differences()" and "rectify()" cannot be less than 1.
Action: Choose an integer value for those arguments to be 1 or greater.

ORA-23367: table string is missing the primary key
Cause: Table specified in argument "oname1" or "oname2" in call to "differences()" routine does not contain either a primary key or a virtual primary key (defined through dbms_repcat package under symmetric replication).
Action: Make sure the tables specified have a primary key defined.

ORA-23368: name string cannot be null or the empty string
Cause: Argument "sname1," "sname2," "oname1," "oname2," "missing_rows_sname," "missing_rows_oname1," "missing_rows_oname2" to "differences()" or "rectify()" cannot be NULL or '' (empty string).
Action: Change argument to non-null or non-empty string.

ORA-23369: value of "string" argument cannot be null
Cause: Argument "max_missing" to "differences()" routine cannot be NULL.
Action: Legal values for "max_missing" are integers 1 or greater.

ORA-23370: table string and table string are not shape equivalent (string)
Cause: The tables specified are not shape equivalent, which means intuitively that the number of columns, the names, their datatypes and lengths are not the same. Specifically, problem is in the parentheses and is one of the following: the number of columns are not equal, datatypes of columns with same name in different tables are different, lengths of varchar2 and char columns are not equal, precision and scale of number datatypes are not equal.
Action: Make sure the two tables being compared have the same number of columns, same column names, and same datatypes.

ORA-23371: column string unknown in table string
Cause: Some column in "array_columns" argument (or "column_list" argument) to "differences()" routine does not correspond to a column in the specified table.
Action: Make sure that all the columns in either "array_columns" or "column_list" are present in the specified table.

ORA-23372: type string in table string is unsupported
Cause: Certain types in the table comparison utility are not supported.
Action: Make sure that the types of columns in the tables to be compared are the ones supported by symmetric replication.

ORA-23373: object group "string"."string" does not exist
Cause: The group name was null or misspelled, or the group does not exist locally.
Action: Specify the group correctly, or create it with dbms_repcat.create_master_repgroup().

ORA-23374: object group "string"."string" already exists
Cause: The given database already replicates the given object group. A materialized view repgroup cannot be created at a given site where a master repgroup with the same name already exists.
Action: Choose a different group or a different database.

ORA-23375: feature is incompatible with database version at string
Cause: A feature not compatible with the specified database was used
Action: Set or raise the value of the "compatible" INIT.ORA parameter to match the necessary compatibility level.

ORA-23376: node string is not compatible with replication version "string"
Cause: A feature not compatible with the remote database was used
Action: Upgrade the remote database and retry the operation

ORA-23377: bad name string for missing_rows_oname1 argument
Cause: An attempt was made to use the name of the reference site table as the name of the missing_rows_oname1 argument.
Action: Provide a separately created table with a different name for missing_rows_oname1 argument. The separately created table will contain the differences between the tables being compared.

ORA-23378: connection qualifier "string" is not valid for object group "string"."string"
Cause: The connection qualifier used in the database link for the specified object group does not match the qualifier specified for the group in create_master_repgroup.
Action: Use or create a database link which contains the correct connection qualifier.

ORA-23379: connection qualifier "string" is too long
Cause: The maximum length of a database link, including the connection qualifier, is 128 bytes.
Action: Use a shorter connection qualifier, or shorten the name of the database link

ORA-23380: propagation mode "string" is not valid
Cause: The specified propagation may be misspelled, or is not supported. For materialized view sites, all materialized view object groups at the same materialized view site with the same master object group must all have the same propagation method.
Action: Refer to the manual on replicated data for valid propagation modes. For materialized view sites, also ensure that the propagation modes of all materialized view object groups with the same master object group are the same.

ORA-23381: generated object for base object string.string@string does not exist
Cause: The system generated object(s) for the specified base object do not exist at the specified site. The current operation requires the base object to have generated replication support.
Action: Ensure that the generated replication object(s) for the base object exist and are valid at the specified site. If the generated object(s) do not exist, then the procedure dbms_repcat.generate_replication_support() needs to be called from the master definition site for the base object. missing_rows_oname1 argument. The separately created table will contain the differences between the tables being compared.

ORA-23382: materialized view repgroup "string"."string" is not registered at site string
Cause: The materialized view repgroup is not currently registered at the master and so cannot be unregistered.
Action: None

ORA-23383: registration for materialized view repgroup "string"."string" failed at site string
Cause: Insertion into local repschema table failed.
Action: None

ORA-23384: replication parallel push string argument out of range
Cause: Specified numeric argument to dbms_defer_sys.push is invalid.
Action: Fix the argument value and try again.

ORA-23385: replication parallel push string argument not valid
Cause: Specified string argument to dbms_defer_sys.push is invalid.
Action: Fix the argument value and try again.

ORA-23386: replication parallel push cannot create slave processes
Cause: An error was occurred while creating slave processes for parallel push.
Action: None

ORA-23387: replication parallel push dequeue error
Cause: An attempt to dequeue a deferred transaction failed while trying to assign a new queue batch number.
Action: None

ORA-23388: replication parallel push watermark error
Cause: An error occurred during parallel push while trying to update the high-water-mark information in system.def$_destination.
Action: None

ORA-23389: obsolete procedure; drop objects and recreate using new master
Cause: dbms_repcat.switch_mview_master is no longer supported.
Action: Drop the objects in the object group and recreate them using the new master.

ORA-23392: could not find materialized view to be associated with "string"."string"
Cause: Could not find materialized view associated with a trigger or index that is being pulled from the master site.
Action: Ensure that materialized view, master, and master index or trigger is registered as replicated objects.

ORA-23393: the user is already the propagator
Cause: The given user is already the current propagator.
Action: None

ORA-23394: duplicate propagator
Cause: More than one valid propagator exist.
Action: Unregister any duplicate propagator.

ORA-23395: object "string"."string" of type "string" does not exist or is invalid
Cause: The given name was null or misspelled, the given type was wrong, the object does not exist as a valid database object, or the object does not exist as a replicated object with the appropriate status.
Action: Ensure the object is valid in the database, is visible to the user, and, if appropriate, is a valid object in all_repobject.

ORA-23396: database link "string" does not exist or has not been scheduled
Cause: the database link does not exist in the schema of the replication propagator or has not been scheduled.
Action: Ensure that the database link exists in the database, is accessible and is scheduled for execution.

ORA-23397: global name "string" does not match database link name "string"
Cause: the database link name at the local node does not match the global name of the database that the link accesses.
Action: Ensure that global names is set to true and the link name matches the global name.

ORA-23398: user name "string" at database link "string" does not match local user name "string"
Cause: the user name of the replication administration user at the local node and the user name at the node corresponding to the database link are not the same. Symmetric replication expects the two users to be the same.
Action: Ensure that the user ID of the replication administration user at the local node and the user ID at the node corresponding to the database link are the same.

ORA-23399: generation of replication support for "string"."string" is not complete
Cause: Replication support for the specified object has not been generated or the generation process is not yet complete.
Action: Ensure that replication support has been generated for the object. Use DBMS_REPCAT.GENERATE_REPLICATION_SUPPORT() to generate replication support for the object.

ORA-23400: invalid materialized view name "string"
Cause: A null, misspelled, or badly formed materialized view name was given to dbms_mview.refresh.
Action: Provide a valid materialized view name to dbms_mview.refresh.

ORA-23401: materialized view "string"."string" does not exist
Cause: A materialized view name was given to dbms_mview.refresh that is not in sys.snap$ or its associated views.
Action: Provide a materialized view name that is in sys.snap$, all_mviews or user_mviews.

ORA-23402: refresh was aborted because of conflicts caused by deferred txns
Cause: There are outstanding conflicts logged in the DefError table at the materialized view's master.
Action: Resolve the conflicts in the master DefError table and refresh again after the table is empty. Alternatively, refresh with refresh_after_errors set to TRUE, which will proceed with the refresh even if there are conflicts in the master's DefError table. Proceeding despite conflicts can result with an updatable materialized view's changes appearing to be temporarily lost (until a refresh succeeds after the conflicts are resolved).

ORA-23403: refresh group "string"."string" already exists
Cause: Making a new refresh group when there is already a group of the same name in sys.rgroup$.
Action: Choose a diifferent refresh group name.

ORA-23404: refresh group "string"."string" does not exist
Cause: A refresh group name was given that is not in sys.rgroup$.
Action: Provide a refresh group name that is in sys.rgroup$ or dbs_rgroup.

ORA-23405: refresh group number string does not exist
Cause: A refresh group number was given that is not in sys.rgroup$.
Action: Provide a refresh group number that is in sys.rgroup$ or dbs_rgroup.

ORA-23406: insufficient privileges on user "string"
Cause: The caller is not the owner of the materialized view and does not have ALTER ANY MATERIALIZED VIEW privileges.
Action: Perform the operation as the owner of the materialized view or as a user with ALTER ANY MATERIALIZED VIEW privileges.

ORA-23407: object name string must be shaped like "schema"."object" or "object"
Cause: The object name (e.g., the rollback segment, the materialized view name, the refresh group) was incorrectly specified.
Action: Retry the operation with the object name properly specified (like "schema"."object" or "object")

ORA-23408: this replication operation is not supported in a mixed configuration
Cause: operation is not supported if the object group is replicated at a pre-V8 node.
Action: Ensure that all nodes of the replicated object group are V8.

ORA-23409: could not find an unused refresh group number
Cause: 1000 consecutive refresh group numbers, as defined by the rgroupseq number, were already used by rows in sys.rgroup$.
Action: Alter the sequence number to be within a legal unused range and destroy unneeded refresh groups.

ORA-23410: materialized view "string"."string" is already in a refresh group
Cause: A materialized view of the same name is already in a refresh group.
Action: Subtract the materialized view from the current refresh group and add it to its new refresh group, or combine the two refresh groups into a single refresh group.

ORA-23411: materialized view "string"."string" is not in refresh group "string"."string"
Cause: The specified materialized view is not in the specified refresh group.
Action: Try again with the proper materialized view and refresh group names.

ORA-23412: master table's primary key columns have changed
Cause: The master table's primary key constraint was modified after the primary key materialized view was created.
Action: Drop and recreate the primary key materialized view

ORA-23413: table "string"."string" does not have a materialized view log
Cause: The fast refresh can not be performed because the master table does not contain a materialized view log.
Action: Use the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG command to create a materialized view log on the master table.

ORA-23414: materialized view log for "string"."string" does not record rowid values
Cause: A rowid materialized view is being fast refreshed, but the materialized view log does not record rowid information.
Action: Use the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG...ADD ROWID command to begin recording rowid information in the materialized view log.

ORA-23415: materialized view log for "string"."string" does not record the primary key
Cause: A primary key materialized view is being fast refreshed, but the materialized view log does not record primary key information.
Action: Use the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG...ADD PRIMARY KEY command to begin recording primary key information in the materialized view log.

ORA-23416: table "string"."string" does not contain a primary key constraint
Cause: The master table does not constaint a primary key constraint or the primary key constraint has been disabled.
Action: Create a primary key constraint on the master table or enable the existing constraint.

ORA-23417: unknown materialized view type: string
Cause: A fast refresh is being performed on a materialized view of an unknown or unsupported type.
Action: Check all_mviews and ensure that the materialized view being refreshed a valid materialized view.

ORA-23418: cannot unregister the propagator who is currently in use
Cause: The propagator is currently used in propagating replication RPCs.
Action: Try again later when there is no transaction active in propagating replication RPCs.

ORA-23419: regenerate replication support before resuming master activity
Cause: There are tables in the object group that require regeneration of replication support.
Action: Check the generation_status column in the all_repobjects view. Regenerate replication support for any table in the object group with a 'NEEDSGEN' status. Resume master activity.

ORA-23420: interval must evaluate to a time in the future
Cause: The parameter "interval" evaluates to a time earlier than SYSDATE.
Action: Choose an expression that evaluates to a time later than SYSDATE.

ORA-23421: job number string is not a job in the job queue
Cause: There is no job visible to the caller with the given job number.
Action: Choose the number of a job visible to the caller.

ORA-23422: Oracle Server could not generate an unused job number
Cause: Oracle Server could not generate a job number that was not used to identify another job.
Action: Retry the operation.

ORA-23423: job number string is not positive
Cause: The given job number is less than 1.
Action: Choose a positive integer.

ORA-23424: materialized view "string"."string" at string not registered
Cause: The specified materialized view has not be successfully registered at this site.
Action: Register the materialized view manually at either the master site or the materialized view site.

ORA-23425: invalid materialized view identifier string
Cause: The argument provided to dbms_mview.purge_mview_from_log is an invalid materialized view identifer or it does not identify an Oracle 8 fast refreshable materialized view or the materialized view has been already purged.
Action: If the materialized view is an Oracle 8 fast refreshable materialized view then provide purge_mview_from_log with its valid materialized view identifier.

ORA-23426: deferred RPC queue has entries for string
Cause: The requested action cannot be performed until the queue is empty for the given site/dblink
Action: Use dbms_defer_sys.push, dbms_defer_sys.purge_queue or dbms_defer_sys.delete_tran to empty the queue.

ORA-23427: deferred purge queue argument string out of range
Cause: Specified numeric argument to dbms_defer_sys.purge_queue is invalid.
Action: Fix the argument value and try again.

ORA-23428: job associated instance number string is not valid
Cause: A job is associated with an instance that is not running.
Action: Choose a running instance for job affinity, or set force parameter to TRUE.

ORA-23430: argument "string" cannot be NULL or empty string
Cause: The caller has provided an argument whose value cannot be NULL or the empty string.
Action: Check that the varchar2 value provided is not NULL or the empty string, and retry the call.

ORA-23431: wrong state: string
Cause: The routine was executed against a replicated object group that was in the wrong state.
Action: Make sure that the replicated object group is in the state given in the error message.

ORA-23432: master site string already exists
Cause: An attempt was made to instantiate a replicated object group at a master site that was already a part of the object group.
Action: If you were trying to add this site, do nothing because it already exists; otherwise, pick the name of another site, and re-run the routine.

ORA-23433: executing against wrong master site string
Cause: An attempt was made to execute the routine at a site that is different from the site specified in the argument of the routine.
Action: Provide an argument to the routine that correctly indicates the site against which the routine should be executing.

ORA-23434: master site string not known for object group
Cause: The site name given as an argument to a routine was not already known to the replicated object group.
Action: Execute the dbms_offline_og.begin_instantiation() routine to add a new site to the replicated object group.

ORA-23435: cannot create an updatable ROWID materialized view with LOB columns
Cause: The propagation of LOB data from materialized view sites to the master site requires a primary key on the replicated table. Thus updatable ROWID materialized views that contain LOB columns are not supported.
Action: Create a primary key materialized view instead of a ROWID materialized view. If the materialized view already exists, it can be converted to a primary key materialized view using the ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW DDL command.

ORA-23436: missing template authorization for user
Cause: The specified template authorization does not exist.
Action: Check the values for user name and refresh template name to ensure a valid row exists in the DBA_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS view.

ORA-23437: template authorization already exists for user
Cause: The specified user already has been authorized to use the specified refresh group template.
Action: Check the values for user name and refresh template name or query the DBA_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS view to ensure that the correct values were passed as parameters.

ORA-23438: missing refresh group template
Cause: The specified refresh group template does not exist.
Action: Verify that the refresh group template does not exist by querying the DBA_REPCAT_REFRESH_TEMPLATES view.

ORA-23439: refresh group template already exists
Cause: The specified refresh group template already exists.
Action: Verify that the refresh group template exists by querying the DBA_REPCAT_REFRESH_TEMPLATES view.

ORA-23440: incorrect public template value
Cause: The public template parameter is not 'Y', 'N' or NULL.
Action: Correct the value of the public template parameter. It must be 'Y','N' or NULL.

ORA-23441: object does not exist for refresh group template
Cause: The specified object does not exist in the refresh group template.
Action: Correct the object name and object type parameters. Check the DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS view to verify the correct name and type of the object.

ORA-23442: object already exists for the refresh group template
Cause: The specified object already exists in the refresh group template.
Action: Change the object name and object type parameters. Query the DBA_REPCAT_REMPLATE_OBJECTS view to verify the correct name and type of the object.

ORA-23443: missing template parameter
Cause: The specified template parameter does not exist.
Action: Correct the template parameter value and execute the procedure again. Use the DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS view to verify the name of the refresh group template and parameter name.

ORA-23444: duplicate template parameter
Cause: The template parameter already exists for the specified refresh group template.
Action: Correct the template parameter value and execute the procedure again. Use the DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS view to verify the name of the refresh group template and parameter name.

ORA-23445: missing template site
Cause: The template site specified by the site name, user name and refresh group template name does not exist.
Action: Correct the invalid parameter and execute the procedure again. Use the DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_SITES view to query the existing template sites.

ORA-23446: duplicate template site
Cause: The template site specified by the site name, user name and refresh group template name already exists.
Action: Correct the invalid parameter and execute the procedure again. Use the DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_SITES view to query the existing template sites.

ORA-23447: missing user parameter value
Cause: The user parameter value specified by the user name, parameter name and refresh group template name does not exist.
Action: Correct the invalid parameter and execute the procedure again. Use the DBA_REPCAT_USER_PARMS view to query the existing user parameters.

ORA-23448: duplicate user parameter value
Cause: The user parameter value specified by the user name, parameter name and refresh group template name already exists.
Action: Correct the invalid parameter and execute the procedure again. Use the DBA_REPCAT_USER_PARMS view to query the existing user parameters.

ORA-23449: missing user name
Cause: The user specified by the user name parameter does not exist in the database.
Action: Correct an invalid user name or create the user in the master database. Use the DBA_USERS view to select the valid database users.

ORA-23450: flavor already contains object "string"."string"
Cause: The flavor already contains the specified object.
Action: Check that the specified object is correct. To add all columns of a table object, delete the object from the flavor and then add it again.

ORA-23451: flavor string already defined for object group "string"."string"
Cause: The given object group already contains a (possibly unpublished) definition of the specified flavor.
Action: Check the spelling of the flavor name. Check for an unpublished flavor of the desired name.

ORA-23452: flavor string of object group "string"."string" is already published
Cause: The given object group already contains a (published) definition of the specified flavor.
Action: Check the spelling of the flavor name.

ORA-23453: requested operation is not supported on top flavor
Cause: The TOP flavor has a NULL name and may not be directly defined or deleted.
Action: Supply the name of a flavor other than the TOP flavor or use dbms_repcat routines to implicitly change the TOP flavor.

ORA-23454: flavor string not defined for object group "string"."string"
Cause: The given object group does not contain a (published) definition of the specified flavor.
Action: Check the spelling of the flavor name. Ensure the flavor has been defined (and published) for the object group.

ORA-23455: flavor string contains object "string"
Cause: The given flavor contains the object to be dropped.
Action: Purge the flavor or choose another object to drop.

ORA-23456: flavor string does not contain "string"
Cause: The flavor does not contain the given object, column, or attribute.
Action: Either drop the flavor or choose a different object, column, or attribute.

ORA-23457: invalid flavor ID string
Cause: The given flavor ID is invalid.
Action: Make sure this flavor has been instantiated. If the flavor ID is outside the range (-2147483647, 2147483647), contact customer support.

ORA-23458: inappropriate flavor string at string
Cause: The given flavor at the given database prevents the operation from succeeding.
Action: Either change the database flavor or choose a different operation.

ORA-23459: flavor string must contain "string"
Cause: The flavor must contain the given object, column, or attribute.
Action: Either choose a different database flavor or ensure the object, column, or attribute is available.

ORA-23460: missing value for column string in resolution method "string" for "string"."string"."string"
Cause: before resolving conflicts, some values necessary resolving conflicts are not available, or after resolving conflicts, some values necessary for re-trying of the SQL are not available
Action: define appropriate flavors, provide necessary values through availability vector in USER FLAVOR FUNCTION for conflict resolution

ORA-23462: flavor string in use at site string
Cause: The given flavor cannot be deleted because it is being used at the given site.
Action: Change the flavor of the site, or unregister it if it is a materialized view site.

ORA-23463: flavor incompatible with object "string"."string"
Cause: An existing flavor includes the specified object with an incompatible type.
Action: Change the type of the object, or delete the flavor if it is not in use.

ORA-23464: flavor lacks column string of "string"."string"
Cause: The flavor includes some columns of an object group but not all the required columns.
Action: Change the flavor definition to include all required columns.

ORA-23465: flavor already includes column string of "string"."string"
Cause: The flavor includes the specified column which is being added.
Action: Check that the specified column is correct.

ORA-23466: flavor requires missing object "string"."string"
Cause: The flavor includes the specified object which does not exist
Action: Check that the specified object name is correct, and create the object if appropriate.

ORA-23467: flavor lacks object "string"."string"
Cause: The flavor does not include the specified object which is being dropped.
Action: Check that the specified object is correct.

ORA-23468: missing string string
Cause: The template is missing the object with the specified key.
Action: Add the object to the template.

ORA-23469: string is different between templates
Cause: The values for the specified columns are different in each template for the same key values.
Action: Correct the column values to make the templates the same.

ORA-23470: invalid status
Cause: The status should be DELETED, INSTALLING or INSTALLED. Any other status is invalid.
Action: Check that the specified status value is correct.

ORA-23471: template not authorized for user
Cause: The refresh template is private and the user has not been authorized to instantiate the template.
Action: Authorize the user to use the template.

ORA-23472: materialized view "string"."string" must be atomically refreshed
Cause: Non-atomic refresh is not supported for the specified materialized view.
Action: Set the value of the ATOMIC parameter to FALSE in the refresh procedure being used or remove the specified materialized view from the set of materialized views being refreshed.

ORA-23473: replication RPC processing for "string"."string" is disabled
Cause: The processing of replication RPCs for the object group that contains this object is disabled. This includes RPCs in the error queue.
Action: Processing of replication RPCs is disabled when the object group is being offline instantiated. Wait until offline instantiation is finished.

ORA-23474: definition of "string"."string" has changed since generation of replication support
Cause: The current columns in the specified table and their column types do not match the columns and column types when replication support was last generated.
Action: Regenerate replication support for the affected table. All flavors that include the specified table should be checked for validity. Types for any UDT columns should also be checked for validity.

ORA-23475: key column string must be sent and compared
Cause: The specified column is a key column and must be sent and compared during replication propagation.
Action: Make sure every key column is sent and compared.

ORA-23476: cannot import from string to string
Cause: This object was imported from a database with a different global name than the importing database.
Action: Only import this object into a database with the same global name.

ORA-23477: unable to alter propagation mode for object group "string"."string"
Cause: The propagation method of a materialized view object group can only be altered when no other object groups with the same master object group are sharing the materialized view site.
Action: Ensure that there are no other materialized view object groups at the local site with the same master object group.

ORA-23478: object group "string" is already mastered at string
Cause: There is at least one other materialized view repgroup at the local site with the same group name but a different master site.
Action: Ensure that all materialized view repgroups at the local site with the same group name have the same master.

ORA-23480: Column string is not a top-level column of "string"."string".
Cause: The column is either not a top-level column or is not present in the table or materialized view.
Action: Ensure only valid top-level columns are used.

ORA-23482: column string of "string"."string": object types not allowed.
Cause: The column is of Object Type.
Action: Ensure that all the columns are not of Object Type.

ORA-23483: object "string"."string" not allowed in this operation.
Cause: The specified operation does not support the given object.
Action: Do not invoke the operation for this object.

ORA-23484: internal internet Application Server error: string
Cause: An internal error occurred in internet Application Server.
Action: Report the error and other information to support.

ORA-23485: Column group "string" must consist of a single numeric column only
Cause: The column group doesn't contain only one numeric column.
Action: Use a column group containing a single numeric column.

ORA-23487: object groups "string"."string" and "string"."string" do not have the same connection qualifier
Cause: The specified two object groups do not have the same connection qualifier.
Action: Do not invoke the operation on the above object groups, or ensure they have the same connection qualifier.

ORA-23488: propagation mode "string" for "string" is not allowed for this operation
Cause: This operation does not support the specified dblink in the above propagation mode.
Action: Do not invoke the operation for this dblink, or change the propagation mode for this dblink.

ORA-23489: duplicate entry "string"
Cause: The specified value is duplicated in the parameter list.
Action: Remove duplicated entries in the parameter list.

ORA-23490: extension request "string" with status "string" not allowed in this operation
Cause: The specified operation is not allowed for the extension request with the specified status.
Action: Ensure the extension request has the appropriate status before retrying this operation.

ORA-23491: no valid extension request at "string"
Cause: The specified database does not have a valid extension request.
Action: Ensure there is a valid extension request in DBA_REPEXTENSIONS view before retrying this operation.

ORA-23492: no new sites for extension request "string"
Cause: There is no new site with the specified extension request.
Action: Ensure there is at least one new site in DBA_REPSITES_NEW view for this request before retrying this operation.

ORA-23493: "string" is not a new site for extension request "string"
Cause: The specified extension request does not include the specified site as a new site.
Action: Ensure the specified site is a new site for this extension request before retrying this operation.

ORA-23494: too many rows for destination "string"
Cause: The specified destination has too many rows in system.def$_destination table.
Action: Ensure the specified destination has at most two valid rows before retrying this operation.

ORA-23495: serial propagation can not be used for "string"
Cause: The sites involved may be in the process of adding a new site without quiescing.
Action: Check the def$_destination table for this destination and try parallel propagation.

ORA-23496: can not change disabled status for "string" and "string"
Cause: The disabled status for this site is set internally for synchronization during adding a new master without quiescing.
Action: Ensure adding a new master without quiescing finished before invoking this procedure.

ORA-23497: repgroup name cannot be null
Cause: The array of Repgroup names contains a null value.
Action: Ensure that the array of Repgroup names is dense and is not null terminated.

ORA-23498: repgroups specified must have the same masters
Cause: The Repgroup names specified do not have the same masters.
Action: Ensure that the Repgroup names specified have the same masters.

ORA-23500: cannot switch master for a multi-tier materialized view repgroup "string"."string"
Cause: An attempt was made to switch master for a materialized view repgroup when its parent repgroup is also a materialized view repgroup. This is not allowed.
Action: Drop and recreate the materialized view repgroup based on a proper parent repgroup.

ORA-23501: refresh template cannot be instantiated for database with compatibilty equal to or less than 8.0
Cause: Instantiation of a refresh template is not supported for database compatibility 8.0 or less.
Action: Be sure the database compatibility is 8.1 or above.

ORA-23502: valid directory for offline instatiation is not specified
Cause: An attempt was made to offline instantiate to a directory which is not specified or null.
Action: There are two ways to specify the directory: o As a parm offline_dirpath to the API o As an init.ora parm named utl_file_dir Make sure you have specified an appropriate directory in which the offline file can be created.

ORA-23503: error occurred during IAS instantiation
Cause: An attempt was made to instantiate a IAS site. Error occurred during IAS instantiation.
Action: See other errors on the error stack to look for the source of the problem. If the error still persists, contact Oracle Support.

ORA-23504: columns added to table do not match list of columns to be added
Cause: The list of columns passed as a parameter does not match the columns to be added to the table.
Action: Correct the DDL string or list of columns and rexecute.

ORA-23505: Object "string"."string" is missing.
Cause: The specified object does not exist.
Action: Check that the specified object is correct.

ORA-23514: invalid or incorrect number of arguments
Cause: The arguments passed to the online redefinition API were invalid or missing.
Action: Call the online redefinition API with the right number of valid arguments.

ORA-23515: materialized views and/or their indices exist in the tablespace
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a tablespace which contains materialized views and/or their indices.
Action: Drop the materialized views in this tablespace. Also, find indices belonging to materialized views in this tablespace and drop then. Then try dropping the tablespace.

ORA-23531: site owner already exists in the template.
Cause: Site owner for the template already exists.
Action: Do not create multiple siteowners for this template.

ORA-23532: tables with different synchronization mechanisms are in the same group
Cause: Tables belonging to the same replication group were specified to be cached with different synchronization mechanisms.
Action: Do not specify different synchronization mechanisms while caching tables belonging to the same replication group.

ORA-23533: object "string"."string" can not be cached
Cause: An attempt was made to cache an object which is not supported.
Action: Do not cache an object which is not supported.

ORA-23534: missing column in materialized view container table "string"."string"
Cause: After import, the materialized view container table has missing columns.
Action: Check if materialized view container table was imported correctly.

ORA-23535: instantiating templates from multiple back ends is not allowed.
Cause: An attempt was made to set a new non-null back end database for an iAS site.
Action: Call dbms_ias_configure.set_back_end_db procedure with null dblink. Then, call the same procedure with the new non-null dblink.

ORA-23536: the object "string"."string" is not cached at the middle tier as expected.
Cause: The object may have been dropped or renamed at the back end after dbms_ias_inst.start_ias_inst was executed.
Action: Check the validity of the object at the back end and retry the instantiation.

ORA-23537: function or procedure string is not allowed to be invoked from this site.
Cause: This function or procedure is restricted to the backend or middle tier site
Action: Connect to the proper site before calling this function or procedure.

ORA-23538: cannot explicitly refresh a NEVER REFRESH materialized view ("string")
Cause: An attempt was made to explicitly refresh a NEVER REFRESH MV.
Action: Do not perform this refresh operation or remove the MV(s) from the list.

ORA-23539: table "string"."string" currently being redefined
Cause: An attempt was made to redefine a table which is currently involved in an ongoing redefinition.
Action: Do not perform this redefinition operation on this table or wait till the ongoing redefinition of the table is completed.

ORA-23540: Redefinition not defined or initiated
Cause: An attempt was made to continue or complete a redefinition which was not defined or initiated.
Action: Define or initiate the redefinition before performing this operation.

ORA-23541: tables do not match tables used while defining the redefinition
Cause: An attempt was made to continue or complete a redefinition by providing different tables than those used while defining or initiating the redefinition.
Action: Repeat this operation and specify the same tables as those that were specified while defining or initiating the redefinition.

ORA-23542: dependent object "string"."string" already registered
Cause: An attempt was made to register an already registered dependent object to an ongoing redefinition.
Action: Do not attempt to register an already registered dependent object to an ongoing redefinition.

ORA-23543: materialized view log on "string"."string" is in an inconsistent state
Cause: There was an error while creating the materialized view log and the log is currently in an inconsistent state. A possible cause could be that schema redefinition has occurred on the master table while the log was being created. Another possible cause could be that there were DMLs being applied on the master table concurrently in another session at the time the materialized view log creation started and those DML transactions haven't committed even after a very long period of time.
Action: Drop the materialized view log and recreate it. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 23600-23999 Reserved for Log Based Replication PL/SQL packages /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

ORA-23600: cannot create PROPAGATION, string already exists
Cause: The propagate_name already exists.
Action: Drop the propagate_name usign DROP_PROPAGATEcommand or specify propagate_name.

ORA-23601: PROPAGATION_NAME string does not exist
Cause: Propagation does not exist.
Action: Query DBA_PROPAGATION view to find existing propagation_name

ORA-23602: Invalid streams process type string
Cause: Specified streams process type is not valid.
Action: Specify either capture or apply.

ORA-23603: STREAMS enqueue aborted due to low SGA
Cause: An attempt to enqueue a STREAMS message was aborted because ORACLE is running low on memory allotted for STREAMS.
Action: Either start consuming messages by enabling any STREAMS propagation or apply which might be disabled. An alternative is to allot more memory to STREAMS, which can be done by increasing the streams_pool_size initialization parameter if one was defined or by increasing the shared_pool_size.

ORA-23605: invalid value "string" for STREAMS parameter string
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an invalid parameter value.
Action: Specify a valid value for the parameter. Check the documentation for valid parameter values.

ORA-23606: invalid object string
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an invalid object.
Action: Specify a valid object.

ORA-23607: invalid column "string"
Cause: An invalid column was specified in the column list.
Action: Check the columns in the object and specify the right column name.

ORA-23608: invalid resolution column "string"
Cause: An invalid column was specified as the resolution column. The resolution column must belong to the list of columns specified in the 'column_list' parameter.
Action: Check the columns in the column_list and specify the right resolution column name.

ORA-23609: unable to find directory object for directory string
Cause: There was no entry in ALL_DIRECTORIES corresponding to the specified directory.
Action: Grant to the current user appropriate privileges on either a new directory object or an existing directory object.

ORA-23610: internal dbms_streams_tablespaces error: [string] [string] [string] [string]
Cause: Streams detected an erroneous result.
Action: Look for information in the session trace file and contact customer support.

ORA-23611: tablespace "string" has more than one data file
Cause: The specified tablespace had more than one data file and hence did not qualify as a simple tablespace.
Action: Choose a self-contained tablespace with a single data file, or use a procedure that supports any tablespace.

ORA-23612: unable to find tablespace "string"
Cause: Either the tablespace did not exist, or the current user did not have sufficient privileges on the tablespace.
Action: Grant appropriate privileges on the tablespace to the current user or choose a different tablespace.

ORA-23613: Script string already exists
Cause: A script for the specified invoking package already existed.
Action: Complete the previous invocation or drop the previous invocation before proceeding with the current invocation.

ORA-23614: Script string does not exist
Cause: The named script did not exist.
Action: Create the script.

ORA-23615: Block number string does not exist for script string
Cause: The specified block number did not exist for the script.
Action: Add the block or check the block number and reexecute.

ORA-23616: Failure in executing block string for script string with string
Cause: The execution of specified block failed.
Action: Check the error. Query DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_BLOCKS to view the failed block. Rectify and rerun the block or script.

ORA-23617: Block string for script string has already been executed
Cause: The specified block was already executed.
Action: Check the block number and reissue the command.

ORA-23618: Generation of script string is not complete.
Cause: Script generation for the specified script was not completed in a prior invocation.
Action: Purge the specified script by calling the RECOVER_OPERATION API in the package DBMS_STREAMS_ADM and reattempt the entire operation.

ORA-23619: non-Oracle system error: string
Cause: A non-Oracle database has returned an error message to STREAMS when attempting to apply a DML statement. The non-Oracle system error message is a parameter to this Oracle error.
Action: Corrective action may or may not be possible (depending on the non-Oracle system error). If corrective action is possible, correct the problem and try applying the transaction again.

ORA-23620: bind value size too large for PL/SQL CALL operation
Cause: In a PL/SQL CALL to a stored procedure, the bind string size exceeded 4K.
Action: Either make the bind string size shorter (less than 4K) or use BEGIN-END to call the procedure instead of CALL.

ORA-23621: Operation corresponding to script string is in progress.
Cause: The script was already being run in a different session or was terminated before status for the script was updated to ERROR or EXECUTED.
Action: Make sure the script is not being run in a parallel session. Then call the RECOVER_OPERATION API in the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package with the appropriate OPERATION_MODE argument.

ORA-23622: Operation string.string.string is in progress.
Cause: An attempt was made to execute a procedure which was being executed in a parallel session or failed execution.
Action: Query the DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT view to identify the operation that is currently in progress for the specified invoking procedure. Complete the operation before proceeding.

ORA-23623: internal DBMS_COMPARISON error: [string] [string] [string] [string]
Cause: DBMS_COMPARISON detected an erroneous result.
Action: Look for information in the session trace file and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-23624: A comparison operation is currently in progress for string.
Cause: Another session was already performing an operation on this object.
Action: Retry the operation once other sessions are done with the specific comparison object.

ORA-23625: Table shapes of string.string and string.string@string did not match.
Cause: Table shapes of local and remote tables to compare did not match.
Action: Retry by explicitly specifying columns that match in column_list or create views on the tables as appropriate.

ORA-23626: No eligible index on table string.string
Cause: Table did not have an eligible index to use for comparison.
Action: For a table to be compared using DBMS_COMPARISON, the table must have an appropriate index on a column of certain data types. Check the documentation for supported data types.

ORA-23627: Comparison object string already existed.
Cause: A comparison object by the specified name already exists.
Action: Retry with a different name.

ORA-23628: Comparison query too long (actual string, allowed string).
Cause: A generated query for comparison was too long.
Action: Comparison is unsupported for very large tables with long column names. Retry with a subset of columns or with shorter column names.

ORA-23629: string.string is not an eligible index on table string.string for comparison
Cause: The specified index was not an eligible index to use for comparison.
Action: For a table to be compared using DBMS_COMPARISON, the table must have an appropriate index. Please specify an eligible index for the table to be compared.

ORA-23630: Cannot switch to checkpoint-free mode (value "string", STREAMS parameter string), due to the following reason:
Cause: Could not switch to checkpoint-free mode, or already in checkpoint-free mode.
Action: Can switch to checkpoint-free mode only if the capture is new (it never ran), the capture wasn't cloned from a capture with checkpoints, the capture doesn't include any extra attributes, and combined capture and apply is enabled.

ORA-23631: Checkpoint-free mode cannot change (value "string", STREAMS parameter string)
Cause: Could not switch to checkpoints because checkpoint-free mode was set.
Action: Drop the checkpoint-free capture and create a new one that will / take checkpoints.

ORA-23632: Cannot force checkpoints in checkpoint-free mode (value "string", STREAMS parameter string)
Cause: The capture process was in checkpoint-free mode.
Action: Cannot take checkpoints in checkpoint-free mode.

ORA-23633: Cannot turn off combined capture and apply mode in checkpoint-free mode (value "string", STREAMS parameter string)
Cause: The capture was running in checkpoint-free mode and had to run in combined capture and apply mode also.
Action: Ensure that this capture runs in combined capture and apply by dropping additional propagation or apply processes for the same queue.

ORA-23634: Cannot include extra attributes in checkpoint-free mode
Cause: The capture process was in checkpoint-free mode.
Action: Extra attributes are not supported in checkpoint-free mode.

ORA-23635: MAINTAIN_TTS: tablespace(s) already exist(s) in target database.
Cause: The tablespaces were already in existence in the target database when the streams MAINTAIN_TTS APIs were called."
Action: Check whether you can drop the tablespaces to be maintained in the target database. If not, don't use streams MAINTAIN_TTS APIs to setup streams. Check the Oracle documentation on how to setup streams.

ORA-23636: MAINTAIN_TTS: Invalid tablespace name, reason: string.
Cause: The tablespace name was either NULL or too long when the streams MAINTAIN_TTS APIs were called.
Action: Check that the specified tablespace names are not NULL and are spelled correctly. If there are too many tablespaces, group them together and call the streams MAINTAIN_TTS APIs for the group.

ORA-23642: Cannot switch to checkpoint mode (value "string", STREAMS parameter string)
Cause: Capture was cloned from a capture in checkpoint-free mode.
Action: Clone from a capture with checkpoints.

ORA-23644: Cannot switch to checkpoint-free mode (Capture string)
Cause: Switch to checkpoint-free mode was prevented by a previous error.
Action: See the previous error for the appropriate action.

ORA-23645: Cannot switch to checkpoints (Capture string)
Cause: Switch to checkpoints was prevented by a previous error.
Action: See the previous error for the appropriate action.

ORA-23646: Streams string process string does not exist
Cause: Capture or Apply did not exist.
Action: Create a Capture or Apply process, then try again.

ORA-23647: Streams string process string is not running
Cause: Capture or Apply were not running.
Action: Start Capture or Apply process, then try again

ORA-23648: Capture string is for Change Data Capture
Cause: Capture was for Change Data Capture, and checkpoints were required.
Action: None

ORA-23649: Capture string is for Audit Vault
Cause: Capture was for Audit Vault, and checkpoints were required.
Action: None

ORA-23650: No progress Capture string
Cause: Capture was not capturing changes.
Action: Make sure Capture is running and capturing changes.

ORA-23651: Capture string is already in string mode
Cause: Capture was already in the desired mode.
Action: None

ORA-23652: The oldest SCN could not be updated at Apply string
Cause: The oldest SCN was not updated before the switch was performed.
Action: Make sure Apply is running and the switch package version is the same at both databases.

ORA-23653: LogMiner session does not exist
Cause: LogMiner session did not exist.
Action: Make sure the Capture process exists.

ORA-23654: Attempting to set the oldest SCN to a greater value (string) than the current one (string) at Apply string
Cause: The new value for the oldest SCN was not computed correctly.
Action: Make sure Capture and Apply are running, and Capture is making progress.

ORA-23655: The SCN range cannot be smaller than 0, (SCN range = string)
Cause: The function was invoked with a negative SCN range.
Action: Use a positive SCN range.

ORA-23656: Timeout occurred while string Streams process string
Cause: The Streams process could not be stopped or started.
Action: Call the switch procedure again.

ORA-23657: the converted file string already exists
Cause: The converted file was already in existence. CONVERT FILE call does not overwrite the existing file.
Action: Check whether the existing file can be deleted. If the existing file can be deleted, delete it. Otherwise, specify a different directory or file extension.

ORA-23658: Invalid character set specified when converting column 'string' in 'string.string'
Cause: The conversion between two character sets for the column in the given table is not supported.
Action: Check if the implicit conversion between source and destination column is supported.

ORA-23659: Destination buffer is not large enough when converting column 'string' in 'string.string' (actual length: string; maximum length:string)
Cause: The conversion between two character sets failed because a source column value is too large for the destination column.
Action: Check if size of the source and destination column matches.

ORA-23660: Unable to load NLS data object when converting column 'string' in 'string.string'
Cause: It may be caused by invalid NLS environment setting.
Action: Check your NLS environment setting.

ORA-24000: invalid value stringstring should be of the form [SCHEMA.]NAME
Cause: An invalid value was specified for the paramerter.
Action: Specify a string of the form [SCHEMA.]NAME .

ORA-24001: cannot create QUEUE_TABLE, string already exists
Cause: The queue table already exists in the queueing system.
Action: Drop the table first using the DROP_QUEUE_TABLE() command or specify another table.

ORA-24002: QUEUE_TABLE string does not exist
Cause: Queue_table not exist.
Action: Query on the user view USER_QUEUE_TABLES to find out existing queue tables.

ORA-24003: Queue table index string inconsistent with queue table string
Cause: The queue table index has not yet been successfully imported.
Action: Import the queue table index before attempting to use the queue table. If the import failed, correct the problem and try to import the queue table index again.

ORA-24004: invalid column name string in SORT_LIST, should be ENQ_TIME or PRIORITY
Cause: Invalid column name was specified in the SORT_LIST.
Action: The valid column names are ENQ_TIME and PRIORITY.

ORA-24005: must use DBMS_AQADM.DROP_QUEUE_TABLE to drop queue tables
Cause: An attempt was made to use the SQL command DROP TABLE for queue tables, but DROP TABLE is not supported for queue tables.
Action: Use the DBMS_AQADM.DROP_QUEUE_TABLE procedure instead of the DROP TABLE command.

ORA-24006: cannot create QUEUE, string already exists
Cause: The queue requested to be created already exists.
Action: Specify another queue name. Query USER_QUEUES for all the exisiting queues in the users's schema.

ORA-24007: invalid value string, MAX_RETRIES should be non-negative integer
Cause: An invalid value was specified for MAX_RETRIES.
Action: Specify a non-negative integer.

ORA-24008: queue table string.string must be dropped first
Cause: An error was detected when dropping a queue table in a cluster, tablespace, or schema.
Action: Use the DBMS_AQADM.DROP_QUEUE_TABLE procedure to drop the specified queue table first; then, retry the operation.

ORA-24009: invalid value string, QUEUE_TYPE should be NORMAL_QUEUE or EXCEPTION_QUEUE
Cause: Invalid queue type parameter
Action: Valid values are NORMAL_QUEUE for normal queue and EXCEPTION_QUEUE for exception queue.

ORA-24010: QUEUE string does not exist
Cause: The specified queue does not exist.
Action: Specify a valid queue. Query USER_QUEUES for all the valid queues.

ORA-24011: cannot drop QUEUE, string should be stopped first
Cause: The queue has not been stopped i.e. either enqueue or dequeue is still enabled.
Action: Stop the queue first using the STOP_QUEUE command and disable it from both enqueueing and dequeueing.

ORA-24012: cannot drop QUEUE_TABLE, some queues in string have not been dropped
Cause: A queue exists in the queue table which has not been dropped. All queues need to be dropped first.
Action: Drop all queues belonging to this queue table using the drop_queue() command. Be sure to stop the queues appropriately before dropping them. Alternately, use the force option in drop_queuetable.

ORA-24013: invalid value string, RETRY_DELAY should be non-negative
Cause: A negative value was specified for RETRY_DELAY.
Action: Specify a non-negative value for RETRY_DELAY.

ORA-24014: invalid value string, RETENTION_TIME should be FOREVER or non-negative
Cause: Queue retention was specified, but the retention time was specified to be less than zero.
Action: Specify the retention time to be non-negative or FOREVER. Alternately don't specify retention.

ORA-24015: cannot create QUEUE_TABLE, QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE string.string does not exist
Cause: An invalid QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE specified during create_queue_table.
Action: The QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE should be RAW or an object type that already exists in the database.

ORA-24016: cannot create QUEUE_TABLE, user string does not have execute privileges on QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE string.string
Cause: An invalid object type specified for QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE during create_queue_table.
Action: The user should have execute priviliges on the object type specified for the queue.

ORA-24017: cannot enable enqueue on QUEUE, string is an exception queue
Cause: User tried to enable enqueueing to an exception queue.
Action: None

ORA-24018: STOP_QUEUE on string failed, outstanding transactions found
Cause: There were outstanding transactions on the queue, and WAIT was set to false, so STOP_QUEUE was unsucessful in stopping the queue.
Action: Set WAIT to TRUE and try STOP_QUEUE again. It will hang till all outstanding transactions are completed.

ORA-24019: identifier for string too long, should not be greater than string characters
Cause: The identifier specified is too long.
Action: Try again with a shorter identifier.

ORA-24020: Internal error in DBMS_AQ_IMPORT_INTERNAL, string
Cause: Internal Error occured in the package DBMS_AQ_IMPORT_INTERNAL.
Action: Internal error, call Oracle Support.

ORA-24021: queue table definition not imported for string.string
Cause: The queue definition is not updated because the queue table was not imported properly
Action: Import the queue table again.

ORA-24022: the specified parameters has no effect on the queue
Cause: The parameter combination will not cause the queue to be started or stoped.
Action: None. This is just a warning.

ORA-24023: Internal error in DBMS_AQ_EXP_INTERNAL.string [string] [string]
Cause: Internal Error occured in the package DBMS_AQ_EXP_INTERNAL.
Action: Internal error, call Oracle Support.

ORA-24024: Internal error in DBMS_AQ_IMP_INTERNAL.string [string] [string]
Cause: Internal Error occured in the package DBMS_AQ_IMP_INTERNAL.
Action: Internal error, call Oracle Support.

ORA-24025: invalid value string, QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE should be RAW or an object type
Cause: Parameter queue_payload_type has invalid value.
Action: Specify a valid object type or RAW.

ORA-24026: operation failed, queue string.string has errors
Cause: An attempt was made to enqueue, dequeue or administer a queue which has errors.
Action: Drop the queue table setting the force option to true.

ORA-24027: AQ HTTP propagation encountered error, status-code stringstring
Cause: AQ propagation's HTTP request to the propagation servlet at the specified address encountered an error
Action: Specify a valid address in the connect string of the propagation destination dblink, the dblink user has the correct permissions, check if the AQ propagation servlet was properly installed.

ORA-24028: cannot create a reciever non-repudiable single consumer queue
Cause: Tried to create a reciever non-repudiable single consumer queue
Action: This feature is not supported

ORA-24029: operation not allowed on a single-consumer queue
Cause: Tried an operation not allowed on a single-consumer queue.
Action: Specify the operation on a multi-consumer queue.

ORA-24030: Only one of rule or rule-set must be specified
Cause: Specified both a rule and rule-set for the operation.
Action: Specify only one of rule or rule-set.

ORA-24031: invalid value, string should be non-NULL
Cause: Parameter is NULL.
Action: Specify a non NULL value for the parameter.

ORA-24032: object string exists, index could not be created for queue table string
Cause: Oracle AQ tried to create an index with the name specified in the error message. The index could not be created for the specified queue table because a object exists with the same name.
Action: Drop the object specified in the error message and retry the command. You can also choose a different name for the queue table.

ORA-24033: no recipients for message
Cause: An enqueue was performed on a queue that has been set up for multiple dequeuers but there were neither explicit recipients specified in the call nor were any queue subscribers determined to be recipients for this message.
Action: Either pass a list of recipients in the enqueue call or add subscribers to the queue for receiving this message.

ORA-24034: application string is already a subscriber for queue string
Cause: An application name that was already a subscriber for the queue was specified in the dbms_aq.subscribe call.
Action: None

ORA-24035: AQ agent string is not a subscriber for queue string
Cause: An AQ agent that was not a subscriber for the queue was specified.
Action: Check the name and/or address of the agent and retry the call.

ORA-24036: invalid SORT_ORDER column string specified for queue table
Cause: The create queue table command was issued with message_grouping set to TRANSACTIONAL and a sort order column other than priority. Only the priority column can be specified in the sort order for queue tables with transactional grouping.
Action: Change the sort order list in the create queue table command and retry the call.

ORA-24037: schema string in QUEUE_NAME is not same as schema string in QUEUE_TABLE
Cause: The schema specified in the QUEUE_NAME parameter of CREATE_QUEUE is not the same as the schema specified in the QUEUE_TABLE parameter.
Action: Use the same schema name for both the QUEUE_NAME and QUEUE_TABLE parameters and retry the command.

ORA-24038: RETRY_DELAY and MAX_RETRIES cannot be used for a 8.0 compatible multiple consumer queue
Cause: The CREATE_QUEUE or ALTER_QUEUE command was issued with a non-zero RETRY_DELAY and a QUEUE_TABLE that was created for multiple consumers and with COMPATIBLE parameter set to '8.0'.
Action: Either set the RETRY_DELAY to zero or upgrade the queue table to 8.1 compatible using the DBMS_AQADM.MIGRATE_QUEUE_TABLE procedure.

ORA-24039: Queue string not created in queue table for multiple consumers
Cause: Either an ADD_SUBSCRIBER, ALTER_SUBSCRIBER, or REMOVE_SUBSCRIBER procedure, or an ENQUEUE with a non-empty recipient list, was issued on a queue that was not created for multiple consumers.
Action: Create the queue in a queue table that was created for multiple consumers and retry the call. NLS_DO_NOT_TRANSLATE [24040,24040]

ORA-24041: propagation schedule exists for QUEUE string and DESTINATION string
Cause: A SCHEDULE_PROPAGATION was issued for a queue and destination pair which has an existing propagation schedule.
Action: Issue UNSCHEDULE_PROPAGATION to remove the existing schedule and then reissue the SCHEDULE_PROPAGATION call.

ORA-24042: no propagation schedule exists for QUEUE string and DESTINATION string
Cause: AN UNSCHEDULE_PROPAGATION was issued for a queue and destination pair which has no existing propagation schedule.
Action: Verify the spelling of the specified QUEUE and DESTINATION and then reissue the call with the correct spelling.

ORA-24043: destination string uses a reserved name, names with AQ$_ prefix are not valid
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a reserved name for a destination.
Action: Enter a different value or NULL for the local destination. Then retry the operation.

ORA-24044: source string and destination string object types do not match
Cause: A message recipient's queue has a different object structure than the sender's queue. The message cannot be propagated.
Action: Either remove the recipient from the subscriber's list for the sender's queue or create the destination queue with an object type that matches the source queue's object type.

ORA-24045: invalid agent address string, agent address should be of the form [SCHEMA.]NAME[@DATABASE LINK]
Cause: An invalid value was specified for the agent address parameter.
Action: Specify a string of the form [SCHEMA.]NAME[@DATABASE LINK].

ORA-24046: protocol attribute reserved for future use
Cause: The protocol attribute of the AQ agent object type is reserved for future use.
Action: Do not specify the protocol attribute in the agent object type.

ORA-24047: invalid agent name string, agent name should be of the form NAME
Cause: An invalid value was specified for the agent name parameter.
Action: Specify a string of the form NAME. Then retry the operation.

ORA-24048: cannot create QUEUE_TABLE, user does not have access to AQ object types
Cause: An attempt was made to issue the CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE command, but the user who issued the command does not have access to internal AQ object types.
Action: Use the DBMS_AQADM.GRANT_TYPE_ACCESS procedure to grant the user access to the AQ object types.

ORA-24049: invalid agent name string, names with AQ$_ prefix are not valid
Cause: An attempt was made to use a reserved prefix in the agent name.
Action: Enter a different value for the agent name. Then, retry the operation.

ORA-24050: subscribers are not supported for exception queue string
Cause: An ADD_SUBSCRIBER, ALTER_SUBSCRIBER, or REMOVE_SUBSCRIBER procedure was issued on a queue that was created as an EXCEPTION_QUEUE.
Action: Specify a NORMAL_QUEUE in the procedure.

ORA-24051: cannot propagate object type payloads that have a REF attribute
Cause: An ADD_SUBSCRIBER or ENQUEUE procedure with a non-NULL address field in the agent type was issued on a queue whose payload has a REF attribute. Propagation of object type payloads that have a REF attribute currently is not supported.
Action: Specify an agent with a NULL address field so that the agent can dequeue from the same queue. Or, change the object type definition to one that does not use REF attributes.

ORA-24052: cannot propagate object type payloads with LOB attributes to an 8.0 release
Cause: The recipient of a message with LOB attributes was using an Oracle 8.0 release. Propagation of LOB attributes is supported only in Oracle 8.1 and higher releases.
Action: Upgrade the target release to Oracle 8.1 and retry. Or, change the object type definition to one that does not use LOBs.

ORA-24053: PRIMARY_INSTANCE and SECONDARY_INSTANCE must be non-negative
Action: Specify non-negative integers for PRIMARY_INSTANCE and SECONDARY_INSTANCE.

ORA-24054: cannot propagate to an Oracle 8.0.3 release or lower release
Cause: The recipient of a message was using an Oracle 8.0.3 release or lower release. Propagation is supported only in Oracle 8.0.4 and higher releases.
Action: Upgrade the target release to Oracle 8.0.4 or higher and retry.

ORA-24055: cannot delete propagation status rows that are in prepared state
Cause: An attempt was made to use the internal administration procedure to delete status rows from the SYS.AQ$_PROPAGATION_STATUS table that were in the prepared state.
Action: Wait for the propagation to complete successfully before retrying the operation.

ORA-24056: internal inconsistency for QUEUE string and destination string
Cause: The sequence numbers used in the SYS.AQ$_PROPAGATION_STATUS table were inconsistent for the given queue and destination.
Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

ORA-24057: cannot define subscriber with rule for queue string
Cause: An ADD_SUBSCRIBER or ALTER_SUBSCRIBER procedure with a rule was issued on a queue for which rule based subscribers are not supported. Rule based subscribers currently are supported only for NORMAL (persistent) multi-consumer queues created using an Oracle release 8.1.0 or higher compatible queue table.
Action: Create a NORMAL multi-consumer queue in an Oracle release 8.1.0 or higher compatible queue table, and retry the call. Or, if the queue is a normal (persistent) multi-consumer queue, convert the queue table to Oracle 8.1.0 or higher compatibility and retry.

ORA-24058: cannot downgrade QUEUE_TABLE that has propagation in a prepared state
Cause: An attempt was made to downgrade the queue table when there were messages being propagated that were in the prepared state.
Action: Wait for the propagation to complete before retrying the operation.

ORA-24059: invalid COMPATIBLE parameter setting string specified in DBMS_AQADM.string
Cause: An invalid compatible parameter was specified in the DBMS_AQADM procedure. The parameter setting must be of the form '8.x.y' where x is the release number and y is the update number.
Action: Specify a valid COMPATIBLE parameter setting, and retry the operation.

ORA-24060: cannot convert QUEUE_TABLE, string already is compatible with release string
Cause: The source queue table in the DBMS_AQADM procedure is compatible with the specified COMPATIBLE parameter setting.
Action: Choose a different COMPATIBLE parameter setting to convert the queue table to the desired compatibility.

ORA-24061: cannot specify non-zero SECONDARY_INSTANCE if PRIMARY_INSTANCE was zero
Cause: A non-zero value was specified for SECONDARY_INSTANCE when PRIMARY_INSTANCE was zero.
Action: Specify a non-zero primary instance before you specify a non-zero secondary instance.

ORA-24062: Subscriber table string inconsistent with queue table string
Cause: The subscriber table has not yet been successfully imported.
Action: Import the subscriber table before attempting to use the queue table. If the import failed, correct the problem and try to import the subscriber table again.

ORA-24063: cannot downgrade QUEUE_TABLE that has queues with rule-based subscribers
Cause: An attempt was made to downgrade the queue table when there were queues on which rule based subscribers are defined.
Action: Remove the rule based subscribers for all queues in this queue table and retry.

ORA-24064: propagation for QUEUE string and DESTINATION string already enabled
Cause: An ENABLE_SCHEDULE_PROPAGATION command was issued for a queue and destination pair whose propagation schedule already was enabled.
Action: Make sure the QUEUE and DESTINATION are correct when you issue the ENABLE_SCHEDULE_PROPAGATION command.

ORA-24065: propagation for QUEUE string and DESTINATION string already disabled
Cause: A DISABLE_SCHEDULE_PROPAGATION command was issued for a queue and destination pair whose propagation schedule already was disabled.
Action: Make sure the QUEUE and DESTINATION are correct when you issue the DISABLE_SCHEDULE_PROPAGATION command.

ORA-24066: invalid privilege specified
Cause: An invalid privilege is specified for granting or revoking privilege
Action: Specify a valid privilege.

ORA-24067: exceeded maximum number of subscribers for queue string
Cause: An attempt was made to add new subscribers to the specified, but the number of subscribers for this queue has exceeded the maximum number (1024) of subscribers allowed per queue.
Action: Remove existing subscribers before trying to add new subscribers.

ORA-24068: cannot start queue string, queue table string is being migrated
Cause: An attempt was made to start a queue in a queue table that is being migrated.
Action: Complete the queue table migration, and retry the operation.

ORA-24069: cannot downgrade queue table string while it is being upgraded
Cause: An attempt was made to downgrade a queue table, but a previous command to upgrade the queue table has not yet completed successfully.
Action: Complete the upragde of the queue table by re-executing the DBMS_AQADM.MIGRATE_QUEUE_TABLE procedure. Then, downgrade the queue table.

ORA-24070: cannot upgrade queue table string while it is being downgraded
Cause: An attempt was made to upgrade a queue table, but a previous command to downgrade the queue table has not yet completed succesfully.
Action: Complete the downgrade of the queue table by re-executing the DBMS_AQADM.MIGRATE_QUEUE_TABLE procedure. Then, upgrade the queue table.

ORA-24071: cannot perform operation string, queue table string is being migrated
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an operation on a queue in a queue table that is being migrated.
Action: Complete the queue table migration, and retry the operation.

ORA-24072: cannot execute MIGRATE_QUEUE_TABLE procedure; must own queue table
Cause: An attempt was made to upgrade or downgrade a queue table using the DBMS_AQADM.MIGRATE_QUEUE_TABLE procedure, but the user who executed the procedure does not own the queue.
Action: Reconnect as the owner of the queue table, and then execute the DBMS_AQADM.MIGRATE_QUEUE_TABLE procedure.

ORA-24073: cannot specify RETENTION_TIME on exception queue string.string
Cause: An attempt was made to create or alter an exception queue by specifying a non-zero RETENTION_TIME.
Action: Use the default RETENTION_TIME parameter value for exception queues.

ORA-24074: RETRY_DELAY and MAX_RETRIES cannot be used for exception queue %.string
Cause: The CREATE_QUEUE or ALTER_QUEUE command was issued with a non-zero RETRY_DELAY and an exception queue.
Action: Do not specify RETRY_DELAY or MAX_RETRIES for exception queues.

ORA-24075: cannot specify agent with NULL address and non-NULL protocol
Cause: An ADD_SUBSCRIBER or enqueue was attemoted with an agent that had a NULL address and a non-NULL protocol.
Action: Either specify a non-NULL address or set the protocol to NULL.

ORA-24076: cannot perform operation string for NON_PERSISTENT queue string.string
Cause: One of the operations, SCHEDULE_PROPAGATION, ALTER_QUEUE, LISTEN, DEQUEUE was issued for a NON_PERSISTENT queue.
Action: Do not specify a NON_PERSISTENT queue for these operations.

ORA-24077: cannot create propagation schedule for EXCEPTION queue string.string
Cause: A SCHEDULE_PROPAGATION was issued for an EXCEPTION queue. Propagation schedules can be created only for NORMAL queues.
Action: To propagate messages from a queue specify the queue type as NORMAL.

Cause: A non-NULL value was specified for SECONDARY_INSTANCE when PRIMARY_INSTANCE was NULL.
Action: Specify a non-NULL primary instance before you specify a non-NULL secondary instance.

ORA-24079: invalid name string, names with AQ$_ prefix are not valid for string
Cause: An attempt was made to use a reserved prefix for the object name.
Action: Enter a different name for this object. Then, retry the operation.

ORA-24080: unschedule_propagation pending for QUEUE string and DESTINATION string
Cause: A propagation administration command was issued for a queue and destination pair whose propagation is being unscheduled.
Action: Do not issue propagation administration commands for a propagation schedule on which there is a pending unschedule request.

ORA-24081: compatible parameter needs to be string or greater
Cause: The compatible parameter was not high enough to allow the operation.
Action: shutdown and startup with a higher compatibility setting.

ORA-24082: propagation may still be happening for the schedule for QUEUE string and DESTINATION string
Cause: The snapshot process executing the propagation schedule did not respond to the disable propagation command.
Action: Make sure that the job for the propagation schedule has been ended.

ORA-24083: cannot specify remote subscribers for string QUEUE string
Cause: An add_subscriber call with a non-null address field was issued on a queue which does not support remote subscribers. Remote subscribers are not supported for NON_PERSISTENT QUEUES.
Action: Specify a null address field and retry the call.

ORA-24084: DBLINK name in address field of agent string is not unique within the first 24 bytes
Cause: Advanced Queuing requires that the agent's dblink name should be unique within the first 24 bytes (for 8.0 compatible queuetables)
Action: Specify a dblink name that is unique within the first 24 bytes or migrate to 8.1 compatible queuetables where this restriction is not there.

ORA-24085: operation failed, queue string is invalid
Cause: An attempt was made to enqueue, dequeue or administer a queue which is invalid. This could have occured because the payload type of the queue's queue table was dropped or rules associated with queue subscribers got altered or dropped.
Action: Drop the queue table setting the force option to true.

ORA-24086: cannot create a 8.0 compatible string queue
Cause: An attempt was made to create a 8.0 compatible queue table and enable a feature that is supported only on 8.1 style queue tables
Action: This feature is not supported

ORA-24087: Invalid database user string
Cause: An invalid database username was specified
Action: Specify a valid database user

ORA-24088: AQ Agent string does not exist
Cause: This AQ Agent does not exist
Action: Specify a valid AQ agent. Check the DBA_AQ_AGENTS view for a list of valid aq agents

ORA-24089: AQ Agent string already exists
Cause: This AQ agent has already been created
Action: Specify another agent name or use the ALTER api to modify the agent information.

ORA-24090: at least one protocol must be enabled
Cause: No protocol was enabled for aq agent
Action: Enable one of the protocols by setting one of the enable parameters to true.

ORA-24091: Destination queue string is the same as the source queue
Cause: Propagation cannot be scheduled when the destination queue is the same as the source queue.
Action: Specify a different destination queue.

ORA-24092: invalid value string specified
Cause: A queue, queue table, rule, or ruleset name that requires double quotes was specifed when the database compatibility was less than 10.0.
Action: Specify a value that does not require double quotes and retry the operation.

ORA-24093: AQ agent string not granted privileges of database user string
Cause: The specified AQ agent does not have privileges of the specified database user
Action: Specify a valid combination of AQ agent and database user. Check the DBA_AQ_AGENT_PRIVS or USER_AQ_AGENT_PRIVS view for user/agent mappings

ORA-24094: invalid transformation, target type does not match that of the queue
Cause: The target type of the transformation specified was different from the type of the queue.
Action: Provide a valid transformation whose target type is the same as the queue type.

ORA-24095: invalid transformation, source type does not match that of the queue
Cause: The source type of the transformation specified was different from the type of the queue.
Action: Provide valid transformation whose source type is the same as the queue type.

ORA-24096: invalid message state specified
Cause: Invalid value is specified for message state
Action: Provide a valid message state as specified in the documentation

ORA-24097: Invalid value stringstring should be non-negative
Cause: A negative value or NULL was specified for the parameter.
Action: Specify a non negative integer.

ORA-24098: invalid value string for string
Cause: An Invalid value or NULL was specified for the parameter.
Action: Check the documentation for valid values.

ORA-24099: operation not allowed for 8.0 compatible queues
Cause: The specified operation is only supported for queues with compatibility 8.1 or greater
Action: Upgrade the 8.0 compatible queue to release 8.1 using DBMS_AQADM.MIGRATE_QUEUE_TABLE or specify a queue with compatibility 8.1

ORA-24100: error in ktz testing layer
Cause: There is an error in the Transaction layer test ICDs
Action: None

ORA-24101: stopped processing the argument list at: string
Cause: One of the arguments of the requested operation contained a list of scheduler objects. While processing this list an error was encountered with the specified item.
Action: Resolve the error for this element of the list and then re-issue the command with the remainder of the argument list. See the rest of the error stack to find out what the exact error is.

ORA-24102: invalid prefix for generate_job_name
Cause: generate_job_name was called with a prefix longer than 18 characters or a prefix ending in a digit.
Action: Re-issue the command using a prefix no longer than 18 characters and not ending in a digit.

ORA-24120: invalid string parameter passed to DBMS_REPAIR.string procedure
Cause: An invalid parameter was passed to the specified DBMS_REPAIR procedure.
Action: Specify a valid parameter value or use the parameter's default.

ORA-24121: both cascade and a block range passed to DBMS_REPAIR.CHECK_OBJECT procedure
Cause: Both cascade and a block range were specified in a call to DBMS_REPAIR.CHECK_OBJECT.
Action: Use either cascade or a block range, or do not use either one.

ORA-24122: invalid block range specification
Cause: An incorrect block range was specified.
Action: Specify correct values for the BLOCK_START and BLOCK_END parameters.

ORA-24123: feature string is not yet implemented
Cause: An attempt was made to use the specified feature, but the feature is not yet implemented.
Action: Do not attempt to use the feature.

ORA-24124: invalid ACTION parameter passed to DBMS_REPAIR.string procedure
Cause: An invalid ACTION parameter was specified.
Action: Specify CREATE_ACTION, PURGE_ACTION or DROP_ACTION for the ACTION parameter.

ORA-24125: Object string.string has changed
Cause: An attempt was made to fix corrupt blocks on an object that has been dropped or truncated since DBMS_REPAIR.CHECK_OBJECT was run.
Action: Use DBMS_REPAIR.ADMIN_TABLES to purge the repair table and run DBMS_REPAIR.CHECK_OBJECT to determine whether there are any corrupt blocks to be fixed.

ORA-24126: invalid CASCADE_FLAG passed to DBMS_REPAIR.string procedure
Cause: CASCADE_FLAG was specified for an object that is not a table.
Action: Use CASCADE_FLAG only for tables.

ORA-24127: TABLESPACE parameter specified with an ACTION other than CREATE_ACTION
Cause: The TABLESPACE parameter can only be used with CREATE_ACTION.
Action: Do not specify TABLESPACE when performing actions other than CREATE_ACTION.

ORA-24128: partition name specified for a non-partitioned object
Cause: A partition name was specified for an object that is not partitioned.
Action: Specify a partition name only if the object is partitioned.

ORA-24129: table name string does not start with string prefix
Cause: An attempt was made to pass a table name parameter without the specified prefix.
Action: Pass a valid table name parameter.

ORA-24130: table string does not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a map, repair, or sync table that does not exist.
Action: Specify a valid table name parameter.

ORA-24131: table string has incorrect columns
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a map, repair, or sync table that does not have a correct definition.
Action: Specify a table name that refers to a properly created table.

ORA-24132: table name string is too long
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a table name is greater than 30 characters long"
Action: Specify a valid table name parameter.

ORA-24141: rule set string.string does not exist
Cause: An attempt to access or modify a ruleset was made, which failed because the ruleset does not exist.
Action: Only access or modify existing rulesets.

ORA-24142: invalid ruleset name
Cause: An attempt to create a ruleset with an invalid name was made. The ruleset name can not be NULL, and can not be more than 26 characters, unless a rules_table_name is also specified, in which case the ruleset name may be up to 30 characters.
Action: Retry the create with a valid ruleset name.

ORA-24143: invalid evaluation context name
Cause: An attempt to create a rule/ruleset on an invalid evaluation name was made. The evaluation_context can not be more than 30 characters. The evaluation context with the name specified must exist.
Action: Retry the create with a valid evaluation context name.

ORA-24144: rules engine internal error, arguments: [string], [string]
Cause: An internal error occurred in the rules engine. This indicates that the rules engine has encountered an exception condition.
Action: Please report this error as a bug. The first argument is the error and the second argument is the package.

ORA-24145: evaluation context string.string already exists
Cause: An evaluation context of the given name already exists
Action: Specify another name for the evaluation context being created

ORA-24146: rule string.string already exists
Cause: A rule of the given name already exists
Action: Specify another name for the rule being created.

ORA-24147: rule string.string does not exist
Cause: The rule of the given name does not exist
Action: create the rule or specify one that exists

ORA-24148: cannot drop rule string.string with dependents
Cause: The rule still belongs to some rulesets, cannot be dropped
Action: do not drop a rule that belongs to rulesets without force option

ORA-24149: invalid rule name
Cause: An attempt to create a rule with an invalid name was made. The rule name can not be NULL, and can not be more than 30 characters
Action: None

ORA-24150: evaluation context string.string does not exist
Cause: The evaluation context of the given name does not exist
Action: create the evaluation context or specify one that exists

ORA-24151: no evaluation context is associated with rule string.string or rule set string.string
Cause: Whening adding a rule to a rule set, either the rule or the rule set must have an evaluation context associated with it
Action: do not add a rule without an evaluation context to a ruleset that does not have a default evaluation context

ORA-24152: cannot drop evaluation context string.string with dependents
Cause: The evaluation context still belongs to some rules or rule sets, cannot be dropped
Action: do not drop an evaluation context with dependents without force option

ORA-24153: rule set string.string already exists
Cause: A rule set of the given name already exists
Action: Specify another name for the rule set being created.

ORA-24154: rule string.string already in rule set string.string
Cause: a rule can be added to a rule set only once
Action: do not add a rule to a rule set that already contains this rule

ORA-24155: rule string.string not in rule set string.string
Cause: the rule to be removed from the rule set is not in the rule set
Action: do not remove a rule from a rule set that does not contain the rule

ORA-24156: duplicate table alias string
Cause: there is a table alias of the same name in the evaluation context
Action: do not add two table aliases of the same name to an evaluation context

ORA-24157: duplicate variable name string
Cause: there is a variable of the same name in the evaluation context
Action: do not add two variables of the same name to an evaluation context

ORA-24158: invalid table alias
Cause: table alias name or base table name is not specified in the table alias definiton
Action: specify both alias name and alias base table in the table alias structure

ORA-24159: invalid variable definiton
Cause: variable name or variable type is not specified in the variable definiton
Action: specify both variable name and variable type in the variable definition structure

ORA-24160: name string already exists in the name value pair list
Cause: there is already a name-value pair with the same name in the NVlist
Action: try another name.

ORA-24161: name string does not exist in the name value pair list
Cause: there is not such a name-value pair in the NVlist
Action: check the name-value pair exists in the NVList.

ORA-24162: name value pair list is full, cannot add another entry
Cause: The NVList is full (1024 elements) and cannot hold more elements
Action: do not add elements to a full list.

ORA-24163: dblink is not supported in rules engine DDLs
Cause: the object name has a database link in it, which is not supported
Action: Do not specify remote objects in rules engine DDLs.

ORA-24164: invalid rule engine system privilege: string
Cause: no such system privilege number for rule engine objects
Action: check specfication of dbms_rule_adm for valid system privilege numbers

ORA-24165: invalid rule engine object privilege: string
Cause: no such object privilege number for rule engine objects
Action: check specfication of dbms_rule_adm for valid object privilege numbers

ORA-24166: evaluation context string.string has errors
Cause: cannot resolve the table aliases and the variable types specified in the evaluation context
Action: make sure all base tables exist and all variable types correct

ORA-24167: incompatible rule engine objects, cannot downgrade
Cause: there are rule engine objects in the database that cannot be downgraded.
Action: check utlincmp.sql and remove all incompatible rules engine objects before downgrade.

ORA-24168: rule string.string cannot have default evaluation context
Cause: If a rule is added to a rule set with more than one evaluation contexts, it must not have an evaluation context itself.
Action: Do not set the evaluation context of such rules to a not-null value

ORA-24169: rule condition has unrecognized variables
Cause: The rule references variables not in the evaluation context.
Action: Modify the rule condition to remove illegal reference.

ORA-24170: string.string is created by AQ, cannot be dropped directly
Cause: This object is created by AQ, thus cannot be dropped directly
Action: use dbms_aqadm.drop_subscriber to drop the object

ORA-24171: creation properties are only for internal use
Cause: user specified not null creation properties when creating rules engine objects, which are not for external use
Action: do not set creation properties when creating rules engine objects

ORA-24172: rule set string.string has errors
Cause: The rule references variables not in the evaluation context.
Action: Modify the rule condition to remove illegal reference.

ORA-24173: nested query not supported for rule condition
Cause: user specified nested query in rule condition.
Action: do not use nested query in rule condition.

ORA-24180: invalid transformation expression, the transformation expression does not evaluate to the target type/attribute
Cause: The transformation expression does not evaluate to the target type or the target type's specified attribute.
Action: Provide valid transformation expression which evaluates to the target type or the target type's specified attribute.

ORA-24181: The type string does not exist
Cause: The source or destination type for the transformation does not exist
Action: Create the type or specify one that exists

ORA-24182: attribute number specified does not exist
Cause: The target type of the transformation does not have the attribute number specified in the ADD_ATTRIBUTE_TRANSFORMATION command
Action: check the target type definition and specify a valid attribute number

ORA-24183: invalid transformation
Cause: The transformation specified is invalid because the source or the target type have been dropped/modified.
Action: Drop and recreate the transformation

ORA-24184: transformation string.string already exists
Cause: The named transformation already exists.
Action: Specify another name for the transformation being created.

ORA-24185: transformation string.string does not exist
Cause: The specified transformation does not exist.
Action: Create the transformation before using it or specify an existing transformation.

ORA-24186: wrong object type, could not transform message
Cause: The object type of the message to be transformed does not match the source type of the specified transfomation.
Action: Specify another transformation, or specify a message of the correct type.

ORA-24190: length of payload exceeds string
Cause: the length of payload being taken exceeds the limit of varchar2 or raw.
Action: use clob type or blob type to call get_text or get_bytes.

ORA-24191: the property name string has existed
Cause: the property name being set has existed.
Action: use another property name.

ORA-24192: the property name cannot be null
Cause: the property name cannot be null.
Action: make sure the property name not null.

ORA-24193: the property value exceeds the valid range string
Cause: the property valus being set exceeds the valid range.
Action: make sure the property value is within the valid range.

ORA-24194: attempt to read data in a message as the wrong type
Cause: According to JMS specification, some type conversions were not allowed.
Action: Make sure to use the correct READ function to retrieve message data.

ORA-24195: attemp to retrieve the name list of a map message with size exceeding 1024
Cause: The GET_NAMES function returns the names in a varray with a size limit of 1024.
Action: Retrieve in several smaller steps using the GET_NAMES function with OFFSET and LENGTH parameters.

ORA-24196: access the message in a wrong access mode
Cause: StreamMessage and BytesMessage could not be read when they were in write only mode and vice versa.
Action: Change the access mode using PREPARE, CLEAR_BODY and RESET procedures.

ORA-24197: JAVA stored procedure throws JAVA exceptions
Cause: The JAVA stored procedure threw some exceptions that could not be catergorized.
Action: Use GET_EXCEPTION procedure to see what the exception is about.

ORA-24198: attempt to use an invalid operation ID
Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid operation ID to access messages.
Action: Use the correct operation ID returned by PREPARE or CLEAR_BODY procedure.

ORA-24199: message store is overflow
Cause: An attemp was made to access too many messages at the same time.
Action: Use the CLEAN procedure to clean up some of the messages.

ORA-24201: duplicate publisher, publisher already added to the queue
Cause: Attempted to add a publisher to the queue again.
Action: Specify another publisher or user DBMS_AQADM.ALTER_PUBLISHER to alter the publisher's properties.

ORA-24202: publisher does not exist for the queue
Cause: Attempted to alter or drop a non existent publisher from a queue.
Action: Specify another publisher.

ORA-24203: operation failed, queue table string.string has errors
Cause: An operation attempt was made to a queue table which has errors.
Action: Drop the queue table setting the force option to true.

ORA-24204: existing string propagation schedules
Cause: A propagation administrative interface was called when the existing propagation schedules were running in different mode (10.2/11g).
Action: Set appropriate internal parameter and unschedule existing schedules if required.

ORA-24230: input to DBMS_DDL.WRAP is not a legal PL/SQL unit
Cause: The input supplied to DBMS_DDL.WRAP or DBMS_DDL.CREATE_WRAPPED did not specify a legal PL/SQL package specification, package body, type specification, type body, function or procedure. This error can occur if you used incorrect syntax in the CREATE OR REPLACE statement or specified a unit that cannot be wrapped (e.g., a trigger or anonymous block).
Action: Provide a legal PL/SQL unit as input.

ORA-24231: database access descriptor (DAD) string not found
Cause: The specified Database Access Descriptor (DAD) did not exist.
Action: Make sure the name of the Database Access Descriptor (DAD) is correct and the DAD exists.

ORA-24232: unknown Embedded PL/SQL Gateway attribute string
Cause: The specified Embedded PL/SQL Gateway attribute was not known.
Action: Make sure the name of the Embedded PL/SQL Gateway attribute is correct.

ORA-24233: argument passed to DBMS_UTILITY.VALIDATE is not legal
Cause: One or more input arguments to the DBMS_UTILITY.VALIDATE routine was not legal. This error occurred because the object name or owner or namespace arguments (if specified) were NULL or illegal.
Action: Identify and correct the illegal argument.

ORA-24234: unable to get source of string "string"."string", insufficient privileges or does not exist
Cause: The specified PL/SQL object in a DBMS_PREPROCESSOR subprogram did not exist or you did not have the privileges necessary to view its source.
Action: Make sure the specified object exists and you have the privileges necessary to view its source.

ORA-24235: bad value for object type: string
Cause: The specified object type was not appropriate.
Action: Make sure the specified object type is one of the following: package, package body, procedure, function, trigger, type, and type body.

ORA-24236: source text is empty
Cause: The input source text supplied to a DBMS_PREPROCESSOR subprogram was empty.
Action: Pass a non-empty input source text as the input.

ORA-24237: object id argument passed to DBMS_UTILITY.INVALIDATE is not legal
Cause: This error occurred because the p_object_id argument passed to the DBMS_UTILITY.INVALIDATE routine was NULL, there was no object with the specified object id, or the user calling the routine did not have sufficient privileges to invalidate the object.
Action: Correct the illegal argument.

ORA-24238: object settings argument passed to DBMS_UTILITY.INVALIDATE is not legal
Cause: This error occurred because the p_plsql_object_settings argument passed to the DBMS_UTILITY.INVALIDATE routine was NULL or malformed.
Action: Correct the illegal argument.

ORA-24239: object could not be invalidated
Cause: A call to the DBMS_UTILITY.INVALIDATE routine failed. This error occurred because the object type of the object specified by the p_object_id argument is not one of the types that can be handled by this routine. Alternately, the object was an object type specification with table dependents, or the object was the specification of the STANDARD, DBMS_STANDARD, DBMS_UTILITY package, or the body of the DBMS_UTILITY package.
Action: Call DBMS_UTILITY.INVALIDATE only on supported object types.

ORA-24240: invalid database access descriptor (DAD) name
Cause: The specified Database Access Descriptor (DAD) name was invalid.
Action: Make sure the name of the Database Access Descriptor (DAD) is valid and its length does not exceed its limit.

ORA-24241: source text is in wrapped format
Cause: The input source text supplied to a DBMS_PREPROCESSOR subprogram was in wrapped format.
Action: Pass a nonwrapped source text as the input.

ORA-24242: anonymous access through a dynamically authenticated Database Access Descriptor (DAD) prohibited
Cause: An attempt to allow anonymous access through a dynamically authenticated Database Access Descriptor (DAD) was prohibited.
Action: Make sure the Database Access Descriptor (DAD) is not dynamically authenticated before allowing anonymous access through it.

ORA-24243: access control entry (ACE) already exists
Cause: An access control entry (ACE) for the principal with the same grant or deny attribute in the IS_GRANT argument already existed.
Action: Add the privilege to the existing access control entry (ACE) instead.

ORA-24244: invalid host or port for access control list (ACL) assignment
Cause: The host or port to which the access control list (ACL) was assigned was invalid.
Action: Ensure the host and port to which you are assigning the access control list (ACL) are valid.

ORA-24245: invalid network privilege
Cause: The network privilege being added to the access control list (ACL) was invalid.
Action: Ensure the network privilege that you are adding to the access control list (ACL) is valid.

ORA-24246: empty access control list (ACL) not allowed
Cause: An attempt was made to store an empty access control list (ACL).
Action: Ensure that the access control list (ACL) has at least one

ORA-24247: network access denied by access control list (ACL)
Cause: No access control list (ACL) has been assigned to the target host or the privilege necessary to access the target host has not been granted to the user in the access control list.
Action: Ensure that an access control list (ACL) has been assigned to the target host and the privilege necessary to access the target host has been granted to the user.

ORA-24248: XML DB extensible security not installed
Cause: XML DB extensible security necessary for this operation has not been installed.
Action: Ensure that XML DB has been installed.

ORA-24265: Insufficient privileges for SQL profile operation
Cause: A DDL operation was attempted on a SQL profile by a session without the proper privileges.
Action: Grant the user the appropriate privilege.

ORA-24270: a row already exists in the string table for these parameters
Cause: A call was made to create a new row in the specified table. A row already exists in the table with the specified values.
Action: Delete the existing row using the appropriate API or check the parameters used to create the row.

ORA-24271: translation type must be either T, S or M
Cause: The translation type parameter is not a T, S or an M. A value other than T, S or M was specified.
Action: Correct the translation type and reexecute the API call.

ORA-24272: initialization value must be either F or T
Cause: The initialization value must be either F or T. A value other than F or T was specified.
Action: Correct the initialization value and reexecute the API call.

ORA-24273: translation text is required if translation type is T or S
Cause: If a translation type of T or S is specified, translation text must be supplied.
Action: Provide translation text and reexecute the API call.

ORA-24274: no row exists in the string table for these parameters
Cause: A call was made to update a row that does not exist or a foreign key value supplied to create a table does not exist.
Action: Create the row using the appropriate API or check the parameters used to create the new row to ensure that all specified values exist.

ORA-24275: function 'string' parameter 'string' missing or invalid
Cause: The function was called with a parameter that was null, 0 length, or had an invalid value.
Action: Correct the parameter to supply values that comply with its datatype and limits as specified in the documentation.

ORA-24276: function 'string' output 'string' maximum value exceeded
Cause: The function computed a value for the output that exceeded the maximum allowed. This can occur when multiple input parameters, each valid separately, combine to specify an invalid result. For example, when a length parameter multiplied by a copies parameter yields a total length exceeding the maximum for the output datatype.
Action: Correct the input values to produce a result that will comply with the limits as specified in the documentation.

ORA-24277: invalid database link string
Cause: The database link did not exist.
Action: Make sure the database link name is correct.

ORA-24278: remote table string not found
Cause: The table did not exist in the remote database.
Action: Make sure the remote table name is correct.

ORA-24279: view string is not a parallel access view
Cause: The view was not created by CREATE_OR_REPLACE_VIEW API.
Action: Provide the correct view name that was created by CREATE_OR_REPLACE_VIEW API.

ORA-24280: invalid input value for parameter string
Cause: The parameter has been provided a negative, out of range, or NULL input value.
Action: Correct the input value such that it is valid, and is within the range as specified in the documentation.

ORA-24281: invalid access past the maximum size of LOB parameter string
Cause: The value of positional or size parameters exceeds the maximum allowed LOB size of 4 Gigabytes.
Action: Correct the input values for amount and offset such that their sum is less than or equal to 4 Gigabytes. If error occurs in a read or write loop, check the looping conditions and/or offset increments.

ORA-24292: no more tables permitted in this sorted hash cluster
Cause: A sorted hash cluster only supports a maximum of 2 tables
Action: None

ORA-24295: max key length (string) for sorted hash cluster exceeded
Cause: Sorted hash clusters have a maximum key size
Action: None

ORA-24300: bad value for mode
Cause: An undefined mode value was specified.
Action: Check that the correct mode is selected and that an allowed value for that mode is specified.

ORA-24301: null host specified in thread-safe logon
Cause: An HDA was not specified in the logon call while running in a thread safe environment.
Action: Make sure that HDA is not NULL when calling the logon routine.

ORA-24302: host connection in use by another thread
Cause: An attempt was made to use the host connection while it was in use by another thread.
Action: Wait for another thread to finish before using this connection.

ORA-24303: call not supported in non-deferred linkage
Cause: One of the calls that is supported in deferred mode linkage exclusively was invoked when the client was linked non-deferred.
Action: Use this call in deferred mode of linkage.

ORA-24304: datatype not allowed for this call
Cause: Data of this datatype cannot be sent or fetched in pieces.
Action: Use other bind or define calls for this datatype.

ORA-24305: bad bind or define context
Cause: The call was executed on a cursor for which this is invalid.
Action: Verify that this call is valid for this cursor. For example, Get piece information and set piece information are valid on a cursor if appropriate binds and defines have been done on this cursor.

ORA-24306: bad buffer for piece
Cause: A zero length buffer or a null buffer pointer was provided.
Action: Verify that the buffer pointing to this piece or its length is non-zero. The buffer pointer for the next piece or its length can be zero if it is the last piece to be inserted and there are no more data for the column.

ORA-24307: invalid length for piece
Cause: The length of the piece exceeded the maximum possible size.
Action: Verify that the length of this piece and the cumulative length of all the previous pieces is not more than the desired value supplied by the application.

ORA-24308: illegal define position
Cause: Call to modify attributes was done for a non-existent position
Action: Verify that a define has been done for this position

ORA-24309: already connected to a server
Cause: This server handle is already attached to a server.
Action: Disconnect from the server and then retry the call to establish a connection.

ORA-24310: length specified for null connect string
Cause: The connect string is null, but a length was specified for it.
Action: Set length to zero if connect string is null.

ORA-24311: memory initialization failed
Cause: Cannot initialize user memory.
Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-24312: illegal parameters specified for allocating user memory
Cause: An illegal size or null pointer was specified for user memory.
Action: Specify a legal size and a valid pointer for user memory.

ORA-24313: user already authenticated
Cause: A user has already been authenticated on this service handle.
Action: Terminate the service context before using it for another user.

ORA-24314: service handle not initialized
Cause: The server context does not done exist.
Action: Establish the server context in the service context.

ORA-24315: illegal attribute type
Cause: An illegal attribute type was specified for the handle.
Action: Consult user manual to specify an attribute valid for this handle.

ORA-24316: illegal handle type
Cause: An illegal handle type was specified.
Action: Consult user manual to specify a valid handle type.

ORA-24317: define handle used in a different position
Cause: A define was done with an existing handle on a different position.
Action: Specify the same position as before on a re-define.

ORA-24318: call not allowed for scalar data types
Cause: This call is valid only for object types.
Action: Verify that the data-type for this variable is an object type

ORA-24319: unable to allocate memory
Cause: Process was unable to allocate memory to store diagnostics.
Action: Terminate other processes in order to reclaim needed memory.

ORA-24320: unable to initialize a mutex
Cause: An attempt to initialize a mutex failed.
Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-24321: inconsistent parameters passed
Cause: One of the three memory function pointers is null or non-null.
Action: Verify that either all the memory functions are null or non-null.

ORA-24322: unable to delete an initialized mutex
Cause: An attempt to delete an initialized mutex failed.
Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-24323: value not allowed
Cause: A null value or a bogus value was passed in for a mandatory parameter.
Action: Verify that all mandatory parameters are properly initialized.

ORA-24324: service handle not initialized
Cause: An attempt was made to use an improper service context handle.
Action: Verify that the service context handle has all the parameters initialized prior to this call.

ORA-24325: this OCI operation is not currently allowed
Cause: An attempt was made to use a context handle outside its scope.
Action: Verify that the context handle is set to a service context handle that has been converted to a logon data area for other OCI calls. The logon data area must be converted back to a service context before it can be used.

ORA-24326: handle passed in is already initialized
Cause: An attempt was made to pass an initialized handle.
Action: Verify that the parameter passed in to retrieve a handle does not already point to a handle.

ORA-24327: need explicit attach before authenticating a user
Cause: A server context must be initialized before creating a session.
Action: Create and initialize a server handle.

ORA-24328: illegal attribute value
Cause: The attribute value passed in is illegal.
Action: Consult the users manual and specify a legal attribute value for the handle.

ORA-24329: invalid character set identifier
Cause: The character set identifier specifed is invalid
Action: Specify a valid character set identifier in the OCI call.

ORA-24330: internal OCI error
Cause: An internal OCI error has occurred.
Action: Please contact Oracle customer support.

ORA-24331: user buffer too small
Cause: The user buffer to contain the output data is too small.
Action: Specify a bigger buffer.

ORA-24332: invalid object type
Cause: An invalid object type is requested for the describe call.
Action: Specify a valid object type to the describe call.

ORA-24333: zero iteration count
Cause: An iteration count of zero was specified for the statement
Action: Specify the number of times this statement must be executed

ORA-24334: no descriptor for this position
Cause: The application is trying to get a descriptor from a handle for an illegal position.
Action: Check the position number.

ORA-24335: cannot support more than 1000 columns
Cause: The number of columns exceeds the maximum number supported.
Action: None

ORA-24336: invalid result set descriptor
Cause: The result set descriptor should have valid data fetched into it before it can be converted to a statement handle
Action: Fetch valid data into the descriptor before attempting to convert it into a statement handle

ORA-24337: statement handle not prepared
Cause: A statement cannot be executed before making preparing a request.
Action: Prepare a statement before attempting to execute it.

ORA-24338: statement handle not executed
Cause: A fetch or describe was attempted before executing a statement handle.
Action: Execute a statement and then fetch or describe the data.

ORA-24339: cannot set server group name after connecting to server
Cause: An attempt was made to set the server group in a server handle after connecting to the server. However, once the connection is established to a server, the server group name cannot be set anymore.
Action: Attach to the server after setting the server group name in the server handle.

ORA-24340: cannot support more than 255 columns
Cause: The number of columns exceeds maximum supported by the server.
Action: Limit your operation to 255 columns.

ORA-24341: bad mode specified
Cause: OCI_ENV_NO_MUTEX mode was specified for a non-threaded client.
Action: OCI_ENV_NO_MUTEX may be specified when OCI_THREADED had been specified at process initialization.

ORA-24342: unable to destroy a mutex
Cause: An attempt to destroy a mutex failed.
Action: None

ORA-24343: user defined callback error
Cause: The only valid return value for a user defined callback function is OCI_CONTINUE or OCI_ROWCBK_DONE. Any other value will cause this error.
Action: Please insure that OCI_CONTINUE or OCI_ROWCBK_DONE is returned from the user defined callback function.

ORA-24344: success with compilation error
Cause: A sql/plsql compilation error occurred.
Action: Return OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO along with the error code

ORA-24345: A Truncation or null fetch error occurred
Cause: A truncation or a null fetch error"
Action: Please ensure that the buffer size is long enough to store the returned data.

ORA-24346: cannot execute without binding variables
Cause: None of the bind variables in the SQL statement are bound.
Action: Please bind all the variables before the execute is done.

ORA-24347: Warning of a NULL column in an aggregate function
Cause: A null column was processed by an aggregate function
Action: An OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO is returned.

ORA-24348: Update or Delete without Where
Cause: An update or delete was executed without where clause
Action: An OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO is returned.

ORA-24350: OCI call not allowed
Cause: OCI used is not permitted from external procedures.
Action: Refer to user manual for usage restrictions.

ORA-24351: invalid date passed into OCI call
Cause: A bad date was passed into one of the OCI calls.
Action: Check your date bind values and correct them.

ORA-24352: invalid COBOL display type passed into OCI call
Cause: A bad COBOL display type was passed into one of the OCI calls.
Action: Check your COBOL display type bind values and correct them.

ORA-24353: user buffer too small to accommodate COBOL display type
Cause: User supplied buffer for a COBOL display type was too small to accommodate fetched number.
Action: Increase the allocation for COBOL display type buffer.

ORA-24354: number fetched too large to fit in COBOL display type buffer.
Cause: The number fetched was beyond the range that can be displayed.
Action: Please check the number in the database.

ORA-24355: attempt to store a negative number in an Unsigned Display type.
Cause: An attempt was made to convert a negative number into an unsigned display type.
Action: Please check the number in the database or change the defined datatype.

ORA-24356: internal error while converting from to COBOL display type.
Cause: An internal error was encountered during conversion to COBOL display type.
Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-24357: internal error while converting from to OCIDate.
Cause: An internal error was encountered during conversion to OCIDate type.
Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-24358: OCIBindObject not invoked for a Object type or Reference
Cause: OCIBindObject was not invoked resulting in an incomplete bind specification for a Object Type or Reference.
Action: Please invoke the OCIBindObject call for all Object Types and References.

ORA-24359: OCIDefineObject not invoked for a Object type or Reference
Cause: OCIDefineObject was not invoked resulting in an incomplete bind specification for a Object Type or Reference.
Action: Please invoke the OCIDefineObject call for all Object Types and References.

ORA-24360: Type Descriptor Object not specified for Object Bind/Define
Cause: Type Descriptor Object is a mandatory parameter for Object Types Binds and Defines.
Action: Please invoke the OCIBindObject() or OCIDefineObject() call with a valid Type Descriptor Object.

ORA-24361: basic bind call not invoked before invoking advanced bind call
Cause: One of the basic bind calls was not invoked on this bind handle before performing an advanced bind call.
Action: Please invoke the advanced bind call on this bind handle only after performing a basic bind call.

ORA-24362: improper use of the character count flag
Cause: When the character count flag is set, then the maximum size of the buffer in the server should be specified as a non-zero value.
Action: Please use a non-zero value for the mamimum size of the buffer in the server.

ORA-24363: measurements in characters illegal here
Cause: Measurements in characters instead of bytes are illegal if either the server's or client's character set is varying width.
Action: If either the client's or server's character set is varying width then do not use the OCI_ATTR_CHAR_COUNT attribute for the bind handle. Use OCI_ATTR_MAXDATA_SIZE instead.

ORA-24364: internal error while padding blanks
Cause: An internal error has occurred while attempting to blank pad string data. This error should not occur normally.
Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-24365: error in character conversion
Cause: This usually occurs during conversion of a multibyte character data when the source data is abnormally terminated in the middle of a multibyte character.
Action: Make sure that all multibyte character data is properly terminated.

ORA-24366: migratable user handle is set in service handle
Cause: This occurs during user authentication, a migratable user handle has been set in the service handle.
Action: Service handle must not be set with migratable user handle when it is used to authenticate another user.

ORA-24367: user handle has not been set in service handle
Cause: This occurs during authentication of a migratable user. the service handle has not been set with non-migratable user handle.
Action: Service handle must be set with non-migratable user handle when it is used to authenticate a migratable user.

ORA-24368: OCI mutex counter non-zero when freeing a handle
Cause: This is an internal OCI error.
Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-24369: required callbacks not registered for one or more bind handles
Cause: No callbacks have been registered for one or more of the bind handles which are part of the RETURNING clause.
Action: The bind handles which are to receive data in a DML statememt with a RETURNING clause must have their mode set as DATA_AT_EXEC and callback functions must be registered for these bind handles using OCIBindDynamic.

ORA-24370: illegal piecewise operation attempted
Cause: Data of a certain datatype that does not support piecewise operation is being sent or fetched in pieces.
Action: Always set the piece value to OCI_ONE_PIECE for datatypes that does not support piecewise operation.

ORA-24371: data would not fit in current prefetch buffer
Cause: An internal OCI error has occurred.
Action: Please contact Oracle customer support.

ORA-24372: invalid object for describe
Cause: The object to be described is not valid. It either has compilation or authorization errors.
Action: The object to be described must be valid.

ORA-24373: invalid length specified for statement
Cause: The length specified for the statement is either 0 or too large.
Action: Specify a valid length for the statement.

ORA-24374: define not done before fetch or execute and fetch
Cause: The application did not define output variables for data being fetched before issuing a fetch call or invoking a fetch by specifying a non-zero row count in an execute call.
Action: Issue OCI define calls for the columns to be fetched.

ORA-24375: Cannot use V6 syntax when talking to a V8 server
Cause: V6 syntax is no longer supported in V8 server.
Action: Change syntax to V7 syntax or higher.

ORA-24376: cannot register/get user callback for non-environment handle
Cause: A user callback registration or get was attempted on a handle which is not an environment handle.
Action: Pass the environment handle to register/get user callback.

ORA-24377: invalid OCI function code
Cause: An invalid function code was used to register or get user callback"
Action: Use a valid OCI function code.

ORA-24378: user callbacks not allowed for this call
Cause: An attempt was made to register a user callback for an OCI call for which it not allowed to register user callbacks.
Action: Do not register user callback for this OCI call.

ORA-24379: invalid user callback type
Cause: An invalid type of user callback was specified.
Action: Specify a valid user callback type.

ORA-24380: invalid mode specification
Cause: The mode parameter in an OCIU* call is invalid
Action: Use only valid mode parameter

ORA-24381: error(s) in array DML
Cause: One or more rows failed in the DML.
Action: Refer to the error stack in the error handle.

ORA-24382: statement handled already executed or described
Cause: The Statement handle was executed or described successfuly before.
Action: Perform a OCIStmtPrepare again before OCI_PARSE_ONLY.

ORA-24383: Overflow segment of an IOT cannot be described
Cause: The name specified in the OCIDescribeAny call referred to an IOT overflow segment.
Action: Use OCIDescribeAny to describe only documented objects.

ORA-24384: Application context size is not initialized
Cause: The size of the application context must be initialized before populating each context element.
Action: Issue OCIAttrSet with OCI_ATTR_CTX_SIZE to initialize context size

ORA-24385: Application context size or index is not valid
Cause: The size or index of the application context must be non-zero and non-negative.
Action: Use an appropriate value for the size.

ORA-24386: statement/server handle is in use when being freed
Cause: This is an internal OCI error.
Action: The user should reset in-use flag in statement handle before freeing the handle.

ORA-24387: Invalid attach driver
Cause: Trying to attach using the wrong driver
Action: Relink the application in the right mode

ORA-24388: Unsupported functionality in fast path mode
Cause: Feature not supported in fast path mode
Action: Avoid using the functionality in this mode

ORA-24389: Invalid scrollable fetch parameters
Cause: All the requested rows in this fetch could not be received.
Action: Check the fetch orientation, scroll offset, OCI_ATTR_CURRENT_POSITION and number of rows in OCIStmtFetch2 call. If required, change some of above parameters and fetch again.

ORA-24390: Unsupported scrollable cursor operation
Cause: The scrollable cursor execute or fetch has failed.
Action: Check the documentation for supported types, and other restrictions while using scrollable cursors.

ORA-24391: invalid fetch operation
Cause: Scrollable cursor operation requested with non-scrollable cursor.
Action: Check if the statement was executed in the scrollable mode. Else the only acceptable orientation is OCI_FETCH_NEXT that ignores the scroll offset parameter.

ORA-24392: no connection pool to associate server handle
Cause: OCIServerAttach called in OCI_POOL mode but no connection pool found to associate the server handle.
Action: 1) Verify that OCIConnectionPoolCreate is called before calling OCIServerAttach. 2) Verify that the database link specified in OCIServerAttach matches with that of the connection pool database link.

ORA-24393: invalid mode for creating connection pool
Cause: Mode specified in OCIConnectionPoolCreate is invalid.
Action: Use a valid mode.

ORA-24394: invalid mode for destroying connection pool
Cause: Mode specified in OCIConnectionPoolDestroy is invalid.
Action: Use a valid mode.

ORA-24395: cannot reinitialize non-existent pool
Cause: OCIConnectionPoolCreate was not called in OCI_DEFAULT mode for this pool handle.
Action: Create a connection pool prior to reinitializing it.

ORA-24396: invalid attribute set in server handle
Cause: Attribute OCI_ATTR_NONBLOCKING_MODE has been set on the server handle and attached in OCI_POOL mode. Connection pooling does not support non blocking mode.
Action: Do not set the OCI_ATTR_NONBLOCKING_MODE attribute on the server handle while attaching in OCI_POOL mode.

ORA-24397: error occured while trying to free connections
Cause: An internal error occured while trying to free connections.
Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-24398: connection pool already exists
Cause: A connection pool has already been created for the specified pool handle.
Action: 1) Specify a different pool handle to create a new connection pool. 2) If you wish to modify the pool parameters, call OCIConnectionPoolCreate in OCI_CPOOL_REINITIALIZE mode.

ORA-24399: invalid number of connections specified
Cause: An invalid combination of minimum, maximum and increment number of connections was specified in the OCIConnectionPoolCreate call.
Action: Specify a valid combination of parameters.

ORA-24400: error occured while creating connections in the pool
Cause: The database link specified in OCIConnectionPoolCreate might be an invalid one.
Action: Specify a valid database link.

ORA-24401: cannot open further connections
Cause: Sufficient number of connections are not present in the pool to execute the call. No new connections can be opened as the connMax parameter supplied in OCIConnectionPoolCreate has been reached.
Action: Call OCIConnectionPoolCreate in OCI_CPOOL_REINITIALIZE mode and increase the value of the connMax parameter.

ORA-24402: error occured while creating connections in the pool
Cause: The username and password specified in OCIConnectionPoolCreate might be invalid.
Action: Specify a valid username and password.

ORA-24403: error occured while trying to destroy the connection pool
Cause: Some connections in the pool were busy when an attempt to destroy the connection pool was made.
Action: Ensure no connections from the pool are being used.

ORA-24404: connection pool does not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to use the connection pool before creating it.
Action: Create the connection pool.

ORA-24405: error occured while trying to create connections in the pool
Cause: An internal error occured while creating connections in the pool.
Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-24406: API mode switch is disallowed when a call is in progress.
Cause: A mode switch from OCI8 to OCI7 was attempted in a callback.
Action: The user should perform the API mode switch either prior to initiating the top call or after the main call is done.

ORA-24407: connection pool already exists
Cause: A connection pool has already been created for the specified pool name.
Action: Specify a different pool name to create a new connection pool.

ORA-24408: could not generate unique server group name
Cause: An internal error occured while generating unique server group name.
Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-24409: client cannot understand the object
Cause: The client cannot process all the new features in the object.
Action: Upgrade the client so that features like inheritance and SQLJ objects can be used.

ORA-24410: scrollable cursor max size exceeded
Cause: Result set size exceeded the max limits.
Action: Check the documentation for allowable maximum result set size for scrollable cursors. Re-execute with a smaller expected result set size or make the cursor non-scrollable.

ORA-24411: Session pool already exists.
Cause: A session pool has already been created for the specified pool handle.
Action: 1) Specify a different pool handle to create a new session pool. 2) If you wish to modify the pool parameters, call OCISessionPoolCreate in OCI_SPOOL_REINITIALIZE mode.

ORA-24412: Cannot reinitialize non-existent pool
Cause: OCISessionPoolCreate was not called in OCI_DEFAULT mode for this pool handle.
Action: Create a session pool prior to reinitializing it.

ORA-24413: Invalid number of sessions specified
Cause: An invalid combination of minimum, maximum and increment number of sessions was specified in the OCISessionPoolCreate call.
Action: Specify a valid combination of parameters.

ORA-24414: Only number sessions could be started.
Cause: The number of sessions specified by the minSess parameter of OCISessionPoolCreate could not be started, possibly because the value supplied was larger than that supported by the server."
Action: This is a warning. Check the maximum number of sessions allowed on the server.

ORA-24415: Missing or null username.
Cause: Username and password must be specified when pool is created in this mode.
Action: Specify a valid username and password.

ORA-24416: Invalid session Poolname was specified.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a Session Pool that does not exist.
Action: Create a Session Pool before using it.

ORA-24417: Session pool size has exceeded the maximum limit
Cause: The number of sessions has exceeded the maximum size of the Session Pool.
Action: This is a warning. You can tune the session pool with appropriate minimum and maximum parameters.

ORA-24418: Cannot open further sessions.
Cause: Sufficient number of sessions are not present in the pool to execute the call. No new sessions can be opened as the sessMax parameter supplied in OCISessionPoolCreate has been reached.
Action: Call OCISessionPoolCreate in OCI_SPOOL_REINITIALIZE mode and increase the value of the sessMax parameter.

ORA-24419: Proxy sessions are not supported in this mode.
Cause: A proxy session was requested for from a Session Pool which does not support proxy sessions.
Action: Do not specify mode OCI_CRED_PROXY.

ORA-24420: OCISessionRelease must be used to release this session.
Cause: The session was retrieved using OCISessionGet, and an attempt has been made to release it using a call other than OCISessionRelease.
Action: Call OCISessionRelease.

ORA-24421: OCISessionRelease cannot be used to release this session.
Cause: The session was not retrieved using OCISessionGet, and an attempt has been made to release it using OCISessionRelease.
Action: Release the session using an appropriate call.

ORA-24422: error occurred while trying to destroy the Session Pool
Cause: An attempt was made to destroy the session pool while some sessions in the pool were busy.
Action: Ensure that no sessions from the pool are being used OR call OCISessionPoolDestroy with mode set to OCI_SPD_FORCE.

ORA-24423: Cannot set the ROWID attribute - OCI_ATTR_FETCH_ROWID
Cause: An attempt was made to set the implicit ROWID attribute.
Action: Use a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE statement that has not previously been described or executed before setting this ROWID attribute.

ORA-24424: Invalid attempt to define at position 0
Cause: An invalid attempt was made to call OCIDefineByPos for position 0.
Action: Ensure that the implicit ROWID attribute, OCI_ATTR_FETCH_ROWID, is set on the statement handle before doing the execute.

ORA-24425: Invalid mode passed when defining at position 0
Cause: An invalid mode was passed to OCIDefineByPos.
Action: Ensure a valid mode is passed to OCIDefineByPos when defining at position 0.

ORA-24430: Null values for sqltext and key were specified.
Cause: An attempt was made to call OCIStmtPrepare2 and neither sqltext nor key were specified.
Action: Specify valid values for sqltext or key or both.

ORA-24431: Statement does not exist in the cache
Cause: The statement that was requested for does not exist in the statement cache.
Action: Please request for a valid statement.

ORA-24432: The statement that was returned is not tagged.
Cause: A tagged statement was requested for, but an untagged statement has been returned.
Action: This is a warning. Please modify and tag the statement as desired.

ORA-24433: This statement has already been prepared using OCIStmtPrepare2.
Cause: A statement that was earlier prepared using OCIStmtPrepare2 is now being reprepared using OCIStmtPrepare."
Action: Please use a different statement handle.

ORA-24434: OCIStmtRelease called before OCIStmtPrepare2.
Cause: An attempt was made to release a statement without first preparing it using OCIStmtPrepare2.
Action: Call OCIStmtPrepare2 before OCIStmtRelease.

ORA-24435: Invalid Service Context specified.
Cause: The statement was prepared using a service context that is different from the one specified in OCIStmtExecute.
Action: Please specify the same service context that the statement was prepared with.

ORA-24436: Invalid statement Handle.
Cause: OCIHandleFree called on a statement that was prepared using OCIstmtPrepare2.
Action: Release the statement using OCIStmtRelease.

ORA-24437: OCIStmtExecute called before OCIStmtPrepare2.
Cause: An attempt was made to execute a statement without first preparing it using OCIStmtPrepare2.
Action: Call OCIStmtPrepare2 before OCIStmtExecute.

ORA-24438: Invalid Authentication Handle specified.
Cause: The statement was prepared using an authentication handle that is different from the one specified in OCIStmtExecute.
Action: None

ORA-24439: success with PLSQL compilation warning
Cause: A plsql compilation warning occurred.
Action: Return OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO along with the error code.

ORA-24440: OCI Easy Install mode cannot be initialized
Cause: An internal OCI error has occurred.
Action: Please contact Oracle customer support.

ORA-24441: Invalid cookie, resend sql text
Cause: An internal OCI error has occurred.
Action: Please contact Oracle customer support.

ORA-24450: Cannot pre-process OCI statement
Cause: An error occured during statement pre-processing. E.g., SQL statement has invalid usage of N' or Q' literals.
Action: Correct the SQL statement.

ORA-24451: string, Maximum call depth exceeded
Cause: Your program has too many levels of recursion.
Action: Restructure your program to eliminate some levels of recursion.

ORA-24460: Native Net Internal Error
Cause: Internal error .
Action: This error should not normally occur. If it persists, please contact your customer service representative.

ORA-24500: invalid UTF16 mode
Cause: UTF16 mode is allowed only at environment handle creation time.
Action: Remove UTF16 mode for functions other than OCIEnvCreate()

ORA-24501: invalid UTF16 string passed in
Cause: Non-UTF16 string is passed in while UTF16 string is expected
Action: Check the parameter which is actually a string

ORA-24502: codepoint length overflows
Cause: Returned buffer has more codepoints than allowed
Action: Set OCI_MAXCHAR_SIZE large enough to accommodate

ORA-24503: codepoint length overflows for piecewise operation
Cause: Accumulated codepoint length exceeds allowed codepoint length
Action: Set OCI_MAXCHAR_SIZE large enough to accommodate

ORA-24504: data length larger than expected
Cause: Incoming data larger than receiving buffer
Action: Set OCI_MAXDATA/MAXCHAR_SIZE appropriately or remove the setting

ORA-24505: cannot change character set id on the handle
Cause: Attempts to change character set id on non-environment handles
Action: Only try to change character set id on environment handles

ORA-24506: invalid attempt to change character set id on env handle
Cause: Attempts to change character set id after other handles have been allocated from the env handle
Action: Change character set id after creating environment handle but before allocating any handles from it.

ORA-24507: invalid combination of character set ids
Cause: Attempts to set one character set id as zero
Action: Set both charset and ncharset as zero or non-zero in OCIEnvNlsCreate()

ORA-24508: Buffer is not aligned correctly.
Cause: Alignment error ocurred in buffer when converting between character sets.
Action: Align buffer appropriately. For UTF16 buffer, pass a ub2 pointer.

ORA-24550: unhandled signal #number received. string
Cause: Serious error: signal received
Action: Refer to the platform-specific signal code, and see if the application code caused the error. Otherwise, record all error state and notify Oracle Support Services.

ORA-24750: incorrect size of attribute
Cause: Transaction ID attribute size is incorrect.
Action: Verify that the size parameter is correct.

ORA-24752: OCI_TRANS_NEW flag must be specified for local transactions
Cause: Application attempted to start a local transaction without using OCI_TRANS_NEW.
Action: Use OCI_TRANS_NEW when starting local transactions.

ORA-24753: local transactions cannot be detached
Cause: An attempt to detach a local transaction was made.
Action: Local transactions may only be committed or rolled back.

ORA-24754: cannot start new transaction with an active transaction
Cause: An attempt to start a new transaction was made when there was an active transaction.
Action: Commit, rollback or detach the existing transaction before starting a new transaction.

ORA-24755: OCI_TRANS_NOMIGRATE, OCI_TRANS_JOIN options are not supported
Cause: These flags are currently not supported.
Action: None

ORA-24756: transaction does not exist
Cause: An invalid transaction identifier or context was used or the transaction has completed.
Action: Supply a valid identifier if the transaction has not completed and retry the call.

ORA-24757: duplicate transaction identifier
Cause: An attempt was made to start a new transaction with an identifier already in use by an existing transaction.
Action: Verify that the identifier is not in use.

ORA-24758: not attached to the requested transaction
Cause: An attempt was made to detach or complete a transaction that is not the current transaction.
Action: Verify that the transaction context refers to the current transaction.

ORA-24759: invalid transaction start flags
Cause: An invalid transaction start flag was passed.
Action: Verify that only one of the following values is specified: OCI_TRANS_NEW, OCI_TRANS_JOIN, OCI_TRANS_RESUME, or OCI_TRANS_PROMOTE.

ORA-24760: invalid isolation level flags
Cause: An invalid isolation level flag was passed.
Action: Verify that only one of following values - OCI_TRANS_READONLY, OCI_TRANS_READWRITE, OCI_TRANS_SERIALIZABLE is used.

ORA-24762: server failed due to unspecified error
Cause: An internal error has occured in the server commit protocol.
Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-24763: transaction operation cannot be completed now
Cause: The commit or rollback cannot be performed now because the session cannot switch to the specified transaction.
Action: Retry the operation later.

ORA-24767: transaction branch prepare returns read-only
Cause: The transaction is read-only, or this is the outcome of an optimization for two-phase commit protocol.
Action: None. Informational only.

ORA-24769: cannot forget an active transaction
Cause: Transaction identifier refers to an active transaction.
Action: Verify that the identifier of an active transaction was not passed as an argument.

ORA-24770: cannot forget a prepared transaction
Cause: Transaction identifier refers to a prepared transaction.
Action: Verify that the identifier of a prepared transaction was not passed as an argument.

ORA-24771: cannot detach, prepare or forget a local transaction
Cause: Service handle contains a local transaction context.
Action: Verify that the transaction context does not refer to a local transaction.

ORA-24772: Cannot mix tightly-coupled and loosely-coupled branches
Cause: Application attempted to start a transaction with a global transaction identifier and a wrong option.
Action: Verify that all branches of a global transaction are started with either OCI_TRANS_TIGHT or OCI_TRANS_LOOSE option. If the application is correct and uses distributed updates, contact customer support.

ORA-24773: invalid transaction type flags
Cause: OCI_TRANS_TIGHT or OCI_TRANS_LOOSE mode was not specified.
Action: Verify that the right parameters are being used.

ORA-24774: cannot switch to specified transaction
Cause: The transaction specified in the call refers to a transaction created by a different user.
Action: Create transactions with the same authentication so that they can be switched.

ORA-24775: cannot prepare or commit transaction with non-zero lock value
Cause: An attempt was made to detach the transaction with a non-zero lock value.
Action: Detach the transaction with lock value set to zero and then try to prepare or commit the transaction.

ORA-24776: cannot start a new transaction
Cause: An attempt was made to start a new transaction when session was already attached to an existing transaction.
Action: End the current transaction before creating a new transaction.

ORA-24777: use of non-migratable database link not allowed
Cause: The transaction, which needs to be migratable between sessions, tried to access a remote database from a non-multi threaded server process.
Action: Perform the work in the local database or open a connection to the remote database from the client. If multi threaded server option is installed, connect to the Oracle instance through the dispatcher.

ORA-24778: cannot open connections
Cause: The migratable transaction tried to access a remote database when the session itself had opened connections to remote database(s).
Action: Close the connection(s) in the session and then try to access the remote database from the migratable transaction. If the error still occurs, contact Oracle customer support.

ORA-24779: detach not allowed with open remote cursor
Cause: The migratable transaction tried to detach from the current session while having an open remote cursor.
Action: Close any open remote cursor prior to detach.

ORA-24780: cannot recover a transaction while in an existing transaction
Cause: An attempt was made to commit or roll back a transaction while in a different transaction, and the transaction for which the action is requested is in a recovery state (this happens if it is idle too long).
Action: Detach from the current transaction and retry the operation.

ORA-24781: branches don't belong to the same global transaction
Cause: The list of xids passed into kpotxmp() don't have the same gtrid
Action: None

ORA-24782: Cannot detach from a non-migratable transaction
Cause: An attempt was made to detach from a non-migrateable transaction.
Action: Either commit or rollback the transaction.

ORA-24783: Cannot switch non-migratable transactions
Cause: An attempt was made to prepare/commit a txn different from current.
Action: None

ORA-24784: Transaction exists
Cause: An attempt was made to start a transaction, while attached to a non-migrateable transaction
Action: None

ORA-24785: Cannot resume a non-migratable transaction
Cause: An attempt was made to resume a non-migrateable transaction.
Action: None

ORA-24786: separated transaction has been completed
Cause: The current transaction has been completed by another process.
Action: Start a new transaction

ORA-24787: remote cursors must be closed before a call completes
Cause: The previous operation did not close all the remote cursors it opened. Since separated transactions are enabled, this is not allowed.
Action: Close all remote cursors in each call, or start a regular (non-separated) transaction.

ORA-24788: cannot switch to specified transaction (server type)
Cause: The transaction specified was created by a shared server and the requestor is a dedicated server, or the transaction was created by a dedicated server and the requestor is a shared server.
Action: All parts of this application should connect as dedicated or as shared.

ORA-24789: start not allowed in recursive call
Cause: Oracle RM will not start/resume a branch in a recursive call
Action: Reconsider your application stack design

ORA-24790: cannot mix OCI_TRANS_RESUME and transaction isolation flags
Cause: An attempt was made to change the isolation level of an existing transaction.
Action: No action required

ORA-24791: invalid transaction start flags
Cause: An invalid transaction start flag was passed.
Action: Verify that OCI_TRANS_LOOSE was not passed along with OCI_TRANS_JOIN, OCI_TRANS_RESUME. Also, verify that other flags (such as OCI_TRANS_SEPARABLE) passed by the client are supported by the version of the Oracle server.

ORA-24792: cannot mix services in a single global transaction
Cause: Oracle RM will not serve global (distributed) transaction requests if branches are created using different services
Action: Configure clients such that those participating in the same distributed transaction use the same service name.

ORA-24794: no active DTP service found
Cause: Oracle RM will not serve global (distributed) transaction requests until DTP services are configured in RAC. It is possible that a service was stopped while transactions were in-flight.
Action: Provision/Start DTP services first.

ORA-24795: Illegal string attempt made
Cause: An illegal attempt was made to commit/rollback current transaction
Action: Use appropriate commit/rollback mechanism

ORA-24796: operation completed; resume of original transaction rolled back
Cause: The commit, rollback, or prepare completed successfully, but the current transaction for this thread was rolled back.
Action: If desired, retry the current transaction. If the operation was prepare, then end transaction appropriately with a commit or rollback operation.

ORA-24797: cannot promote the current transaction to a distributed transaction
Cause: An illegal attempt was made to promote the current transaction.
Action: Verify that OCI_ATTR_XID, OCI_ATTR_INTERNAL_NAME, and OCI_ATTR_EXTERNAL_NAME attributes have been set properly, and verify that the current transaction has neither performed IDL or PDML operations, nor already been a distributed transaction. Also, verify that the local transaction is in the same isolation level if the isolation flag value is set.

ORA-24798: cannot resume the distributed transaction branch on another instance
Cause: An attempt was made to resume a distributed transaction branch that is physically located on another RAC instance.
Action: Get a connection to the instance where the transaction branch is located.

ORA-24801: illegal parameter value in OCI lob function
Cause: One of the parameter values in the OCI lob function is illegal.
Action: Check every parameter in the OCI Lob function call to make sure they are correct. Offsets should be greater than or equal to one.

ORA-24802: user defined lob read callback error
Cause: The only valid return value for a user defined lob read callback function is OCI_CONTINUE. Any other value will cause this error.
Action: Verify that OCI_CONTINUE is returned from the user defined lob read callback function.

ORA-24803: illegal parameter value in lob read function
Cause: Internal error .
Action: This error should not normally occur. If it persists, please contact your customer service representative.

ORA-24804: Lob read/write functions called while another OCI LOB read/write streaming is in progress
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Wait for the ongoing LOB streaming call to finish before issuing the next server call, or use OCIBreak() abort the current LOB streaming call.

ORA-24805: LOB type mismatch
Cause: When copying or appending LOB locators, both source and desctination LOB locators should be of the same type.
Action: Pass the same type of LOB locators for copying or appending.

ORA-24806: LOB form mismatch
Cause: When reading from or writing into LOBs, the character set form of the user buffer should be same as that of the LOB.
Action: Make sure that the buffer you are using to read or write has the same form as that of the LOB.

ORA-24807: LOB form mismatch
Cause: When copying or appending LOBs, both source and desctination LOB locators should have the same character set form.
Action: Pass locators of the same character set form for copying or appending LOBs.

ORA-24808: streaming of lob data is not allowed when using lob buffering
Cause: Attempted to stream lob data via the polling mode or a callback when lob buffering was enabled for the input lob locator.
Action: Lob buffering is useful when reading/writing small amounts of lob data so streaming should not be necessary. Rewrite the OCILobRead/OCILobWrite call so that it does not use streaming. If streaming of data is required, lob buffering should not be used. In this case, flush buffers associated with the input lob locator as necessary, disable buffering on the input lob locator and reissue the OCILobRead/OCILobWrite call.

ORA-24809: amount specified will not fit in the lob buffers
Cause: LOB buffering is enabled for the input lob locator so buffering will be used. However, the amount of lob data to read or write is larger than what the lob buffers can hold.
Action: Either disable buffering on the input lob locator and reissue the command or pass a smaller amount.

ORA-24810: attempting to write more data than indicated
Cause: While writing into a LOB, more data was supplied than indicated.
Action: If data is written in pieces, then make sure that you do not provide more data in the pieces (cumulatively), than you indicated.

ORA-24811: less data provided for writing than indicated
Cause: While writing into a LOB, less data was provided than indicated.
Action: If writing data in single pieces, then make sure that the buffer length specified is big enough to accommodate tha data being provided. If data is written in pieces, then make sure that all the data has been provided before specifying OCI_LAST_PIECE.

ORA-24812: character set conversion to or from UCS2 failed
Cause: If the database character set is varying-width, the CLOB/NCLOB value is implicitly converted to or from UCS2. This implicit conversion failed.
Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

ORA-24813: cannot send or receive an unsupported LOB
Cause: An attempt was made to send a LOB across the network, but either the server does not support the LOB sent by the client, or the client does not support the LOB sent by the server. This error usually occurs when the client and server are running different versions of Oracle.
Action: Use a version of the Oracle that supports the LOB on both the client and the server.

ORA-24814: operation not allowed for temporary LOBs
Cause: Temporary LOB locators are not allowed in the operation. For example: OCILobAssign only takes persistent LOB locators as parameters, not temporary LOBs.
Action: Use OCILobLocatorAssign for temporary LOBs instead. Note that OCILobLocatorAssign can also be used for persistent LOBs, in which case it will behave the same as OCILobAssign.

ORA-24815: Invalid character set form
Cause: An invalid character set form was passed into an OCI LOB function. For example, the only valid cs form for OCILobCreateTemporary() is OCI_DEFAULT(0), SQLCS_IMPLICIT(1) or SQLCS_NCHAR(2).
Action: Specify a valid character set form.

ORA-24816: Expanded non LONG bind data supplied after actual LONG or LOB column
Cause: A Bind value of length potentially > 4000 bytes follows binding for LOB or LONG.
Action: Re-order the binds so that the LONG bind or LOB binds are all at the end of the bind list.

ORA-24817: Unable to allocate the given chunk for current lob operation
Cause: The given size is increased to accomodate the number of bytes from server due to varying width db char/nchar set.
Action: Use smaller chunk sizes when you have character set conversion between client/server or perform piece-wise read or write.

ORA-24850: failed to startup shared subsystem
Cause: While attempting to initialize OCI in shared mode, a problem was encountered in starting up the shared subsystem.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer support.

ORA-24851: failed to connect to shared subsystem
Cause: While attempting to initialize OCI in shared mode, a problem was encountered in connecting the process to the shared subsystem.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-24852: protocol error during statement execution
Cause: An internal protocol error occurred while receiving describe data from the server during execution of a statement.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-24853: failed to connect thread to shared subsystem
Cause: While attempting to initialize OCI in shared mode, a problem was encountered in connecting the thread to the shared subsystem.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-24854: invalid pieceinfo provided
Cause: While making the first call to write LOB data, an invalid pieceinfo value provided.
Action: Correct the call to use OCI_ONE_PIECE or OCI_FIRST_PIECE. If using OCCI, make sure to call writeBuffer before calling writeLastBuffer.

ORA-24900: invalid or unsupported mode parameter passed in call
Cause: The mode parameter passed into the OCI Client Notification call is incorrect.
Action: Please correct the mode parameter passed into OCI.

ORA-24901: handles belonging to different environments passed into an OCI call
Cause: All handles passed into an OCI call should belong to the same environment. In the call that returned this error, handles belonging to different environments were passed in.
Action: Please ensure that the handle parameters in the call to come from the same OCI Environment.

ORA-24902: invalid subscription name or name-length in subscription handle
Cause: The subscription handle passed into the OCI call does not have a proper name or name-length attribute.
Action: Please set the name and name-length attributes using the OCIAttrSet() call.

ORA-24903: invalid namespace attribute passed into OCI call
Cause: The subscription handle passed into the OCI call does not have a proper namespace attribute.
Action: Please set the namespace attribute using the OCIAttrSet() call.

ORA-24904: invalid callback attribute passed into OCI call
Cause: The subscription handle passed into the OCI call does not have a proper callback attribute.
Action: Please set the callback attribute using the OCIAttrSet() call.

ORA-24905: invalid recipient protocol attribute passed into OCI call
Cause: The subscription handle passed into the OCI call did not have a proper recipient protocol attribute.
Action: Please set the recipient protocol attribute using the OCIAttrSet() call.

ORA-24906: invalid recipient attribute passed into OCI call
Cause: The subscription handle passed into the OCI call did not have a proper recipient attribute.
Action: Please set the recipient attribute using the OCIAttrSet() call.

ORA-24907: invalid pair of callback and recipient protocol attributes
Cause: The subscription handle passed into the OCI call can't have both the callback defined and a recipient protocol other than OCI_SUBSCR_PROTO_OCI at the same time.
Action: Please set the appropriate callback and recipient protocol attributes using the OCIAttrSet() call.

ORA-24908: invalid recipient presentation attribute
Cause: The subscription handle passed into the OCI call does not have a valid recipient presentation attribute.
Action: Set the recipient presentation attribute using the OCIAttrSet() call

ORA-24909: call in progress. Current operation cancelled
Cause: The OCI call was invoked when another call on the connection was in progress.
Action: Check if the OCI call is supported when the call is in progress under special conditions; for example, if it is being used by a signal handler. NLS_DO_NOT_TRANSLATE [24910,24910]

ORA-24911: Cannot start listener thread at specified port
Cause: Thread already running at a different port.
Action: Set the correct port in the environment handle or let the system choose the port.

ORA-24912: Listener thread failed. string
Cause: Thread listening for event notification exited because of an error. The error encountered is appended to the error message.
Action: The client needs to be restarted.

ORA-24940: invalid combination of string namespace, string presentation and string receive protocol
Cause: An invalid combination of namespace, presentation and receive protocol was specified during notification registration. Currently, only AQ namespace is supported with XML presentation. Non-AQ namespace is not supported for e-mail and HTTP receive protocols.
Action: Please change the register call appropriately.

ORA-24941: invalid combination of notification grouping attributes
Cause: An invalid combination of notification grouping attributes was specified. Currently, only TIME notification grouping class is supported. If notification grouping class is zero, all other notification grouping attributes must be zero.
Action: Refer to documentation and change the attributes appropriately.

ORA-24942: cannot use ntfn grouping attributes on before release 11.0 compatible ntfns
Cause: An attempt was made to use notification grouping on before release 11.0 compatible notifications.
Action: Change the compatibility to 11.0.

ORA-24943: cannot use ntfn grouping with this receive protocol, presentation and/or QoS
Cause: An attempt was made to use notification grouping with e-mail or HTTP receive protocol or XML presentation or payload delivery or reliable QoS. Currently, only OCI and PLSQL receive protocols and default presentation are supported with notification grouping.
Action: Refer to documentation and change the call appropriately.

ORA-24944: cannot use timeout or grouping with ANONYMOUS namespace
Cause: An attempt was made to use timeout or grouping with ANONYMOUS namespace. Currently, timeout and grouping are supported only with AQ and DBCHANGE namespaces.
Action: Refer to documentation and change the call appropriately.

ORA-24945: cannot use context, QOS and timeout attributes of notification on lower than 10.2 compatible notifications
Cause: An attempt was made to use context, QOS and timeout attributes of notification on lower than 10.2 compatible notifications.
Action: Change the database compatibility to 10.2.

ORA-24950: unregister failed, registration not found
Cause: The registration that was asked to be unregistered could not be found.
Action: Please check the callback function name and the subscription name in the unregister call.

ORA-24952: register, unregister or post has incorrect collection count
Cause: The register, unregister or post function was invoked with a collection that was smaller than the size specified by the parameter to the function.
Action: Please check the function's use and ensure that the size parameter is correct.

ORA-24960: the attribute string is greater than the maximum allowable length of number
Cause: The user attempted to pass an attribute that is too long
Action: Shorten the specified attribute and retry the operation.

ORA-25000: invalid use of bind variable in trigger WHEN clause
Cause: A bind variable was used in the when clause of a trigger.
Action: Remove the bind variable. To access the table columns use (new/old).column_name.

ORA-25001: cannot create this trigger type on this type of view
Cause: INSTEAD OF triggers can be created on any view which is not an Editioning View, while BEFORE and AFTER triggers may only be created on Editioning Views.
Action: Change the trigger type to INSTEAD OF or change the view on which you are attempting to create a DML trigger.

ORA-25002: cannot create INSTEAD OF triggers on tables
Cause: Only BEFORE or AFTER triggers can be created on a table.
Action: Change the trigger type to BEFORE or AFTER.

ORA-25003: cannot change NEW values for this column type in trigger
Cause: Attempt to change NEW trigger variables of datatype object, REF, nested table, VARRAY or LOB datatype which is not supported.
Action: Do not change the NEW trigger variables in the trigger body.

ORA-25004: WHEN clause is not allowed in INSTEAD OF triggers
Cause: WHEN clause is specified in an INSTEAD OF trigger.
Action: Remove the WHEN clause when creating an INSTEAD OF trigger.

ORA-25005: cannot CREATE INSTEAD OF trigger on a read-only view
Cause: attempt to create an INSTEAD OF trigger on a view created with read-only option. The view cannot be updated using INSTEAD OF triggers.
Action: Do not create the trigger.

ORA-25006: cannot specify this column in UPDATE OF clause
Cause: Attempt to create a trigger on update of a column whose datatype is disallowed in the clause, such as LOB and nested table.
Action: Remove the UPDATE OF clause.

ORA-25007: functions or methods not allowed in WHEN clause
Cause: PLSQL function call or method invocation is not allowed in the WHEN clause when creating a trigger.
Action: Remove the function call or method invocation from the WHEN clause.

ORA-25008: no implicit conversion to LOB datatype in instead-of trigger
Cause: When inserting or updating a view using instead-of trigger, the new value for a LOB view column is of a different datatype.
Action: Specified a LOB value as the new value for the LOB view column.

ORA-25009: Nested table clause allowed only for INSTEAD OF triggers
Cause: Triggers on nested tables can only be created on view columns using INSTEAD OF triggers.
Action: Use view nested table columns for defining nested table triggers.

ORA-25010: Invalid nested table column name in nested table clause
Cause: The column name specified in the nested table clause of an INSTEAD OF trigger does not correspond to a nested table column.
Action: Specify a nested table column on which the trigger is to be defined.

ORA-25011: cannot create trigger on internal AQ table
Cause: An attempt was made to try to create a trigger on a table that is used internally to support the Advanced Queueing (AQ) feature.
Action: Do not create the trigger.

ORA-25012: PARENT and NEW values cannot be identical
Cause: The referencing clause specifies identical values for PARENT and OLD.
Action: Re-specify either the PARENT or NEW referencing value.

ORA-25013: OLD and PARENT values cannot be identical
Cause: The referencing clause specifies identical values for OLD and PARENT.
Action: Re-specify either the OLD or PARENT referencing value.

ORA-25014: cannot change the value of a PARENT reference variable
Cause: Parent values can only be read and not changed.
Action: Do not attempt to change a Parent variable.

ORA-25015: cannot perform DML on this nested table view column
Cause: DML cannot be performed on a nested table view column except through an INSTEAD OF trigger
Action: Create an INSTEAD OF trigger over the nested table view column and then perform the DML.

ORA-25016: cannot specify column list for insert into nested table view column
Cause: A column list cannot be specified for inserts into the nested table view column.
Action: Specify all the columns for insert into the nested table.

ORA-25017: cannot reference NEW ROWID for movable rows in before triggers
Cause: NEW ROWID was referenced in a before row trigger which is defined on an index-organized table, or a partitioned table with enabled movement of rows. The ROWID cannot be computed in a before row update trigger because it depends on the actual values of the row
Action: Remove references to NEW ROWID from the trigger definition.

ORA-25018: conflicting trigger string already exists
Cause: Conflicting instead of DDL trigger on schema/database already exists.
Action: Remove the old trigger

ORA-25019: too much concurreny
Cause: cannot pin the database/schema because of too much concurrency
Action: try the operation later

ORA-25020: renaming system triggers is not allowed
Cause: renaming system triggers is not allowed
Action: Drop the trigger, and create a new one for the same

ORA-25021: cannot reference a trigger defined on another table
Cause: Referenced trigger in the FOLLOWS clause was defined on another table.
Action: Create the referenced trigger on the same table

ORA-25022: cannot reference a trigger of a different type
Cause: Referenced trigger in the FOLLOWS or PRECEDES clause was either a different type or not a compound trigger.
Action: Create the referenced trigger as the same type or a compound trigger.

ORA-25023: Cyclic trigger dependency is not allowed
Cause: A cycle of trigger dependency can be formed.
Action: Do not create a trigger that can formed a cyclic dependency.

ORA-25024: cannot specify FOLLOWS for a REVERSE CROSSEDITION trigger
Cause: The FOLLOWS clause was specified when creating the REVERSE CROSSEDITION trigger.
Action: Do not create a REVERSE CROSSEDITION trigger with a FOLLOWS clause.

ORA-25025: cannot specify PRECEDES clause
Cause: The PRECEDES clause was specified when creating a FORWARD CROSSEDITION trigger or a regular trigger.
Action: Do not create a FORWARD CROSSEDITION or a regular trigger with a PRECEDES clause.

ORA-25026: FOR EACH ROW was specified with compound triggers
Cause: FOR EACH ROW is not allowed with compound triggers.
Action: Remove the FOR EACH ROW clause.

ORA-25027: compound triggers cannot be used as system triggers
Cause: Compound trigger was defined as system trigger.
Action: Do not use compound trigger as system trigger.

ORA-25028: regular trigger body can not start with keyword COMPOUND
Cause: Regular triggers body should start with BEGIN/DECLARE etc .
Action: Fix the syntax and recompile.

ORA-25029: compound triggers should always start with keyword COMPOUND
Cause: Compound trigger body was started with incorrect keyword.
Action: Fix the syntax and recreate.

ORA-25030: crossedition trigger cannot be created by a non-editioned user
Cause: An attempt was made to create crossedition trigger by a non-editioned user.
Action: Enable editions for the user and then create the crossedition trigger.

ORA-25031: only a forward crossedition trigger may be specified
Cause: The trigger specified was not a forward crossedition trigger.
Action: Specify a forward crossedition trigger.

ORA-25032: crossedition trigger cannot be created in ORA$BASE
Cause: An attempt was made to create crossedition trigger in the ORA$BASE edition.
Action: Do not create a crossedition trigger in the ORA$BASE edition.

ORA-25100: TABLESPACE option can only be used with ALTER INDEX REBUILD
Cause: The TABLESPACE option to ALTER INDEX was used without the REBUILD option.
Action: Use ALTER INDEX REBUILD TABLESPACE tablespace name.

ORA-25101: duplicate REBUILD option specification
Cause: The REBUILD option to ALTER INDEX is specified more than once.
Action: Specify the option at most once.

ORA-25102: PARALLEL option can only be used with ALTER INDEX REBUILD
Cause: The PARALLEL option to ALTER INDEX was used without the REBUILD option.

ORA-25103: NOPARALLEL option can only be used with ALTER INDEX REBUILD
Cause: The NOPARALLEL option to ALTER INDEX was used without the REBUILD option.

ORA-25104: UNRECOVERABLE option can only be used with ALTER INDEX REBUILD
Cause: The UNRECOVERABLE option to ALTER INDEX was used without the REBUILD option.

ORA-25105: RECOVERABLE option can only be used with ALTER INDEX REBUILD
Cause: The RECOVERABLE option to ALTER INDEX was used without the REBUILD option.

ORA-25106: only one of PARALLEL or NOPARALLEL clause may be specified
Cause: PARALLEL was specified more than once, NOPARALLEL was specified more than once, or both PARALLEL and NOPARALLEL were specified in an ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement.
Action: Remove all but one of the PARALLEL or NOPARALLEL clauses.

ORA-25107: duplicate TABLESPACE option specification
Cause: the TABLESPACE was specified more than once in an ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement.
Action: Remove all but one of the TABLESPACE clauses.

ORA-25108: standby lock name space exceeds size limit of string characters
Cause: The lock name space for the standby database exceeded the maximum string length.
Action: Change initialization parameter _STANDBY_LOCK_NAME_SPACE to a character string of less than the specified characters.

ORA-25109: standby lock name space has illegal character 'string'
Cause: An invalid lock name space was specified for the standby database. The lock name space for the standby database can only contain A-Z, 0-9, '_', '#', '$', '.' and '@' characters.
Action: Change initialization parameter _STANDBY_LOCK_NAME_SPACE to a valid character string.

ORA-25110: NOSORT may not be used with a bitmap index
Cause: An attempt was made to create a bitmap index using the NOSORT option.
Action: Remove NOSORT from the CREATE BITMAP INDEX statement.

ORA-25111: creation of BITMAP cluster indices is not supported
Cause: An attempt was made to create a cluster index with the BITMAP attribute.
Action: Remove BITMAP from the CREATE INDEX statement.

ORA-25112: maximum number of BITMAP index columns is 30
Cause: Too many columns were specified for the index.
Action: Create an index on fewer columns.

ORA-25113: GLOBAL may not be used with a bitmap index
Cause: An attempt was made to create a bitmap index using the GLOBAL option.
Action: Remove GLOBAL from the CREATE BITMAP INDEX statement, and/or add a LOCAL partition descriptor if the table is partitioned.

ORA-25114: invalid file number specified in the DUMP DATAFILE/TEMPFILE command
Cause: An invalid file number was used in dumping a datafile or tempfile.
Action: Specify a valid file number.

ORA-25115: duplicate BLOCK option specification
Cause: BLOCK (MIN/MAX) was specified more than once in the DUMP DATAFILE/TEMPFILE command.
Action: Specify only one BLOCK option.

ORA-25116: invalid block number specified in the DUMP DATAFILE/TEMPFILE command
Cause: An invalid block number was used in dumping a datafile or tempfile.
Action: Specify a valid block number.

ORA-25117: MIN/MAX/Block Number expected
Cause: A value other than MIN/MAX, or a block number was entered in the DUMP DATAFILE/TEMPFILE command.
Action: Correct the syntax.

ORA-25118: invalid DUMP DATAFILE/TEMPFILE option
Cause: An invalid option was specified for the DUMP DATAFILE/TEMPFILE command.
Action: Correct the syntax.

ORA-25119: LOGGING/NOLOGGING option already specified
Cause: In CREATE TABLESPACE, the LOGGING and/or NOLOGGING options were specified more than once.
Action: Remove all but one of the logging specifications.

ORA-25120: MINIMUM EXTENT option already specified
Cause: In CREATE TABLESPACE, the MINIMUM EXTENT option was specified more than once.
Action: Remove all but one of the MINIMUM EXTENT specifications.

ORA-25121: MINIMUM EXTENT value greater than maximum extent size
Cause: In CREATE/ALTER TABLESPACE, the value specified for the MINIMUM EXTENT option was greater than the maximum extent size.
Action: Choose a lower value for the MINIMUM EXTENT option.

ORA-25122: Only LOCAL bitmap indexes are permitted on partitioned tables
Cause: An attempt was made to create a global bitmap index on a partioned table.
Action: create a local bitmap index instead.

ORA-25123: Too many components specified in the name.
Cause: Specifying more components to a name than allowed.
Action: Check the name specified for the operation.

ORA-25124: Database link name not allowed.
Cause: Specifying a database link name when it is not permitted.
Action: Check the name specified for the operation.

ORA-25125: BUFFER_POOL storage option not allowed
Cause: The user attempted to specify the BUFFER_POOL storage option. This option may only be specified during CREATE/ALTER TABLE/CLUSTER/INDEX.
Action: Remove this option and retry the statement.

ORA-25126: Invalid name specified for BUFFER_POOL
Cause: The name of the buffer pool specified by the user is invalid. The only valid names are KEEP, RECYCLE and DEFAULT.
Action: Use a valid name or remove the BUFFER_POOL clause.

ORA-25127: RELY not allowed in NOT NULL constraint
Cause: An attempt to set RELY on for NOT NULL constraint.
Action: only NORELY may be specified for a NOT NULL constraint.

ORA-25128: No insert/update/delete on table with constraint (string.string) disabled and validated
Cause: Try to insert/update/delete on table with DISABLE VALIDATE constraint.
Action: Change the constraint's states.

ORA-25129: cannot modify constraint (string) - no such constraint
Cause: the named constraint does not exist for this table.
Action: Obvious

ORA-25130: cannot modify primary key - primary key not defined for table
Cause: Attempted to modify a primary key that is not defined for the table.
Action: None

ORA-25131: cannot modify unique(string) - unique key not defined for table
Cause: attempted to modify a unique key that is not deined for the table.
Action: None

ORA-25132: UNIQUE constraint (string.string) disabled and validated in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION
Cause: cannot ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION when the partition and the table have a disabled and validated unique constraints AND the unique keys in the partion is not mutually exclusive from the rest of the table.
Action: Change the constraint's status.

ORA-25133: duplicate SINGLE TABLE option specified
Cause: The SINGLE TABLE option was specified more than once.
Action: Specify the SINGLE TABLE option only once.

ORA-25134: keyword TABLE expected
Cause: The keyword TABLE is missing from the SINGLE TABLE option.
Action: Place the keyword TABLE after the keyword SINGLE in the command.

ORA-25135: cannot use the SINGLE TABLE option
Cause: The SINGLE TABLE option is only valid for hash clusters.
Action: Do not specify the SINGLE TABLE option.

ORA-25136: this cluster can contain only one table
Cause: An attempt was made to store more than one table in a cluster that was created with the SINGLE TABLE option.
Action: Do not attempt to store more than one table in the cluster.

ORA-25137: Data value out of range
Cause: Value from cast operand is larger than cast target size.
Action: Increase size of cast target.

ORA-25138: string initialization parameter has been made obsolete
Cause: An obsolete initialization parameter has been specified
Action: The system will come up, but parameters must be examined

ORA-25139: invalid option for CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE
Cause: An invalid option appears.
Action: Specify one of the valid options: TEMPFILE, EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL, UNIFORM

ORA-25140: string space policy cannot be specified for the string extent management
Cause: An invalid option appears.
Action: Make sure that for LOCAL extent management UNIFORM or AUTOALLOCATE is specified, and for DICTIONARY extent management UNIFORM or AUTOALLOCATE are not specified

ORA-25141: invalid EXTENT MANAGEMENT clause
Cause: An invalid option appears for EXTENT MANAGEMENT clause
Action: Specify one of the valid options: UNIFORM SIZE, AUTOALLOCATE

ORA-25142: default storage clause specified twice
Cause: default storage clause was specified twice for create tablespace
Action: Specify it once.

ORA-25143: default storage clause is not compatible with allocation policy
Cause: default storage clause was specified for a tablespace with AUTOALLOCATE or UNIFORM policy
Action: Omit the storage clause

ORA-25144: invalid option for CREATE TABLESPACE with TEMPORARY contents
Cause: An invalid option appears.
Action: Specify one of the valid options: EXTENT MANAGEMENT DICTIONARY, USER

ORA-25145: allocation policy already specified
Cause: In CREATE TABLESPACE, the allocation policy was specified more than once, for example, AUTOALLOCATE and UNIFORM.
Action: Remove all but one of the allocation policy specifications.

ORA-25146: EXTENT MANAGEMENT option already specified
Cause: In CREATE TABLESPACE, the EXTENT MANAGEMENT option was specified more than once.
Action: Remove all but one of the EXTENT MANAGEMENT specifications.

ORA-25147: UNIFORM SIZE value greater than maximum extent size
Cause: In CREATE/ALTER TABLESPACE, the value specified for the UNIFORM SIZE option was greater than the maximum extent size.
Action: Choose a lower value for the UNIFORM SIZE option.

ORA-25148: ONLINE option not permitted
Cause: An attempt was made to specify ONLINE for ALTER TABLE MOVE on a table that is not index-organized. The ONLINE option is currently supported only for index-organized tables.
Action: Remove the ONLINE option from the command.

ORA-25149: Columns of UROWID type may not be indexed
Cause: An attempt was made to create an index on a column of UROWID type
Action: Remove the column from the list of indexed columns

ORA-25150: ALTERING of extent parameters not permitted
Cause: An attempt was made to alter the extent parameters for a segment in a tablespace with autoallocate or uniform extent allocation policy.
Action: Remove the appropriate extent parameters from the command.

ORA-25151: Rollback Segment cannot be created in this tablespace
Cause: An attempt was made to create a rollback segment in a tablespace with autoallocate extent allocation policy.
Action: Specify a different tablespace for the rollback segment

ORA-25152: TEMPFILE cannot be dropped at this time
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a TEMPFILE being used by online users
Action: The TEMPFILE has been taken offline. Try again, later.

ORA-25153: Temporary Tablespace is Empty
Cause: An attempt was made to use space in a temporary tablespace with no files.
Action: Add files to the tablespace using ADD TEMPFILE command.

ORA-25154: column part of USING clause cannot have qualifier
Cause: Columns that are used for a named-join (either a NATURAL join or a join with a USING clause) cannot have an explicit qualifier.
Action: Remove the qualifier.

ORA-25155: column used in NATURAL join cannot have qualifier
Cause: Columns that are used for a named-join (either a NATURAL join or a join with a USING clause) cannot have an explicit qualifier.
Action: Remove the qualifier.

ORA-25156: old style outer join (+) cannot be used with ANSI joins
Cause: When a query block uses ANSI style joins, the old notation for specifying outer joins (+) cannot be used.
Action: Use ANSI style for specifying outer joins also.

ORA-25157: Specified block size string is not valid
Cause: An attempt was made to create a tablespace with a block size which is not supported.
Action: Specify one of the valid blocksizes i.e the standard blocksize or one of (2k, 4k, 8k, 16k, 32k) subject to the maximum and minimum blocksizes supported by the platform.

ORA-25158: Cannot specify RELY for foreign key if the associated primary key is NORELY
Cause: RELY is specified for the foreign key contraint, when the associated primary key constraint is NORELY.
Action: Change the option of the primary key also to RELY.

ORA-25175: no PRIMARY KEY constraint found
Cause: A PRIMARY KEY constraint must be defined for a table with this organization
Action: Define a PRIMARY KEY

ORA-25176: storage specification not permitted for primary key
Cause: Storage parameters cannot be defined for a PRIMARY KEY constraint for a table with this organization
Action: Remove storage specification for primary key

ORA-25177: UNRECOVERABLE option not permitted
Cause: The UNRECOVERABLE option may not be specified for a primary key for a table with this organization
Action: Remove UNRECOVERABLE option for primary key

ORA-25178: duplicate PCTTHRESHOLD storage option specification
Cause: The storage option PCTTHRESHOLD is specified more than once.
Action: Specify storage options at most once.

ORA-25179: invalid PCTTHRESHOLD storage option value
Cause: The specified value must be a positive integer.
Action: Specify an appropriate value.

ORA-25180: PCTTHRESHOLD only valid for certain table organizations
Cause: PCTTHRESHOLD can only be specified for tables with certain organizations.
Action: Remove the PCTTHRESHOLD option.

ORA-25181: missing ON keyword for NESTED INDEX
Cause: ON keyword required to specify nested index column nest
Action: Add ON keyword

ORA-25182: feature not currently available for index-organized tables
Cause: An attempt was made to use one or more of the following feature(s) not currently supported for index-organized tables: CREATE TABLE with LOB/BFILE/VARRAY columns, partitioning/PARALLEL/CREATE TABLE AS SELECT options, ALTER TABLE with ADD/MODIFY column options, CREATE INDEX
Action: Do not use the disallowed feature(s) in this release.

ORA-25183: index-organized table top index segment is in a different tablespace
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a tablespace which contains an index only table's overflow segment but not the top index segment"
Action: find index-organized tables which span the tablespace being dropped and some other tablespace(s). Drop these tables.

ORA-25184: column name expected
Cause: A column name is not present where required by the CREATE TABLE for specifying last column to be included in the index segment of the index-organized table
Action: Specify a column name where required by the syntax.

ORA-25185: index column other than last can not be specified for INCLUDE clause
Cause: An index column name other than the last is specified as including column
Action: Specify either a column name which is not part of index-organized table primary key index , or the last key column of the primary key for the INCLUDING clause.

ORA-25186: INCLUDING clause specified for index-organized table without OVERFLOW
Cause: INCLUDING clause of a CREATE TABLE is an valid option only for index-organized tables with OVERFLOW clause (at creation time) or if an OVERFLOW segment already exists (at ALTER time).
Action: Specify OVERFLOW clause for the index-organized table : For ALTER, perform ADD OVERFLOW first.

ORA-25187: specified exceptions table form incorrect
Cause: The specified table does not have the proper field definitions.
Action: Specify the correct table to use.

ORA-25189: illegal ALTER TABLE option for an index-organized table
Cause: During ALTER of a index-organized table, the user attempted to enter one or more of the following options: TABLESPACE, ALLOCATE/DEALLOCATE EXTENT, PCTFREE/PCTUSED for IOT top index segment
Action: Remove the illegal option(s).

ORA-25190: an index-organized table maintenance operation may not be combined with other operations
Cause: ALTER TABLE statement attempted to combine an index-organized table maintenance operation (e.g. changing physical attributes) with some other operation (e.g. ADD constraint) which is illegal
Action: Ensure that a index-organized table maintenance operation is the sole operation specified in ALTER TABLE statement;

ORA-25191: cannot reference overflow table of an index-organized table
Cause: An attempt to directly access the overflow table of an index-organized table
Action: Issue the statement against the parent index-organized table containing the specified overflow table.

ORA-25192: invalid option for an index-organized table
Cause: An attempt to specify one or more of the following options for an index-organized table: [NO]CACHE, NO LOGGING, CLUSTER
Action: Remove the illegal option(s)

ORA-25193: cannot use COMPRESS option for a single column key
Cause: An attempt to use COMPRESS option on single column key
Action: Remove the COMPRESS option.

ORA-25194: invalid COMPRESS prefix length value
Cause: The specified value must be a positive integer less than the number of key columns
Action: Specify an appropriate value.

ORA-25195: invalid option for index on an index-organized table
Cause: An attempt to specify one or more of the following options for index on an IOT: BITMAP, REVERSE, PCTUSED
Action: None

ORA-25196: keyword MOVE in ALTER TABLE MOVE must immediately follow
Cause: MOVE specified after one/more other ALTER options
Action: Remove the illegal option(s)

ORA-25197: an overflow segment already exists for the indexed-organized table
Cause: An attempt was made to ADD OVERFLOW segment on an index-organized table that already has an overflow segment
Action: None

ORA-25198: only range, list, and hash partitioning are supported for index-organized table
Cause: System, or Composite partitioning schemes are not supported yet
Action: Select a different partitioning scheme

ORA-25199: partitioning key of a index-organized table must be a subset of the primary key
Cause: An attempt to specify a partitioning key which is not a prefix of the primary key of the index-organized table
Action: Select a different partitioning key

ORA-25200: invalid value string, QUEUE_NAME should be [SCHEMA.]NAME
Cause: A NULL parameter was specified for QUEUE_NAME.
Action: Specify a non-NULL queue name.

ORA-25201: invalid value, VISIBILITY should be ON_COMMIT or IMMEDIATE
Cause: An invalid value specified for parameter VISIBILITY.
Action: Specify either ON_COMMIT or IMMEDIATE.

ORA-25202: invalid value NULL, string should be non-NULL
Cause: A NULL value was specified for the parameter.
Action: Specify a non-NULL value.

ORA-25203: invalid value string, DELAY should be non-negative
Cause: A negative value or NULL was specified for DELAY.
Action: Specify a non negative integer for DELAY.

ORA-25204: invalid value, SEQUENCE_DEVIATION should be BEFORE or TOP
Cause: An invalid SEQUENCE_DEVIATION was specified.
Action: Specify either the option 'BEFORE' or 'TOP'.

ORA-25205: the QUEUE string.string does not exist
Cause: The specified queue does not exist.
Action: Create the queue first before specifying it for enqueue or dequeue.

ORA-25206: enqueue failed, enqueue to exception queue string.string not permitted
Cause: An attempt was made to enqueue to an exception queue.
Action: Try enqueueing to another queue.

ORA-25207: enqueue failed, queue string.string is disabled from enqueueing
Cause: The queue has been stopped to prevent any further enqueueing.
Action: Enable the queue first by using an administrative operation.

Cause: A relative message identifier should be specified if sequence deviation is specified as BEFORE.
Action: Either specify an existing relative message identifier or don't specify sequence deviation as BEFORE.

ORA-25209: invalid value string, EXPIRATION should be non-negative or NEVER
Cause: The expiration is less than zero or NULL.
Action: Specify a valid value for expire_after which should be greater than or equal to zero or NEVER.

ORA-25210: invalid value for RELATIVE_MSGID, no message in queue with that msgid
Cause: No message inm the queue with the msgid equal to the specified RELATIVE_MSGID.
Action: Try again with a valid RELATIVE_MSGID.

ORA-25211: invalid DELAY specified when using sequence deviation
Cause: The DELAY specified in the enqueue is greater than the delay of the message with the given relative message id.
Action: Set the DELAY to be less than or equal to the delay of the message with the given relative message id. If the TOP option is used the delay must be less than or equal to the delay of all the messages in the queue.

ORA-25212: invalid PRIORITY specified when using sequence deviation
Cause: The PRIORITY specified in the enqueue is less than the priority of the message with the given relative message id.
Action: Set the PRIORITY to be less than the delay of the message with the given relative message id. If the TOP option is used the prioirty must be greater than or equal to the priority of all the messages in the queue.

ORA-25213: message with specified RELATIVE_MSGID has been dequeued
Cause: The message specified by the RELATIVE_MSGID field in the sequence deviation BEFORE option has been dequeued.
Action: None

ORA-25214: cannot specify delay or expiration for enqueue to exception queue
Cause: A message was enqueued to the exception queue with either delay or expiration specified.
Action: Enqueue a message without delay or expiration.

ORA-25215: user_data type and queue type do not match
Cause: A user tries to enqueue an object to a queue that was created for objects of different type.
Action: Try enqueue again with an object of the right type.

ORA-25216: invalid recipient, either NAME or ADDRESS must be specified
Cause: Both attributes, NAME and ADDRESS, were specified null for one of the recipients in the recipient list.
Action: Specify a non-null NAME or ADDRESS for the recipient.

ORA-25217: enqueue failed, visibility must be IMMEDIATE for queue string.string
Cause: An attempt was made to enqueue to a non-persistent queue without setting visibility to IMMEDIATE.
Action: Set visibility to IMMEDIATE.

ORA-25218: enqueue failed, delay must be zero for queue string.string
Cause: An attempt was made to enqueue to a non-persistent queue with delay greater than zero seconds.
Action: Set delay to zero.

ORA-25219: enqueue failed, sequence deviation not allowed for queue string.string
Cause: An attempt was made to enqueue to a non-persistent queue with sequence deviation specified.
Action: Do not specify sequence deviation.

ORA-25220: enqueue failed, signature not specified for a non-repudiable queue
Cause: An attempt was made to enqueue to a non-repudiable queue without specifying the signature
Action: Give the signature

ORA-25221: enqueue failed, signature specified queue not supporting non-repudiation
Cause: An attempt was made to enqueue to a queue specifying the signature for a queue not supporting non-repudiation
Action: Remove the signature

ORA-25222: enqueue failed, complete sender info. not provided for a queue supporting non-repudiation
Cause: An attempt was made to enqueue to a queue without giving the complete sender information (name) for a queue supporting non-repudiation
Action: Provide the sender information

ORA-25223: user_data type used is not supported
Cause: An attempt was made to enqueue data into a non persistent queue that is of a type other than the supported raw or object type.
Action: Enqueue the message again with data of raw or object type.

ORA-25224: sender name must be specified for enqueue into secure queues
Cause: An attempt was made to enqueue into a secure queue without specifying a sender name.
Action: Enqueue the message with sender name specified.

ORA-25225: invalid value string, DEQUEUE_MODE should be REMOVE or BROWSE or LOCKED
Cause: An invalid parameter has been specified for DEQUEUE_MODE.
Action: Specify either REMOVE, BROWSE or LOCKED.

ORA-25226: dequeue failed, queue string.string is not enabled for dequeue
Cause: The queue has not been enabled for dequeue.
Action: Enable the queue using START_QUEUE.

ORA-25227: Propagation job string doesn't exist
Cause: The job doesn't exist in AQ$_SCHEDULES or cache.
Action: None

ORA-25228: timeout or end-of-fetch during message dequeue from string.string
Cause: User-specified dequeue wait time has passed or the end of the queue has been reached but no message has been retrieved.
Action: Try dequeue again with the appropriate WAIT_TIME or the FIRST_MESSAGE option.

ORA-25229: error on transformation of message string string
Cause: There was an error when transforming a message at enqueue, dequeue or propagation time.
Action: Correct the transformation function.

ORA-25230: invalid value string, WAIT should be non-negative
Cause: A negative value has been specified for WAIT.
Action: specify a non negative value or FOREVER.

ORA-25231: cannot dequeue because CONSUMER_NAME not specified
Cause: A user tried to dequeue from a queue that has been created for multiple consumers but a CONSUMER_NAME was not been specified in the dequeue options.
Action: Specify the CONSUMER_NAME in the dequeue options.

ORA-25232: duplicate recipients specified for message
Cause: An enqueue was performed with duplicate queue agents in the recipients parameter.
Action: Remove the duplicate queue agent and retry the call.

ORA-25233: invalid parameter specified for NAVIGATION
Cause: An invalid parameter has been specified for NAVIGATION.
Action: Choose one of FIRST_MESSAGE, NEXT_MESSAGE or NEXT_TRANSACTION. Use FIRST_MESSAGE for dequeuing the first message that satisifies the criterion, NEXT_MESSAGE for dequeuing the next message that satisifies the criterion and NEXT_TRANSACTION for moving to a set of messages enqueued by another transaction.

ORA-25234: NEXT_TRANSACTION navigation option invalid for queue table string.string
Cause: The NEXT_TRANSACTION navigation option was used in a dequeue from a queue in a queue table that was not created for transactional grouping.
Action: Specify either FIRST_MESSAGE or NEXT_MESSAGE as the navigation option. If you want to dequeue messages using transactional grouping create the queue in a queue table that has transactional grouping enabled.

ORA-25235: fetched all messages in current transaction from string.string
Cause: The NEXT_TRANSACTION navigation option was used in a dequeue when there were no more messages that belong to the same transaction.
Action: Use the NEXT_TRANSACTION navigation option to move to the next also use the FIRST_MESSAGE option to start from the head of the queue again.

ORA-25236: buffer too small for user data
Cause: The variable or buffer used for the out parameter payload is too small for the user data dequeued.
Action: Increase the size of the buffer or the size of the variable. Maximum size allowed is 32K.

ORA-25237: navigation option used out of sequence
Cause: The NEXT_MESSAGE or NEXT_TRANSACTION option was specified after dequeuing all the messages.
Action: Reset the dequeuing position using the FIRST_MESSAGE naviagtion option and then specify the NEXT_MESSAGE or NEXT_TRANSACTION option.

ORA-25238: too many recipients specified for message destination string
Cause: An ENQUEUE was performed with more than 32 recipients for the given destination (address).
Action: Reduce the number of recipients to 32 or less, and retry the call.

ORA-25239: message ID not supplied when dequeuing from exception queue string.string
Cause: An attempt was made to dequeue from a release 8.0-compatible exception queue without including a message ID in the dequeue options.
Action: Check the application to ensure that the queue name has been specified correctly. If the queue name is correct supply a message ID when dequeuing from a release 8.0-compatible exception queue. Otherwise, upgrade the queue_table containing the queue to release 8.1-compatible using the DBMS_AQADM.MIGRATE_QUEUE_TABLE procedure.

ORA-25240: message ID and dequeue condition/correlation ID specified in dequeue options
Cause: An attempt was made to dequeue by including both a message ID and a dequeue condition/correlation ID in the dequeue options. In the dequeue options, you are permitted to specify either message ID or dequeue condition/correlation ID, or neither.
Action: To dequeue a message, specify a message ID or a dequeue condition/correlation ID in the dequeue options, but do not specify both. If you want to dequeue in the queue's sort order, then do not specify either the message ID or dequeue condition/correlation ID in the dequeue options.

ORA-25241: cannot change correlation ID from string to string without FIRST_MESSAGE option
Cause: An attempt was made to change the correlation ID while using the NEXT_MESSAGE or NEXT_TRANSACTION option for dequeuing.
Action: To use a correlation ID that is different from the previous dequeue call, reset the dequeuing position by using the FIRST_MESSAGE navigation option.

ORA-25242: cannot change subscriber name from string to string without FIRST_MESSAGE option
Cause: An attempt was made to change the subscriber name while using the NEXT_MESSAGE or NEXT_TRANSACTION option for dequeuing.
Action: To use a subscriber name that is different from the previous dequeue call, reset the dequeuing position by using the FIRST_MESSAGE navigation option.

ORA-25243: CONSUMER_NAME cannot be specified when dequeuing from exception queue string.string
Cause: An attempt was made to dequeue from an exception queue by specifying the CONSUMER_NAME in the dequeue options. CONSUMER_NAME can only be specified when dequeuing from a normal queue created for multiple consumers.
Action: Specify only the message id in the dequeue options to dequeue a message from an exception queue.

ORA-25244: dequeue index key not found, QUEUE string, rowid string
Cause: An internal error was encountered. There may be an inconsistency in the queue table index.
Action: Contact your Oracle customer support representative. You may need to provide the trace file and information about reproducing the error.

ORA-25245: agent name cannot be specified if address is a single-consumer queue or an exception queue
Cause: The agent name for the agent in the LISTEN call was specified when the agent address was a single-consumer queue or an exception queue.
Action: Do not specify the agent name.

ORA-25246: listen failed, the address string is an 8.0 style exception queue
Cause: An 8.0 style exception queue was specified in the agent-list for the LISTEN call.
Action: Specify a normal 8.0 style queue or an 8.1 style queue in the agent-list.

ORA-25247: string is not a recipient of specified message
Cause: The consumer name specified in the dequeue options is not a recipient of the message specified by the message id.
Action: Ensure that the agent specified by the consumer name is a recipient of the message specified by the message id.

ORA-25248: duplicate agent specified in the agent list
Cause: An agent was specified more than once in the agent list of the LISTEN call.
Action: Remove the duplicate agent specification(s), and retry the call.

ORA-25249: dequeue failed, dequeue not allowed for queue string.string
Cause: An attempt was made to dequeue from a non-persistent queue.
Action: Dequeue from a different queue.

ORA-25250: Cannot specify a remote recipient for the message
Cause: A recipient for the message enqueued to a non-persistent queue had a non-local address.
Action: Do not specify the address field or specify the queue which is the target of the enqueue

ORA-25251: exceeded maximum number of recipients for message
Cause: An attempt was made to issue an ENQUEUE call that exceeded the the maximum number (1024) of recipients per message.
Action: Reduce the number of recipients to 1024 or less, and retry the call.

ORA-25252: listen failed, the address string is a non-persistent queue
Cause: A non-persistent queue was specified as an address for an agent in the LISTEN call.
Action: Specify a normal queue as address for the agent, and retry the the LISTEN call.

ORA-25253: listen failed, queue string.string is not enabled for dequeue
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a queue that is not enabled for dequeue in a LISTEN call.
Action: Enable the queue for dequeue using START_QUEUE, and retry the LISTEN call.

ORA-25254: time-out in LISTEN while waiting for a message
Cause: The specified wait time has elapsed and there were no messages for any of the agents in the agent-list.
Action: Try the LISTEN call with an appropriate time-out.

ORA-25255: incorrect subscription string string
Cause: An incorrect subscription string was specified with OCIRegister.
Action: Specify a subscription string using the [CONSUMER:]SCHEMA.QUEUE form.

ORA-25256: consumer cannot be specified with a single-consumer queue or an exception queue
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a consumer in the subscription string when registering for notification on a single-consumer queue or an exception queue.
Action: Do not specify the consumer in the subscription string.

ORA-25257: consumer must be specified with a multi-consumer queue
Cause: An attempt was made to register on a multi-consumer queue without specifying a consumer in the subscription string.
Action: Specify a consumer in the subscription string.

ORA-25258: cannot register for notifications on an 8.0 style exception queue
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an 8.0 style exception queue in the subscription string of OCIRegister.
Action: Specify a normal queue or a non-persistent queue.

ORA-25259: cannot specify protocol for agent
Cause: The user specified the protocol attribute for an agent in the agent list.
Action: Do not specify the protocol attribute of the agent object type.

ORA-25261: JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES must be at least 2 for AQ propagation
Cause: AQ Propagator encountered a setting for JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES that is insufficient for AQ propagation.
Action: Set the number of JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES to at least 2 for AQ propagation.

ORA-25262: agent name cannot be NULL if address is a multi-consumer queue
Cause: The name for the agent in the LISTEN call was not specified when the agent address was a multi-consumer queue.
Action: Specify a non-NULL name for the agent.

ORA-25263: no message in queue string.string with message ID string
Cause: An attempt was made to dequeue a message with a specific message ID, but no such message exists in the queue.
Action: Try dequeue again with a valid message ID.

ORA-25264: cant get signature for this queue
Cause: An attempt was made to dequeue the signature from this queue, which is not reciever non-repidiable.
Action: Try dequeue again without the get signature option

ORA-25265: specified signature for a queue which does not support reciever non-repudiation
Cause: An attempt was made to dequeue the message from a queue which does not support reciever non-repudiation, but the signature was specified for verification
Action: Try dequeue again without the signature

ORA-25266: didnt try to dequeue by message id. with the signature
Cause: The signature was specified for a queue, but the dequeue was not done by message id.
Action: Try dequeue again by message id.

ORA-25267: didnt specify the signature for a reciever non-repudiable queue
Cause: The signature was not specified for a reciever non-repudiable queue
Action: Try dequeue again along with the signature

ORA-25268: didnt dequeue in browse mode with get signature option
Cause: The dequeue was not performed in browse mode with get signature option
Action: Try dequeue again in browse mode

ORA-25269: cant specify sognature with get signature option
Cause: The signature is not required for the dequeue with get signature option
Action: Try dequeue again without the signature in dequeue options

ORA-25270: sender info does not match with the actual sender of the message
Cause: The sender info. and the message id. do not match
Action: Try dequeue again without the signature in dequeue options

ORA-25271: queue table not found for the given queue
Cause: The queue table does not exist for the given queue
Action: Provide the right queue name

ORA-25272: Signature does not exist for the given reciever and message id.
Cause: Signature does not exist for the given reciever and message id.
Action: Check the message id. and the reciever's information

ORA-25276: table specified is not a queue table
Cause: An invalid queue table name is specified.
Action: Check the dictionary views to see if the table is a queue table.

ORA-25277: cannot grant or revoke object privilege on release 8.0 compatible queues
Cause: An attempt was made to grant or revoke object privilege on release 8.0 style queues.
Action: Convert the release 8.0 compatible queue table to release 8.1 compatible using DBMS_AQADM.MIGRATE_QUEUE_TABLE before granting or revoking object privilege.

ORA-25278: grantee name cannot be NULL
Cause: An attempt was made to specify NULL for the grantee parameter.
Action: Specify a valid grantee parameter.

ORA-25279: dequeue as select not supported before 8.2
Cause: Dequeue as select not supported before 8.2.
Action: Dont use select condition while dequeuing

ORA-25280: complete sender information not provided to non-repudiate sender
Cause: complete sender information not provided to non-repudiate sender
Action: Provide the complete sender information

ORA-25281: complete reciever information not provided to non-repudiate reciever
Cause: complete reciever information not provided to non-repudiate reciever
Action: Provide the complete reciever information

ORA-25282: message id. not provided for non-repudiation
Cause: message id. was not provided
Action: Provide the message id.

ORA-25283: either agent's name or address needed for non-repudiation
Cause: neither agent's name nor address provided for non-repudiation"
Action: Provide the agent info.

ORA-25284: Invalid value string for string
Cause: An Invalid value or NULL was specified for the parameter.
Action: Check the documentation for valid values.

ORA-25285: Invalid value string for array_mode
Cause: An Invalid value or NULL was specified for the array_mode.
Action: Check the documentation for valid values.

ORA-25286: Invalid number of elements in the message properties array
Cause: Number of elements in the message properties array do not match the number of elements in the payload array.
Action: Create a message property array with one element (that applies for all the elements in the payload array) or create a message property array with the same number of elements as there are in the payload array.

ORA-25287: Invalid value stringstring should be non-negative
Cause: An Invalid value or NULL was specified for the parameter.
Action: Specify a non negative integer.

ORA-25288: AQ HTTP propagation encountered error, status-code numberstring
Cause: AQ propagation's HTTP request to the propagation servlet at the specified address encountered an error
Action: Specify a valid address in the connect string of the propagation destination dblink, the dblink user has the correct permissions, check if the AQ propagation servlet was properly installed.

ORA-25289: Buffer Already Exists
Cause: Buffer already exists for the specified queue.
Action: None

ORA-25290: Cannot complete operation on queue string with existing messages
Cause: Queue already has messages. Cannot complete operation
Action: Truncate the queue before adding/dropping a buffer

ORA-25291: Buffer does not exist for the specified queue
Cause: Buffer does not exist for the specified queue
Action: Operation on the buffer cannot be performed. create the buffer

ORA-25292: Buffer operations are not supported on the queue
Cause: Buffer operations are not supported on the specified queue type
Action: Buffered operations are only supported on to 8.1 style queues, which do not have transaction grouping.

ORA-25293: Lob attributes must be null for buffered operations
Cause: Enqueue of a buffered message with a non-null lob attribute was attempted
Action: Set the lob attributes to null before enqueuing the buffered message

ORA-25294: Cannot propagate user buffered messages to a database with version lower than 10.2
Cause: Propagation of user buffered messages was attempted to a database with version lower than 10.2.
Action: Do not propagate buffered messages to the database.

ORA-25295: Subscriber is not allowed to dequeue buffered messages
Cause: Subscriber is only allowed to dequeue persistent messages
Action: Drop the subscriber and re-create it, or dequeue only persistent messages for the subscriber

ORA-25296: Queue Table string has a buffered queue string
Cause: Buffered message was enqueued by specifying delay or sequence deviation.
Action: Do not specify delay of sequence deviation when enqueuing buffered messages.

ORA-25298: Only immediate visibility mode supported for buffered message enqueue or dequeue
Cause: A visibility of dbms_aq.ON_COMMIT was supplied with the buffered message enqueue or dequeue
Action: Supply a visibility of dbms_aq.IMMEDIATE

ORA-25299: Invalid message delivery_mode
Cause: Invalid value was specified for delivery mode
Action: Specify dbms_aq.BUFFERED or dbms_aq.PERSISTENT during Enqueue or dbms_aq.BUFFERED, dbms_aq.PERSISTENT or dbms_aq.PERSISTENT_OR_BUFFERED during Dequeue and Listen.

ORA-25300: Cannot drop buffer for queue with buffered subscribers
Cause: Cannot drop buffer for queue with buffered subscribers
Action: Either drop buffered subscribers or forcibly drop the buffer

ORA-25301: Cannot enqueue or dequeue user buffered messages to a database with version lower than 10.2
Cause: Enqueue or dequeue of user buffered messages was attempted to queues in a database with version lower than 10.2.
Action: Do not attempt to enqueue or dequeue user buffered messages.

ORA-25302: Operation not possible for non-buffered queue string
Cause: Last enqd/ackd message is only supported for buffered queues
Action: The operation is not supported.

ORA-25303: Buffered operation allowed only on the owner instance
Cause: Operation was not performed on the owner instance.
Action: Perform operation on the owner instance.

ORA-25304: Cannot use priority order queues for capture LCRs
Cause: Capture LCRs can only use commit time or enqueue time ordered queues.
Action: Use the appropriate type of queue for captured LCRs.

ORA-25305: enqueue failed, expiration must be zero for queue string.string
Cause: An attempt was made to enqueue to a buffered queue with expiration greater than zero seconds.
Action: Set expiration to zero.

ORA-25306: Cannot connect to buffered queue's owner instance
Cause: cannot connect to the owner instance of the buffered queue
Action: set listener information in REMOTE_LISTENERS or LOCAL_LISTENERS initialization parameter.

ORA-25307: Enqueue rate too high, flow control enabled
Cause: Subscribers could not keep pace with the enqueue rate.
Action: Try enqueue after waiting for some time.

ORA-25310: Subscriber is Notification only; dequeue not supported
Cause: Notification only subscribers are not allowed to dequeue.
Action: Recreate subscriber if necessary.

ORA-25311: string not supported for non-persistent queue
Cause: Specified QOS is not supported for non-persistent queues.
Action: Specify the right QOS.

ORA-25312: Cannot specify nonzero sender protocol
Cause: Sender protocol was specified during an enqueue operation.
Action: Specify the enqueue sender protocol as null or zero.

ORA-25313: a queue may not subscribe to itself for propagation
Cause: The specified subscriber had a NULL name and an address equal to the queue name.
Action: Provide a valid subscriber and retry the operation.

ORA-25314: a commit-time queue table cannot be migrated to 8.0
Cause: An attempt was made to migrate a commit-time queue table to an unsupported compatibility level.
Action: Provide an appropriate compatibility level, and retry the operation.

ORA-25315: unsupported configuration for propagation of buffered messages
Cause: An attempt was made to propagate buffered messages with the database link pointing to an instance in the destination database which is not the owner instance of the destination queue.
Action: Use queue to queue propagation for buffered messages.

ORA-25316: Late in the current transaction to begin an Enqueue/Dequeue operation
Cause: Check if the Enqueue/Dequeue operation is performed via triggers on Materialized Views which isn't supported.
Action: Triggers on materialized views aren't supported. Workarounds are on-demand materialized views or execution of trigger code within an autonomous txn.

ORA-25317: Propagation stopped because of instance shutdown
Cause: A propagation job has stopped because the instance is shutting down.
Action: No user action is required.

ORA-25318: Propagation stopped because of instance affinity change
Cause: A propagation job has stopped because its instance affinity has changed.
Action: No user action is required. The job will restart on the appropriate instance.

ORA-25321: enqueue failed, user property specified but queue string.string is not an 8.1 style queue
Cause: user properties can only be specified when enqueueing into 8.1 style queues.
Action: Specify an 8.1 style queue or pass user property as NULL.

ORA-25326: Array string operation failed for message at index string
Cause: Array operation fails for the message at specified index. Look at the remainder of the error stack to see what the problem was.
Action: Fix cause of error and retry array operation.

ORA-25327: Array size is invalid
Cause: Array size must be a positive, non-zero integer.
Action: Use corrected array size and retry array operation.

ORA-25328: string argument size string is smaller than array size
Cause: The size of the argument is smaller than the given array size.
Action: Lower array size or use a larger sized input argument.

ORA-25329: AQ array operations not allowed on 8.0 queues
Cause: An array enqueue/dequeue was attempted on an 8.0 queue.
Action: Use single enqueue/dequeue with this queue.

ORA-25330: PL/SQL associative arrays may not be used with AQ array operations
Cause: A PL/SQL associative array was provided for the payload parameter in an enqueue/dequeue array operation.
Action: Use VARRAY or NESTED TABLE types with AQ array operations.

ORA-25331: cannot downgrade because there are commit-time queue tables
Cause: An attempt was made to downgrade a database that has commit-time queue tables.
Action: Drop all commit-time queue tables before attempting the downgrade.

ORA-25332: Invalid release value string for queue table compatible parameter
Cause: The release level given for the queue table compatible parameter is invalid
Action: Specify a valid release value for the queue table compatible parameter

ORA-25333: Buffered Queue to Queue propagation did not connect to the correct instance
Cause: Queue to Queue propagation for buffered messages didn't connect to the correct instance, most likely because service was not started for the destination queue.
Action: No user action is required. Propagation will start the service for the destination queue and retry.

ORA-25334: Buffered propagation must restart as the destination queue was recreated/moved
Cause: Buffered propagation destination queue was recreated or its ownership was moved to another instance during propagation.
Action: No user action is required. Propagation will reinitialize its metadata and retry.

ORA-25335: AQ array operations not allowed for buffered messages
Cause: An array enqueue/dequeue was attempted for buffered messages
Action: Use single enqueue/dequeue for buffered messages or an array size of one.

ORA-25336: Cannot contact instance string during Streams AQ operation
Cause: The specified instance was not responding to AQ requests.
Action: Set parameter aq_tm_processes to a non-zero value. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-25337: Cannot propagate in queue-to-queue mode to a database with version lower than 10.2
Cause: Remote subscriber with queue_to_queue mode set to TRUE was added. The remote subscriber is on a database version lower than 10.2. Propagation was scheduled to a destination database with version lower than 10.2.
Action: Remove the remote subscriber with queue_to_queue mode and add the subscriber back with queue_to_queue set to FALSE. Unschedule the queue-to-queue propagation and schedule propagation in queue-to-dblink mode.

ORA-25338: operation 'string' is not allowed for sync_capture 'string'
Cause: An attempt was made to execute the specified operation for a sync_capture process.
Action: Remove the offending call.

ORA-25339: STREAMS 'string' must be sync_capture
Cause: The specified capture STREAMS did not exist or was not a sync_capture process.
Action: Remove the offending call.

ORA-25340: must use commit-time queue for sync_capture
Cause: An attempt was made to create a sync_capture without using a commit-time queue.
Action: Rerun statement with a commit-time queue.

ORA-25341: sync_capture does not support "string"."string" because of the following reason:
Cause: sync_capture encountered a table with an unsupported property. The most common reason is an unsupported column data type.
Action: Revise the Capture rules to skip over the table in question. One option is to remove the rule that captures changes from the unsupported table. Check DBA_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES to determine the rule on the table specified in the error. Also query the DBA_STREAMS_UNSUPPORTED view to determine which tables are not supported by STREAMS and for what reason. For potential workarounds to certain unsupported properties, see Metalink.

ORA-25342: cannot downgrade because there are apply processes for user buffered messages
Cause: An attempt was made to downgrade a database that has apply process for user-buffered messages.
Action: Drop all the apply processes for user-buffered messages before attempting the downgrade.

ORA-25350: maximum number of concurrent transaction branches exceeded
Cause: the limit on the number of concurrent transaction branches has been reached
Action: Increase the INIT.ORA parameter 'transactions' and restart the system.

ORA-25351: transaction is currently in use
Cause: The transaction is currently used by a different session.
Action: Do not switch to a transaction attached to some other session.

ORA-25352: no current transaction
Cause: The user session is not attached to any transaction.
Action: Do not attempt to detach when there is no current transaction.

ORA-25353: branch marked for deletion
Cause: The branch specified cannot be killed immediately because another session is using the branch, but it has been marked for kill. This means it will be deleted as soon as possible after the current uninterruptable operation is completed.
Action: No action is required for the branch to be deleted.

ORA-25400: must replay fetch
Cause: A failure occured since the last fetch on this statement. Failover was able to bring the statement to its original state to allow continued fetches.
Action: This is an internally used error message and should not be seen by the user.

ORA-25401: can not continue fetches
Cause: A failure occured since the last fetch on this statement. Failover was unable to bring the statement to its original state to allow continued fetches.
Action: Reexecute the statement and start fetching from the beginning

ORA-25402: transaction must roll back
Cause: A failure occured while a transaction was active on this connection.
Action: The client must roll back.

ORA-25403: could not reconnect
Cause: The connection to the database has been lost, and attempts to reconnect have failed.
Action: Manually reconnect.

ORA-25404: lost instance
Cause: The primary instance has died.
Action: This is an internally used error message and should not be seen by the user.

ORA-25405: transaction status unknown
Cause: A failure occured while a transaction was attempting to commit. Failover could not automatically determine instance status.
Action: The user must determine the transaction's status manually.

ORA-25406: could not generate a connect address
Cause: Failover was unable to generate an address for a backup instance.
Action: Contact Oracle customer support.

ORA-25407: connection terminated
Cause: The connection was lost while doing a fetch.
Action: This is an internally used error message and should not be seen by the user.

ORA-25408: can not safely replay call
Cause: The connection was lost while doing this call. It may not be safe to replay it after failover.
Action: Check to see if the results of the call have taken place, and then replay it if desired.

ORA-25409: failover happened during the network operation,cannot continue
Cause: The connection was lost when fetching a LOB column.
Action: Failover happened when fetching LOB data directly or indirectly. Please replay the top level statement.

ORA-25425: connection lost during rollback
Cause: The connection was lost while issuing a rollback and the application failed over.
Action: The connection was lost and failover happened during rollback. If the transaction is not externally coordinated, then Oracle implicitly rolled back, so no action is required. Otherwise examine pending_trans$ to determine if "rollback force" is required.

ORA-25426: remote instance does not support shared dblinks
Cause: A shared dblink is being used to connect to a remote instance that does not support this feature because it is an older version.
Action: Use a normal dblink if you need to connect to this instance.

ORA-25427: cannot downgrade database links after database link data dictionary has been upgraded
Cause: An attempt was made to downgrade after the upgrade of the database link data dictionary.
Action: Drop the database links before attempting the downgrade.

ORA-25436: invalid table alias: string
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because one of the table values specified had an invalid alias.
Action: Check the valid table aliases in the evaluation context, and try again with a valid alias.

ORA-25437: duplicate table value for table alias: string
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because some of the table values specified had the same table alias.
Action: Check the table values specified, and try again with only one value per table.

ORA-25438: invalid variable name: string
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because one of the variable values specified had an invalid name.
Action: Check the valid variable names in the evaluation context, and try again with a valid name.

ORA-25439: duplicate variable value for variable: string
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because some of the variable values specified had the same variable name.
Action: Check the variable names specified, and try again with only one value per variable.

ORA-25440: invalid table alias: string
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because one of the column values specified had an invalid table alias.
Action: Check the valid table aliases in the evaluation context, and try again with a valid name.

ORA-25441: duplicate column value for table alias: string
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because one of the column values supplied a value for a table alias, which already had a table value supplied.
Action: Check the table and column values specified, and try again with either a table value or column values for each table alias.

ORA-25442: too many column values for table alias: string
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because too many column values were supplied for the specified table alias.
Action: Check the column values specified, and try again with the right number of column values.

ORA-25443: duplicate column value for table alias: string, column number: string
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because duplicate column values were supplied for the specified table alias and column number.
Action: Check the column values specified, and try again with only one column value for each table alias, and column number.

ORA-25444: invalid ROWID: string for table alias: string
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because an invalid ROWID was supplied for the specified table alias.
Action: Check the column values specified, and try again with only one column value for each table alias, and column number.

ORA-25445: invalid column number: string for table alias: string
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because an invalid column number was supplied for the specified table alias as a part of a column value.
Action: Check the column values specified, and try again with a valid column number.

ORA-25446: duplicate column value for table alias: string, column: string
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because duplicate column values were supplied for the specified table alias and column name.
Action: Check the column values specified, and try again with only one column value for each table alias, and column name.

ORA-25447: encountered errors during evaluation of rule string.string
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed during the evaluation of the specified rule.
Action: Check the rule and the values passed to evaluate, and try again with valid values.

ORA-25448: rule string.string has errors
Cause: An attempt to load the specified rule failed due to errors in the rule.
Action: Check the rule and retry the operation.

ORA-25449: invalid variable name: string
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because one of the attribute values specified had an invalid variable name.
Action: Check the valid variable names in the evaluation context, and try again with a valid name.

ORA-25450: error string during evaluation of rule set string.string
Cause: The specified error occurred during evaluation of the rule set.
Action: Check the error and take appropriate action.

ORA-25451: too many attribute values for variable: string
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because too many attribute values were supplied for the specified variable.
Action: Check the attribute values specified, and try again with the right number of attribute values.

ORA-25452: duplicate attribute value for variable: string, attribute: string
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because duplicate attribute values were supplied for the specified variable and attribute name.
Action: Check the attribute values specified, and try again with only one attribute value for each variable, and attribute name.

ORA-25453: invalid iterator: string
Cause: An attempt to get rule hits or to close an iterator was made, which failed because an invalid iterator was passed in.
Action: Check the iterator, and try again with a valid iterator.

ORA-25454: error during evaluation of rule set: string.string for iterator: string
Cause: An attempt to get rule hits for an iterator was made, which failed because of an error in evaluation of the specified rule set.
Action: Check the validity of the rule set and try again.

ORA-25455: evaluation error for rule set: string.string, evaluation context: string.string
Cause: An attempt to evaluate the specified rule set using the evaluation context specified failed due to some errors.
Action: Check additional errors signalled to determine the problem.

ORA-25456: rule set was modified or evaluation terminated for iterator: string
Cause: An attempt to get rule hits was made, which failed because the underlying rule set was modified after the iterator was returned.
Action: Try again after re-evaluating the rule set.

ORA-25457: evaluation function string returns failure
Cause: The specified evaluation function returned a failure during evaluation, causing evaluation to terminate.
Action: Check arguments to evaluate and retry.

ORA-25461: rule set not specified
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because the ruleset name specified was null.
Action: Check the rule set name, and try again with a valid name.

ORA-25462: evaluation context not specified
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because the evaluation context specified was null.
Action: Check the evaluation context name, and try again with a valid name.

ORA-25463: table alias not specified
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because one of the table values specified had a NULL alias name.
Action: Check the list of table values, and try again with a valid alias name.

ORA-25464: ROWID not specified for table alias: string
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because the table value for the specified table alias had a NULL ROWID.
Action: Check the list of table values, and try again with a valid ROWID.

ORA-25465: variable name not specified
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because one of the variable values specified had a NULL variable name.
Action: Check the list of variable values, and try again with a valid variable name.

ORA-25466: data not specified for variable name: string
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because the variable value for the specified variable name had NULL data.
Action: Check the list of variable values, and try again with valid data.

ORA-25467: table alias not specified
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because one of the column values specified had a NULL alias name.
Action: Check the list of column values, and try again with a valid alias name.

ORA-25468: column name not specified for alias: string
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because one of the column values for the specified alias name had a NULL column name.
Action: Check the list of column values, and try again with a valid column name.

ORA-25469: data not specified for alias: string column name: string
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because the column value for the specified alias and column name had NULL data.
Action: Check the list of column values, and try again with valid data.

ORA-25470: duplicate attribute value for variable: string
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because one of the attribute values supplied a value for a variable, which already had a variable value supplied.
Action: Check the variable and attribute values specified, and try again with either a variable value or attribute values for each variable.

ORA-25471: attribute name not specified for variable: string
Cause: An attempt to evaluate was made, which failed because one of the attribute values for the specified variable had a NULL attribute name.
Action: Check the list of attribute values, and try again with a valid attribute name.

ORA-25472: maximum open iterators exceeded
Cause: The open rule hit iterators in the session exceeded 2 * OPEN_CURSORS.
Action: Close some rule hit iterators.

ORA-25473: cannot store string in rule action context
Cause: The user attempted to put unsupported data types, such as LOBs and evolved ADTs, into the rule action context.
Action: Use only supported data types in rule action context.

ORA-25500: database is not open
Cause: Database must be open to perform ALTER SYSTEM QUIESCE RESTRICTED command.
Action: Open the database and retry this command.

Cause: Database resource manager failed to change plan.
Action: Look at the alert logs to see detailed description of the error.

ORA-25502: concurrent ALTER SYSTEM QUIESCE/UNQUIESCE command is running
Cause: There is a concurrent ALTER SYSTEM QUIESCE RESTRICTED or ALTER SYSTEM UNQUIESCE command running in the system.
Action: Contact the database administrator who is responsible for the concurrent command.

ORA-25503: cannot open database because the database is being quiesced
Cause: Database cannot be opened because the system is being or has been quiesced.
Action: Open the database after the system has been quiesced.

ORA-25504: the system is already in quiesced state
Cause: Cannot quiesce the system because the system is already quiesced.
Action: None

ORA-25505: the system is not in quiesced state
Cause: Cannot unquiesce the system because the system is not in quiesced state.
Action: None

ORA-25506: resource manager has not been continuously on in some instances
Cause: Cannot quiesce the system because resource manager has not been continuously on since startup in this or some other instances.
Action: None

ORA-25507: resource manager has not been continuously on
Cause: Cannot quiesce the system because resource manager has not been continuously on since startup.
Action: None

ORA-25508: database is not mounted
Cause: Database must be mounted to perform ALTER SYSTEM UNQUIESCE command.
Action: Mount the database and retry this command.

ORA-25509: operation on "string"."string".string not allowed
Cause: A column has been added to a replicated table, but replication support processing has not completed.
Action: Wait until replication support processing has completed before updating the column

ORA-25526: bad format of _DB_MTTR_SIM_TARGET: string
Cause: One value in _DB_MTTR_SIM_TARGET is not a valid MTTR.
Action: Alter the value of _DB_MTTR_SIM_TARGET.

ORA-25527: bad format of _DB_MTTR_SIM_TARGET
Cause: One value in _DB_MTTR_SIM_TARGET is empty.
Action: Set the value of _DB_MTTR_SIM_TARGET properly.

ORA-25528: too many candidate MTTRs are specified in _DB_MTTR_SIM_TARGET
Cause: Too many candidate MTTRs are specified in _DB_MTTR_SIM_TARGET.
Action: Alter the value of _DB_MTTR_SIM_TARGET.

ORA-25530: FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is not specified
Cause: An attempt to start MTTR advisory was made, which failed because FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET was not specified.

ORA-25531: MTTR specified is too small: string
Cause: The current FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET setting or a candidate MTTR setting is too small for MTTR advisory.
Action: Set a larger FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET or candidate MTTR.

ORA-25532: MTTR specified is too large: string
Cause: The current FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET setting or a candidate MTTR setting is too large for MTTR advisory.
Action: Set a smaller FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET or candidate MTTR.

Cause: An attempt to start MTTR advisory was made, which failed because either FAST_START_IO_TARGET or LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL was specified.

ORA-25950: missing where clause in join index specification
Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because no valid where clause was found.
Action: Ensure that a where clause with valid join conditions is specified in the create index statement.

ORA-25951: join index where clause cannot contain OR condition
Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because there was an OR branch in the where clause.
Action: Reformulate the where clause without using ORs.

ORA-25952: join index must only contain inner equi-joins
Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because it included a predicate which wasn't an equi-inner join.
Action: Remove the inappropriate predicate.

ORA-25953: join index cannot be a functional index
Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because a functional index was requested or necessary (such as is the case for indexing columns using timezone).
Action: Remove any functional indexing columns.

ORA-25954: missing primary key or unique constraint on dimension
Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because one or more dimensions did not have an appropriate constraint matching the join conditions.
Action: Ensure that the where clause is correct (contains all of the constraint columns) and that an enforced constraint is on each dimension table.

ORA-25955: all tables must be joined in the where clause
Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because one of the tables in the from clause did not appear in the where clause.
Action: Ensure that the where clause contains all from clause tables.

ORA-25956: join index cannot be created on tables owned by SYS
Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because one of the tables was owned by SYS.
Action: Ensure that no join index related table is owned by SYS.

ORA-25957: join index where clause cannot contain cycles
Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because the where clause contains a cycle.
Action: Ensure that the where clause is in the form of a star or snowflake schema.

ORA-25958: join index where clause predicate may only contain column references
Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because a predicate in the where clause contained something other than a simple column.
Action: Ensure that the where clause only contains columns.

ORA-25959: join index must be of the bitmap type
Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because no bitmap keyword was used.
Action: Make the index a bitmap index.

ORA-25960: join index cannot be based on a temporary table
Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because one of the tables was temporary.
Action: Ensure no underlying tables are temporary.

ORA-25961: join index prevents dml cascade constraint operation
Cause: An attempt to execute dml resulted in the need to perform dml on another table because of a cascade constraint. The join index only allows one of its underlying tables to me modified at a time.
Action: Drop the join index or remove the constraint.

ORA-25962: join index prevents multitable insert or merge
Cause: An attempt to execute an merge or multitable insert on a table that was used to create a bitmap join index was made. Merge and multitable inserts are not supported on tables that were used to create a bitmap join index.
Action: Drop the join index.

ORA-25963: join index must be created on tables
Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because the from clause contains non table object.
Action: Ensure that the from clause only contains tables.

ORA-25964: column type incompatible with join column type
Cause: The datatype of the join column is incompatible with the datatype of the joined column.
Action: Select a compatible datatype for the join column.

ORA-25965: fact table must be included in the from clause
Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because the from clause does not contain the fact table.
Action: Ensure that the from clause contains the fact table.

ORA-25966: join index cannot be based on an index organized table
Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because one of the tables was an index organized table.
Action: Ensure no underlying tables are index organized.

ORA-26000: partition load specified but table string is not partitioned
Cause: The Loader control file contains a PARTITION clause but the table being loaded is not partitioned.
Action: Remove the partition specification from the SQL*Loader control file and retry the load.