SQL SERVER The Scheduler

Prior to SQL Server 7.0, scheduling depended entirely on the underlying Microsoft Windows operating system. Although this meant that SQL Server could take advantage of the hard work done by Windows engineers to enhance scalability and efficient processor use, there were definite limits. The Windows scheduler knew nothing about the needs of a relational database system, so it treated SQL Server worker threads the same as any other  process running on the operating system. However, a high-performance system such as SQL Server functions best when the scheduler can meet its special needs. SQL Server 7.0 and all subsequent versions are designed to handle their own scheduling to gain a number of advantages, including the following:

  • A private scheduler can support SQL Server tasks using fi bers as easily as it supports using threads.
  • Context switching and switching into kernel mode can be avoided as much as possible.

One major difference between the SOS scheduler and the Windows scheduler is that the SQL Server scheduler runs as a cooperative rather than a preemptive scheduler. This means that it relies on the workers, threads, or fibers to yield voluntarily often enough so one process or thread doesn't have exclusive control of the system. The SQL Server product team has to
make sure that its code runs efficiently and voluntarily yields the scheduler in appropriate places; the reward for this is much greater control and scalability than is possible with the Windows scheduler.

Even though the scheduler is not preemptive, the SQL Server scheduler still adheres to a concept of a quantum. Instead of SQL Server tasks being forced to give up the CPU by the operating system, SQL Server tasks can request to be put on a wait queue periodically, and if they have exceeded the internally defi ned quantum, and they are not in the middle of an operation that cannot be stopped, they will voluntarily relinquish the CPU.