PIA Servlets

The PIA servlets are not part of the application server; they are its clients. It is important to understand their relationship with the application server.

When you boot a WebLogic server, you are effectively starting a JVM that runs a servlet engine. Various PIA servlets are then registered with this servlet engine. The WebLogic server is simply shipped with a servlet that acts as a web server.

The PIA connects to the application server:
·         HTTP requests for the PeopleSoft servlet are received by the web server listener and routed to the servlet. When a PIA session is established, a new servlet thread is created. That thread is the operator’s session and it is stateful. HTTP messages are not stateful, but an in-memory cookie is sent back to the browser, and that cookie is then sent to the web server with subsequent HTTP requests to identify the user’s servlet thread.
·         Each servlet thread makes a persistent connection to the application server via one of the JSH processes. The JSL ports are specified in the servlet configuration file, configuration.properties. All of the HTML, JavaScript, and graphics are generated by application server and are sent back to the servlet in a single message from Tuxedo.
·         The servlet unpacks the message, writing the static files (JavaScript and graphics) to the physical file system that is referenced by the web server. The main HTML page is sent back via the web server thread to the client.
·         The main HTML page sent back to the client will contain references to the static files. If those files have not already been cached locally, the browser will make further HTTP requests for those files that will be served by the web server without further reference to the servlet.