PeopleSoft Integration with Calendar (iCalendar), Lotus Notes, Microsoft Outlook

Today we talk about PeopleSoft Integration with Lotus Notes, Microsoft Outlook and I calendar, A lot of information are available at different sources but sometimes it difficult it get all at once, I summarize all information and my experience with current tool set and software and reference links. That give you starting point to you.

Lotus Notes and PeopleSoft Integration via Integration Broker:
Earlier IBM has published a good article about PS integration with PeopleSoft that might help you out, although it talk about older version but you will get some idea, how integration broker can be setup and how it works with Lotus Notes

PeopleSoft and Calendar Integration ICalendar for Workflow and Scheduling

If you are looking for workflow or calendar integration then you may use iCalendar . Most of the email client support iCalendar specification.

As ICalendar is simple text file (.ics) that can be creating by IScript, you may use in your workflow or send link of file to user, so they can sync their email client.

Sample ICalendar File: (Extract From Jims Blog- Thanks Jim)
Create HTML Object HTML “MYHTML”

PRODID:-//My Basic Knowledge//PeopleCode vCal 1.0//EN

Sample IScript function
Function IScript_GetICalendarEvent
   Local DateTime &startTime;
   Local DateTime &endTime;
   Local DateTime &tempTime;
   Local string &startTimeUTC;
   Local string &endTimeUTC;
   Local string &eventTitle;
   REM ** TODO: Initialize date and title variables from database;
   REM ** change time zone to your time zone;
   &tempTime = DateTimeToTimeZone(&startTime, "PST", "UTC");
   &startTimeUTC = DateTimeToLocalizedString(&tempTime, "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'");

   &tempTime = DateTimeToTimeZone(&endTime, "PST", "UTC");
   &endTimeUTC = DateTimeToLocalizedString(&tempTime, "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'");

   %Response.WriteLine(GetHTMLText(HTML.MYHTML, &startTimeUTC, &endTimeUTC, &eventTitle);

·         Consideration:

If you are integrating iCalandar with Lotus Notes then read below article. It talks about IBM Lotus Notes 8.5 iCalendar: Interoperability, implementation, and application

PeopleSoft Talent Acquisition and Outlook Integration for Interview Scheduling

Reference: My Oracle Support 1081138.1
In HRMS 9.1, PeopleSoft provide functionality which allows Recruiting Solutions ( Interview Scheduling to integration with Microsoft Outlook 2007 calendaring and it works with MSOFFICE 2010 as well.

·         You have to setup Outlook Plug In for the integration of Recruiting and MS Outlook that can be found at <PS_HOME> src\DesktopIntegration, if not then download from (My Oracle Support 1081138.1)
·         The Desktop Integration Outlook Add-In requires that all data sent from PeopleSoft is sent in a secured manner. You will need to configure SSL for Weblogic 10.3. It you are in TEST or DEMO then you can use Weblogic Demo Certificate, and for production you may use trusted certificate

Refer my Article about WebLogic and SSL

·         PeopleSoft Also provide Outlook URL Handler or Word Add-In for integration that can be found under same above directory.