PeopleSoft Record/ Field Audit

PeopleSoft Allow you two types of Auditing

      ·        Record – One Field Only
      ·        Record – (Entire/ Partial Record)

Field level Audit

You can turn on audit on any record field by tuning on audit action at properties window, PeopleSoft uses PSAUDIT table to store all audit info. Its single record field only audit

Record level Audit
Allows you to have separate audit tables dedicated to one database record.

Follow the steps below to turn on record level auditing
·        Clone the record you wish to edit
·        Add the audit key fields in newly copied record
·        Delete fields that won’t be audited
·        Remove all key structures and mark above three field as key
·        Save and build the record

·        Open- original record definition
·        Link the base record to the audit record on properties page

Now all of your changes for that record will be tracked in the new audit record you just created.