Oracle Database Locks

Before the database allows a session to modify data, the session must first lock the data that is being modified. A lock gives the session exclusive control over the data so that no other transaction can modify the locked data until the lock is released.

Transactions can lock individual rows of data, multiple rows, or even entire tables. Oracle Database supports both manual and automatic locking. Automatically acquired locks always choose the lowest possible level of locking to minimize potential conflicts with other transactions.

Locking Mechanism
The locking mechanism is designed to provide the maximum possible degree of data concurrency within the database. Transactions that modify data acquire row-level locks rather than block-level or table-level locks. Modifications to objects (such as table moves) obtain object-level locks rather than whole database or schema locks.
Data queries do not require a lock, and a query succeeds even if someone has locked the data (always showing the original, prelock value reconstructed from undo information).
When multiple transactions need to lock the same resource, the first transaction to request the lock obtains it. Other transactions wait until the first transaction completes. The queue mechanism is automatic and requires no administrator interaction.
All automatic locking is released on commit. Transactions are completed when a COMMIT or ROLLBACK is issued. In the case of a failed transaction, the same background process that automatically rolls back any changes from the failed transaction releases all locks held by that transaction.