SQL SERVER Max Degree Of Parallelism and Cost Threshold For Parallelism

SQL Server 2008 lets you run certain kinds of complex queries simultaneously on two or more processors. The queries must lend themselves to being executed in sections. 
Here’s an example:
SELECT AVG(charge_amt), category FROM charge GROUP BY category
If the charge table has 1,000,000 rows and there are 10 different values for category, SQL Server can split the rows into groups and have only a subset of the groups processed on each processor. For example, with a four-CPU machine, categories 1 through 3 can be averaged on the first processor, categories 4 through 6 can be averaged on the second processor, categories 7 and 8 can be averaged on the third, and categories 9 and 10 can be averaged on the fourth. Each processor can come up with averages for only its groups, and the separate averages are brought together for the fi nal result.
During optimization, the Query Optimizer always fi nds the cheapest possible serial plan before considering parallelism. If this serial plan costs less than the configured value for the Cost Threshold For Parallelism option, no parallel plan is generated. Cost Threshold For Parallelism refers to the cost of the query in seconds; the default value is 5. If the cheapest
serial plan costs more than this configured threshold, a parallel plan is produced based on assumptions about how many processors and how much memory will actually be available at runtime. This parallel plan cost is compared with the serial plan cost, and the cheaper one is chosen. The other plan is discarded.
A parallel query execution plan can use more than one thread; a serial execution plan, which is used by a nonparallel query, uses only a single thread. The actual number of threads used by a parallel query is determined at query plan execution initialization and is the DOP. The decision is based on many factors, including the Affinity Mask setting, the Max Degree Of Parallelism setting, and the available threads when the query starts executing. 

You can observe when SQL Server is executing a query in parallel by querying the DMV sys.dm_os_tasks. A query that is running on multiple CPUs has one row for each thread, as follows: 
SELECT task_address, task_state, context_switches_count, pending_io_count, pending_io_byte_count, pending_io_byte_average, scheduler_id, session_id, exec_context_id, request_id, worker_address, host_address
FROM sys.dm_os_tasks ORDER BY session_id, request_id;
Be careful when you use the Max Degree Of Parallelism and Cost Threshold For Parallelism options—they have server-wide impact.