SQL SERVER Managing Pages in the Data Cache

You can use a data page or an index page only if it exists in memory. Therefore, a buffer in the data cache must be available for the page to be read into.

Keeping a supply of buffers available for immediate use is an important performance optimization. If a buffer isn’t readily available, many memory pages might have to be searched simply to locate a buffer to free up for use as a workspace.

In SQL Server 2008, a single mechanism is responsible both for writing changed pages to disk and for marking as free those pages that have not been referenced for some time. SQL Server maintains a linked list of the addresses of free pages, and any worker needing a buffer page uses the fi rst page of this list. 

Every buffer in the data cache has a header that contains information about the last two times the page was referenced and some status information, including whether the page is dirty (that is, it has been changed since it was read into disk). The reference information is used to implement the page replacement policy for the data cache pages, which uses an algorithm called LRU-K. An LRU-K algorithm keeps track of the last K times a page was referenced and can differentiate between types of pages, such as index and data pages, with different levels of frequency. It can actually simulate the effect of assigning pages to different buffer pools of specifi cally tuned sizes. SQL Server 2008 uses a K value of 2, so it keeps track of the two most recent accesses of each buffer page. 

The data cache is periodically scanned from the start to the end. Because the buffer cache is all in memory, these scans are quick and require no I/O. During the scan, a value is associated with each buffer based on its usage history. When the value gets low enough, the dirty page indicator is checked. If the page is dirty, a write is scheduled to write the modifications to disk. Instances of SQL Server use a write-ahead log so the write of the dirty data page is blocked while the log page recording the modification is fi rst written to disk. After the modified page has been flushed to disk, or if the page was not dirty to start with, the page is freed. The association between the buffer page and the data page that it contains is removed by deleting information about the buffer from the hash table, and the buffer is put on the free list.

Using this algorithm, buffers holding pages that are considered more valuable remain in the active buffer pool whereas buffers holding pages not referenced often enough eventually return to the free buffer list. The instance of SQL Server determines internally the size of the free buffer list, based on the size of the buffer cache. The size cannot be configured.