SQL SERVER Managing Memory in Other Caches

Buffer pool memory that isn’t used for the data cache is used for other types of caches, primarily the plan cache. The page replacement policy, as well as the mechanism by which freeable pages are searched for, are quite a bit different than for the data cache.

SQL Server 2008 uses a common caching framework that is used by all caches except the data cache. The framework consists of a set of stores and the Resource Monitor. There are three types of stores: cache stores, user stores (which don’t actually have anything to do with users), and object stores. The plan cache is the main example of a cache store, and the metadata cache is the prime example of a user store. Both cache stores and user stores use the same LRU mechanism and the same costing algorithm to determine which pages can stay and which can be freed. Object stores, on the other hand, are just pools of memory blocks and don’t require LRU or costing. One example of the use of an object store is the SNI, which uses the object store for pooling network buffers. 

The LRU mechanism used by the stores is a straightforward variation of the clock algorithm. Imagine a clock hand sweeping through the store, looking at every entry; as it touches each entry, it decreases the cost. Once the cost of an entry reaches 0, the entry can be removed from the cache. The cost is reset whenever an entry is reused. 

Memory management in the stores takes into account both global and local memory management policies. Global policies consider the total memory on the system and enable the running of the clock algorithm across all the caches. Local policies involve looking at one store or cache in isolation and making sure it is not using a disproportionate amount of memory.

To satisfy global and local policies, the SQL Server stores implement two hands: external and internal. Each store has two clock hands, and you can observe these by examining the DMV sys.dm_os_memory_cache_clock_hands. This view contains one internal and one external clock hand for each cache store or user store. The external clock hands implement the global policy, and the internal clock hands implement the local policy. The Resource Monitor is in charge of moving the external hands whenever it notices memory pressure. if you take a look at the DMV sys.dm_os_memory_cache_clock_hands, speciļ¬ cally at the removed_last_round_count column, you can look for a value that is very large compared to other values. If you notice that value increasing dramatically, that is a strong indication of memory pressure.

The internal clock moves whenever an individual cache needs to be trimmed. SQL Server attempts to keep each cache reasonably sized compared to other caches. The internal clock hands move only in response to activity. If a worker running a task that accesses a cache notices a high number of entries in the cache or notices that the size of the cache is greater than a certain percentage of memory, the internal clock hand for that cache starts to free up memory for that cache.