SQL SERVER Lightweight Pooling

By default, SQL Server operates in thread mode, which means that the workers processing SQL Server requests are threads.

SQL Server also lets user connections run in fiber mode. Fibers are less expensive to manage than threads. The Lightweight Pooling option can have a value of 0 or 1; 1 means that SQL Server should run in fiber mode. Using fibers may yield a minor performance advantage, particularly when you have eight or more CPUs and all of the available CPUs are operating at or near 100 percent. However, the trade-off is that certain operations, such as running queries on linked servers or executing extended stored procedures, must run in thread mode and therefore need to switch from fiber to thread. The cost of switching from fiber to thread mode for those connections can be noticeable and in some cases offsets any benefit of operating in fiber mode.

If you’re running in an environment using a high percentage of total CPU resources, and if System Monitor shows a lot of context switching, setting Lightweight Pooling to 1 might yield some performance benefit.

