Oracle Latches and Latch Contention

What is a latch

Latches are low level serialization mechanisms used to protect shared data structures in the SGA. A process acquires a latch when working with a structure in the SGA. It continues to hold the latch for the period of time it 
works with the structure

SELECT (1 - (Sum(misses) / Sum(gets))) * 100 INTO latch_value FROM v$latch;
DBMS_Output.Put('Latch Hit Ratio : ' || Format(latch_value));

Note: The ratio should be as close as possible to 1. If the latch hit ratio is not close to 1, then you may require further anaylsis

A latch is a type of a lock that can be very quickly acquired and freed.
Latches are typically used to prevent more than one process from executing the same piece of code at a given time.

Latches Types

Buffer Cache Latches
  • Cache buffers chains latch
    • This latch is acquired whenever a block in the buffer cache is accessed. 
    • Cache Buffers Chains Latch waits are caused by contention where multiple sessions waiting to read the same block.
    • Reduce logical I/O rates by tuning and minimizing the I/O requirements of the SQL involved.
    • Identify and reduce the contention for hot blocks.
  • Cache buffers LRU chain latch
    • This latch is acquired in order to introduce a new block into the buffer cache and when writing a buffer back to disk. 
    • Reduce contention for this by increasing the size of the buffer cache 
Redo-log Buffer Latches
  • Redo allocation latch
    • The redo allocation latch is acquired in order to allocate space within the log buffer.
    • Increase the size of the LOG_BUFFER
    • Reduce the load of the log buffer using NOLOGGING features when possible. 
  • Redo copy latch
    • This latch is used to write redo records into the redolog buffer. 
    •  Contention can be reduced by increasing the value of OG_SIMULTANEOUS_COPIES in multi-cpu system.
Library Cache:
  • Library cache latch
    • The library cache latch must be acquired in order to add a new statement to the library cache. 
    • Ensure that the application is reusing as much as possible SQL statement.
    • If the application is already tuned, increase the SHARED_POOL_SIZE.
  • Library cache pin latch
    • This latch is acquired when a statement in the library cache is reexecuted.
Shared Pool Latches
  • Shared pool latch
    • While the library cache latch protects operations withing the library cache, the shared pool latch is used to protect critical operations when allocating and freeing memory in the shared pool. 
    • Ways to reduce the shared pool latch are, avoid hard parses when possible.
  • Row cache objects latch
    • This latch comes into play when user processes are attempting to access the cached data dictionary values. 
    • Reduce contention for this latch is by increasing the size of the shared pool (SHARED_POOL_SIZE)