Information about Oracle Initialization Parameters

I am providing you many initailaize parameter that help you to setup initial database and configure database with different requirenement, Many information is from oracle  but it summarize all information

CONTROL_FILES parameter:
Specifies one or more control file names. Oracle strongly recommends that you multiplex and mirror control files. Range of values: from one to eight file names (with path names). Default range: OS dependent

DB_FILES parameter: Specifies the maximum number of database files that can be opened for this database. Range of values: OS dependent. Default value: OS dependent (200 on Solaris).

PROCESSES parameter: Specifies the maximum number of OS user processes that can simultaneously connect to an Oracle server. This value should allow for all background processes. Range of values: from 6 to an OS-dependent value. Default value: OS dependent.

DB_BLOCK_SIZE parameter: Specifies the size (in bytes) of an Oracle database block. This value is set at database creation and cannot be subsequently changed. This specifies the Standard block size for the database. All tablespaces will use this size by default. Range of values: 2048 to 32768 (OS dependent). Default value: 8 KB (OS dependent).

DB_CACHE_SIZE parameter: Specifies the size of the standard block buffer cache. Range of values: at least 16 MB. Default value: 48 MB.SGA_TARGET specifies the total size of all SGA components. If SGA_TARGET is specified, the following memory pools are automatically sized:          Buffer cache (DB_CACHE_SIZE)          Shared pool (SHARED_POOL_SIZE)          Large pool (LARGE_POOL_SIZE)          Java pool (JAVA_POOL_SIZE)          Streams pool (STREAMS_POOL_SIZE)If these automatically tuned memory pools are set to nonzero values, the values are used as minimum levels by Automatic Shared Memory Management (ASMM). You set minimum values if an application component needs a minimum amount of memory to function properly.

The following pools are manually sized components and are not affected by ASMM:
  • Log buffer
  • Other buffer caches (such as KEEP and RECYCLE) and other block sizes
  • Fixed SGA and other internal allocations
The memory allocated to these pools is deducted from the total available memory for SGA_TARGET when ASMM computes the values of the automatically tuned memory pools.

MEMORY_TARGET specifies the Oracle systemwide usable memory. The database tunes memory to the MEMORY_TARGET value, reducing or enlarging the SGA and PGA as needed.

In a text-based initialization parameter file, if you omit MEMORY_MAX_TARGET and include a value for MEMORY_TARGET, the database automatically sets MEMORY_MAX_TARGET to the value of MEMORY_TARGET. If you omit the line for MEMORY_TARGET and include a value for MEMORY_MAX_TARGET, the MEMORY_TARGET parameter defaults to zero. After startup, you can then dynamically change MEMORY_TARGET to a nonzero value if it does not exceed the value of MEMORY_MAX_TARGET. This parameter is modifiable with the ALTER SYSTEM command. Values range from 152 MB to MEMORY_MAX_TARGET.

PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET parameter: Specifies the amount of Program Global Area (PGA) memory allocated to all server processes attached to the instance. This memory does not reside in the System Global Area (SGA). The database uses this parameter as a target amount of PGA memory to use. When setting this parameter, subtract the SGA from the total memory on the system that is available to the Oracle instance. The range of values comprises integers plus the letters K, M, or G (to specify this limit in kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes). The minimum value is 10 MB and the maximum value is 4096 GB. The default is 10 MB or 20% of the size of the SGA, whichever is greater.

SHARED_POOL_SIZE parameter: Specifies the size of the shared pool in bytes. The shared pool contains objects such as shared cursors, stored procedures, control structures, and parallel execution message buffers. Larger values can improve performance in multiuser systems. Range of values: OS dependent. Default value: 64 MB if 64 bit; 16 MB otherwise.

UNDO_MANAGEMENT parameter: Specifies the undo space management mode that the system should use. When set to AUTO, the instance is started in Automatic Undo Management (AUM) mode. Otherwise, it is started in Rollback Undo (RBU) mode. In RBU mode, undo space is allocated externally as rollback segments. In AUM mode, undo space is allocated externally as undo tablespaces. Range of values: AUTO or MANUAL. If the UNDO_MANAGEMENT parameter is omitted when the first instance is started, the default value AUTO is used.