How to Remove Access to the MultiChannel Console Hyperlink

This hyperlink is granted access through the Permission list PTPT1200. So if the user has this permission list assigned to them through a role, then they will have access to this link. However, if by some chance you cloned the PTPT1200 permission list and called it something else, then removed the page access for MultiChannel Console component, the users will still see the hyperlink. It is also granted through a Web library called WEBLIB_MCF. You must remove this web library from the permission list to get that permission list to be removed from the portal structure  & Content.

This is because there are hidden pages involved. When access to "Hidden" pages is granted, Permission lists should not be associated to them, however when cloning a permission lists it still copies these permission lists over and there is no way to stop this. As a workaround you need to navigate to PeopleTools > Portal >  Structure & Content >  PeopleTools Hidden and manually remove the cloned permission list that is still seeing the folder and should not.