The DMVs aren’t based on real tables stored in database files but are based on internal server structures. The objects are separated into several categories based on the functional area of the information they expose.

They are all in the sys schema and have a name that starts with dm_, followed by a code indicating the area of the server with which the object deals. The main categories we’ll address are the following:

Contains information directly or indirectly related to the execution of user code and  associated connections. For example, sys.dm_exec_sessions returns one row per authenticated session on SQL Server. This object contains much of the same information that sysprocesses contains but has even more information about the  operating environment of each session.
Contains low-level system information such as memory, locking, and scheduling. For example, sys.dm_os_schedulers is a DMV that returns one row per scheduler. It is primarily used to monitor the condition of a scheduler or to identify runaway tasks.
Contains details about current transactions. For example, sys.dm_tran_locks returns information about currently active lock resources. Each row represents a currently active request to the lock management component for a lock that has been granted or is waiting to be granted. 
Keeps track of I/O activity on networks and disks. For example, the  function sys.dm_io_virtual_fi le_stats returns I/O statistics for data and log fi les.
Contains details about databases and database objects such as indexes. For example, sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats is a function that returns size and fragmentation information for the data and indexes of the specified table or view.