Display Object and Source Information in SQL SERVER/ Oracle

Here is simple example of sp_help/ DESCR and sp_helptext/ dba_source that most commonly used to display object and source information in Database

sp_help (SQL SERVER)

It display information about a database object that are listed in sysobjects 
table, a user-defined data type, or an any Delivered data type

Note: In Oracle we use DESCR command

sp_help [ [ @objname = ] name ]

sp_helptext (SQL SERVER)

It displays the definition of a user-defined rule, default, unencrypted Transact-SQL stored procedure, user-defined Transact-SQL function, trigger, computed column, CHECK constraint, view, or system object such as a system stored procedure.

sp_helptext [ @objname = ] 'name' [ , [ @columnname = ] computed_column_name ]

Note: In Oracle we use “select * from  dba_source