Tools &
Identify Stakeholders:
Identify all people or organizations impacted
by the project and document their interests, involvement and impact on
project success. Stakeholder Analysis Steps: 1. Identify Stakeholders 2.
Analyze & Classify Stakeholders 3. Develop Strategy.
Stakeholders Classification Models: 1. Power/Interest Grid (Authority/Concern) 2. Power/Influence Grid (Authority/Involvement) 3. Influence/Impact Grid (Influence/Ability to effect Planning & Execution) 4. Salience Model - describing classes of stakeholders based on their Power, Urgency and Legitimacy. Categories: 1. Champions - Positive Attitude, 2. Neutral - No influence expected, 3. Challenger - Questions the project, 4. Decision Makers - Manage Challengers, Support Champions. Strategies: For Individuals - A. Assessment Matrix, B. Strategy Matrix. For Groups - A. Commmunication Strategy Matrix. |
1. Project Charter
1. Stakeholder Analysis
1. Stakeholder Register
2. Procurement Documents
2. Stakeholder Management Strategy
3. Enterprise Environmental Factors
2. Expert Judgment
(Stakeholder Analysis Matrix)
4. Organizational Process Assets
Plan Communications:
Determining the project stakeholder information
needs and defining a communication approach.
* Plan Communication is tighly linked with Enterprise Environmental Factors (Org Structure). TT1: Total No of Comm Channels or Paths = n(n-1)/2 --- Comm Channels: # Upward Comm to Management # Lateral Comm to Peers, other Functional Groups and Customers # Downward Comm to Subordinates. TT2: Factors that can effect - 1. Urgency of the need for information 2. Availability of Technology 3. Expected Project Staffing 4. Duration of the Project 5. Project Environment. TT3: It consists of the following components - a Sender, a Receiver, Encode, Decode, a Medium (through which messages are send and received), Noice and Message & Feedback Message. TT4: 1. Interactive Comm - A. Formal Verbal (Presentations and Speeches), B. Informal Verbal (Meetings, Conversations, Humor, and Inquiries) 2. Push Comm - A. Formal Written (Proj. Plans, Charter, Comm over Long Distances, Complex Problems, Legal Docs and Long or Tech situations for a wide and varied audience), B. Informal Written (Status Updates, Information Updates and Day-to-day Comm., Email) 3. Pull Comm - for very large volumes of information, or for very large audiences (Internet Sites, E-learining and Knowledge Repositories. And are more likely to use Formal Written Methods) |
1. Stakeholder Register
1. Communication Requirement Analysis
1. Communications Management Plan
2. Stakeholder Management Strategy
2. Communication Technology
2. Project Document Updates
3. Enterprise Environmental Factors
3. Communication Models
4. Organizational Process Assets
4. Communication Methods
Distribute Information:
Execution of Comm Management Plan, as well as responding to unexpected
requestss for information. It is the process of making relevant information
available to project stakeholders as planned. It is performed according to
Comm Management Plan, it is where the Bulk of Project Communication takes
place. Communication methods: • Informal Written: Emails, memos. • Formal
Written: Contract, legal notices, project documents.
• Informal Verbal: Meetings, discussions, phone calls. • Formal Verbal: Speeches, mass communication, presentations. TT1: Individual and Group Meetings, Video and Audio Conferences, Computer Chats, and other remote comm methods. TT2: 1. Hard-copy document distribution, 2. Electronic Comm and Conferencing tools (Email, Fax, Voice Mail, Telehpne, Video and web Conferencing, Websites and Web Publishing), 3. Electronic Tools for Project Management (Scheduling & Proj Mgmt SW, Meeting and Virtual Office Support SW, Portals, and Collaborative Work Management Tools). |
1. Project Management Plan
1. Communication Methods
1. Organizational Process Assets Updates
2. Performance Reports
2. Information Distribution Tools
3. Organizational Process Assets
Manage Stakeholder Expectations:
It is the process of communicating and working with stakeholders to meet
their needs and addressing issues as they occur. It works to identify and
resolve stakeholder concerns in a proactive and timely manner.
It will be performed throughout the project. The Project Manger is
responsible for stakeholder expectations management. Mgmt: 1. Actively
managing the expectations, 2. Addressing concerns, 3. Clarifying and
Resolving Issues.
1. Stakeholder Register
1. Communications Methods
1. Change Requests
2. Stakeholder Management Strategy
(Face-to-face is the best)
2. Project Management Plan Updates
3. Project Management Plan
2. Interpersonal Skills
3. Project Document Updates
4. Issue Log (Action Item Log) (Each Issues
should be assigned to one Owner)
3. Management Skills
4. Organizational Process Assets Upd
5. Change Log
6. Organizational Process Assets
Report Performance:
It involves collecting and disseminating
Project Information, Communicating Progress, Utilization of Resources and
Forecasting Future Progress and Status. It reports to the stakeholders how
the project is progressing against the plan. Important note in Report
Performance is that Performance Reports are actively pushed to
stakeholders rather than waiting for them to pull them down.
TT2: Forecasting Methods: 1. Time Series Methods - use historical data as the base (EV, Moving Average, Extrapolation, Linear Prediction, Trend Estimation, and Growth Curve), 2. Causal/Econometric Methods - use Assumptions (Regression analysis using Linear Regression or Non-linear Regression, Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA), ARIMA, and Econometrics, 3. Judgmental Methods - incorporate intuitive judgements, opinions, and probability estimates (Composite forecasts, Surveys, Delphi method, Scenario building, Technology forecasting, and Forecast by analogy), 4. Other Methods (Simulation, Probabilistic forecasting, and Ensemble forecasting) |
M & C
1. Project Management Plan
(Performance Measurement Baseline - It includes Cost, Schedule, Scope, Tech, and Other Baselines) |
1. Variance Analysis
- Backward Looking Tool (It is an after-the-fact) |
1. Performance reports
(It shows how the project is progressing against the various baselines (Scope, Time, Cost and Quality). |
2. Work Performance Information (Deliverables
Status, Schedule Progress, and Costs Incurred)
2. Forecasting Methods
- Forward Looking Tool (EAC, ETC) |
Common Formats - Bar Charts, S-curves,
Histograms, and Tables. Variance, EV, Forecasting.
3. Work Performance Measurements
(CV, SV, CPI, CPIc, SPI) |
3. Communication Methods (PM generally uses a
PUSH Comm Technique)
2. Change Requests
4. Budget Forecasts
4. Reporting Systems (Standard Tool for PM to
3. Organizational Process Assets Updates
5. Organizational Process Assets
Store and Distribute Information)
# According to Kerzner - "90%
of the Project Manager's time is spent communicating".
# Project Manager should be in control of
Project Communication Management Plan.
# Communication on Schedule slippage, Cost
overrun, and Other major Project Statuses should be FORMAL and in WRITING.
# Lessons Learned focus on Variance from the
Plan and what would be done differently in the future in order to avoid