Clone/ Copy PeopleSoft Environment/ Instance

Here is step by step procedure to clone PeopleSoft instance for testing, training, staging, conversion, upgrading purposes

1) Copy the database

2) If your database platform has the table PS.PSDBOWNER, please don't forget to update it for the name of the database and ownerid, both in caps, ie:
INSERT INTO PS.PSDBOWNER VALUES ('YourInstanceName like CS90 or HR90 or FSCM90','SYSADM');

3) If there is to be a different access ID and/or password you must update PSACCESSPRFL. To change just the access password use the
command in Data Mover in bootstrap mode.

4) Edit, if necessary, and run the CONNECT.SQL and GRANT.SQL scripts (example people grant need to assign again)

5) Blank out the GUID in the PSOPTIONS table, This will get regenerated when the new Application Server Domain is started.

6) Create new Application Server Domain (Optional) I usually clear cache only.

7) Create new PIA (Optional) I usually clear cache only.

8)Update the Long name, Short name, and System Type in PeopleTools -> Utilities -> Administration -> PeopleTools Options (Change Assistance usually use this names)

9) Update the Report Node definitions

10) Clear out the Process tables with PRCSCLR.DMS (Mandatory, because it might possible that Production just will run on clone which shouldn’t not be)
11) Clear out the content tables with RPTCLR.DMS
12) Create new Process Scheduler domain (Optional) I usually clear cache only

13) Change Local Node Password (mandatory), Make sure that the Local Default Node is correct and that it's URI values are correct.  It also has to be in the trusted nodes list (it normally is automatically....).  Also make sure that your Portal Registry is hosted by the correct node.

Here you go